Wireless Carplay Double Din Car Stereo with Back Cam

Wireless Carplay Double Din Car Stereo with Back Cam, Android Auto and MirrorLink, OUSMIN 7'' Touch Screen Car Multimedia – Hi-Fi Sound Effect, Steering Wheel Controls, Radio (A8 Pro Wireless Carplay)

With Carplay
- You can control selected apps from your iPhone while driving. Using these apps is as easy as it is from an iPhone.
- Phone, news, music – all at the touch of a button. You can even operate the system via voice command if you so desire.
With Android Auto
- Thanks to Android Auto by Google, you can safely operate applicable apps from your smartphone with an Android operating system while driving.
- You can control everything via voice commands using Google Voice and you can, for instance, play songs through Youtube Music, Pandora or Spotify. Many other apps are already supported.
With MirrorLink
- You no longer do without this practical help, even when you’re at the wheel. Simply connect your
- MirrorLink-enabled smartphone with your vehicle and conveniently use your apps from the screen of your infotainment system
Dimensions: | 18 x 10 x 5.5 cm; 1.17 Kilograms |
Model: | A8 Pro Wireless Carplay |
Manufacture: | OUSMIN |
Dimensions: | 18 x 10 x 5.5 cm; 1.17 Kilograms |
Origin: | China |
Tolles Touchscreenradio mit Androidfunktion, welches meinen kleinen alten Aygo um 100% aufwertet. Installation war sehr einfach, alle notwendigen Adapter etc waren in unserem Fall vorhanden. Die Bedienung ist selbsterklrend….vermutlich wird es ein weiteres Radio davon in unseren Fahrzeugen geben.
Das Radio ist cool, Kfz bedingt ist ein Spalt in der Mittelkonsole sichtbar. Strt mich persnlich nicht.
So far so good! The unit is sturdy as advertised & is quite compact at the rear side – good for housing all the wires! Everything I’ve connected on my unit works perfectly. The rear view camera also produces a good quality image. My only problem is the camera wires are not long enough for my application (in a 1990’s hyper camper).
Any chance of a longer cable Ousmin?
I’ve installed this unit in Land Cruiser Prado 120 and so far I’m happy with it. The first thing I’ll say is if you want wireless Android Auto and physical buttons are important to you, this unit probably offers one of the best bang for your buck out there. I wasn’t able to test Apple Carplay, but Android Auto works just as expected and has been reliable for the few months I’ve been running this unit. One of the reasons I decided to go with Ousmin is because of the Linux-based OS which I’ve found to be smooth and doesn’t lag unlike the cheap Android-based head units out there.
Sound quality is also good and better than the OEM head unit. The included camera is okay and does the job, certainly better than some of the cheap ones I’ve had in the past. The kit also comes with an external microphone and you can chose whether to use this or the built-in mic at the front of the head unit. The software is highly customizable, which if you like to tinker, is an added bonus.
Installation was pretty straightforward, although a bit difficult in this specific vehicle. I’ve also bought and installed the OXd8 Pro (the button-less version) in a different vehicle and that was much easier. Also very happy with that model by the way. I just wish that the bolts that came with the included brackets were flat-headed instead of round, that would’ve made the install job easier but that’s a small detail. For a completely plug-and-play installation, a din to iso adapter and a 16 pin android to iso adapter are needed. On some cars you might need to invert the red/yellow wires on the latter to have permanent power supply (easy enough).
The only negative I can point to so far is that the time settings on the home screen are not always saving and reset randomly, although that’s a software glitch that can probably be fixed with an update (it doesn’t do this on my Oxd8 Pro). Not that important though as you wouldn’t pay much attention to this if you’re running Android Auto as soon as you jump in your car.
I should also say that customer support has been fantastic. Ousmin has been quick to respond and assist with the questions I’ve had. All things considered, this gets an easy 5 star from me.
Das Display hat einen berraschend guten Kontrast und vernnftige Helligkeit, das touchscreen reagiert schnell umd ohne viel Druck.
Der Einbau war denkbar einfach, Aus einem ISO Adapter fr mein Auto und dem mitgelieferten Anschlusskabel vom Radio habe ich mir ein passendes Kabel zusammengeltet, etwa 30min Arbeit. Man htte stattdessen auch direkt an die Kabel des Autos gehen knnen, ich wollte den Kabelbaum aber nicht auftrennen.
Sehr gut gefallen mir auch die haptischen Tasten, sie machen die Bedienung sehr angenehm und passen optisch perfekt in mein Auto, sieht einfach zeitgenssisch aus.
Der Klang ist toll und ber den Equalizer fein einzustellen.
Das integrierte Mikrofon hat einen guten Klang, auf def Autobahn ist ab 150 allerdings das mitgelieferte frei positionierbare Mikrofon von Vorteil.
Der Kundendienst ist sehr freundlich und hilft bei Problemen ohne Einschrnkung weiter.
Insgesamt kann ich es nur empfehlen und wrde es wieder kaufen.
Ein richtig gutes Radio zu einem doch guten Preis. Die Verbindung zwischen Handy und Radio funktioniert einwandfrei und ist sehr einfach bei der Einrichtung. Einzig ein fehlender Slot fr ne SD oder micro SD Karte knnte man bemngeln aber dafr ist ein USB Anschluss vorhanden. Die DAB+ App knnte man eventuell etwas verbessern aber ist OK.
Alle sin allem ein richtig gutes Gert und es hlt ein was es verspricht 😉
Excellant stereo for the price, few hiccups seller was responsive and helpful but sorted it. To save settings make sure you wire so the ignition turns the unit on, few seconds start up n good to go straight onto carplay. Good sound quality also.
Ich war erst skeptisch, aber Preisleistung einfach top! Und das Apple CarPlay funktioniert super ohne Kabel. Nur der Einbau war bissel kompliziert vielleicht lag es auch am Auto (kia carnival)!
Ich kann mich nur den positiven Bewertungen anschlieen. Apple Car Play funktioniert mit einem Apple Iphone X einwandfrei. Ich htte nicht gedacht, wie komfortabel die Nutzung der App ber das Radio per Touchscreen luft. Dadurch ist es mglich, alle wichtigen Apps wie Navigation, Spotify auch whrend der Fahrt zu nutzen, was bei Mirror Link eben nicht funktioniert. Der Radioempfang und der Sound ist gut. Auch das integrierte Microphon luft fr den Telefonbetrieb einwandfrei.
Wir haben das Radio in einen Opel Meriva A verbaut. Natrlich muss man sich mit dem Einbau ein wenig auseinandersetzen. Wer berhaupt keine Kenntnisse besitzt, sollte das Radio einbauen lassen. Man muss fr sein Fahrzeug einen passenden Einbaurahmen finden und sich mit dem Kabelbaum auseinandersetzen.
Das Radio bentigt zum Betrieb Dauerplus- und Zndungsplus. Bei meinem alten Radio lief es nur ber Dauerplus. Das hatte ich zunchst bersehen, so dass es nicht lief. Wenn das Auto nicht zustzlich schon Zndungsplus hat, musss man sich dieses ggf. ber den Zigarettenanznder suchen.
Auf Anfragen hat der Verkufer sofort reagiert, so dass ich die negativen Kritiken nicht ganz nachvollziehen kann, insbesondere ob die Kufer berhaupt den Versuch unternommen haben, mit dem Verkufer eine Lsung fr ihr Problem zu finden.
I purchased this to use android Auto at a bargain price it was half the price of a pioneer system that had quite mixed reviews. Install is pretty easy as everything is labeled, just needed a wiring harness for my actual car and a fascia plate as ford have massive stereos. Once I got it fitted I turned it on and connected my phone and the sound quality is much better than the ford/Sony unit I removed. Screen is responsive, both internal and external mic works perfect and bonus it came with a reversing camera. Overall more than happy looking to buy another for my partners car.
The unit itself is excellent. Audio better than my previous clarion unit. If you have have CarPlay then I can say this is very easy to set up. On powering up the unit CarPlay connects within about 30 seconds. The rear connector is not Din2. But Din2 converting harness is available on Amazon which will convert the Ousmin unit to Din2. So for me connected easily and was installed in about 20 mins. Highly recommended. Buy with confidence!
-nach dem Einbau startet das Radio ohne Probleme
-Wireless Apple Carplay funktioniert sobald man es mit den Einstellungen aktiviert innerhalb von 2 Schritten, Funktionen wie Google Maps und Apple Karten laufen ohne Probleme und sehen schn aus, auch Musik ber Spotify, Apple Musik knnen darber Problemlos abgespielt werden, Das Radio verbindet sich direkt nach anschalten mit dem Handy und wechselt auf das entsprechende Apple Carplay Men oder Andriod Auto
-Soundqualitt ist soweit ganz gut und das Radio bietet die Mglichkeit verschiedene Fokusse einzustellen um den ton beispielsweise fr den Fahrer oder die Rckbank zu individualisieren, auch kann man ber 16 oder mehr Kanle Tonfrequenzen einstellen um Bass oder Hhen fr sich angenehm festzulegen
– Radiofrequenzen werden wie gewhnlich empfangen und hren sich auch entsprechend an
-Die Tasten sind Stabil und haben einen angenehmen Druckpunkt, fhlen sich also nicht billig an oder klicken laut
– eine kleine Wlan-Antenne wird mitgeliefert und direkt am Radio hinten verschraubt und hlt eine Stabile Verbindung zu den Gerten
-trotz des integrierten Mikrofons bekommt man auch ein extra Mikrofon dazu geliefert, mit etwa 2m Kabellnge sollte es auch kein Problem sein dies irgendwo gut versteckt zu verbauen, das Integrierte Mikrofon leistet aber gute Arbeit also muss man das zweite nicht einsetzen
– Auch eine Rckfahrkamera und entsprechende Kabel sind beigelegt wobei ich mir nicht die Arbeit machen wollte diese zu verbauen, bei Mikrofon wie auch Kamera ist es nach dem verstecken nur noch Plug&Play, sie werden jeweils ber einen Klinkenanschluss und Cinch Kabel direkt an das Radio gesteckt
– Eine kleine Blende wird mitgeliefert und sorgt dafr dass das Radio eher wie vom Werk aus montiert aussieht, in meinem fall hab ich noch eine Blende fr mein entsprechendes Fahrzeug gebraucht
-Es sind 12 Cinch Anschlsse auf der Rckseite des Radios zu finden mithilfe dessen man Front und Rckfahrkamera gleichzeitig anschlieen kann, auch alle Lautsprecher darber verbinden kann wie auch separat einen Subwoofer und sogar zwei Monitore fr den fall dass man fr die Rckbank so etwas verbaut hat oder nachrsten will
– Ein zweiter kleiner Kabelbaum bietet auch ber die normalen Funktionen hinaus die Mglichkeit einen extra USB-Anschluss bereitzustellen, natrlich neben dem auf der Front vorhandenem
-Das Radio arbeitet schnell und reagiert zuverlssig
-Da es sich hierbei um ein Universal Radio handelt muss man sich mit dem Kabelbaum auseinandersetzen und entsprechende ISO-Adapter dazu bestellen darber hinaus noch alles sicher verbinden und am besten die kontakte einwickeln so dass es zu keinem Kurzschluss kommt, je nach Fahrzeug geht das mal einfacher mal schwerer, in meinem Fall habe ich etwas zeit gebraucht um alles richtig raus zu lesen und zu verstehen, die Anleitung bietet zumindest eine klare Liste darber welcher Pin fr welche Funktion zustndig ist
– Der Einbaurahmen ist nicht gerade in jedem Fall passend da er nur aus etwa 2 Platten fr die Seiten und 2 Schienen (Winkeln) besteht, man sollte darauf achten vielleicht passende Einbauschchte mit zukaufen sofern es ntig ist
-Das Display scheint nicht extra hochauflsend zu sein wobei ich die genaue Auflsung auch nirgends rauslesen konnte, aber es ist kein schlechtes Bild
Mit etwas Vorbereitung und Geschicklichkeit bekommt man fr das Geld ein super Gert, wer sich zutraut sich ein wenig mit Elektronik und seinem eigenen Auto auseinander zu setzen hat innerhalb weniger stunden ein funktionierendes Radio und Navi in seinem Auto verbaut, man muss dafr wirklich kein Profi sein wenn man sich genug durch Anleitung und Internet liet.
Was man neben dem Radio dazukaufen sollte:
-Passender Kabelbaum welcher sich mit dem Stecker im Auto verbinden lsst (Bsp. ISO/Quadlock)
-Wenn ntig passender Einbaurahmen/Einbauschacht bzw. Blende fr sein eigenes Fahrzeugmodell um am Ende ein schnes Ergebnis zu erhalten
-Fahrzeuge ab etwa 2000 steuern das Radio ber Can-bus an, wer sich nicht zutraut das zu umgehen/berbrcken sollte als einen passenden Can-bus-Adapter bestellen wobei man sich dieses Geld wirklich sparen kann und vor allem Platz hinter dem Radio zum verstauen der Kabel
This stand is easy to attach, it is surprisingly sturdy and has helped improve the sound of my echo show 8.
Since buying this for my first generation show 8 I have purchased the second generation show 8 which this stand also fits.
Good stand with magnetic attachment. Enables screen to be swiveled and tilted to your preferred viewing angle.
Works perfectly with my echo. Can now move the camera to the perfect position on video calls! Looks good too!
Superb radio system. Works seamlessly with my Apple phone and all without wires!
Working out the previous wiring was the hardest bit, but once I’d done that, it was easy from that point onwards, just a case of connecting everything up.
On the occasion I had to email them about a settings issue, they got back to me within 18 hours and provided the solution straight away. They even followed up a few days later, to check that the solution they had provided had worked!
Superb for quality and customer service!
Sturdy good value. Just make the adhesive more sticky. Otherwise good pleased with i
I have replaced the stock audio unit in my 2015 Kia Sportage (gen III SL). The install went well. However, my testing showed that the steering wheel control buttons were not being detected.
I had already checked ahead of ordering that the Sportage has “resistive” buttons (each button presents a different resistance), and should be compatible with the A8 Pro. It turned out that this is not a fault with the head unit, instead I found that the steering remotes are wired independently and that the reference to ground (GND) was independent from the common ground (car body). Therefore the Ousmin unit could not measure the resistance. The solution is simple, connect the Sportage “remote GND” wire to the common ground.
I have also installed a low cost reversing camera which works extremely well with the Ousmin A8 Pro. The Ousmin detects the reversing activation and switches to the backup camera input (muting the previous function), and then returns to the previous function once reverse gear is deselected. (Of course it is your responsibility to wire the inputs correctly).
I am very happy to recommend this product and the seller. The best feature is undoubtedly wireless CarPlay/AndroidAuto.
Well done Ousmin!
After reading other reviews thanks lads .. the stereo has good sound quality was easy to fit to vw golf mk4 had to swap red and yellow wire round and cut the blue and white as it kept putting rear view camera on once engine was started .. after this perfect stereo for budget money easy to connect applecarplay and android if my partner takes the car out very happy for under 200 with cage
A great little stereo, punching well above the price point (170) in every way. The physical buttons and volume knob make it easier to change things without having to look at it whilst driving, such as change track, volume etc. It has features that you’d be paying 500+ for in branded alternatives and in some cases it does a better job than the likes of JVC and Pioneer.
This is the best value for money wireless Carplay stereo out there in my opinion. After trying several others, they don’t come close to this.
Build Quality:
Overall it’s very good, the plastic on the front of the unit doesn’t feel glossy, tacky and cheap like some. The volume knob has a nice clickiness to it and is a welcomed quality of life / safety feature, especially for when you’re driving. You can also press the volume button in to activate Siri/Google Assist. The buttons on the front are quite stiff but they do feel good quality and don’t rock around when pressed.
It comes with a fascia plate, which fitted in my ’99 Mazda MX5 perfectly. You’ll need a double din adapter and a wiring harness for your vehicle to make it work. Installation is pretty easy but a note for any other MX5 NB owners out there — you’ll need to find a way of attaching the double din cage to the chassis. I used double sided tape
That extra USB port on the back is awesome, especially if you want a clean set up in your car. I’m going to run a wireless charging pad from the back USB port into my centre console, so I can finally be cable free. The front USB port is also great if a passenger wants to play their music. I won’t use the flash drive or built in bluetooth as they’re redundant for my use case — but they do work well.
The best feature for me by far is the auto-start Wireless Carplay. Just connect your phone via Bluetooth, select ‘Carplay wireless’ in the settings, and every time you start your car it’ll load into Carplay automatically without you having to do anything. There are some expensive branded units that don’t offer this quality of life feature and I’m mega impressed with it.
This stereo comes with an external microphone which is much higher quality than the built in microphones you get in other stereos. I wired mine up to the panel behind my steering wheel and haven’t had an issue with not being heard by Siri/on the phone. The fitting is a standard 3.5mm jack plug, so you can upgrade to a higher quality one if you like.
User Interface:
For a Chinese device, it’s not half bad. If you’re planning on plugging your phone in and using Carplay/Android Auto you’ll never really need to use it.
You can change the wallpaper by plugging in a memory stick with images on it. There is an option to change ‘logo’ which I’m guessing is the start up logo, but I can’t seem to be able to change this as it gives me the error ‘fail!’ – But actually by doing this, it removed the start up logo completely and replaced with a black screen… which is what I wanted anyway!
As far as the usability goes, it’s easy enough to find your way around and configure everything you need to. The menus are clearly laid out, some of the settings are in broken english, but these are things that don’t really need to be accessed often and you can still understand it.
Sound Quality:
I don’t really have a good reference point for my car and this is all subjective anyway, but it has a great overall output and solid clarity for it’s price point. I had to fiddle with the EQ settings and panning to get a better result (I only have 2 speakers!). The loudness option is interesting.. it adds more bass if your car speakers are quite tinny sounding. It does have a separate option for a subwoofer if you like that sort of thing. It doesn’t go too in depth with the audio details, but overall impressive sound quality.
The issues:
– The screen is prone to fingerprints
– Every so often where the stereo will switch off if it runs out of memory (e.g. if you are loading really big music or image files through a flash drive)
– The same crash issue also happened when turning up the volume loud to test it, but I realised my ground wire was loose and since fixing this it hasn’t happened again in this instance.
– I still can’t change the logo, but changing wallpapers does work.
This was really easy to install, just needed to buy an iso adapter and fitting kit specific to my car. Works so well and looks amazing- especially for the price. The wireless carplay works effortlessly and is worth every penny. Would highly recommend!
When the stand arrived I was quite surprised at the size as I was expecting something a little bigger, but it fits my device perfectly and works well to keep my speaker from moving about when I have music on the highest volume. The stand can also be tilted which helps me position my echo for any video calling. All in all I am happy with my purchase.
The interface feels decently snappy to the touch. The display maybe isn’t absolutely top-quality, but it’s perfectly acceptable. Wireless CarPlay just worked with no fiddling, as it should, and if you were in CarPlay last time the car was used, it will jump straight back into it as soon as it detects your phone a few seconds after switching on. The software outside of CarPlay maybe isn’t the most aesthetically pleasing thing ever, but I don’t plan to use it much anyway. It doesn’t have any notable stupid design quirks as cheap Chinese devices sometimes do.
Wiring was fairly straightforward except for the steering wheel controls, due to lack of documentation on how to connect them. See my answer in “Customer questions & answers” which fills in the missing information and should make those easy too. If your controls are the resistive type you shouldn’t need any additional boxes or adapters.
All in all a decent bit of kit for the money. For 140 my fifteen-year-old Freelander now has wireless CarPlay where my dad’s new Audi only has wired .
Great product does What is it says on the packet It tilts The screen to the best angle for conference calls
TouchScreen is very responsive and integration with iPhone X has been faultless.
Installed into SmartForTwo with standard speakers, so can’t comment too much on sound quality as limited by the speakers rather than the unit.
Couldn’t say any more than that – perfect for my usage.
Absolutely perfect echo show 8. I did a lot of research to find a good stand. Many being terrible. This one came, literally set it up in less than 5 seconds. Every angle is perfect. It’s made my echo show 8 a 9/10 to a 10/10. If you are questioning which stand to get. Then this is the one!