Alxum USB Extension Lead 4.5M/14.8FT, USB 3 Extension Cable

Alxum USB Extension Lead 4.5M/14.8FT, USB 3 Extension Cable Type A Male to Female Extender for Oculus Rift Sensor, PS VR Xbox etc.
Alxum 4.5M/14.8FT USB 3.0 Extension Cable

Weight: | 260 g |
Size: | 4.5M/15.4FT |
Dimensions: | 11.43 x 3.05 x 11.18 cm; 260 Grams |
Part: | AX-U303A |
Colour: | Dark Black |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Alxum |
Dimensions: | 11.43 x 3.05 x 11.18 cm; 260 Grams |
Quantity: | 1 |
Reference: | AX-U303A |
Size: | 4.5M/15.4FT |
Bought this due to my wireless connection between my quest 2 and my PC lacking and causing latency issues. This cable solved that problem and now me and my kids can enjoy playing SteamVR games without any kind of lag.
Great product. Just keep in mind that you have to plug it in to make it “active”. So plan you’re play area accordingly
Se dura nel tempo sar il tempo a dircelo. Intendo che io l’ho passato e non subisce usure di nessun tipo da sfregamento o da attacca-stacca, ma bens sono preoccupato per il chip interno che compie un lavoro e dalla sua durata nel tempo. Al momento ottimo.
Rallonge utiliser avec un hub usb distant comprenant appareil photo et appareil pilota le midi. Fonctionne parfaitement, pas de dcrochage.
Correspond mes attentes.
He cambiado mi pc de lugar y por 3 metros no llega bien la wifi, he utilizado este alargador para dejar la antena en el mismo lugar donde la tenia. PERFECTO !!!
I use this single 10m cable to run my telescope, mount, imaging camera (ZWO ASI2600mc), guide camera and focuser through my pc. I was concerned that a bad cable would limit the functionality of all the equipment, but it all works perfectly through this cable. It has never lost connection and the transfer of (quite large) image files is fast.
The cable itself is really sturdy and the plugs feel solid. I’ve left it running for over 8 hours on several occasions in the damp and cold with no issues.
Works perfectly but I worried about the 140 degree F. connection at
the back of my remote monitor so I have a computer case fan on it. Is the
hot connection even normal?! I am so happy to have the third mac
monitor in the next room in my studio that I can live with the trouble
but what the heck is up with the hot end?
I didn’t try it with USB3 devices, but for our USB2 webcam, this cable really do the job. The only thing who could be upgraded, is the extra power adapter could be on the computer side and not the device size. We don’t have a power outlet near our device.
Tested this 10m USB extension cable leading into a 4port usb hub. I connected my Wacom Cintiq and a high resolution headphone DAC. It works flawlessly for playback (even Master tracks from Tidal, the max bandwidth I can throw at my DAC) while drawing on the Wacom Cintiq. no noticable lag, stuttering or anything else to spoil the experience.
Is a good product but doesn’t seem to fit for purpose. Quality cable with an adapter charger but charging affects my camera
Esta funcionando perfectamente con un webcam, incluso le he aadido otro alargador usb3 de 3 metros, y la seal perfecta.
El problema es la clavija de alimentacin falla, he tenido que cortar el cable y soldar el adaptador. Se pierde la garantia pero ya no se suelta, y va perfecto. He pedido otro.
This cable does have the two signal boosters per Microsoft SDK’s USB debugging tool usbview. However, the boosters are really bulky and does not fit my existing cable management tracks. Take a good look at the product photos for how large they are. Other brands can do a much slimmer job.
Ich benutze ein 5m Kabel an einem Revopiont3 Scanner. Nachdem ich vorher mehrere Verlngerungskabel krzerer Lnge (3m,2m) erfolglos getestet habe (Abbrche, zusammenbrechende Verbindung), luft das jetzt absolut 100%ig. Auch meine Bedenken, dass das Kabel zu wenig Strom (der Scanner zieht gewaltig) liefert, waren unbegrndet.
Using this cable to add a hub with gamin peripherals so can game on the lounge bigscreen.
An older USB 3.0 hub did not work properly with this cable. But a modern USB 3 hub works perfect.
USB is a nightmare in all fairness, ever since Microsoft pushed it back in the days, countless issues from the early Windows XP days to today and Windows 11. From chipset to CPU to hubs to cables, can be a nightmare.
Thankfully Amazon’s legally responsible customer focused returns facilities enable us to get it right. All things are never going to be stable in the world of USB, it is just the way it is, it is a royal mess and will continue to be so once we move into the USB 4 territory. Firewire definitely had an advantage in that department, but just like VHS vs Betamax, the cheaper standard won and now we’re plagued with the side-effects of its cheapness.
Anyhow, going back to this cable, this cable works by emulating ‘hubs’, 2 to be precise, so be aware that Windows only tends to allow you to chain a certain number of hubs. In my usecase it is just the one hub on the end of this cable directly from the motherboard USB port (which is in itself a hub port, ie. two usb gang ports on the motherboard are together a ‘hub’, again, keep this in mind, for the count of hubs tends to start from the motherboard in most typical consumer board cases).
It is a thick cable, strong outer sheath, not sure what kind of pvc/rubber combo it is, but definitely not the cheaper stuff. The hubs on the cable are sealed by what looks like either a combination of glue or sonic sealing, ie no screws to open things.
The cable I think also is shielded internally, as I have it running along powerlines and other high-attenuation cables, and thus far no interference.
The devices I currently have running on the hub attached to the end of this cable are a Logitech G604 wireless lightspeed dongle, a Logitech G915 wireless lightspeed dongle and an Xbox One Wireless Adapter.
For peace of mind I also tested a USB ssd (one attached to my TV for extra storage, a Samsung 850 Pro), speed was roughly on par with being connected directly to PC. Latency is also very good. Nice.
All in all a great cable, as long as you keep the chained-hubs-count in mind, you really can’t get a better quality and reliably functional cable. Alxum are a reputable brand, well known for making solid gear for both the PC and Apple universes.
Hope the above was useful, a real-life usecase, not just a typical ‘plugged it in and it switched on’.
Had tried other cables to transmit HD webcam images over longer distances. This cable worked perfectly over 15m that I needed.
Work great! In my case not need to use the ac adapter, the webcam work fine, great image!!! Excellent product!
Cumple perfectamente con su cometido a un precio inferior a las marcas mas conocidas.
Bang on for what I needed for it was only so I can plug my keybored n mouse in for a pc thats sat at the otherside of the room on a big TV but yeah it’s bang on can’t go wrong
Verwenden das Kabel, um eine Web-Cam an der Decke an den Rechner anzuschlieen. Keine Verluste oder Strung festzustellen. Einzig das Kabel liegt nicht plan sondern leicht gewellt, trotz das es ohne zu verdrehen abgerollt wurde. Das gibt sich aber vielleicht noch.
Fonctionne parfaitement avec le HP reverb G2.
Je devais deplacer mon aire de jeu VR en bas dans mon petit duplex n’ayant pas assez d’espace o se trouve mon PC et c’est nickel.
Semble robuste et bien fait.
La rallonge de 5m ne contient pas d’alimentation mais celle-ci n’est pas necessaire dans mon cas.
Coupl une camra PTZ monte au plafond. Tout fonctionne parfaitement.
We are using this to connect a streaming camera in our church to a laptop so we can zoom our church service to those who cannot make it out to the service. For the camera to be close enough to the front I needed a long usb to reach up the wall, over the ceiling and back down another wall to where the laptop will be. This does exactly what we need without having to spend hundred of pounds on cabling.
We have had this 50 foot cable for only a few days so cannot comment on durability. It seems solidly made, and unlike other USB extenders we have tried it really does provide a stable 4K video signal.
The cable itself is thick and stiff, and the connectors at each end and in the middle are bulky. We found it difficult to install in our cable channel. We had to cut openings for each thick connector.
We are using it with a high wall-mounted camera that is powered by the USB connection. The natural way to connect it is to plug the camera’s own 6 foot USB3 cable into the female end of the powered cable, and plug the male end of the cable into the laptop. That works well with the laptop providing USB power. But we would rather use the cable’s own power adapter to reduce load on the laptop. It is not practical to provide 110 volts for the cable’s power adapter up on the wall with the camera. So if we want to use the cable’s power adapter we have to reverse the cable and add a double-female adapter at the camera end and a double-male adapter at the laptop end. More connectors would mean less reliability and likely some signal loss. Not ideal but the big thing is that it really does deliver the video.
Bought it as a extention.great value for money and quality
Camera 4k video to OBS PC no dropped frames works great.
Parfaitement fonctionnel (connexion d’un micro umik-1 un PC localis dans une autre pice)
Este cable es muy buena opcin para colocar un web cam sobre el monitor de una sala de juntas, de esa forma los asistentes a una videoconferencia pueden ver toda la sala en lugar de nicamente a la persona que est frente al PC, es una forma muy econmica de ampliar sus video llamadas a video conferencias.
Ich habe diese Verlngerung gekauft weil Junior eine Gamingtastatur fr seine Ps5 zu Weihnachten bekommen hat. Da wir uns bewusst fr eine Tastatur mit Kabel entschieden haben ,aufgrund des Batterieverbrauchs ,mussten wir leider feststellen das das Kabel nicht lang genug war um bequem auf der Couch zu sitzen und zu spielen, und vom Boden immer hoch gucken war auf dauer keine Option. Also musste ne Verlngerung her.
Die Kabellnge ist mit 4,50m vllig ausreichend und die Verarbeitung macht einen sehr hochwertigen und stabilen Eindruck.
ber die Haltbarkeit kann ich leider noch nichts sagen das wir das noch nicht lange im Gebrauch haben.
Aber da wird nach einer Weile (und wenn ich dran denke) ein Update gemacht.
Me ha gustado, la rapidez de envo y calidad del material
Il n’y a pas besoin de l’alimentation pour les priphriques qui ne ncessitent pas d’auto alimentation via USB.
Type cl USB / Webcam aliment …
This item was delivered on time well packaged and works well. I got this so that I could position my Mike further away from the laptop.
Top quality and worked well when I was cut off from BB for five months using a mini-hub and 4G
he best long cable that can be used for mics and webcams and other device with no worry about stable connection.
Para usarlo con cmara Logitech en una sala, funciona espectacular.
Should have bought this instead of the FIBR usb 3.0 (which runs insanely hot).
So far it does an awesome job, external soundblaster sound card + 1080P webcam connected with a cheap usb 3.0 hub, 30 feet from the computer, it just works!
Used this to extend a USB hub from my computer (in a closet) to my desk about 20 feet away. Perfect, works great.
I use this with a hub to run vive tracker dongles from the living room to my bedroom pc. Works perfectly.
Validissimo: ha esteso la distanza dal pc ad un hub usb 3.0 senza perdita di flusso o disconnessioni anomale.
Usato con una camera collegata su hub ha confermato la massima velocit di 90fps.
Love the quality of this cable. I can use my 922x Logitech webcam with no signal loss, better picture than with my USB 2.0 extention cable – but can’t handle my go-pro without power to the power port. Recommended~~~~~
Comuniqu un Pc (bastante potente) con una cmara web y pese a los 10 mts y los dos mts del cable de la webcam, ha mantenido la seal sin problemas, quizs con un laptop medio habra ms dificultades, en este caso se podra aadir un alimentador de 5v (tiene conexin para ello) en caso de prdida de seal.
Wollte mein 5-fach-Festplattengehuse “TERRAMASTER D5-300C” woanders hin verfrachten um meinen Schreibtisch zu entlasten. Mit diesem Verlngerungskabel klappte das sehr gut! Datenbertragungsraten, Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit usw. sind gleich geblieben!
Etwas teurer als andere Verlngerungen, aber das Kabel macht einen sehr guten und wertigen Eindruck!
Ottimo cavo USB 3 che pu essere autoalimentato con un alimentatore esterno per avere pi qualit sulle device connesse. Io lo sto adoperando per una web CAM HD e mi sto trovando molto bene
Usato per trasmettere foto dalla reflex al pc in thethering, consente trasferimento veloce senza problemi. Anche meccanicamente abbastanza robusto, se capita di camminarci sopra nessun problema.
I tried this with many devices and generally it works quite well, the cable is super long but has a tendency to get wrapped/tangled up in other cables. I recommend taking you time with its placement to prevent any frustration installing it, once in that it just use it.
Tried quite a few devices and all worked fine bar external hard drives that required extra power, which means it is not giving the required power it states it does, but everything else work good.
Can be a really nice way to bring a hard to get at back USB socket much closer to you.
Needed a long active USB cable for a vc system, this was perfect. Good quality cable.
Does the job perfectly. The product has durability and sturdiness. Would recommend
Works very well and it’s well made. There doesn’t seem to be any loss of speed
It’s not cheap, but it does the job.
For those unaware – USB 3.0 has a cable length limitation which will reduce communication speed if it is exceeded. This cable allows a much longer extension by strengthening that signal through active circuitry. This is perfect, especially for the Oculus which will not always be close to your PC or TV screen. I have used this with an external SSD and experienced no issues. Tha cable is good quality and should be long lasting.
This is a very solid, robust feeling, cable. I’ve used it for data transfer, and found not problems. The connectors feel sturdy and well made.
I got this for myself
It arrives in a banded box, on opening your meet with an amazing cable of high quality. The cable is really nice and thick with a rubber coating allowing for durability. It is a really good length allowing to use items in other parts of the room. The input/ output ends are really well made and are solid, the female end is well built and extremely strong and durable, there is a 5v power inlet this is for when your using Oculus Rift S headset to ensure stable use. Mine is used to power a usb hub the other side of the room which powers my mic and webcam for streaming
At 20.69 (at time of review) its not the cheapest however for the quality and strength i would really recommend this cable
I was not expecting a lead this thick, it’s a very thick lead and really well made, this means it will be both durable and long lasting. It almost feels like a plug extension in it’s construction.
I have been using it for hiding away a USB hub behind my desk which had a very short lead itself. I have also tried the lead with different USB sticks and a microphone, just to try different types of devices with it. All have worked well.
As soon as you connect the device to the computer there is a little light on the input part of the lead that lights up to show you have a connection, if I had to pick a fault it would be that there is no light to tell you that you have a device connected, just that the lead itself is connected to the computer.
The input and output connector ends are really solid and well made, they connect to the lead really nicely with cover over where they connect.
I think this is a really good lead, maybe overkill in its size and construction for the job, but it will withstand a lot of wear and tear. It’s well made, works with everything iv thrown at it and does it well. It’s not cheap but if you need a well constructed and fast 5 meter extension lead this will fit the bill very nicely.
This is a long lead, but despite the high price and supposedly high quality wiring, still has limitations.
The cable itself is rather well made. The USB A male end is nothing special, just a pretty good connector. The female end is a lot bulkier. It’s encapsulated in metal and pretty robust, but has a hole for a 5V supply. This is because devices that draw power from the USB line may find the voltage has dropped a bit over the 5m run. This really shouldn’t be a problem using thicker wire, but it appears there’s only so thick a cable people are prepared to use.
There are no instructions as to what connector the 5V supply should be, but I assume if you’ve an Oculus Rift you may know. It worked well using a USB memory stick and connecting to an external hard disk that had it’s own supply. I could even heat up some warming pads that use a USB connector for the supply (when connected to a wall plug). I can only assume that it’s just devices requiring power from a computer USB socket that will have issues.
This is a good length for most things you will need a USB extension for. It is very good quality and the cable is thick and well protected. The ‘connector’ is aluminium. The cable and connectors feel like really good quality. It works very well. This is really good quality robust USB extension cable that is fast and will last a long time. Well pleased.