AutoFull Cinnamoroll Gaming Chair High Back Ergonomic Office

AutoFull Cinnamoroll Gaming Chair High Back Ergonomic Office Desk Computer Chair with Lumbar Support, Racing Style PU Leather Task Chair with Footrest, White & Blue

Weight: | 26.3 kg |
Dimensions: | 70 x 70 x 134 cm; 26.3 Kilograms |
Brand: | AutoFull |
Model: | AF101WSB-CB |
Colour: | White |
Dimensions: | 70 x 70 x 134 cm; 26.3 Kilograms |
Der Gaming Stuhl ist hammermig
Aber als ich die komplette Liege funktion ausprobiert habe, ist er ganze Stuhl umgekippt und ich habe mich am Rcken verletzt 🙁 nich so toll (wiege 55kg)
Sonst alles super
Schn weiches Kissen am Kopf und Armlehne
Pas si facile monter car les couleurs et taille de caractre utiliss sur la notice sont peu adapts. Quelques vis un peu rcalcitrantes galement. A voir sur la dure mais semble de bonne qualit.
Hard to assemble as one of the screw holes wasn’t right and the screw kept popping out took about 20 mins to do one screw ended up having to push the side and pull the back rest together and FINALLY the screw went in!! Once that was done it was easy enough, took me about 40 mins myself to put the rest together
It’s the CUTEST design EVER! I was between the hello kitty chair and the cinnamoroll one but there both super cute. I preferred the look of the cinnamoroll one as my whole set up is pink, I wanted something different. I definitely made the right choice!
It’s really REALLY comfy, firm but comfy and OMG the reclining function and footrest together are the perfect combo! Very supportive.
All in all I’m so happy with it.
Thank you autofull this has got to be the cutest gaming chair ever!
If your body is wide or taller than 170cm you’ll need the Razer Iskur X – Hello Kitty and Friends Edition.
Good stuff:
The cute factor is 100% happiness guaranteed
Quality stitching
PU leather feels soft
The seat tilts back far, feels secure, and is comfortable with the footrest.
The armrests don’t lower enough to fit the smaller people the chair is clearly made for.
I would expect more adjustment options (in every direction) on the arms at 400euro.
I’m 165cm and it generally fits me.
If you’re taller the neck rest isn’t going to fit. The seat depth is 49cm.
If you have wide hips the seat will put pressure on the sides of your hips/legs.
If you need a wide seat, don’t get this. At 55cm across it barely fits me. The right/left side edges of the seat are rigid and not well padded, and they take up 6-7cm of the total 55cm seat width.
This chair isn’t specifically marketed as a teen/kids chair but it’s sized that way.
I love this chair. I think it is very cute and suits me, but it doesn’t provide a lot of support. I’m also having things falling off (e.g. the very tight arm rest covers?) and it is definitely a heavy chair. If you’re small/not very strong like me, it does get annoying trying to pull yourself closer to the desk with the chair. I like the footrest though it’s a bit of a pain so I don’t use as much. It does very good “boosting” me up (I don’t have to use a cushion) and I’d recommend it. I built it myself and took a couple hours, it’s pretty straightforward once you know what you’re doing but the instructions could be clearer!
La compre para mi pareja, esta es su resea:
– Lo primero de todo, la buena calidad de la silla, solo en el montaje se aprecia. Ha sido fcil de montar, 10/15 mins entre dos personas, trae tornillos extras.
– Los detalles estn cuidados.
– La imagen de la silla es espectacular y muy bonita.
1 Funcionamiento de la silla: se desliza bien, no se mueve con movimientos accidentales o ligeros, permanece en su sitio, tiene el peso suficiente.
2 Ergonoma: punto importante ya que soy una chica gordita y bajita, esto punto me preocupaba bastante porque no todas las sillas son cmodas para cuerpos grandes. Mido 1,57cm de alto, la altura de la silla es perfecta. De caderas tengo 139cm y el asiento es perfecto, no me chocan los muslos con los reposabrazos ni nada. De cintura tengo 110cm, y eso hace que la parte de atrs, Justo la zona ms cercana al asiento si se marque un poco al sentarse, pero de forma mnima, y si la reclinas ligeramente, nada, es perfecta, adems al tener el cojn ya si que ni se nota y para la zona de los riones es fantstico. Creo que esto puede animar a muchas ms personas como yo que a veces tenemos problemas para encontrar sillas que nos sean cmodas, es perfecta porque no sientes que la ests balanceando o que va a quebrar por tu peso ni que la silla “sufre”. Vamos, GORDITA APPROVED.
3 Accesorios: el cojn de nube es brutalmente cmodo. El cojn del asiento que es como una estera es muy cmodo y se agradece para no sudar tanto. El cojn del cuello es la medida perfecta para una persona de mi altura. La diadema es sper cuqui!!! Meramente decorativa. El bolsillo de atrs sper til. Los reposabrazos NO son acolchados, este es un pequeo punto negativo, pero apenas los uso, traen una funda suave, maravilloso para poder lavarla en el futuro. El reposapis se siente resistente, insisto mis piernas no son pequeas jajaja, y no se tambalea ni da la sensacin de caer, ver con el tiempo lo resistente que es.
4 Acabados: demuestran una gran calidad, el tacto es muy bueno y es una silla firme. El respaldo se reclina perfectamente y es cmodo. Si eres una persona muy alta tal vez te sobresalgan un poco la parte trasera del muslo hacia la rodilla, el asiento tiene 50cm de profundo y 55cm de ancho. El material es suave y al tacto es agradable. Al aadir el cojn de esterilla, viene unas piezas color crema para que no se mueva, me habra gustado que fuesen blancas o azules para que no desentonasen tanto jeje pero bueno.
Actualizar cualquier informacin que crea que puede servir para animaros a comprar esta silla. El precio es alto, entendamos que es marca registrada y una customizacin, eso siempre vale ms, pero la calidad es excelente y eso es muy importante tambin, ests pagando por la calidad de la silla, lo digo con sinceridad.
Realmente un acierto de compra, espero que me dure una eternidad y espero ayudaros a decidir con esta resea.
I loved it, it may seem pricey however defo worth it! Very Comfey!
Secondly, I’ve been waiting a long time for this particular Autofull chair to come on to the European market, as it originally was only released in China. As soon as it was available I knew I needed the chair.
It arrived within 2 days. Fast dispatch and next day delivery. Courier is DPD
Let me tell you something important – the price here on Amazon has fluctuated, but has only gone UP since I bought this chair on the 8th of April. It’s now 50 more than I bought it for. Do yourself a favour and buy it on the Autofull website if you want it otherwise you will spend more than necessary.
Now to review the chair. We timed it and between two people, it took about an hour to assemble. Please only assemble with two people, you need the help. If you can, get another Alan key. Only one of each size comes with the chair and so we had to take it in turns using it which slowed down the job as a lot of the time it’s symmetrical (you have the same thing to do on both sides)
As of writing this I have had the chair for 40 days. You can return it for any reason for free for 30 days from what I understand. After that there is a 3-year warranty which does not account for personal wear-and-tear.
The good:
The design is very cute and sweet. I like it a lot more than Razer’s design. Everything about it is cute from the armrests, lumbar cushion, the back, the pillow. It’s perfect for me in that regard.
It is great for naps. I joked that you can use it like a guest bed it’s that good for a quick nap. The pull-out leg rest is pretty good.
The reclining feature is great but sometimes it does struggle to lock in place when upright every so often.
The wheels will not move around without placing some intent in your movement, meaning you won’t skid around all the time. Perfect for sitting at a desk in that regard.
It’s a firm but comfy chair. You can’t fall in to it and go “ahhhh” in relief like you can with a bed, but it’s reasonably comfy.
THE ROCKING FEATURE. Basically if you apply some pressure on to something while sat such as a wall or floor, you can rock back slightly. Oh my goodness I love this feature a LOT. It’s great for me.
The arms move in to three positions and lock quite well. You have to push on them to make them go in to a different position so that’s quite good design. You can also move the arms up and down, they’re pretty good.
The design is great, I am hoping and thinking that it will last me for years. The longevity of the chair looks to be good. I think I will own this chair for a long while.
It’s the only Hello Kitty chair on the UK market. If having a HK chair is a must to you like it is to me, get it.
The bad:
Unfortunately there are some things I dislike about the chair and could be better.
Customer service first of all. About 20 days in I noticed that it started making noise. Quite a bit of noise actually, like creaking when I moved around and stuff. When I contacted the customer service about this through their Autofull website (email form) I heard nothing back at all. Radio silence.
The lumbar cushion is cute but comes with straps to attach it to the chair. The straps cover up part of the back design and i don’t like them. I would happily pay extra for no straps as the cushion is nice otherwise. Do note this particularly because the straps are not on any of the photos by Autofull. I added another photo to the review to show what the straps cover up so you can make an informed choice yourself.
If you see the 9th photo I uploaded, this is what happens to Kitty’s face on the chair after use. She grows… wrinkles? Kinda not great but okay.
Another important detail is the Cinnamoroll chair gets more perks than this one cus its a different design (based off of their bunny model chair). It gets a carpet, a headband, and a back pocket, all of which this chair does not have. I would pay extra for a carpet so Autofull please consider making these. I wish both chairs were sharing the same traits/perks.
The pillow for your neck is cute but I’m 5ft 4 and sadly it does not sit comfortably on my neck unless I am reclined. Otherwise it’ll sit on my shoulder blades or near abouts. I have to pull it up and move it. I think the chair is designed for people who are shorter than me. The straps that secure the pillow to the chair are non-adjustable. Making them adjustable would resolve this problem…
The armrests are cute, but they look padded in the photos on the listing. Know that they are completely flat inside; and they are not pillowed. I would have appreciated it if they filled it with stuffing.
I cannot pull myself totally inside my desk cus of the armrests are in the way. When buying the chair consider your desk and if it’s gonna fit the armrests underneath.
Would have liked full rotation on the arms.
The noise.
It’s faux leather so it easily sticks to your body in hot weather. It’s okay for me though, I don’t mind that.
Bit of a cosmetic thing really, and kind of picky, but would it have hurt to make the big black Autofull plush tag white or something of a similar colour to the chair?
You’re paying 350-400 for a chair, you want it to be PERFECT… so even the smallest problems I decided to explain those to you. Overall it’s a great chair, especially for Hello Kitty fans, but not perfect… hence the rating. I hope it helps someone to make an informed purchase!
I like using my chair and I rate it an 8/10. I would like to thank Autofull for bringing this chair to the UK market, because I really wanted this design. Much appreciated.
EDIT: I added some more information. As well, a few days after writing the review I received a parcel containing this Autofull rug (in the last three images) with no notice from Autofull about this gesture. I think they read the part of my review where I mention that the Cinnamoroll chair comes with a rug and wanted to provide a goodwill gesture to me.
It was very kind for them to send a free pink rug and I wasn’t expecting this. Thank you Autofull for reading my review and trying to make this right. I can tell you read my review and took notice to what I had to say. That is evidence of a good company.
The rug itself is of good quality and it has a non-slip backing. It’s very nice especially for free. It also came with a long carry bag.
PS: Autofull, if you put Hello Kitty’s face on a mat, I promise I will buy it. ; )
Expensive but well worth it this is the rolls royce of chair’s
The chair was delivered ahead of schedule and was easy to assemble.
As a person with problems with my back and hip, I am very pleased with the comfort of this chair. All functions of the chair are working appropriately and I would certainly recommend this chair if you are planning to sit for long periods such as work or gaming.