Ecowitt Wireless Wi-Fi Weather Station – Digital Weather
Ecowitt Wireless Wi-Fi Weather Station – Digital Weather Forecast with 7 Inch TFT Screen, Rain Gauge, Anemometer, Solar Radiation, Solar Powered, Gateway for Ecowitt Ecosystem, HP2551
Piacevolmente sorpreso una stazione meteo semi professionale ha possibilit di gestire lo storico dei rilievi dei vari sensori. Molto bello lo schermo di controllo con colori e caratteri nitidi e di risoluzione alta.
Well made, easy to assemble and once working very reliable. Setting up the software side of things is nowhere near as easy or simple as it should be, but these are very flexible devices designed for enthusiasts. Once configured its been rock solid reliable and never looses connection.
Great weather station that was easy to install following the well written and simple to follow instructions. Connection to wifi, and registering with online weather site was an easy process; just need a compass or an compass app to ensure siting was correct, no big deal.
It works very well and provides comprehensive data. I like that you can access it via the app or on your desktop wherever you are. The only thing that concerns me is the accuracy of the wind speed measurement. The TV weather forecast can be for strong winds and it can seem to be blowing a gale outside, yet the weather station shows only around 10 mph or so. This may be perfectly accurate and perhaps our weather station is in a protected spot. I don’t know. I’d be interested to know what others think.
I was originally dissatisfied as my external array went faulty after only 17 months, but having complained to Ecowitt the agreed to replace the array, now I’m a happy customer.
I love it. Does it have any functional real world use other than information? – no. Will it be something that will benefit your daily life? – no. But….. It’s just information junkie fun, and can look at history from when you switch it on, and share it, and also view other locations in your town and city! It’s just so much fun to see the weather changes, temperature, solar info, pressure! I just love it and look at it many times daily, via the screen and online. Its strangely addictive and fun!
I have two, one at home, one at airfield. Superb products, and Ecowitt have been a pleasure to deal with when I had questions. I have the products integrated with Home Assistant and Weather Underground.
Installation was quite complex as it’s clear in the instructions it needs lightning protection even if it’s not attached to your house. Apart from that the set up was straightforward and it works perfectly.
Bought to replace a smaller simpler weather station. Well packaged and easy to set up. Pleased to see a well written easy to understand manual. Mounted the sensor unit on the roof of my shed, not ideal but didn’t fancy getting on the house roof! The readings seem accurate enough but a few degrees doesn’t make a great deal of difference to me.
I connected to the Ecowitt website as detailed in the manual, not that straightforward but followed the instructions and got there eventually…
Once connected you can access all the data being transmitted by the sensor unit and view all data as a graph, daily,weekly etc on your tablet, phone, computer etc. Only paid 134 for it in November which was a fair price I reckon, notice it’s now 188 which is a bit expensive I think.
Update,had a problem with time display,contacted Ecowitt and received a reply within a couple of hours which sorted it out. Excellent customer service.
This weather station is easy to set up and use. Make sure you align the outdoor sensor package correctly as shown in the very detailed instructions and you have a very reasonable weather station indeed. Connection to home Wi-Fi and the internet is straight forward and you will soon be publishing your weather results to the world. The indoor display unit is comprehensive, with everything displayed and easy to understand. The results build up over time and the more information gathered the more accurate the results get. There are plenty of graphical results and everything scan be backed up to a ad card ( not included ) up to 32 gig. Highly recommended and many optional sensors can be purchased to enhance your system.
Love this product. Easy to set up and we love it. Gives you everything you need to know from wind speeds, direction, temperatures and so much more. If you’re interested in the weather, don’t delay.
Very easy to assemble and set up. Ecowitt is a great app to use.
After a fortnight I had an issue with the array where it stopped reporting everything apart from wind and rain.
I contacted the supplier and they were amazing. Very quick to respond with helpful fix suggestions, when these did not work, they very quickly sent a replacement. Top marks for customer service
This is the second of this unit I have had. The second, not because the first was unreliable or junk. But I dropped the display unit and broke the screen. It did me proud for in excess of 8 years. The screen unit so far as I can see is the same. Its clear and concice. The out door unit has changed. Improved construction. Other than that, everything else looks identical. If I don’t drop this unit, it might outlive me.
I bought this with a view to keeping a closer eye on my local weather – specifically rainfall as we run a rainwater harvesting system on our home. After much research into weather stations I eventually decided on the Ecowitt system as representing good value for money – a useful customisable display with multiple parameters recorded. The ability to view the information from anywhere in the world was something I particularly valued. I used a TV Aerial mounting pole and mounted the system on the side of our house a good distance above the roof line – not ideal, but a decent compromise. The results so far, over 2 weeks or so, are good. The pattern is similar to other nearby recording stations so the mounting point is not having too marked an affect on the data. The system seems robust and has endured decent gusts of approaching 50MPH with no apparent ill effect – it does sway a little on it’s mount but nothing beyond what I would expect. Overall – very pleased.
Instructions to connect to wifi and third party services are somewhat challenging to follow and I’m not yet connected to Wunderground, but this may be their issue more than Ecowitt. Otherwise, I’m very happy to have bought this product.
After checking many reviews, I went for this weather station. It has a very detailed but easy-to-use display and lots of expansion options, it seems. You can save years of data onto a MicroSD card as well. Fun!
If you’re like me and have been fascinated with the weather since I was young, this was a must buy. Value for money here, you can spend a lot more for similar functions. Accurate and easy to read output on the screen. My only issue was where to place the outside unit, not having a large garden. Ideally it could have gone on the roof or eaves but then you would have a problem changing batteries. Where I have it is fine as it’s south facing and is exposed to all but northerly winds, which don’t occur often here. Maybe a solar recharged battery for the external unit would be and option for an upgrade but overall I’m very happy with the purchase and find myself constantly looking at the data!
I’ve been frustrated with other brands like Youshiko who charge the earth for replacement sensors, effectively forcing you to pay the full cost of an entire new weather station when the outside unit fails (which they do). The Ecowitt unit is really nicely made, seems accurate and uploads data to Weather Underground, the Met Office and their own service. You can add lots of additional sensors such as air quality, soil moisture content and lightning detection which most competitors can’t unless you start spending rather more. All connect easily to this base unit. Note that only the Ecowitt service can show data for some of these additional sensors as the other services don’t track things like lightning. The mobile app is really nice and I prefer it to the actual display itself which can feel a little crowded but is still easy to use. This is the third manufacturer of units at this sort of price point I’ve tried over the last 10 years and on first impressions by far the best.
Good bit of kit once you work out how to set it up properly, it does need to be Calibrated for wind direction and I did initially forget to set my longitude and latitude giving me the wrong sunrise and sunset overall I’m quite impressed
Ich hatte eine uralte LCD FineOffset Wetterstation, wo der Kunststoff der Aueneinheit schon brchig wurde. Ecowitt produziert auch FineOffset Stationen, nur hat sich in den letzten Jahren einiges getan. Diese Station kann:
* deutlich mehr Sensoren als meine alte.
* man kann zustzliche Sensoren extra dazukaufen
* Die Anzeige ist ein volles TFT Display. Man kann daher nicht nur ein helles/dunkles Thema whlen, man kann auch Zusatzdaten graphisch und tabellarisch anzeigen lassen.
* Man kann die Daten auf einer Speicherkarte sichern (mu man dazukaufen)
* Die Wetterstation kann viele bekannte Home-Wetterwebseiten mit den Daten beliefern, kann die Ecowitt eigene Seite beschicken und hat zustzlich noch eine einstellbare Custom Servereinstellung. Man kann alle Server parallel nutzen! Ich kann daher aktuell meine Daten auf weatherunderground, ecowitt und AWEKAS anzeigen.
Man sollte wissen:
* Es wird kein Mast mitgeliefert! Die Befestigung braucht also noch Zusatzmaterial
* Das Firmware Upgrade ist nicht intuitiv. Man mu schon google zu Rate ziehen, um die Downloadseiten zu finden.
* Man kann sich mhsame Tipparbeit ersparen, wenn man die Android App nutzt und damit die Einstellungen vornimmt
Bisher ist die Funkreichweite in meinem Anwendungsfall mehr als nur ausreichend und stabil. Auch der Datenupload zu den Servern funktioniert problemlos. Bijn also nach den ersten Wochen sehr zufrieden.
The weather station is an excellent product . Great design , clear colour read out and the WiFi accurate without wire’s everywhere . I had to return the station because it’s designed for the real weather experts due to its positioning and operation . If you’re good in weather tech this is good for you .
Bought this to replace a similar priced Chinese product that I owned for about two years.
In comparison, this Ecowitt adds precipitation rate and relative air pressure, which my old station did not have. Another improvement with this model is the weather vane which requires a stronger breeze to make it change wind direction. If the vane spins too freely you would have trouble knowing which way the wind is blowing, especially in light winds. I find this unit records the wind direction the same as forecasted by the Met office, so am happy with that.
The indoor display is easy to read and much brighter than a lot of cheaper stations, and I found it easy to connect to Weather Underground. You can also fit a memory card as a backup if you wish.
In summary this is the best weather station I have owned, and am very happy with it.
My old weather station dies and I spent a long time looking for a replacement. This seemed to fit the bill, lots of additional sensors and the description seemed to indicate I can store and access the data locally for my own analysis.
It’s much better than I thought. You can install a MicroSD card into it, and it will store the data. This is great. You can also save the data to one of many external weather sites, but this means setting the base station up on your wifi and then giving it access to other external places, and if, like me, you are somewhat careful about who and what you let into your home network, I wanted to store the data locally. luckily, with a Raspberry Pi (or PC) you can use CumulusMX and connect it very easily to the weather station, keeping all your data local. This was a VERY pleasant surprise, and actually fits in nicely with another project I have. So far, very impressed that someone has actually thought about a product.
I bought the Ecowitt HP2551 to replace my old Auriol weather station that no longer worked. Unlike the Auriol where the mounting pole passes through its ‘U’ bolts and out the top, this sensor array sits on top of the pole so I decided to fit a plastic cap onto the sharp metal pole so it would not damage the plastic body of the sensor array.
On powering up the console I found that although the indoor sensor was detected easily, there was no signal from the outdoor sensor array. After many tries at rebooting the console and the outdoor array I contacted [email protected] and was told to check that my sensor array was registered with the console. I found my WH65 sensor in the “Setup | More | Sensor ID Setup” page, clicked on “Register” and immediately I received a signal and the outdoor sensor data was displayed correctly. There is little in the manual about sensor abbreviations and their hexadecimal IDs, but Ecowitt provide many additional sensors and I expect the IDs help to prevent interference from neighbouring weather stations.
Initially I had a problem setting up the station coordinates. If you are west of London the longitude is typically a negative value. The console will not accept negative inputs but setting longitude to WEST and entering a positive value works fine.
I have found that all data entered in the console is persistent and I have not needed to re-enter router details if the console power is interrupted.
Connecting to the Internet through my router was straightforward and the Ecowitt site provides a very useful logging system that will display graphs of your historic data and indicate their maximum and minimum values. It is also possible to export your data from the Ecowitt web page as a download to an Excel xlsx file.
I found the Ecowitt support team very helpful and they replied promptly so after these initial problems were overcome I am very pleased with my Ecowitt station and would certainly recommend it to others.
The station was straight-forward to instal and gave readings without any problems. On the other hand the equipment arrived in a box that had clearly been opened previously and some of its contents were not packaged in the plastic bags that they should have been in. I was prepared for problems but in fact the system works well, one negative is that the screen display has a very narrow viewing angle and cannot be read unless your eyes are higher than the screen. Another problem is the difficulty in installing the software for Ecowitt, Wunderground and other similar apps. I have not yet managed to register the station with these or with the WS View that is the dedicated app. Here the instruction booklet is not clear and there is no explanation of how to find the “station key”. At the moment I have failed to get information from the console to my IPhone or to shared websites. Frustrating!
Overall, a versatile and cost-effective weather station system of modular design that looks well-made, has a really useful range of additional sensors available to purchase and as far as I can tell is almost as capable as the Davis weather stations — but at a fraction of the cost.
For those wanting a more detailed review, please read on.
As my old weather station of ten years was on its last legs, I decided to purchase this kit as a) it offered good value for money as far as functionality was concerned b) I like Ecowitt’s modular approach to sales i.e. although it works out more expensive, you can start with a simple online weather station using just one sensor and a wireless-to-WiFi gateway and add to it as you go along, knowing it will all work together and c) Ecowitt is a brand name of the Fine Offset company based in China who make weather stations and sensors for other companies and have gained a good reputation over the years.
I also purchased the bird spike kit, (to stop the pigeons round here leaving deposits in the rain gauge) the rain gauge filter and the remote battery pack for the 7-in-1 sensor array as this saves having to take the mounting pole down every year or so to replace the backup batteries and possibly damaging the sensor array in the process.
Mounting the array onto the pole was a little fiddly, but not difficult: more a case of wading through the job. Don’t over-tighten the nuts or you may crack the plastic shoe. Just tighten the nuts enough to ensure the yoke sits firmly on top of the pole and does not move when you rock it gently on the pole. Allow plenty of time, read the instructions carefully, take it steady and you’ll be OK: if a 65+ year-old duffer like me can do the job successfully, anyone can! Mounting poles from 1 to 2 inches in diameter can be used, with suitable poles available from Amazon. I would advise against using a pole longer than 8 feet as it may sway too much in strong gusty winds and falsely activate the rain gauge bucket. I used a 6ft x 1.25 inch 16-gauge aluminium pole and the array barely moved at all during the recent storm Eunice where the sensor array’s anemometer recorded wind gusts exceeding 70mph.
I was also impressed with the wide range of add-on wireless sensors and spares available, and I have purchased the lightning sensor, three extra temperature and humidity sensors and a 3-metre wired temperature sensor with external probe. Interestingly, all three temperature & humidity sensors register identical temperature and humidity readings when placed side-by-side, giving an indication of how well the devices are calibrated. Other sensors available include (among others) soil temperature, soil wetness, water leak detectors and air quality sensors.
The equipment looks well made, seems much more accurate and sensitive than my old station and has some really useful options on the display console, such as being able to either manually or automatically turn the display off at night (you can set the off and on times as you wish) which is useful if you site the console by the bed, along with an automatic two-level brightness option, which is dependent on external light level.
The data displayed on the console is really quite detailed and too much to record in detail here. Interestingly, hourly rain rate is also displayed along with ‘Event’, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly rainfall to date. Furthermore, all sensor readings logged can be adjusted or calibrated, which for me meant I could add onto the console the year’s recorded rainfall prior to setting up the station.
The display console requires a +5V supply to work (mains adapter supplied), displays a lot of detail, yet is easy to read: however, the (up to 8) remote temperature and humidity sensor readings can either be ‘cycled’ with the supplied ‘Indoor’ temperature & humidity sensor, or any one of these can be displayed permanently.
Data logging is good overall and includes the time on the max/min screen when say the maximum temperature etc. occurred: however, these times are not recorded in the internal or online history log.
Other useful features include:
+Micro SD card slot which accepts sizes up to and including 32gB (max) for either installing new firmware or backing up weather data logs for say analysis in a spreadsheet etc. Ten years of history data equates to less than 1gB.
+WiFi facility (only 2.4gHz 802.11g band compatible) for uploading weather data to weather servers.
+Partially pre-configured upload facility (only user/station i.d. and password needed) for uploading weather details to either Ecowitt’s web server, Weather Underground or Met Office WOW servers, with a configuration option to upload the readings to your own weather server as well, using software such as CumulusMX so that you can remotely view the weather info on say your smartphone via the Ecowitt web server or the Ecowitt and WSView apps (Android) or equivalent Apple iOS app. This is really useful for say keeping an eye on your house when you’re away in cold weather and help you to decide whether you need to turn the heating on remotely, using say Nest or Hive online systems etc.
The user manual is fairly comprehensive and reasonably easy to follow — particularly in regard to siting the sensors and mounting the 7-in-1 sensor array onto a pole. However, one or two less important options shown in the manual have been replaced with others following various firmware updates since the manual was printed. One thing to be aware of: for some unknown reason, the manual explains how to set up data uploads to remote weather servers BEFORE explaning how to set up the console to access your WiFi, which is needed in order to access the remote servers!
As for customer support, again, Ecowitt shine; as the supplied console kept intermittently locking up every few hours, necessitating a reset via the hidden button on the side. I contacted Ecowitt support via e-mail who, after verifying my purchase, sent me a new console (and mains adapter) free of charge from China and e-mailed me a tracking number that enabled me to track the parcel almost to my front door! This replacement console has performed perfectly so far.
As for overall reliability, time will tell, but apart from the original console intermittently locking up (which can elude even the most stringent quality control checks) all is well so far.
As for negative points, not much: perhaps the only missing facility for me would be the ability to directly transfer the history data directly to a PC via the mini (not micro) USB socket on the console instead of needing to remove the memory card every time. Apparently, this USB socket is only for firmware upgrades and how to do this using the socket is not mentioned anywhere in the manual. These updates are easiest done by copying the new firmware file onto an empty micro SD card and inserting it into the card socket on the console. Powering down the console and back up again starts the update process which takes around a minute.
Also, the push buttons being at the bottom of the screen means two hands are needed to push any button (one to hold the console steady and the other to push the button) whereas if the buttons were sited along the top or down both sides, a pincer movement using the thumb and finger of one hand would suffice.
Finally, if you decide to purchase sensors direct from the Ecowitt web site, make sure you order the correct wireless operating frequency, which is stamped on the back of the display console. 868mHz for the UK and Europe, 915mHz for the USA and 433mHz for Australia.
*Edit 11/08/22: Six months on from writing this review, all the equipment has worked flawlessly so far and I have updated both sets of firmware on the console (main and WiFi) several times. The WiFi firmware can only be updated via the Ecowitt app though, but it automatically notifies you of a WiFI firmware update being available. Installing the WiFi firmware update also takes around a minute.
I did have a problem with the lightning detector not detecting any lightning when a storm was in progress close by, but I found this was due to me mis-reading the instructions: I had set the DIP switches inside the battery compartment cover to minimum sensitivity! Setting the switches as below corrected the problem and the sensor now accurately detects lightning flashes as far as 25 miles away with no false detections.
I set the DIP switches thus: looking at the sensor with the switches just above the battery holder, from left-to-right the switches should read: UP-DOWN-UP-DOWN. Any changes made to the DIP switches are only recognised after removing the batteries, waiting ten seconds or so and then reinserting the batteries.
Also, I would recommend any weatherproof housing used for the lightning sensor is not placed directly next to the metal mounting pole as this can impair detection by ‘earthing’ the RF signal given off by the lightning. I used this one: Amazon product code ASIN B017ILZF6C and mounted it on a stout wooden fence post.
I see Ecowitt are now shipping a suitable housing with the lightning sensor which has an arm on to keep the sensor a short distance away from the pole.
Would I buy Ecowitt eqipment again? From what I’ve experienced so far, most definitely!
Good product bought to replace a faulty Youshiko 7 in 1 “professional” weather station, that failed within a few days of installation. Terrible problems getting a Youshiko refund!!! Ecowit much better!!
This has been a great weather station setup to replace my last one. All in one, so no wires to tidy and even better you can add extra sensors to it, like I have! I have added an additional temp & humidity sensor, lightning sensor and an air quality sensor. Nice and easy to sync with web data services like Wunderground too!
My only wish would be to have the provision on it to use a fixed power feed on it rather than having to replace batteries every so often. I’m sure I’ll come up with a way to sort that myself but if it had that feature out of the box, it would have been ideal.
Very easy to set up, love how the outdoor unit is all in one,
my last had miles of wires,
The display is easy to read and use with all the info you need,
set up to ecowitt and weatherunderground was super easy, just keep in mind the website takes abit of time to say online so just have patience.
Ive looked at other online stations and it seems as accurate as others,
Not a bad word to say,
I will be getting the lightning detector once funds allow.
Received this for Christmas (I picked it). Very pleased with it. I had already prepared a pole so it was easy to mount.
Navigating some of the settings with the buttons can be a bit klunky but you don’t do it very often. I can’t decide what app to use on my iPad but have connected to Wundercloud which was easy and allows the data to be shared.
Ordered this after using a Maplin weather station for many years. Was a bit worried that it wouldn’t live up to expectations but it has exceeded them. A very nicely built weather station, with a very good manual, providing very good quality results, matching stations double or more the price. The added benefit is all the additional sensors you can add. I have added an Air Quality monitor and a Lightning detector, but there all sorts of additional sensors available from Ecowitt that you can add. Team this with good quality software such as CumulusMX ( ) and you have winning combination for the amateur weather watcher.
ight if you are looking for a great weather station , then look no further than this, Ecowitt have provided quality items for months now, I have this item and can say its great.
Piacevolmente sorpreso una stazione meteo semi professionale ha possibilit di gestire lo storico dei rilievi dei vari sensori. Molto bello lo schermo di controllo con colori e caratteri nitidi e di risoluzione alta.
Well made, easy to assemble and once working very reliable. Setting up the software side of things is nowhere near as easy or simple as it should be, but these are very flexible devices designed for enthusiasts. Once configured its been rock solid reliable and never looses connection.
Great weather station that was easy to install following the well written and simple to follow instructions. Connection to wifi, and registering with online weather site was an easy process; just need a compass or an compass app to ensure siting was correct, no big deal.
Very easy to use and connect to the base, to Internet, etc…
Very good quality for the price
It works very well and provides comprehensive data. I like that you can access it via the app or on your desktop wherever you are. The only thing that concerns me is the accuracy of the wind speed measurement. The TV weather forecast can be for strong winds and it can seem to be blowing a gale outside, yet the weather station shows only around 10 mph or so. This may be perfectly accurate and perhaps our weather station is in a protected spot. I don’t know. I’d be interested to know what others think.
I was originally dissatisfied as my external array went faulty after only 17 months, but having complained to Ecowitt the agreed to replace the array, now I’m a happy customer.
Installation was quite complex as it’s clear in the instructions it needs lightning protection even if it’s not attached to your house. Apart from that the set up was straightforward and it works perfectly.
I connected to the Ecowitt website as detailed in the manual, not that straightforward but followed the instructions and got there eventually…
Once connected you can access all the data being transmitted by the sensor unit and view all data as a graph, daily,weekly etc on your tablet, phone, computer etc. Only paid 134 for it in November which was a fair price I reckon, notice it’s now 188 which is a bit expensive I think.
Update,had a problem with time display,contacted Ecowitt and received a reply within a couple of hours which sorted it out. Excellent customer service.
This weather station is easy to set up and use. Make sure you align the outdoor sensor package correctly as shown in the very detailed instructions and you have a very reasonable weather station indeed. Connection to home Wi-Fi and the internet is straight forward and you will soon be publishing your weather results to the world. The indoor display unit is comprehensive, with everything displayed and easy to understand. The results build up over time and the more information gathered the more accurate the results get. There are plenty of graphical results and everything scan be backed up to a ad card ( not included ) up to 32 gig. Highly recommended and many optional sensors can be purchased to enhance your system.
Love this product. Easy to set up and we love it. Gives you everything you need to know from wind speeds, direction, temperatures and so much more. If you’re interested in the weather, don’t delay.
Very easy to assemble and set up. Ecowitt is a great app to use.
After a fortnight I had an issue with the array where it stopped reporting everything apart from wind and rain.
I contacted the supplier and they were amazing. Very quick to respond with helpful fix suggestions, when these did not work, they very quickly sent a replacement. Top marks for customer service
Lovely quality weather station, identical to market leaders with a discount.
THE MONITOR is arguable the MOST important part. HP2551 **** well worth the few extra coins. And can have the maximum addons.
After checking many reviews, I went for this weather station. It has a very detailed but easy-to-use display and lots of expansion options, it seems. You can save years of data onto a MicroSD card as well. Fun!
I’ve been frustrated with other brands like Youshiko who charge the earth for replacement sensors, effectively forcing you to pay the full cost of an entire new weather station when the outside unit fails (which they do). The Ecowitt unit is really nicely made, seems accurate and uploads data to Weather Underground, the Met Office and their own service. You can add lots of additional sensors such as air quality, soil moisture content and lightning detection which most competitors can’t unless you start spending rather more. All connect easily to this base unit. Note that only the Ecowitt service can show data for some of these additional sensors as the other services don’t track things like lightning. The mobile app is really nice and I prefer it to the actual display itself which can feel a little crowded but is still easy to use. This is the third manufacturer of units at this sort of price point I’ve tried over the last 10 years and on first impressions by far the best.
Good bit of kit once you work out how to set it up properly, it does need to be Calibrated for wind direction and I did initially forget to set my longitude and latitude giving me the wrong sunrise and sunset overall I’m quite impressed
* deutlich mehr Sensoren als meine alte.
* man kann zustzliche Sensoren extra dazukaufen
* Die Anzeige ist ein volles TFT Display. Man kann daher nicht nur ein helles/dunkles Thema whlen, man kann auch Zusatzdaten graphisch und tabellarisch anzeigen lassen.
* Man kann die Daten auf einer Speicherkarte sichern (mu man dazukaufen)
* Die Wetterstation kann viele bekannte Home-Wetterwebseiten mit den Daten beliefern, kann die Ecowitt eigene Seite beschicken und hat zustzlich noch eine einstellbare Custom Servereinstellung. Man kann alle Server parallel nutzen! Ich kann daher aktuell meine Daten auf weatherunderground, ecowitt und AWEKAS anzeigen.
Man sollte wissen:
* Es wird kein Mast mitgeliefert! Die Befestigung braucht also noch Zusatzmaterial
* Das Firmware Upgrade ist nicht intuitiv. Man mu schon google zu Rate ziehen, um die Downloadseiten zu finden.
* Man kann sich mhsame Tipparbeit ersparen, wenn man die Android App nutzt und damit die Einstellungen vornimmt
Bisher ist die Funkreichweite in meinem Anwendungsfall mehr als nur ausreichend und stabil. Auch der Datenupload zu den Servern funktioniert problemlos. Bijn also nach den ersten Wochen sehr zufrieden.
The weather station is an excellent product . Great design , clear colour read out and the WiFi accurate without wire’s everywhere . I had to return the station because it’s designed for the real weather experts due to its positioning and operation . If you’re good in weather tech this is good for you .
Bought this to replace a similar priced Chinese product that I owned for about two years.
In comparison, this Ecowitt adds precipitation rate and relative air pressure, which my old station did not have. Another improvement with this model is the weather vane which requires a stronger breeze to make it change wind direction. If the vane spins too freely you would have trouble knowing which way the wind is blowing, especially in light winds. I find this unit records the wind direction the same as forecasted by the Met office, so am happy with that.
The indoor display is easy to read and much brighter than a lot of cheaper stations, and I found it easy to connect to Weather Underground. You can also fit a memory card as a backup if you wish.
In summary this is the best weather station I have owned, and am very happy with it.
My old weather station dies and I spent a long time looking for a replacement. This seemed to fit the bill, lots of additional sensors and the description seemed to indicate I can store and access the data locally for my own analysis.
It’s much better than I thought. You can install a MicroSD card into it, and it will store the data. This is great. You can also save the data to one of many external weather sites, but this means setting the base station up on your wifi and then giving it access to other external places, and if, like me, you are somewhat careful about who and what you let into your home network, I wanted to store the data locally. luckily, with a Raspberry Pi (or PC) you can use CumulusMX and connect it very easily to the weather station, keeping all your data local. This was a VERY pleasant surprise, and actually fits in nicely with another project I have. So far, very impressed that someone has actually thought about a product.
On powering up the console I found that although the indoor sensor was detected easily, there was no signal from the outdoor sensor array. After many tries at rebooting the console and the outdoor array I contacted [email protected] and was told to check that my sensor array was registered with the console. I found my WH65 sensor in the “Setup | More | Sensor ID Setup” page, clicked on “Register” and immediately I received a signal and the outdoor sensor data was displayed correctly. There is little in the manual about sensor abbreviations and their hexadecimal IDs, but Ecowitt provide many additional sensors and I expect the IDs help to prevent interference from neighbouring weather stations.
Initially I had a problem setting up the station coordinates. If you are west of London the longitude is typically a negative value. The console will not accept negative inputs but setting longitude to WEST and entering a positive value works fine.
I have found that all data entered in the console is persistent and I have not needed to re-enter router details if the console power is interrupted.
Connecting to the Internet through my router was straightforward and the Ecowitt site provides a very useful logging system that will display graphs of your historic data and indicate their maximum and minimum values. It is also possible to export your data from the Ecowitt web page as a download to an Excel xlsx file.
I found the Ecowitt support team very helpful and they replied promptly so after these initial problems were overcome I am very pleased with my Ecowitt station and would certainly recommend it to others.
Easy to assemble works straight out of the box
easy enough to set up on weather Underground and the EcowittApp
My only gripe is that it has no mounting pole abut I’m happy with i
The station was straight-forward to instal and gave readings without any problems. On the other hand the equipment arrived in a box that had clearly been opened previously and some of its contents were not packaged in the plastic bags that they should have been in. I was prepared for problems but in fact the system works well, one negative is that the screen display has a very narrow viewing angle and cannot be read unless your eyes are higher than the screen. Another problem is the difficulty in installing the software for Ecowitt, Wunderground and other similar apps. I have not yet managed to register the station with these or with the WS View that is the dedicated app. Here the instruction booklet is not clear and there is no explanation of how to find the “station key”. At the moment I have failed to get information from the console to my IPhone or to shared websites. Frustrating!
For those wanting a more detailed review, please read on.
As my old weather station of ten years was on its last legs, I decided to purchase this kit as a) it offered good value for money as far as functionality was concerned b) I like Ecowitt’s modular approach to sales i.e. although it works out more expensive, you can start with a simple online weather station using just one sensor and a wireless-to-WiFi gateway and add to it as you go along, knowing it will all work together and c) Ecowitt is a brand name of the Fine Offset company based in China who make weather stations and sensors for other companies and have gained a good reputation over the years.
I also purchased the bird spike kit, (to stop the pigeons round here leaving deposits in the rain gauge) the rain gauge filter and the remote battery pack for the 7-in-1 sensor array as this saves having to take the mounting pole down every year or so to replace the backup batteries and possibly damaging the sensor array in the process.
Mounting the array onto the pole was a little fiddly, but not difficult: more a case of wading through the job. Don’t over-tighten the nuts or you may crack the plastic shoe. Just tighten the nuts enough to ensure the yoke sits firmly on top of the pole and does not move when you rock it gently on the pole. Allow plenty of time, read the instructions carefully, take it steady and you’ll be OK: if a 65+ year-old duffer like me can do the job successfully, anyone can! Mounting poles from 1 to 2 inches in diameter can be used, with suitable poles available from Amazon. I would advise against using a pole longer than 8 feet as it may sway too much in strong gusty winds and falsely activate the rain gauge bucket. I used a 6ft x 1.25 inch 16-gauge aluminium pole and the array barely moved at all during the recent storm Eunice where the sensor array’s anemometer recorded wind gusts exceeding 70mph.
I was also impressed with the wide range of add-on wireless sensors and spares available, and I have purchased the lightning sensor, three extra temperature and humidity sensors and a 3-metre wired temperature sensor with external probe. Interestingly, all three temperature & humidity sensors register identical temperature and humidity readings when placed side-by-side, giving an indication of how well the devices are calibrated. Other sensors available include (among others) soil temperature, soil wetness, water leak detectors and air quality sensors.
The equipment looks well made, seems much more accurate and sensitive than my old station and has some really useful options on the display console, such as being able to either manually or automatically turn the display off at night (you can set the off and on times as you wish) which is useful if you site the console by the bed, along with an automatic two-level brightness option, which is dependent on external light level.
The data displayed on the console is really quite detailed and too much to record in detail here. Interestingly, hourly rain rate is also displayed along with ‘Event’, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly rainfall to date. Furthermore, all sensor readings logged can be adjusted or calibrated, which for me meant I could add onto the console the year’s recorded rainfall prior to setting up the station.
The display console requires a +5V supply to work (mains adapter supplied), displays a lot of detail, yet is easy to read: however, the (up to 8) remote temperature and humidity sensor readings can either be ‘cycled’ with the supplied ‘Indoor’ temperature & humidity sensor, or any one of these can be displayed permanently.
Data logging is good overall and includes the time on the max/min screen when say the maximum temperature etc. occurred: however, these times are not recorded in the internal or online history log.
Other useful features include:
+Micro SD card slot which accepts sizes up to and including 32gB (max) for either installing new firmware or backing up weather data logs for say analysis in a spreadsheet etc. Ten years of history data equates to less than 1gB.
+WiFi facility (only 2.4gHz 802.11g band compatible) for uploading weather data to weather servers.
+Partially pre-configured upload facility (only user/station i.d. and password needed) for uploading weather details to either Ecowitt’s web server, Weather Underground or Met Office WOW servers, with a configuration option to upload the readings to your own weather server as well, using software such as CumulusMX so that you can remotely view the weather info on say your smartphone via the Ecowitt web server or the Ecowitt and WSView apps (Android) or equivalent Apple iOS app. This is really useful for say keeping an eye on your house when you’re away in cold weather and help you to decide whether you need to turn the heating on remotely, using say Nest or Hive online systems etc.
The user manual is fairly comprehensive and reasonably easy to follow — particularly in regard to siting the sensors and mounting the 7-in-1 sensor array onto a pole. However, one or two less important options shown in the manual have been replaced with others following various firmware updates since the manual was printed. One thing to be aware of: for some unknown reason, the manual explains how to set up data uploads to remote weather servers BEFORE explaning how to set up the console to access your WiFi, which is needed in order to access the remote servers!
As for customer support, again, Ecowitt shine; as the supplied console kept intermittently locking up every few hours, necessitating a reset via the hidden button on the side. I contacted Ecowitt support via e-mail who, after verifying my purchase, sent me a new console (and mains adapter) free of charge from China and e-mailed me a tracking number that enabled me to track the parcel almost to my front door! This replacement console has performed perfectly so far.
As for overall reliability, time will tell, but apart from the original console intermittently locking up (which can elude even the most stringent quality control checks) all is well so far.
As for negative points, not much: perhaps the only missing facility for me would be the ability to directly transfer the history data directly to a PC via the mini (not micro) USB socket on the console instead of needing to remove the memory card every time. Apparently, this USB socket is only for firmware upgrades and how to do this using the socket is not mentioned anywhere in the manual. These updates are easiest done by copying the new firmware file onto an empty micro SD card and inserting it into the card socket on the console. Powering down the console and back up again starts the update process which takes around a minute.
Also, the push buttons being at the bottom of the screen means two hands are needed to push any button (one to hold the console steady and the other to push the button) whereas if the buttons were sited along the top or down both sides, a pincer movement using the thumb and finger of one hand would suffice.
Finally, if you decide to purchase sensors direct from the Ecowitt web site, make sure you order the correct wireless operating frequency, which is stamped on the back of the display console. 868mHz for the UK and Europe, 915mHz for the USA and 433mHz for Australia.
*Edit 11/08/22: Six months on from writing this review, all the equipment has worked flawlessly so far and I have updated both sets of firmware on the console (main and WiFi) several times. The WiFi firmware can only be updated via the Ecowitt app though, but it automatically notifies you of a WiFI firmware update being available. Installing the WiFi firmware update also takes around a minute.
I did have a problem with the lightning detector not detecting any lightning when a storm was in progress close by, but I found this was due to me mis-reading the instructions: I had set the DIP switches inside the battery compartment cover to minimum sensitivity! Setting the switches as below corrected the problem and the sensor now accurately detects lightning flashes as far as 25 miles away with no false detections.
I set the DIP switches thus: looking at the sensor with the switches just above the battery holder, from left-to-right the switches should read: UP-DOWN-UP-DOWN. Any changes made to the DIP switches are only recognised after removing the batteries, waiting ten seconds or so and then reinserting the batteries.
Also, I would recommend any weatherproof housing used for the lightning sensor is not placed directly next to the metal mounting pole as this can impair detection by ‘earthing’ the RF signal given off by the lightning. I used this one: Amazon product code ASIN B017ILZF6C and mounted it on a stout wooden fence post.
I see Ecowitt are now shipping a suitable housing with the lightning sensor which has an arm on to keep the sensor a short distance away from the pole.
Would I buy Ecowitt eqipment again? From what I’ve experienced so far, most definitely!
Installation was fairly easy, getting the arm completely on the level was the hardest bi
Good product bought to replace a faulty Youshiko 7 in 1 “professional” weather station, that failed within a few days of installation. Terrible problems getting a Youshiko refund!!! Ecowit much better!!
This has been a great weather station setup to replace my last one. All in one, so no wires to tidy and even better you can add extra sensors to it, like I have! I have added an additional temp & humidity sensor, lightning sensor and an air quality sensor. Nice and easy to sync with web data services like Wunderground too!
My only wish would be to have the provision on it to use a fixed power feed on it rather than having to replace batteries every so often. I’m sure I’ll come up with a way to sort that myself but if it had that feature out of the box, it would have been ideal.
Very easy to set up, love how the outdoor unit is all in one,
my last had miles of wires,
The display is easy to read and use with all the info you need,
set up to ecowitt and weatherunderground was super easy, just keep in mind the website takes abit of time to say online so just have patience.
Ive looked at other online stations and it seems as accurate as others,
Not a bad word to say,
I will be getting the lightning detector once funds allow.
Navigating some of the settings with the buttons can be a bit klunky but you don’t do it very often. I can’t decide what app to use on my iPad but have connected to Wundercloud which was easy and allows the data to be shared.
thanks ecowitt.