MOZSLY Watch Winder for Automatic Watches Battery Powered AC
MOZSLY Watch Winder for Automatic Watches Battery Powered AC Adapter 12 Rotation Modes Winding Box with Quiet Motor Piano Pai
Dimensions: | 16.26 x 11.18 x 11.18 cm; 1.23 Kilograms |
Model: | dan-004-BL |
Manufacture: | MOZSLY |
Department: | Mens |
Dimensions: | 16.26 x 11.18 x 11.18 cm; 1.23 Kilograms |
Origin: | China |
I used to hate when I didn’t wear my mechanical watch for few days and then had to set the time etc.
No more!!! I put my watch inside its small “house” and that’s it. Whenever I’ll need it, no need to set the time!!!
J’ai t agrablement surpris par la qualit de ce remontoir de montre compte tenu de son prix. La finition en bois laqu lui donne une sensation haut de gamme, et le mtal bross l’avant ajoute une touche lgante. J’apprcie la flexibilit d’utilisation avec le secteur ou les piles, offrant une polyvalence dans le placement. Une autre excellente caractristique est la possibilit de connecter des units supplmentaires celle-ci via un cble.
Comme je prvois d’acheter une autre montre bientt, j’achterai volontiers une autre de celles-ci.
10/23/23 After I posted my review, I’ve received a surprised email from Mike which I wasn’t expecting. He offered me a circuit board and a motor replacements which I agreed to give it a second chance since I like the look of the box so much. Over the weekend, I received a box of replacement including all parts, instructions plus three screw drivers delivered to my house. Today I replaced a circuit board by followed its instructions and it is running so far. I will hold on the motor part when it’s needed. I will give it a couple months to see it continues working. I appreciate of Mike’s follow up to make it right and I switched to four stars rating based on his effort.
After three months, the motor doesn’t work anymore.
Definitely recommend don’t buy this product.
Tons of options out there but I actually left this on my nightstand for a few nights to see if it would be too loud. You almost have to intentionally be listening for it to pick up the slightest sound it makes.
Exactly as described and more: the detailed instructions were, surprisingly, well written and comprehensible in English. We all know that could have been different. The case is handsome, and my watch stays wound at the lowest setting, so battery life is saved. Thanks.
This is a great little winder. I got it as a gift. I like it so much I bought another one just like it. No I have two. One thing they don’t mention is the daisychain together. You only need to plug one into a power source and then there’s a short little jumper that lets you stack two together and use the same power source very useful, very well-made and very very quiet I keep my next to my bed side and I can never hear it run.
Buenos das vuelvo a tener problemas con el motor
Compr el Mozsly el 22 de agosto del 2022 se me par Als 6 meses y ustedes me enviaron el motor y hayer se me volvi a parar .pueden darme una solucin.
D’aspect le produit est qualitatif mais le moteur est de mauvaise qualit. HS aprs moins d’un an d’utilisation, le problme semble frquent. Envoi d’un moteur neuf par le sav avec notice et outils, en esprant que celui-ci dure plus longtemps.
Pretty happy with device. It recently needed a repair, but customer service was excellent and sent us a replacement part and tools free of charge. Works again! Very satisfied with this purchase.
I’ve had this winder operating for nearly a month now. It’s great and I’m very pleased. I have two other winders (different brands) and this one looks like the highest quality and build. The packaging was excellent and clearly done to protect the product during shipping but also with the customer in mind. It’s the type of packaging that you feel you should hold on to instead of putting it in recycling. 🙂 As far as longevity I can’t yet say. In the past, I’ve had to replace motors in other winders, but I hope this one lives up to expectations. So far, it’s really a great winder and I highly recommend this to keep you watch in “tick-tock” shape!!!
Ne ho presi due
il fatto che sono diversi e che uno non va, anche alcuni millimetri pi piccolo (lo rendo)
Quello che va va bene
Lo trovo anche silenzioso
Du coup j’en ai achet 5 car ces remontoirs fonctionnent trs bien. Super design. Le truc le plus sympa c’est qu’il y a une vitre devant qui se visse et qui empche la poussire de rentrer. Vos montres restent protges. Ils fonctionnent pile, mais on peut les brancher sur secteur (fourni). Et un petit cble se trouve dans chaque boite permettant le lien entre plusieurs remontoirs, nous permettant d’utiliser qu’un seul chargeur. Parfait.
Habe mich dafr entschieden da ich den doppelten Uhrenbeweger von Mozsly hatte und der war schon Tipi Topi, da ich aber nur noch eine Uhr besitze, habe ich den doppelten verkauft und mir den Single hier bestellt, perfekt, top verarbeitet, wirklich Mega und super leise
Update 5.23>> leider muss ich 2 Sterne abziehen da der Uhrenbweger klemmt, der Motor dreht erst wenn man mit der Hand ein wenig nachdreht, laut Support wir ein neuer Motor zugesendet, na da bin ich gespannt. aber nach 6 Monaten schon defekt? da hab ich bisschen mehr erwartet.
Update 6.23>>> der Ersatzmotor ist angekommen , aber hab mir da lngere Lebensdauer erhofftUpdate>> man kann den defekten Motor der ab und zu hngt wieder gangbar machen, ausbauen und mit Kontakt Spray fluten, dann trocknen lassen und wieder einbauen, funzt einwandfrei
Zunchst kann ich den Beweger in allen Belangen nur loben. Leise, rechts-links-Lauf, Timer, Batterie oder Netzteil, gute Verarbeitung, ausbauerbar, optisch schn anzuschauen und spitze Kundensupport.
Kleiner Wermutstropfen ist der verbaute Motor. Dieser fiel nach einiger Zeit im Netzbetrieb aus. Der Kundensupport leistete schnell und freundlich postalisch Ersatz. Sogar zwei Austauschmotoren inkl. allem Werkzeug und Schrauben. Genial. Allerdings sind die Ersatzmotoren haargenau vom selben Hersteller wie der bereits werkseitigen verbaute. Die Eigenreparatur ist problemlos machbar. Nur frage ich mich jetzt, warum zwei Motoren geliefert wurden. Ist da mglicherweise ein erneuter Ausfall erwartbar?
Ich werde zuknftig berichten.
Joli look vintage. Fait tres class. Le petit cable permettant de relier plusieus remontoirs les uns aux autres est vraiment tres pratique, car cela evite d’utiliser plusieurs cables longs avec grosses prises).
A voir tenu du moteur dans le temps
Sicuramente i materiali non sono il massimo ma, devo dire, a distanza sembra un oggetto lussuoso in tutta sincerit mi importa pi che funzioni e questo modello lo fa egregiamente. Silenzioso, non ingombrante. A fronte dei 600 necessari per uno di scatola del tempo direi che qui con 60 compri un degno sostituto con le stesse funzioni. Possibilit di funzionare sia in corrente che a batteria. Cansigliatissimo.
Great finish and quiet operation. Can be powerd by battery and power adapter. You can also daisy chain multiple units together. Very nice unit.
Exactement ce dont j’avais besoin.
Arriv dans les dlais prvus, je recommande le produit.
C’est mieux de l’utiliser avec le courant lectrique, mais il fonctionne aussi sur des piles.
En plus, c’est un beau remontoir.
J’ai achet un premier remontoir pour tester. Il est compact, esthtique, silencieux, facile rgler.
Son autonomie sur piles est d’environ un mois.
J’en ai t trs satisfait et j’en ai donc command deux autres.
Je vais dsormais les tester sur secteur.
Se trata de un “enrrollador/rotor” muy bien considerado, a la vista de las distintas opiniones vertidas sobre l, lo que me anim a probarlo, descubriendo entonces que (en mi caso) no es tan silencioso como otros que he probado, pues cuando trabaja, definitivamente se oye el motor, aunque sea dbilmente.
Otra pega es su concepcin de giro slo en un plano vertical, frente a otros que lo hacen en un plano inclinado, solucin esta ltima ms acorde con el movimiento habitual del reloj puesto en la mueca, teniendo en cuenta que un calibre automtico se ajusta en origen a distintas posiciones, sobre todo en los casos de calibres certificados como cronmetros, por lo que al trabajar el rotor en un plano slo vertical, no ayuda mucho a mantener la precisin del calibre en muchos casos, a pesar de que si mantenga su reserva de marcha.
Los acabados resultan irreprochables, habida cuenta del precio del rotor, y aunque la solucin de la ventanilla a rosca no me parece la ms prctica, se asume bien.
Me ha parecido muy prctica su fuente de alimentacin AC-DC (a 5v) con un cable con conector USB que puede conectarse a cualquier otra fuente con este tipo de conector, as como un puerto de salida de 5v que permite conectar dos rotores entre s sin necesidad de disponer de otra fuente de alimentacin. Tambin puede alimentarse con pilas, aunque en este caso desconozco la autonoma de funcionamiento que tendra.
La durabilidad a futuro es algo que desconozco.
Sehr gutes Produkt, hat mich berzeugt.
Macht auf dem Schreibtisch eine super Figur und ist angenehm leise. Preis Leistung stimmt fr mich.
Lob ebenfalls an Amazon fr die reibungslose Abwicklung.
Trs silencieux et plusieurs modes de fonctionnements voir dans le temps.
Wertiger Eindruck fr das Geld,kann man nichts falschmachen. Angenehm leise.
Ich hatte leider eine Ausfall zu verzeichnen und dieses nach kurzer Zeit.
Abwicklung ber Garantie hat aber problemlos funktioniert.
It takes abit of working out on the cycles for each watch the item itself is very stylish you get 2 cushions so if one doesn’t fit then other will once I worked out the cycle for my number and others it worked a dream and is more than worth its price
Der Uhrenbeweger sieht gut aus und tut seinen Dienst, wie er soll. Alleine fr das umstndliche Auf- und Abschrauben des Sichtfensters gibt es einen Stern Abzug. Da htte man auch einen Bajonettverschluss verbauen knnen oder ein Scharnier.
Got my new Breitling navitimer in it and works perfectly.poor packaging as sent just in box it comes in so for all to see or could open .
Erfuellt die Funktion. Sieht super aus u. passt berall hin ohne stoerend zu wirken.
emontoir pour montre automatique qui fonctionne trs bien les matriaux respire la qualit et le tout et assembl a la main !
Le design et top et diffrent coloris sont disponible.
3 sens disponibles dans le sens , dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d’une montre ou altern tout ceci avec 4 diffrents nombre de tours par jours selon votre montre !
l’entreprise mozsly et galement toujours a l’coute de ses client et hyper ractif ce qui devient rare de nos jour pour le soulign, de plus garantie 3 anne ou les autre vendeur ne le sont que 2 !
le moteur utilis ici et un moteur japonais qui n’est plus a prsent le mabushi qui et dans d’autre modle bien plus onreux.
niveau alimentation soit secteur ou bien 2 pile AA.
2 cousins diffrents selon la grosseur de votre montre.
Pourquoi aller dpens bien plus pour la mme juste le logo d’une marque !!
Le but de l’entreprise …. des clients satisfait qui reviendrons a coup sur
Je n’hsiterez pas a recommander pour ma part la couleur inox et noir carbone du plus bel effet sur ma bibliothque.
Bis jetzt luft die Uhr einwandfrei, der Motor ist sehr leise so das man es nicht hrt.
Achet pour offrir : Le design a plu (achet en noir) et le botier fonctionne bien (piles ou secteur).
i got 3 so far and love not to have to wind and put back my watches to the correct time and date
Sehr gute Qualitt. Der Uhrenbeweger sieht sehr Edel aus und macht was er soll.
Erwartungen bertroffen, sieht echt edel aus und man hrt nichts!
Sehr leiser und gut einzustellender Uhrenbeweger(mehrere Programme)!!!Hab mir einen zweiten zugelegt da ich sehr zufrieden damit bin.Top Verarbeitung und leicht zu bedienen.Nach vorne zum verschraubten Gehusedeckel ist genug Platz und alles dreht sich perfekt
Jederzeit wieder……wirklich Klasse
Je n’ai pas de recule sur le temps d’utilisation. Mais pour l’instant fonctionne parfaitement, s’adapte tout type de montre 5/5
Gestern gekommen, in Betrieb genommen und mal die erste Nacht laufen lassen. Bin sehr berrascht von der tollen Verarbeitung und dem Hochglanzfinish des Gehuses. Luft sehr, sehr leise und sieht absolut umwerfend aus.
Bis jetzt bekommt dieser Uhrenbeweger von mir die volle Punktzahl und eine dicke Weiterempfehlung.
Really pleased, once I understood the settings required for my watch (650 TDE & Rotate both ways) piece of cake. Be interesting to see if I can sleep next to it noise wise.. I’ll update further if not !
For the past two years as COVID has forced working from home, I’m not as active as in the past and my Tag Carrera was not getting the “movement” needed to keep it wound. I use this every other night and now, no worries. Works great and looks great on the dresser. It runs silently on battery power. Have not tried AC adapter yet, since there isn’t a free receptacle close to where I have it on the dresser. If any downside, the wood grain finish is a little glossy, but I definitely recommend this item.
I love the fact that I can use batteries so I can store this in my closet and there’s no outlet in there. Unfortunately there’s no way to know when the batteries die because it’s not constantly moving. Which it’s not supposed to. My Rolex only needs the lowest # of rotations per day and so this is a great model but I wish there was a light that indicated low battery.
a ne fait qu’une semaine, mais j’en suis content et il fonctionne bien.
Il est trs joli et met en valeur les belles montres.
After purchasing my 4th watch and getting frustrated with having to hand wind or reset my automatic watch when it wasn’t worn, I purchased a Mosely watch winder. The winder offers an adjustable TPD and choice of rotation directions. The winder appears well made and is attractive. Utilizing a 650 TPD and alternating direction rotation has kept my Tag Heuer Carrera running accurately when not worn. I am confused with the reviewers complaining that their watch either hit the front glass cover or was scratched on the back of the winder. The pillow the watch is mounted on is approximately the size of the space it is inserted into allowing you to position the watch in a way that it wouldn’t hit the front or the back. I was concerned with the reviewers who stated their motor failed. A decent electric motor should last for many years and having to install a new one provided under warranty does not especially appeal to me. However, this winder was about 1/5 the cost of a comparable excellent quality Wolf winder (with a preset TPD of 900, which I have owned before). We will see how long the winder lasts, but it appears to be an excellent value.
Can’t hear this at all. Nicely designed and works for my Omega Seamaster. Priced reasonable and does the job.
Mine came with everything, nothing is coming apart yet, and a month in it is working as promised. I was a little concerned before it arrived after reading one review about someone’s large watch hitting and scratching the cover. I have one very large diver with a 18mm case thickness, and it fits with room to spare. Surely the reviewer did not have the watch set deep enough in the rotor. My only slight niggle would be having to screw the cover on and off as opposed to a door, but it is certainly secure this way. My main LIKES are the TPD and direction options and the fact that it is VERY quiet! I am considering a second one, and likely will if they happen to go on sale. That will bring into play another feature to like. Only using one outlet to power both with the supplied power jumper. Nice feature.
It’s only been a week, but it’s super quiet and works perfectly. Bought 2 and depending on how well they’re running, might buy a few more
This is a great winder. Ultra quiet and very sleek and attractive. It uses a Mabuchi motor so it’s good quality. You just can’t beat the price. Probably one of the best bang for your buck watch winders in the market, and it’s absolutely sexy! Customer service is outstanding. They sent me the wrong one and they bent over backwards to correct the error. I ended up ordering another three. I highly recommend MOZSLY!
Works as advertised! Multi direction and timing options to fit any watch maker. Happy to see even large 52-55mm watches fit even with an over height dome. Quiet too – have on my nightstand. A new home for my new U-Boat!
Very nice device. I bought this for my Rolex GMT Master II, and it fits like a glove. I bought when there were 0 reviews for this specific model — I usually take the chance and just send something back if I don’t like it. Good presentation, comes with some extra items like a wire to connect to another one. Claims to have a 2 yr warranty, 3 if you sign up for their newsletter. I personally use this plugged into an outlet — not sure why’d you want batteries in a winder. If you’re in the market, this is cheap and high quality.
I’ve only had this for 3-4 days now so I can’t say much but this watch winder is fantastic!
Not only does it works well, it also looks good and my big/thick watch (Omega Seamaster Diver 300M Chronograph) fits perfectly.
Will definitely purchase again for my next watch!