GARPROVM Large Barbecue Cover,BBQ Cover Waterproof 420D

GARPROVM Large Barbecue Cover,BBQ Cover Waterproof 420D Heavy Duty Oxford Fabric Gas BBQ Grill Cover 5+ Burner Rip-Proof,Windproof&Anti-UV for weber,Brinkmann,Char Broil,Holland etc (72 Inch/183 cm)

Dimensions: | 183 x 66 x 130 cm; 780 Grams |
Model: | keorsIT7986216 |
Part: | KeorsIT7986216 |
Manufacture: | keors |
Dimensions: | 183 x 66 x 130 cm; 780 Grams |
This cover seems better quality than the original one I received with my bbq, fits perfectly and the straps are a good length, has been in some strong wind and heavy rain and still looks like new after a few months of use.
The bottom of it is not tight enough to keep it from some winds. I would recommend to buy some ropes to make it more secure. It is very good to keep the water ou
Only had around a month and a bit so time will tell! Material seems a little thin to me. Let’s see how it holds up in the winter weather ( if honest, not holding my breath)
Sorry can’t be much help on a review
Das Produkt hlt was es verspricht. Ist Regenrobust und hlt darunter alles trocken. Top Verkufer und schneller Versand.
La housse est trs bien. Bon rapport qualit prix. Nous sommes satisfait pour courir notre barbecue pour viter qu’il soit sous l’eau toute l’anne. Bien tanche et le systme permet qu’elle ne s’envole pas sans mettre de poids supplmentaire.
Erster Regen, perlt sehr schn ab. Passt fr meinen Grill Broil King Monarch 390 mit eingeklappten Seitentischen hervorragend.
Mal sehen was die Zeit bringt. Der Aufdruck ist fr mich Nebenschlich und strt nicht.
Mir hat alles sehr gut gefallen, wrde ich immer wieder kaufen und natrlich weiter empfehlen….
Well constructed and good value very rubbery feel to the material so should be highly waterproof.
Little leg buckles and handy velcro straps brings all the excess material in and stops the wind getting underneath and billowing cover up.
Attractive practical and hopefully waterproof will update if any of the above fail.
Bought to replace a similar BBQ cover that became torn. Seems to holding up well with the weather. Will come back to re-evaluate this review mid-winter. So far so good
Ho comprato questa copertura per il mio kamado che un XL quindi abbastanza grande. La copertura entra alla perfezione, ovviamente leggermente corta e restano scoperte le gambe del carrello, ma per me non un problema. Forse un po’ troppo sottile come tessuto, nel mio caso il kamado sotto una tettoia quindi non ho grosse necessit di resistenza, pi che altro come protezione contro sole e sporco, quindi nel mio caso va bene.
Consigliato con l’acquisto del barbecue “Tepro 1164 Toronto Click 2019”, gli si adatta perfettamente, comodo per la presenza dei velcro di fissaggio e due maniglie nella parte superiore per sfilarlo velocemente. Tessuto apparentemente robusto, doppiato con strato metallizzato all’interno. Ottimo aspetto, consigliabile.
Lo spessore non eccezionale ma comodissimi gli attacchi per i piedi del barbecue e lo strep per stringerlo e renderlo resistente al vento.
Wir haben schon verschiedene Hllen fr Outdoor Mbel gehabt. Diese Grillabdeckung mit Innenbeschichtung macht sich bislang gut. War beim gnstigen Preis nicht unbedingt zu erwarten daher positiv berrasch
Bon rapport qualit/prix…pas besoin de mettre plus cher pour ce genre de produit.
Adapt ce que je voulais
Bonne qualit de la matire
This product does exactly what it says it going to do. In a nutshell it covers your BBQ. It has the unadvertised benefit of camouflaging your BBQ during hours of darkness (if the area in which you store you BBQ has no natural or artificial light source). Seriously it’s practically invisible and would give Harry Potters Invisibility cloak a run for its money under the aforementioned conditions.
On a serious note though be very careful where you store it for this very reason, as it’s an accident waiting to happen, and/or you won’t notice if someone steals your BBQ. #ratedonthate
This product does exactly what it says it going to do. In a nutshell it covers your BBQ. It has the unadvertised benefit of camouflaging your BBQ during hours of darkness (if the area in which you store you BBQ has no natural or artificial light source). Seriously it’s practically invisible and would give Harry Potters Invisibility cloak a run for its money under the aforementioned conditions.
On a serious note though be very careful where you store it for this very reason, as it’s an accident waiting to happen, and/or you won’t notice if someone steals your BBQ. #ratedonthate
I have a big ass BBQ I recently purchased, and this cover is the perfect fit, it really does protect the bbq perfectly! Will add years of life to my grill. Easy to fit, and even in the strongest of winds the cover doesn’t budge
Sembra robusto e abbastanza grande x coprire bene. Ha delle cinghie x essere stretto e non volar via con il vento
This is perfect for what we need it for.
Bought it to cover my granddaughters things in the garden work well
solide et facile poser. L’paisseur est satisfaisante et les cordons maintiennent bien l’ensemble.
This is a well designed cover and has effectively kept the weather off my BBQ for the last 2 months without issue., the velcro straps at the side together with draw string bottom mean it stays on OK. The fabric isn’t very thick though, so I doubt it will last more than a season. Overall it’s OK, especially for the price.
Very pleased with this BBQ cover , great quality and value for money
je pense que la housse n’est pas en 420 d mais en 210 d.
Arrived in time and fitted perfectly exactly what we wanted
Arrived in time and fitted perfectly exactly what we wanted
Arrived in time and fitted perfectly exactly what we wanted
Brought this cover for our new BBQ and it keeps the BBQ dry protecting against rust. Would recommend. Just be sure the cover will fit your size of BBQ.
Brought this cover for our new BBQ and it keeps the BBQ dry protecting against rust. Would recommend. Just be sure the cover will fit your size of BBQ.
Had this a couple of months and it’s survived rain, cold and sun and seems to be holding up well. A good British winter will be the test!
Had this a couple of months and it’s survived rain, cold and sun and seems to be holding up well. A good British winter will be the test!
Had this a couple of months and it’s survived rain, cold and sun and seems to be holding up well. A good British winter will be the test!
Solid, does what it says on the tin. Little more to add than that in all honesty! Worth purchasing, was a good price and decent quality.
It’s stayed put, despite the wind.
If they do the equivalent for our table/chairs and sofa then I’ll buy again!
Solid, does what it says on the tin. Little more to add than that in all honesty! Worth purchasing, was a good price and decent quality.
It’s stayed put, despite the wind.
If they do the equivalent for our table/chairs and sofa then I’ll buy again!
Solid, does what it says on the tin. Little more to add than that in all honesty! Worth purchasing, was a good price and decent quality.
It’s stayed put, despite the wind.
If they do the equivalent for our table/chairs and sofa then I’ll buy again!
This is great well worth the money and big cover my baraque with room to spare
This is great well worth the money and big cover my baraque with room to spare
Usato per proteggere il barbecue sul mio terrazzo .lo trovo molto efficace per la robustezza e la resistenza agli agenti atmosferici quali vento pioggia e sole.devo dire che sono soddisfatto .
Great cover! only just received, but seems very high quality
Great cover! only just received, but seems very high quality
Great cover! only just received, but seems very high quality
Great cover! only just received, but seems very high quality
Great cover! only just received, but seems very high quality
An der Befestigung knnte mann noch etwas machen . Fr den Gekauften Zweck hervorragend
Facilissimo da infilare sul barbecue, ottima resistenza e impermeabilit, consigliatissimo!
Ampio e impermeabile, per ora protegge bene ma un po’ sottile , non sono certa che resister alle intemperie ed all’usura
Idal pour protger notre plancha, conforme la description. A 1ere vue de qualit et rsistante
Es ist alles soweit ganz gut vor allem der Preis ist zu dem Original unschlagbar.
Leggero, facile da mettere e togliere. Sono soddisfatta del mio acquisto, molto comodo anche perch si pu stringere ai lati con il velcro e si pu chiudere la parte sotto tirando il cordino.
Cette housse fait le job, pour le prix la finition est correcte. Si elle dure 3 ou 4 ans comme la prcdente c’est bon pour moi. Il ne faut pas rver, les UV et le vent viennent bout de tout. Je suis satisfait de cet achat.
Cover is just what I ordered fits very well and does the job.
Cover is just what I ordered fits very well and does the job.
Cover is just what I ordered fits very well and does the job.
Cover is just what I ordered fits very well and does the job.
Cover is just what I ordered fits very well and does the job.
Super Qualitt, sehr robust und einfach zu bedienen.
Einfach eine super Grillabdeckung
Passt gut, wasserdicht und gute Mglichkeiten, die Abdeckung unten zusammenzuziehen damit sie bei Wind nicht wegfliegt. Bis jetzt scheint sie auch robust und widerstandsfhig zu sein. Super Preis/Leistung und daher empfehlenswert.
Passt gut und ist durch die seitlichen Klettverschlsse gut zu befestigen.
Parfait trs bon packaging emballer dans une pochette avec fermeture trs bonne quali
buon materiale, chiusura ermetica con strappo utile in caso di mal tempo
Comprato perch l’originale costava una follia devo dire che un buon prodotto e ben fatto
devo ammettere che non ero tanto convinto che forse fatta bene e soprattutto che sia soddisfacente, visto il prezzo cosi basso.
il materiale sembra ottima, robusta, leggera, rifinita molto bene, ha per altro un suo sacchetto per la custodia della copertura, ha delle corde, nastri per un facile fissaggio al BBQ, in modo tale che eventuali venti se lo portano via.
un ottimo prezzo / qualit . xche spendere 40 uro se x 16 si riesce ad avere una copertura che sodisfa in tutti gli effetti
Prodotto che corrisponde alla descrizione. Buono ma comunque senza grandi pretese
Grazie Mille Quello ch cercavo .. un tessuto molto spesso . Un ottimo Acquisto
Die Schutzfolie passt perfert ber unseren Grill und bietet so ber den Winter Schutz
El material, el acabado y lo fcil que es montarlo y desmontarlo, de momento ha superado mis expectativas…de 10.
Fr meinen Weber Grill. Passt super und man kann es befestige
Non so se c’era la possibilit di scegliere la misura giusta per il mio barbecue.