ECOWITT Weather Stations WS2320, 7 in 1 Wireless Smart

ECOWITT Weather Stations WS2320, 7 in 1 Wireless Smart Weather Station with Outdoor Sensor Solar Powered, Indoor LCD Display Receive Weather Forecast for Home Garden Farm, 868 MHZ
ECOWITT Weather Stations WS2320, 7 in 1 Wireless Smart Weather Station with Outdoor Sensor Solar Powered, Indoor LCD Display Receive Weather Forecast for Home Garden Farm, 868 MHZ
Liked features but colour and slightly bigger screen would be nice. App good but Linking base to outdoor unit via wifi was bit tedious with the brief provided instructions. Need clearer step process and explain where required ssids and ids can be found.
Bought an extra temp sensor for verandah which info said would connect however couldn’t do it with provided instructions and it looks like extra purchase of a gateway device would be necessary to send info to app. (So sending it back)
his weather station, after purchasing others from other suppliers, worked fantastically well. It connected to my android smart phone really well with the app and I can get historic readings of all the different readings
Missfallen: Anzeigesprache nicht in weitere Weltsprachen mglich. Des Weiteren Irrefhrung Ansage “Password” anstatt >Netzwerkschlssel<.
Great weather station so far, seems accurate after a couple of weeks use. Rain gauge not seen any action yet because of the heatwave. Still haven’t managed to connect to my laptop or Internet yet.
Extensive manual BUT difficult to understand especially if you are in the Southern Hemisphere. Online help is excellent.
Have had it running for a few months now and hasn’t missed a beat. Have had a few big storms and held up fine. I can safely say it can read at 240ml/hr was absolutely bucketing down.
Highly recommend.
Just have to wait and see how long it will last.
It’s to hard to set time day month and year also wifi
Product was easy to set up and after a little bit of understnding all the functions I found it quite easy to use and fairly accurite
Good quality product. A little smaller than I thought but my terrier still likes to push his way in and go to sleep
Excellent weather station for the price. Easy to put together and erect. Sync’ed first time from outdoors to indoors. Really needed to read the instructions again and again to understand how to calibrate different readings but doable. The mobile set it up for wi-fi could have been a little easier to use but simple when I understood the steps. The display backlight really needs the power-pack to stay on all the time. The display can be set very bright so making it easy to read.
Seems to be very accurate when compared to local state weather stations around the area.
Overall – I am very pleased with the purchase and would recommend it if you want more than the basic weather station.
This weather station was easy to setup and has all the features you would want for a home weather statio
My first weather station, ticks the boxes Wifi, solar and battery combo. Decent price looks the part. The set up takes serious Study of the 76 page manual. Requires a scavenger hunt on the Internet to Locate the required measurements. To set up your account with WH View app you Need to register with wunderground to generate your station details … I think ? Anyway very happy with my new toy .
This weather station is a good buy. It arrived within a few days and was easy to setup the unit. Slight problem setting up the online connection but after some research online found out that you need to turn off your roaming data on the phone just to make the connect.
he weather station does everything it said it would and I am more than happy with the results.
Great product, easy to configure. Does have an issue reconnecting to the internet after power outages but otherwise fantastic.
This was a gift for my partner who is always looking at the weather forecast. He loves it because it tells him alot more than the weather app and now he goes fishing at the right time.
The ordering, delivery & tracking communication by Amazon was brilliant, super quick & that was to a remote rural area. The product quality & mode of operation of the weather station is very good so far. If reliability & accuracy, which time will only tell, is up to expectation, then this is a very good buy.
This system comes virtually pre-assembled. Just follow the instructions precisely and it all works perfectly. Thanks for a great product. I intend to order a few more.