AIMEZO Electric Height Adjustable Standing Desk Frame, Heavy

AIMEZO Electric Height Adjustable Standing Desk Frame, Heavy Duty Stand Up Desk Capacity Load 120kg with Memory Smart Pannel Collision Protection Function | Black


Weight: 23.4 kg
Dimensions: 160 x 55 x 116 cm; 23.4 Kilograms
Model: DHLTYZB2001
Colour: Black | 3 Preset Keys
Dimensions: 160 x 55 x 116 cm; 23.4 Kilograms

105 Responses

  1. Jackie says:


    Ich bin 1,82m Gro und der Tisch lsst sich auf eine angenehme steh-hhe hochfahren und sogar noch circa 10-15 cm hher (falls sie noch grer sein sollten). Der Tisch steht sehr stabil auch im hochgefahrenen Zustand, und das obwohl 3 Bildschirme und ein Computer mit hoch und runter gefahren werden.
    Der Aufbau war mit der mitgelieferten Anleitung leicht zu erledigen und alles andere als kompliziert, die Lieferung erfolge ebenso zgig und das Produkt selbst mach einen sehr sehr Hochwertigen Eindruck.

    Diese Tischbeine + eine 1,80m x 80m Tischplatte haben mich gemeinsam 350 gekostet, fr so einen fertigen Tisch legt man gern mal das 3 Fache hin, obwohl von Funktion und Optik kaum Unterschied das ist.

    Hatte anfangs noch bedenken das es hie das Tischbeine mit 3x Teleskop System Stabiler stehen sollen, aber ich muss sagen das ich bei diesem 2x Teleskop System kein groes Wackeln feststellen kann, er steht sogar deutlich stabiler als mein vorheriger Tisch ohne elektrisch verstellbare Tischbeine.

    Ich kann dieses Produkt mit gutem gewissen weiterempfehlen, sie werden den kauf nicht bereuen.

  2. TawnyaA39murfcw says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWenn man , so wie wir, auf der Suche nach einem exakt passenden Schreibtisch ist, welcher auch noch Hhenverstellbar sein soll, der ist mit diesem Produkt absolut richtig.
    Wir hatten schon einen normalen Schreibtisch, von dem wir die Tischplatte verwendet haben. So war das Platzproblem sofort behoben. Das Gestell ist schnell zusammen gebaut. Die Teile sind gut verpackt und sauber verarbeitet.
    Die Einstellung im Anschluss ist ganz einfach und ebenfalls sofort erledigt.
    Sehr geruscharm lsst sich der Tisch nun verstellen, entweder individuell, oder auf vorher von einem selbst eingestellte Hhen.
    Bis zu 4 Positionen lassen sich speichern.
    Nach ca 1 Monat in Verwendung sind wir absolut begeistert.
    Klarer Preis Leistungs Hit.

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    dual motors working great and very precise
    slow start and stop is a big plus

  4. Jonathan Terrasi says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersCercavo una soluzione alternativa alle basi IKEA che offrisse maggiore stabilit, supporto adattabile a diversi piani lavoro e la possibilit di memorizzare diverse altezze.
    Pagata circa 250 grazie ad un coupon di sconto si presenta in un imballaggio relativamente compatto ma estremamente pesante. Tutte le parti sono in acciaio solido e i soli supporti verticali (con annessi motori) pesano svariati chili.

    L’assemblaggio davvero banale e tutto il necessario gi incluso nella confezione. ATTENZIONE perch il prodotto ovviamente NON include un piano lavoro, che dovrete acquistare separatamente o far fare su misura come ho fatto io. Le viti autofilettanti presenti nella scatola necessitano di un piano lavoro spesso almeno 2cm per non passare dall’altra parte.

    Il movimento in fase di salita e discesa fluido nonostante PC e doppio monitor. Durante l’utilizzo alla massima altezza inevitabile che il piano traballi leggermente (parliamo di pochi millimetri), in ogni caso molto meglio delle soluzione IKEA da 500.

    E parlando proprio di prezzo tra base e piano in laminato bianco ho speso meno di 300 con un risultato in tutto e per tutto superiore alla IDASEN IKEA che costa ben 200 in pi.

  5. WinfreddeLargie says:


    Ich bin begeistert. Ein wirklich hochwertiges Gestell, das tut was es soll. Wie beschrieben und bei Problemen kam innert krzester Zeit eine Antwort vom Hersteller – TOP!

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is the best and most solid desk I’ve ever had. Honestly this thing is built like a piece of gym equipment it’s so sturdy, there is not chance this or your computer is going anywhere if you built this right. I’ll admit I was hesitant at first but each piece is in its own cut out foam section and all the parts are a high standard. Programming the preset heights is simple and quick and makes the working day much easier at home

  7. SunnyRanieri says:

     United Kingdom

    This is the best and most solid desk I’ve ever had. Honestly this thing is built like a piece of gym equipment it’s so sturdy, there is not chance this or your computer is going anywhere if you built this right. I’ll admit I was hesitant at first but each piece is in its own cut out foam section and all the parts are a high standard. Programming the preset heights is simple and quick and makes the working day much easier at home

  8. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I work from home full time now and sitting for 8 hours a day was killing me, I have an existing “Curved” Desk that is excellent and took a chance that this would work with it…. and after a bit of “Balancing” magic to get the correct center of gravity it worked a treat, Had it for 4 weeks now going up and down many times during the day and have not had an issue. ( I did fit my own support pole for the curved part of the desk for when I lean on it )

    But it took only 15 mins to assemble and 30 mins to migrate my existing desktop + kit onto it.

    Would highly recommend.

  9. SludgeFeed Staff says:

     United Kingdom

    I work from home full time now and sitting for 8 hours a day was killing me, I have an existing “Curved” Desk that is excellent and took a chance that this would work with it…. and after a bit of “Balancing” magic to get the correct center of gravity it worked a treat, Had it for 4 weeks now going up and down many times during the day and have not had an issue. ( I did fit my own support pole for the curved part of the desk for when I lean on it )

    But it took only 15 mins to assemble and 30 mins to migrate my existing desktop + kit onto it.

    Would highly recommend.

  10. Sanora1645 says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI’m 1,80m and it is fitting perfectly from low position to high position.
    Motors are working smoothly and precise. The 4 position memories are well appreciated. I’have 3 screens (one heavy) + notebook and many stuff + bottle of water and it does its jobs since a month I bought it.
    Very easy to build up. The whole gives the feeling of very good quality.
    Remarks: I didn’t find the beep recommending you to change position.
    At the higher position do not put your full weight on it.

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    After a medical professional friend convinced me to invest in a sit stand desk, I decided on buying just the frame, as my current Ikea desk was a perfect size for my study.

    Assembly is simple, took 10 mins to assemble the frame, 15 to fit it to my existing desk top. Then about an hour to tidy up the mess of cabling I had under my old desk, so it could all move freely and not get snagged as it moves up and down.

    Dual motor so it’s powerful and fairly quiet, My desk has a 24′ monitor, two laptops, speakers, docking stations and lots of other junk on it and these legs lift it as if it were empty.

    All very solidly made, from heavy steel. A small amount of wobble at the top height, but this is unavoidable due to the high centre of gravity. Memory settings plus options on controller to set min/max height and collision detection etc.

    It arrived well-packed, and with clear instructions. Though, as others have mentioned, please consider something more environmentally friendly than those foam inserts.

    Comes with spare fixings (one spare of each screw) and some handy cable clips to tidy up the cabling.

    Great value for money

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    After a medical professional friend convinced me to invest in a sit stand desk, I decided on buying just the frame, as my current Ikea desk was a perfect size for my study.

    Assembly is simple, took 10 mins to assemble the frame, 15 to fit it to my existing desk top. Then about an hour to tidy up the mess of cabling I had under my old desk, so it could all move freely and not get snagged as it moves up and down.

    Dual motor so it’s powerful and fairly quiet, My desk has a 24′ monitor, two laptops, speakers, docking stations and lots of other junk on it and these legs lift it as if it were empty.

    All very solidly made, from heavy steel. A small amount of wobble at the top height, but this is unavoidable due to the high centre of gravity. Memory settings plus options on controller to set min/max height and collision detection etc.

    It arrived well-packed, and with clear instructions. Though, as others have mentioned, please consider something more environmentally friendly than those foam inserts.

    Comes with spare fixings (one spare of each screw) and some handy cable clips to tidy up the cabling.

    Great value for money

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    eally happy with this desk, reused an existing desk top, works perfectly, smooth mechanism and not too noisy

  14. Rusty82Liua says:

     United Kingdom

    Needed a sit-stand frame only as wanted my desk at a bay window. A traditional square/ rectangle desk wasn’t going to work for me. Needed an irregular hexagonal desk top and it sat perfectly on this frame.

    I love the fact that you could make the frame legs as wide as needed. The frame is quite solid and definitely looks more expensive than the price. It took one person 20 minutes or less to put together. It does take a good weight as I have 2 monitors and 2 laptops comfortably on it.

    The programmable height is a plus as I just need to press one button to convert from either sitting to standing. It’s helpful that there are 4 memories as my husband and I can both programme our sit and stand heights separately.

    Absolutely an amazing buy from me.

    Absolutely amazing

  15. GilbertoDempsey says:

     United Kingdom

    I work as a software engineer and hate to sit down all day, so I purchased this standing desk mechanism and attached an Ikea desk to the top (much better value than buying an electric standing desk from Ikea).

    The desk moves smoothly and has a good range, which allows me to stand up very straight or sit down very low. It makes very little noise and copes well with my laptop, 2 additional monitors, 2.1 stereo surround speakers and keyboard.

    After a little over a year the desk stopped working properly. I contacted Aimezo and asked about parts and troubleshooting. They responded quickly and asked me to send them photos of the control box and videos of the problem. After a little back-and-forth, they identified that one of the actuator motors had failed and sent me a new one, as well as a link to a video explaining how to replace it. This solved the problem and I’m still using the desk.

    The quality of the actuator part seems to be very high, so I think this was a fairly unusual failure. The way the gents at Aimezo helped me with the desk, even after the statutory right to return period was excellent and I can’t praise them enough for their customer support.

    Excellent standing desk - great customer suppo

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I work as a software engineer and hate to sit down all day, so I purchased this standing desk mechanism and attached an Ikea desk to the top (much better value than buying an electric standing desk from Ikea).

    The desk moves smoothly and has a good range, which allows me to stand up very straight or sit down very low. It makes very little noise and copes well with my laptop, 2 additional monitors, 2.1 stereo surround speakers and keyboard.

    After a little over a year the desk stopped working properly. I contacted Aimezo and asked about parts and troubleshooting. They responded quickly and asked me to send them photos of the control box and videos of the problem. After a little back-and-forth, they identified that one of the actuator motors had failed and sent me a new one, as well as a link to a video explaining how to replace it. This solved the problem and I’m still using the desk.

    The quality of the actuator part seems to be very high, so I think this was a fairly unusual failure. The way the gents at Aimezo helped me with the desk, even after the statutory right to return period was excellent and I can’t praise them enough for their customer support.

    Excellent standing desk - great customer suppo

  17. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersOttima fattura, doppio motore, robusto, grande scelta per la dimensione del piano. Il kit di montaggio viene con una vite extra in tutto, istruzioni intuitive, direi tutto perfetto. Ovviamente non ha il piano di lavoro, te lo devi comprare a parte, o farlo da un foglio di compensato (nel mio caso ho scelto il fai da te per avere un po di profondit in pi) multistrato di al meno 2 cm per dare un po di rigidit.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Overall this was a good buy. I am very happy with this frame. It is as advertised. This is very sturdy and rigid and when fully extended it does not flex much at all. Easy to assemble, instructions were basically unnecessary. I did however select a white frame and a black one was delivered. Thats my only complaint, but ive adapted. For the money I would buy again and recommend to others.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Overall this was a good buy. I am very happy with this frame. It is as advertised. This is very sturdy and rigid and when fully extended it does not flex much at all. Easy to assemble, instructions were basically unnecessary. I did however select a white frame and a black one was delivered. Thats my only complaint, but ive adapted. For the money I would buy again and recommend to others.

  20. DesmondQuarles says:

     United Kingdom

    This arrived in a smaller than expected box. Despite some damage to the packaging all was safe and in good condition inside. It was fairly straightforward to put together and all holes and fixings lined up nicely. The self adhesive cable fixings were a nice touch. I’ve been using it for several weeks now and it has made a huge difference to my back and general well being whilst working at home. It is as stable as you will need even with two 27 inch monitors on movable arms mounted on a simple, but solid, IKEA desktop. Very happy with it.

  21. MonroeELMxwwxss says:

     United Kingdom

    This arrived in a smaller than expected box. Despite some damage to the packaging all was safe and in good condition inside. It was fairly straightforward to put together and all holes and fixings lined up nicely. The self adhesive cable fixings were a nice touch. I’ve been using it for several weeks now and it has made a huge difference to my back and general well being whilst working at home. It is as stable as you will need even with two 27 inch monitors on movable arms mounted on a simple, but solid, IKEA desktop. Very happy with it.

  22. MaiLivingston says:


    Pens que la mesa tenia un problema de estabilidad, la desmont y apret bien los tornillos y ahora no se mueve como antes. Muy satisfecho

  23. BillieSneed says:


    Appena finito di montare, davvero robusta bellissima a primo impatto, molto soddisfatto.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent product. Motors are smooth and quiet. Collision detection actually works. Would recommend to anyone looking for motorised desk

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I had this in my basket for about 14 weeks while I looked for a better model in terms of price and specs. I could not find one so wemt ahead and purchased.
    I have used it for weeks now and I have not a single thing to complain about.
    I am 6.3″ so needed a standing height of at least 46″. This gives me exactly that with the table top. The memory buttons work with perfection and you can set max and min levels. Great buy.

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent Desk Frame, easy to put together, easy to use and very sturdy.

  27. drybean says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I am very happy with the frame so far, easy to assemble and quite flexible in regards to the tabletop you want to use. The best of all buying a separate frame give you the freedom to built your desk as you wish. I went for a bamboo tabletop, two cable management trays and a double headphone hunger with USB ports to complement the desk.

    Great frame, with excellent value for your money

  28. The Minnesotan with the German-Irish Name says:


    La scrivania molto facile da montare e si alza e si abbassa in maniera silenziosa semplicemente schiacciando un pulsante. Un prodotto ottimo

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve been really impressed with this frame. We bought 2 (1 grey, 1 white) and had 2 custom made tops made from oak worktops.

    The frames are quick to build, feel really robust and the motors have no problem with my heavy duty setup of the wood (~20kg) plus 3 monitors and multiple laptops.

    The memory function works really well too. All in all a really good setup.

    One thing to note, plan for plenty of cable management as the cables for the motors and controller are quite long.

  30. Dan Ginn says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve been really impressed with this frame. We bought 2 (1 grey, 1 white) and had 2 custom made tops made from oak worktops.

    The frames are quick to build, feel really robust and the motors have no problem with my heavy duty setup of the wood (~20kg) plus 3 monitors and multiple laptops.

    The memory function works really well too. All in all a really good setup.

    One thing to note, plan for plenty of cable management as the cables for the motors and controller are quite long.

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Delighted with this. Easy to assemble and incredibly sturdy. I’m confident this will last – will update if it does not.

  32. Uploaded with LAB-it says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product so far only had a couple weeks seems sturdy and east to use aswell as looking good

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This frame arrived within a couple of weeks from ordering, is really sturdy and easy to put together. I’m really happy with it.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is great. I find it very sturdy, the lifting mechanism is great, I love the presets and its very quiet when in operation. Life changing! Also, the foam protection it comes in makes a very good standing desk footpad, so make sure to keep some for it.

  35. JonahOstermann says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m reallly very happy with this.
    The fit and finish is good, there are no signs of corners being cut to achieve a price point. The metal sections are all thick gauge, ensuring that the finished product is very solid and sturdy.
    Assembly was straightforward and quick.
    There were some nice touches, such as inclusion of rubber washers to provide some isolation between the desk top and the frame.
    We used a cheap wooden table as the top, which worked absolutely fine. I did see some comments or queries about whether you could use a glass top. Based on our exprience I would say not, as you have to screw the top to the frame and there’s little flexibility in the location of the mounting screws.
    The control unit proved to be a lot more sophisticated than I expected, with provision for changing the display from inches to cm and also the sensitivity of the collision-detection function, among other things.
    In use, it’s quick enough to move between preset hights and emits just a quiet hum when the motors are turning.
    The only real niggle for me is that aside from the outer layer, all the packaging is foam plastic, so non-recyclable.

  36. CarlotaGuillory says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m reallly very happy with this.
    The fit and finish is good, there are no signs of corners being cut to achieve a price point. The metal sections are all thick gauge, ensuring that the finished product is very solid and sturdy.
    Assembly was straightforward and quick.
    There were some nice touches, such as inclusion of rubber washers to provide some isolation between the desk top and the frame.
    We used a cheap wooden table as the top, which worked absolutely fine. I did see some comments or queries about whether you could use a glass top. Based on our exprience I would say not, as you have to screw the top to the frame and there’s little flexibility in the location of the mounting screws.
    The control unit proved to be a lot more sophisticated than I expected, with provision for changing the display from inches to cm and also the sensitivity of the collision-detection function, among other things.
    In use, it’s quick enough to move between preset hights and emits just a quiet hum when the motors are turning.
    The only real niggle for me is that aside from the outer layer, all the packaging is foam plastic, so non-recyclable.

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Was a bit nervous about buying this because if the low cost. Having previously paid a lot more for another setup. Shouldn’t have worried. This is an excellent product and just great value. Topped with a bespoke desktop from Etsy.

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Was a bit nervous about buying this because if the low cost. Having previously paid a lot more for another setup. Shouldn’t have worried. This is an excellent product and just great value. Topped with a bespoke desktop from Etsy.

  39. lose weight says:

     United Kingdom

    Very very impressed…. I like others have been working in my home office for ages, and like others suffering from sitting down too long…. Enter this desk frame!

    Firstly, it is heavy, and that is a good thing…. Shows that it is SOLID! I have it extended fairly wide, my desk is 160x80cm – but lifts two monitors, a computer usually at least an iPad and often all sorts without any issue. The fact that it has two motors is a huge plus -that an the remote I went for it.

    The remote is great, I have it mounted under a desk shelf and find it excellent to use… There have been complaints in other reviews about ‘autostop’, but my version stops if you press one of the arrow buttons – this is NOT the same as it stopping if it hits an object (or little fingers!)

    I did have to explain to the kids that it would hurt them, but have had no issues on that score…

    Very highly recommeneded!

  40. "clothing discounts" - Google News says:

     United Kingdom

    Very very impressed…. I like others have been working in my home office for ages, and like others suffering from sitting down too long…. Enter this desk frame!

    Firstly, it is heavy, and that is a good thing…. Shows that it is SOLID! I have it extended fairly wide, my desk is 160x80cm – but lifts two monitors, a computer usually at least an iPad and often all sorts without any issue. The fact that it has two motors is a huge plus -that an the remote I went for it.

    The remote is great, I have it mounted under a desk shelf and find it excellent to use… There have been complaints in other reviews about ‘autostop’, but my version stops if you press one of the arrow buttons – this is NOT the same as it stopping if it hits an object (or little fingers!)

    I did have to explain to the kids that it would hurt them, but have had no issues on that score…

    Very highly recommeneded!

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Does exactly what I wanted it to without breaking the bank. Not sure why anyone would spend more.

  42. ScottyOverstree says:


    Compr este armazn de escritorio aprovechando una oferta as que me sali muy bien de precio. El montaje es sencillo aunque tuve que pedir ayuda para las dos o tres veces que es necesario mover o voltear el armazn al completo. Lo us con una encimera de madera de 4cm de grosor, as que el peso es considerable pero el resultado merece la pena. Le pongo 4 estrellas al montaje porque para que funcione el movimiento es necesario resetear el sistema y este punto no viene en las instrucciones. Ped ayuda al fabricante y en menos de un da me respondieron y qued funcionando perfectamente. Obviamente, cuando est a la mxima altura, si lo agitas las vibraciones son mayores, pero no da la sensacin de que con el uso normal se vaya a mover, parece bastante estable.

  43. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Well packaged, delivered before schedule. you do need 2 people to pick the box. easy to assemble and very very strong table

  44. Anonymous says:


    Increble, lo volvera a comprar sin duda alguna. Ms estable y slido que el soporte dijo que tenia anteriormente.

    De verdad, una maravilla de producto, packaging, funcionamiento…

  45. Anonymous says:


    Cinque stelle piene, comprato su Amazon warehouse non aveva nessun difetto, perfettamente funzionante.
    Montato sotto un piano di 2 metri spesso 5 cm di legno massello, si alza ed abbassa senza nessun segno di sforzo. Chiare le istruzioni, che mi hanno permesso di montarlo in circa 2 ore. Comodo il telecomando con la funzione di memorizzazione delle altezze pi utilizzate.

  46. SilkeOhsddhk says:


    Ma copine l’utilise pour ses travaux de couture. Le rglage de la hauteur est facile et s’adapte rapidement aux diffrentes positions de travail.

  47. ErnestiMing says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This is a heavy, sturdy frame, no issue with the structure. It’s been a good desk for a year, but the motor in one leg has failed completely (changed round the wires and same leg stays stuck so its a motor failure not cables or power unit).
    For 260 I expect more than a years use.
    Have contacted the seller and will update review depending on response.

    **Happy to update 19th March. Seller has been in touch and very supportive with new shipment on the way. Pleasently surprised and grateful!

  48. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Very pleased with these legs. Converted a desk into a standing desk very easily. Product seems to be heavy duty BUT word of warning – there’s no torque stop if something gets in the way of desk movement! I managed to pull a shelf off the wall (believe me it was well fixed) when the desk pushed a box against the shelf. I happily recommend.

  49. Res Michelle says:


    Queria una mesa grande para el ordenador y, gracias a una bajada de precio, opte por este artculo. Les puse unas ruedas y me ha quedado a una altura ideal.

  50. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe meinen vorhandenen magefertigten Schreibtisch mit diesem hhenverstellbaren Tischgestell aufgerstet (siehe Foto). Die Montage war zu zweit in einer halben Stunde erledigt. Dank der flexiblen Breiteneinstellung konnte ich das Gestell einfach unter den Tisch schieben und mit der Tischplatte verschrauben.

    Von der massiven und qualitativen Ausfhrung bin ich berrascht. Selbst in der maximalen Hhe, die ich zum stehend Arbeiten nutze, ist das Gestell stabil. Geringe Schwingungen sind bei dieser Hhe unvermeidlich. Kein Vergleich mit dem Gestell, das ich beim Mbelhaus mit dem Elch probiert und von einer Anschaffung abgesehen habe.

    Obwohl mein Schreibtisch sehr schwer ist, packen das die Motoren problemlos (ich habe das Modell mit zwei Motoren). Die Motoren sind nicht laut, Soft-Start und Soft-Stopp sind angenehm, ebenso der Auto-Stopp wenn ein Widerstand im Weg ist. 4 Memory-Pltze zur raschen Ansteuerung der am hufigsten bentigten Hhen runden das positive Bild ab. Da macht abwechselnd sitzend und stehend arbeiten Freude.

    Hochwertig und stabil

  51. News Account says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This is a really good piece of kit, really sturdy and easy to build. Only minor grumble is that the controller arrived with broken lugs. Nothing some Velcro didn’t fix. I have an iMac 27″, a 32″ 4K monitor a 24″ monitor inverted and 2 g-tech raid drives along with my MacBook etc etc and the desk is real sturdy. Absolutely love this.

  52. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersArrivato in anticipo rispetto alla data indicata, ottimo prodotto facile da montare, l’unica piccola difficolt nella programmazione del tastierino ma dopo 5 minuti e una pi attenta lettura delle istruzioni …. “problema” risolto.
    Effettivamente il pacco un po pesante ma una volta aperto capisci il perch, consigliato a chi vuole un buon prodotto con un discreto rapporto qualit prezzo

  53. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Great product, works very well (better than I expected)
    needed to buy some large washers to affix the desktop to it, as the provided screws actually fit through the rubber grommets so the desktop would not be properly secure without them. All in all, I’m really pleased with it. Hopefully durability is good – that is an unknown at this stage.

  54. Sahas Mehra says:

     United Kingdom

    I work from home and I’d heard that a standing desk was a great way of improving posture and general health. I’ve no evidence to suggest it has done either of these things, but I believe it’s making a difference.

    The construction was fairly straight forward with the only moment of panic when I hooked it all up and then found that I had to have the system reset itself before it would work, instructions are in the paperwork that comes with it so it’s worth having a quick read.

    It’s fairly quiet during it’s operation but this wasn’t the biggest key selling point for me because it moves fairly fast so the noise is short lived. During conference call I’ve adjusted the desk up/down and nobody on the call has heard anything but that could just be my microphone cancelling out background noise.

    I used an old Ikea wooden like desk that I bought 9 years ago. It was still in ok condition and fitted perfectly to the desk. Just keep in mind because of all the adjustment the frame has, it’s worth making sure before tightening everything up that the two legs are parallel to each other. The motor’s will still work just fine, but it will be obvious that they aren’t because of the large legs.

    You can set 4 positions for the desk to be in, I really only use two. I have 2 laptops, a speaker, keyboard, mouse, several phones and a 32″ widescreen monitor on my desk along with all the other crap that makes it way on to my desk and it works just fine. I reckon I could double the weight on it before I’d have any concerns. I plan on adding an eGPU to the desk and maybe even mounting a few more things under neath the desk so time will tell if I’m pushing the motors too hard, but so far no complaints.

    It’s well priced against the competition and works exactly like I thought it would. Would recommend it and don’t see a reason for getting a more expensive one.

    Great value standing desk, quiet and works perfectly.

  55. AmelieBingle says:

     United Kingdom

    I work from home and I’d heard that a standing desk was a great way of improving posture and general health. I’ve no evidence to suggest it has done either of these things, but I believe it’s making a difference.

    The construction was fairly straight forward with the only moment of panic when I hooked it all up and then found that I had to have the system reset itself before it would work, instructions are in the paperwork that comes with it so it’s worth having a quick read.

    It’s fairly quiet during it’s operation but this wasn’t the biggest key selling point for me because it moves fairly fast so the noise is short lived. During conference call I’ve adjusted the desk up/down and nobody on the call has heard anything but that could just be my microphone cancelling out background noise.

    I used an old Ikea wooden like desk that I bought 9 years ago. It was still in ok condition and fitted perfectly to the desk. Just keep in mind because of all the adjustment the frame has, it’s worth making sure before tightening everything up that the two legs are parallel to each other. The motor’s will still work just fine, but it will be obvious that they aren’t because of the large legs.

    You can set 4 positions for the desk to be in, I really only use two. I have 2 laptops, a speaker, keyboard, mouse, several phones and a 32″ widescreen monitor on my desk along with all the other crap that makes it way on to my desk and it works just fine. I reckon I could double the weight on it before I’d have any concerns. I plan on adding an eGPU to the desk and maybe even mounting a few more things under neath the desk so time will tell if I’m pushing the motors too hard, but so far no complaints.

    It’s well priced against the competition and works exactly like I thought it would. Would recommend it and don’t see a reason for getting a more expensive one.

    Great value standing desk, quiet and works perfectly.

  56. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Easy to assemble and very sturdy once compete. Smooth movement when raising and lowering the desk.

  57. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I love the desk stand and it was super simple to build only one issue the Allen key that came with it was so cheap one end was smaller than the other and nearly rounded a bolt head so I used my own set of Allen keys and nipped all bolts up and it’s now perfect.

  58. PabloLandry says:


    Habe lange berlegt. Ist ja nicht eben schnell mal ein Brtchen kaufen.
    Kam pnktlich und super verpackt an und Dank der Vorrezessionen war er auch schnell aufgebaut, resettet und es funktionierte sofort.
    Er erfllt definitiv seinen Zweck. Mchte ihn nicht mehr missen. Fr mich eine klare Kaufentscheidung.

  59. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Been using this daily for over a month now. The initial assembly was pretty straight forward, the only issue I encountered was that the right leg when mounted is slightly off at an angle. I double checked and it just seems that the manufacturing tolerances and QA could be a bit better (see pictures). Overall the height mechanism works great and there is only a little bit of wobble when it is at it’s full height. I paired it with a 2mx62cmx3.8cm oak kitchen counter top and a 120cm cable basket.

    Great for the price

  60. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Been using this daily for over a month now. The initial assembly was pretty straight forward, the only issue I encountered was that the right leg when mounted is slightly off at an angle. I double checked and it just seems that the manufacturing tolerances and QA could be a bit better (see pictures). Overall the height mechanism works great and there is only a little bit of wobble when it is at it’s full height. I paired it with a 2mx62cmx3.8cm oak kitchen counter top and a 120cm cable basket.

    Great for the price

  61. deanbaker1 says:

     United Kingdom

    simply awesome, at sitting high no wobble at all, at 102cm the only movement of attached screens due to the fact that they are well… hanging 🙂 so depending on the arm you will choose it will wobble more or less (but it’s screens moving – not desk!). Do not worry about the strength of the motors either – at 96kg I was able to lay on it and move myself up and down with no issue at all… if you ask yourself why on earth would someone perform such a treat it was to confirm that this desk can support big wooden top with a lot of hardware on top of it – second desk has legs spaced near maximum at 170cm with 240cm top that weights 40kg alone… we’re super happy with both!

  62. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    simply awesome, at sitting high no wobble at all, at 102cm the only movement of attached screens due to the fact that they are well… hanging 🙂 so depending on the arm you will choose it will wobble more or less (but it’s screens moving – not desk!). Do not worry about the strength of the motors either – at 96kg I was able to lay on it and move myself up and down with no issue at all… if you ask yourself why on earth would someone perform such a treat it was to confirm that this desk can support big wooden top with a lot of hardware on top of it – second desk has legs spaced near maximum at 170cm with 240cm top that weights 40kg alone… we’re super happy with both!

  63. KirstenQ76 says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    The product is perfect and performs just as described. Is easy to assemble and the motors perform seamlessly !!!

  64. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This is a solid desk frame with a great memory feature to keep your favourite desk heights at the touch of a button. In the 4 months I’ve used it I’ve had to reset it once (today!), which in case you’ve lost the instructions is as follows:
    1. Hold the up/down buttons for around 20s
    2. The desk will drop to the lowest setting
    3. Once you hear a beep, release the buttons and you’re good to go.
    I bought an IKEA tabletop to go with mine – if it’s one of the lightweight ones be careful when you’re screwing the frame to it as the centre of the desk is likely hollow!

  65. GlindaClendinne says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I didn’t expect great quality for the price but I’m pretty shocked. I just have a simple birch plywood top on it and it was very straightforward to assemble. The steel is all nicely hard wearing paint (not sure if powder coated but certainly well finished) the motor is smooth, if a little loud. 4 programmable heights. Very easy to assemble and there are lots of 3m cable tidy clips which are a nice addition. The screws and parts are all well labelled on little plastic compartments – that really was a nice thing to do, especially when you have lots of similar sized screws.

    All in all, very pleased

  66. DiannaU18m says:

     United Kingdom

    What a great product. I use it with an Ikea top. it lifts two iMacs + a mother monitor speakers etc. It does it with ease. I found it easy to setup and use.

  67. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Clear instructions and spare screws, slightly shaky but what you would expect. Had some difficulty finding a table too

  68. VFVDeidrednjvo says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Not DOA after all, but needed to be reset…but instructions in English would have helped. Hold to reset takes a long time to do anything. I had tried half a dozen times before giving it one more go.
    Amazon online returns were terrible, saying they only refund 4 odd postage and it had to be returned by the following day. A phone call sorted that out.

  69. Danny van Leeuwen says:

     United Kingdom

    Replaced the static legs on an existing desk, salvaging the original 150x75cm desktop.

    Received the self-assembly kit via basic (non-Prime) Amazon free delivery in under 2 days – very good.

    Deliberate over-provision of fixing hardware (one spare of each screw type) in compartmentalised, labelled packaging was thoughtful, and combined with simple but clear instructions, that worked fine for me.

    The only snag was that two of the motor block fixing holes needed slotting by a couple of millimetres to fit – a cross-brace in the horizontal frame had obviously shifted by 1-2mm on welding (see image) – but a couple of minutes with a round file sorted it out. Admittedly, that may have been a problem for non technically-minded folks…

    Be aware that all the parts are quite heavy: the total kit was marked 29.8kg (~66lb). The completed desk was quite an effort to upright after the necessary desktop-down assembly. Probably better as a two-person lift at that point.

    Operation has been fine so far (about 30 up/down cycles) – the motors are very quiet, and give no indication of struggling despite a relatively heavy desktop load of loudspeakers, monitor, scanner (all at the rear of the desktop, so an offset centre of gravity). The mechanical structure feels quite rigid at sitting height. There’s some flexing at standing height, as would be expected with a single column either side, but there’s no discrernable play between the column sections, and it’s perfectly usable.

    I’d have given five stars for everything had it not been for the fixing hole issue. Well done!

    Seems pretty good so far!

  70. DeenaArreguin says:

     United Kingdom

    Replaced the static legs on an existing desk, salvaging the original 150x75cm desktop.

    Received the self-assembly kit via basic (non-Prime) Amazon free delivery in under 2 days – very good.

    Deliberate over-provision of fixing hardware (one spare of each screw type) in compartmentalised, labelled packaging was thoughtful, and combined with simple but clear instructions, that worked fine for me.

    The only snag was that two of the motor block fixing holes needed slotting by a couple of millimetres to fit – a cross-brace in the horizontal frame had obviously shifted by 1-2mm on welding (see image) – but a couple of minutes with a round file sorted it out. Admittedly, that may have been a problem for non technically-minded folks…

    Be aware that all the parts are quite heavy: the total kit was marked 29.8kg (~66lb). The completed desk was quite an effort to upright after the necessary desktop-down assembly. Probably better as a two-person lift at that point.

    Operation has been fine so far (about 30 up/down cycles) – the motors are very quiet, and give no indication of struggling despite a relatively heavy desktop load of loudspeakers, monitor, scanner (all at the rear of the desktop, so an offset centre of gravity). The mechanical structure feels quite rigid at sitting height. There’s some flexing at standing height, as would be expected with a single column either side, but there’s no discrernable play between the column sections, and it’s perfectly usable.

    I’d have given five stars for everything had it not been for the fixing hole issue. Well done!

    Seems pretty good so far!

  71. FletaVVXrmht says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    El modelo de dos motores es silencioso y robusto, montado bajo un panel de 120×60 de Ikea.

  72. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This desk is very sturdy which you will be realize once you start to unpack the parts from the box. It’s well constructed and easy to put together. Everything comes in the box and they have added more fixings than are actually required in case you lose one.
    The powered mechanism is just great. The ability to pre-program 4 height settings is great. The actuators are powerful and has no problem lifting everything on the desk. I even tried it with my own weight added on (70kg) and it didn’t bat an eyelid in getting the job done.
    The desk moves a little bit at the high position but no more than you’d really expect. The desk is suitably sturdy.

    I have only just got it set up and started to use it so I cannot comment on its reliability but I am impressed with it so far. Very happy with this purchase.

  73. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This desk is very sturdy which you will be realize once you start to unpack the parts from the box. It’s well constructed and easy to put together. Everything comes in the box and they have added more fixings than are actually required in case you lose one.
    The powered mechanism is just great. The ability to pre-program 4 height settings is great. The actuators are powerful and has no problem lifting everything on the desk. I even tried it with my own weight added on (70kg) and it didn’t bat an eyelid in getting the job done.
    The desk moves a little bit at the high position but no more than you’d really expect. The desk is suitably sturdy.

    I have only just got it set up and started to use it so I cannot comment on its reliability but I am impressed with it so far. Very happy with this purchase.

  74. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to use. Very heavy so feels solid. Easy to put together with good instructions. Has a memory function too.
    The sticky bits to hold the cables unstick all the time so I’ll have to sort those out later on using proper cable management.
    On my desk there is a 27″ screen, two laptops, sound bar, other bits and bobs, the table raises and lowers fine.

  75. MirroredIllusions says:

     United Kingdom

    About a year ago I had given up looking for an electronic sit stand desk as all options seemed to be 500+, which just seemed a bit too indulgent for a home office. Instead i would hash a standing desk together by stacking boxes and books, etc to the right height.

    After stumbling upon this brand at a much, much lower price of 217 (Table top not included), I thought it would definitely be worth a go and I was not mistaken.

    The frame arrived about 5 days after ordering, which was fine as I was not in a rush. It is packaged very well, protected neatly in the box by polystyrene cut outs. Once opening the box I took out all of the components to check everything and all was fine. I was particular impressed with the neat packaging of the screws, bolts and fastenings.

    I was fitting it to an IKEA LINNMON (120cm x 60cm) desktop, so had to adjust the span of the frame which was easily done. The only reason I would not give 5 stars, is that as someone else mentioned in their review, one of the holes used to attach the table top brackets had not been drilled out. I had to do this myself, which was easy (Just need a drill and some metal drill bits), but was a bit of a faff and created a mess. If it was not for this, I think the whole thing could be built and attached to a table top in 30 minutes.

    Once built the frame is incredible solid. I have it on quite a deep pile carpet and it is not unstable at all. The dual motors make it very quiet when adjusting the height. I particularly like the control panel. The memory options are easy to set and work well. Although there are quite a lot of cables, more then enough 3M securing tethers come with the frame. In fact it seems like there were a number or spare bolts and wood screws, so handle if you want to refit/adjust in the future.

    Overall I would recommend this product for anyone looking for a good value, electronic sit stand desk.

  76. Max Slater-Robins says:

     United Kingdom

    About a year ago I had given up looking for an electronic sit stand desk as all options seemed to be 500+, which just seemed a bit too indulgent for a home office. Instead i would hash a standing desk together by stacking boxes and books, etc to the right height.

    After stumbling upon this brand at a much, much lower price of 217 (Table top not included), I thought it would definitely be worth a go and I was not mistaken.

    The frame arrived about 5 days after ordering, which was fine as I was not in a rush. It is packaged very well, protected neatly in the box by polystyrene cut outs. Once opening the box I took out all of the components to check everything and all was fine. I was particular impressed with the neat packaging of the screws, bolts and fastenings.

    I was fitting it to an IKEA LINNMON (120cm x 60cm) desktop, so had to adjust the span of the frame which was easily done. The only reason I would not give 5 stars, is that as someone else mentioned in their review, one of the holes used to attach the table top brackets had not been drilled out. I had to do this myself, which was easy (Just need a drill and some metal drill bits), but was a bit of a faff and created a mess. If it was not for this, I think the whole thing could be built and attached to a table top in 30 minutes.

    Once built the frame is incredible solid. I have it on quite a deep pile carpet and it is not unstable at all. The dual motors make it very quiet when adjusting the height. I particularly like the control panel. The memory options are easy to set and work well. Although there are quite a lot of cables, more then enough 3M securing tethers come with the frame. In fact it seems like there were a number or spare bolts and wood screws, so handle if you want to refit/adjust in the future.

    Overall I would recommend this product for anyone looking for a good value, electronic sit stand desk.

  77. Miranda Wicker says:

     United Kingdom

    The frame is solid. I had to drill out a hole which had not bee machined all the way though, not a big deal, I drilled it out and used the supplied screw in. Used a IKEA table top (linnmon) which seems good so far. I’ve only had it for one day.

    The instructions aren’t the best. I had to reset it by pressing and holding the up and down, I didn’t get a beep. If you are having issues, do the process and then press the up button and then press again, seemed to do the trick it’s been fine since.

  78. DerekFlinchum says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I started putting this together in my eagerness to use it, It is very simple along with my brain as I neglected to extend the base at all and then when the screws did not sit flush frustrated I emailed customer support…. dohhh Today my partner said he would have a look at it, after realising we needed to extend the base a small amount the rest of it flew together.

    Now for the desk itself, I cant be happier, its a smooth action, needed resetting to commence movement but this was easy enough following the instructions on the back. its very quick. I love my new desk Highly recommended

  79. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Purchased for our Office, it works well, quiet and smooth with 4 memory presets and a good upper to lower height range

  80. KJ Callihan says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    We ordered two of these for our office and are delighted with the results, some of these items are extremely expensive this is all you need

  81. Anonymous says:


    Producto de una magnifica relacion calidad-precio. Buenos acabados, silenciosa, baja mucho, sube mucho, se monta sin instrucciones (no venian, asi que…). La tengo funcionando con aproximadamente 40 kilos de peso y no se queja. Muy bien. Feliz.

  82. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 44 From Our UsersAmazing desk! Construction was easy, although the instructions were a little vague in regard to the rubber grommets and plastic pegs.
    The one major downside was that one of the holes had no screw thread. I had to tap my own thread in this one. For someone without this capability, it would have had to be replaced. But this is very well priced and I assume the saving must be on quality control..
    Very happy with how the desk works though!

  83. Fred3633ecwnhqw says:

     United Kingdom

    I took delivery of the frame yesterday. Delivery was bang on with accurate updates on when it was going to arrive. The package was heavy but this reflects how solid and well manufactured it is. I set it up this morning and I’m writing my review standing at my desk!

    Set up took longer than it should due to one of the screw holds on the frame either being blocked or not drilled out enough. If this is common it may cause the product to be returned. For me I simply used a hacksaw to take about 3mm off the length of one of the screws. After this everything was straightforward. The instructions could be better, particularly how to attach the frame to the desk top. The screws and rubber washers/spacers were supplied but no mention of them in the instructions.

    Despite the issue with the one screw hole and the incomplete instructions I still give this product 5 stars for how well it’s manufactured, the excellent price and lastly but not least the operation. It’s very smooth and relatively quiet when raising and lowering. I had read some reviews compaining of it not being stable but that’s not my experience.

    This product is incredible value for money and does exactly what it’s designed for. It’s early days but I cannot fault the assembled product.

  84. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I took delivery of the frame yesterday. Delivery was bang on with accurate updates on when it was going to arrive. The package was heavy but this reflects how solid and well manufactured it is. I set it up this morning and I’m writing my review standing at my desk!

    Set up took longer than it should due to one of the screw holds on the frame either being blocked or not drilled out enough. If this is common it may cause the product to be returned. For me I simply used a hacksaw to take about 3mm off the length of one of the screws. After this everything was straightforward. The instructions could be better, particularly how to attach the frame to the desk top. The screws and rubber washers/spacers were supplied but no mention of them in the instructions.

    Despite the issue with the one screw hole and the incomplete instructions I still give this product 5 stars for how well it’s manufactured, the excellent price and lastly but not least the operation. It’s very smooth and relatively quiet when raising and lowering. I had read some reviews compaining of it not being stable but that’s not my experience.

    This product is incredible value for money and does exactly what it’s designed for. It’s early days but I cannot fault the assembled product.

  85. danielle says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This is a great product overall, and very good value for the money. it’s simple to put together, with good instructions. Once built, its very sturdy, and has a good smooth action. The four saved height settings work very well. I’ve paired it with a cheap, simple IKEA desktop which goes with it just fine. Aimezo have been very responsive to any queries I’ve had (just about a receipt, not the product itself), so seem like a good company to deal with.

    I’ve had the desk for four months now, and i’m very happy with it.

  86. VictoriMackinto says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersDieses ist meine erste Rezension.

    Ich habe erst gezgert, diesen “gnstigen” Artikel zu kaufen. Aber die Qualitt und die Verarbeitung hat mich berzeugt. Absolute Kaufempfehlung. Ich habe gleich 2 Stck bestell

  87. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThe legs are very substantial – feels and looks like a high quality product.

    Used with Ikea Linnmon 2m (60cm depth) desktop – fits perfectly. The supporting bars are exactly the correct size for this top (60cm). Assembly was fairly easy, instructions generally ok. Especially impressed with the packing of fasteners – and being given an extra one for each type.
    My only complaint on assembly would be the cable ties – although they are geniune 3M, they have proven useless for staying stuck to the desk, and came off within a few hours. I have instead used velcro cable ties secured to the frame bars. This has proven to be very effective at keeping everything tidy.

    The operation of the table is great, the memory function is very useful – 4 individual settings great for different purposes or people.

    Overall very pleased.

  88. Jason D'Aprile says:


    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our Users..und das Gestell ist auch nicht aus billigem Material! Richtig schwerer Stahl.

    Ich hab beide Versionen gekauft, das “AIMEZO 2 Tier / B07CMRZ4YT” und “AIMEZO 45″ H / B07GGWJS7Z” und
    bei beiden:

    Die Lieferung war schnell, die Verpackung war sehr ordentlich, auch innen alles geschtzt eingepackt.
    Die Aufbauanleitung ist durchdacht und man sollte das Gestell zu zweit aufbauen.
    Die Traglast von 120kg beim Tier2, bzw 100kg beim 45H haben mich daher berzeugt.

    Es passen sehr grosse Tischplatten auf beide, man kann locker 20 cm mehr in die Tischplattenbreite gehen, als beschrieben, ebenso die Plattentiefe kann man um 10-15cm berschreiten.

    Beide werden beschrieben mit einer Maximalhhe von 112cm, sie fahren jedoch bis zu 116cm aus.
    Der Tier 2 lsst sich tiefer fahren als den 45H (71cm zu 73cm).
    Die Steuerung beim Tier2 muss man erst mit einem Druck aufwecken, bevor man bedienen kann. Der 45H ist direkt wach und lsst sich bedienen.

    Kleine Nachteile:
    Bei beiden gibt es keinen Stopschutz. Sollte beim hoch- oder runterfahren etwas im Weg sein, ist es dem Gestell egal. Man sollte daher einen Stuhl mit Armlehnen vorher unter der Tischplatte rausnehmen!
    Man kann das Fahren allerdings unterbrechen, indem man einfach auf irgendeine Taste des Bedienfeldes drckt.
    Hier knnte evtl. noch nachgebessert werden.
    Beim 45H ist je nach lnge der Benutzerbeine der Antriebsmotor im Weg, was nur ein sehr kleiner Nachteil ist.

    Ansonsten und das mach ich recht selten, sind beide Tischgestelle ihre 5 Sterne wert.

  89. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersI recently injured my back and was looking for a seating/ Standing desk to help with my recovery, after reviewing several products I opted for this desk as I wanted an automated height adjuster along with presents for different positions.

    And I wasn’t disappointed at all with the product the Legs have motors in both columns therefore making the height adjustment smoother and quiet, the legs are very sturdy in deed and overall the product was easy enough to assemble, took approximately 2 hours to have my old desk removed and this one put in its place.

    Overall I’m very happy with the product and would recommend this for anyone needing a seated / standing desk.
    I reused my IKEA LILINNMON Table top desk with a dual monitor stand and as you can see from the video the desk quite easily transforms from a seated desk to a standing desk for ease of use.

    Fast delivery with Prime, Great Product Easy to assemble 5*

  90. ForestIngalls says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersI recently injured my back and was looking for a seating/ Standing desk to help with my recovery, after reviewing several products I opted for this desk as I wanted an automated height adjuster along with presents for different positions.

    And I wasn’t disappointed at all with the product the Legs have motors in both columns therefore making the height adjustment smoother and quiet, the legs are very sturdy in deed and overall the product was easy enough to assemble, took approximately 2 hours to have my old desk removed and this one put in its place.

    Overall I’m very happy with the product and would recommend this for anyone needing a seated / standing desk.
    I reused my IKEA LILINNMON Table top desk with a dual monitor stand and as you can see from the video the desk quite easily transforms from a seated desk to a standing desk for ease of use.

    Fast delivery with Prime, Great Product Easy to assemble 5*

  91. Melissa Jones says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Works like a dream. Whatever height I require. Use in conjunction with Horse Hooks

  92. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Great product at a good price. Took 10mins to build. Very heavy and sturdy. Works great with a an Ikea desktop. Would highly recommend.

  93. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Just put this together and used an old piece of kitchen work top for the top. Very impressed with the build quality, and motor is very smooth and quiet, having 4 memory presets is fantastic for 3 very different height of people in the house using it. Instructions are not brilliantly translated to English but good enough to get by and understand, the only criticism is the top side brackets screws are too long for the pre drilled screw threads, but easily remidid with a few washers. Overall excellent value and half the price of the ones in Ikea and way better build quality.

  94. Curt03Ympcttyvj says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThe package was quite heavy on arrival, all the components were solidly built.
    I was initially concerned that the motors would not cope with a heavy load of four reams of paper and a heavy HP Officejet Pro 8620, several files and a PC base unit and 24″ screen along with stereo speakers and base unit, plus the usual rubbish that tends to accumulate on a working desk.
    My table is fairly big at 195cm X 85cm, but the undercarriage extends and can accommodate most sizes.
    The Instructions (one sheet) are not up to the standard of IKEA, but never the less are adequate, the control panel requires initializing, just follow the instructions, otherwise, you will think that it is not working as I initially thought.
    Once operational I was amazed at the speed with which the table raised and lowered back to the floor, adjusting to whatever hight I wanted, no sign of struggling, brilliant, thoroughly recommend.

  95. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThe package was quite heavy on arrival, all the components were solidly built.
    I was initially concerned that the motors would not cope with a heavy load of four reams of paper and a heavy HP Officejet Pro 8620, several files and a PC base unit and 24″ screen along with stereo speakers and base unit, plus the usual rubbish that tends to accumulate on a working desk.
    My table is fairly big at 195cm X 85cm, but the undercarriage extends and can accommodate most sizes.
    The Instructions (one sheet) are not up to the standard of IKEA, but never the less are adequate, the control panel requires initializing, just follow the instructions, otherwise, you will think that it is not working as I initially thought.
    Once operational I was amazed at the speed with which the table raised and lowered back to the floor, adjusting to whatever hight I wanted, no sign of struggling, brilliant, thoroughly recommend.

  96. ClairCorin says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersThe kit is heavy and very solidly built.
    My desk is probably on the large size as desks go and the legs fitted with plenty to spare.
    It took me between 30-45 mins to exchange the legs and get it all going. All you need is a drill, well power screwdriver really. You could do it by hand but there’s quite a lot of screws. Talking of screws, the kit came with spares.
    The motor mechanism is easily programmable and very smooth, just needs plugging into a 13amp socket.
    I’ve had it 3 weeks or so now so can’t vouch for long term reliability but so far extremely impressed. Thinking of getting another for the other desk in the office.

    Brilliant product - Fantastic value for money

  97. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I wasn’t sure what I can expect from this desk frame, but it surpassed all my best expectations. Very well engineered and designed, it looks really beautiful. Fine details, nice shape, easy to assemble and mount. Well explained procedure, nicely labelled accessories, it took me less than an hour to have everything assembled, connected and working. The only minute detail I didn’t like were the cable organizers (the self-adhesive pads lasted just a few hours, despite the 3M adhesive), but there are so many alternative ways to achieve the same result, that I didn’t feel any disappointment.

  98. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    eally well packaged, easy to put together, and really solid and well made. motors are quiet and it looks and feels really good, one small note is fitting the feet parts, this needs to be done carefully to get them square, as there are no fitting marks or guides. but its easy if you take your time.

  99. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersProdotto molto buono, veramente solido e ben ingegnerizzato. Arrivato in un pacco ben protetto, si monta in 15 minuti, visto il peso meglio essere in due, con tutto l’occorrente, e anche qualcosa in pi. Unico appunto, ma non una osservazione negativa. Il telaio pensato per supportare un top in legno. Nel mio caso, in cui ne ho posto uno in vetro, ho dovuto utilizzare biadesivo e gommini per porre il vetro, la scatola che funge da controllo dei motori e quella comandi.

  100. SuzanneVDI says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Best gift ever! I usually work from home and have been sitting for more than sixt hours a day. My husband bought this for me and expects me to stand more when I work. I like it so much! This frame is very stable with a great quality. I like this hi-tech product. Feel comfortable all the time no matter I sit or stand. This adjustable frame makes my work easier. It could remember four programmable presets which make the desk easier to meet my desired height with one button!