Hubsan X4 H501ss Pro Drone GPS fpv with 3M Pixel Camera 5.8G

Hubsan X4 H501ss Pro Drone GPS fpv with 3M Pixel Camera 5.8G live video transmission distance 400m RC quadcopter Follow me, Altitude mode, Automatic Return, Headless Mode with two drone batteries

Fail-safe Mode:
The drone will enter into the fail-safe mode when the connection is lost from the transmitter. The flight control system will control the quadcopter to return to the home point and land automatically. The fail-safe mode helps to avoid further injuries or damages.
1080P HD Camera:
The built-in HD camera is tuned amazingly to capture stunning pictures and videos from the sky.
Package list:
- 1 * H501S drone
- 1 * H906A Transmitter
- 1 * 7.4V 2700mAh LiPo Battery for drone
- 1 * 7.4V 1300mAh LiPo Battery for H906A
- 8 * Propeller
- 1 * AC Adapter
- 1 * Balance Charger
- 1 * Prop Wrench
Connection | Radio 2.4GHZ &Video5.8G Antenna |
Distance&FPV distance | 400m |
Camera | 1080P HD resolution |
Flight time | 20 minutes |
Charging time | 210 minutes |
Weight | 450g |
Dimensions | 220x220x70mm |
Brushless Motor | ✓ |

Control distance:400m FPV distance :400m
1. Quadcopter and remote control are not pairing.
(1) Confirm that both Quadcopter and remote control are both powered on. (2) Rebind the Quadcopter to its remote control.
2. Cannot arm motors.
(1) Make sure that you have completed compass calibration. (2) Check that the Return to Home switch is pointing down/off. (3) Be sure that you are pulling both sticks down out. Check the channels on the screen and verify that they are moving properly (If they are not, please perform a transmitter stick calibration). (4) If you are flying indoors, please set the “Fly With No GPS” option on the Main Menu from the default “No” to “Yes”.
3. The drone flies erratically in Altitude Hold mode.
(1) Check to see if the air pressure sensor reading (Altitude telemetry value) is abnormal when the Quadcopter is motionless on flat ground. It should read 0 and fluctuate very little. (2) Check to see if the throttle joystick channel is moving appropriately and properly centred. If not, please calibrate the transmitter sticks and adjust the channel with the corresponding trim button (located on the transmitter).
4. No video on the screen or user is experiencing strong video feed interference.
(1) Rebind the copter to the transmitter, as the 5.8 and 2.4 frequencies might be interfering with each other. (2) The video reception depends on the 5.8GHz radio which is sensitive to the environment, So you can change the 5.8Ghz frequency of the remote control to improve this problem.(3)Test Mode: Press the video button and power on the remote control to enter the test mode, in test mode, you can see the datas of 2.4Ghz and 5.8Ghz, if the value of 5.8Ghz is less than 56, the 5.8Ghz image transmission signal is weak, 90~160, the 5.8Ghz image transmission signal is strong.
5. The SD card can’t record the video or photo.
(1) Make sure if the SD card is distinguished. If there is an exclamation mark, the card doesn’t be distinguished. The card must be replaced.(2) Format SD card, the Allocation unit size should be 32 kilobytes, The Volume label is blank.
6. The remote control display shows “CHECK GYRO SENS”.
In this situation,this means that the drone is now detecting whether the gyroscope is stable. You can do as this to solve this problem:1) Check if the drone is on a fixed level or on the ground; 2) If Step 1 can’t resolve, update the latest flight control firmware; 3) The above solution can’t resolve it, open the plane to check if the sponge is posted correctly; 4) If step 3 make sure that the sponge is posted correctly, we have to change the flight control board or small pressure plate.
Weight: | 2.14 kg |
Dimensions: | 22 x 22 x 7.01 cm; 2.14 Kilograms |
Brand: | HUBSAN |
Model: | H501S b H |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | HUBSAN |
Dimensions: | 22 x 22 x 7.01 cm; 2.14 Kilograms |
What can you expect from this price…. It is nice looking and quite fast for it price range… I just had to buy 2 more batteries to have for backup so I can enjoy playing with it longer. Otherwise great product for that amount of money and batteries last long cca. 15-18mi
Ottimo drone con ottima telecamera, funzionalit avanzate anche se facili da usare, va benissimo per cominciare ed anche per esperti
El dron es de muy buena calidad ha funcionado perfectamente durante todo el tiempo nada ms comprarlo tuve un problema con la pestaa de la tapa de la batera que estaba rota la cual me las estuvieron sin ningn tipo de problemas pasado un tiempo se me estrope el cargador de batera del cual me lo repusieron tambin sin ningn tipo de problemas. El dron va perfectamente en zonas aisladas en zonas urbanas a mxima altura y a mxima distancia recomendable 100% yo disfruto mucho con mi hijo
Lo compre un poco escptico ya que llevo muchos aos pilotando diversos drones y he probado modelos de Hubsan, que eran juguetes de mala calidad. Cual fue mi sorpresa cuando lo prob, y es una maravilla, no esta pensado para dron de grabacin de video, ya que aunque la cmara es bastante decente 1080 y graba en SD, tiene sus limitaciones. Lo recomiendo para principiantes o intermedios de nivel que quieran un dron estabilizado con posibilidades de hacer cosas curiosas y manejarlo sin estabilizar, e iniciarse en el mundo fpv, al tener transferencia 5,8G (ojo analgica) puedes comprarte unas gafas fpv baratas y disfrutar del vuelo en primera persona, ya que aunque el mando trae pantalla, a mi personalmente me parece incomodo volar as cuando no lo ves, ya que la pantalla es pequea, aunque tiene buena resolucin. Ademas tienes muchas piezas para repararlo en caso de accidente, de un precio bastante asequible. EL tiempo de vuelo es de 20 minutos sin exprimirlo al mximo con bateras originales (en amazon estn bien de precio), as que recomiendo como poco comprar 2 mas y disfrutar de un horita de vuelo al menos. En definitiva, es un dron que relacion calidad-precio, esta muy bien para disfrutar en los inicios del FPV.
The drone is easy to fly,was a bit cautious to start with,but after a few sorties i am taking great photograghy .and films from a great height and distance.This is a fantastic gadget.A++++++++++++
In 12 anni di matrimonio, stato il regalo pi gradito da mio marido. tornato bambino 😀
for the money this is amazing entry drone, it’s got me hooked. very stable flight, good battery, easy to use. well done hubsa
This is a well constructed and designed Drone acquired after much homework for my Grandson (and his Dad). The instructions are well produced and putting it together went well. The weather was pretty awful until recently so there hasn’t been much flight time to date. The quality of the picture is very clear and we liked the fact that we can order parts and replacements when necessary. I am really pleased with my purchase and it has certainly been the best Christmas present to date! Would thoroughly recommend.
Ensemble de belle qualit, qui semble sain et robuste.
Quelques difficults rencontres, en mode 1, impossibilit d’entrer dans le rglage du compass, de plus sur la notice le mode de rotation du X4 pendant le rglage du compass est inverse entre la notice franaise et la notice anglaise. Dernier point la batterie du X4 est un peu trop limite.
Trs satisfait trs bon produit trs bonne qualit d’image je recommande ce drone.
Creo que por ese precio no se puede pedir ms. Tiene un vuelo estable y un GPS preciso.
Alcanza buena velocidad y manejo en modo vuelo libre.
Tiene un tacto fantstico y es resistente.
This little drone has features that some of the more expensive drones have ,it is a great machine and follows g.p.s very accurately .also the transmitter is nice a clever machine.
good value for money, easy to use with gps, ensure you have that and your away (read instructions to set up global positioning) only down side is no gimbal in camera so only looks frward
comprato per usarlo per la pesca, l’ho trovato da subito davvero facile da usare provenendo da droni pi professionali..qualit del segnale ottima e anche a 400 mt il video perfetto ed il ritorno a casa tasto home davvero funzionale e preciso..forse il coprisole del monitor troppo delicato, infatti se n’ staccato un pezzetto, anche se non influisce sul funzionamento del drone..consigliato a molti
An excellent, stable, quiet drone. Good quality video and photos with fixed camera. Set-up instructions are not very clear but once set-up easy to fly.
drone super bonne porte en distance (pouss 1500 mtres ) autonomie est de 20 mn et le vendeur ROSA DRONE est au top bien l’coute de ses clients je recommande ce vendeur et le hubsan sans hsite
Aprs un drone jouet, sur lequel j’ai pu apprendre les bases du pilotage (et quelques crashs), je me suis fait plaisir avec la version pro du h501ss, et je me rgale. Trs facile piloter grce au GPS ( 11 satellites dispos sur mon aire de vol ), son et trs efficace, la fonction follow me et le mode circle d’origine. Je ne regrette pas mon achat et je croise les doigts pour que a puisse durer.
Be che dire l’Hubsan 501S veramente facile da usare, con il GPS acceso, risulta molto stabile in’oltre la durata della batteria di circa 20 minuti effettivi. La qulit video abbastanza buona a questo prezzo (180,00 E) sfido a trovare di meglio. Per me una via di mezzo tra Drone normale e drone Professionale comunque non un giocattolo, anche perche potrebbe essere molto pericoloso se usato in ambienti non appropiati. 5 stelle anche al venditore (RosaDrone) che si reso molto disponibile .
Un drone di fascia media ad un buon prezzo, per iniziare ad volare con qualcosa di pi “serio”
Das Teil ist der Hammer, sehr gute Flugeigenschaften, sehr robust (hat schon einige kleinere Crashes gut berstanden) fr Anfnger und Fortgeschritte geeignet, einen – zwei Reserve Akkus wrde ich empfehlen. Kamera ausreichend fr normalen gebrauch.
Trs bon en mode GPS mais attention au mode libre qui m’a valu un crash duquel le drone a miraculeusement survcu!
La premire fois, perte totale des commandes et le “RTH” me l’a sauv d’une mort certaine!
La seconde fois, pareil! de nouveau une perte totale des commandes mais, cette fois, le RTH n’a eu aucun effet stabilisateur et le drone valdingu dans une clture de barbels 200 mtres de son point de dpart!
Aprs quelques recherches sur le net, j’ai dcouvert que ce problme tait arriv d’autres. Je n’tais donc pas un cas isol.
Il drone bello e stabile, peccato che perde spesso il segnale GPS, da 11 satelliti che trova passa a 0 poco dopo, poi li riprende e poi va di nuovo a 0 non so perch ma repentino il problema, peccato perch ottimo ma se continua sono costretto a fare il reso
This drone was my first and definitely the best. Delivery excellent not damaged at all all in all good product and a must buy
Excellent drone and great features for the money.
Highly recommended.
Di questo drone mi piaciuta la robustezza e la semplicit nel guidarlo pur essendo un principiante solo che, durante le prove di volo eseguite, a volte mi capitato che non rispondesse pi ai comandi . Dopo aver fatto richiesta di reso sono stato contattato dal venditore il quale si impegnato ad aiutarmi a risolvere il problema purtroppo con esito negativo allora ha deciso sostituirmelo con uno nuovo al momento perfettamente funzionante.
Complimenti ancora.
Drone semplice da usare, soprattutto per chi alle prime armi come me. La telecamera non delle migliori, ma va ricordato che non un drone professionale; il risultato comunque soddisfacente e nel complesso ci si diverte.
Confezione include due batterie, il che consente di poter utilizzare il drone per circa 30 min complessivi. Quello che mi sentirei di consigliare alla Hubsan di predisporre un micro switch sul dorso del drone, evitando di dover aprire sempre il coperchio batteria (a me dopo poco tempo mi si rotto il fermo essendo in plastica). Comunque lo consiglio per chi vuole iniziare a cimentarsi con il volo. Qualit prezzo molto buona.
What a lot of fun flying this ! Straight out of the box u can feel the quality , once charged up and first flight : easy to fly , didn’t find the instructions answered my questions ( good instructions booklet supplied ) Would suggest you search YouTube as the videos on it help a lot . Once you learn how to fly ( and it really is easy )you’ll have tons of fun . Recommend 100%. On a safety note wait till propellers stop as they are sharp . Also don’t fly it indoors . Have FUN !!
Very well packaged, this is an amazing drone the capabilities go way beyond what I was expecting
First drone fpv so much fun, seller is the best I’ve used ever online.
A la hora de ponerlo en marcha hay que leer bien las instrucciones , ya que si no lo haces tendrs problemas con la conexin dron-emisora.Cuando lo pruebes tienes que calibrar la emisora,asegurarte bien que est en modo 2,modo no experto, fly no gps(dentro vivienda),en definitiva estoy esperando el fin del confinamiento para probarlo con gps en el campo.hasta pronto.un saludo. Joa
Salve ho appena ricevuto il drone hubsan h501s x4 Air tutto ok per non presente la batteria del radiocomando mi potete aiutare grazie.
The H501ss is a very stable and responsive flyer and hovers very still in calm conditions. Haven’t tested out flight time to the full, but after 10 minutes the battery shows no sign of running low. The video quality is very good and, in calm conditions, I have seen very little evidence of ‘jello’ (see video). Photo quality is excellent.
The video I’ve posted shows as poor quality for some reason, maybe due to the way it has been processed after upload. The original is very clear and without pixelation, even in full screen mode.
The transmitter binds quickly with the drone and the display is very clear and bright. Pointing the antenna towards the drone means that the picture is less prone to breaking up over distance.
First time calibration is quick and easy.
The sticks have a firm and smooth feel to them and the whole transmitter is comfortable to hold. The pop-up optional visor is a handy touch.
I have already flown this a few times without any problems and would say that, although the standard versions are good, it’s worth paying the extra for the ‘pro’ versions if you can afford it.
This drone is amazing,just came back an hour ago from my first flight without any problems from start to finish,bought extra batteries for the drone and transmitter as well as a dual charger. unfortunately for me i forgot to format the memory card to fat32 so have no footage but i’ve done that so ready to go again.
I watched loads of videos on youtube just to familiarize myself with the drone and transmitter before i even attempted to try anything and labeled the buttons/switches.
I took off,had a little play then went straight up 200m using gps….fantastic,what a view….flew off into the distance and lost sight of it in the low cloud,panicked and switched the return to home button…wow it came back pretty sharpish and landed about a foot from where i took off,amazing. The flight on this thing is great,nice and smooth,was up flying around 17mins when the low battery beeps started so brought her home via the rth and again was within 1 foot of where she took off from,changed the battery in the drone then i was off again.
THE video footage on the screen was fantastic at all times,just a shame about the sd card….this is my first drone and first flight and i can’t wait to get out again….amazing piece of kit.
Bought this for my Husband. He is extremely impressed with it. Easy to use. Fantastic features – can’t rate it highly enough as a great entry drone. Does everything it says, 20 mins flight time, very easy to manoeuvre (even the 12 year old mastered) so impressed the next drone will be same make.
Best drone by far this is the 4th one I’ve purchased already and I’ve only been flying for a year now
spettacolo… non stiamo sicuro parlando di un giocattolo… e molto performante… a 70 km/h ti fa salire l’adrenalina…. l’unica pecca… ma come tutti hanno gi citato.. il reparto fotocomare…. ma non perch non si veda bene o perda il segnale, in realt, siamo noi che ci stiamo abituando al full hd, oled, 4k,Qled,e via discorrendo, quindi ownsiamo che limmagine di questo drone sia da poco…. ma vi assicuro che non cos! Cmq mi sento di consigliarlo perch una bella macchina e per essere stato costruito 5/6 anni fa regge ancorabi confronti con i pi blasonati. consiglio sicuro
Meets all expectations. Its fantastic. Picture/video quality is really good.
J’cris en franais pour les clients froncophones.
Je suis un vrai acheteur et je souhaite partager mon exprience avec le vendeur Rosa Drone et le drone Hubsan H501S X4 Pro.
J’ai achet ce drone en novembre 2019 durant le Black Friday comme cadeau de Nol pour mon fils. Rosa Drone a particip aux actions du Black Friday et a offert un prix trs trs comptitif.
Tout va bien lors du premier vol (GPS, RTM, Follow Me …). Mais, pour les vols suivants, j’ai entendu des bruits de grincement sur les moteurs uniquement lorsque j’ai essay de changer de direction.
J’ai crit Rosa Drone, et chaque fois Rosa Drone m’a rpondu immdiatement, mme pendant les vacances du nouvel an chinois. Je suis vraiment satisfait du SAV de Rosa Droe. Ils rpondent toutes les questions. Ne vous inquitez surtout pas des problmes “pas de nouvelles du vendeur”.
Aprs avoir fait quelques vrifications avec leurs instructions, ils m’envoient un nouveau drone de remplacement que j’ai reu rapidement. Je testerai le nouveau drone ds qu’il fait beau.
Je recommande ce vendeur. Vous ne serez pas du.
J’ai fait plein de vols avec le nouveau drone. Tout est parfait. Le problme n’tait pas li au drone, mais au manque d’exprience quant au calibrage du drone.
For the English speaking people:
I am a real buyer and I want to share my experience with the seller Rosa Drone and the Hubsan H501S X4 Pro drone.
I bought this drone in November 2019 on Black Friday as a Christmas gift for my son. Rosa Drone participated in the actions of Black Friday and offered a very very competitive price.
Everything is fine during the first flight (GPS, RTM, Follow Me …). But, during the second fly, I heard grinding noises on the engines only when I tried to change direction.
I wrote to Rosa Drone, and each time Rosa Drone answered me immediately, even during the Chinese New Year holidays. I am really satisfied with Rosa Droe’s after-sales service. They answer all questions. So don’t worry about “no news from the seller” issues.
After doing some checks with their directive, they send me a new replacement product that I received correctly. I will test the new drone as soon as the whether permits.
I recommend this seller. You will not be dispointed.
I’ve made many flights with the new drone, all is perfect. It was not a issue of the drone, I just had not enough of the drone calibrating experience.
Un peu lent mais sinon superbe machine bonne camra dmg pas stabilis autonomie 16mln en filma
Livraison dans les temps et conforme la demande. Hubsan dans l’ensemble fait de trs bon produits, la tlcommande (pro) est un plus avec son affichage fpv et sa bonne qualit. Le drone est assez stable et se pilote bien. Cependant il ne fait pas de waypoint et autres options lies l’application sur tlphone du fait qu’il fonctionne avec sa tlcommande et version (s), pour cela il faut le h501A qui est de la mme trempe et qui pourra aussi se piloter avec la commande pro.