iLoxin ABS Trainer EMS Muscle Stimulator, ABS Toning Belt

iLoxin ABS Trainer EMS Muscle Stimulator, ABS Toning Belt for Sculpting, Abdominal Trainer with EMS Technology, Ab Trainer for Men and Wome

Still not convinced? Here are some of the amazing features of this abdominal trainer:
- Ab toning belt sculpts your body rapidly and safely;
- For best results, use 15 minutes per day;
- Skin-friendly silicone pads, need no replacement, easy to attach;
- 6 training modes and 15 adjustable intensities, suitable for various body types and needs;
- Can be used from the comfort of your own home, while working out, relaxing, doing housework, working, in front of the TV;
- Strengthens, tightens abdominal muscles through continuous micro-contractions;
- Easy to use with adjustable waist sizing belt, one size fits most;
- Rechargeable 200mAh battery with long autonomy.
Sculpt and train your body like a pro with this abdominal toning belt!
Size: | One-size-fits-most design |
Dimensions: | 17.8 x 15.8 x 5.4 cm; 270 Grams |
Brand: | ILoxin |
Model: | Schwarz |
Colour: | BLUE |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | Shenzhen Shifang Digital Technology Co., Ltd. |
Department: | Unisex |
Dimensions: | 17.8 x 15.8 x 5.4 cm; 270 Grams |
Size: | One-size-fits-most design |
Am delighted with this device. No parts to replace and the battery lasts.
You just need to spray the pads with water to activate. The spray container is included.
To use is hit and miss with the controls. The maximum is level 15.
There are six programmes so it’s great to have variety.
I am glad I got. Only negative no storage bag.
Not made for small bodies
That would be my only comme
Hilft gut bei Bauchkrmpfen, der Gurt ist sehr lang und der Klettverschluss berlappt sich bei mir (Konfektionsgre 36) grade noch an einer kleinen Stelle, sodass er hlt.
Mache seit Jahren EMS Training, die Stromimpulse sind sehr gut.
Die verschiedenen Einstellungen der Stromimpulse gefallen mir gut, die Strke kann von 1 bis 7 gewhlt werden und der Akku hlt lange genug. Gut angelegtes Geld
Prodotto ben fatto e con costanza di utilizzo la muscolatura si rinvigorisce consigliato
Mann merkt nach der erste Anwendung das da ein Muskel Kater entsteht, das hat mich positiv berrascht. Nach der regelmige Anwendung, knnte ich ziemlich schnell den Druck steigern. Im Zusammenhang mit gesunde Ernhrung und Sport, glaube ich das dass was bringt, und es ist ein guter Sprungbrett wenn Mann davor den Bauch vernachlssigt hat. Preislich ist es auch angemessen.
Der Grtel fhlt sich gut an, nicht so kalt wie mein bisheriger.
Auerdem hat er im Gegensatz zu meinem Vorgnger eine schne
breite Massageflche dessen Intensitt man auch sprt.
Ich nutze ihn nun ca. 3 Wochen und bin bisher sehr zufrieden.
Schn auch das Bedienteil zum abnehmen.
Ich benutze den Grtel zustzlich zum Sport um besonders meine Krpermitte zu strken. Nach ca. 2 Wochen Anwendung merke ich einen deutlichen Unterschied besonders in der Stabilitt der Krpermitte. Man bentigt natrlich aber zustzlich Training um eine Bauchmuskulatur zu erhalten. Aber das Gert untersttzt dies auf jeden Fall. Einziges Manko: wenn man schon relativ schlank ist hat man Probleme mit dem Grtel da der Klettverschluss nur relativ kurz ist und eher fr einen greren Bauchumpfang geeignet ist.
Calidad, funcionamiento y sujecin muy buenas.Fcil de usar. Muy buena compra.
Muy prctico para ejercitar la zona abdominal desde la comodidad de tu casa sin duda volvera a repetir la compra
Devo dire che visto il prezzo mi aspettavo qualcosa di molto diverso. In realt lo stimolatore molto buono: diversi programmi ed intensit, io la uso sempre al livello massimo e sento l’effetto durante le 24 ore successive all’uso. Soddisfatta
Es realmente fcil de usar y muy efectivo y no duele nada solo hay que ir subiendo poco a poco la intensidad y no de golpe.
Creo que es til como complemento a tu entrenamiento habitual. No es mgico, claro. Pero combinado con ejercicio cardiovascular, una dieta equilibrada y un entrenamiento diario puede contribuir positivamente al objetivo deseado.
Se ajusta muy bien al cuerpo,es comodo puedes hacer otras cosas mientras lo ests utilizando
Estaba un poco escptico, pero lo compre a probar. Combinado con una dieta adecuada y algo de ejercicios se nota diferencia. Normalmente uso programa 6 y mxima potencia de 15. Una vez al da, normalmente por la maana. Contento con la eleccin.
Ahora que llevo un tiempo usndolo, a m me gusta. Lo uso por las maanas y lo combino con una buena diera y weightlifting por las noches y s que noto mi estmago ms tonificado a pesar de que no hago demasiados abdominales.
Me ha ayudado a disminuir la distension abdominal.
Comodo y facil de usar. Es muy practico, ya que lo uso todos los dias mientras trabajo .
Producto cmodo ,fcil de usar y con resultados positivos .Lo uso a diario como complemento a mi tabla de ejercicios .Lo que ms me gusta es el sistema de almohadillas que al estar cosida al cinturn se adhiere bien a la piel
I got a replacement which seems ok. Now I don’t see any results after a week, but let’s keep trying!
I found it very easy to use
Just remember to put water on the pad and yourself
I found I had to adjust it once when it was on and touched a pad and got a shock
It runs for around 20 minute’s then you have to charge up but it doesn’t take long
Este estimulador muscular ABS es brillante!
Hace un ao tuve un conocido que dependa de bateras y almohadillas adhesivas que deban renovarse.
Pero no este estimulador muscular. Viene con un cable de carga y una botella rociadora, que se usa para mojar las almohadillas y nunca es necesario reemplazarlas. Tiene seis modos e intensidades de uno a quince y funciona muy bien.
Muy recomendable para cualquier persona que no tenga tiempo de ir al gimnasio. Artculo de 5*!
After less than a week I can already see an improvement of my “beer belly”
Received quickly in good order read instructions always put water on stomach and gel pads before I f nothing g happens the plug into USB plug red light comes on charge takes about 2 hours lasted longer than three hours I use twice a day 20minutes yes, its working tightin up stomach muscles and reducing years of fat lose just under a stone in 4 weeks pants starting to fall down ha ha just my experience we are all different but stick with it i use face cloth to wet my stomach gone on hope you find this helpful tip dont put hand down belt when in operating gives a good shock
I had one of these over 20 years ago, with sticky pads. When I unboxed this I was a bit apprehensive as it didn’t seem to be as substantial as I expected. However – once I dampened the pads, strapped it on good and tight, I pressed the + button – didn’t really feel much till I got to level 5 – just cycle through the 6 modes until you get what you want – I use on Mode 6 / Level 9 and it’s doing what I expected of it. Seems like good value so far.
Comfortable to wear,
Can feel and see muscles working
It was good. Buy now or Arnold Schwarzenegger will terminate you
I’ve been using this belt for three week.
It’s very powerful and I use it after the gym.
It’s simple to work but I’ll give it three months before I can give a opinio
Let’s see to early for results seems to do somthing
Easy to use and prefer this to the ones with replacable pads
A really great product that I was first skeptical about. The product gives you a great workout and has plenty of different levels of intensity at 6 different modes that I cannot achieve in the gym due to the lack of motivation. This is a great piece of kit for those who really want to focus on strengthening their core. Highly recommend and great value for money.
Fab product so far! Easy to use and very comfortable. Thank you
Firstly the product arrived in a well-packaged, well-sealed package and in great condition to start using straightaway.
It arrived in a small box, which is absolutely ideal for when storing away.
It sticks to the body perfectly and is very easy to clean, and very easy to start up & use, unlike some others which have been a disaster for me!
I use it after exercising (sometimes before too) and the difference is well noticeable. I’ve used this for just over 2 weeks and can say it definitely works! All my friends are after it, now they have seen my results! I guess that explains how well it works.
The product has different levels so it can suit anyone and everyone.
Not only the cost is very affordable (in comparison to others), it’s very beneficial for those of us who need a a bit more exercise and don’t have the time to get the desired results.
Overall, I definitely would recommend this to anyone who wants easy & quick results, at an affordable price!
Super easy to use, no mess and works really well
The product bought for myself but my wife is now using it. Easy to use and comfortable. Highly recommend and although I can’t see any changes , my wife can.
I’ve had a well known one years ago which relied on batteries and sticky pads which needed to be renewed.
But not this muscle stimulator. It comes with a charging cable and a spray bottle, which is used to wet the pads and never need replacing. It has six modes and intensities of one to fifteen and it works really well!
Highly recommended to anyone that hasn’t the time to go to the gym. 5* item!
Elle est fournie avec tous les accessoires : une sacoche transparente [photo 2], le livret en Franais (qui est bien traduit) [photo 3], le boitier lectronique [photo 5], la ceinture en tissu, un petit vaporisateur et un cble de chargement [photo 4].
Le point le plus intressant dans cette ceinture c’est les lectrodes [photo 6]: elle ne sont plus autocollantes comme c’est le cas sur de nombreux autres modles : cela est plus agrable l’utilisation, surtout quand on enlve la ceinture : aucune douleur, mais c’est aussi sympa pour le portefeuille : il n’est plus ncessaire de racheter des lectrodes autocollantes rgulirement : il suffit d’humidifier les lectrodes avant de mettre la ceinture !
Le systme d’accroche velcro permet de bien adapter la ceinture sa taille.
Le boitier de commande lectrique est aimant, ce qui permet de facilement le clipser sur la ceinture.
Ensuite, en ce qui concerne la puissance du stimulateur, celui-ci propose 6 exercices diffrents avec 15 niveaux d’intensit chacun. La ceinture est tellement puissante que je reste au niveau 6/7 pour l’instant.
Pour l’instant, je suis trs satisfait de la ceinture.
I personally use ‘muscle stimulators’ as a great way to warm down/relieve soreness and reduce DOMS. So while you may be looking at this to give you your dream 8 pack, you still have to bust your butt with diet and effort, but a muscle stimulator can help you along your journey if you’re on top of everything else.