Pacsafe unisex-adult Venturesafe 15l G3 Backpack Bag

Pacsafe unisex-adult Venturesafe 15l G3 Backpack Bag

Since 2014, the Pacsafe Turtle Fund has awarded over 130.000 Dollar in grants to both domestic and international groups committed to sea turtle conservation.
Manufacture: | Pacsafe |
Department: | Unisex |
I have several Pacsafe items. I bought the 15L GL3 for when I’m need of some more space than my smaller pack can provide. It took me some time to figure out which way to fill the bag works for me, but I am very happy now.
The GL3 feels a bit flimsy, but it still is sturdy enough for taking your day to day items. I can fill it up with some clothing or groceries and it doesn’t give an inch. So I think it’s basically just the feeling, not the performance.
I have used it for several days now, in crowded areas. Due to the safety options, I have never felt insecure about my personal items being stolen, but it takes some discipline to maintain your items safe.
What I do like about this daypack:
– Pretty lightweight.
– Padded back and shoulder straps.
– Adjustable sternum strap.
– Fits an 14″ (thin) laptop.
– Safety features (RFID pocket, locking functions, exomesh material etc.).
– Size (I am only 4,9 ft and it still feels comfortable on my back)
– Side pockets can hold a water bottle (I managed a somewhat broader bottle up to 1 ltr) and an umbrella.
– Little “eyes” in the roobar and PopNLock when you want to use little locks like the Pacsafe Prosafe for extra safety. Using extra locks (not provided) prevent smart pickpocketers to open the locks anyway.
– Little
– Spacious (the X12 has the same features, but due to the design, it feels less spacious so I have other uses for that one).
What I miss in this backpack (hence the 4 instead of 5 stars):
– Little zipped pocket on the backside for quick access to small items.
– Waist band.
– Bungee cord to hold a light jacket.
– Although padded, I miss an airflow system on the back side. I think carrying this pack will be a bit warm in the summer.
– Top / front feels a bit flimsy.
All in all, I am very satisfied with this backpack. It does for me what it’s supposed to do and where I bought the bag for in the first place.
I was looking for a secure backpack that was not to big and easy to use, well this is the right one, its got plenty of space, security and is light. The only struggle I had was trying to work out how to open and close the security features, but now resolved
15l dan para bastante. La mochila pesa relativamente poco para tanto enganche de seguridad como tiene (cosa tpica en esta marca y que me encanta).
En Amazon compr un pequeo candado (ver foto) perfecto para cerrarla si hace falta. Esta marca permite atarla a la silla por ejemplo quitando un asa, al que tambin puedes poner candado si necesitas.
La tela del bolsillo ms pequeo SI puede cortarse con un buen cutter a pesar de lo que anuncia (lo he visto cortar en un video). Pero le he quitado una estrella porque se me sale la botella (750ml) del bolsillo (ver foto). Estaba sentada con la mochila apoyada y al levantarme, se cay. Esos bolsillos deberan ser ms altos.
Hecho en falta unas cinchas con las que sujetar un abrigo pero se las aadir yo, aunque slo hay posibilidad de ponerlas por delante, en el enganche que va al pecho al cargar con ella, ya que no tiene ninguno en el cuerpo de la mochila. Slo hay uno centrado abajo donde entiendo que colgaras una luz.
No tiene bolsillo de PC (aunque la espalda est bien mullida). As la quera. Tiene un bolsillo simple donde puedes ponerlo o meter el Kindle (ver foto).
He de aadir que me la qued despus de mirar otras varias del mismo tipo de sta y otras marcas, con el sistema que permite pedir y pagar despus. Me pareci una idea fantstica, porque no hay como ver ciertas cosas en directo para saber cul convence ms. De hecho pensaba que me iba a gustar ms otra.
Yo voy muy contenta con ella a todas partes y me cuesta pasarme a un bolso de vestir.
If you don’t need to carry any more clothing than a raincoat, this backpack is good for the day.
You can also squeeze an iPad into it as well as other accessories.
It’s not really big enough for travelling.
The security system is very good.
Gre ist fr mich optimal, nicht zu gro. DIN A 4 Hefter passen aber trotzdem rein. Gute Einteilung.
Lsst sich sehr angenehm tragen. Der Sicherheitsverschluss fr die Reiverschlsse ist am Anfang etwas knifflig, aber den Dreh hat man schnell raus. Perfekt fr Reisen und im Grostadt-Jungle.
Excellent backpack for trips away. Good capacity and above all keeps my phone and tablet safe. I love all the built in security features
Very easy to use. Used around town on my trip and on a big hike. Very well made and durable.
Habe mir fr den tglichen Gebrauch den Rucksack von Pacsafe Gekauft. Der erste Eindruck ist sehr gut, solides Material, gut verarbeitet und gengend Fcher und staumglichkeiten. Auch optisch macht er echt was her. Das Schliesystem ist clever gelst und kann meiner Meinung nach im Bedarfsfall auch schnell geffnet werden.
Die Rckseite ist mit einem Atmungsaktiven Stoff/System ausgestattet und die Svhulterriemen sind auch bei schweren Lasten noch angenehm. Alles in allem ein guter und praktikabeler Rucksack der der sich in alltglichen Aufgaben gut bewhrt.
I have other items from Pacsafe, good quality, worth paying that little more. Would recommend.
Da ich fr unseren kommenden Urlaub einen etwas kleineren Rucksack brauchte, ich aber nicht auf Qualitt verzichten wollte, entschied ich mich fr diesen Rucksack der Firma Pacsafe.
Dieser Rucksack ist mit seiner Gre von 15 Litern optimal fr Tagesausflge beim Wandern. Er ist sehr atmungsaktiv, bietet einen hervorragenden Halt und lsst sich sehr angenehm tragen. Er ist auch super fr Stdte, da er sich gut verschlieen lsst und somit das Diebstahlrisiko sehr minimiert wird.
Dementsprechend ein super Rucksack fr den Urlaub oder fr tgliche Aufgaben.
It was.very well designed to organize and contain everything necessary for travel in a safe way.
Very lightweight and perfect size. Totally secure and simple to use. Ideal for hand luggage on flights. Two side pockets for water bottle etc very useful for walking out. Sturdy and well made. Great value!