Wireless Security Camera Outdoor with 10000mAh Rechargeable

Wireless Security Camera Outdoor with 10000mAh Rechargeable Battery, 1080P Ctronics CCTV WIFI Camera Wireless Surveillance IP Camera Home Security with PIR Human Detection, Two-way Audio, Waterproof

Protected case at bottom
Our Ctronics security camera has a protected case at the camera bottom, special made for this cctv camera, so you don’t need to worry about use it outdoor, this outdoor camera has IP66 waterproof, you can use it in any season.
1080P Full HD & 120° Wide Angle
This Ctronics outdoor security camera has a resolution of 1080p (1920 x 1080). It provides the highest quality in pictures and videos, you can capture every details as you want whether it’s day or night. This outdoor camera has 120° wide angle, which allows you to view any corner you want.
Multi-users Sharing
Share the camera with your family members and view it on multiple mobile devices at the same time. There is no limited, you can share as many friends and family members as you want. You will find out what funny things happen.
Weight: | 1.35 kg |
Size: | 1 Count (Pack of 1) |
Dimensions: | 12.8 x 13.3 x 6.8 cm; 1.35 Kilograms |
Model: | CTSC-7S |
Part: | CTSC-7S |
Colour: | White & Black |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | Yes |
Batteries Included: | Yes |
Manufacture: | Ctronics |
Dimensions: | 12.8 x 13.3 x 6.8 cm; 1.35 Kilograms |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | 1 Count (Pack of 1) |
Ottima telecamera…. questa la seconda che compro, facile da installare, istruzioni in italiano , comprato per sorvegliare una donna anziana allettata, sensore di movimento che ti avvisa nel telefono, puoi impostare tu L ora di inizio registrazione…., visione notturna fantastica… provvista di due ganci di attacco, una con adesivo , tiene bene la presa anche xke la telecamera pesa, un altra con fissaggio al muro tramite viti…. insomma buona telecamera ….
very easy to setup and use. good quality pictures and works well. as good as our more expensive camera which cost 4 times as much. easy to add where you cant get a power supply to and looks very neat without any cables.
Produit facile installer, vision nocturne performante, application simple d’utilisation, paramtrage des horaires d’alarme, pas energivore, connexion facile
voir avec le temps, mais pour l’instant achat satisfaisa
Ich habe die Ctronics berwachungskamera zur berwachung meines Gartens gekauft. Die Einrichtung mit der App CloudEdge war einfach und schnell. Die lange Akku-Laufzeit entspricht tatschlich der Beschreibung. Ich habe meine Kamera mit einer 128GB microSD-Karte ausgestattet. Die Kapazitt ist fr mich vllig ausreichend. Genial finde ich, dass ich von meinem Smartphone (Mobiles Netzwerk z.B. 4G oder WLAN vorausgesetzt) von berall aus zu jeder Zeit per CloudEdge auf meine Kamera zugreifen und sehen kann, was gerade in meinem Garten los ist. Die Bewegungsmeldung funktioniert sowohl am Tag als auch in der Nacht sehr zuverlssig. Wenn ich oder meine Kinder in den Garten gehen erhalte ich sofort eine Warnmeldung und mehrere Aufnahmen in Bild- und Videoformat auf meinem Smartphone. Personen sind bei einer Aufnahme in FULL HD auf den Bildern gut zu erkennen. 4k wre von der Auflsung her natrlich besser, wrde jedoch zu Lasten der Akkulaufzeit und microSD- Speicherkapazitt gehen. Die Gegensprechfunktion funktioniert nach diversen Tests auch sehr gut und zuverlssig. Dafr gibt es auf der App einen Button, den man gedrckt hlt und dann spricht. Die Tonqualitt ist dabei erstaunlich gut. Per App kann zudem auch der Ton fr Video- und Live-Aufnahmen ein- und ausgeschalten werden.
Das Design der Kamera hat mir auch sehr entsprochen. Ich habe die Magnet-Befestigung, die im Lieferumfang enthalten ist, zur Montage verwendet. Dadurch kann die Kamera fr eine Aufladung sehr schnell und einfach abgenommen werden.
Insgesamt bin ich mit der berwachungskamera von Ctronics sehr zufrieden und kann den Kauf empfehlen.
J’habite en pavillon en rgion parisienne et cette camra extrieure me permet de surveiller plus particulirement l’alle menant ma porte d’entre. Je l’ai positionne juste au-dessus de la porte. Elle me permet de voir et d’couter en direct ce qu’il se passe devant chez moi. Elle me permet galement de parler avec la personne venant sonner chez moi. Trs pratique lorsque tt le matin ou plus tard dans la soire les volets sont ferms. La batterie semble bien tenir la charge, nous verrons avec le temps.
Elle me permet galement de surveiller mon chien. J’ai d’ailleurs l’intention d’en installer plusieurs autour de la maison pour avoir une vue d’ensemble.
Trs simple d’installation et trs simple d’utilisation grce une application trs intuitive.
Les images produites sont suffisamment prcises de jour comme de nuit et permet de bien identifier les visages.
Je suis trs satisfait de cet achat que je recommande trs vivement pour son excellent rapport qualit prix.
Bonne camra… Installation simple et rapide… Petit bmol on peut pas couper la camra… Suivant son positionnement c’est gnant et consomme la batterie inutilement
Autonomie environ un mois suivant si beaucoup de passages ou pas…
J’en ai deux et compte en acheter une troisime…
This is definitely a huge addition to my home security. I already have 2 cTronics camera and bought 2 more to cover the whole house. The picture quality is just superb and night vision is just so clear. The app works fine and gives you notification if it detects even the slightest motion, but you can adjust the detection setting in the app. I have put 64gb card in all the cameras and I feel it is more than enough. There are few network issues from time to time but that comes down to your router setting as these cameras work on 2.4ghz frequency.
Overall a great buy for such a price. I am happy and would recommend it definitely.
Diese kleine Kamera bringt alle Vorteile fr eine schnelle Montage und eine umfassende berwachung mit sich. Neben dem Stativ zur Befestigung auf einem festen Untergrund, gibt es auch noch einen Magnet-Fuss mit Klebe- oder Schraubenmontage. Die Kamera ist schnell geladen und eingerichtet mit der Cloud App. Alle Kameras in der Anwendung im Blick. Einziger Nachteil: es kann nur von einem Gert auf die Kamera-Anwendung zugegriffen werden, meldet sich jemand mit einem zweiten Gert auf dem gleichen Konto an, wird die erste Verbindung unterbrochen. Aber fr diesen Preis bertrifft die Kamera alle Erwartungen. Sehr gut! Habe gleich eine 2. bestellt.
Die Qualitt der Bilder ist sehr gut und die Kamera lsst sich unauffllig platzieren.
Wir haben diese mit dem mitgelieferten Klebe-Pad an die Trverkleidung geklebt und – obwohl wir anfangs Kummer hatten sie kommt bald direkt runter – hlt es top fest!
Das Aufladen geht mit einem ganz normalen Micro-USB Handy-Ladekabel.
Man kann zwischen HD und SD Qualitt auswhlen, HD ist wirklich gestochen scharf, SD reicht fr die meisten Fllen aber vllig aus. HD zieht natrlich mehr Akku.
Wie lange der Akku hlt kann ich noch nicht genau sagen, ich vermute wahrscheinlich zwischen 3-5 Wochen. Das ist jedoch vllig in Ordnung.
Leider: Die App (CloudEdge) hat momentan noch grere Baustellen. Einerseits ist der Akkuverbrauch sehr hoch wenn man sie im Hintergrund zulsst, andererseits funktioniert die Alarm-Funktion gar nicht. Anfang geht sie, nach ein paar Stunden nicht mehr.
Das ist leider schade, liegt aber mehr an der App als an der Kamera, daher ziehe ich hier keinen Stern ab.
I’ve bought a few security cameras in the past but this is by far the best I’ve owned.
Great quality picture even at night!
And the battery capacity is great.
Would definitely recommend this and if ever I need a replacement of by the same agai
I’ve been very happy with this device and the app is easy to learn and use.
The magnetic ball is very strong and will withstand strong winds. The battery life is dependent on how you use the device, of course, but to date, I’ve been very pleased.
The only quibble I have is that the files aren’t readable (playable) when you transfer the content of the memory card to your PC. And there’s no way to convert them, either.
Sehr gut zu montieren, da alles notwendige bereits dabei ist.
Die Kamera macht einen sehr wertigen Eindruck fr den geringen Preis. Die Inbetriebnahme gestaltete sich einfach und ich konnte die Kamera gut in mein WLAN einfgen. Man wird bei Bewegung auf dem Smartphone benachrichtigt und das beste im Gegensatz zu anderen Anbieter: man wird hier nicht zu einem Abo gezwungen.
Der Akku hlt bei mir nicht ganz einen Monat, was fr mich jedoch absolut in Ordnung ist.
Fr unsere Zwecke (berwachung des Hauseinganges) kann ich diese Kamera weiterempfehle
Easy to set up. Good quality picture. I have three other cameras but they need to be wired to power. I didn’t want to drill through conservatory so wanted rechargeable. Ideal and good price.
Utilisation extrieure : facile configurer, a utiliser et prcise.
Reste que l’autonomie est limite 1 mois max.
Nanmoins, je recommande ce produit ce prix l !
Il prodotto ben fatto, le plastiche di qualit. E’ facile da installare, con un solo tassello si monta la staffa magnetica alla quale puoi si potr installare la fotocamera solo accostandola, per magnetismo. Lasciando libert di orientamento e di rimozione per la carica delle batterie. La parte software anche facilissima da installare con uno smartphone. Ne ho prese 5 installandole con il metodo “una guarda l’altra” di modo da evitare vandalismi e sabotaggi. Consiglio di caricarle al 100% prima di metterle in opera. La carica durer qualche ora, dovuto alla grande capacit (10.000 mah). E’ un prodotto consigliato!
Avevo gi acquistato una telecamera della stessa marca, sono soddisfatto di averne comprate altre due per completare la visuale del giardino esterno. Facile da installare infatti ho utilizzato la calamita apposta nel retro quindi niente foratura del muro, semplice la registrazione tramite app, per ora bene. Casomai mi riservo di lasciare altri commenti quando ci saranno intemperie meteorologiche
Hi purchased this cctv camera and I’m delighted to say I very happy with its performance
Downloaded the app & it’s very easy to connect to your WiFi
Easy to use and you get alerts to your phone
I use the magnetic holder which is very strong so when it come to re charging its easy to pop on and off
Over all very happy with my purchase and anyone coming on my driveway will be spotted….
I brought 3 of these cameras for CCTV outside my house as a security measure and also so I can keep a proper eye on our children when playing outside. They were really easy to set up and linked to the CloudEdge app straight away. the settings can be easily adjusted on the app as well as being able to view the cameras at any time. The picture quality is SD or HD and both show the outside areas really well. I think they are wide angle lenses as I can see right down my street which is exactly what I wanted when making sure my children were playing safely. They were really easy to put up which I have done close to the upstairs windows so that I can easily get to them to unscrew them for charging and then screwing them back again. I would definitely get these again as they do exactly what is needed, are easy to set up and offer good value for money.
Dopo un primo periodo di dubbio, devo dire che un ottimo prodotto, funziona molto bene, batteria dura quanto indicato (inizialmente non mi sembrava cos per via di un mio errore nel caricarla), si controlla da telefono cellulare molto bene. Ottima qualit immagini, anche notturne. Ottima assistenza del venditore. Ho comprato anche pannello solare per collegarla all’esterno e funziona molto bene. Ne ho acquistata un’altra per interno e funziona bene.
Ottima videocamera molto semplice da istallare grazie alla presenza di un supporto magnetico o a scelta di un supporto in ferro che si avvita alla videocamera stessa;
Molto buona la qualit e la velocit di aggiornamento delle immagini sia di giorno che di notte;presente anche la funzione di rilevamento se si vuole ricevere una notifica al rilevamento di movimento ;
La videocamera non filma h24 ma solo al rilevamento di movimento (se attiva tale funzione )oppure quando la di guarda in diretta usando la semplice e comoda app ;
Nel complesso giudico ottimo il rapporto qualit prezzo;per quanto riguarda la durata della batteria non posso dare un giudizio esaustivo avendola attivata solo da una giornata
Die Kamera ist in einwandfreiem Zustand sehr schnell eingetroffen.
Beim Auspacken merkt mal direkt, dass sie sich sehr wertig anfhlt und der Eindruck tuscht nicht. Die Verbindung mit der App kann sofort erfolgen, auch wenn ein kompletter Ladevorgang erstmal zu empfehlen ist.
In der App gibt es noch ein paar bersetzungsfehler und 1-2 bugs, aber das geht bei dem Preis in Ordnung.
Alles in allem wrde ich sie empfehlen und wieder kaufen!
Feature-rich budget battety camera.
No competition at this price point (57 GBP).
Local storage, subscription is optional.
The magnetic ball mount makes it easy to attach to smooth surfaces. There is a screw mount too.
Very compact camera, can be fitted anywhere.
Can attach a solar panel (solid separately).
Wifi signal is very good.
Feels well built.
CloudEdge is a simple to use app. Don’t expect all the features you would get with a proper Windows/Mac app from another manufacturer, but it has the basic functions you need.
However motion detection distance is shorter than advertised on Amazon – it’s 8m as per handbook.
Human detection is a nice feature, helps avoid false alarms from cats. But the smoke from my boiler occasionally triggers false alerts even though I have human-only detection set up.
Can’t comment on battery life yet.
UPDATE after 1 year: The camera has been working great. However the other day it just died and wouldn’t turn on. I contacted Ctronics customer support and they immediately sent a brand new camera, no questions asked.
Ne ho comprato 3 evidentemente per me un prodotto valido un
P in tutte le funzioni. Una volta che hai capito bene le funzioni riesce meglio come calibrare per via della batteria….a non farla scaricare in un paio di settimane. Funziona sia di notte che di giorno con il segnale di allarme, obbiettiva mente anche le immagini sono di qualit.
Preis Leistung Top Gert. Nicht perfekt, aber auf jeden Fall zum weiterempfehlen. Wrde sie wieder kaufen.
Di facile installazione,un buon prodotto per il costo,la visione notturna un po’ limitata come distanza di visione e ripresa,ma per il resto funziona perfettamente
Ho acquistato 3 di queste cam. Sono belle e pratiche da istallare. Ancora non ho potuto testare la resistenza all’acqua. La batteria dura veramente tanto ma anche x questo le sto ancora testando, con un frequente utilizzo al momento sono passate dal 100% al 90% in circa 10giorni. La qualit video fire buona. Il sensore funziona benissimo nei 5 metri oltre va a fortuna. L’istallazione x bambini. Ho trovato un grosso difetto a mio avviso al quale spero mi risponda il venditore. La cam esce con la dotazione di un magnete e di un aggancio a vite. Ho usato il magnete con adesivo x non fare buchi. Il supporto tiene bene.
A distanza di mesi posso attestare che le cam sono veramente buone ,ottime qualitativamente ottima la visione sia di giorno che di notte. L’audio in uscita perfetto quello ambientale un po meno. La durata eccellente. Peccato solo che una si sia danneggiato il software e non mi funziona pi, provo a vedere cosa mi risponder il venditore
I installed this camera in my motorhome a week ago and have been checking that it works in daylight and darkness. Without fail it has always sent me photos of anyone entering the van within a few seconds of their entry, together with video footage which is recorded to the memory card and viewable real-time.
I’m sure you can spend a lot more money and get a higher resolution picture and maybe colour in the darkness, but I was easily able to recognise the visitors and speak with them.
The objective for me is to detect the “break-in” and allow me to tell the burglar that he is on camera and that police and neighbours have been notified. It does this admirably and was a bargain – one of my best buys!
la cam la uso in casa per cui non posso certificare come funziona fuori. Devo dire che non male. Semplice, senza pretese ma funzionale. Carino il microfono bidirezionale cn il quale chiamo i miei gatti quando non ci sono. Sembra abbastanza robusta. ovviamemte in casa non ho messo gli allarmi perch coi gatti scatterebbe ogni 5 minuti per la visione di notte perfetta. La batteria dura una settimana/10 giorni. Dipende da quanto la usi.
Ca fait un moment que je l’utilise.
Avec la batterie solaire ca ne suffisait pas.
Branch ca fonctionne tres bien.
Parfois des dconnexion du rseaux peuvent avoir lieu.
Faut juste relancer le rseaux ou parfois desinstaller et rinstaller la camra.
Partage facile sur plusieurs appareils.
J’ai achet deux camras. Elles sont au top, facile installer. Je ne suis vraiment pas due et j’en ai d’ailleurs command une troisime.
Trs bonne qualit d’images aussi bien de jour comme de nuit.
Paramtrage trs simple avec l’application CloudEdge.
Je recommande vivement cet achat.
Trs rapide connecter, aucun problme. c’est ma deuxime camra de cette marque et pour le moment la batterie reste en charge parfaitement et la nuit j’ai une bonne visibilit des lieux. Le son est parfait . j’avais dj essay d’autres camras qui sont tomb trs rapidement en panne. Plus de cble tirer pour l’alimenter .
Enregistrement par dtection mme si pas de rseau wifi, c’est se que j’ai besoin. Se qui permet d’enregistrer quand mme en cas de coupure de courant. Puis clic sur historique pour voir si il y a eut des dtection un fois connect et clic sur enregistr pour les morceaux que l’on veut garder,puis clic sur les vido et clic en bas droite sur partage pour les enregistrer sur Dropbox,fichier ou autre ce qui permet d’avoir les vidos sur l’ordinateur et le tel via ces applications et de les visionner sur l’ordi. Puis plus qu’a Les sauvegarder sur un disque dur si ont veut les garder .
Super produit, facile installer. Nettet impeccable. Vison nocturne impeccable. fonctionne sur batterie. Resiste au froid et la pluie. Autonomie batterie tiens 1 mois edemi. Camra Sans fil. Aucun souci de rseaux.
Fonctionne aussi avec la 4G du tlphone, plus de 6heures de route. Tout est parfait. Mode dtection de mouvement parfait, j’en est achet plusieurs par la suite. Je recommande ce produit vraiment parfait.
Il pacco arrivato aperto su un lato, la telecamera era stata palesemente tirata fuori dal pacco e riposizionato male, in quanto l’involucro protettivo di plastica ha la forma della videocamera, la quale ha un rigonfiamento a livello del sensore di movimento. Tale “incastro” avrebbe potuto danneggiare il dispositivo, ma per fortuna ci non avvenuto, dimostrando la resistenza dell’articolo. Ad ogni modo non ho apprezzato la situazione ed ho segnalato l’accaduto ad amazon. Per il resto, nulla da dire sul prodotto: ottimo materiale, la ricarico con il pannello solare compatibile, la consiglio assolutamente. In particolare mi sento di specificare che l’app inoltra tutte le notifiche, quindi ottima rispetto ad altri prodotti ben pi costosi. AGGIORNAMENTO AL 29/11/2021: il dispositivo ha smesso di funzionare dopo le ultime pioggie, peccato. L’ho trovato pieno d’acqua, ma se per esterni l’acqua non dovrebbe entrare
Ottima telecamera con molte funzioni, anche se ho penato un po’ per l’inserimento della micro sd. Cercavo di inserirla come nella figura accanto alla porta sd: rimaneva sempre ciondolante e mezza fuori. Alla fine l’ho capovolta ed entrata.
By far the best camera I’ve installed. It was through a ‘flash sale’ which had price incredibly low. Now I see they did this to get this product out there & have people try it. I’m SOLD on this sec camera.
Habe nach einen kleinen leicht zu bedienenden und leicht zu installierenden Kamera gesucht und bin auf diese gestoen. Habe meine Entscheidung nicht bereut. Sie ist leicht mit der dazugehrigen App zu verbinden und zu benutzen. Ich kann von berall aus auf die Kamera zugreifen und nachschauen ob alles oknist. Sie erkennt Bewegungen und sendet sofort eine Benachrichtigung an das Smartphone. Durch das einsetzen einer SD Karte sind auch Aufnahmen mglich. Das bringen ist auf zwei Wegen mglich. Einmal durch einen Dreh aufsatz und einmal durch die magnet Halterung. Ich benutze sie nicht nur fr den Auenbeleuchtung sondern auch fr innen. Die Kamera macht was sie machen soll und das total unkompliziert. Und das beste ist das man dazu keine Kabel bentigt werden da sie ber WiFi funktioniert. Fr mich eine klare Kaufempfehlung.
Really happy with the camera, I have used it for my chickens, inside their coop, so I can keep an eye and make sure they are OK. Setting up was easy, I have mine in the garden its at least 30m away from my wifi box and it still connects fine so really pleased with that. The night vision is so clear and the motion detection and alerts is very good.
Bella telecamera da esterno! La sto usando sottoportico dove arriva comunque un po’ di pioggia e freddo e non ha fatto un cenno di mal funzionamento. La visione notturna egregia e la rilevazione sempre pronta. Nel men interno si pu personalizzare a piacere con sensibilit di movimento e laschi di tempo, girare visione, tempi registrazione ecc..
La durata della batteria molto buona: la prima volta l’ho caricata dopo 2 mesi ed ancora era al 25%!
Great picture quality easy to install on app only thing was there’s a slight delay on motion detection but all in all Happy with my purchase
I was gifted this product in exchange for a review.
The camera is a pretty good piece of tech and is perfect for my needs which are a bit of extra home security. We have it set up in the front of the house and it has a fairly good range of motion sensing and the night vision is reasonable for our needs.
I would recommend it for anyone who wants a bit of extra security as it is easy to use and easy to install.
Telecamere esteticamente carine, facile collegamento con app, buona risoluzione con possibilit di passare da SD ad HD.
Rilevazione movimento quasi istantanea.
Durata batteria ancora da testare ma dopo un giorno di prove e test calata solo del 20%
Die Ctronics ist eine drahtlose berwachungskamera fr den Innen- und Auenbereich. Die Kamera wird ausschlielich kabellos verwendet. Die Verbindung zum Router erfolgt ber WLAN. Der Anschluss ber ein LAN-Kabel ist nicht mglich.
Die WLAN IP-Kamera ist mit PIR Bewegungsmelder, 2-Wege-Audio, IR Nachtsicht ausgestattet und IP65 wasserdicht. Daher super geeignet auch fr drauen. Hinzu kommt das man per App auch von unterwegs jederzeit sein Zu Hause im Blick hat. Die Auflsung ist echt einfach und Dank Bewegungserkennung erfolgt eine Automatische Aufzeichnung. Dies kann man auch flexibel einstellen, wie lange es aufgezeichnet werden soll. Man erhlt aufs Handy jede Bewegung sofort mitgeteilt. Die Bilder sind super scharf und klar und auch Nachtaufnahmen werden damit echt gut. Die App ist einfach und verstndlich aufgebaut.
Sie hat eingebaute Akkus, die laut Hersteller 4 Wochen ununterbrochen oder 12 Wochen im Standby-Modus halten. Es mssen keine Kabel installiert werden und auch keine Lcher gebohrt werden. So kann man sie jederzeit entfernen. Auch im Auenbereich kann man sie mit Schrauben und Metallhalterung montieren.
Die Montage war super einfach, da es gleich 2 Mglichkeiten gibt. Sie kann einmal per Schrauben befestigt oder mit mitgeliefertem Klebestreifen. Wir haben uns fr die Variante mit dem Klebestreifen entschieden und haben sie zustzlich mit etwas Draht gesichert, damit sie vielleicht bei Sturm nicht runter fllt.
2-Wege Audio & PIR Bewegungsmelder
120 Weitwinkel & IP66 Wasserdicht
120 Weitwinkel und besteht aus
wasserdichtem Material
1080P HD & Hervorragender
Fernberwachung & Untersttzt
Wir knnen die Kamera echt empfehlen und sie ist fr den Hausgebrauch echt gut. Das Preis-Leistungsverhltnis passt.
Bella e compatta. Forse un po’ poco sensibile al segnale Wi-Fi . Ho preferito fissare il supporto con dei fischer miei piuttosto che usare quelli in dotazione con viti troppo piccole. Funziona bene sia di giorno (a colori) sia di notte (b/w). In merito alla durata della batteria , dopo averla caricata pienamente, vedremo tra 3 mesi se occorre caricarla di nuovo semplicemente svitandola dal suo supporto. Rilevazione ed allarme movimento perfettamente funzionante. Mi sembra un buon prodotto. Se abbinata ad un pannello solare ( in area soleggiata diretta x almeno un’ora al giorno, non c’ neanche bisogno di caricare).
This product arrived quickly and well packaged. It was easy to install and the camera itself is sleek and subtle. For the money paid it looks a lot more expensive. We chose this for the night vision and wire free set up. As we live in the country it has been good knowing this duffere tiates between humans and animals and conserves the battery.
Security is important to us – especially with Christmas coming and it has been good knowing we have this now.
We definitely intend to buy more products from ctronics.
Definitely recommended.
I bought this product after doing a bit of research into security cameras for my property. It was difficult to hard wire so I settled for a battery one and I wanted one that you didn’t have to take out a monthly subscription for. Everything is recorded on the installed SD card and accessible through the CloudEdge App
It was installed according to the instructions and the battery is holding up well. Picture quality is excellent in daylight and adequate at night. Motion detection is good although lags a little bit when someone walks directly towards the camera.
I had a few issues with the App but this was resolved with the help of a very friendly customer service agent.
All in all I’m very pleased with my purchase and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this camera.
Really like this camera very easy to install no wires to contend with just pair it to your existing wifi router and you’re good to go, motion detection and picture quality are excellent, would highly recommend and will buy more for around the house and garden…
Love this product. So easy to install and so easy to follow on the app. Really clear picture and the motion sensor is great.
Bella telecamera… Per con quel frontale nero e con gli infrarossi che a differenza del modello con la batteria a 6000A si notano molto di pi…
What a fab camera!
So impressed, it came very well packaged.
Super easy to set up and the quality of the video and sound are great! We have tried it indoors and outdoors and both worked well!
Would definitely recommend!
This camera looks smart but is very sensitive to movement and hard to set up to capture people and not leaves or bushes moving , even when only set to people motion. Picture quality is good but I had to turn of alarm sound as everything was setting it off ! Now it turned directly on front door instead of at driveway (which I wanted ) as it is just too sensitive.
Leider sind mir in der letzte Zeit immer mal Fische aus dem Teich verschwunden . Da wir im Garten keinen Strom haben , konnte ich auch keine Kamera installieren. Durch Zufall bin ich dann auf diese Kamera gestoen, die bis zu 4 Wochen ohne Strom auskommt wenn sie geladen wurde. Natrlich direkt bestellt und noch keine Sekunde bereut . Die Installation mit der dazugehrigen App war total unkompliziert. Man wird sprachlich durch die Installation gefhrt. Mit der Kamera wird zwar keine Speicherkarte ausgeliefert , aber bei mir war ein Rubbel Krtchen dabei , womit man eine Speicherkarte oder eine Kamera gewinnen kann. Ich gehe mal davon aus, das diese Karte bei jeder Kamera dabei ist . Die Meldung kommt innerhalb von Sekunden aufs Handy wenn eine Bewegung erfasst wurde. Mir fehlt noch die Anbindung an meine Apple Watch und die Reichweite knnte grer sein, dann gibt es die volle Sternenanzahl . Ich habe die Kamera jetzt ber eine Woche und sie funktioniert ohne Probleme. Auch bei strmenden Regen und Minusgraden .Ich kann ich sie wrmstens empfehlen. Dann bin ich mal gespannt, wer meine Fische klaut .
The best wireless camera ever, cheap and super easy to install. The quality of the picture is so high. I am so happy that I purchased this item.
It is worth it.
This was delivered today. The box is heavy for such a small package!
We’ve not unpacked it yet because we’re getting ready to move house so will install it there! I’ll be sure to update my review too to help anyone looking to buy this. From the reviews I’ve seen on YouTube it’s really good quality so I’ve rated it highly.
Zur Inbetriebnahme muss zunchst die App CloudEdge” runtergeladen werden, welche es sowohl fr Apple als auch fr Android gibt. Hier muss zunchst ein Account angelegt werden, bevor die App mit der Kamera gekoppelt werden kann. Vom Prinzip ist die Inbetriebnahme der Kamera und die Kopplung zwischen der App und der Kamera sehr einfach, auch wenn die deutsche bersetzung der App nicht wirklich gut ist. Hier besteht Verbesserungsbedarf.
Die aufgenommenen Video Dateien werden in der Kamera auf einer MicroSD Karte gespeichert, welche nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten ist. Optional knnen die Video Dateien auch in einer kostenpflichtigen Cloud des Herstellers gespeichert werden. Das ist aber keine Pflicht, sondern freiwillig. Die Kosten dafr belaufen sich je nach Abo-Modell auf 30 bis 50 im Jahr.
Im Lieferumfang sind zwei verschiedene Wandhalterungen dabei, eine fr flache Flchen mit einer magnetischen Halterung und eine klassische Wandhalterung, welche an die Wand geschraubt wird.
Die Kamera kann Bilder sowohl live bertragen, als auch aufnehmen. Dabei ist die Bildqualitt sehr gut, sowohl bei Tageslicht als auch im Dunkeln. Mann muss lediglich darauf achten, dass man in der App die Qualitt HD einstellt. Auch das Datum und die Uhrzeit werden im Videobild angezeigt.
In die Kamera ist ein Mikrofon und ein Lautsprecher eingebaut, so dass man diese als Gegensprechanlage nutzen kann. Das habe ich zunchst fr eine Spielerei gehalten, aber es funktioniert sehr gut und zuverlssig. Ich kann klar verstehen wenn jemand im normalen Abstand vor der Kamera steht und spricht und ich selber werde auch gut verstanden, wenn ich in der App auf die Sprechtaste drcke.
Bei eingestellter Bewegungserkennung wird die Aufnahme automatisch gestartet und man erhlt eine Alarmmeldung, sobald der PIR Bewegungssensor der Kamera eine menschliche Person erkennt. Dabei kann man einstellen, wie sensibel der Sensor auf Bewegungen reagieren soll. Ich habe bei mir die Empfindlichkeit auf Hoch” gestellt, was gut funktioniert. Zwischen der Erkennung einer Person und dem Start der Aufnahme liegen geschtzt 3-4 Sekunden. Fehlalarme gibt es bei mir bisher nur sehr selten.
Ein Hauptgrund fr den Kauf war fr mich der eingebaute Akku in der Kamera. Dieser hlt bisher erfreulicher Weise sehr lange und zuverlssig. Ob der Akku wirklich 1 Monat hlt kann ich bisher noch nicht sagen, aber nach 1 Woche ist dieser noch weitestgehend voll (3 von 4 Balken Akku Kapazitt werden angezeigt).
Was gefllt mir gut?
– Gnstiger Kaufpreis
– Kabelloser Akku Betrieb
– Kompakte Abmessungen
– Gute Video Qualitt, sowohl tagsber als auch nachts
– stabile WLAN Verbindung
– Zuverlssiger PIR Bewegungssensor
– Weitwinkel Objektiv mit groem Aufnahmebereich
– Einfach zu bedienende App
Was finde ich schlecht?
– Schlechte bersetzung der App
– Cloud Speicherung nur mit der kostenpflichtigen Hersteller Cloud mglich
– Eingeschrnkte Einstellmglichkeiten in der App
In der Summe betrachtet begeistert mich die Kamera, insbesondere wenn ich den niedrigen Kaufpreis von 69,59 bercksichtige (Es gab eine Aktion mit 20% Rabattgutschein). Hier bekommt man viel Leistung fr sein Geld.
bin total begeistert wie einfach die Handhabung und in Betriebnahme der Kamera ist. Es dauert keine 5 Minuten und die Kamera ist mit der App Betriebsbereit.Es ist alle selbsterklrend und geht Schritt fr Schritt mit der App.
Super Bild und Tonqualitt auch Nachts dank intelligenter IR-CUT-Schalter und sobald jemand den Bewegungsmelder aktiviert bekomme ich eine Meldung auf mein Handy und es wird ein Foto gemacht und ein Video aufgenommen. Ich kann jederzeit in der App meine Aufnahmen sehen
die dort gespeichert sind oder einfach nach dem rechten sehen was gerade aktuell bei mir zu Hause los ist und den Speicher mit einer SD Karte erweitern.Was auch super ist das ich zb.mit dem Postboten vor der Tr kommunizieren kann ohne da zu sein .
Bin total begeistert und kann sie wirklich nur weiterempfehlen.
*IP Kamera mit PIR-Bewegungserkennung,
*2-Wege Audio, IP66 wasserdicht
*Akku 4 Wochen ununterbrochen oder 12 Wochen im Standby-Modus
*2-Wege Audio & PIR Bewegungsmelder mit integriertem Mikrofon und Lautsprechern
*1080P HD & Hervorragender Nachtsichteffekt
*Fernberwachung & Untersttzt SD-Kartenspeiche
Had our camera delivered in the week, we have just installed as an outside security camera and I absolutely love it. The picture quality is HD and as it connects to your phone, you get a notification when there is a motion detected. Brilliant.
It was so easy and simple to set up, I was quite amazed. Definitely recommend. Looking into getting another!!
I bought this camera for my husband and he is well pleased with it. Easy to set up. Very clear image… packaged very well and very quick delivery. Very solidly built. Ours was a very neat design. All in all hubby is one happy bunny.. can’t put a piccy on as it is on husbands camera and we don’t know how to put it on here but be assured it is a brilliant outdoor camera.
This security camera is absolutely brilliant! The picture and audio is crystal clear and I feel 100 times safer in my home knowing I can check on my phone and see what’s going on whilst I’m out! Great price and I would recommend to anyone needing a security camera for their peace of mind! Brilliant! Thank you
Get quality images, easy set up and motion detection gets sent straight to your phone as an alert! So good I purchased another yesterday for my mum too.
Great product, would definitely recommend
This was so easy to install, I was a little worried I wouldn’t be capable but it’s seriously so simple which is great. The camera itself is great quality for the price, the image is nice a clear and the motion detection is great too, Im so happy with my purchase and glad I went with this brand!
Vraiment trs contente, utilisation et installation rapides et faciles ! Je peux regrouper mes diffrents appareils sur la mme application !
Et encore une fois trs contente des diffrents systmes d’installation possiblesqui permet d’viter de faire des trous si on ne peux pas! Je recommande !
En plus j’ai appris qu’il y avait des cambriolages dans mon quartier me voil rassure!
Amazing service, speedy delivery and good seller communication. Amazing quality! Fantastic picture quality!
Easy to set up, app for IOS and Android phones are great. Couple of options for installation.
We are using the camera for our motorhome for added security and for watching our dog. Easy to recharge and can be recharged via 240v or 12v USB.
Family have the doorbell from same seller and that is truly an awesome bit of kit too.
This security camera is excellent. High video and we can see all around. It’s easy to install on the phone by just scanning a QPR code and following simple instructions. I was also very impressed by the sound quality, it comes out very clear. Highly recommend and we feel so much safer.
Super application super camra trs autonome pas trs grosse super qualit fonctionne trs bien avec l’application trs simple
Le dtecteur de prsence fonctionne trs bien plusieurs possibilits photo enregistrement capture la batterie tient trs bien la charge produit tanche peut se placer n’importe o grce a son aimant
Je recommande
Can be a bit laggy! Otherwise captures what we want it to capture.
Brill night vision and sound . Clear crystal image with good visual images . Never lets you down . Probably the best camera there is on the market .
Je dois vous avouer que j’tais septique l’achat de cette camra mais pour le prix, je me suis lanc !
Et au final, pas du tout du, la camra est trs facile d’utilisation, la vido et le son sont de trs bonne qualits ! Mme en zoom la qualit reste au rendez-vous ! L’application tlphone est juste parfaite !
Je l’utilise cette camra en baby phone tous les soirs et en camra de surveillance quand on part en vacance !
J’ai un projet de construction et je pense gnraliser cette solution dans toute la maison !
Merci !
Love love this. I have tried a few wirlesss cameras in the past but this one is the best. It uses WiFi easy to install. You download a app and it has clear instructions on how to install it and set it up.
Installation trs bien expliqu
Qualits vido moyenne surtout de nuit un visage ne peut pas tre reconnus sauf 1m aprs de jour sa fais le taf pour le prix qualits sa a l’air pas mal voir dans le temp
Application bien faite
Elle me permet de voir et d’couter en direct ce qu’il se passe chez moi. Mon mari a test le systme d’alarme qui fonctionne parfaitement.
Batterie qui tient bien la charge comme indiqu lors de mon achat.
Ayant 3 chiens, la camra diffrencie les dplacements des humains et ceux des animaux donc aucune fausse alerte.
L’Installation est vraiment trs simple et bien explique. Il suffit de 5 minutes pour l’installer.
La vision nocturne est vraiment apprciable.
Je suis ravie de mon achat et je recommande vivement cette camra pour une utilisation au quotidien ou occasionnelle.
Ottima qualit video, sia diurna che notturna. Non assegno il punteggio massimo perch non ha un sistema di auto-reset in caso di blocco. Comunque questa telecamera non si blocca mai, a differenza di un’altra che ho reso ad Amazon su loro sollecitazione, visto che era scaduto il periodo per la restituzione e non potevano fare nulla per risolvere il problema. Ho effettuato molte prove e veramente questa non si blocca mai.
Consiglio di installare la telecamera in una parete libera, non, ad esempio vicino ad una colonna perch nella visione notturna questa rifletterebbe della luce indietro e peggorerebbe la visione. N si pu pretendere che i LED incorporati nella telecamera stessa possano illuminare un ambiente molto grande; comunque nel mio salone, 30 mt quadri, la visuale perfetta. Non installare la telecamera in punti di passaggio continuo se si intende fare uso del PIR; in questo caso la durata della batteria non sarebbe adeguata. Insomma ne va fatto l’uso per cui stata progettata.
Pour tout a, cette camra fait bien les choses, elle a une dfinition trs correcte en SD, en HD avec la Wifi, c’est trop saccad par contre pour que je l’utilise, la vision nocturne fonctionne trs bien, son utilisation avec l’aide de l’application Cloudedges est trs intuitive. Je n’utilise pas la fonction dtection humaine puisque ce n’est pas le but, mais je l’ai teste par curiosit et a fonctionne bien.
Un petit dfaut signaler tout de mme, le fait de l’avoir survitamine en batterie la rend plus lourde qu’une camra plus lgre en batterie et en poids, et le premier jour, elle a dj dcoll le support aimant du mur et s’est tap une belle gamelle de 2 mtres de haut. Dieu merci, elle n’a pas eu l’air d’en souffrir et fonctionne bien mais j’ai recoll un nouvel adhsif au dos du support et je croise les doigts pour que cette fois a tienne bien.
Pour le moment je suis donc satisfaite, j’ai pris une autre petite camra plus lgre d’une autre marque galement qui sera plus “mobile” et que je dplacerai en fonction de mes besoins dans le reste de la maison, mais celle ci reste installe dans la pice de vie principale et j’viterai de trop la dplacer vu son poids par rapport au support fourni. L’avantage tant aussi que l’application cloudedge est compatible avec beaucoup de camras, et celle ci n’a heureusement pas son application propritaire qui oblige ensuite racheter des produits de la mme marque.
I was looking for a camera for extra security in my home after some break ins in my local area. We decided to install this product at our back door facing the garden so we could monitor any movement and we have used it also as a detterant for potential theives. I am really happy with the function of the product and it was very easy to set up. The packaging is also very nice and the instructions are easy to follow. Super fast delivery and lovely service. Would highly recommend as an outdoor camera.
What can I say?? I love the ctronics range of cameras we actually have a older one we use for the front door.
This one we ordered for the back of the house as it’s a shared alleyway to gardens and someone keeps stealing things out my garden.
The quality is amazing!! And sound is spot on.
You do need a micro sd card to record anything but they are cheap on here around 5 for a 32gb which is enough to be honest.
Really over the moon with this camera easy to install and app easy to use. Battery also last a long time before needing charging. Definitely recommend
I got this camera as i like to see who’s at my door before answering. I wasn’t expecting the audio or camera to be as good as it is its so good. You can see exactly who it is and the audio is so clear to and you can speak back to them.
The actual camera is very smart looking looks smart on the house isn’t a eye sore at all. Setting up the camera was also so straightforward just download the app and go through the step by step guide only took a couple of minutes. It also comes with all the attachments to mount to the house. All in all im very happy with this product and would highly recommend it to others.
Really good quality camera, night vision works well, battery lasts a long time, easy to set up!
Trs simple et facile d’utilisation grce son application.
Nous l’utilisons pour surveiller notre maison quand nous sommes absent on y voit autant de jour que de nuit grce a qualit infrarouges.
Des qu’on quitte la maison on active le mode dtecteur de mouvement. Et il m’averti immdiatement en cas de mouvement.
Je recommande cette article
Questa videocamera di sorveglianza molto compatta e discreta. Pu essere montata sia all’interno che all’esterno, con due tipologie di supporti inclusi nella confezione: uno magnetico (per interni) ed una staffa a muro in metallo che si avvita alla videocamera e che pu essere avvitato al muro o alla parete grazie al kit di viti e di tasselli incluso nella confezione. La telecamera certificata IP66, quindi in grado di resistere a polvere e pioggia forte, quindi perfetta per un utilizzo all’esterno.
Dal momento che questa telecamera ha una batteria integrata, molto capiente devo dire, non c’ bisogno di tenerla collegata all’alimentazione 24/7, dal momento che pu funzionare per circa 1-2 mesi con un utilizzo continuo utilizzando la carica della batteria integrata. Ovviamente, la sua durata influenzata molto dal numero di volte in cui viene attivata dal sensore di movimento ad infrarossi e da quante volte ci colleghiamo dall’app CloudEdge per controllare i filmati e le registrazioni o la live della videocamera.
Il fatto che questa videocamera utilizzi un sensore PIR per la rilevazione di movimento un punto a favore, in quanto pi affidabile rispetto alla rilevazione di movimento digitale pixel-per-pixel tradizionale: in pratica, si riceveranno meno falsi allarme, in quanto questa videocamera si accende ed inizia a registrare solamente quando viene attivato il sensore di movimento ad infrarossi (da grossi oggetti in movimento come macchine e da persone umane), quindi non si riceveranno notifiche di movimento a causa di insetti o altri animale vicino all’obiettivo della videocamera.
La qualit delle registrazioni molto buona: il sensore della videocamera permette di registrare filmati nitidi in FullHD 1080p anche di notte utilizzando 3 LED ad Infrarossi posti attorno all’obiettivo della videocamera. L’audio registrato dal microfono interno abbastanza pulito, anche se viene registrato il suono del vento che distorce parecchio l’audio in giornate con molto vento. Per il resto la funzione “Interfono”, ossia per poter parlare ed ascoltare l’audio della videocamera molto comoda e funziona bene. L’audio abbastanza pulito.
La registrazione dei filmati non avviene 24/7, come gi accennato precedentemente, ma solamente quando viene rilevato un movimento dal sensore. Dall’app anche possibile decidere per quanto tempo la videocamera deve registrare il movimento. Le registrazioni dei filmati di sorveglianza vengono archiviate su una scheda MicroSD che va installata sul retro della videocamera (sotto una copertura in silicone impermeabilizzante) e formattata per essere utilizzata correttamente. Una volta riempita la memoria a disposizione i file pi vecchi vengono sovrascritti da quelli pi recenti, in maniera automatica. possibile anche attivare il servizio di Cloud storage, pagando un abbonamento mensile o annuale, per tenere al sicuro le proprie registrazioni.
L’app da scaricare sul proprio smartphone “CloudEdge”: l’interfaccia molto semplice ed intuitiva, presenta una buona interfaccia utente e ha tante funzionalit con cui sperimentare e smanettare. Le notifiche sono di tipo push e possono essere attivate e disattivate dall’app a piacimento. Utilizza il Wi-Fi 2.4GHz, non supporta il 5GHz. Per la configurazione ho impiegato meno di 2 minuti, basta semplicemente seguire le istruzioni sullo schermo ed pronta all’uso. La videocamera si pu collegare ed assegnare ad un solo account per volta, ma dall’app possibile condividerla con altri dispositivi e utenti (es. familiari o amici) affinch abbiano anche loro l’accesso alla visuale e ai filmati.
L’ho montata all’esterno del cancello di casa per monitorare principalmente gli ingressi e le uscite e per avere una live feed di chi suona il citofono di casa. Sono 10 giorni che funziona perfettamente e sono molto soddisfatto di come il sensore PIR rilevi solo i movimenti che mi interessano e non sprechi batteria registrando falsi allarme. La gestione della batteria notevole: in 10 giorni di utilizzo la batteria scesa solo del 40% circa (tenendo in considerazione che non stata ancora ricaricata completamente, ma che stata installata subito dopo aver aperto la confezione, con una carica iniziale attorno al 95%). Complimenti al produttore di questa videocamera per il design e le funzionalit. Al momento della recensione il prezzo si abbassato rispetto a quando l’ho acquistata io, peccato. Per il resto, un’ottima videocamera di sorveglianza, il prezzo giustifica tutte le funzionalit e la comodit di una videocamera di sorveglianza completamente senza fili!
Absolutely amazing camera!!
We have used and tried so many bany monitors/cameras with my children so when my daughter was born it was a hard decision to find kne we thought would work for us. I am so glad i chose this one. The photo is clear, the alerts we get when she moves and makes noises is very reassuring and the fact theres no wires is just a bonus. Could not recommend enough!
Great security camera, it was super easy to install, having just moved house we wanted a bit more security to put our minds at ease and this has done the trick! I love that you can see from your phone when a person is detected and the quality is great! For the money this is a perfect security solution and I’d 100% recommend it!
ce camera a vision nocturne et micro vous restitue une image claire et parlante en pleine obscurit jusqu’ 10 mtres
ds qu’il y’a dtection de mouvement on reoit instantanment un message d’alerte sur tlphone grce a l’application cloud edge. ce camera supporte une carte micro sd de 128 go qui permet un long enregistrement vido et ou photos.autre avantage on peut communiquer avec ce camera via le micro et haut parleur intgr. la connexion wifi est rapide et simple .pour l’extrieur pas de problme le bloc est tanche. je recommande cette merveille.
Such an amazing little camera. Quick and easy to set up. No wires hanging around which is so good whilst having it in the toddlers room we no that they are safe.
Such clear images. Night vision is spot on. Able to watch live or it will been and let you no and monitor movements.
Definitely recommed
Such a good camera! I wanted something that was reliable and good quality but couldn’t afford to spend a fortune! This is exactly what I was looking for!
Davvero nitide e belle le immagini che risultano essere realmente in alta definizione!!
Un reale punto di forza che non ha fili di alimentazione o di rete, funziona al 100% wireless e si configura molto velocemente.
Si attiva mediante la rilevazione di movimento PIR e grazie ad una tecnologia installata riesce ad evitare falsi allarmi causati ad esempio da pioggia, foglie e insetti.
Ovviamente per vedere le immagini in tempo reale e per ricevere le notifiche in caso di rilevazione di movimento necessario scaricare l’app Cloudedge.
La linea molto particolare con una forma elegante e i materiali sono resistenti e per nulla “plasticosi”!!!
Le istruzioni sono in italiano.
Nel complesso quindi mi ritengo molto soddisfatto dell’acquisto.
Spero di essere stato utile!!!
I love these cameras I have had one before but wanted anther for the back of my house. It takes MINUTES to set up and has a clear pic, def recommend
This camera is perfect for added security at home. Notifications straight to your phone when the camera goes off and the quality of the images are amazing. Would definitely recommend this camera
This camera is a great value for the price. Feels very sturdy and well built. There are two options for mounting it, which makes it great for us, we could simply pop if off in case we need to change it to another location or charge it. I charged it using my Samsung charger, works great, no need to buy any extras.
The battery seems to hold up well. They provide an app to connect the phone to the camera, as we are going to install this at out front door, this is going to provide surveillance and also act as a door bell camera. I also liked the fact that I can add more storage via the micro SD card. I am still getting the grips with the app, but overall, this was a very good purchase, totally recommend it.
It was easy to install, using the 3M sticky pad supplied on the brickwork on our house, it’s secure and doesn’t move even in the strongest of winds. The position of the camera can be manually adjusted, as it’s held to the sticky pad mount by a strong, domed magnet which we found really useful for getting the perfect angle.
The motion detection works really well, and we receive alerts straight to our phones whenever someone enters the area where the camera is facing. This can be turned on and off using the app.
What we found particularly useful and beneficial to us is the 2-way intercom built into the camera – this is great for communicating with parcel delivery people or even shouting the kids to come back inside! The camera picks up sounds from along the street, and when stood outside you can hear the person talking loud and clear.
The app is simple to set up and use, and settings such as sensitivity can be set up on there too.
It was fully charged when we received it so no comments on charging just yet, but I imagine this is a simple task using a USB type cable and won’t use much power at all. It still has full battery after 3 days of trying it out and being fitted to the wall.
All in all, I would say that it is a very good camera, especially when used for motion detection and as a 2-way intercom. No more parcels being taken back to the depot!
We chose wireless as we wanted the camera on our driveway as we cannot see it from our house. We are happy with the camera as it still gets good signal outside and a fair way from our home. It came with all the fittings to attach it.
Picture is clear day and night and you can get notifications sent to your phone when it senses movement. The battery seems to last well, we’ve had it about a week, I didn’t charge it when it arrived because I was excited to set it up and it’s only gone down one bar so far!
Brilliant camera. Well worth every penny. Does exactly what the expensive cameras do. The camera quality is perfect.
I would recommend this product
Kindly reminder:
1:Support motion recording.Not support 24/7 recording.
2: Micro SD card not included.
3: Power adapterr is not included, please charge with 5V 2A adaper.
4: Only works with 2.4GHz WiFi router
5: Support official APP “Cloudedge” use, not compatible with Ctronics app.
6: The CloudEdge app is available through the AppStore and GooglePlay.
7: Not support PC or browser monitoring and ONVIF/WPS
Would 100% recommend this product, this camera is super easy to use and with the mobile feature what better way to keep an eye on your home whilst out and about. Definitely worth the money.
Very good camera and so easy to set up! Better than I thought!