Beach Mat Picnic Blanket Waterproof – Sandproof Beach

Beach Mat Picnic Blanket Waterproof – Sandproof Beach Blanket Extra Large Picnic Mat 210*200cm, Portable Beach Blanket Washable Picnic Blanket for Park, Picnic, Beach Accessories with 4 Metal Stakes

Dimensions: | 210.82 x 200.66 x 0.01 cm; 380 Grams |
Part: | BB-1 |
Manufacture: | EVERSEE |
Dimensions: | 210.82 x 200.66 x 0.01 cm; 380 Grams |
Reference: | BB-1 |
Comodissimo per mettere su altri teli in spiaggia, molto grande e occupa poco spazio!
achet pour la plage, reste mouill un certain temps
texture lgre, agrable
When I read was for the beach, thought perhaps be more comfortable but it wasn’t. And the image showed it as though big enough for 2 with room to lie down. I’m 5’4 and well my feet were on the end. Did certainly make it easier to get sand off just hard to refold.
Easy to fold
Water resistant
And sand just brushes off
Great size and waterproof. Ideal for picnics on grass and on the beach. Even as a car boot liner as well.
This picnic rank it is lovely quality it comes really nicely packaged and is something that we now keep in the car.
Ce drap de plage a t trs utile la plage. Il est suffisamment grand et facile installer grce aux crochets. J’en suis satisfaite
My other half uses this for beach Yoga. Says it’s a good size and is compact when folded away. Overall, a handy ground covering that can pack away easily.
Robusto e funzionale con la sua taschina e sacchetta per riporlo di fissa bene con i 4 picchetti in metallo (ok in pineta al mare). Si asciuga in un attimo e si ripiega facile.
very large and spacious towel (2 people can lie down comfortably)
– 4 iron pegs are included to block the towel on the sand and prevent wind from moving it
– very easy to clean, sand passes through the fabric!
Considering also the low cost, I can only recommend this purchase
Le tissu est bien impermable au dbut aprs dballage. Aprs quelques jours d’utilisation l’impermabilit n’est plus prsente. le tissu est aussi trop fi
Love this item. It’s great at the beach and sand doesn’t come through it. Easy to just pick up and shake. Dries rapidly after sitting obit in wet bathing suits.
It’s small so I leave it in the trunk and use it all the time.
Highly recomend
Ho comprato il telo sperando di avere tra le mani qualcosa di simile al solito telo di tessuto che si porta a mare, solo di dimensioni maggiori.
Sono rimasto abbastanza soddisfatto. Il telo molto grande, adatto a ospitare anche 4 persone se ci si stringe, ed a due strati. L’impermeabilit non totale: uno dei due strati rimane umido dando un p di fastidio ad utilizzo prolungato.
Dal prodotto escono 4 picchetti per fissarlo a terra, utile per giornate ventose.
Molto sottile e compatto, non ha per grande capacit di asciugatura.
Sono comunque soddisfatto del mio acquisto
Leggerissimo e comodissimo con i 4 picchetti.
Non rimane attaccata la sabbia ed facile da ripiegare e riporre nella piccola custodia.
Ottimo acquisto!
Me gusta mucho que es muy grande y fino, para dejar debajo de toallas, anque los pinchos de metal podra ser un poco ms largos
Ottimo tessuto, non credevo fosse cos piacevole al tatto e morbido, pensavo fosse pi “platicoso”.
Ha I suoi picchetti (essenziali direi). Una tasca con zip. Perfetto!!
Me ha encantado, mejor de lo que esperaba. La hemos usado en la playa y estupenda. Muy recomendable
Ho acquistato questo telo sia per le dimensioni sia per le caratteristiche riportate in descrizione e ne sono rimasta contenta. Avevo paura che il tessuto sarebbe risultato un po’ fastidioso ma non affatto cosi
Molto comodo, pratico,impermeabile, facile da utilizzare e lavare in lavatrice. Ottimo
The beach blanket mat is Light weight and easy to use
Vraiment parfait super pratique dans la pochette tiens dans une main
Anti sable lger et impermable avec nos deux enfants en bas ge c’est parfait je recommande viveme
Worth every penny – great size and easy to carry around.
Sand just slides off. Comes with small metal rods to keep the mat from flying away.
Command pour un voyage en avion, pas utilis pour le moment, le tissus est trs lger doux et agrable.
Rien que part la taille et le poids je suis conquise
Very lightweight used it on a beach and sand shook of really well easy to clea
This sits in the buggy ready for action! It is so lightweight, comes with it’s own little bag which is attached to the mat itself and some pegs if you want to secure it to the ground. My Best Buy of this year!
Today last day on beach. We took this down everyday and used it everyday!
Sand didn’t stick and dries quickly!
Beautiful colors, and never got hot to the touch!
The stakes work very well! Umbrellas were flying everywhere one day, but our blame didn’t budge!
We didn’t even fold it, just scrunched it up a little at a time, and it still all went in the bag!
Comfortably fits 2 or 3 people laying down (depends on size of persons).
This is a good size, easy to set up and no sand sticks to it and easy to get it back in the bag. Very compact and not bulky.
Great size and soft to touch. Easy to fold and put away.
Buon prodotto, buone dimensioni, leggero, facile da manovrare e ripiegare. Comodo da posizionare. Poco impermeabile perch se bagnato l’acqua penetra.
This was perfect for the beach! Sand doesn’t stick to it and it stays cool and dry!
Awesome for beach days! Sand free and large enough for the family.
First impression is that it is very thin to be a beach blanket, but tried it anyway. Overall it was great to use at the beach. Water does not absorb, did not get hot, stakes kept it tight, plenty big. Barely takes up space in a beach bag after folding into the storage bag. Hoping it holds up after more use.
una qualit molto interessante la sua estrema compattezza e portabilit per cui piegandolo con cura si riesce a chiudere tutto dentro la sacca da trasporto inclusa in confezione che davvero molto compatta e pu stare benissimo dentro uno zaino od anche una borsa.
a livello di materiali leggerissimo e praticamente sembra di toccare un velo sottilissimo di materiale sintetico, il pregio appunto l’ estrema leggerezza e compattezza il contro che subisce molto la conformazione della superficie sopra cui lo si appoggia, per intenderci se lo appoggiamo sopra un terreno un po’ dissestato diciamo che andandosi a coricarsi sopra si sente l’ irregolarit del terreno e non c’ un effetto di “ammortizzazione” che si pu invece beneficiare con asciugamani classici in tessuto pi spesso.
all’ arrivo completamente inodore, al tatto risulta abbastanza confortevole per cui non da fastidio alla pelle.
altra caratteristica positiva, questo materiale ha una buona propriet idrorepellente per cui l’ acqua ma anche la sabbia tendono a scivolarci sopra piuttosto che a sedimentarsi.
occhio per che non ha un effetto di assorbimento di liquidi per cui non pensate di poterlo usare anche come asciugamano perch risulta inefficace utilizzandolo in questo modo.
altra caratteristica che lo rende super sono i 4 lacci posizionati in corrispondenza degli angoli dentro i quali si inseriscono i pioli di fissaggio gi presenti in contezione, in questa maniera si pu stare sicuri che anche in caso di vento il telo non voler via e rimarr bello fisso e stabile.
di forma praticamente quadrata, un lato misura 2 m l’ altro 2.10 m
presente una tasca integrata dentro cui si possono riporre vari oggetti per essere sicuri di non perderli
concludendo, un buon asciugamano di dimensioni elevate ma estremamente leggero e portatile
valu en situation relle comme mon habitude, ce tissu de plage ou de pic-nic s’est rvl utile par son ct impermable.
Il n’apporte aucun autre confort que l’isolation par rapport au terrain du fait de sa composition (nylon) mais il est lger et trs trs facilement transportable malgr sa grande dimension une fois dpli.
Il faut l’acheter en connaissance de cause (tissu impermable trs lger ne pouvant gommer les irrgularits du terrain sur lequel on le dploie), mais une fois ceci acquis on le glisse dans son sac de rando, ou on l’attache celui-ci grce au petit mousqueton fourni et on est heureux de pouvoir l’utiliser pour profiter de conditions de lunch ou de repos amliores.
environ 15 fourni avec 4 sardines afin de le rendre, lger et facile nettoyer, je cautionne.
This is our second one to use with more people. It holds up to the wind the best and easy to assemble. We are most pleased with this umbrella as we live by the beach and it withstands the winds very well.
Il telo arriva all’interno di in una semplice busta in plastica richiedibile… nella quale troviamo:
– Il Telo
– la sacca che lo contiene
– 4 picchetti in metallo
– 1 piccolo moschettone
Come da descrizione, le dimensioni del telo sono 200cm x 210cm… veramente grande
in Nylon 100% e tale materiale lo rende molto leggero ed impermeabile.
La sacca che lo contiene cucita al telo stesso, cosa
molto utile in modo che non possa essere smarrita inoltre, la trovo utile anche perch mentre il telo aperto, la si pu usare come sacca per contenere qualche oggetto che vogliamo tenere a portata di mano… oltre a questa comunque il telo ha anche un’altra tasca con cerniera abbastanza grande per conservare telefonino, portafogli o qualsiasi altro oggetto, anche questa cucita direttamente al telo.
Negli angoli troviamo gli elastici, dove si inseriscono i picchetti in metallo, attraverso i quali possiamo ancorare il telo alla sabbia, al terreno e/o nei ciottoli. Sempre negli angoli sono anche presenti delle tasche triangolari, dove poter inserire la sabbia o delle pietre in modo da fissare ancora meglio il telo, se dovesse esserci vento.
veramente molto comodo, grazie alle sue misure ci si sta comodamente anche in 3 persone… ed molto adatto soprattutto a chi ha dei bambini in modo da fargli una bella base per giocare tranquillamente.
Ottimo anche come telo da picnic… quindi veramente molto versatile tra mare, montagna, campagna o anche in casa per chi ha un bel giardino!!
Unica pecca forse un p il materiale, essendo in Nylon si impermeabile quindi evita il trapassare dell’umidit dal terreno, ma se siamo al mare tale materiale porter comunque pi calore perch appunto poco trasparente, quindi in questo caso magari consiglio di usarlo come base e mettere per sopra una classica tovaglia da mare in spugna o microfibra, cosa utile anche se si sui ciottoli in modo da ammortizzare e rendere pi comoda la postazione perch il telo molto sottile quindi in questo caso le pietroline potrebbero dare fastidio.
La sua sottigliezza lo rende per molto leggero e quando lo di ripiega, molto piccolo, in modo da essere trasportato comodamente senza pesare e senza occupare spazio
Qualit-prezzo ottima…
Spero la recensione vi sia utile… grazie!!!
First time trying it today, before my big vacation next week. Easy to unfold, but I ended up losing one of the stakes. And the sand pockets look a bit small. But I’m not too worried as my beach shelter has extra stakes and sandbags, and it’s easy to weigh down two corners with my stuff. Be careful with spraying sunscreen on while sitting on it as the droplets will stain the fabric. I’m not too worried, since the reviews say it’s machine washable.
It is much thinner than I expected, but the sand was really easy to shake off. I suck at folding, so I did what I could and had to resort to rolling it up really tight, so it could fit in the bag, which took some doing. But, I really like that the carry bag is attached so you can’t loose it. I put the stakes in the zip bag, but you have to make sure they are positioned properly when folding/rolling it so it can slide into the bag.
I still feel it worked well and the big test will be next week with 2-3 days on the beach, with my full setup and post swimming. Looking forward to seeing how it holds up.
Pi che un telo da mare un sotto telo da mare molto ampio ( 2 x 2, 1 m) in quanto la pelle preferisco poggiarla sulla spugna non sul in nylon.
Il telo pu essere utilizzato anche per picnic, per sdraiarsi nei prati comunque comunque versatile. sottile per cui va fatta attenzione dove viene steso su fondi “puliti” senza oggetti duri e o taglienti sia per la propria incolumit sia per non rovinare il telo stesso.
Pu anche essere utilizzato come parasole, ovviamente necessario avere qualcosa a cui appenderlo per tenerlo solleto, il fissaggio facilitato dalle asole che il telo ha per l’inserimento dei picchetti.
Leggero e facile da trasportare, una volta piegato occupa poco spazio.
Viene fornito insieme ad una sacca per il trasporto, cucita tramite una fascetta al telo stesso cosa che aiuta a non dover cercare un posto dove metterla volta che il telo stato aperto;
ed a 4 picchetti per fissarlo a terra.
inoltre presente una tasca con cerniera su uno dei lati.
Sulla sabbia fate attenzione con i picchetti perch facile si sfilino e vadano persi coperti con la sabbia.. soprattutto con i bambini che ci passeggiano su.
Sconsiglio di utilizzarlo come coperta, a meno che non vogliate farvi la sauna.
Nel complesso un prodotto utile e versatile ad un prezzo quasi giusto, 19,99 euro, a mio avviso potrebbe costare anche qualche euro in meno.
This is a very practical Beach Mat Picnic Blanket, the size is really good and is easy to take with you in your bag because is really lightweight.
The design and colours are fine the combinations or blue are nice. Is easy to clean.
Has 4 sand anchor pockets, that they are a cool idea and 4 metal stakes, definitely is windproof and sand proof, but I will say is water-resistant, not waterproof.
J’espre que mon commentaire vous a t utile, si c’est le cas n’hsitez pas cliquer.
I ordered this for when we go on picnics to the beach and in fields in the countryside with my Fiance and our son:
– The blanket came in a nice pouch and nicely folded. The pouch is a drawstring one so you can use it to keep the
blanket in for transporting around, as well as the pegs inside as well.
– The material feels of a good quality on both the blanket and the pouch. It feels durable enough, although I do
wonder how waterproof it is…
– The pouch is nice and small so when the blanket is folded it can fit in a bag really nicely.
– It is good at not getting sand all over it, or if it does happen to it’s so easy to shake it all off!
– The pegs are of a decent quality metal and go in to sand and grass nicely. They really help at keeping the
blanket in it’s place when moving around on it and in the wind.
– It is more water resistant than waterproof. After a few minutes the damp from the grass started to seep
through and make our clothes damp… It should NOT be advertised as waterproof!
– The colour of both the blanket and pouch are excellent and look really good!
I would definitely recommend this! It’s an excellent blanket, just a shame about the lack of waterproofing.
Je ne suis pas persuad que je parviendrai replier la serviette de la manire dont je l’ai reu (un petit carr d’une dizaine de cm de ct). Le bon cot est qu’elle ne prendra pas de place pour le dpart. voir pour le retour :p
Mais c’est l’article idal pour la plage. Bien pratique de pouvoir la lester et la fixer sur le sable pour ne pas qu’elle s’envole.
L’article correspond la description et rpond mes attentes, je recommande sans hsitation!
Very lightweight mat for beech. These days these mat are really needed. It’s quite big enough for our family. I like the colours and material.
This is a very versatile blanket that could be used at the beach, for picnics, festivals and camping. There is plenty of room for a family of four to sit or for two people to lie down comfortably. It is soft and lightweight, easy to roll up and carry but seems sturdy and would be difficult to damage. It has 4 corner pockets and 4 anchor loops which are very useful. Since it is also waterproof, you could also use it with poles to create a large sun or rain cover to sit under. Recommended.
Il telo Eversee arrivato nella classica scatola in cartone di Amazon, ben imballato e privo di danni dovuti al trasporto. Esso, era avvolto a sua volta all’interno di una busta di plastica nella quale erano contenuti anche 4 picchetti, una sacca per trasportarlo e un moschettone.
Una volta estratto dalla confezione, non si pu fare a meno di notare la buona qualit dei materiali utilizzati per la realizzazione di questo telo. Infatti, esso realizzato in nylon che risulta comodo al tatto, traspirante, leggero e soprattutto impermeabile. Ci lo rende particolarmente adatto per utilizzarlo praticamente ovunque, sia al mare sia durante un escursione o un pic nic, anche se nulla vieta di poterlo utilizzare semplicemente per stendersi su un prato a rilassarsi. Gli accessori forniti in dotazione risultano davvero utilissimi, soprattutto i picchetti, che permettono di tenerlo teso e saldo alla superficie sulla quale si intende stenderlo. Il moschettone, invece, risulta particolarmente utile se si intende agganciare la sacca contenente il telo a uno zaino o alla propria bicicletta. Le dimensioni, risultano essere piuttosto generose visto che misura 210 x 200 cm. Pertanto, risulta essere ideale per ospitare almeno 3/4 persone senza alcun problema. Infine, il telo dotato di una sacca laterale in cui poter riporre i propri effetti personali, come soldi o lo smartphone.
In conclusione, sono davvero soddisfatto di questo telo e non ho dubbi sul fatto che possa diventare il mio compagno di viaggio definitivo, sia per scampagnate in montagna sia per giornate al mare. Il prezzo al momento della recensione, di circa 20 euro che reputo pi che adeguati alla qualit e versatilit di questo prodotto.
“natte” de plage hyper-pratique : trs grande une fois dplie, elle est hyper compacte une fois remise (trs facilement) dans sa poche . Des sardines permettent de la fixer dans le sable ce qui est indispensable car la toile est trs fine et lgre. Il est possible de mettre du sable dans des espaces amnags aux quatre coins pour stabiliser cette natte. Une toile en moins car la finesse de la toile laisse un doute sur sa longvit, et le tout-plastique n’est pas aussi agrable que le contact d’une natte en paille. Mais au final une trs bonne acquisition pour les journes sur la plage.
Lo que adems incluye son 4 estacas para cogerla a la arena y que no se mueva con el viento, luego ponemos nuestras dos toallas encima y as no se llenan de arena, al mismo tiempo al ser de medidas tan grandes podemos estar dos personas sobre ella sin problemas.
Para limpiarla se puede meter la lavadora, aunque repele la arena y no se queda en ningn momento ningn grano pegado a ella.
Si tienes alguna duda no dudes en preguntarme y te contestar lo ms rpido posible, adems te dejo unas fotos y un vdeo para que veas cmo es, espero que te haya servido de ayuda para decirte, seguir compartiendo mis experiencias reales contigo, muchas gracias por leerme
– serviette trs grande et spacieuse (2 personnes peuvent s’allonger confortablement)
– 4 piquets en fer sont inclus pour bloquer la serviette sur le sable et empcher le vent de la dplacer
– trs facile nettoyer, le sable passe travers le tissu !
Compte tenu galement du faible cot, je ne peux que recommander cet acha
This is ideal for family picnics on grass and on the beach or can be used indoors as well if you want to. I still use extra blanket on top of this to make it more comfortable to use.
1. The quality is good, compact, lightweight, water resistant and durable.
2. The size is good can easily accommodate up to 6 persons.
3. This include a pouch bag for easy storing, a carabiner so you can easily attach this to your bag or pocket and 4 pegs that can be used to secure the Mat
4. Waterproof and sand proof, making it easy to clean.
In previsione della stagione estiva e di intere giornate da passare in spiaggia a prendere il sole, ero alla ricerca di un telo da utilizzare che fosse comodo, poco ingombrante e leggero da trasportare con me; attraverso il programma Vine ho avuto l’opportunit di testare questo di EVERSEE che giunge in un comodo sacco da trasporto assieme a 4 picchetti in acciaio stile ‘tenda da campeggio’ utilissimi per fissare il telo ed evitare che voli via con il vento.
Questo telo mare, dalle dimensioni 200x210cm, ANTISABBIA e IMPERMEABILE in quanto interamente in nylon di qualit per garantire che la sabbia passi attraverso le maglie, in modo da avere il telo sempre ben pulito.
soffice al tatto, non irrita alla pelle e ho apprezzato le sue dimensioni cos grandi che garantiscono un enorme spazio per una intera famiglia.
perfetto per tutti, e per qualsiasi luogo, anche in campeggio su erba e prati.
I suoi picchetti per il fissaggio sono davvero una genialata!
Con il suo prezzo super conveniente di soli 19,99 euro al momento della mia recensione, non posso far altro che consigliarlo per la sua qualit a tutti coloro che come me erano alla ricerca di un telo da usare ovunque.
Le gros point positif pour cette serviette c’est sa taille, elle mesure 200 x x210, pour son utilisation la plage elle dispose de 4 poches aux quatre coins qu’il faut remplir de sable pour viter qu’elle s’envole, c’est pratique et malin.
Pour une utilisation sur pelouse elle dispose de 4 piquets pour la maintenir au sol.
Sur le sable elle est agrable utiliser mais sur une pelouse un peu moins, en effet elle est trs fine, un peu comme de la toile de parachute.
Pour le rangement on la replie et on la met dans le sac qui est attach dessus, un mousqueton est inclus pour attacher l’ensemble la ceinture.
Je recommande cette couverture est super pratique !
Great product! Shipped very quickly. Waterproof and super soft. This was perfect for the beach. We used the metal stakes to secure it down at the beach–no issues even with large gust. Any sand easily brushes off. This was a great item to throw in my mom beach bag.
Telo mare davvero molto pratico grazie alle dimensioni contenutissime quando chiuso (un cilindretto di 10 cm di base e 20 cm di altezza massimo) e alle dimensioni maxi quando viene aperto (210 cm x 200 cm). Il telo arriva all’interno di una custodia al quale legato con una molla: questo evita la possibilit di perdere la custodia quando si apre il telo e inoltre la custodia fa anche da tasca per inserire qualcosa all’interno oppure si pu anche inserire della sabbia o un sasso per mantenere saldo il telo. Nella custodia troviamo anche 4 picchetti e un moschettone: i 4 picchetti di circa 20 cm servono a tenere fermo il telo durante le giornate ventose e si inseriscono nei quattro cappi che troviamo agli altrettanti angoli del telo; il moschettone consente di fissare la custodia allo zaino per un comodo trasporto.
Una volta aperto il telo ha anche un’ulteriore tasca con cerniera nel lato opposto rispetto a dove cucita la custodia.
Il telo realizzato al 100% in nylon, materiale leggerissimo, traspirante, impermeabile e che rende possibile richiudere il telo in dimensioni minuscole. Le finiture e le cuciture sono di buona qualit.
perfetto per qualsiasi occasione, sia al mare che per un picnic o semplicemente come una base per poggiarsi a terra. Sul telo ci stanno tranquillamente 3 persone stese o molte di pi da sedute.
Ho preso il prodotto grazie al programma Vine, ma ci tengo a fare una considerazione anche sul prezzo: 20 euro non poco, ma tutto sommato data la qualit e la praticit li spenderei ben volentieri
This is a nice blanket for putting on the sand or grass. There are little pockets that you can fill with sand in the corners to stop it blowing away or you can use the enclosed pegs if on grass. It’s a good size and can quite easily fir a few adults on. It’s not as plastic feeling as some others which means it will be nicer to sit on but not necessarily as waterproof.
It is of good size for family of 4 to sit round the middle, whether it is on the seaside or in the park. Good feature that it is waterproof and importantly it get attached to the ground with the hooks provided, so in case of sudden wind your place will remain intact )))
When folded, it takes very little space, literally can fit in the pocket so great overall and I am personally pleased to have one in my household as it will be used on numerous occasions in the future
It is a good lightweight multifunctional blanket. We used it on our deck. It is durable.
-Lightweight and easy to carry around
-Easy to assemble
-Sand doesn’t stick to it
-Water runs off easily
-Comes with four pegs to secure the mat in sand or mud.
-Secures the mat well in place in the sand with the pegs
-Worth the money
-The bag is attached so you won’t lose it in the wind
-It has a pocket attached to put small items in which is good
-Easy to fold up and put back in the bag
-Comes with a carabena
-I can’t see any cons at this time
I hope you find this review helpful
Je m’attendais avoir plus de l’paisseur sur cette serviette, mais non. Ce n’est pas une serviette, plus tt un tissu en nylon impermable! La dimension est bonne pour 2 personnes allonges, ou assise 3-4 personnes l’aise.
C’est idal pour plage pour viter les sables, mais je ne pense pas pour le pique-nique, car c’est trop fin, on sent trop par terre.
Il y a 4 piques pour bloquer les 4 coins ainsi une poche avec zip cousu sur le tissu de plage.
C’est facile enlever les sables et plier/dplier et ranger dans son sac attach. Trs compacte et un poids plume, c’est pour les beaux jours la plage!
Wie erwartet. Sand ging aufgrund das Materials leicht ab. Und aufgrund der Pflcke ist ein riesen probelm gelst.
Lightweight and compact. I always carry it with me, leaving it in the car.
It is large and spacious enough for 4 adults.
Soft for the whole family to sit on or lie down on.
Great for outings, camping or the beach.
The colour is bright and vibrant.
Comes in a practical bag, made up of hooks. It is made of nylon, easy to clean.
The material is not waterproof, it does not fully resist water but is impregnated.
By filling the corner pockets (sand or soil) they remain firmly fixed to the ground.
I found the zippered pocket really useful, as it can hold valuables, cell phones, keys, etc.
The beach mat comes in a drawstring storage bag the mat it’s self is light weight, heat resistant & says it’s waterproof ( which when in damp grass you get wet) so don’t think it’s waterproof at all, it comes with 4 Metal Pegs, ( each corner has a loop for the pegs) Is machine washable, the material is smooth with it being nylon. Has a brilliant zip pocket at the side of the mat to keep your items in, the mat is a great idea for the beach, picnics, camping or if you want to leave it in your car for when you may need it.
Multipurpose picnic blanket for sure! Can be used in a garden or near the beach where I stay!
I was amazed when I opened up the beach mat. It was an extra large size. Stakes are provided with it so the ends can be held to the ground and it will be wind proof. Also it was waterproof , as you can see in the picture. The material seems to be like the material used for umbrella. Likes it’s waterproof, also stains can be wiped off easily. Another plus is it’s machine washable. Soft to sit.
When folded, it fits to the small pouch which is provided. Also it can be hanged to a bag with the holder /keyring provided.
200×210, Double Windproof Design: Beach blanket sand proof has 4 built-in sand anchor pockets and 4 metal stakes, the pockets can be used for sand anchors, the combination of ground stakes and sand anchor pockets provides double windproof protection to keep the beach blanket on the ground even in high winds.Beach Blanket Waterproof Sandproof: Our beach blanket is 100% nylon material, this material is comfortable, soft to touch, and it can effectively prevent water and rips from damaging it. Sand does not stick to the fabric either.
I wasn’t expecting it to be a shiny material, this is like shell suit material, thin, soft, the bag is attached so you can’t lose it. Comes with 4 poles and a carabena clip. I’m interested to use it as a sun shade for sure, maybe attach one side over the wind protector poles… I can’t comment on it being waterproof as we’ve not had the weather to beach it yet and try this out but I’m sure this will come in handy.
This large size light weight , easily folded and rain and wind proof beach blanket will be used this weekend with the family having a picnic ( the forecast is good ) on our beach so will be tested out . Comes with a small carabiner to attach to bag or rucksack , 4x strong metal stakes to peg the blanket down in sand or grass , it has a handy size zippered pocket for storing keys, phone etc. Wind and rain proof material and the price is reasonable and will come in useful this summer on the beach or in our garden .
It’s amazing how compact this beach mat is!!
Comes in a little bag, when rolled out its hard to believe it came out of that bag, so it’s very compact and easy too roll back up to go back into the bag!
Its a good quality beach mat, hole family can sit on it, and have plenty of space, it’s very easy to wash, and is brilliant value for the price!
Would recommend
This is better than I imagined as the material is a soft waterproof material rather than the nulon type which would make you sweat on the beach. Folds up small enough to fit in my bag and extremely lightweight. When unfolded plenty big enough for a family day at the beach. Love the way you can put sand on the corner pockets to keep it anchored so no chance it’ll blow away if you’re in the sea etc
So much better than a traditional towel that holds the loose sand and turns up weeks after the holiday on the floor, in the washing machine, car, ect. This is made from a nylon type fabric so is smooth and waterproof and the sand just sits on the top and after a good shake it is gone and not in the bottom of the beach bag either. It also comes with its own pegs so it will stay put and not get blown around by the sea breeze or wind. It comes in a small drawstring bag and is to fold away and go back in its bag ready for next time. It is nice and big, ideal for a family.
This blanket is a brilliant vibrant blue colour and is really good size as often beach blankets don’t leave enough room for everyone but this would definitely seat a family of four. It is made of silk so is incredibly light which makes it great for travelling but also it is easy to fold up and out away. Because it is thin though it won’t protect you from the damp if you were using on grass or slightly wet sand. I like the fact that it comes with its own pegs so you can peg it out, this is a really good and practical feature.
The colour is very vibrant and it appears well made. The stitching is all sound and there are corner pockets you can use to weigh it down with sand should you not be able to use the four pegs provided. There is also a small pocket for your valuables should you use it at the beach and wish to pop for a swim.
I have not been able to test this in my garden as we have had rain everyday for about two weeks (in May!!). But I plan on going for a family picnic when the weather improves and trying it out. Having laid it out in my kitchen I’m satisfied that it is big enough for my family of five plus cockapoo. Even with keeping the kids apart so they don’t fight I think we will have plenty of room.
Folding the blanket back into its carry case I thought was going to be farcical, it’ll never go back that small I told myself but how wrong was I!! It folded up like a dream and fit perfectly back in as it arrived. I was pretty impressed with that.
Good family picnic blanket that is compact and portable for days out when we eventually get some sunshine!!
I am really surprised with the fabric quality. Very good. Feels very soft and silky.
Large is size but still easily foldable and fits in your hand. Just loved it.
Very compact, easy to carry while travelling.
It also comes with 4 Metal Stakes. Simple thing but very useful. Specially when there is lots of wind, it will stick to the ground.
A must have for outdoor fu
Incredibly this huge 200 x 210cm picnic mat/beach blanket arrives in a tiny 25.5cm x 18cm drawstring storage bag. In 100% nylon, the mat has many advantages over the wool based picnic blanket I carry in the car. It feels soft to sit or lie on, will be extremely durable, is sand proof. waterproof and heat resistant. Easy to care for, it can be washed on a 30 degree cycle and dries quickly. It’s also wind proof – a combination of sand pockets and ground stakes, supplied with the item, mean it will be kept firmly on the ground despite breezes.
I like the size of this very much – good for the whole family and lets you stake your claim on the beach or in the park, which is good from a social distancing point of view. A zip pocket at the side of the mat is designed for secure storage of valuables. I this mat is well thought out and extremely good value. Looks good, feels good – and it’s highly practical too.
Very light weight and waterproof this is a great beach blanket or picnic blanket whatever you prefer. Comes in it’s our drawstring bag with four metal hooks to anchor it down on the corners. Great price great value for money. Hope this helps you decide.
This is a big and bold colourful beach blanket.
And when I say big, I mean BIG.
Great for taking on the beach.
Great for taking to the park.
I love the colours.
So vibrant.
So, come on summer.
Lets get going.