MeacoDry Arete® One 20L Dual Dehumidifier & HEPA Air

MeacoDry Arete® One 20L Dual Dehumidifier & HEPA Air Purifier for Homes – 5x Year Warranty – Which? Award Best Dehumidifier 2022 – Controls Humidity & Removes Excess Moisture

Arete One bathroomArete One FrontArete One 25LArete One ControlsArete One laundryArete One DisplayArete One rearArete T3Meaco Arete 20L Which? Award Win 2021

T3 Platinum Award


“The MeacoDry Arete One is an effective dehumidifier for larger spaces, and is wonderfully simple to use. Meaco has worked hard to keep noise and running costs down, making this a dehumidifier we can unreservedly recommend.”

Quiet Mark Approved

Quiet Mark is the independent global certification programme associated with the UK Noise Abatement Society charitable foundation. Through scientific testing and assessment, Quiet Mark identifies the quietest home appliances. It provides reliable and independent information about the sound a product makes an approved noise reduction performance before purchase with the primary focus to improve health and wellbeing.

In Autumn 2021 following acoustic testing, the MeacoDry Arete 20L was awarded the prestigious Quiet Mark.

A Which? Best Buy – Dehumidifiers

Which? is the UK’s consumer champion. As a non-profit organisation they have been testing products for sixty years.

In November 2021 they completed their assessment of the Arete One 20L and awarded it a “Best Buy” Dehumidifier.

Weight: 15 kg
Dimensions: 27.2 x 36.6 x 61.8 cm; 15 Kilograms
Brand: Meaco
Model: Arete 20L
Colour: Black
Dimensions: 27.2 x 36.6 x 61.8 cm; 15 Kilograms

42 Responses

  1. Wilson Alpine says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve owned a few dehumidifiers in the past and this is definitely the best one ever. It is quiet and efficient and does what it should. I love the laundry mode! I’ve stopped using my tumble dryer completely. I like the long guarantee. I am not going to take a star off but it would be useful if it had a handle on the water collector.

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very pleased with this product. I’ve been using for almost 2 months. Air feels cleaner & house smells clean. My home feels warmer too, as the humidifier setting blows out warm air. I don’t like the night time setting, as it’s a bit noisy- so I just put it in another room. Machine is quite heavy to carry up & down the stairs, but it’s do-able. Costs very little money to run. Thumbs up from me.

  3. AKJHectorughw says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Just a great product. If anything I’m sad I didn’t get the bigger model, considering just HOW MUCH humidity it helps fight. I live in a one bedroom apartment, it’s perfect for that.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersDa ich einen leisen Luftentfeuchter suchte, der auch eventuell abends ins Schlafzimmergestellt werden kann, kam ich auf diesen durch Rezessionen. Wirkungsgrad fr m i c h sehr gut. Habe Ihn z.Z. in meinem Hobbykeller zum Testen. Da dieser nicht ganz so feucht ist habe diesen dann morgens angestellt, und nach ca. 12 Stunden ging er von allein aus da der Behlter voll war…schon sehr gut das funktioniert. Kommt natrlich individuell auf Raumfeuchte, Witterrung und einiges mehr an. Also fr mich war diese Leistung schon mal spitze. Vom Geruschpegel glaub ich das man diesen auch gern in das Schlafzimmer stellen kann. Dort hab ich z.Z. einen Duracraft der auch seine dinge macht nur der Geruschpegel ist um einiges mehr, deswegen ist er in derNacht aus. Stromverbrauch ist bei dem Meaco auch um ca. 30% weniger, hab ich allerdings nur aus der Produktbeschreibung.
    Eindeutige Empfehlung von m i r
    der Meaco. Preis Leistung ist ok.
    Im Nachtrag jetzt nach einiger Zeit bemerkte ich das der Trockner aus geht bei der eingestellten Luftfeuchte von -3% nur er schaltet sich nicht vbei berschreitung der Luftfeuchte von +3% wieder ein.
    Kann sein das ein technischer defekt vor liegt, werde das dem Hersteller oder Amazon gleich berichten.

  5. Vernon H. says:

     United Kingdom

    The attraction of this dehumidifier/Air purifier
    It is relatively small, mine is a 12 L
    In my opinion it could be improved bye having, three selectable Speeds,
    And the option of a carbon filter.

  6. Kathleen Roney says:

     United Kingdom

    Bulky and noisier than other brands. Make it less bulky and noisier you get 5 stars. That’s not to say it hasn’t done what it says on the tin, for sure it has served its purpose.

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I live in a flat with no outdoor drying space so this was brilliant for laundry days. Noise levels could be better but it is not so noisy to irritate. It is very efficuent abd has already helped to reduce a few mold spots that were appearing.

  8. Katherine says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersThis thing dries clothes faster than a gale force wind
    It’s an amazing piece of kit
    Delighted with i

  9. MarcyGWCHocgv says:

     United Kingdom

    Noise level is relatively quiet and efficiency is great. I wouldn’t sleep with it on in the room but it’s quiet enough behind a closed doo

  10. LeonardTubb says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersDer Entfeuchter ist nach zwei Tagen geliefert worden. Er war schnell angeschlossen und ist einfach zu bedienen. Er steht im Keller und soll im Sommer die Kondens – Feuchtigkeit in zwei Rumen auf 60% runterregeln. Der alte (25 Jahre!) Trockner ist laut und verbraucht 400 Watt. Nur deswegen suche ich schon seit lngerem einen leiseren und im Unterhalt sparsameren, der viel weniger Strom braucht. Und hier ist er. Den Hepafilter (teuer und fr meine Zwecke berflssig) habe ich entfernt. Achtung: Wer einen Luftfilter braucht, muss die Plastikfolie des Hepafilters entfernen! Ich habe das Gert auf 65% Luftfeuchtigkeit eingestellt und erreiche damit 60% (mit zwei Hygrometern gemessen). Praktisch ist, dass man den Wasserstand gut sehen kann. Der Griff ist obendrauf, versteckt unter einer Banderole.
    Hoffentlich hlt er lange…

  11. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersWir haben in diesem Frhjahr unsere Heizung frhzeitig abgestellt um Gas zu sparen. Hierdurch war der Keller doch recht feucht geworden, so dass wir Bedenken hatten die Heizung weiter aus zu lassen.
    Das Gert hat nun innerhalb von 36 Stunden 20 l Wasser aus der Luft kondensiert, die Luftfeuchtigkeit ist auf 64 % runter und in unseren vier Keller rumen lsst es sich ja sehr viel angenehmer zeit verbringen! Das Gert stellt sich nun automatisch ab und fngt wieder an wenn bentigt. Ich bin gespannt,hab aber das Gefhl das Gert hlt was es verspricht!

  12. SVCRussell says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I have wanted a good dehumidifier for a long time, this is it!

  13. Erik Sofge says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIt does the job honestly but the down side is expect like 300-350kw usage and the 42-45decibel noise is a lie it’s louder than that and if you put it on laundry mode eats more power and more noise.
    Worked perfectly the cord is acceptable long and comes it’s a filter and the warranty just amazing no one will give you 5 years like them today and they should.

  14. ManuelLahey says:

     United Kingdom

    Good quaity product sucks moisture out of the air very well .

  15. SaundraTorreggi says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAll reviews I’d read before purchasing mention how quiet this is. I must say it is until the compressor kicks in, then it is noisy. It is as though something within it vibrates with the casing to give the noise. The solution I’ve found is to use some cardboards to adjust the standing posture of the device until you find a position where the noise is manageable. In terms of the dehumidifier itself, this truly sucks water out from my home! I pour out the full tank every 3 to 4 days at a set RH of 45. Device is placed in the landing area of my 3 bed semi and it takes care of the entire house. Brilliant this is! Quieter would have given this 5 stars. Many thanks.

  16. KristianCrensha says:

     United Kingdom

    It used for long but easy to set up and the display is clear.

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Decent machine, happy I’ve purchased it, definitely makes a difference. Collects a lot of moisture – full tank every day, now wish I would have gone for a bigger version. The noise is fine but really minimal difference in the night mode so wouldn’t leave it on at night close to bedroom.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI bought this to replace a very old De-Longhui and I’m very impressed. The design is well thought-out, and I particularly like that you can easily clean the reservoir (which can get mouldy after extended use). The controls are easy to use and logical. The ‘night mode’ lowers the noise level, although I still wouldn’t want to have it in a room I’m sleeping in. More expensive than other machines, but these aren’t the sort of thing that are bought very often so I think it’s well worth the money.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    We are renovating a property and have used this everyday up till now, and it is a very good machine, easy to use and I think value for money.

  20. XPQEddymnevfdib says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This is a superb dehumidifier but it’s let down by the capacity of the reservoir tank which is about half that of my previous dehumidifier. No problem if you use the hose of course but that’s not always possible. No wonder it looks so sleek!

  21. Alexander Kalogianni says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersWe’ve suffered from terrible condensation on our windows for several years now, plus black mold in the corners of some of our ceilings. I’d no doubt this was affecting our health. I honestly never thought about buying anything like this to solve the problem. I wrongly thought that dehumidifiers were only used in houses that suffered flood damage. How wrong was I? Bought one of these on December 23rd 2021. Put it our main hallway (we live in 3 bedroom bungalow) So good was this machine that we decided to buy a second one for our kitchen mostly for drying our laundry. So good at drying our laundry we’ve now sold our tumble dryer. These machines are nothing short of pure magic. It’s lovely to wake up every morning to nice clean and dry windows and no more black mold or that awful smell of damp. The noise levels from this dehumidifier is very low indeed. We run it throughout the night on night mode just outside our bedroom door. The very low drone actually helps put both of to sleep. We even run it on night mode during the day time too. I cannot get over just how great these are. Normally I never bothered with cleaning our windows during winter time before buying these brilliant machines. But I was out cleaning our windows on New Years Day for the very first time ever in my life. I normally didn’t start cleaning our windows until well into springtime or early summer as it just wasn’t worth it. I can’t believe we’ve actually got sparkling clean windows in the middle of January. If you’ve got mold on your ceilings and condensation on your windows then please waste no more time in buying one of these, YES I VERY HIGHLY RECOMMEND THEM AND I SADLY DON’T WORK FOR MEACO The second one we bought solely for our laundry to save us trailing the one machine from our hallway to the kitchen. Plus it’ll be used as our air purifier during the spring and summer months as we mostly spend more of our time in the kitchen. Thank You Meaco for building such a great dehumidifier. If you’ve got mold and condensation don’t think about it, just buy one of these, or two if necessary

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersEvery house in the UK should have a dehumidifier. This is the second Meaco dehumidifier we have purchased. They do a great job of pulling the damp out of the building. They also aid in drying washed clothes on the rack more swiftly. If you have damp musty smells in you house this eliminates this issue.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBought after my Mum’s house flooded. This combined with infra red rads have saved one room from mold devastation. It really pulls the moisture out of the air fast. Holds appx 2L and then needs emptying so was emptied daily. When drying clothes, simply aim the fan at the washing and close the door in whatever room they are in. Dry within hours. Wry good purchase during these UK wet months.

  24. Tina3273iww says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersDehumidifies efficiently, and has been operating troublefree for weeks now.
    Just remember to take out the pamphlet that’s on the filter before using it.
    Very quiet in operation, and nice big water tank.
    The pop-up handle is a neat feature, however I would not use it to move the machine over thick carpet.
    Overall, this looks to be a good purchase.

  25. WhitneyDFER says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWorks great, keeps moisture down. We don’t have a damp house but did have with some black mould in the bathroom from poor ventilation (no fan) and a small leak. This deals with this with no problem. The fan noise is quiet but too loud for me to have in tv room or bedroom. It’s on the landing outside the bedroom and can’t hear it with the door shut.

    It looks good and fits in with the home compared to other models we’ve had. Overall very pleased so far. The 5 year warranty is good piece of mind too

  26. May9202pyrrvv says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersBought after researching several dehumidifiers for our period house…and am surely satisfied with this model. It has been generating a tank full (4.8 litres) of water out of the humid air every single day for the last 1 month…usually run it during evenings & overnight in eco/silent mode to maintain default humidity at 50-55%, keeps the condensation away from the ceiling/walls/windows. Also helps the laundry dry faster(~3hrs) by absorbing the moisture, even without using it on laundry mode . Due to lower levels of humidity, we have been able to reduce the duration of CH(Central heating) by about 35-40% during winter, reducing rate of consumption of heating oil, without incurring any noticeable increase in power consumed. Most importantly, the reduction in humidity and circulation of HEPA filtered warm air has eliminated the formation of moulds, in-turn yielding a marked improvement for kids sensitive to/suffering from chronic skin allergies like eczema (that usually gets worse in the monsoon/winter seasons). Noise levels are comparable with the Samsung refrigerator, wheels come in handy to move it around the home easily. It is pricey, but innovative enough to probably payback the cost/effort over time.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Probably the best thing I’ve ever bought . . All our damp patches have gone and no more condensation plus it drys our washing super quick.

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Absolutely amazing just didn’t realise how much moisture was present in the air since using the mould problem has vanished…
    Brilliant piece of ki

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Just gets on with it. Removes a frankly astonishing amount of water from the air on my converted cellar. Quiet, large tank and works day in day out. As soon as they are back in stock, I’d like another for my damp bedroom.

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersUse this dehumidifier as a replacement for one that we had worn out as we do suffer from a condensation problem within our home and our last one was working 24 hours a day at this time of year. Exceptionally quiet, we use it every day. It reduces the condensation levels down within our 3 bedroom bungalow very quickly and reaches the relative humidity we set at 45% within only a few hours per day whilst leaving all internal doors open, all in November which is by far the best unit that we have had to achieve this. Deserves a write up, thumbs up, well chuffed with this purchase! MeacoDry Arete One 25L Dual Dehumidifier.

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersAs you all know, UK is incredibly humid, especially in the old houses. We live in a old house which doesn’t even allow the laundry to dry before 2 to 3 days. Because of this humidity our wardrobe, mirror and shelves got moldy incredibly quickly, we were always dealing with condensation and black mold, bathroom doesn’t have a window so it was always wet but not anymore.

    This machine is such a miracle worker, you wouldn’t even believe. First of all, it reduced our allergies significantly. Secondly, no more mold, condensation goes away within minutes, the bathroom dries quickly after starting the machine (to be fair, we never turn it off) and laundry dries within a day. It’s such an amazing machine which purifies the air and sucks up the humidity like a sponge. If you’re every doubting in any way to purchase this machine, don’t and don’t even bother with other small and cheap dehumidifiers because they just don’t work.

  32. Don Pontes says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Very efficient and quiet dehumidifer. Reasonably heavy, smallish wheels so not so easy to move on thicker carpets.
    But dont let yhat stop you buying one. I can recomend this produc

  33. Mehrunnisa Yusuf says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I was surprised just how much water this dehumidifier collected. Empty it once or twice a day, but turn off over night. Would recommend buying one if you have problems with damp or condensation.

  34. CristinCoaldrak says:

     United Kingdom

    Really great product. It is making my house so much better to live in. I just wish the night mode was a bit quieter but other than that I am so happy with i

  35. JeffersonVQSA says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Very effective at drying out damp room – but it ‘s noisy to run. I’ve no idea how energy efficient it is.

  36. Amanda Push says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersWorks a charm, its not too loud but i love the timer on it, updates the humidity levels every 30 min and switches off, collected loads of i wanted water on first few days, keeps my buiscuts nice and dry haha

  37. ErmaIeupddbxkc says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our Usersit does what it suppose to… slightly noisier than expected.. you cant place it in your bedroom but lets be fair it needs to run a fan and a compressor so ……you cant get away with physics.
    laundry: it dries my clothes overnight.. (6…7 hours).. with out this it takes 2.5 days for my clothes to dry and they end up smelly bcz of that.. with this no such thing..

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI struggle with humidity, makes me very stuffy and short of breath. This guy has been a god sent. We have it running non stop and it pulls 2 to 3 liters a day. Dries any amount or laundry overnight every time and the house never went above 50% humidity. Also heats up a bit which is an added bonus as autumn comes

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersOnly just started using it so it’s early days yet but at this moment in time for me it’s the best dehumidifier I’ve ever had everything works on it exactly as it should it’s heavy and looks well made and looks good and with a 5 year guarantee it must be well made I highly recommend you buy this one

  40. BettieVarghese says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersPositioned in the hallway it works for the whole house upstairs and down. Easy to set up and very efficient. The flexibility in allowing you to change the settings from the manufacturers 55 is a great feature we didn’t have before, it was on quite often on 55 so changed to 60, still very efficient but with less running time. I took a long time to research the options available this was an extremely good choice and highly recommend this product, it also comes with a five year warranty easy to register.

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Very easy to operate. Not as quiet as I’d hoped and humidity readout it relative and not very accurate. Overall a good product so far and I am happy with the purchase

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 19 From Our UsersMy old Meaco 12L Low Energy dehumidifier was still working fine even after 7 years or so, but I wanted to upgrade to a bigger model since I live in a larger flat now plus you would expect the technology to have moved on a little bit since then.

    This new unit is much quieter than the old one and definitely extracts water more quickly despite only using an extra 40 watts or so. I’m also pleased that (like the old model) it allows the use of HEPA filters and they are reasonably priced – not something other brands often seem to care about

    There are are a couple of minor complaints though. Firstly the humidity sensor seems rather inaccurate, often reading about 5-10% above the level recorded by other devices/meters. My second criticism that it sometimes seems to take about 10-15 seconds for the unit to respond to commands from the touch controls. But neither issue is going to really affect typical usage

    When it first turned up the box did have a fair bit of damage so I was a little bit concerned, but fortunately the build quality seems very solid plus the class-leading 5 year guarantee offers plenty of reassurance