Fenge Electric Standing Desk Height Adjustable Standing Desk

Fenge Electric Standing Desk Height Adjustable Standing Desk 4 Programmable Memory Presets Sit Stand Desk for Home Office (110 × 60cm, White Frame+Maple Desktop)

Weight: | 22 kg |
Dimensions: | 60 x 110 x 74 cm; 22 Kilograms |
Brand: | Fenge |
Colour: | White Frame+maple Desktop |
Dimensions: | 60 x 110 x 74 cm; 22 Kilograms |
Por el momento todo fantstico. El montaje facil y la calidad buena.
This is good table , easy to assemble and great value for money.
Did not like delivery information which was just plain wrong.
A complete waste of a day.
The product, once I had got it was better than I expected
I love this desk. It’s fantastic value for money and has made working from home so much more comfortable. The memory presets are a great feature. It’s very sturdy and well built.
This product is absolutely amazing for the price.
The line between the two pieces is really noticable but I think it looks nice.
It’s so easy to assemble.
The table goes up and down slowly but that’s how even the most expensive ones are.
So easy to set the memory settings.
Honestly amazed at this. I hope my opinion doesn’t change down the line.
Ich bin nun doch lnger im Homeoffice und wollte daher meinen alten Tisch, der nur als Provisorium gedacht war, ablsen. Der Tisch ist die perfekte Lsung. Er steht bei mir in der Kche und nimmt von der Tiefe her so viel Platz weg wie eine Standardarbeitsplatte. Folglich passt er sich gut in die Zeile ein. Auf dem Tisch finden locker 2 groe Monitore Platz. Die Hhenverstellbarkeit ist sehr bequem, weil man Hhen speichern kann. Der Aufbau war locker nach Anleitung auch alleine durchfhrbar. Er steht stabil. Drauf setzen sollte man sich jetzt aber nicht. Dafr ist er ja aber auch nicht da. Habe den Tisch bereits mehreren Kollegen in der Firma weiterempfohlen.
I’m very pleased with this desk.
The up-down is fairly fast and the memory settings work great. The desk can take a fair bit of weight too. I’ve had it for about 6 months and no jams.
There is a built-in hidden shelf underneath the surface for cable management. Great feature! I put my laptop charging brick here. I only wish the shelf was a bit wider.
The desk looks great and more expensive than the price would suggest. Can highly recommend the dark wood colour.
Ich war bei dem Preis etwas skeptisch, ob der Tisch hlt, was er verspricht. Nach etwas ber einem Monat Nutzung konnte ich aber bisher keine Mngel feststellen. Auch die Funktion zum Verstellen der Hhe ist super. Ein kleiner Minuspunkt ist, dass der Tisch aus 2 Platten besteht und nicht aus einer durchgehenden. Dies ist aber natrlich Geschmackssache.
es verdad que tenia un poco de miedo cuando lei algunas resenas de esta mesa diciendo que es mala calidad, que hace mucho ruido etc. pero cuando he abierto la caja, estaba sorprendido como estaba todo embalado. Montar la mesa fue un verdadero exito comparacion con otros productos que ya he recibido. Cada paso tenia los tornillos adecuados y separados y eso me evito ir dudando si este tornillo es el correcto o no. No tarde casi nada de montala. A parte de eso los materiales se ven calidos y el motor va genial, ruido muy minimo, lo esperado para tener un motor levantando una placa asi de grande llena de pantallas 🙂 a parte de eso tenia una cinta para caminar y el tamano de esta mesa es perfecto porque me permite trabajar y caminar en mismo momento. Simplemente estoy enamorado de esta compra
Trs bon bureau , facile monter .
Matriau peu tre un peu cheap, j’ai cass une vis . Mais le fonctionnement est nickel , et la finition trs bonne .
La barre du milieu peut gner les genoux par contre .
The motor is a bit noisy.
Otherwise I am very pleased in terms of price-quality, the materials are good and the desk is sturdy.
ottimo prodotto
montato in circa 1 oretta
ho avuto problema con errore r-5 ma dopo reset ha funzionato di nuovo
per fortuna avevo tenuto da parte il libretto di istruzione
allego foto a chi potesse servire
First one arrived with a damaged leg, which made it impossible to assemble. I ordered another one and this one is great.
First one arrived with a damaged leg, which made it impossible to assemble. I ordered another one and this one is great.
After a lot of research, I decided on this desk. Great quality, easy to assemble, and looks very good. I am really pleased that I chose it and I highly recommend it.
After a lot of research, I decided on this desk. Great quality, easy to assemble, and looks very good. I am really pleased that I chose it and I highly recommend it.
– versandt von Amazon, falls ich reklamieren muss.
– nicht zu gro, damit er ins Schlafzimmer passt.
– programmierbare Hhen, damit ich ihn schnell verstellen kann
– leiser Motor
– guter stabiler Stand, damit es nicht wackelt, wenn ich daran stehe.
Nur durch Zufall und ber Umwege ber google und Otto bin ich dann auf diesen Schreibtisch gestoen, der mir sonst in der Suche leider nie angezeigt wurde. Ich habe den Rezensionen vertraut und wurde nicht enttuscht. Der Schreibtisch erfllt alle Anforderungen und ist qualitativ wirklich sehr gut. Natrlich muss er nun auch noch langfristig durchhalten, aber aktuell kann ich weder ber die Qualitt noch ber die Stabilitt meckern. Fr den Preis ein Schnapper! Lediglich die Farben der Tischplatten knnten ggf. enttuschen. Ich habe mich fr die dunkle Platte entschieden, die so ganz gut zu anderen Holzmbeln passt. Aber auch wenn die Platte nicht gefllt – es ist kein Problem eine alternative Platte darauf zu befestigen.
brigens ist der Schreibtisch in der untersten Stufe genau 73 cm (Anzeige ist dann bei 72 cm) hoch und entspricht damit den Normen fr ein gesundes Arbeiten im Sitzen. Ich hatte vorher einen Schreibtisch mit 75 cm und habe dadurch einen Tennisarm bekommen.
Der Schreibtisch kommt brigens sehr gut verpackt an. Meine Sorge ber Transportprobleme waren unberechtigt. Die Platte besteht aus 2 Teilen und wird mit Holzdbeln zusammengeschoben. Mich strt die Teilung bei der Arbeit gar nicht.
Aktuell kann ich den Schreibtisch wirklich nur empfehlen. Er ist seinen Preis auf jeden Fall wert.
P.S.: Wer zwei linke Hnde bei Technik hat, sollte sich jemand dazu holen, der fter mal Mbel etc. aufbaut. Die Anleitung ist sehr klein und es schadet nicht, wenn man ein wenig technisches Verstndnis hat. Ist kein Hexenwerk, aber es ist ja nicht jeder gleich begabt. Es bedarf auch weiterer Kabelbinder und etwas klebbares Klettband, wenn man alle Teile wirklich sauber unter der Tischplatte anbringen will.
Great desk, good value for money but the bar is too low and you hit your knees. Would suggest removing it but not sure how sturdy it would be without. I’ve bubble wrapped in for now
Great desk, good value for money but the bar is too low and you hit your knees. Would suggest removing it but not sure how sturdy it would be without. I’ve bubble wrapped in for now
Value for money, really sturdy love it, would recommend to anyone looking for a sit stand desk.
Value for money, really sturdy love it, would recommend to anyone looking for a sit stand desk.
Value for money, really sturdy love it, would recommend to anyone looking for a sit stand desk.
Value for money, really sturdy love it, would recommend to anyone looking for a sit stand desk.
Matches the description and pictures in the sales pitch. Easy to assemble. High quality and sturdy. Pleasure to use! Happy customer.
Matches the description and pictures in the sales pitch. Easy to assemble. High quality and sturdy. Pleasure to use! Happy customer.
Matches the description and pictures in the sales pitch. Easy to assemble. High quality and sturdy. Pleasure to use! Happy customer.
Me va de maravilla, es estable, fuerte y cmoda. Muy buena compra, se trabaja muy bien pudiendo variar de posicin ya que son muchas horas. Sube y baja muy suavemente, la acabo de estrenar y estoy encantada
This was a bit of a random punt but I’m really pleased I made the purchase.
I use the desk as part of a refresh of my homeworking environment, with 2 monitors mounted on the desk. It’s more than sturdy enough for that.
It look smart and good quality. Really pleased with the price
The one thing I had to “tailor” was that I found I have a lot of wires dangling down from the desk, so I bought a larger wire tidy and fixed it to the underside of the desk and now it’s all tidy!
This was a bit of a random punt but I’m really pleased I made the purchase.
I use the desk as part of a refresh of my homeworking environment, with 2 monitors mounted on the desk. It’s more than sturdy enough for that.
It look smart and good quality. Really pleased with the price
The one thing I had to “tailor” was that I found I have a lot of wires dangling down from the desk, so I bought a larger wire tidy and fixed it to the underside of the desk and now it’s all tidy!
La scrivania molto solida e facile da montare.
Non rumorosa e la piccola tastiera comoda per azionare e settare diverse altezze.
Impressed by the quality, everything fits together perfectly. Instructions are ok but need a little intelligence to fit together.
Impressed by the quality, everything fits together perfectly. Instructions are ok but need a little intelligence to fit together.
I paid about 210 for mine and at that price I am happy with it. The tabletop comes in two pieces for you to assemble and the join between them doesn’t look fantastic in my opinion. Otherwise it seems pretty good.
I paid about 210 for mine and at that price I am happy with it. The tabletop comes in two pieces for you to assemble and the join between them doesn’t look fantastic in my opinion. Otherwise it seems pretty good.
Item received damaged as shown in picture. Will contact seller. Easy to assemble though.
Item received damaged as shown in picture. Will contact seller. Easy to assemble though.
This is one hell of a stand-up desk. Where should I start… it arrived on time. It was easy to assemble and it works as supposed. Perfect size for two 24″ screens and a surface. Looks great and the memory functions for the high fixtures are easy to use and ensure you don’t have to fiddle around to find the right setting again and again. Would I buy it again? Yes definitely.
This is one hell of a stand-up desk. Where should I start… it arrived on time. It was easy to assemble and it works as supposed. Perfect size for two 24″ screens and a surface. Looks great and the memory functions for the high fixtures are easy to use and ensure you don’t have to fiddle around to find the right setting again and again. Would I buy it again? Yes definitely.
What isn’t to like, the desk had hight adjustment , great for people working from home to not be sat all day.
Quality is great and looks lovely.
This was a birthday present so happy so
What isn’t to like, the desk had hight adjustment , great for people working from home to not be sat all day.
Quality is great and looks lovely.
This was a birthday present so happy so
Swift delivery, easy setup, works flawlessly, looks good, great price.
Warmly recommended!
Esta mesa melhor do que eu imaginava. Fcil de montar e com materiais de boa qualidade (tinha dvidas por conta do preo). Praticamente revolucionou a maneira que trabalho, no poderia recomendar o suficiente!
Max Height adjust is perfect for me. It’s just the perfect width and length. Easy to assemble. Took about 30 mins. Not too heavy to move around
Would have give 5 stars if 1: the edges could have been rounded and 2: surface could have been smooth rather than scratchy.
Would have give 5 stars if 1: the edges could have been rounded and 2: surface could have been smooth rather than scratchy.
Great instructions, each bunch of bolts comes it it’s own labelled section which are used sequentially in seperate steps when assembling.
Desk feels sturdy and I like the black finish.
Changes height pretty promptly and the range is more than enough for me to stand as a 6 foot man.
Mine came with a free mousemat which was nice
High praise all around!
Great instructions, each bunch of bolts comes it it’s own labelled section which are used sequentially in seperate steps when assembling.
Desk feels sturdy and I like the black finish.
Changes height pretty promptly and the range is more than enough for me to stand as a 6 foot man.
Mine came with a free mousemat which was nice
High praise all around!
I assembled it with ease. Very well packed and instructions were easy to follow. The quality of the material is top class. After I assembled it, its looking great.
Bought the table last week. Easy to assembly. Not any issue found. Good size for kids or home office. Nothing to complai
Es muy estable. La calidad de madera es bien, motor hace bastante ruido.
There are some good youtube videos with suggestions on how to tidy up computer cables as they are quite visible when the table is up especially. i have a power strip which i attached to monitor arms i have bolted to the table under the table and cable ties for the cables so just the table and power strip power cables are visable .
Very happy customer, would recommend, 10/10
This is a fantastic product for the money, surprisingly high quality construction and finish. The only slight criticism I can give is the split desktop (would look nicer without the join).
This is a fantastic product for the money, surprisingly high quality construction and finish. The only slight criticism I can give is the split desktop (would look nicer without the join).
Molto bella e funzionale, semplicissima da assemblare con istruzioni molto chiare e intuitive.
Una piccola critica ma assolutamente ininfluente per il giudizio complessivo, dato che le istruzioni sono figurative, le 4 righe di spiegazione che non ci sono in italiano, in tutte le lingue tranne che in italiano…………….. avanti quanto vi costa inserire 4 righe in pi!
Comunque il giudizio, pi che soddisfatto.
Build instructions very well written, they make it muppet proof by keeping the separate bits in separate bags with letters on them, works as described. Very much enjoying being able to stand at my desk for half the day and noticed improvements in well being almost instantly.
Build instructions very well written, they make it muppet proof by keeping the separate bits in separate bags with letters on them, works as described. Very much enjoying being able to stand at my desk for half the day and noticed improvements in well being almost instantly.
I found the desk fairly easy to assemble, using the instructions. It has very good height adjustment parameters and controls. Good value for money overall.
Schnelle Lieferung mit guter Verpackung und sensationell einfachem Aufbau dank sehr guter Anleitung und einzeln separierter schraubengruppen. Stufenlose Hhenverstellung funktioniert einwandfrei. Fr mich die perfekte Lsung im homeoffice.
Sehr gute Qualitt fr den Preis und schnelle Lieferung. Wrde ich nochmal kaufen.
schnell geliefert, schnell aufgebaut, stabil und einfach praktisch mit den 5 Memorytasten, Motor nicht lau
Qualitativ wirklich gut, eine Top Aufbauanleitung, Lieferung war schnell und alles sicher verpackt
Tisch tut was er soll 🙂
Ich bin sehr zufrieden!
Der Tisch ist wertig, die Elektronik leise. Ich bin absolut zufrieden, fr diesen Preis absolut top.
Scrivania molto stabile e il motore piuttosto silenzioso
I must say this table definitely goes in my TOP 3 purchases on Amazon EVER.
Great product and even better customer service.
If you want to significantly increase your productivity, posture and style of your home office don’t look any further, this table has it all.
I had a small problem while assembling the monitor stand, the seller was extremely helpful, and the issue was promptly fixed (even in a better way than expected).
Cannot recommend it enough!
Oh wow… I love this desk! I’ve been using it for three days so far. I was worried that a standing desk might have some stability issues since it varies in height, but it’s extremely sturdy at any height. I worried that the middle bar might knock my knees when I am seated, but it doesn’t- it’s not even close! (I’m 5’6″) The desk height is adjustable to the millimetre with a quiet, efficient button system which means I can aim for optimum comfort no matter what I’m doing. The desk surface is expansive enough to fit my laptop, graphics tablet, ipad, with room for much more. The overall look is classic and clean, without too many wires or flashy features so it fits in with a style-conscious living space.
Delivered early, the desk was easy to assemble- it took me about an hour and a half (this is coming from a person who only has experience with simple Ikea furniture). It also came with a free mousemat!
I’m ruined for other desks- I’ll never be able to use a desk that doesn’t adjust in height. Over all, no complaints whatsoever about this desk!
Was a little bit afraid to buy a desk with these few reviews, but the risk paid off – one of the best prices on the market and the desk is decent – completely fits the description and easy to assemble.
Was a little bit afraid to buy a desk with these few reviews, but the risk paid off – one of the best prices on the market and the desk is decent – completely fits the description and easy to assemble.
We’ve bought 2 of these for our home office. The desks are stable, they look good, are easy to assemble, and the height adjustment function is smooth. Overall, we highly recommend them.
I bought these types of desks for my office 2-3 years ago and they cost 1k+ I expected this to be OK but it’s brilliant. Super easy to put together, the instructions are clear and could teach IKEA a thing or two. The desk is well made, solid, the lift is smooth and goes very high (I’m 6’2) and lower than a normal desk height so it should fit everyone. Nothing bad to say. Love it.
I bought these types of desks for my office 2-3 years ago and they cost 1k+ I expected this to be OK but it’s brilliant. Super easy to put together, the instructions are clear and could teach IKEA a thing or two. The desk is well made, solid, the lift is smooth and goes very high (I’m 6’2) and lower than a normal desk height so it should fit everyone. Nothing bad to say. Love it.
arrived 10 days earlier than expected. cheaper than other options on the market, and very decent build quality. basic assembly with clear instructions.
Do note desktop dimensions, slightly smaller than most full sized desks; but that was fine for me
Par contre au niveau du montage j’ai du utiliser 4 autres vis plus longues pour le pied avec le moteur car les vis vendues avec taient trop courtes… Donc j’ai perdu un peu de temps comprendre ce qui n’allait pas.
Sinon le bureau semble assez robuste et fait l’affaire pour le moment.
I took a bit of a gamble on buying an electric sit/stand desk with no reviews but I could not be happier. Very well engineered and packaged, easy to assemble with clear instructions. Works perfectly and even has 4 memory functions to quickly get you to the required height. Some buyers might not like the fact that the dask top is in two sections (roughly 60/40), so that there is a join along teh length ofthe desk, but It doesn’t bother me.
A very sturdy and quality item.
I took a bit of a gamble on buying an electric sit/stand desk with no reviews but I could not be happier. Very well engineered and packaged, easy to assemble with clear instructions. Works perfectly and even has 4 memory functions to quickly get you to the required height. Some buyers might not like the fact that the dask top is in two sections (roughly 60/40), so that there is a join along teh length ofthe desk, but It doesn’t bother me.
A very sturdy and quality item.
I love it! It’s stylish, easy to built, arrived super quick! Best purchase of 2020!
The desk is lovely and the perfect size for my flat. I had some trouble with the assembly and when I contacted customer services, they responded immediately with helpful instructions. Great customer service offered throughout.
I was also really impressed with how quickly the desk arrived – two days before the estimated delivery.
The wood had some smaller chips from the delivery and the seller offered a partial refund.
Looking forward to using the desk!
The desk is lovely and the perfect size for my flat. I had some trouble with the assembly and when I contacted customer services, they responded immediately with helpful instructions. Great customer service offered throughout.
I was also really impressed with how quickly the desk arrived – two days before the estimated delivery.
The wood had some smaller chips from the delivery and the seller offered a partial refund.
Looking forward to using the desk!