iFi ZEN Stream – Network Audio Transport Streamer
iFi ZEN Stream – Network Audio Transport Streamer – Inputs: Ethernet/Wi-Fi/USB – Outputs: USB/SPDIF
Weight: | 980 g |
Dimensions: | 1 x 1 x 1 cm; 980 Grams |
Part: | Stream |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Abbingdon Music Research |
Dimensions: | 1 x 1 x 1 cm; 980 Grams |
Quantity: | 1 |
Reference: | Stream |
Premetto che non sono un audiofilo, pertanto quanto dico potrebbe essere sovrastimato per un orecchio sopraffino, ma secondo i parametri a mia disposizione devo dire che trovo il prodotto davvero valido!
Lo utilizzo abbinato ad un DAC ifi zen DAC v2, e con cuffie Philips Fidelio X2 HR e Meze Classics 99.
L’installazione piuttosto facile ed immediata, ed in pochi passaggi ho potuto connettelo alla mia rete, importare la mia libreria di musica in formato lossless, abbinarlo all’account tidal ed iniziare ad utilizzarlo.
Piccola pecca per quanto riguarda la manualistica davvero ridotta all’osso: presente solo un foglio per permettere i primi passaggi di connessione, ma poi nulla che spieghi l’organizzazione dei menu e delle funzioni pi avanzate del dispositivo, il che potrebbe mettere in difficolt i meno scafati.
Anche il cavo di rete incluso ridicolmente corto.
Una volta installato l’utilizzo di Tidal e Spotify connect totalmente immediato, e tramite la APP dedicata piuttosto semplice accedere alla propria libreria, che pu essere connessa allo streamer direttamente via USB oppure importata da disco di rete (come nel mio caso).
Ran through DLNA and Roon. Works fantastically well. Very clean USB and Coaxial output into Topping D90 and RME ADI 2.
One note: cannot use multiple iStreams on same network for DLNA. Always uses the same identifier and BubbleUpnp can’t distinguish them. Had to use Roon to run 2 on the same network.
I had to send mine back. It had obviously been opened before, couldn’t get it to work on the WiFi network, then never came back when I reset it. I now have one from another supplier, which has updated instructions and there is an app to support the set-up, which works great. The sound quality is amazing, up to streamers way more expensive. If you want Tidal Connect on a budget, this is the way to go, provided you have a compatible DAC and compatible connections on it. The only ongoing issue for me, is the limited number of connections on the back. So a brilliant buy if you get a new one, use the app to set up, and it fits in your system.
Zur Vorgeschichte: Bisher habe ich meine Tidal-Dateien mit einem Mac mini (2014) via Toslink an meinen non USB DAC gestreamt. Zur Verbesserung der Klangqualitt — einfache Toslink-Kabel (Kunststoff) beseitigen zwar Potenzialunterschiede zwischen den Gerten, neigen aber zu hohen Jitter-Effekten – war ich auf der Suche nach einem richtigen” Tosling-Kabel aus Glas. Das alte Kabel war eine billige 1,95-Strippe. Diese Glasfaser-Kabel erzeugen wesentlich geringeren Jitter, sind aber vergleichsweise teuer. In meinem Fall wre es ein AudioQuest Diamond fr knapp 900 gewesen. Irgendwann hat diese Firma das Kabel dann aus dem Programm genommen. Damit war das Thema beendet.
Zweiter Stressfaktor: Um nicht einen PC-Monitor im Wohnzimmer stehen zu haben, wurde die Desktop-Ansicht meines Mac mini mittels Luna Display auf mein iPad zur Bedienung vom Tidal-Desktop bertragen. Das funktionierte in der Vergangenheit mal besser, mal schlechter. Grund fr diese umstndliche Bedienung: Tidal bietet in meinem Fall keine native App-Steuerung fr die Desktop-Variante auf dem Mac Mini an. Nach einigen Updates seitens Apple und Luna lief dieses System sehr unbefriedigend. Abhilfe htte ein Streamer leisten knnen. Ein richtiger” Streamer, der in meine Kette passt, war mir dann doch zu teuer.
Eine mgliche Alternative zu einem leistungsfhigen Streamer war dann eine sogenannte AudioBridge (einen guten DAC habe ich ja), wie z.B. der Primare NP 5. Damals war mein Leidensdruck aber noch nicht hoch genug und es verging einige Zeit, bis vermutlich Amazon mir diese IFi Zen Stream”-AudioBridge diskret unterschob. Das Gert hat eine Vielzahl Awards namhafter Audio-Magazine bekommen, was aber erst mal nichts heit, denn ich verlasse mich lieber auf mein Gehr und meine Erfahrung. Das Gert bestellt und in die Kette integriert, diesmal allerdings mittels BNC-Verbindung. Ich habe nicht schlecht gestaunt, als ich die ersten Tne gehrt habe. Eigentlich blieb mir sogar fast die Luft weg. Nicht zu vergleichen mit der vorherigen Performance. Zweiter schner Nebeneffekt, ich wei jetzt, wie gut die restlichen Komponenten meiner Kette sind.
Das Bhnenbild” ist wesentlich breiter und tiefer geworden, der Tiefbass kontrollierter und knackiger. Instrumente/Stimmen sind sehr schn freigestellt und die Tiefenstaffelung hat nun sehr viele Ebenen. Gute Aufnahmen lsen sich fast vollstndig von den Lautsprechern und spielen bis weit vor die Lautsprecher-Grundlinie. Das ist allerdings auch die Eigenschaft meines Verstrkers. Es ist ein dicker Schleier vom Klangbild genommen worden, d.h., viele Details, die von diesem Schleier bedeckt waren, kommen nun zum Vorschein. Der Sound ist aber nicht steril”, sehr beeindruckend. Zu bemerken ist auch die Schwrze” in Klangbild, die Musik kommt aus dem Nichts, kein Rauschen, das auf Netzeinstreuungen zurckzufhren ist. Vielleicht hat es auch nur an der 1,95 Strippe gelegen – es wird immer ein Geheimnis bleiben. Die Haushaltsersparnis von 500 ist aber real. Ich kann dieses Gert nur wrmstens empfehlen.
Es gibt aber auch einige negative Aspekte, die hier schon von einigen RezensentenInnen genannt wurden. Die Software, die IFi beisteuert, sollte unbedingt berarbeitet werden, eine Chromecast-, vielleicht auch AppleMusic-Integration sollte endlich, wie angekndigt, auf den Weg gebracht werden. Die Firma IFi knnte sonst potentielle Kunden verlieren. Das wre sehr schade. Die Stabilitt der Steuer-Datenverbindung lsst auch zu wnschen brig, ist aber immer noch stabiler als meine alte Verbindung zwischen Mac mini und iPad. Wenn man die Macken kennt, lsst sich damit aber leben. Ansonsten ein super Gert, zumindest klanglich und preislich herausragend. ber das Design mchte ich hier nichts schreiben, das ist reine Geschmackssache.
Als Ergnzung zum IFi Stream habe ich noch das leistungsfhigere Netzteil iPower x vom gleichen Hersteller beigesteuert. Sauberer stabiler Strom ist wichtig fr gute HiFi-Anlagen. Als Standard-Netzteil war nur ein 4.95 -Schaltnetzteil beigepackt. War auch eine gute Entscheidung, ist aber eine andere Geschichte.
Der Mac mini Ist nun mein neuer Office-Rechner;)
Mi ha permesso di rippare le ormai centinaia di CD che ho in casa e di averli tutti a portata di click senza dover cercare…
App di gestione nel complesso buona, software stabile. Con l’app Tidal pu capitare ci siano disconnessioni dopo alcuni minuti ma si riconnette senza alcun problema, senza dover riavviare.
C’tait l’lment manquant pour faire de mon installation l’installation parfaite !
Associ un serveur Roon et un dac atoll 300 + un abonnement qobuz sublime, la musique se vie, se respire. Un pur bonheur pour les oreilles !
La musique en dmat a de beaux jours devant elle.
Excellent rapport qualit-prix, d’une musicalit sans reproche associ une alimentation linaire.
Son naturel avec un trs faible niveau de bruit.
Bravo ifi audio !!
Interface is poor compared to BluOS and some radio channels don’t work. Sound quality is good. WiFi was a bit hit and miss. Hopefully will get better over time with updates.
Ordered the ifi Stream from Amazon and have been getting to grips with it over the past couple of days. The device came well packaged and is small but solid and well-built. I’m fairly sure I received a unit that had previously been returned as there were 20 tracks lined up in the play queue which hadn’t been deleted – it’s wrong that Amazon sells these units as new when they are not – most reputable sellers would offer these products as reconditioned at a reduced price.
So far, I’m impressed, though, and have chosen not to return the unit – it’s replaced an upgraded Bluesound Node 2i (which itself was previously improved by a Fidelity audio DC power board) and has noticeably better sound quality with less bloat/muddiness and improved clarity and sounstaging. Wifi performance has been perfect and I found that I was able to update the firmware without major issue – this is relatively slow, however, and it does seem to hang at 50% complete as though it has crashed but then eventually completes the process. It’s relatively slow to catalog music from a NAS or USB drive, as well, and seems to lose the catalog when it’s switched off at the mains, which is annoying, so it’s probably best left on standby when not in use. Spotify connect and Tidal connect both work well and the respective apps are fast and responsive. I haven’t used Roon. The Tidal exclusive mode does seem to improve sound quality a bit further too.
Although it’s essentially plug and play, I don’t think this device could be confusing for a newcomer to streaming, but it will be plain sailing for anyone who has used a raspberry pi or volumio, on which the player is based. There is no app to control the player itself but there is a very good web-based GUI instead. One quirk I did encounter was streaming Tidal Masters to a non-MQA DAC via the SPDIF output – for some but not all tracks, there was crackling distortion during loud passages. This was present consitently at the same points and occurred with three different cables. It was not present for the equivalent hifi quality versions on Tidal, or when I listened to the same tracks from a USB stick or NAS drive. When I swapped to a USB cable into the DAC it disappeared and I could listen to all formats without any problems, although into my DAC at least, I thought the sound quality from USB wasn’t quite as good as from SPDIF. In summary there therefore appears to be some kind of incompatibility between Tidal MQA tracks and SPDIF output into a non-MQA DAC – I’m not sure whether this is an issue with the ifi device or a more general problem when attempting to do this, but an internet search reveals there are many others who have encountered crackling distortion on Tidal with other devices too.
At the time of writing it doesn’t have chromecast audio but this apparently will be coming as a firmware update later in the year. It doesn’t do bluetooth (there’s another excellent ifi Zen device that does do this though) but it does have Airplay, and overall seems to be a really flexible device.
Pas la peine de dpenser beaucoup d’argent dans un streamer. Un iFi Zen Stream suffit. Par contre le coupler
avec un trs bon DAC. Suprieur au Bluesound Node(dj excellent) et gal au INNUOS Zen Mini MK3. Super
bon boulot de la part de iFi. Petit bmol, l’interface n’est pas top. Mais cela devrait s’arranger.
Purchased the iFi Stream to use as an endpoint for Roon and once set up did just that, but here’s the rub, the sample rate indicator light stopped working after an hour or so. After contacting support was told to update the firmware within the app however every time I hit the update button nothing would happen. I then reset the Stream by using the reset button on the back of the unit, went through the set up process viewing a YouTube video from Yorkshire AV, and still the problem occurred. Tried again to update the firmware but no joy. It was at this point I was in a bit of a quandary, Keep the Stream and accept a function that to be honest did not interfere with the functionality of the unit or return it!. In the end it was returned for a refund as honestly for 399 all functions should work. So why 4*, well despite the problem I had it still functioned as a streaming end point, so in a sense done what it said on the tin.
I added the ZEN Stream to my system and was pleasantly surprised at the performance of this thing, it is very small compared to other streamers on the market but it certainly performs above its size!
s simple utiliser. Audirvana ne fonctionne qu’en tant que client (un PC ou autre doit tourner pour faire office de seveur), Au top avec Tidal, un vrai plaisir utiliser.
Having enjoyed the iFi DAC and Headphone Amp for sometime I was intrigued when iFi brought out the STREAM. This is something you normally find at much higher price-points and often integrated into DAC units. The price was a significant uplift from the other entry-level iFi units but I decided to take the plunge and wasn’t disappointed. Definitely cleans up streaming audio and the dedicated modes for Tidal, ROON and others seem to add some additional sparkle. (I use ROON myself). The unit supports WifI and LAN but have always preferred a wired so I have a direct LAN connection to my router. If you can justify the outlay I would thoroughly recommend.
Great little streaming product, especially for Roon users
I have it plugged it into my Zen Dac
It will be perfect once they have it updated for Cromecasting