AUTO-VOX TD-2 Digital Wireless Reversing Camera IP68

AUTO-VOX TD-2 Digital Wireless Reversing Camera IP68 Waterproof Backup Camera Stable Signal Reverse Camera Kit with Night Vision Car Rear View Camera 4.3'' LCD Monito

If you have any problems, please consult us and we are always standing by to help.
Dimensions: | 12 x 8 x 2 cm; 520 Grams |
Model: | TD-2 |
Manufacture: | AUTO-VOX |
Dimensions: | 12 x 8 x 2 cm; 520 Grams |
Origin: | China |
The Auto-Vox TD2 works well and the clarity of the monitor screen is very good day or nigh
Overall good purchase. Install was harder to do than expected but that is to do with my car rather than the product. The picture is not HD but for its purpose it does not need to be. It gets the job done
Love this camera as it solves all our issues in getting a reversing cam on our VW T6 camper van.
It’s a relatively easy install – just need to break into the reverse light signal to power up the wireless camera that signals to the dash display
Couple of tips though – for me, I have installed the wireless ‘dongle’ element via 3m tape to the rear door so it is not hidden behind the door card. I did it this way so I get a good signal between the camera and head unit. There’s more than enough cable for any camera install so no need to worry about wiring runs
Night performance is OK – especially when using LED reversing bulbs as they help to make the picture clearer and brighte
We have a motor home this helps with reversing into spaces
This is a brilliant piece of kit, fitted it to the back of my truck and it works a treat. Great buy highly recommend.
I don’t know much about cars in general myself, but I installed this camera with ease in a short amount of time. Very simple and easy to read instructions.
The camera itself is great quality, especially for the price. Guidelines can be added or removed and the view can be mirrored or un-mirrored.
I few days after installing, I broke the mount for the monitor. I received a new one free of charge within days due to having a warranty on the item. This was all thanks to the fantastic customer service from Kaya who helped me through the process of receiving a new mount.
It’s very good, would recommend. One pro tip.
In the manual it says wire the earth up to any iron part of the vehicle, this didn’t work for me
It only worked when I connected the cameras earth wire to the earth wire of the reversing light I was connecting it to.
I emailed customer service and they were very quick to reply, even between Xmas and New Years which I was very pleased with
The picture is very good and clear although not as perfect as a wired camera, which is also much cheaper,
All in all, knowing what I know now it is the easiest to install, and I would recommend
I actually returned it because of the small screen size. In all of the advertising it’s portrayed as being bigger so I was quite disappointed. Also better to choose a HD or 4K version. Bit left behind this one for me
Good quality fitted within an hour and worked first time. Very easy to operate and good quality picture from camera. Fitted to 7mtr motorhome.
I bought this item little over 2 years ago and installed it in my previous car. Absolutely decent but of kit and ready to install.
But about 16 months after, I sold the car but before I did, I removed the camera and placed in it’s box and put it in my garage, indenting in installing it in my next car.
I never go around to installing it in my new car for at least 6 months but when I did, I noticed that a large patch of blackness was on the screen. It was roughly the size of a ten pence piece. I think it was just dead pixels.
Unfortunately it was also outside of the 2 year warranty.
But I did message the seller and explain my circumstances but didn’t expect any help really as I had purchased the item just over 2 years ago.
But the Customer Services offered by Vicky was second to none. After I sent her photos of the screen, without any hesitation she offered to send me a replacement which I received within a day or two.
I couldn’t praise this company more. The new camera it’s now installed in my new car and it’s doing a fantastic job.
This was bought to be used as a rear view camera for a VW Sharan. It was easy to install and exceeded expectations, providing a fantastic picture quality.
The major plus for me though was the customer service. After 3 weeks the monitor began having an issue where it wouldn’t power up for several minutes after the engine started. I sent an email to Autovox, expecting a lengthy wait and perhaps a repair. Instead I got a very quick and helpful response from Vicky from Autovox, who arranged to send me out a full replacement set. No quibbling, no fuss. Absolutely flawless customer service! Thank you so much Vicky for all your help. I would highly recommend Autovox for both their products and their aftersales care
Have this system for a couple of years , then had a problem with the camera. With support from Vicky of Toshare EU my problem was resolved. Thanks Vicky
Easy to install, just find the positive & negative for the reversing lamp & secure to these, attach the camera & away you go. Only takes 30-45mins for the whole process & I’m pleased with the results. Had an issue with one component missing from the box but messaged Vicky from the seller & she resolved the problem as quickly as possible with no hassle at all. That ladies & gentlemen is customer service done right. I would recommend the product & the seller. A+
Owing to circumstances I had to wait for it to be installed. Up and running now. So far not a problem got it where I want it. Clear visibility perfect.
Simple to install and great picture quality. I accidentally trapped and damaged the power cable between car charger and monitor. Emma at Customer services swiftly sent me a replacement cable free of charge. What an excellent service. Thank you.
Did what it said fit to indicator wire to earth
Worked straight away
Bought this product in May 2020. Easy to install and easy to use. Camera recently stopped working. Throughly checked everything e.g. wires power etc. Still didn’t work, so contacted the seller, as was still under warranty.
Emma from the customer service team emailed me back within 24 hours and after a couple of email exchanges, confirmed they would send a new camera free of charge. What really great customer service. Definitely recommend buying from this company.
Ausserdem habe ich die Kamera nicht an die Stromversorgung des Rckfahrscheinwerfers angeschlossen, sondern ich habe mir ein kleines Funkrelais gekauft (wenige ), mit dem ich die Kamera vom hinter dem Fenster laufenden Stromkabel mit Dauerplus und Null versorge. Dieses Relais wird ber einen kleinen Funktaster am Armaturenbrett drahtlos ein- und ausgeschaltet. Das hat den Zweck, dass ich auer beim Rckwrtsfahren auch whrend der Fahrt einen Blick nach hinten werfen kann, um zu sehen, wie sich mein Boot auf dem Anhnger hinter dem Sprinter benimmt.
Das Farbbild ist natrlich nicht HD-Qualitt, aber fr den angestrebten Zweck ausreichend. Auch bei Dunkelheit reicht es in Zusammenarbeit mit meinem Rckfahrscheinwerfer aus. Die in drei Stufen verstellbaren mehrfarbigen Abstandslinien auf dem Bildschirm sind hilfreich, wenn man ein bisschen trainiert hat, und ebenso gelingt nach einiger Gewhnung die Annherung an die Kupplung des Anhngers auf wenige Zentimeter genau.
Ein Wermutstropfen war nach jetzt zwei Jahren Gebrauch der Saugfu der Scheibenhalterung des Monitors. Aus dem bisher gut haltenden Sauger trat eine glibberige klebrige Flssigkeit aus,(Silikon?) die sich nur schwer von der Scheibe eintfernen lie, und der Sauger wurde unbrauchbar. Dazu muss ich sagen, dass mein Fahrzeug immer im Freien steht, die Frontscheibe hufig der Sonne ausgesetzt ist und im Sommer entsprechen hei wird. Dafr gab es in der Gesamtwertung einen Stern weniger (warum muss der Sauger gelgefllt sein? Mein Navi hlt auch mit einfachem Gummisauger, Gewicht etwa gleich).
Der Mangel aber wurde durch einen unerwartet guten Service wieder wett gemacht. Eine Dame namens Claudia antwortete mir noch am selben Tag auf meine Mail mit Bitte um ein Ersatzteil an und nahm sich freundlich und kompetent meines Problems an. Sie bat mich um meine Lieferanschrift und sagte mir einen kostelosen Ersatz der Halterung zu, der schon 3 Tage spter beim mir eintraf. Die werde ich nun nicht mehr stndig an der Scheibe lassen, sondern nur bei Gebrauch des Monitors, damit er hoffentlich lnger hlt.
Fazit: Zufrieden mit dem Gert, sehr glcklich ber einen selten so gut und freundlich erlebten Service.
Schnen Sommer
Bought this system to fit into a small Motorhome. It’s so simple to put in. The camera was attached to the rear panel of my vehicle and the digital transmitter attached to it, was pushed behind the body panel. The two wires were connected to the reverse light. At the front of the van I attached the monitor to its power cable and then onto the windscreen. The picture from the camera was extremely clear, but unfortunately I had not pressed the monitor mount hard enough, and it dropped down between the windscreen and dashboard. The monitor mount snapped at its swivel ball. I contacted the sellers and suppliers, and they immediately sent another mount free of charge!! Great service. My only moan is that the sellers call it a “back-up” camera, which implies, to me at least, that it is a camera that “helps” another system. Perhaps the word “Reversing” camera could be used, especially when searching for such a system
Really quick and easy to install – I just needed to find the correct wires to hook into (Google and YouTube are your friend here!). I have never done anything with car electrics other than change a bulb or charge a phone. If I can install this, so can you!
As with other Auto-Vox Reversing Cameras the packaging is well thought out.
It is worth pointing out that if you are fitting it to a hatchback then you will probably need additional cabling to extend the live and ground leads from the hatchback to the boot (based on fitting to a MK3 Ford Focus)
Removing the tailgate plastic trim takes a bit of thought and patience but it can be done.
I had an issue with the monitor not receiving the signal from the transmitter / camera,
this is where the outstanding customer service comes in.
I contacted Vicky in customer support and the problem was quickly resolved, she is a credit to Auto-Vox and always courteous and professional when dealing with a very frustrated customer.
5 stars for Vicky’s customer support skills!
I have used it for almost 2 years. Installation difficulty varies from car to car. I got help from an electrician. But unfortunately it is broken now. There is no picture on the screen. And the usb part was also broken by itself. I recommend those who take this into consideration. It is not a lifetime device.
This was a very easy item to install,I installed it on the rear of my caravan with the screen on my car dashboard and it works perfectly.
Amazing piece of kit. Saves having to run cables from rear to front. Good quality picture on screen which automatically switches on when put into reverse.
I had a specific requirement for this kit. I did not want to spend 1500 to integrate a camera with the entertainment unit. I also wanted the screen to be hidden when driving and hidden when parked up, this was a requirement because the car is very cute and compact. I installed the screen in the glovebox, utilised a 240v plunger switch to turn the camera on when the door is opened. Running the 12v camera trigger cable from glovebox to the boot was laborious to avoid the folding roof, but not as difficult as reported on YouTube. I shrouded the cables in braided sleeves “fattening” the diameter of the sleeve with automotive fabric tape where rattles might be a risk. I used rubber grommets on the camera cable where it passed through the boot skin, oiling the camera plug to push it through the grommets to limit stress on the plug.
Once positioned with the as-supplied brackets (they work just fine), I measured and replaced the camera bracket and the screen bracket with fabricated stainless steel material. I did this because I think the camera and screen are very good quality and I wanted to make the installation as solid and long lasting as possible.
I modified the hand-made bracket twice so that I could achieve the maximum view of obstacles close to the bumper (as shown with the hoover tube photo).
I enjoyed the installation and have tested it in an Asda car park with all the white lines. I really like the glove compartment activation because I can utilise the camera when rolling forward INTO a parking slot and stopping at the correct position.
I have soldered all connections and used heat shrink to double insulate all connections. I have found that the snap connectors can corrode in moist/damp conditions leading to voltage drops after about two years.
The instructions book is simple and clear. The packaging is just fine and the delivery was without problems.
When I registered the kit (for the warranty) with Auto-Vox I was provided with a contact number and email for any additional questions or problems in the future. It is good to know that Vicky from Auto-Vox is waiting to hear from me if I have any queries or problems. Trust me, this level of support is not normal and I like it!
Really easy to install and excellent customer service. Went above and beyond to help.
Much more than just a buy, the after sale service is perfect. A special thanks to Joanne who help me more than expectated. So if like me you need a second camera, without screen, it’s possible and easy. Nos I van ses what’s on the back side of my trailler (8m long) and also have good right when using my bike carrier on my car !
A first class service !
Excellent quality, great that each unit pairs up to its own monitor, meaning that you can fit one on the front of the car if needed. The TD2 monitor can be controlled to reverse the image, alter or remove the parking lines, amongst other features.
Very good quality easy to fit very happy with my purchase
Very satisfied with this. A car company did the installation for me and it reacts directly when I turn in the reverse, no delay at all. Works alot better than I thought in the night too. You can actually see like everything, even in the night.
A huge thanks/plus for the customer service too who was able to help me out when I needed to change the camera (it was completely my fault).
Very good reverse camera quality is very good easy installation and very good view in the Nigh
A fiddle finding the right spot for the camera on the back of my grotty old Citroen Dispatch (eventually put it alongside the number plate light towards the centre). One small hole for the cable and connected to the number plate light. The camera then comes on with ignition and side/headlights. All connections then inside the rear door and no wires trailing about in the back of the van. Screen positioned wheee the rear view mirror would be. It works well but a bit too wide angle and screen too dark during the day even on brightest setting. It gives an amazingly good picture at night! Overall it makes the van much safer to drive and reverse but a brighter larger screen would be even better.
Very easy to set up and use. The picture quality is very good.
Excellent bit of kit, fast delivery all in all fantastic service.Thank you.
I have been using this item for 2 weeks, and I am very pleased with it.
I got a garage to install this and it works brilliantly although given the COVID thing I have not really had much chance to use it.
The view & quality from the camera is good. Happy with this purchase, only downside it is a bit of a pain installing it.
Really pleased. I’m not used to electrics bit I installed it myself in a few hours. Only took me this long as I had to work out how to get the camera lead from the boot and into the lights for the power. Great value for money. I have a LWB VW T5 and it picks up the picture with ease. I would buy agai
Like most accessories SUV against car will take alot longer, detrimming etc. Picture and set up is OK. Screen size could do with being larger.No picture flicker and is instant.
Well I bought this camera kit after changing my van as the new van had no reversing sensors or anything for that matter, the product arrived all intact and on time , the installation is easy after routing the cable from camera to transmitter it’s all very easy , I located the monitor where the old interior mirror was mounted ( the rear van window had metal blackout over the glass ) connected the unit to a 12v permanent live via a isolator rocker switch enabling me to switch off at the end of the day, two weeks went by and ok , then the camera failed after contacting the supplier and sending photos of what I could see they dispatched a new camera which came in less than 48hr what a terrific service from this company , after a delay to install the replacement unit ( due to work load , self employed property repairs in north west England ) the product has been fitted and works , fantastic great product , fantastic after sales from Joanne can’t thank you enough ,easy reversing not worrying about parking when on call at customers houses , thanks again Joanne and Auto-Vox I’m glad I purchased regards clive c.p.s
My friend helped me fit this to my van, really pleased with the product, can’t fault it would highly recommend A+
Only instaolled yesterday but so far so good. Very clear picture i would defijnatelt recommend
28thMay 2021 I had problem with camera emailed Auto Vox Vicky in customer service dealt with my problem extremely helpful carried out number of tests. Vicky then arranged to send me a replacement cable
and camera which i am going to have fitted shortly Many thanks to Vicky at Auto Vox for excellent customer service .pw
The main screen is quite clear, we used the sticky mount to sit the camera flat on the dash, it will hold it on the vertical but in warm weather it kept falling off.
There is no delay in the camera feed, my only gripe is that the CCD in the camera always exposes the scene to the value of the sky, like many cheap cameras of this type do so even on sunny days with a bright sky the camera can over compensate and make the image a little dark, angling the screen directly at your eyes and upping the brightness helps with this.
Not having to run the camera signal wire front to back is a major bonus, its never not worked and has really helped with me not having to crane my neck and hit the curb when reversing, couple this with cheap reversing sensors and your sorted.
Easy to install good day time picture but at night reverse lamps cast a dazzle over picture,saying that still usable at night.Good camera would be better if the wire from the camera was fitted to the back of the camera instead of the bottom.
Excellent item this has helped me greatly with reverse parking, very clear picture , I broke the mount being clumsy , contacted auto vox to purchase another and they replaced it free of Charge , excellent company and customer service would buy from them again .
Very Easy to fit on mondeo mk5 hatchback, only started using it today and found the picture quality to be a bit Grainy however it is clear enough view day and nigh
Very handy reverse camera with a dashboard display screen for reverse parking. Little Camera has to be carefully linked with reverse light to bring it to function. Moderately easy to install. During installation, precaution should be taken not to over-stress the wire connections and circuits. I didn’t have any difficulty once I precisely followed the instruction manual.
Otherwise camera fits in well and does the job effectively and the display screen is the right size. good value for money.
I have today successfully installed the TD-2 in my horse trailer.
It was very easy to connect up to the wires in the interior light fitting in the trailer. The supplied scotch locks worked very well no need for any special tools. A screwdriver to remove light fitting for the access to wires and a pair of pliers to clamp the scotch locks on to them. I don’t even need to keep the light on in the trailer for it to work.
I have yet to take the horse out in the trailer so will update once I have tried it on the road.
The advantage of the wireless camera is no need to thread a cable the length of the vehicle, being digital the picture on the monitor is first class with no interference. However please be aware of the obvious! I carefully installed the camera on my Freelander above the number plate, I then fed the lead across the back door to connect to the transmitter and in turn the reversing light. Simple worked great for four months. Then no picture.
Upon investigation I discovered I had carefully routed the cable across the door however the mechanisms for the rear window were let’s be polite and say complicated! They (the rear window mechanism) had gently worn through the cable whilst opening and closing the rear window. I soldered a new cable in place but still no picture.
I then contacted Elena at Auto-Vox who very kindly sold me a new camera and transmitter. After a short wait the package arrived from China, installed on Freelander and it works a treat. A first class reversing camera and monitor that is simple to install and works well, providing you look carefully at the mechanical movements in the door!!!
I therefore recommend Auto-Vox for first of all producing an excellent reversing camera and also for their after sales service with assistance and replacing parts I had broken. Well done and thank you.
Can’t fault the product. Brilliant! This is the third one I have bought!
Very very good bit of kit. Screen resolution is perfectly good enough. the screen suction mechanism is poor quality for a 90 purchase and broke so I will be asking for a replacement.
Overall very happy
The reversing camera was very easy to fit, and has worked without fault for over a month now.
The clear picture and guide lines make reversing our campervan sooooo much easier than before.
Would not hesitate to recommend to anyone!!
This worked perfectly for a while but when left parked in the sun was intermittent. I suspect a small component inside the box probably overheated. I cannot fault this company for customer service, especially Elena, who kept in touch with me on a regular basis. It is a breath of fresh air that there are still some companies who care about their customer satisfaction. My new camera is working perfectly at the moment and I cannot recommend this company highly enough. They are brilliant. Forgot to mention that the sent a replacement within 2 days.
Good but basic setup. Simple to setup and connect to the car. The screen is light in weight, which is good.
Easy to install but had trouble making final connection to MY reversing light which is in a stupid location on bumper. Had to get a qualified auto leccy to do the final connection and waited 6 weeks fer him to turn up. Am well satisfied wiv the product tho which is just wot i needed. A big thanx to all concerned!!
I installed this item on a van with solid rear doors just for my own peace of mind with regard to kids playing while I’m reversing and for me it does give that assurance of complete safety! Installation in a vehicle without a headcloth or an internal rear view mirror is so much more simple; maybe I should have rated this component with five stars rather than four but if you don’t want a power cable from the cigarette socket swinging around the cab then a little bit of work is necessary. The picture quality is good and there is no significant time delay; even in low light the image is more than adequate though bright lights tend to “white out” a significant portion of the screen until the camera aperture adjusts itself. Taking everything into account I feel that it is good value for money although I do think the screen size could do with an extra inch or two for complete clarity. A very useful little item.
Excellent but a bit expensive. However was easy to install so garage labour cost was kept low.
Just installed it 2 days ago and found very good results. You only need to get good connection with the reverse light and that’s it. It works very well and quick. Back view is awesome. WiFi connection between the camera and monitor is good and never droops.
great product and relatively easy to fit. Works every time and doesnt lose picture or pixxelate.
I had this fixed by a garage and they were worried that it might be a target for damage. He showed me a camera that
fitted the top light. But too late I had bought your product.
Good camera really easy to install just connect to reverse light wires.The suction cup is only downside as it dont really work i ended up glueing it to dashboard as camera can be removed .
Excellent product the only downside it would stay stuck to the textured plastic dash. But managed to improvise
I am really a happy with this camera, it has a large display and it is very clear, connects immediately and is very easy to connect ……. you connected 2 wires and you are ready to go
Quite surprised how good this is, about an hour to fit and set up, night vision is better then expected and my husband hasn’t backed into my car since
I have had back camera for nearly 12 months. But it has stopped working. I have tried all troubleshooting solutions. Please can you help .THANKS. Richard.
once i’d engaged my brain the wiring was easy. the camera is good and the screen clear. However the screen stand is sub par.The sticky pad often fails and i find the screen dangling from it’s power cable. The screen fit to the stand is not very positive either. Let’s the whole camera system down.
Great value, easy to fit and so useful when reversing into tight spots. When fitted on my dash looks just like any satnav. Camera comes on very soon after selecting reverse gear. Works well in daylight or night time. The handy green/red 3D grid on the screen makes it easier to judge distances when parking. Have recommended this excellent product to family and friends. Really takes the stress out of reversing – especially at night!
Really pleased with this reversing camera for my VW CAMPERVAN. Fitting the earth connection to the reversing light on my VW T5 took a little bit if expertise…but the fact that it involved no internal cables it has worked v well. …works a trea
Good quality and easy to install, was bit worried as picture was bit lagging -8* outside back home in Lithuania but works fine in a good weather conditions 0*+
Well worth buying, easy and quick to fit to my motorhome good picture on screen the only downside is the suction pad keeps falling off window.
It was easy to fit but I have a Land Rover with lots of gaps so no drilling (a disco two ) arrived a day early and the instructions were good ….buy one today…
A lady called Vicki contacted me and said even though it was out of warranty they would replace the camera.
The service I got from Vicki was above and beyond
Michael H
bought 2 and Easy and fast to set up but both monitors stopped working after a couple of yrs.
Fast delivery and kit was straight forward to install. Antenna fitted nicely out of sight. Compact wire connectors. Good reception with no interference
Easy to install.Fitted this to my van number plate.Gives out good clear vision a all times.Would not be without it.First class uni
Item ordered due to special offer. Excellent value and quality but not installed. Returned without any problem and excellent customer service provided
After a while the camera took a few more seconds to show on the monitor than normal so having got in touch with the supplier their communications are fantastic by the way, they sent a replacement unit which works fine to date.
Overall experience with the supplier is fantastic and I would definitely recommend this product and supplier.
Fantastic machine.
Clear picture at all times
Easy to operate
Good value
Well made
Great kit easy to install good pictures and a good viewing angle from camera
The camera system is easy to install both in the cab and by the number plate. Took 5 minutes to wire up. Picture quality is good. Only niggle is the wi-fi takes time to kick in when selecting reverse….seems to work better in warmer climes??
A replacement part was forwarded without cost and followed up to ensure that everything was ok.
I cannot express my thanks enough for all the effort that was put into ensuring that the damaged part was replaced, without cost and all the time spent on checking that everything had been received and was in working order.
Fitting of the Camera was so easy, being wireless and the digital display is excellent.
On the test the results from the camera were excellent and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this product and the seller.
My car already had reversing sensors that ‘bleep’ with increasing intensity as the car approaches an obstacle, but I felt that a visual indication would assist me to reverse around a series of obstructions in my very restricted driveway – particularly in the dark! The Auto-vox TD-2 seemed to offer a very cost effective and neat solution with the added advantage of avoiding the need to thread wiring between the rear camera to the dash-mounted LCD monitor.
The kit arrived very quickly and the various components seemed of good quality with everything included to complete the installation. The installation was very quick after I had identified the wires feeding the reversing lights to which the camera was to be connected. On completing the installation, an intermittent problem became apparent with an unacceptable delay between selecting reverse gear and the image appearing on the screen. The delay ranged from about three to ten seconds. I rechecked my wiring and everything seemed fine.
At this point I contacted Auto-vox and explained the problem. The support team at Auto-vox responded very quickly and were extremely helpful, offering several suggestions, eventually sending me a replacement unit, which unfortunately had the same problem.
To cut a long story short, I eventually discovered that the problem lay with my installation. I had chosen to connect the camera wiring to the existing reversing sensor power lead rather than directly to the reversing light circuit. This had the effect of overstressing the old T-tap connectors which were making a fairly poor connection to the lighting circuit. After remaking all the connections, the system now works perfectly with a very clear image of the area behind the vehicle – even in the dark!
In summary, the Auto-vox TD-2 kit is an excellent product as long as you take care to ensure a good connection to the vehicle reversing light circuit. In addition, I must say that the support team at Auto-vox were quite exceptional in providing help and advice that was tailored to my limited knowledge of all things electronic!
One final suggestion to Auto-vox — I think that the red/black wires for connecting to the reversing light circuit are unnecessarily thin and delicate, particularly if the insulation is removed for a soldered or T-tap spade connection rather than the Scotch-lock connectors provided with the kit. Perhaps a heavier cable could be used.
A pain having to drill through vehicle shell & strip van lining to install but otherwise ok
Very easy installation and picture quality is excellent. Have this fitted on my pick up truck and wouldn’t be without it. Great product.
This is a very good product at a reasonable price. I found it easy to install and it worked straight out of box. The various width and length adjustments together with the camera swivel allow for a very accurate rear view, whatever you are backing into. Very pleased with product. Left the durability measure as only fitted last week
I must say I’m very impressed with this camera, it was easy to install and was up and running in no time. It took longer to refit the boot panel than it did I to install the camera and wire up. Picture quality is excellent, and displays virtually instantly when I select reverse.
Installed system into a van so was concerned about the amount of wire supplied. There was plenty, the instal went really well and was relatively easy. Picture is a little grainy but not bad.
It is super easy to install, just stick the camera on the back of your rear plate with the 3M stickers provided and connect 2 cables to the reverse lights so that the camera automatically switches on when you out the gear in reverse. This is pretty much the installation you have to do. I did it in less than an hour and I’m a real novice. The screen is wireless therefore you can put it anywhere on the dash as it just need to be connected to the lighter socket and positioned with a very strong suction cup. No cables to install in the car! The image quality is very good, even in the dark and it switches on and off very quickly. Everything shows care and quality, the camera, the screen, the package and even the instructions booklet.
I needed a complete camera product for my daughter first car, as she is still scared of driving and reversing, and this camera fit and ticked all the boxes. Easy to install, operate and high quality screen for both front and back cameras. Glad to get it as now my daughter now feels more comfortable to drive.
Was doubtful at first but honestly it was simple.
Very pleased with it.
This camera is really excellent. I’ve installed it below the rear bumper of my Discovery 2. Installation was fine, wiring a little tricky but depends how accessible your existing wiring is. Much easier than running cables through your car. Recommended.
This reversing camera is perfect for me because I am a new driver for 3 months. The installation is simple, just connect to the reversing light line, and the night image is quite clear.