Kono Hard Shell 55cm Cabin Hand Luggage in TSA Lock 4

Kono Hard Shell 55cm Cabin Hand Luggage in TSA Lock 4 Wheeled Spinner Lightweight Polypropylene Suitcase with YKK Zipper (S (55cm – 38L), Black)

Dimensions: | 40 x 21 x 55 cm; 2.64 Kilograms |
Department: | Unisex-Adults |
Dimensions: | 40 x 21 x 55 cm; 2.64 Kilograms |
Valigia molto robusta. Sono stata in crociera e non ha un graffio. Poi non so se in aereo me la trattano male. Cmq sono contentissima dell’acquisto. Credo ne comprer una anche media e piccola.
Pour le moment 1 voyage en avion fait. Tout est nickel, rien s’est cass. J’adore le style aussi. Et a roule vraiment sans moindre effort (malgr que mon bagage pesait 30kg)
Incredibilmente leggera e robusta. Cercavo una valigia capiente ma leggera, mio marito in carrozzina e quindi mi trovo a dover portare valigia e spingere la carrozzina. Questa volta la valigia l’ha portata lui grazie alle ruote che sono girevoli e quindi pu spingerla lui da seduto. Ottimo acquisto
Aprs plusieurs utilisations, les valises ont prouv leur solidit et encore plus la maniabilit! Vraiment trs facile de se dplacer avec elles que ce soit a l’aroport ou sur des sols moins faciles! Le petit plus, elles sont trs jolies, si bien que je les ai en bleu et en violet! Que des compliments et facilite de reprage sur le tapis de l’aropo
Choix de la serrure TSA et couleur originale pour un reprage ais sur tapis. Dlai livraison respect. Prix dans la moyenne du march , quoique toujours trop cher pour ce que c’est….
Elle roule parfaitement, tout terrain maniabilit excellente,belle valise, la mienne a t malmene par les manutentionnaires mais elle reste trs jolie,un bmol elle est lourde .Je recommande cette valise.
Arrived quickly, lightweight and easy to manoeuvre even when full, great value for money and a nice colou
The pink is a beautiful bubblegum pink and I’m very pleased with the quality and how light it is. The wheels are super smooth and the handles have rubberised grip. Will update once I get it through the airport.
The only thing that threw me was when I revived the box the dimensions listed were 38X21X57 cm. I panicked as I thought the SMALL 20″ case was supposed to be Ryanair approved, 55x40x20. I took out a measuring tape and measured the case.
DO NOT PANIC- the case the bang on the 55x40x20.
Tiene tamao perfecto para viajar en tren, el color es como en la imagen, me encanta y las ruedas se deslizan perfectamente, encantada con la compra
Bon rapport qualit-prix et avis sur divers sites favorables pour cette marque que je ne connaissais pas mais qui est envisager comme alternative aux grandes marques sensiblement plus chres.
Belle valise avec de belles finitions (y compris l’intrieur), lgre, semble trs solide et format idal pour les voyages.
Enfin prix trs comptitif pour la qualit propose.
noter : faades lisses et brillantes. Je ne m’en tais pas forcment aperu lors de ma commande. Personnellement, a n’est pas ce que je cherchais pour une question d’esthtique mais ceci est totalement subjectif. Cette valise reste un beau produit !
Genau wie beschrieben. Farbe stimmt. Wie Robust er ist, sehe ich erst beim nchsten Flug. Fr den Preis alles gut.
Buona valigia,imballo perfetto,consegna veloce.Valigia leggera e resistente.Vedremo come si comporta al primo viaggio.Oggetto che descritto bene,bion prodotto.Colore arrivato giusto,ruote scorrevoli
Viajo mucho por trabajo. Esta maleta es perfecta para llevar lo necesario para 2/3 das. Fcil de manejar y con capacidad.
El color adems de bonito me permite identificar enseguida mi equipaje de entre tanta maleta negra.
Un acierto.
Bellissima cosi come al si vede in foto. Spaziosa (tg M) e veramente ben strutturata. Sono davvero soddisfatta
These cases are so good so easy to wheel and really sturdy too.I was worried incase they wouldn’t arrive in time for our holidays and within two days they where here can’t wait to use them for going away.
Elles sont suprr lgre !!! Mais du coup la coque est vraiment fine… je ne sais pas si c’est assez solide pour du long terme mais je vais tester ca dans 1mois. On verra si elle tiendra les voyages
La couleur est mieux en vrai qu’en photo
La valigia bella, come da descrizione. La qualit potrebbe essere un po’ meglio, non mi sembra che brilli proprio per robustezza, per il primo viaggio l’ha affrontato pi che dignitosamente e, in rapporto anche al prezzo, mi sento soddisfatto dell’acquisto.
Is solid and well constructed. In the airport they destroyed after 1st trip and the luggage resist on the 2nd back again. I think is very solid to resist that which is a big problem I’m scared to get it broken due to the material on my 3rd trip but I don’t know looks like will be though, with other flexible material you don’t risk that thing though my next luggage will be something with textil for that reason. Looks great tho!
Valigia leggera, compatta , flessibile ma robusta. Molto ben rifinita ed elegante.
Es wre auch eine lngere Reise damit mglich.
Die innere Aufteilung ist sehr durchdacht und man hat genug Stauraum fr alle Dinge die man braucht.
Auch die Rollen sind leichtlufig und berstehen auch mal eine etwas holprigere Strae.
Der Koffer ist stabil, ich habe ihn trotzdem mit einer Schutzhlle ergnzt.
Fotos folgen.
Trolley molto carino, lucido, ben fatto, divisori interni ok, chiusura robusta e combinazione, ruote 360^ colore trendy!
This item was used for a full weekend away and for work purposes. I was away from home for 2 full weeks. Great performer. I packed 2 weeks worth of clothes and medical apparatus and it still has room for loads more
I was able to push the suitcase with one finger. It glided without a hitch.
My travelling has become a lot less strenuous.
Great purchase
Sturdy and just the right size for a weekend away
Manoeuvres well on four wheels and well on 2 wheels over cobbles. Easy to pack, with our only criticism being, the restraining straps attach to the top part of the compartment, meaning you need to have it fairly full to serve their proper function.
Easy to adjust the TSA locks, e had no issues.
Cases fit inside each other , so easy to store.
Nice looking case. Not sure how sturdy it will be as we have only done one trip with it. Inside the 2 halves lay flat, one side has a net with zipped pockets that covers the whole side
The other side has the elastic X.
I haven’t use it yet for travelling but I can tell it’s lightweight. Good value for money
I haven’t use it yet for travelling but I can tell it’s lightweight. Good value for money
Was really pleased with the case lightweight good quality looked good and sturdy
Was really pleased with the case lightweight good quality looked good and sturdy
Valige molto belle ,un bel blu ,molto eleganti anche la fodera grigio chiaro bel fatte le rifiniture ,un buon acquisto, le ruote molto scorrevoli.
La valise est de bonne qualit , lgre , maniable , le cadenas est solide . Trs bon rapport qualit prix .
Looked how it did in the picture, not cheap and tacky, well made. I was worried it was going to catfish me and look hideous when it came but I love it to be honest.
Bylooks and price very good value purchased for holiday so havnt used it yet stand out colou
Bylooks and price very good value purchased for holiday so havnt used it yet stand out colou
Very good quality! The seller was super helpful and responsive, I bought this and it was going to arrive one day before my flight, I contacted the seller and it arrived three days earlier! Very sturdy and lightweight… love i
Great case, lovely and shiny with mass amounts of space!
such a beautiful case. amazing quality and really good size (L) . Couldnt be happier. pink is also such a pretty colou
Great colour. Great style presant for my 9yr old Grandaughter loves having her own case.
Great colour. Great style presant for my 9yr old Grandaughter loves having her own case.
J’aime tout sur cette valise , vraiment un excellent ajout et super lger et propre. Heureuse de cet achat. Pas encore l’utilit des
Once it was exchanged ( I received a pink case originally!) it looks fit for purpose. Customer contact was very helpful
Once it was exchanged ( I received a pink case originally!) it looks fit for purpose. Customer contact was very helpful
A voir l’usage mais elle est belle d’aspect et assez grande .
Absolutely ideal – Was surprised as to how much I got in! And very stylish to boot!
Absolutely ideal – Was surprised as to how much I got in! And very stylish to boot!
pour faire de petits voyages ces valises sont trs belles, ont tout pour plaire, recommande
Super lightweight and very spacious. the TSA lock is great, and lots of handy little pockets inside for paperwork etc! Very happy with this.
Super lightweight and very spacious. the TSA lock is great, and lots of handy little pockets inside for paperwork etc! Very happy with this.
Unfortunately the wrong colour suitcase was initially sent out, however the Customer service team were absolutely great! They very quickly arranged for the correct suitcase to be sent out and have arranged for the wrong suitcase to be collected and returned, all within a few days of actually placing the original order. The case itself really is a perfect suitcase, really sturdy and i can see that i will be able to pack a lot in there! Would definitely recommend.
Unfortunately the wrong colour suitcase was initially sent out, however the Customer service team were absolutely great! They very quickly arranged for the correct suitcase to be sent out and have arranged for the wrong suitcase to be collected and returned, all within a few days of actually placing the original order. The case itself really is a perfect suitcase, really sturdy and i can see that i will be able to pack a lot in there! Would definitely recommend.
Really happy with the purchase, would definitely recommend.
Der Koffer ist sehr gut. Aber die Anleitung fr das Schloss ist ein Witz.
Really nice colour they move with ease so quiet when rolled,I bought two one each for my daughters they love them! Great sturdy affordable luggage!
Really nice colour they move with ease so quiet when rolled,I bought two one each for my daughters they love them! Great sturdy affordable luggage!
Je ne me prononcerais pas sur la solidit, je compte les utiliser deux fois sur des vols long courrier et revenir complter mon message.
Toller Handgepck Koffer. Der Koffer ist sauber verarbeitet und innen mit den kleinen Fchern im Stoffbezug sehr praktisch. Er richt innen nur sehr wenig und der Geruch war nach 2 Tagen lften nahezu verschwunden. Der Trolley rollt richtig gut und der Teleskop-griff lsst sich gut bedienen und scheint recht stabil zu sein. Das Gewicht bewegt sich mit gut 2,6 Kg, so meine ich, auch im vorderen Bereich der Trolley`s. Ich kann den Koffer wirklich empfehlen!
Really happy with these suitcases, great quality and very light weight. Being multi-directional 4-wheeled makes it much easier to handle luggage.