DREVO Gramr V2 TE 84 Key RGB Backlight Mechanical Gaming

DREVO Gramr V2 TE 84 Key RGB Backlight Mechanical Gaming Keyboard Blue Switch TKL 75% USB Wired Keyboard US Layou

Dimensions: | 35.4 x 17.4 x 4.9 cm; 980 Grams |
Manufacture: | DREVO |
Dimensions: | 35.4 x 17.4 x 4.9 cm; 980 Grams |
Reference: | GR84V2 |
super easy e super chic fa il suo dovere e anche di piu. consigliatissimo
Achet pour raliser un clavier “custom” (avec d’autres touches).
Les + : commutateurs “brown” (donc la frappe), le hub USB, l’ergonomie (sauf les pieds magntiques), le respect des standards actuels (ANSI TKL compact, touches MX). La couleur (car chapper au noir “yo-gamer” n’est pas vident !)
Les – : qualit du connecteur USB-C (il faut vraiment forcer pour l’enfoncer correctement), RBV impos (a n’existe pas sans, et tout le monde n’a pas envie de jouer au kk ; on peut heureusement teindre, mais on a pay pour rien et gaspill des ressources), les pieds magntiques (dtachables, donc perdables) et surtout le logiciel de Drevo : abscons, lourd, cryptique, inutilement technique et compliqu, bref inutilisable en pratique. Ce logiciel a t crit par des gens qui n’ont jamais vu un utilisateur en vrai.
A perfect size keyboard, backlighting could be better as it doesn’t shine through the keycaps fully, but replaced keycaps with solid ones for readability.
Dopo aver complato la Drevo GRAMR (priva versione) gli avevo dato una valutazione di 3 stelle perch non compatibile con il mac e mi costringeva ad utilizzare dei programmi ad hoc per mappare i tasti in modo differente. Questa nuova GRAMR v2 TE invece compatibilissima con mac os… vi scrivo delle cose importanti che non sono in descrizione:
1. il tasto FN in modalit Mac effettivamente rimpiazza il tasto FN del mac anche se usato per controllare le caratteristiche della tastiera
2. come vedere in foto, ho messo alcuni tasti bianchi della GRAMR v1 sulla GRAMR v2… le dimensioni dei tasti sono identiche.
3. puoi mettere un colore unico e fisso. Ad esempio, nel mio setup ho preferito un verde matrix fisso. Questo si fa premendo FN+Home fino ad ottenere uno stile di un colore unico non lampeggiante, e poi FN+End per cambiare il colore.
Ho recensito il prodotto dopo un solo giorno di utilizzo perch veramente molto simile alla v1 con la quale mi sono trovato molto bene.
I only use 84-key keyboards, and it’s hard to find a good one without building your own for hundreds of dollars. But this is a *great* 84-key keyboard!
Pros: The lighting is bright, colorful, and attractive. There are a few key combinations to control brightness, speed, and animation. The keys may not be double-shot, but the key labels light up, and at this price point that’s good enough for me. The keyboard comes with a USB-C to -A cable to plug into your computer, and has two additional USB-A ports for plugging in your mouse or speakers or whatever. Good key feel. The case is weighted, so the keyboard doesn’t slide around on your desk. Comes with a couple of magnetic feet to tilt it further (but I like it without the extra tilt). Comes with a keycap puller and Command/Windows keycaps for Windows and MacOS.
Cons: The only issue I have with this keyboard is with the software used to configure it. Remapping keys or defining macros requires you to use a Windows-only application. The application installer is hosted as an unsigned application you download from a Google Drive link; use it at your own risk. (I installed the app on an old laptop that I don’t allow on my network anymore; it’s possible I’m too paranoid.) The application works okay, but it’s hard to figure out how to map some key combinations.
Great mechanical keyboard for its price. Haven’t had any trouble with it so far, the rgb is stunning on it with many different options and the keyboard as a whole feels sturdy and well buil
I used to own the previous version of Gramr 84 but 2 keys started to occasionally not register. So I bought this one as it was basically an upgrade. It has actual RGB lights unlike the previous one with some reasonable modes, 2 USB ports to plug whatever in and you can remove top part of the case to reveal the switches. Real neat.
However, personally I find the click of blue switches on this keyboard a bit underwhelming. And oddly enough the 9 key was a different size than the rest in that row, thankfully I had pudding keycaps from my old keyboard ready to use.
Lo primero, NO TIENE letra .
En ninguna parte de la descripcin del articulo se hace mencin a que sea la distribucin americana, a menos hasta la fecha de esta opinin.
El teclado tiene una buensima calidad, yo lo he elegido con interruptores marrones y es una placer escribir. El material del teclado es plstico de muy buena calidad, aporta una sensacin de resistente y robusto muy agradable al tacto.
Debido a la altura de la base en algunos momentos se puede echar en falta un reposa muecas. Supongo que esto es cuestin de gustos y costumbres.
La tecla Shift derecha a mi en bastantes ocasiones me ha llevado a error. Esta recortada en longitud debido al cursos superior (ver foto) y eso hace que a veces al darle a la tecla mientras escribes, puedas fallar y darle al cursor.
Los juegos y las posibilidades de las luces son increbles. Dan una sensacin de fluidez, muy buena y se puede regular desde la intensidad, hasta la velocidad de repeticin.
La ultima columna de teclas, no es muy habitual en los teclados TKL (Sin teclado numrico) y sin embargo resulta muy cmodo tener un acceso rpido a las techa de Inicio, Fin, Pg Up, Pg Dn,Print, Pause y Supr.
Sin duda un teclado muy bueno pero si usas la posiblemente no sea la mejor opcin.
The Bad: the form factor (being a 75% “TKL”) makes it not ideal for Pudding keycaps as the altered placements of the keys wont match well with the ergonomic features from keycaps of a standard build, ie your Del, End and PgDn keys will be sunk in comparison to the other keys. Also, the standard sizes of the Alt, Fn, Ctrl and Shift keys on the right side will not fit as the placement on this has been compressed.
Otherwise this was a great find and it broke my heart to return it for the sake of getting a proper TKL to fit the pudding keycaps.
J’ai eu un peu peur en commandant du Drevo malgr les bons avis en gnral qu’on trouve sur la marque sur Amazon.. mais le modle Gramr premire version du nom n’est pas la meilleure.. loin de l d’aprs les avis..
Malgr tout j’ai dcid de commander la 2me version du nom ! Aprs des doutes et le manque d’avis cruel sur Amazon vis vis de ce clavier sorti assez rcemment.
Le clavier prsente trs bien au dballage ! Un beau clavier 75% (Format trs rare en clavier) quiper de switchs TTC qui je dois dire.. sont plutt agrables et silencieux.
(J’ai pris les black.. encore des switchs trs peu utiliss en France.. et c’est bien dommage.)
Le clavier est QWERTY et dispose d’un cadre autour que l’on peut dmonter.. je trouve l’ide plutt sympa ! Il dispose aussi d’un clairage RGB modifiable via le logiciel de Drevo ou au clavier directement.. pas parfait comme on peut le voir dans certaine reviews et c’est vrai.. les couleurs sur les plus longues touches ne vont pas jusqu’au bout.. mais c’est du dtail.. En soit le RGB est plutt joli bien qu’il manque peut-tre un chouia de luminosit.. mais a vite d’avoir des leds qui nous explosent les yeux.. c’est un choix ! Le clavier dispose aussi de 2 ports USB et une prise USB C vers USB pour l’alimenter. Il dispose aussi de deux pieds pour surlever le clavier qui ne sont pas fixs au clavier mais qui sont aimants au clavier donc amovibles je trouve a aussi trs sympa et a tient correctement au clavier a ne glisse pas ou quoi que ce soit ce niveau l.
Vous pouvez voir sur les photos que son format QWERTY fait de lui un clavier personnalisable au choix en terme de keycaps.. un bon point mon sens. Je vous ai fait la moiti du clavier en keycaps personnaliss et l’autre moiti en keycaps d’origine qui sont de bonne qualit d’ailleurs il faut le prciser.. elle ont un revtement assez doux, trs agrable au toucher. (Ils fournissent aussi l’outil pour enlever les keycaps)
Le rapport qualit/prix est trs correct.. surtout quand on voit le prix des claviers de grandes marques qui n’ont rien a envier ceux de Drevo soyons honnte.
Si cet avis vous a aid, n’hsitez pas le dire en cliquant sur “utile”.
It has detachable stands at the bottom, and has a detachable type c output.
My only complaint is the wire going from the keyboard – pc. I would’ve preferred braided than a thin wire to eliminate all the tangles which it has. That being said you can simply replace the type c cable for whatever you want.
– board is sturdy (overall build quality is really really good)
– switches feel tactile and responsive
– compact layout is awesome
– keys have nice simple font
– no stupid over the top gamer branding
– 2x usb pass through
– a lot of built in backlight options (eg single color, rainbow wave, just off etc…)
– slight dimming of the backlights on the text of longer keys
– would be cool if there were more switch options (I prefer gateron browns slightly a little)
– aluminum body option would be nice
If you like this keyboard layout, this is a an awesome budget option. Easily beats even more expensive options.
This keyboard for its price is pretty amazing. The nice sounds and the different LED modes. The package does come with a key cap remover if anybody was wondering. I’ve only had it for a couple of days, but it has not yet died on me or had any strange functions.