ATIVAFIT Adjustable Dumbbell Single Perfect for Bodybuilding

ATIVAFIT Adjustable Dumbbell Single Perfect for Bodybuilding Fitness Weight Lifting Training Home Gym Easy Safe Locking Mechanism
From the brand

Weight: | 19.96 Kilograms |
Size: | 44 lbs |
Dimensions: | 6.67 x 3.57 x 0.01 cm; 19.96 Kilograms |
Brand: | ATIVAFIT |
Model: | dumbbell |
Colour: | 20kg |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | ATIVAFIT |
Dimensions: | 6.67 x 3.57 x 0.01 cm; 19.96 Kilograms |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | 44 lbs |
Bought these 2 years ago now initially I was thinking they wouldn’t last this long for the price but I was wrong. I’ve used these dumbbells 3-5 times a week for the last 2 years with no problems 10/10 would recommend only problem now is I need the heavier version.
My son bought these for use at home. They are of a very high quality, well made and robust. A very clever design enabling you to use variable weights by the turn of a dial. Would recommend, my son is very happy with this purchase.
Easy to adjust, and the centre grip is nice to hold (or can hold it on the ends when using one for squats if you want a wider grip).
Awesome bit of kit and much cheaper than the branded alternatives.
So I searched amazon and this came up – based on the reviews, I decided to take a punt and I’m glad I did.
It is a pleasure to use – you know those mechanisms that give pleasure by their use, like a good gear change? Its like that: “slot” is the operative word. Feels like it will last forever (longer than me, anyway).
Only got it yesterday so this should not be taken as invalidating my warranty, arf, arf. (I would also say that I have other weights, from years ago, so this is filling in gaps – for stuff that is still somewhere around, but buried in sheds. attics etc. The pleasures of aging).
Great Product and very convenient. I am confident they will last me years to come. Only issue is if you are doing press ups and ands are on weights, which kept digging into my wrists. I would say 4.5 stars and avoid that exercise
bought for my son for xmas
loves them
much more practical than seperate weights
Easy to hold,comfortable easy to adjust to different weights for different excise’s
Functionality/Ease of Use: 10/10
Build Quality: 9/10 (base is sturdy but plastic – worth drilling down if you’re able)
Weight Options: 8.5/10
Price: 7.5/10
Recommend: 9.5/10
Gainz: 11/10
The only (small) issue, sometimes you have to fiddle them about to get the DB’s back in their holde
Great set of adjustable weights, excellent customer service too. Highly recommend.
I have been using these dumbbells for a couple of weeks now and I am really happy with them. The only reason I haven’t given them 5 stars (Should be 4.5 stars) is that the first time I used them a couple of weights fell off. I am convinced this was my (user) error by not selecting the weight properly and making sure the pin was in place correctly before I started the exercise.
They arrived promptly and they were packaged really well which was the one thing I was worried about because of their overall weight.
Who knew 50kgs would actually be a bit heavy? They do exactly what they say on the Amazon description; adjustable, weight like and delivered to your door. I can’t complain.
Firstly, the ability to easily change the weight of the dumbbell opens up your ability to quickly change the type of exercise you are doing. But simply placing the dumbbell back and rotating the disk I can switch for curls to overhead tricep extensions in seconds.
The handle is also incredible comfortable compared to my previous set. I used to wear gloves or add padding to the handle due to rubbing, but these are pretty much perfect and do not hurt at all.
Initially i did have some concerns if the weight mechanism could have safety issues if one fell off, but there is a safety device that lock the weights securely in place.
Finally, the fact that this is dumbbell set is so compact makes it so useful in my small home. My wife hated my weights around the house, now these sit under my desk and it takes up a fraction of the space.
Overall, I highly recommend this set. It looks and feels like a professional dumbbell set, which is very versatile and incredibly easy to store.
Super Produkt, habe mir 2 Stck um jeweils 120 Euro gekauft – klare Kaufempfehlung! Preis Leistung unschlagba
Heute bekommen und gleich ausprobiert. Super hanteln. Vor allem die voelen einstellungsmglichkeiten. Griff ist wertig. Die schalen bleiben auch am boden wenn man das ganzu gewicht nimm
Viel Gewicht fr relativ wenig Geld und extrem platzsparend.
Dazu kommt noch das super schnelle Wechseln der Gewichte.
Einzige negative ist der Mechanik geschuldet.
Die Kurzhanteln wackeln etwas und drften Strze vermutlich nicht gut berstehen .
Kaufen wrde ich sie dennoch jederzeit wieder.
Un set completo di manubri in pochissimo spazio. Da 2,5kg a 25kg. I manubri sono solidi, le piastre in ghisa ottagonali in modo che non rotolino. Abbastanza veloce il processo di cambio peso anche per superset.
Con questi manubri hai ha disposizione molti range di peso. Usati per fare Crossfit ( quindi non solo sollevati…) e sono facili da usare e molto robusti.
Muitos bons. Fcil de usar. Nada apontar de negativo. Vale a pena.
Sencillez de manejo, justo lo q buscaba en un espacio reducido,
Un gran gimnasio en casa.
Llevo ya tiempo usandolas y estoy encantado. El mecanismo funciona perfectamente y aunque hay cierta holgura que asusta, la verdad es que en el ao que llevo usandolas no tengo nada malo que decir. La mancuerna tiene plsticos y la base es todo plstico, as que solamente hay que usarlas con cario para que te duren.
Despus de un mes de uso muy contento con ellas, al principio parece que se va a soltar alguna pesa en determinados ejercicios, pero luego te acostumbras. Son caras pero ms asequibles que otros modelos, compra recomendable.
Manubri arrivati con largo anticipo rispetto ai tempi previsti,
a primo impatto si presentano bene, robusti e solidi, la leva scorre regolare,
usati per ora solo un paio di volte, per il momento sono stabili, vediamo in futuro
These fit the bill for what I needed, but trying to put them back into the holder to change the weight is not quick and easy. It’s a small inconvenience, and maybe other brands are the same, but it was disappointing.
J’etais un peu sceptique au vu des diffrents commentaires mais j’ai quand mme saut le pas. Ces haltres sont solides (mme si l’on constate du jeu, minime, lorsqu’on les manipule). Trs pratique ; en deux gestes, quelques secondes, on change de poid, et enfin les haltres se rangent facilement, bref, elles sont adaptes aux petits espaces. Toutefois j’aurais souhait m’offrir plus lourd. Bientt peut-tre…
Appena arrivati, gi messi all’opera..
Semplicemente spettacolari.
Cambio peso in 5 secondi.
25 kg l’uno (ho preso la coppia da 25 kg)
Bellissimi, facili da regolare, adatti per progredire negli esercizi aggiungendo man mano peso. Veloci da regolare tra un set e l’altro
Son buenas mancuernas, estoy muy contento, pero os comento lo que veo regular:
Un poco caras, como todas en las que puedes elegir el peso. Al tener este sistema regulable, son un poco largas y algn ejercicio se hace incomodo.
Por lo dems, muy contento por ahora.
J’avais trs peur de ce produit notamment sur sa solidit mais en vrit tout est trs bien ! Je n’ai rien dire l-dessus je suis dbutant en sport, et je dois dire que c’est parfait pour dmarrer. Les diffrents points rglable sont un vrai plus ce qui permet d’augmenter la prise de masse au fur et mesure et de changer les poids comme bon nous semble
I’m really enjoying this adjustable Dumbell. The only reason it is 4 stars, is the clunky noise it makes.
I’m really enjoying this adjustable Dumbell. The only reason it is 4 stars, is the clunky noise it makes.
Bought for son, do what they say on the tin, he’s very happy with them.
Bought for son, do what they say on the tin, he’s very happy with them.
Je fais du fitness au quotidien et je trouve pratique d’avoir ces haltres, avec socle de rangement. Gain de place
Ayuda en el entreno al no perder tiempo en el cambio de disco. Llevo usndolo 6 meses; requiere mantenimiento ( engrasado) ya que si no la cogida de los discos puede no hacerse correctamente y sufrir un accidente.
Buen agarre.
As you can see they are rather bulky which does take some getting used to. I find the system used to switch weights to be good and safe. It provides a quick change between weights.
Please note, if you live in an upstairs apartment with neighbours below you it can be a bit noisy when changing weights but after that it’s quiet.
The base it comes with **can do damage to your floor!!** I have scratches on my floor from dragging it across my living room when I got them out of the box. Luckily I am due to get new flooring. I also put some of those soft pads that are for furniture under the base and will no longer be dragging it.
I have quite small hands and found these easier to hold compared to my standard hex dumbbells (the ones with the metal handles). These handles are slightly narrower in circumference and have some grip to them. I also find it easier when having to hold with two hands in exercises that require one dumbbell.
It takes some getting used to when doing glute types exercises such as hip thrusts, it can feel a little uneasy at first but I had a towel underneath and was soon able to get them stable enough that I did not need to hold onto them when doing the exercise.
One of my worries was having to use these in overhead exercises such as skull crushers ect. However it felt completely safe and secure.
Overall I highly recommend the investment if you’re super into hypertrophy or strength training and are looking to save space.
P.S. The reason why I don’t give these a full 5 stars is because they were so much cheaper on Ebay!! The only reason why I ordered on Amazon is in case I would need to return them for any reason!
Hope this is helpful!
Il fatto di non essere rotondo porta a forzare sui polsi. Come se pendesse da un lato
Used for 6 months now and have been very happy with them .
Used for 6 months now and have been very happy with them .
Great piece of equipment to start off your home gym with.
Really well engineered product super easy to change weight I liked them so much I brought another one
Really well engineered product super easy to change weight I liked them so much I brought another one
These are good quality, adjustable weights. Great addition to any home gym where space is a premium. Easy to change the plates with a smooth mechanism to move between the weights. My only niggle is the push button to unlock and turn the spindle seems cheap and looks life limited
These are good quality, adjustable weights. Great addition to any home gym where space is a premium. Easy to change the plates with a smooth mechanism to move between the weights. My only niggle is the push button to unlock and turn the spindle seems cheap and looks life limited
Easy to change weight with the lever,good,solid, trustworthy dumbells,perfect for home gym as it avoids having dumbells everywhere,I highly recommend as they’re such good value for money
There are issues to these dumbbells that are subject to individual preference: the first is the stand that they come in. The recess for the discs to slide into is too shallow in my opinion. It means that the discs can move around and can make it difficult to slide the dumbbell back in after use.
The other issue is that the discs, although secure when selected, they rattle during set movements. I personally don’t like this and it’s why I love hex dummies, but for space saving you can’t beat the selectors.
The build quality could be better, the plates rattle a lot when they’re on the handle assembly which also feels quite cheap. The quick changing of plates works as expected and the product as a whole is suitable for saving time and space.
The build quality could be better, the plates rattle a lot when they’re on the handle assembly which also feels quite cheap. The quick changing of plates works as expected and the product as a whole is suitable for saving time and space.
Incredibly easy to set up, and to adjust. Instead of paying 30 for the gym, this and a bench does the same job. Tempted to buy a second for more options!
Incredibly easy to set up, and to adjust. Instead of paying 30 for the gym, this and a bench does the same job. Tempted to buy a second for more options!
So, I originally thought this wasn’t working right, but after I took everything off and put it back etc. I think it might have been my fault that the product didn’t originally work right or smoothly. I wouldn’t say it’s the best one out there, of course. However, at this price,it’s much more affordable than others and for what it’s for, it works pretty good once you get used to it and stuff. I haven’t had anything fall off or anything, so, I’m changing my position to recommend.
I got this a couple days ago. I just got around to getting it together. I have to say, compared to the apparently mostly glowing reviews, I am very frustrated with this product. I don’t know if I’m just not doing something right or what, but I’m having a hard time changing weights, and the plates going back to their position. I took it out of the box at full weight, but let the plates off to make it easier to move. It took me over an hour, at any setting or plate configuration, to get the plates back on. Because they don’t seem to want to go over the grey bar at the top. When I finally did get them all on, I tried it out on various weights and yeah, it grabbed and dropped various plates, but when trying to put the handle back in on the same setting I just picked it up at, it only goes halfway back down. This is ridiculous and making me very frustrated. Again, this maybe my fault, but I don’t think so. It’s like the plates don’t exactly fit. Now, it’s not picking them up right. I have to say I’m disappointed and honestly don’t recommend this product. There’s other options out there and, apparently, you do get what you pay for.
Questi manubri sono ottimi per una home Gym, a livello amatoriale. La qualit non altissima, ma se rapportata al prezzo pi che ragionevole la mia valutazione decisamente positiva.
Il sistema di selezione rapido e solo raramente manifesta qualche problema di incastro, comunque facilmente rilevabile e risolvibile.
Dopo 4 mesi di utilizzo non vedo segni di usura e questo molto promettente.
L’unica pecca sono le dimensioni generose che risultano scomode per alcuni esercizi.
Se cercate qualcosa per un uso professionale forse meglio indirizzarsi su altri prodotti, ma se vi servono due manubri per allenarvi in casa questi sono consigliati.
These are absolutely brilliant quality and so worth the price point, there’s so much you can do and I’ve shown great results from a home workout using these dumbells. Would 100% recommend
The weights a great – although bare in mind they’re not actually adjustable in 2.5kg increments, it’s actually 3kg increments (2kg > 5 > 8 > 11 > 14 > 17 > 20kg).
I bought these for 240 but before they were delivered they were put on offer to 204. I emailed the seller saying I would send them for a refund and order again but they happily refunded the difference to save me the hassle and always responded within 24 hours so I would thoroughly recommend.
I bought it for my husband, they are great weights and he is so happy with them. I knew he wanted them but the prices were ridiculous for adjustable weights , whilst online shopping and comparing prices I found these and they were very reasonably priced for the pair compared to others and the reviews were great.
The weights are comfortable to hold and feel sturdy.
We are really pleased with them.
I bought it for my husband, they are great weights and he is so happy with them. I knew he wanted them but the prices were ridiculous for adjustable weights , whilst online shopping and comparing prices I found these and they were very reasonably priced for the pair compared to others and the reviews were great.
The weights are comfortable to hold and feel sturdy.
We are really pleased with them.
Love this dumbbells and use them regularly, they even come with a workout poster which I tend to follow. Great customer service too.
I find this adjustable dumbbell from ATIVAFIT to be of superior standard. It’s a quality thing. Weights can be removed easily or added up to a maximum of 20kg which is about 48 standard tins of beans.
I would say the bar is easy to grip and I’ve had no issues. Pricewise, I am happy; there are more expensive on the market. All weights are stable in use. Very good.
I find this adjustable dumbbell from ATIVAFIT to be of superior standard. It’s a quality thing. Weights can be removed easily or added up to a maximum of 20kg which is about 48 standard tins of beans.
I would say the bar is easy to grip and I’ve had no issues. Pricewise, I am happy; there are more expensive on the market. All weights are stable in use. Very good.
Really good idea and we’ll executed. I got a couple of these and they feel very well made. It took me a while to get used to slotting them back into the stand but now I’ve got the hang of it.
The only compromise is they are pretty bulky if you are just using them for light weights only as normal dumbbells would be much smaller.
Very pleased with my purchase!
The weights are a lot more sturdy than I thought they would be (the plate don’t rattle around), although sometimes it is a bit clunky to get back into the holder to change the weight.
I pesi sono arrivati in una settimana, come indicato nella consegna. Arrivano in due scatoloni, uno per ciascun peso. Non necessitano di montaggio n alcuna operazione, sono gi pronti per essere usati. In ciascuna scatola sono presenti, oltre al manubrio, un foglio con delle indicazioni sui possibili esercizi da svolgere, le istruzioni per variare il peso, e la basetta di plastica dove si pu riporre comodamente il manubrio, che occupa praticamente lo stesso spazio del manubrio stesso. Per variare il peso sufficiente tenere premuto il tasto rosso e ruotare la rotella dove indicato il peso che si vuole ottenere: si sente chiaramente un click e rilasciando il tasto rosso, il manubrio pronto all’uso. Il peso varia da 2.5 kg (solo il manubrio senza pesi) fino a 25 kg, con step da 2.5 kg. Ho preso il set da 25 Kg in offerta a 305 la coppia, un ottimo prezzo. Personalmente, mi piace molto la struttura squadrata dei pesi, cos da poterli poggiare comodamente a terra durante le serie. Dopo circa un mese di utilizzo, non ho notato difetti n appunti di sorta. Chiaramente il prezzo maggiore dei classici manubri dove si infilano i dischi uno a uno, ma la praticit con cui si cambia il peso e lo spazio ridotto (possono essere tranquillamente “nascosti” dietro una porta, sotto al letto, in un angolo della casa) valgono secondo me la spesa.
Overall very happy with my ATIVAFIT adjustable weights set. Great value for money purchase and away to incentivise you to work out at home as this piece of kit takes away most of the hassle.
I ordered 2 dumbells (which incidentally was 26.00 cheaper than ordering an identical set of 2) {Amazon needs to review their pricing structure!}. They arrived within 19 hours. They seem to be robust and work easily. Yes they do clank around a bit but seem strong and the adjustment mechanism is simple.
Nothing to dislike about, you can use these dumbells for many exercises.
Really like these as they save so much much time have to change weights and at a great price!
After a 1 month in I love them. Very smooth operating and I loved the fact there was a 1 year warranty from Ativafit just in case. Let’s hope they last and I that I won’t need to use i
Really glad I got these. On first use, I thought the weights might fall off, but they’re sturdy, no problems at all. Occasional awkwardness getting back the weight into its cradle when you want a quick change during a set but a bit of a push gets it in there, and otherwise fine. Good value!
Really glad I got these. On first use, I thought the weights might fall off, but they’re sturdy, no problems at all. Occasional awkwardness getting back the weight into its cradle when you want a quick change during a set but a bit of a push gets it in there, and otherwise fine. Good value!
During the lockdown periods, I felt it was time to start looking after myself. I purchased a skipping rope, dumbbell set and a foldable bench. I was at the point where I needed more weights and came across these adjustable dumbbells.
My wife doesn’t give me much space for this which is the reason why I had to purchase a foldable bench. These adjustable dumbbells were ideal due to its space saving nature.
As I use different weights for different parts of my body, this is a time saving product as its very easy to increase or decrease the weight.
One place where it does lack is warranty. You would expect a purchase of this to have some period of warranty on it.
Time will tell how good this product is, but for the time being I am pleased with this purchase.
During the lockdown periods, I felt it was time to start looking after myself. I purchased a skipping rope, dumbbell set and a foldable bench. I was at the point where I needed more weights and came across these adjustable dumbbells.
My wife doesn’t give me much space for this which is the reason why I had to purchase a foldable bench. These adjustable dumbbells were ideal due to its space saving nature.
As I use different weights for different parts of my body, this is a time saving product as its very easy to increase or decrease the weight.
One place where it does lack is warranty. You would expect a purchase of this to have some period of warranty on it.
Time will tell how good this product is, but for the time being I am pleased with this purchase.
Il manubrio realizzato con un mix di materiali ben studiato, con pesi e supporto in ferro e metallo, e barra centrale in plastica, rivestita in silicone, dunque antiscivolo, nell’area di presa. Tra i vari dettagli possiamo notare i dischi ottagonali, il rivestimento gommato esterno, la manopola relativa alla scelta del peso e il pulsantino rosso adibito al sistema di sicurezza per bloccare e sbloccare la regolazione. L’alloggiamento del manubrio, che funge anche da stand di scarico per i pesi in eccesso, realizzato interamente in plastica, anche se robusta e resistente.
Questo set 225 di manubri regolabili ATIVAFIT consente la regolazione da 2,5 KG a 25 KG per singolo manubrio in 10 scatti in tutto, con step di 2,5 KG ciascuno: 2.5 — 5 — 7.5 — 10 — 12.5 — 15 — 17.5 — 20 — 22.5 — 25. Si tratta di una suddivisione di peso omogenea ed estremamente flessibile, che consente a tutti di potersi allenare con il peso ideale, senza rischiare di sovraccaricare troppo per mancanza del manubrio opportuno. Da questo punto di vista, notiamo l’attenzione di ATIVAFIT anche verso chi intende approcciare all’esercizio in casa per la prima volta, che potr contare sull’ottima scheda di allenamento contenuta all’interno della scatola, con esempi di esercizi per tutti i gruppi muscolari principali, divisi per area. Inoltre, rispetto ad altri manubri regolabili l’ATIVAFIT possiede anche un essenziale sistema di sicurezza che blocca e sblocca la regolazione del peso. Per regolare il manubrio, infatti, necessario tenere premuto il pulsante rosso e agire su una delle due manopole all’estremit, con tanto di “click” a fungere da feedback per certificare il cambio di peso. Ovviamente, i pesi in eccesso rimangono sullo stand.
quasi inutile sottolineare l’efficacia di un sistema cos immediato, che permette di fruire delle proprie schede di workout con tempi di regolazione praticamente nulli, andando a realizzare con facilit i circuiti di allenamento pi complessi, comprese le superserie piramidali, senza dimenticare che non necessario inserire alcun blocco all’estremit e preoccuparsi che i dischi possano scivolare via durante l’utilizzo. Di fatto, la parte pi delicata dell’allenamento consiste nel riposizionare il manubrio nello stand: in questo caso bisogna stare attenti anzitutto al verso del manubrio (torna utile il pulsante di sicurezza come indicatore) e poi a riporre il tutto perfettamente nell’alloggiamento, magari aiutandosi con l’area centrale. Da questo punto di vista (e non solo) torna molto utile la presa del manubrio in s: si tratta di una presa ergonomica, comoda ed antiscivolo, forte di un rivestimento robusto in gomma che facilita tanto l’estrazione del peso quanto l’esecuzione dell’allenamento per tutta la seduta.
I manubri ATIVAFIT sono stati realizzati tenendo conto delle esigenze domestiche, e si vede. I manubri sono infatti ottagonali, evitando scivolamenti indesiderati, mentre, pensando alle dimensioni, il singolo manubrio si attesta attorno ai 42,5 cm di lunghezza per 20,5 cm di larghezza, leggermente pi lungo di un normale manubrio di ghisa da 25 KG che si trova in palestra. Ragionando sul complessivo, invece, possiamo notare che anche gli stand non occupano un millimetro in pi di larghezza, contenendo gli spazi in maniera impeccabile. In assenza di una stanza dedicata al fitness, i manubri possono essere quindi riposti facilmente sotto al letto, dietro un angolo, o perfino migliorati in termini di portabilit ( sufficiente acquistare un supporto con rotelle o rivestire la superficie d’appoggio di un materiale che ne renda pi semplice il trascinamento senza rischiare di graffiare il pavimento. Da notare anche il rivestimento esterno in gomma ai lati dei manubri, dove campeggia il logo dell’azienda: una chicca che evita di provocare danni in caso di urto con oggetti della casa o tra i manubri stessi durante gli esercizi. In caso di problemi, comunque, ATIVAFIT prevede garanzia post vendita per un anno.
I ordered 2, one came faulty but was refunded immediately. Good people to do business with. Easy to use and adjust, nice and compact for home use.
Seem well made .. Excellent value for money compared too others !!
Easy to use, appear well made and robust but time will tell. I enjoy working out with these.
Great value for money as you get 25kg on an adjustable dumbbell. The downside is because they are adjustable and have to carry 25kg of weight, the dumbbells are very wide. This means it makes it more difficult to do certain exercises together, for example dumbbell curls. Because they are so wide they clash if you use them both at the same time, so you have to be careful
It’s a small gripe, otherwise they are very good quality dumbbells and very easy to swap between weights.
Great value for money as you get 25kg on an adjustable dumbbell. The downside is because they are adjustable and have to carry 25kg of weight, the dumbbells are very wide. This means it makes it more difficult to do certain exercises together, for example dumbbell curls. Because they are so wide they clash if you use them both at the same time, so you have to be careful
It’s a small gripe, otherwise they are very good quality dumbbells and very easy to swap between weights.
Great value for money as you get 25kg on an adjustable dumbbell. The downside is because they are adjustable and have to carry 25kg of weight, the dumbbells are very wide. This means it makes it more difficult to do certain exercises together, for example dumbbell curls. Because they are so wide they clash if you use them both at the same time, so you have to be careful
It’s a small gripe, otherwise they are very good quality dumbbells and very easy to swap between weights.
Son precisas a la hora de seleccionar el peso: desde 2,5 hasta 25 Kg. En mi caso, ped dos mancuernas y obtuve descuento por ello, en total, pagu 349.
Vienen muy bien embaladas. Las cajas son resistentes. Lo que hice al desembalar, es usar despus las cajas (previo forrado) para usarlas como soporte, ya que de lo contrario, agacharse tanto al suelo puede resultar incmodo. Tambin podis usar un mueble viejo, una banqueta, etc. para hacer las veces de “mancuernera”. El caso es tenerlas a una altura cmoda, de forma que cada vez que las apoyis, no tengis que forzar mucho la espalda.
Un detalle obvio: para cambiar el peso, la mancuerna ha de estar con el botn rojo mirando “hacia arriba” y apoyada en su molde (de plstico duro y resistente). Desde la posicin de apoyo, seleccionis el peso en el rotor mientras a la vez tenis pulsado el botn rojo; una vez seleccionado, se suelta el botn y tiris de la mancuerna y ya tendris el peso seleccionado listo para usar. El mecanismo es preciso.
Tiene un agarre cmodo, no molesto (las uso sin guantes). Con dos o tres cambios de peso ya le habris cogido el “truco”.
Recomiendo este producto si lo que queris es tener unas mancuernas que vayan desde 2,5 a 25 kg. Son resistentes y de calidad. No recomiendo darle fuertes golpes dejndolas caer al suelo, pues imagino que el mecanismo de engranajes y el encaje de los discos se podra ver daado.
Tan solo resear que en la realizacin del ejercicio, los discos tienen una pequea holgura, ello debido a que el acople no es estanco 100%, algo que, desde mi punto de vista, no resulta molesto, a pesar del pequeo ruido que se escucha por la pequea holgura. Al fin y al cabo, como estars entrenando con msica de fondo, tv, etc, apenas se aprecia.
Si os decids por la compra, que las disfrutis como yo!
Die verstellbaren Hanteln von ATIVAFIT sind preislich zunchst schonmal deutlich attraktiver als die der bekannten Marke. Okay, durch diese Firma bin ich berhaupt erstmal darauf gekommen, das es sowas gibt. Fr eine Hantel aber knapp 300 zu bezahlen finde ich schon etwas berzogen. Andererseits bringt es natrlich auch nichts, wenn man gnstigere Hanteln kauft, mit denen man nur rger hat.
Genau dieses Problem lst ATIVAFIT. Man bekommt verstellbare Hanteln fr einen fairen Betrag. Rabattiert kommt man schon auf fast 50% Ersparnis im Vergleich zum (ich nenne es mal) Original. Das ist schon ein Wort. Eine Garantie gibt es ebenfalls.
Aber reden wir nicht lang drum herum. Die Hantel sind der OBERHAMMER. Sie sind einfach nur gigantisch. Ich bin’s von der Einfachheit der Verstellung absolut begeistert. Man drckt den roten Knopf und dreht mit der anderen Hand am Verstellrad auf das gewnschte Gewicht. Nun den roten Knopf loslassen und die Hantel mit dem gewnschten Gewicht anheben. Die restlichen Gewichte bleiben in dem Halter stehen. Die Halteschale verfgt an der Unterseite sogar ber Griffmulden. Mit Hilfe dieser Mulden lassen sich die Schalen samt Hanteln super leicht anheben und transportieren, falls das mal ntig ist.
Einfach nur genial.
Zwar ist der Kunststoff der Schale nicht wirklich wertig verarbeitet, das spielt fr mich beim Training aber keine Rolle. Daher gibt es hier keinen Grund zur Klage.
Man braucht nicht ewig Schrauben schleppen, drehen usw. Die Hanteln liegen in ihren Schalen und werden daraus innerhalb von Sekunden mit dem gewnschten Gewicht entnommen.
So kann man das Gewicht Satz fr Satz erhhen ohne dabei langwierig herumzuschrauben.
Qualitativ machen die Hanteln (ich habe gleich 2 bestellt) einen sehr guten Eindruck. Sowohl was die Mechanik angeht als auch die Optik. Beim einstellen des Gewichts hakt nichts. Das Rad lsst sich Gewicht fr Gewicht sehr leicht drehen. Die brigen Gewichte bleiben sauber in der Halterung stehen.
Rein mechanisch gibt es also berhaupt nichts zu meckern. Im Gegenteil, so einfach und leichtgngig habe ich mir den Mechanismus nicht vorgestellt.
Ich wei jetzt, warum diese Hanteln das Geld kosten, was sie kosten. Man verstellt hier das Gewicht in 2,5kg Schritten. Im Grunde habe ich hier 10 Hanteln. Bentige aber nur den Raum fr eine. Wer also wenig Platz zu Hause hat, der ist hier genau richtig! Vom Preis fr 10 Hanteln mal ganz abgesehen.
Das der bergang von der Gummierung zum Kunststoff nicht ganz sauber ist, strt mich in Anbetracht des Preises berhaupt nichts. Ob die Gummierung am Griff sich mit der Zeit beginnt abzulsen, kann ich jetzt noch nicht sagen. Sollte dem so sein, werde ich das sicher hier editieren. Bisher kann ich mich darber definitiv nicht beklagen.
Mein Fazit: Qualitativ berragend und preislich SEHR ATTRAKTIV, im Vergleich zu dem was es sonst noch auf dem Markt gibt. Ich kann hier eine 100%ige Kaufempfehlung aussprechen. Begeisterter knnte ich nicht sein!
Save lots of space, but I feel the weight increment aren’t that good. It increases by 3 kg and it’s a lo
I was drawn to this as it seemed much more reasonably priced compared to the competition as well as looking very smart.
The way it works is the stand is designed to hold the extra weight that you aren’t using.
Simply slide the dial along to the weight that you want and lift the dumbbell out.
I’ve added a video and some photos as it may be hard for people to grasp how it works.
What is great about this is that it doesn’t take up too much room compared to perhaps the traditional triangular set up with different weights.
As it is so innovative you have 7 different weights all on one compact size. This means it is beneficial for people with different weight preferences or to progressively move up the weight range.
It is nicely balanced when in use too and doesn’t jiggle about or anything like that.
I’m really impressed with it as it provides a great weight set that doesn’t take up too much room in my small flat.
I was drawn to this as it seemed much more reasonably priced compared to the competition as well as looking very smart.
The way it works is the stand is designed to hold the extra weight that you aren’t using.
Simply slide the dial along to the weight that you want and lift the dumbbell out.
I’ve added a video and some photos as it may be hard for people to grasp how it works.
What is great about this is that it doesn’t take up too much room compared to perhaps the traditional triangular set up with different weights.
As it is so innovative you have 7 different weights all on one compact size. This means it is beneficial for people with different weight preferences or to progressively move up the weight range.
It is nicely balanced when in use too and doesn’t jiggle about or anything like that.
I’m really impressed with it as it provides a great weight set that doesn’t take up too much room in my small flat.
I was drawn to this as it seemed much more reasonably priced compared to the competition as well as looking very smart.
The way it works is the stand is designed to hold the extra weight that you aren’t using.
Simply slide the dial along to the weight that you want and lift the dumbbell out.
I’ve added a video and some photos as it may be hard for people to grasp how it works.
What is great about this is that it doesn’t take up too much room compared to perhaps the traditional triangular set up with different weights.
As it is so innovative you have 7 different weights all on one compact size. This means it is beneficial for people with different weight preferences or to progressively move up the weight range.
It is nicely balanced when in use too and doesn’t jiggle about or anything like that.
I’m really impressed with it as it provides a great weight set that doesn’t take up too much room in my small flat.
The adjustment mechanism is easy to use and the weight increments make a lot of sense. They start out with 2.5-lb increases with the lower weights and jump up to 5-lb increases at the higher end. You can do anything you would do with normal dumbbells- bench presses, shoulder presses, curls, triceps extensions, rows, flys, lunges, etc.
The plates do move around a little bit, which can be scary at first. However, I’ve never had one fall out on me and over time you will develop trust in the equipment. I do feel like they aren’t perfectly evenly weighted, meaning that you’ll want the two red bar things aligned when you’re doing your exercises. Maybe that’s all in my head.
In my mind those things are a small price to pay for the space and money you save with these. Here’s my setup- I have a squat rack and associated bar/plates for heavy, going-to-failure type of workouts and then I have these in the corner for high-rep stuff or for when I’m not going to failure and don’t feel like swapping out plates all the time. Yes, I know that’s a weird, lazy thing to avoid when I’m trying to work out, but that’s how the human mind works sometimes. These really make my home gym a lot more versatile and they take up almost no space.
The price is very low to compare to other expensive one out there , but you just have to think about how much it would cost to buy all the dumbbells you would want. Then you might buy something like a 12.5-lb dumbbell not knowing if you’ll ever actually use that one or not. Also, think about how much a monthly gym membership costs, plus the associated transportation. Not to mention the time wasted going back and forth to the gym. If you get these plus a good quality bench (don’t go cheap on the bench), you’re going to be able to stay in shape if you’re motivated to do so.
It takes a little getting used to changing the weight but once you know what to do it is easy and quick to change. The tray in which this dumbbell sit on it well fitted and useful.
I think wife and I will be be cancelling the gym long-term and just aim to get the odd gym equipment for home with the savings. Our longer term plan it to build a small exercise frame outside with a small sheltered area.
It takes a little getting used to changing the weight but once you know what to do it is easy and quick to change. The tray in which this dumbbell sit on it well fitted and useful.
I think wife and I will be be cancelling the gym long-term and just aim to get the odd gym equipment for home with the savings. Our longer term plan it to build a small exercise frame outside with a small sheltered area.
It takes a little getting used to changing the weight but once you know what to do it is easy and quick to change. The tray in which this dumbbell sit on it well fitted and useful.
I think wife and I will be be cancelling the gym long-term and just aim to get the odd gym equipment for home with the savings. Our longer term plan it to build a small exercise frame outside with a small sheltered area.
Second is it seems like they are coated with a black paint. When doing reps and they touch the black starts to flake off. I have had a few flakes land in my eye and mouth when doing exercises. These could be dangerous especially if lifting heavy and a flake of the paint gets in your eye.
Third is that they advertise them in lbs instead of kg. I also I read the small description of them so I knew they were set in kg weight but they shouldn’t be advertising them as the 71.5lb weights because no where on them does it give lb indication. It is completely in kg. I can convert myself no problem but I still think its shady to advertise in lb instead of kg. They should supply both on it if they are going say that. Otherwise just state how heavy they go in KG. I can see people ordering these and being disappointed when it is in Kg.
Other than that they have been excellent for the few months I have been using them. Clank of the weights is almost unnoticeable unless you are doing cleans or something with quick motion and twisting of them.
They cost about the same price as two 75lb dumbbells would cost except you get the various weights in between as well. (Although this is a high price for weights at the current moment. Dumbbells used to go for 99cents a lb.
Oh… also be weary. My set said it included the stand with them. But when it arrived it did NOT come with the stand. Was very disappointed in that. The stand would have been perfect in my room but sadly it didn’t come with them as it stated. Another false advertising move.
Product works well. Easy to change weight.
You will need to order 2 sets, comes 1 dumbbell per orde