DOQAUS Digital Meat Thermometers for Cooking, Instant Read

DOQAUS Digital Meat Thermometers for Cooking, Instant Read Food Cooking Thermometer with Backlight, Waterproof Food Temperature Probe with Calibration, Cooking Thermometer for Baking BBQ Water Suga

Lock function & C/°F Switchable
Hold button locks the current reading even after pulling out the probe from the heat source, to help you keep your hands away from the heat and read the temperature safely.
Use the temperature switch button to freely switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius.
IPX6 Grade Waterproof Certified
Did you often get your thermometer dirty and want a quick and easy way to wash your meat thermometers? Now, you can rinse and soak this meat thermometer under running water like washing dishes!
DOQAUS kitchen thermometer can meet the waterproof level of life.
Multi-calibration Modes
You can get the initial expertly pre-calibration through a Reset, or through manual calibration to get accurate reads by CAL function.
Weight: | 60 g |
Dimensions: | 25 x 3.2 x 1.2 cm; 60 Grams |
Brand: | DOQAUS |
Model: | MCDQCP007ABR1 |
Colour: | Red |
Dimensions: | 25 x 3.2 x 1.2 cm; 60 Grams |
Discreto prodotto un po’ fragile ma fa il suo lavoro. C’ di meglio. Ma x casa va benissimo
Utilisation facile ,on allume et hop lecture de la temprature immdiateme
Ecart de temprature de 2 3 C avec thermostat de mon cumulus (chauffe eau )…A tenir compte, mais je ne sais pas sur quel thermomtre se fier …lequel est le plus exact..!
Je cherchais un thermomtre prcis et surtout exact dans sa marge de tolrance.
Ce modle permet de calibrer le zero absolu que l’on obtient dans des glaons fondants. Aprs cela je l’ai vrifier dans l’autre extrme reproductible, l’eau bouillante affichait 99,5. Donc marge d’erreur satisfaisante, et facile appliquer une correction autour des 20 C (cad + 0,1C).
Rare sont les thermomtres aussi prcis et cela m’a permis de vrifier la dviation de mes autres thermomtres.
Super content.
Einziger Nachteil ist das man es zur Messung festhalten muss. Zur Wasserdichtigkeit kann ich mich nicht uern da es noch nicht extrem nass geworden ist, lsst sich aber mit einem feuchten Tuch sehr gut reinigen.
Goods arrived on time, packed well and was as advertised. Very happy with choice of thermometer.
La precisin no lo se porque no lo he comprobado con otros . se que es rpido y me vale para comprobar el estado d agua de mi acuario
Easy to use comes with temperature charts for lots of different types of foods
Does what it’s supposed to. Reasonable price. very happy with it.
Using this to check meat temps on BBQ’s, I’m assuming its accurate as i’ve not had food poisoning yet. Thumbs up from me.
i like it, easy to use simple to read,check cooking is perfect,i would recommend this product and supplier to
all my friends.thank you
Ich werde das Produkt nicht zur Gutschrift zurckschicken. Nachdem ich von mir eine geladene Batterie eingesetzt habe funktioniert das Gert einwandfrei.
Il prodotto in s corrisponde alle aspettative e funziona bene , peccato sia arrivato con batteria completamente scarica
Buen producto, la lectura s es rpida, aunque me da la impresin que tarda un poco mas de esos tres segundos que publicita.
Great product, easy to use, works straight out of the box.
A small price to pay for always getting it right.
Ein einfaches und zuverlssiges Thermometer, das ich zum Bierbrauen einsetze. Es ist robust und leicht, misst zuverlssig und fr meine Zwecke genau genug. Die Bedienung ist simpel, viel Pflege bentigt es nicht – und ein etwaiger Verlust ist bei diesem Preis ebenfalls gut verschmerzbar.
Arrived 7 days early – great bit of kit for the price & easy to use.
This was a necessity since acquiring an air fryer and burning/overcooking a few foods. I like everything about it once I had found my magnifying glass to read the instructions which are in minuscule print!
A good value item that works accurately and exactly as intended, nothing to complain about, definitely worth its price.
Prodded some chicken. Was just right. And it has a magnet. Might get invited to BBQs now I have this.
DOQAUS Digital meat thermometers for cooking. Instant read food thermometer with backlight. Waterproof food probe with calibration. Cooking thermometer for kitchen, baking, frying, water, sugar.
Because I’m the only vegetarian in the house, I like to keep some things in the kitchen separate from mine. I know you can clean and sterilise things, but some equipment used especially for meat I get in red.
So this has become my new meat thermometer.
* High accuracy of:- 1c
* Wide range:- -50c to 300c
I like that this has a build in loop so I can hang it up so it’s easy accessible when needed.
So far so good
But I will update this review if needed.
*** Details:-
* Brand:- DOQAUS
* Colour:- Red
* Made of:- 304 stainless steel
* Length:- 12cm
* Power source:- Battery powered
* Number of batteries:- 1 CR2032 batteries required. (included)
* Upper temperature rating:- 300c
* Response time:- 3 seconds
* IPX6 rated waterproof
* Backlight time:- 10s
* Hold function
* Calibration function
* Reset function
* Auto powers off after 10 minutes of none use.
*** What you get:-
* 1 x DOQAUS CP7 meat thermometer
* 1 x protective storage sheath
* 1 x User manual
* 1 x Temperature guide
* 1 x Battery Cr2032 (already installed)
Die Verarbeitung ist sehr gut, die Bedienung ist sehr einfach.
Battarien sind schon eingelegt so das direkt losgemessen werden kann.
Die Messspitze ist mit einem schutz versehen.
Wie im Video zu sehen misst tatschlich nur die Spitze die Temperatur.
Fr diesen Preis ist das Grillthermometer, fr jeden der sein Fleisch auf den Punkt haben will, ein muss.
I can’t believe i have never tried one of these before! I did have to read the instructions before using but found the thermometer easy to use and read. It certainly takes the guesswork out of cooking, the thermometer did come with a meat temperature guide so i will be keeping this as i found it very useful.
Just a quick poke in the meat or fish in my case and you get a reading straight away, you can choose from Fahrenheit or Celsius. A protective sleeve is included in case of any accidental pricks when taking it out of the drawer, it can however be attached to the fridge for easy access as it is magnetic.
The thermometer seems to be good quality and is well priced, i will most definitely be using this when i have my next BBQ.
Die Temperatur kann sowohl in C als auch in F eingestellt und im hintergrundbeleuchteten, gut ablesbaren Display abgelesen werden. Temperaturen werden im Bereich von -50 bis +300C angezeigt.
Was ich richtig gut finde ist, dass das Thermometer immer wieder neu kalibriert werden kann (ist in der Anleitung beschrieben). Mit dieser Funktion kann man ebenfalls berprfen, ob die gemessenen Werte auch wirklich stimmen.
Apropos Werte, die sind meines Erachtens sehr genau (getestet mit einem Wasserkocher mit einstellbarer Temperatur , sowie Eiswasser ).
Geeignet ist das Thermometer fr das kurzfristige messen der Temperatur von Fleisch oder Getrnken/Flssigkeiten. Zur dauerhaften berwachung der Temperatur im Backofen oder im Smoker/Grill dagegen nicht (dafr gibt es schlielich Thermometer mit Kabelsonde oder einer Sonde mit Funk).
FAZIT: schlankes, messgenaues Thermometer fr Speisen und Getrnke, fr den Einsatzzweck optimal.
Mir gefllt es richtig gut, daher vergebe ich gerne fnf Sterne und gebe meine Kaufempfehlung.
Ich hoffe ich konnte euch bei eurer Entscheidung behilflich sein.
This DOQAUS digital meat thermometers is very easy to use and seems accurate. I have a couple of Ninjas at home, one of which is the XL Grill which comes with a built in probe which has been brilliant when cooking meat. I thought I would order this for my Ninja 7 in 1 to make sure my meat was cooker to the right temperate.
I am very impressed. It is very simple to use and the LED display makes it very easy to follow the results. At the current price of 9.99 I think it is excellent value for money.
This is a really useful item to have around the kitchen. It’s quick and accurate, also came with the battery already fitted so it’s ready to go. The temperature guide on the outside of the box is really useful so I’ve been keeping it in there for quick reference.
All you do is jab the spike into the centre of your food and wait for the reading and check it’s in the range for the type of food you’re cooking. I have noticed that it doesn’t auto-off within a couple of minutes so I just switch it off myself to save battery.
The cover for the spike is useful, and overall I’d recommend this to anyone looking for a cheap and easy way to ensure their food is thoroughly cooked. Takes the guess work out of BBQing, and means you don’t have to cut everything in half to visually check it.
Simple and straightforward meat thermometer.
It works as it should without problems.
What i really like about this that it has magnetic back so it stick to metal objects. Very good
Overall dece
product is a little squashed in the box on arrival so I was worried it would be damaged,
Seems to work fine, I have used my other 1 of these to make sure its accurate as you never can take the risk,
Happy with product and works well
Handy for our menshed kitchen. Large display for easy reading and the hook will make it easier to hang in plain site to remind folk to use it.
This thermometer is very easy to read as well as quite accurate.
It works quickly, which is great so you don’t have to keep the oven open too long.
I love that it has a pen like cover as well.
First time I used it I cooked 3 steaks of slightly different thickness exactly the same.
Couldn’t do that before.
Very happy with my purchase.
Good value for the money.
This is great for taking the guess work out of cooking meat correct. Comes with a temperature chart detailing the temperatures meat should read at. Gave an accurate reading. Works exactly how it should. Easy to clean and has a protective cover for the probe. A great thing to have in your kitche
Good quality easy to use cooking thermometer.
Perfect for any kind of cooking skills level. If you would like to make a perfect Sunday roast this thermometer is perfect to check actual meat temperature during roasting process.
Can display temperature in both Celsius and Fahrenheit.
Clear LED display with backlight is always handy. Comes with slim metal cover for the probe with a clip.
For me good quality thermometer.
There’s not much to say about this: it’s a very straightforward piece of essential kitchen equipment … as useful for measuring low temperatures as high. Aside from the obvious use of checking that your joint/chicken has reached a safe internal temperature, it’s also great if you need to deep fry something but (like me) don’t have a deep fryer. This probe cuts out the guesswork – which in turn reduces the danger of accidentally overheating the oil.
The display is backlit, easy to read and can switch from Fahrenheit to Celsius (whichever you think in!). It comes with a protective cover for the probe, and the whole thing is magnetic, so it can be placed reasonably securely on any ferrous surface, like a fridge. (I say ‘reasonably’ because I did find it has slight tendency to slip under its own weight.) It can also be kept safely in a drawer. If needed, it can also be recalibrated without trouble.
I checked it for accuracy with boiling water: it was spot on.
It feels quite substantial and its quality belies its fairly modest price. Recommended.
This food thermometer/meat probe from Doqaus is excellent. A reasonable price, it is well-made, sturdy, quick, accurate and convenient in every way. In fact, I can’t find anything that I don’t like about it. It’s easy to use and read and the battery seems to last for ages. It also comes with a handy cooking temperature chart.
Ok so much of the problem is mine—I was looking to use this for measuring water temperature when I go swimming. I saw the image of it in water and didn’t check what the IPX value meant. IPX6 Can resist high-pressure, heavy sprays of water—so that’s ideal for rinsing off under a tap. But it’s IPX7 or 8 that can be submerged. So I’ll not be strapping this to my swim buoy to measure the temperature.
That said, I’ve been using it to measure water temperature for making coffee and it works well—I’ve checked it against other thermometers too, and it seems bang on. It’s really simple to use, and the back light feature is really handy.
One negative is the permanently extended probe. I have other ones which have a hinged probe which makes it less likely to get damaged.
It comes at a good price too.
Pensavo fosse un giocattolino e invece resistente e impermeabile. Ottimo.
I don’t like undercooked meat then this tool thermometer is perfect to know if meat is cooked inside without cutting it to check. You can find different temperatures on the box to medium, well…cooked. It is really easy to use and clean. It has a magnet at the back, you want to keep it in a magnetic rack, a hook if you prefer to hang it. I tried it in the burgers and it works perfectly as well in a cake. If you need to measure food temperature or get your food cooked without breaking it to check if it is cooked before eating this is a great tool.
Ich finde das Thermometer super!
Die mitgelieferte Kappe hlt schn fest am Thermometer und fllt nicht ab.
Ich nutze es hauptschlich, um die Wassertemperatur fr meine Osmoseanlage zu messen. Damit diese bestmglich arbeitet, muss das Leitungswasser nmlich 25 Grad haben.
Auerdem messe ich zwischendurch die Temperatur in meinem Aquarium.
Gut finde ich, dass man das Display per Knopfdruck beleuchten kann.
Die Zahlen sind fr mich gro genug und gut ablesbar. Der Temperaturwechsel zwischen warm und kalt wird schnell angezeigt.
Alles in Allem bin ich rundum zufrieden und finde um die 10 absolut fair dafr.
I have long been an advocate of using a meat thermometer to ensure that meat is cooked both properly and to my taste. So for some meats getting to the safe temperature is key. For others, notably steak, I want it medium/rare. Yes I can use a skewer but a thermometer is the best way to check. I have previously used one with a wire attached to a reader. The advantage of those is that the probe can be left in the meat. The disadvantage is that the trailing wire can be a nuisance.
This handheld probe is perfect for me. Simple to use. Turn it on insert the probe into the item (it works on liquids as well as meat) and take a reading. Switching between Celsius and Fahrenheit involves pressing the temperature button for 3 seconds. There are calibration instructions but I checked this against another probe and it seemed very accurate to me.
So excellent and all for under 9 at the time of this review.
We’d been ‘going to’ get one of these for a while.
A few times recently we’d either given a roast a bit longer ‘just in case’ and found it overcooked and dry or done the ‘it’ll be ok’ and it really it could have done with a bit longer etc.
This takes away the uncertainty.
The only issue is agreeing what the right temperature should be for different meats and for how long it needs at that temperature. There are so many websites and advice does vary, so we’ve looked at a few and gone for an average, then kept a note (with the thermometer).
So a quick prod in the joint and you ‘know’ if it’s at the temperature it should be and so it’s much more likely to be cooked right through, but not overcooked.
With gas and electric prices now so high you’ll probably get back the cost by not keeping it in the oven any longer than needed, as well as having a better piece of meat (or pie etc.). It’ll really come into it’s own in the summer with BBQs, as we currently tend to pre-cook some chicken and pork (just in case!) before finishing them off on the BBQ. So now we can save the oven being on as well and still make sure that it’s all cooked though ok over the coals.
It’s easy to use and has a large, clear display. Press and hold the On/Off button to change the gauge from Centigrade to Fahrenheit.
I have to say that I didn’t pay for this product, but if I had (with so many to chose from) I would still say that this is well made, good value and a very useful kitchen device.
Tested with other thermometer and is all pretty close on their reading + or – 0.2. Have option for Celsius or Fahrenheit, hold the last reading and back lit the screen. But flimsy the cover for the actual metal probe but does not bother much
Arrived promptly and works well. Great investment for the kitchen or barbecue.
Das Thermometer kommt betriebsbereit an. Es ist recht klein, schlank und hat eine schne, gut sichtbare Anzeige und luft mit einer Knopfbaterie. Dazu kommt eine Schutzhlle fr den “Sensorstab”, da der recht spitz ist und Verschmutzungen die Messgenauigkeit abflschen wrden. Die Temperaturanzeige an auf Celsius oder Fahrenheit eingestellt werden.Es liegt ein kleiner Zettel bei, auf dem die Idealtemperaturen fr diverse Fleischsorten aufgezeigt werden. Zudem kann man noch mit einer Taste den letzten gemessenen Wert “einfrieren”/speichern und mit einer dritten Taste die Werte bzw. das Gert resetten bzw. auch die Beleuchtung der Anzeige aus- und anschalten
Ideal fr Braten und zum Grillen, um zu ermitteln, wie Durch das Fleisch in der mitte ist. Eine durchaus sinnvolle und gnstige Anschaffung
I ordered the digital thermometer to use when making my wax melts and candles. I needed something to test the temperature of the wax as I melted it.
The thermometer has a clear display that is easy to read.
Reasonable price for a good product.
I’ve only used this once for when I cooked steak and intend to use it for other meats such as chicken, etc. The temperature seemed accurate when I used it, and it was easy to read and clean after use. So far, it is good and I can not fault the product. With this thermometer, I particularly like the shield. Overall, the design was what attracted me to it.
Digital Food Thermometer, DOQAUS Instant Read Meat Thermometer for Cooking with Backlight, Waterproof Food Probe with Calibration, Cooking Thermometer for Kitchen, Baking, Frying, Water, Sugar
Price at review 9.99
I’ve tried a few meat thermometers lately after our one died, and this is one of the really good ones I’ve found at around the 10 price bracket.
This wand style thermometer by DOQAUS has a lovely light feel to it, but doesn’t feel cheap or tacky.
It has a protective sheath for the probe which I find very useful especially if I want to store it in the drawer.
It it also designed so it can hang from a hook or attach to anything metal, as it is magnetic.
It comes boxed with an excellent and comprehensive user guide including troubleshooting and how to calibrate (see photos).
The settings are very easy to use and intuitive.
There is a good backlight (lasts 10 seconds) and it’s very easy to read in both F and C
There is auto switch off after 10 mins to protect the battery.
It reaches final temperature swiftly and it seems to me to be very accurate.
The temperature range is more than I’d ever need, and it’s excellent not just for meat but also for sugar work and chocolate tempering.
It comes all set up with the battery in, ready to go, and it does a great job. No bells and whistles, but everything I need. An accurate food thermometer at a great price, with handy storage and helpful instructions. I’d definitely recommend it.
You can also activate the backlight if necessary, using the reset button. The temperature scale can be changed from degrees Centigrade to Fahrenheit by holding down the on/off button.
The probe tapers at the end and tapers to a point so it can be easily inserted into the food. The probe has a cover to protect it that also has a pen clip so that the top does not get lost. The thermometer also has a hole in the handle so that it can be hung from a hook on the wall.
The thermometer can be calibrated, but it worked fine straight out of the box so I did not bother. The thermometer reads hot as well as cold. You can check that your freezer is operating well, particularly in the summer months. I measured some frozen peas at minus 20 C.
An easy recommend really, as this just works with no fuss.
unsure why but my device was switched on when i recieved it.
Either used or failure to use a pull tab on the battery.
all made from a nice hard plastic.
Seems to ready temps correctly
There is nice a guide for types of meat to cook and their temperatures with F and C
The device has 3 buttons, lcd backlight, on/off/Degrees change and to lock the last temp or calibrate the device. each using a press or hold function.
There is also a magent on the back which allows you to hang it up on anything metal
also full instructions for every aspect of the device hidden in the box
This product is exactly what I wanted. Does exactly what it says and is waterproff, you cand wash it under running water.
Can be converted from C to F, has a large backlight LCD display and quick reading – about 2-3 sec.
Box comes with the termometer, one protective storage sheath, one booklet, one temperature guide and battery Cr2032 which is already installed – ready to use.
You just need to insert the clean termomenter into your food and receive the temp in few seconds.
It’s a must have from every kitchen.
I would highly recomend.
When it arrived the food thermostat was well wrapped in it’s cardboard box which protected it very well.
On the dial there is a couple of things to choose such as the swap from degrees F to degrees C at the touch of a button. The probe is made from a good quality steel and has a long length allowing me to put this into my chicken to check it, however i also like the fact it comes with a protective sleeve so i don’t bend the prong or hurt myself.
The other thing i like is the auto switch off so it doesn’t run the batter down plus it’s water resistance so cleaning is no issue.
Overall a nice thermostatic probe.
Das Thermometer wird in einer weisen Kartonverpackung geliefert.
Das Thermometer macht einen soliden gut verarbeiteten Eindruck. Fr die Messpitze mit clip mitgeliefert , der Clip ist allerdings nicht zu gebrauchen da das Thermometer mit im sehr kopflastig gehalten wird. Dsa Thermometer wird ber 3 Tasten bedient und hat eine HOLD und MAX/MIN Taste. Die Einheiten knnen umgeschaltet werden.
Das Display ist gro und lsst sich gut ablesen und bei bedarf mit Tastendruck beleuchten.
Sturdy piece of equipment and a clear digital display. The setting up instructions are easy to follow although they do include a little bit of work to calibrate the instrument. There are also instructions on temperatures for different foods which I find especially useful for steaks. Easy to clean and comes with a ‘pen lid’ type cover for the needle. Fits in the cutlery drawer with the rest of the utensils, so no special place needed for it. I’ve used it on a few different types of foods from casseroles to drinks and it gives a fast reading. Would recommend.
Geliefert wurde ein Kchenthermometer inklusive einer CR2032-Knopfzelle, ein Kunststoffschutz der Spitze mit Clip zum Hngen z.B. an die Hemdtasche und eine Anleitung in verschiedenen Sprache, darunter auch deutsch.
– Technische Daten, Mae und Gewicht des Thermometers
Lnge der Sonde: 12cm
Messbereich: -50C/+300C
Messgenauigkeit: 0,5C
– Merkmale
Fr den Betrieb bentigt man eine Knopfzelle CR2032, die – wie gesagt – schon mitgeliefert wird und auch bereits eingelegt ist. Die Funktion ist selbsterklrend: Es gibt drei Knpfe, wobei einer fr AN/AUS, Umstellung Celsius/Fahrenheit, ein anderer fr HOLD und Kalibrierung und ein weiterer fr das An-/Ausschalten der Hintergrundbeleuchtung im Display und fr einen Reset der Einstellungen zustndig ist.
Das Einstichthermometer hat einen Edelstahlstab der vorn spitz ist, damit er leicht in das Fleisch oder in andere Lebensmittel gestochen werden kann. Diese Messspitze ist auch ausreichend lang, sodass man problemlos bis in die Mitte jeden Bratens stechen kann.
Zum Schutz, damit man sich nicht versehentlich damit sticht, wird noch eine Schutz Kappe mitgeliefert, die wie eine Kugelschreiberkappe aussieht, da sie mit einem Clip versehen ist.
Durch den eingebauten Magneten haftet es auf allen metallenen Flchen und kann so leicht in Reichweite aufgehngt werden.
Das Thermometer ist zum Kochen, Backen, Grillen und Kuchen machen und auch fr Flssigkeiten, usw. geeignet. Man kann also auch ganz schnell die Wassertemperatur z.B. fr den grnen Tee messen.
Allerdings kann man das Gert nicht mit in den Backofen oder Grill geben, denn der Griff und das Oberteil sind aus Kunststoff. Sonst wrde wahrscheinlich wrde das Plastik schmelzen. Auch ist der Griff durch den nicht vollstndig dichten Batteriekasten nicht wasserdicht und kann deshalb nicht vollstndig in Flssigkeiten getaucht werden.
Nach dem Benutzen lsst sich die Sonde sehr leicht unter flieendem Wasser reinigen, wenn man aufpasst, dass der Griff nicht unter Wasser kommt.
Das Thermometer bzw. das Display geht es nach ca. 10 Sekunden automatisch aus. So wird die Batterie nicht unntig verbraucht. Das Display ist gut ablesbar und auch angenehm von seiner Gre.
Das Thermometer zeigt nach dem Anschalten sehr schnell die Temperatur an.
– Fazit
Das Thermometer tut was es soll, ist gut verarbeitet und preislich mit knapp 11.- in Ordnung – deshalb vergebe ich 5 Sterne!
Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, meine Rezension zu lesen. Ich hoffe, ich konnte Ihnen bei Ihrer Kaufentscheidung damit ein wenig behilflich sein.