LEVEL8 Aluminum Luggage Carry on Suitcase 20-Inch Hardside

LEVEL8 Aluminum Luggage Carry on Suitcase 20-Inch Hardside Spinner Luggage, Suitcase Aluminium,Hand Luggage,Double TSA Locks,Zipperless Luggage(50cm, 35L,Dark-Grey)

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A young brand born in 2008.
We have been committed to provide excellent products of luggage, backpack and traveling accessories for bringing every comfortable trips to our global customers when they travel or commute through cities.
To travel without loads. To live a new lifestyle without worries.
LEVEL8, the Arabic numerals ”8” means infinite as take it horizontally ”∞”, symbolizing the endless exploration of future, the unlimited possibilities of life.
Go and find what you love!
LEVEL8 is ready whenever you are ready to have an adventure. Just create your wonderful stories with LEVEL8!
Dimensions: | 38.1 x 21.34 x 55.88 cm; 4.6 Kilograms |
Model: | LA-1695 |
Manufacture: | LEVEL8 |
Department: | Unisex |
Dimensions: | 38.1 x 21.34 x 55.88 cm; 4.6 Kilograms |
Origin: | China |
This is a great suitcase, and you can’t go wrong if you’re looking for an aluminum carry-on.
This suitcase is great for regular travellers. It’s easy to move around and robust. I l loved the packing pouches. It is slightly heavier than my Samsonite nylon trolley case.
L’acquisto di questo prodotto per me di tipo professionale, con la Level8 sono state create delle valige porta campionario.
E’ certamente un ottimo prodotto considerato l’utilizzo e ne consiglierei l’acquisto!
La PECCA che il fornitore NON fornisce la fattura ma solo una ricevuta e questo per un’azienda un problema considerato il costo dell’oggetto!!!
Fits within the dimensions of easyJet, Iberia, Iberia Express, Lufthansa, Jet2, British Airways with ease.
Packing cubes included are really good also.
Does scratch quite easy, but with ALU suitcases, each scratch is a story of a trip so I’m ok with this.
As a frequent flyer, 4 flights a week every other week, for the last 10 years, a good carry on is an essential for me and in light of this, I would very much recommend this case.
Looking forward to it accompanying me on many businesses trips in the next 5 years+.
It has now been around the world. I have now used it on 6 flights (carry-on) and a week touring by car. That is about 40 moves in and out of car-boots and overhead lockers etc. I have used it as a temporary seat whilst in queues and my grandson has used it to stand on to get a better view and it still looks like new – almost.
1. It holds the same as my lovely old Samsonite case despite the Samsonite being 55×37.5×25.
2. It is much better equipped internally than my smaller Aerolite (used for budget airlines only).
3. It rolls better than any of my cases.
4. It appears to be well-made and robust. ‘Purposeful’ rather than pretty.
5. GMT claim people up to 150kg can sit on it (I am 100kg).
6. The wheels are quickly removeable which I had to do once when packing a hire car.
7. It is stable even when piggy-backing a bag on top.
It looks big but it does comply with the normal airline 55x36x23 standard and I have had no problem on an A380, A320, B737 or B777 (Etihad, BA, Virgin AUS, Air NZ).
It will certainly survive a shower but the rubber ‘seal’ does not get squashed when you close the case; it just about makes contact with the closing surface. I will be wary of getting it drenched but that has not happened yet.
My only wish is that there was a quickly removeable ‘pouch’ for carrying documents. If I get around to designing one I will add it here.
Die Verarbeitung des LEVEL8 Koffers ist auergewhnlich. Das robuste Aluminium-Gehuse verleiht dem Koffer nicht nur eine beeindruckende Optik, sondern auch eine bemerkenswerte Stabilitt. Der Koffer fhlt sich widerstandsfhig an und gibt mir das Vertrauen, dass er den Anforderungen des Reisens problemlos standhalten kann.
Die leise rollenden Rder des Koffers sind ein absolutes Highlight. Egal, ob ich den Koffer durch geschftige Flughfen oder kopfsteinpflasterte Straen bewege, die leisen Rollen ermglichen ein reibungsloses und geruschloses Manvrieren. Dies trgt zu einem angenehmen Reiseerlebnis bei und verhindert unerwnschte Gerusche.
Die Stabilitt des LEVEL8 Koffers ist sprbar. Sowohl der ausziehbare Griff als auch die Innenausstattung sind solide konstruiert, was eine dauerhafte und zuverlssige Nutzung gewhrleistet. Ich hatte nie das Gefhl, dass der Koffer instabil oder anfllig fr Beschdigungen wre.
Das aufgerumte Inlay des Koffers ist ein weiteres positives Merkmal. Die innere Aufteilung des Koffers ermglicht eine effiziente Organisation des Gepcks. Die enthaltenen Packtaschen sind uerst praktisch, um Kleidung und Gegenstnde ordentlich zu verstauen und whrend der Reise geordnet zu halten.
Neben seiner Funktionalitt berzeugt der LEVEL8 Aluminium Handgepck Trolley auch mit seinem edlen Design. Die klaren Linien und das hochwertige Material verleihen dem Koffer eine zeitlose Eleganz, die im Einklang mit modernem Stil steht.
Zusammenfassend bietet der LEVEL8 Aluminium Handgepck Trolley ein rundum beeindruckendes Reiseerlebnis. Von der erstklassigen Verarbeitung ber die leisen Rollen bis hin zur intelligenten Aufteilung im Inneren ist dieser Koffer eine Bereicherung fr jeden Reisenden. Mit einem edlen Design und praktischen Funktionen ist er zweifellos ein perfekter Begleiter fr stilvolles und gut organisiertes Reisen.
Would be great if it was slightly bigger but not a massive issue.
The lining inside is attached with pressure buttons which can easily pop out if the suitcase is very full.
Very happy with my purchase.
The suitcase is obviously heavier than any plastic case.
Overall very nice.. but disappointed that the elastic snap to hold the separating pieces, Broke after only a week.
Super nice and tough all in one, I travel a lot and this is super nice
Ich habe den Koffer vor kurzem gekauft. Er kam schn gepackt und ich wurde froh, dass die Beschreibung online stimmt.
Er ist zwar schwer aber ist sehr robust und beinhaltet zustzliche kleinen Taschen fr Schmuck und Co.
Ich finde nur schade, dass es so teuer ist; ich htte mir einen greren gewnscht.
Mal sehen wie ich damit zurecht komme bei meiner 3 Wochen Reise.
Can find no fault about the product what so ever, beautifully crafted, elegant design, sturdy build quality, heavy duty pair of clamps to secure the suitcase and reasonably priced compared to other metal suitcases and even comes with packing cubes.
Only issue is the weight which is no fault of the product, you buy a metal case you expect to weigh like a metal case 4.6kg to be exact, so please check your airline for compatibility before loading this bad boi, I’ve seen on lot of airlines just except any carry on weight regardless, all they care about it’s the dimensions of the carry on which this fits fine but still please check especially budget airlines, but others also limit the weight of the carry on as well as dimensions I believe I last checked Eva airlines has a carry on limit of 7KG, so your are not going to carry much else after a towel and a couple of essential items.
I was lucky enough to get this as a birthday present (after leaving loads of hints and an Amazon link!) and I have to say, it is probably one of the best presents I have ever been bought.
It looks even better in the flesh than in the pictures and exudes pure class. It rolls silently and the feel of the case, the build-quality and the look are of the very highest standard. Also, I was surprised and delighted to find the internal separator bags included and on a recent road trip found these extremely useful…a real bonus!
Yes, empty, this is not the lightest of roll-on/cabin bags on the market and if you are looking for something more practical, look elsewhere. If, however, you want a well-made case that will turn heads and make a statement, then for the money, I think you will struggle to beat the wonderful Level * Gibraltar.
Slick,and clean.. needs to be used as hand luggage, only. So you can care for it. As from previous experience,luggage handlers will dent it to bits. Great bit of luggage.
Praticamente come un bagaglio in alluminio pi “famoso” ad un prezzo nettamente inferiore
La mia ricerca stato intensa, ma alla fone sono riuscito
il prodotto giusto per me.
Like the style
heavy and no pockets in the case.
Definitely a head turner at the airport. Feels high quality, the wheels roll pretty good, the organizing cubes were an excellent and welcome extra, I don’t think I’ll ever travel again without the cubesMake sure you never ever check this luggage in, I can see how it can get banged up easily.
Great case, configurable locks. Easy to manoeuvre, segregated compartments augmented with zip compartments. Laptop bag fits nicely on the top of the case. I travel a lot and for the money I would recommend it.
It arrived very well packed indeed with a look, feel and build quality that just quietly oozes quality! The internal separators are removable and the case is lighter than I expected. It looks bigger than our other cabin cases until you compare them side by side, which may be because of the squared corners maybe.
The case will pick up dents, dings and scratches along its lifetime of travelling, which in my opinion, will just increase it’s appeal.
I was torn between this (silver) case and the grey case but after discounts etc, I couldn’t really justify the additional 35+ and I’m not sure why there should be such a price difference.
super valise de cabine – trs fonctionnelle et solide ! seul petit bmol elle pse un peu trop lourd vide !!
Exactly what I wanted… And the quality is even better than expected..!
Slightly smaller than my TravelPro but rolls nice and pretty sturdy