Colwelt Garden Weed Puller and Root Removal Tool, Stand Up

Colwelt Garden Weed Puller and Root Removal Tool, Stand Up Weeder with Foot Pedal, Step and Twist Manual Weeder 102cm(Combo Pack – Stand Up Weeder & Hand Weeder& Garden Gloves)

Dimensions: | 106 x 27 x 18 cm; 2.04 Kilograms |
Manufacture: | Colwelt |
Dimensions: | 106 x 27 x 18 cm; 2.04 Kilograms |
das Gert liegt gut in der Hand und die Qualitt ist stabil ! ich hab einfach und schnell meinen ganzen Rasen – der ziemlich stark von unerwnschten buschigen Unkrautpflanzen bersht war – davon sauber und anhaltend befreien knnen ! ohne Anstrengung, keine Rckenschmerzen, auch das Ausdrehen mit den Hnden sehr einfach. Das Preis-/Leistungsverhltnis ist top ! Kann ich nur weiterempfehlen !
I’m disabled so can’t bend down to pull weeds out, so wanted a tool to help me keep being able to do gardening. After looking online I found this product, it is really easy to use, just stab in the middle of the weed twist and then pull out of the ground. Simple and affective.
Praktischer Unkrauthelfer der das Bcken erspart. Gut ist das die Kralle auch bei festen Boden seinen Dienst macht.
We could not wait to use this fab tool. Takes out weeds effectively, although in clay soil you need to twist handle 360 degrees to ensure weed comes out. We love it.
Very easy to use and takes out the root. Has changed my life!
Works like advertised. Extracts weeds easily. No more bending, was great for getting rid of thistles which is the reason I bought it for.
Weeds Stand no chance we use it weekly to remove the weeds. But you do have fill in holes left with top soil and grass seed mix.
This is an excellent tool so easy to use and very effective. Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend.
Its fine, takes the weeds out of the lawn easily, the push release is a little insubstantial, but it’s difficult to see how that could be improved. Overall a good buy.
Endlich Mal ein Gert zum entfernen von Lwenzahn und Co das auch hlt was es verspricht.
Stabile Verarbeitung aus Metall,breite Messer und eine Rckenschonende Gre.
Nach noch nicht Mal 20 Min. Arbeit sind sechs 10 Liter Eimer mit dem Kraut gefllt und entsorgt. Die Wurzel wird vollstndig entfernt und gleichzeitig wird bis zur Nachbearbeitung der Rasenflche eine Belftungsstelle im Boden geschlafen,bei der Regenwasser auch besser versickert.
Wir haben in unseren Garten so richtigen Ackerboden! Trocknet bei Hitze schnell aus und wenn’s dann regnet bildet sich erstmal ein See. Seit wir den Lwenzahnentfernen benutzen wirkt der Boden gesnder und lockerer.
Wir sind mit dem Produkt bis jetzt sehr zufrieden.
This garden weed puller has been brilliant. Being of a certain age this weed puller is a game changer for me.
Not overly heavy, easy to use. Delighted with my purchase.
I was worried about using glysophate products on lawn weeds since a recent study says it causes seizures in worms. I want to encourage worms not kill them as they help aeriate the lawn. I found it very simple to use once I got the hang of it. The holes left behind need some soil as they are fairly big, a small price to pay for getting rid of weeds.
I was sceptical about these stand-up week pullers, but we have a problem with weeds and have been getting sore hands and backs pulling them by hand, and some weeds are just downright difficult to extract.
In short I bought two weed pullers of completely different designs, one “branded” and this. Of the two, this is more sturdy, made of steel with a what appears to be a strong weld on the foot plate which is important if using it on heavy clay as I have.
The handles are comfortable and operation is straight-forward.
1. Position the tool over the centre of the weed
2. Using the footplate push the blades fully into the ground
3. Twist anti-clockwise through 180 degrees
4. Lift the puller by the handles
5. Push the button a the top to expel the weed
It takes quite a plug out of the ground, so you need some topsoil to replace the plug, although you can obviously shake the earth off the root just extracted if required.
The small hand weeder and garden gloves you get with the main tool are an added bonus.
It does what it says I’m very good at i
Have bought cheaper models only to find they break when getting to root. This stands the test after month of use. There is a knack but once you find it the pleasure of seeing root come out is great long may it reig
Easy to use gets the whole plant out nearly every time.
So after an influx of dandelion among other weeds that just won’t go I’ve been wanting one of these for a while and as cliche as it sounds why didn’t I buy this thing 3 years ago
So much easier, quicker and cleaner than trying to dig up weeds within the lawn. Weeds fully removed in less than 10 seconds with no effort and I really enjoy aiming and firing the weeds at the wife
The unit itself feels extremely strong and comfortable to use. The handle doesn’t tear your hands up and even in slightly harder soil there’s very little pressure needed
The hole left by the weeds is very discreet and a simple backfill with some topsoil and you’ll never know anything was there
Not used the hand tool yet but it feels very sturdy with a nice rounded platform to help lever things ou
I suffer from bad back and this made light work of removing weeds and really quick as well.
It didn’t pull them out on first go, but I think it might be my technique, but it made a job that is back breaking really easy.
I would recommend.
You need to get the nack of using it
But works and dose the good
But a word of warning it will leave a hole in your lawn
And a big hole if it’s a big weed
Soil and grass seed will be needed
Easy to use without bending down to dig up weeds
This product is just as sturdy and easy to use as other reviewers say, push in and rotate clockwise 180 and pull out an ideal plug containing the offending plant roots. The solid blades give much more confidence than the models using spikes, just do not try to force it into a rock! The push-out mechanism is also sturdy, and always worked.
Only downside is the sheer number of dandelions in my lawn. The holes left are pretty small, but probably would benefit from a little filling with loose soil.
I’m very happy even though the price has gone down slightly since I bought!
It’s ok but not brilliant but the small accessory tool works grea
The secret to these beasties is ‘no plastic working parts’. In use, you push the thing into (maybe hard) ground and then twist it (maybe hard ) against the weed’s lateral rootsystem and whatever else subsurface, eg stones, the weed has snuggled up against. Any plastic load-bearing parts basically fail sooner rather than later during these operations. The Colwelt doesn’t fail: it has a welded steel ‘T-piece’ handle, a steel column, welded steel column/claws junction, thick one-piece steel claws. Plastic is confined to its proper use in a gardening tool: non-load bearing padding. The only construction quibble I could find was the cosmetic quality of the weld attaching the claws to the column. Looks like the girl in the sweat shop had several dabs at it. But then again it’s strong, so ‘Just enough is good enough’ as my Gran used to say.
Oh, and the diameter of the removed soil/weed ‘plug’ is generous. I slightly narrowed the ‘claw gap’ on my Colwelt (with a lump hammer – that steel is thick!) to reduce the plug size. Works well.
used this today for first time , brilliant piece of kit …metal construction everywhere except knob on top to release weeds . i have succesfully pulled out 30+ dandelions on my lawn with great success , even tho the roots are 5inch’s deep this thing pulls em up with ease .put some compost in the holes on lawn or take up crazy golf @ home .BUY ONE THERE GREAT…and no i dont get paid to leave reviews…
How abou
Makes a little bit of a hole in the law