SIHOO Ergonomic Office Chair, Computer Desk Chair Breathable

SIHOO Ergonomic Office Chair, Computer Desk Chair Breathable Mesh High Back with Adjustable Backrest Height, 3D Arms, Headrest and Dynamic Lumbar Support (Grey)

M181V1office chairoffice chairM76
Armrest Adjustable 3D 4D Stationary 3D Flip-up
Material Aluminum Alloy+PP+Mesh Aluminum Alloy+PP+Mesh Aluminum Alloy+Nylon+Mesh Metal Aluminum Alloy+PP+Mesh PP+Mesh
Seat Height (cm) 43-53 45.5-55.5 42.5-51 42.5-51 43.5-53.5 43-51
Recline Angle 110-116-126° 110-116-126° 110-120-130-140° 106-113-123º 103-113-123° 100-120°
Capacity 150KG 150KG 150KG 150KG 150KG 130KG
Height-Adjustable × × 6CM × 6CM ×
Cushion Comfortable sponge High quality mesh sponge High quality mesh sponge Double-layer mesh Comfortable sponge Comfortable sponge

Weight: 22.7 kg
Dimensions: 42 x 50 x 112 cm; 22.68 Kilograms
Brand: SIHOO
Model: M90C
Colour: Gray
Dimensions: 42 x 50 x 112 cm; 22.68 Kilograms

99 Responses

  1. RodArmytage says:

     United States

    The chair is a really good chair I had it for alittle bit over a year. It’s comfortable. The issue I have is that it started sinking so I bought a replacement cylinder but the original cylinder won’t come out of the legs so I also have to but new legs it’s an addition 80 for the replacement. Since it’s over a
    I have to pay out of pocket which really sucks with a chair I really like. I don’t know if anyone else have this problem with the chair so that’s why I am giving it 4 stars if more people have this problem I would give it 3 and probably advise not to get it.

    Great chair but started sinking

  2. Anonymous says:


    Globalement trs satisfait aprs un mois d’utilisation, mais j’entends rgulirement de gros “craquement” sans avoir pu identifier leur provenance…

    Si ce sont les roulettes ce n’est pas trs gave car je compte les changer pour des roues de roller.
    En revanche, s’il s’agit de la structure j’ai un petit doute sur la dure de vie du produit.

    Mais ne crions pas avant d’avoir mal, pour l’instant trs satisfait.

    Je mesure 188cm et le rglage du sige en position haute est parfait.
    Le rglage tient, je n’ai pas eu rehausser le sige une seule fois en un mois, donc super, contrairement ce que j’avais pu lire dans d’autres commentaires.

    J’utilise le sige 9 heures par jour, 5 jours par semaine et le mal de dos que j’avais avec mon sige prcdent a disparu.

    J’ai t “contraint” de le prendre rouge pour l’avoir rapidement et au meilleur prix… je me suis trs vite habitu et j’en suis satisfai

  3. Bethany66S says:


    A distanza di un anno dall’acquisto ritengo di poter fare una valutazione oggettiva, in virt dei trascorsi su questa sedia. Per lavoro svolgo moltissima attivit al pc (7-8 ore giornaliere) e cercavo una sedia che potesse in qualche modo offrire un supporto lombare e che rientrasse in un determinato budget. Comprata scontata (circa 240 euro), all’inizio della mia esperienza l’ho trovata scomoda, salvo poi comprendere che era la seduta ad obbligarmi a stare seduto in un certo modo.

    La struttura solida e le molte regolazioni offrono un’ampia scelta in quei termini utili a trovare la posizione pi idonea alle proprie esigenze. D’estate poi un vero toccasana se in ufficio non c’ il condizionatore: la rete che definisce lo schienale traspirante e questo agevola e non di poco il benessere. Anche le ruote a loro modo svolgono egregiamente il proprio lavoro e sono robuste. La caratteristica migliore l’ho trovata nei braccioli, allungabili e ruotabili a seconda delle proprie necessit. Insomma, la sedia di per s ha moltissimi pregi. Non ultima la facilit di assemblaggio.

    L’unico elemento che mi ha fatto leggermente storcere il naso riguarda l’ambito ergonomico. Ritengo che l’uso di questa parola sia forse troppo inflazionato nel mondo delle sedute da pc. Sono, a mio parere, ben altre le sedute capaci di offrire un’ergonomia degna d’essere chiamata tale (e a ben altri prezzi). In ogni caso per chi cerca qualcosa di solido, comodo e duraturo questo sedia un’ottima soluzione e mi sento di consigliarla.

  4. RosalinU67 says:


    Mes 90 Kg, malmnent ce sige qui grince chaque fois que je m’assoie dessus. Sinon, la tenue du dos est bonne.

  5. LaurenceCabena says:


    Der Stuhl wurde wie dargestellt geliefert und erfllt die Erwartungen.
    Es ist ein Stuhl mit erhhten Gewichtsanforderungen (150 kg), den ich fr mein heimisches Arbeitszimmer benutze.
    Natrlich gibt es von anderen Herstellern andere Sthle, die hherwertiger verarbeitet sind, dann aber auch mindestens das dreifache Kosten. Fr meine Bedrfnisse (ein paar Stunden pro Woche) bin ich aber mit dem Preis-Leistungsverhltnis sehr zufrieden.
    Leider musste nach kurzer Zeit aufgrund eines Defekts die Mechanik getauscht werden (kann ja mal passieren). Die Kontaktaufnahme lief direkt ber Amazon: der Support hat sich innerhalb krzester Zeit gemeldet und das Problem gelst, indem er einfach eine neue Mechanik zum Tausch angeboten hat. Das Paket war dann zwei Tage spter bereits da und alles funktioniert wieder so wie es soll. Herzlichen Dank dafr nochmals an den Support, ich kann daher guten Gewissens bei den 5 Sternen bleiben.

  6. Samara6798 says:


    Esteticamente molto bella, ma si sa che va a gusti.
    La sporgenza lombare pensavo mi sarebbe servita di pi, ma evidentemente la mia postura troppo in avanti rende quella sporgenza semi-inutile.
    Regolazioni ottime ed inclinazione schienale molto buona.
    La regolazione anche del poggiatesta una chicca in pi.

    Le rotelle sul legno non lo rovinano per nulla (se proprio uno ha paura di rovinare il parquet si acquister delle routine ad-hoc).

  7. pmccartney says:


    Golden Review Award: 17 From Our UsersLa livraison a t rapide et sans accros comme d’habitude.
    je sais que la marque sihoo est d’origine chinoise mais il font vraiment du super boulot :
    La chaise t vraiment trs bien emball dans le carton avec plusieurs carton pour bien compartiment tous les lment. En dballent les pices on sent vraiment que c’est pas une simple chaise de bureau basique , beaucoup de pices sont en mtal et on sent que le plastique est dense et solide par rapport au autres chaise plus entr de gamme que j’ai dj eu l’occasion d’ essayer.

    le montage t plutt simple mme si le montage des accoudoirs m’a paru pas trs bien expliqu je me suis tromp de sens dans un premier temps , aprs je me suis vite aperu du problme et l’ai rapidement remont dans le bon sens.

    En ce qui concerne le design c’est vraiment russi la chaise est vraiment sobre et lgante. ca fait plaisir ,elle s’intgre super bien dans mon bureau ou j’essaye de faire une dcoration sobre. j’aime particulirement le tissue mesh qui l’habille et qui est trs agrable au touch . en revanche j’aime pas trop les motif du tissu mais le tout trs joli.
    Pour le confort, ca fait 2 mois que je l’utilise et c’ est vraiment le top. l’assise est un peut ferme mais reste confortable pour fesses mme en restant assis plusieurs heures. le dossier comporte un excellent soutien lombaire ajustable en hauteur et profondeur . il est est de mme pour l’appui tte qui est ajustable en hauteur et en inclinaison.
    les accoudoir eu sont ajustable en hauteur , d’avant en arrire et orientable c’est trs pratique. On peut bien videment rgler la hauteur de la chaise.
    une fois tout les ajustage fait on est vraiment bien installer pour rest des heures dessus. je me surprend mme a mieux garder une position droite tant mon dos et ma tte son bien soutenu.
    le tissu respire et vite la transpiration ca reste dextrement apprciable ( mon ancienne chaise t en simili cuir et je transpir un peut dedans).
    La meilleur fonction reste tout de mme l’inclinaison automatique du dossier . Il suffit de se penchait un peut en arrire pour l’activ et de se redresser pour revenir droit , le mouvement est bien . J’aime tout particulirement cette fonction car le sige n’est pas “statique” il suis naturellement les mouvement que l’on veuille rest droit ou se pos en position plus avachi.
    pour le fonctionnement il n’y a vraiment aucun problme pas un bruit elle fonctionne parfaitement.

    en bref , j’adore cette chaise elle est vraiment confortable et son design rend super bien. Je suis vraiment pas du.
    Un petit mot sur le prix, 330 euro , je dirait qu’elle serait milieu de gamme, plus cher que les chaise entr de gamme a 100 150 euro comme j’avait avant et sans partir sur du plus haut de gamme a 500-100euro ou plus .
    pour ma part il y a pas photo elle est vraiment meilleur que ma chaise prcdente mme si elle est sensiblement plus cher. je ne regrette pas l’investissement supplmentaire surtout pour le confort de mon dos .

    une chaise vraiment confortable et design pour un prix plus que correcte

  8. Validee says:


    Trs bonne chaise mais les roulettes ne s’emboite pas entirement, aucun probleme d’utilisation mais ca cause un lger bruit de clic quand je la dplace sans qu’il y ai de poids dessus. En dehors de a c’est une trs bonne chaise et bon rapport qualit/prix

  9. AudreaJnbb says:


    most desired 3 position recline locking
    One lever controls height adjustment and recline
    Most appealing feature lower Back support and back support height adjustment
    While assembling step 3 manual states Use M6*20 screws on position 1. Correct is position 2

    Unique Features

  10. Anonymous says:


    Es wrde helfen wenn die linke und rechte Armlehne mit nem Aufkleber gekennzeichnet wre…..hat viel Zeit gekostet heraus zu finden, dass alles richtig ist, sie sehen beim Aufbau identisch aus
    Der Brostuhl selbst ist super und den Preis wert, vor allem an heien Tagen schon luftig in der Sitzflche
    Hoffe da der Stuhl lange hl

    Gemütlich, stabil und luftig

  11. Anonymous says:


    Sihoo is available in US as a budget no-name brand. But it has a cult following and I bought this considering that cult following. I was pleasantly surprised by the build quality of the product. I had difficulty putting the headrest in place because it was too tight. I managed to get it in. I tried to reach customer support throughout this time and found that it’s tough to get hold of customer support and there’s no phone number. The product itself is very comfortable and is good for my build (5’5″). I just wish I bought the black one instead of the Grey, because I think this might get spoilt fast. The complaint that earlier was there with M90D was the flimsy head rest and it is now replaced with an adjustable sturdy headrest, which is good as well. Felt it is better than the other ones in the market including Solimo, KrissKross, Wakefit and JD9. Another option is Sihoo M57 with seat and back mesh.

  12. Anonymous says:


    Uso la sedia, a volte, pi di 8 ore al giorno e mi trovo benissimo considerando che ho spondilosi e inizio ernia del disco. confortevole, rilassante e molto, molto utile

  13. Anonymous says:

     United States

    So far I’m finding the chair to be pretty comfortable for the time I’ve had it. Also seen some reviews about the headrest being real flimsy but they might have changed something about it because my seems really sturdy and does shake like i’ve seen in some video reviews. The downsides to the chair are it doesnt have much depth that I would like, but I am 6’6 in height. a feature to control the depth or move the lumbar would be welcome. The back support on the other hand surprised me I bought thinking it would be a bit short but my back is fully covered by the seat once you raise it up to the max adjustable height.

    Overall I’m satisfied with the purchase, besides the seat depth and maybe a purchase of some armrest cushions, there not much for me to gripe about especially for my height .

  14. Lisa says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 86 From Our UsersThis is a great chair. Not far off a Herman Miller in build quality. Slightly worried it might disintegrate after a year, but for now it’s perfect!

  15. JonnaGranata says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 74 From Our UsersFound assembly a bit tricky because some of the parts are quite heavy; it would have been easier with two people. Also found the lumbar support and back height difficult to get adjusted correctly.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 74 From Our UsersFound assembly a bit tricky because some of the parts are quite heavy; it would have been easier with two people. Also found the lumbar support and back height difficult to get adjusted correctly.

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 169 From Our UsersWow this is a major major improvement from my gaming chair which was killing my back for WFH.

    Was very easy to assmeble and it feels like quite a comfy chair. It has great back support too.

    The price is expensive but my employer is paying for this so who cares!!! It’s probs the next best thing after a herman miller.

    Overall would recommend for anyone who works from home, health is wealth don’t kill your back like I did with a gaming chair.

    Perfect for those working from home

  18. NickiWalcott says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 169 From Our UsersWow this is a major major improvement from my gaming chair which was killing my back for WFH.

    Was very easy to assmeble and it feels like quite a comfy chair. It has great back support too.

    The price is expensive but my employer is paying for this so who cares!!! It’s probs the next best thing after a herman miller.

    Overall would recommend for anyone who works from home, health is wealth don’t kill your back like I did with a gaming chair.

    Perfect for those working from home

  19. RafaelSykes says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 74 From Our UsersThe Sihoo M90c is surprisingly easy to assemble, it only took me about 15 minutes. The instructions were helpful but it is all pretty self explanatory. Everything was wrapped very well and everything was of great build quality.

    This model has lots of adjustable features. You can push the armrest back and forward, up and down; the seat can extend out or be pushed all the way in; and you can lock the recline. It does all this while managing to look very sleek, having a work at home desk set up is no longer an eye sore.

    I chose the mesh base which came with the mesh backrest as standard, which allows excellent airflow, along with supporting my body very well; I feel like I am sitting in a hammock. The lumbar support is also a great addition to the seat, its height can be adjusted to go up and down, supporting the curve in my spine.

    I especially chose this seat as it came with the headrest, my previous office chair did not have this feature. The headrest is also fully adjustable, height up and down and the angle forward and back. Over the years I have always suffered with neck pain, due to my seating positing, this chair has helped me overcome this and supports me with a fantastic seating position at my desk.

    Overall I would definately recommend to anyone looking for a great quality office chair that provides plently of support whilst looking stylish.

    Stylish, supportive chair with many adjustable features

  20. NildaHelbig says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 40 From Our Usersadjustable in many ways to get the fit right. I use this chair with my “L” shaped corner desk. Helps a lot while using my pc and being able to turn 90* to face my 3d printer. takes minimal effort/strain to turn(which I do a lot going back and forth). Only downside I could say is its not a warm chair.

    assembly is easy with only a handful of bolts to put in.

  21. GretcheIsaacson says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 121 From Our UsersQuite a bliss! My back can perfectly lean on the chair back while working. Get my lumber and back supported quite well while. Great value for money.

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 137 From Our UsersVery comfortable with good back support and easily manouvred around the floor. Very easy to put together. Only criticism is that of the sharp edges on some of the metal parts – for the price paid I would have expected better.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 137 From Our UsersVery comfortable with good back support and easily manouvred around the floor. Very easy to put together. Only criticism is that of the sharp edges on some of the metal parts – for the price paid I would have expected better.

  24. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 32 From Our UsersPeso considerable en conjunto. Afortunadamente el transportista insisti en subirlo a casa.
    Embalaje muy protegido. Guantes para montar.
    Fcil montaje siguiendo las instrucciones, con la herramienta facilitada junto con la tornillera.
    Ajustes segn se indica en la descripcin del prodUcto.
    Una vez regulados a mi gusto, excelente sensacin de comodidad.
    Interrogante? Cunto tiempo seguir funcionando a la perfeccin?
    De momento, perfecto.

  25. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 127 From Our UsersDiscreta regolabilit, buona ergonomia, appagante consistenza e accettabile ecosostenibilit.
    Questa sedia da ufficio contrassegnata dal marchio “SIHOO”, che identifica un’azienda sinica, la quale commercializza sedie da ufficio e scrivania da studio, realizzate prevalentemente con l’impiego di materiali ecologici. Arriva tra le nostre mani in una resistente scatola di cartone, all’interno della quale ci sono le varie parti da montare, opportunamente stabilizzate per mezzo di una compartimentazione in cartone e polistirene. Questo tipo di packaging, che include anche alcuni sacchetti disidratanti in gel di silice, a mio giudizio, garantisce una barriera efficace contro urti, vibrazioni, compressioni ed altri agenti esterni che possono intervenire in fase di trasporto e di stoccaggio (quali, umidit, polvere e muffa). La dotazione, oltre ai componenti della sedia, include tutto il necessario per il montaggio: la minuteria, una chiave di Allen e un paio di guanti da lavoro. presente anche il manuale delle istruzioni in italiano, che, seppur di grado essenziale, risulta abbastanza chiaro, grazie anche alla presenza di alcune raffigurazioni esplicative.
    L’etichettatura, invece, si rivela insufficiente; manca, in particolare, la marcatura “CE”, che, come sappiamo, dovrebbe garantire al consumatore la conformit a tutte le normative, vigenti all’interno della Comunit Europea, che disciplinano la produzione e l’immissione sul mercato dell’oggetto. Tale carenza viene in parta vicariata dal ricco bagaglio informativo della pagina Amazon, dove, attraverso una serie di contenuti testuali e multimediali il prodotto viene descritto in modo talmente puntuale ed organico, che sembra di averlo di fronte. Apprendiamo, ad esempio, che la sedia non adatta a persone pi alte di 190cm o con un peso maggiore di 136kg. A tal riguardo, emerge anche che il pistone a gas che la equipaggia si fregia della certificazione “BIFMA”, ovvero risponde ai severi standard, che l’associazione statunitense dei produttori di arredi da ufficio (ossia, la “Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers’ Associational”, appunto “BIFMA”) fissa in termini di sicurezza e di durata; conformit che in questo caso stata accertata dalla Socit Gnrale de Surveillance (SGS), istituto elvetico, leader mondiale nei servizi di ispezione, verifica, analisi e validazione (mi scuso per la sinteticit della spiegazione, dettata da ovvie ragioni di brevit, sottolineando, tuttavia, che l’intera poltrona non compare, per, tra i prodotti presenti nel “BIFMA Compliant”, ovvero lo specifico registro consultabile on line).
    Il modello che ho ordinato quello identificato dalla sigla “M90C”, ossia con sedile 50x50cm realizzato in tessuto a rete, le cui valide doti di flessibilit ed elasticit non fanno per nulla rimpiangere l’assenza dell’imbottitura in spugna. Dato che l’esemplare recapitatomi (di colore nero, con inserti argentei cromati e parti metalliche grigie) risponde fedelmente, sia sotto l’aspetto strutturale che funzionale, alla richiamata inserzione promozionale, evito di descriverlo minuziosamente per non rischiare di risultare tedioso e soporifero. Reputo pi opportuno soffermarmi su alcuni dei suoi tratti salienti, riportando, per lo pi, le impressioni maturate in queste settimane di utilizzo, con la speranza che possano aiutare il potenziale acquirente a valutare se esso sia o meno congeniale alle sue aspettative.
    Terminato il montaggio, che anche per una mano inesperta, come la mia, non esige pi di 30minuti, osservando attentamente l’oggetto, la prima cosa che si appalesa la sua solidit costruttiva (non riconducibile al solo telaio metallico, piuttosto robusto), alla quale fa da pendant una buona cura nella lavorazione, testimoniata, innanzitutto, dall’assenza di difetti evidenti; non ci sono bave, bolle, graffi, opacit, o altre lampanti imperfezioni; l’assemblaggio dei vari componenti risulta, inoltre, inappuntabile, come dimostra l’insussistenza di giochi o di traballamenti. Questa manifattura certosina, associata al tipo di colorazione e di finitura, dona a questa sedia, che alterna forme tondeggianti a profili squadrati, la massima compatibilit arredamentale, tanto in termini cromatici quanto stilistici; anche perch trova posto dappertutto. A prescindere da come vengano regolati schienale e braccioli, entra sotto qualsiasi scrivania, permettendo all’utente di trovare la giusta distanza dalle attrezzature da lavoro (computer, mouse, ecc,) che giacciono sul piano d’appoggio; in pi, la sua base “stellare” in lega di alluminio ha un ingombro ridotto (misura circa 70x70cm) e le 5 ruote pivotanti in plastica che la corredano, oltre ad essere alquanto insensibili alla consunzione e facilmente pulibili, scorrono bene ovunque (perfino sulla moquette!) e non arrecano alcun danno al pavimento, parquet compreso.
    La medesima funzionalit dev’essere riconosciuta al tessuto “copolimerico” con struttura a rete, che caratterizza la seduta, lo schienale e il poggiatesta, il quali offrono una buona aderenza, senza generare sfregamenti lesivi per la cute o per gli indumenti. Questa fibra, secondo quanto dichiarato dal fabbricante, dovrebbe essere atossica; nel corso della sperimentazione, su di me non ha innescato alcuna reazione allergica e ha rivelato una peculiare resistenza all’abrasione, alla lacerazione e allo strappo; una generale refrattariet al logorio, che, per quel che, mi riguarda stata testimoniata dall’assenza di fenomeni, quali la bioccolatura (o pilling: i c.d. “pelucchi”), la smagliatura, la sfilacciatura e lo scoloramento. Va, tra l’altro, rimarcato che, sebbene abbia una composizione integralmente sintetica, non esala sgradevoli odori: non li emetteva da nuova e non li emana nemmeno adesso, a distanza di numerose settimane di utilizzo; neppure quando si sta seduti per molte ore. Questo perch, essendo particolarmente traspirante, favorisce un’efficace circolazione dell’aria, che agevola la dissipazione del calore e scongiura l’insorgere della sudorazione anche in caso di utilizzo prolungato durante le stagioni calde; inoltre, non solo resiste bene allo sporco (merito anche della tinta scura), ma si pulisce facilmente senza rovinarsi, utilizzando una spazzola con setole soffici (o, all’occorrenza, un aspirapolvere), oppure un panno inumidito con acqua o detergente non aggressivo.
    La sedia, nel complesso, offre un buon livello di confortevolezza, che favorisce la concentrazione e, al momento opportuno, permette di godersi a pieno un intervallo di sano relax. La postazione risulta comoda e funzionale; la buona stabilit offerta dal sedile, dallo schienale, dai braccioli e dal poggiatesta, tutti sufficientemente ampi e contenitivi, e l’ottima ergonomia, ottenibile con le varie possibilit di regolazione, consentono di assumere e mantenere a lungo una corretta postura, senza l’insorgere, almeno nel mio caso, di dolori alle gambe, alla colonna vertebrale, alle spalle o alle braccia, anche dopo molte ore; merito naturalmente pure dell’efficiente pistone a gas, che in grado di offrire un’adeguata resistenza alla compressione, commisurata al peso dell’utilizzatore, che, ribadiamo, non deve eccedere i 136kg.
    L’altezza complessiva della poltrona spazia tra i 112 e i 120cm. Varie, come pi volte detto, sono le possibilit di regolazione, le quali sono tutte facilmente realizzabili; anche laddove si debba intervenire su specifici comandi, essi sono facilmente individuabili ed agevoli da raggiungere e azionare. Nello specifico, l’altezza del sedile, il quale ruota di 360 sul proprio asse in modo molto fluido, gestibile liberamente; basta agire sull’apposita leva presente sul lato destro e regolarla a piacimento, senza posizioni predeterminate dal fabbricante, che, invece, troviamo nella calibrazione dello schienale. L’altezza di quest’ultimo, infatti, pu essere variata fino a 6cm, passando per quattro diverse scatti; la sua inclinazione, invece, pu assumere tre diverse posizioni, che sono rispettivamente di 103, 113 e 123. Non abbiamo scatti predefiniti nella regolazione del poggiatesta, la cui altezza modificabile per un massimo di 6cm, semplicemente tirandolo verso l’alto o spingendolo in basso; in pi, la sua inclinazione in grado di adattarsi magnificamente alle linee anatomiche dell’utilizzatore, grazie alla buona flessibilit della staffa metallica che lo sorregge, la quale si muove in base al peso che il corpo esercita su di essa. Un analogo meccanismo di “adattamento automatico” (mi si passi il termine) lo rinveniamo riguardo all’ergonomico supporto lombare, il quale, per merito di questa soluzione realizzativa, in grado di offrire un valido sostegno, pur essendo sprovvisto di regolazioni manuali. Una versatilit ben pi ampia , invece, registrabile a carico dei braccioli, i quali, caratterizzati da un’imbottitura piuttosto confortevole, sono rivestisti in pelle poliuretanica abbastanza resistente, la quale, oltre a non risultare fastidiosa sull’epidermide, gode di un’accettabile traspirazione, che, favorendo un minimo ventilazione, previene la sudorazione. Non reclinabili, sono del tipo “3D”, formula che in questo caso si traduce con la possibilit di: impostare l’altezza su 5 diverse posizioni, che coprono una distanza massima di 7cm; farli scorrere avanti o indietro con un’escursione massima di 6cm; ruotarli lateralmente verso l’interno o l’esterno per un angolo complessivo di 32.

    Le considerazioni finali.
    Da persona priva di specifiche conoscenze in campo merceologico, ritengo che la poltrona in parola sia realizzata con materiali di buona qualit, tecnicamente evoluti e destinatati a durare nel tempo. La giudico appagante sotto il profilo della funzionalit e della versatilit, che sono essenzialmente frutto di soluzioni progettuali indovinate. Reputo, inoltre, che soddisfi pienamente il gusto estetico, grazie alla sua lampante ricercatezza e raffinatezza, riconducibili entrambe ad un’apprezzabile acribia manifatturiera. Questa serie di considerazioni mi portano a ritenere congruo l’importo, non trascurabile, di 269,99 euro, al quale viene attualmente commercializzata.
    Puntualizzo che la mia valutazione prescinde dalle segnalate carenze in materia di etichettatura, non tanto perch parzialmente vicariate dal ricco bagaglio informativo della pagina Amazon, quanto perch tali anomalie potrebbero pertenere esclusivamente alla confezione recapitatami per la sperimentazione.

    Discreta regolabilità, buona ergonomia, appagante consistenza e accettabile ecosostenibilità.

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent chair. Easily put together with no problems. Ergonomic and very comfortable. Neck rest and arms are adjustable. My Husband spends many hours in the chair and have had no complaints so far. Very easy to keep clean with a damp cloth. Seems quite firm to mr but thi doesn’t distract from the comfort. Excellent value for money.

  27. NoellaScheffel says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    So comfortable I sit in it for over 8hrs a day and it doesn’t make my back hurt or anything. Super comfortable and breathable doesn’t over heat it you sit in it for too long. Arm rests are supportive and the smooth motion or moving front and back is super relaxing for me while I take a long call. Great value and great quality

  28. TWS says:


    Golden Review Award: 277 From Our Usersla chaise est super jolie, la notice est tres sommaire, mais bon on se retrouver rapidement, je trouve que le plastique des appuis main et l’appuie tte tres fragiles, mais le confort et l’esthtique comble le dfau

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 69 From Our UsersBeen using this chair for approximately 5 weeks. I use it for around 8-12 hours per day for work and then some gaming after work. It has had lots of use.
    I love it.
    Assembly was easy with good instructions. Then when you sit down you feel immediately surrounded with nice support which is great for posture. .
    I have been suffering for some time now with back issues. I’m not saying this chair has healed me in any way. But it’s made life a little more barrable when it comes to my back pain.
    It’s a pricey thing at a shade under 300. But if you work at home like I do. It is an excellent purchase. It will really help you get through the days without pain.

    My old chair at 180 was cheaper and it feels cheaper. It didn’t help me, it made me worse. I find this chair just supports me so nicely. That the pressure is taken off my lower back.
    It’s totally worth the cash money if you have it to spend. Such a top quality item. You pay for what you get when it comes to chairs. Paying the extra 100 on this chair compared to my last one. My only regret is I never had this chair sooner.
    Top marks 5*****
    Amazing chair.

  30. JulianLangford says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 60 From Our straight out of the box I was a little underwhelmed as it looked like it would be a pretty basic chair, but in actual fact it does do a few things to justify the premium price, but there are still bits that feel a little on the basic side.
    The chair is fairly straightforward to assemble: push the wheels into the base, connect the seat to the base plate, connect the backrest to the seat, fix the arms to the seat and simply push in the headrest to the back rest. The chair is very comfortable and does contour to your back, giving your back (and head) good support. The mesh back provides ample support and as you would expect it provides good ventilation. The seat has a good amount of padding which is quite firm, and so far it has retained its support and not got squished! There’s a good range of movement on the arms meaning you can adjust the angle, the height, and also the position how close they are to the seat. The backrest can be be adjusted but only provide a choice of 3 settings, (bolt upright, then back a bit then back a bit more.) 8 wish you could set the angle at any you desire but alas, no, just one of these 3 points. Overall the quality is very impressive as it looks flimsy but actually feels solid & robust, and is actually a quality ergonomic chair. I still feel it is overpriced but that doesn’t detract from its comfort.

    Good quality if a basic looking chai

  31. JaneenEasley says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 60 From Our straight out of the box I was a little underwhelmed as it looked like it would be a pretty basic chair, but in actual fact it does do a few things to justify the premium price, but there are still bits that feel a little on the basic side.
    The chair is fairly straightforward to assemble: push the wheels into the base, connect the seat to the base plate, connect the backrest to the seat, fix the arms to the seat and simply push in the headrest to the back rest. The chair is very comfortable and does contour to your back, giving your back (and head) good support. The mesh back provides ample support and as you would expect it provides good ventilation. The seat has a good amount of padding which is quite firm, and so far it has retained its support and not got squished! There’s a good range of movement on the arms meaning you can adjust the angle, the height, and also the position how close they are to the seat. The backrest can be be adjusted but only provide a choice of 3 settings, (bolt upright, then back a bit then back a bit more.) 8 wish you could set the angle at any you desire but alas, no, just one of these 3 points. Overall the quality is very impressive as it looks flimsy but actually feels solid & robust, and is actually a quality ergonomic chair. I still feel it is overpriced but that doesn’t detract from its comfort.

    Good quality if a basic looking chai

  32. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Offers great support for your waist.
    Very comfy to sit on.
    Backrest can be adjusted by 6 cm.
    Has a maximum tilt angle of 123 allows you to lie down and have a good rest.
    All parts provided appear to be of good quality.
    Instructions appear easy to follow.
    Easy to make but you may need a second person if you are not a pro at making these things.
    Takes around 15-30 mins to make.
    Is sturdy once assembled but a bit on the heavy side.
    Offers support and comfort.

  33. JamalBernardino says:


    Sicuramente gi a colpo d’occhio si nota che l’articolo in questione di livello superiore rispetto a tanti altri appartenenti a fasce di prezzo importanti.
    Intanto l’imballaggio molto curato, non un aspetto da sottovalutare perch diversi articoli arrivano gi rovinati (cuscino deformato, schienale smagliato, graffi ovunque) solo perch non sono stati impacchettati con sapienza (ogni singolo pezzo singolarmente impacchettato, protetto e distanziato da tutti gli altri).
    Non occorre possedere attrezzi per montarla perch nel kit, all’interno della confezione, c’ inclusa una chiave esagonale, l’unico utensile necessario, che ha dimensioni appropriate (pi grande del solito utensile in dotazione) per una facile impugnatura e per essere pi maneggevole.
    Il kit comprende tre tipi di bulloni (alcuni sono di ricambio) con rondelle (o spessori) d’acciaio, un paio di guanti, le ruote, la base d’acciaio, poggiatesta, braccioli, schienale e sedile, pistone pneumatico d’acciaio e la piastra di regolazione. All’interno della confezione ci sono dei fogli di cartone che possono servire come appoggio per la sedia durante la fase di assemblaggio, per non graffiare il pavimento o la sedia stessa.
    Ovviamente non poteva mancare il manuale, perch, a parte il pistone e la piastra, tutte le altre parti vanno montate. Ho avuto un po’ di difficolt a decifrare la traduzione (per codifica o codice per esempio intendono postazione). Non mi stato chiaro capire dove le rondelle o guarnizioni debbano essere inserite (posizionate subito sotto la testa del bullone). Le viti non sono numerate ma facile intuire quali corrispondono a M6 20 –M6 25 e M8 20. Bisogna guardare la foto per capire quale bracciolo il destro e quale il sinistro.
    L’operazione di montaggio comunque abbastanza veloce (circa 15 minuti).
    Ci che manca nel manuale la descrizione dei materiali e il peso massimo che pu supportare, informazioni che ritengo molto utili all’acquirente e che dovrebbero essere fornite, tenendo coto anche della fascia di prezzo al quale l’articolo appartiene.
    Dal punto di vista strutturale sembra robusta, ho molto gradito che le parti che devono sostenere il peso siano in acciaio. Anche i dadi in cui si avvitano i bulloni sono d’acciaio.
    Alcune caratteristiche di design per non mi permettono di affermare che sia adeguata a stazze e altezze importanti.
    La base tutta in acciaio, solitamente di plastica.
    Le ruote hanno solo il perno d’acciaio ma il resto plastica, girano in modo fluido e sono abbastanza silenziose, ma mi aspettavo qualcosa di diverso.
    Il cuscino ha dimensioni appropriate (52 centimetri di profondit, 51 centimetri di larghezza e 8 centimetri di spessore) permette un appoggio ottimale delle gambe sia sul cuscino stesso, che dei piedi sul pavimento. leggermente inclinato all’indietro. Le gambe non resteranno penzoloni (anche se non si molto alti) come mi era capitato con altri prodotti simili che avevano un cuscino di profondit sproporzionata. Il tessuto sintetico ma di buona qualit, infatti, non quello classico sintetico economico che tende a raccogliere i peli e lo sporco. A contatto con la pelle gradevole, liscio e fresco (lavorazione traforata a maglie strette) ed facilmente pulibile. Il cuscino imbottito abbastanza confortevole, l’imbottitura non si affloscia, reattiva, ritornando immediatamente alla dimensione originaria (dopo un mese d’uso non si deformato), lo spessore confortevole come pure la forma anatomica e avvolgente che ricopre la struttura sottostante di plastica anche lungo i bordi.
    Lo schienale formato da un unico telo di tessuto traforato sintetico ma fresco. La qualit buona rispetto a altri articoli. La densit delle fibre media. Questo tipo di schienale abbastanza elastico e quindi adattivo. Non si deforma perch la struttura sul retro sostiene egregiamente il tessuto dello schienale, impedendo cedimenti nei punti di maggiore sollecitazione.
    Il sostegno sul retro dello schienale ben fatto ma non imbottito come pure il perimetro dello schienale. Altri modelli lasciano lo schienale molto scoperto per cui il tessuto tende a deformarsi velocemente.
    Forse avrei preferito che fosse realizzato con un doppio telo per il rischio di sfibrature che porterebbero alla formazione di buchi, infatti, una sedia del genere non adatta a bambini che tendono a infilare tra i tessuti oggetti appuntiti come per esempio una semplice matita.
    Il sostegno lombare non regolabile in altezza ma fissato con la parte superiore per cui ho gradito che almeno lo schienale possa essere regolato (3 livelli di altezza). In ogni caso il sostegno lombare molto adattivo, non rigido come i classici cuscini aggiuntivi da ancorare. Sono alto 176 centimetri e, per ottenere una sensazione di relax adeguata, ho regolato lo schienale alla massima altezza.
    I braccioli in fase di montaggio possono essere distanziati tra di loro da un massimo di 48,5 centimetri a un minimo di 42 centimetri. Anche lo schienale pu essere distanziato dalla seduta di circa 1,5 centimetri. Queste caratteristiche sono importanti per adattare la sedia a diverse fisicit ma non abbastanza per stazze molto imponenti.
    Non mi molto piaciuto il poggiatesta, mi aspettavo intanto che fosse pi solido, invece, molto leggero, anche un po’ storto. Purtroppo regolabile solo d’altezza e non d’inclinazione. Il meccanismo di regolazione poi molto spartano. Da seduti, il poggiatesta deve stare necessariamente nella posizione pi bassa cio quella che lo ancora allo schienale, altrimenti troppo lontano dalla testa.
    Ottimi i braccioli che consentono diverse regolazioni (non possono essere sollevati all’indietro) e permettono quindi si assumere posizioni pi naturali (ho gradito molto la regolazione in altezza). Per quanto mi riguarda, sono fra i pi confortevoli che abbia provato. Il materiale dei braccioli plastica. La zona d’appoggio dell’avanbraccio imbottita, anche se un po’ rigida. Forse anche in questo caso mi aspettavo qualcosa di diverso, ho il timore che tendano, con l’uso, a sbriciolarsi. Sicuramente sono facili da ripulire e non tenderanno a macchiarsi.
    La mia esperienza stata abbastanza soddisfacente, anche se lo schienale in posizione verticale un po’ inclinato in avanti per i miei gusti, mi obbliga a stare in posizione troppo eretta.
    Le altre caratteristiche descritte sulla pagina Amazon corrispondono al prodotto arrivato, aggiungerei una misura importante che manca e che di solito pu influire sulla decisione d’acquisto.
    Per molti, come me, che non hanno delle stanze molto ampie, c’ l’esigenza che le sedie possano essere infilate sotto la scrivania. Il fatto che la sedia non abbia braccioli sollevabili potrebbe influire negativamente, soprattutto se la scrivania possiede un cassettone. L’altezza minima dal suolo tenendo la seduta e braccioli regolati al minimo 68 centimetri. L’altezza della sola seduta 44 centimetri.
    Sicuramente, quest’articolo realizzato con maggiori attenzioni e con materiali pi robusti del solito, manca, per, d’informazioni importanti (come il peso massimo che supporta e informazioni sul materiale) e il prezzo di vendita un po’ altino. Senza alcun dubbio a un prezzo inferiore ne consiglierei l’acquisto. Ritengo che un prezzo adeguato non dovrebbe superare 250 euro. Tenete d’occhio le offerte.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This chair is very comfortable (as you would expect for the price). The seat is well padded and the back adequately ventilated. The arms are not hinged, so I move them out of the way to slide the chair under my desk when not in use. It feels good quality and I am very happy with it.

  35. Emma Christensen says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 78 From Our UsersI got this to use in the home office and to be honest i was a little unsure as well never heard of brand and more importantly its a much more higher price i would normally pay for a chair to use at home.

    It arrived in a large brown branded box (which is heavy) on opening all the parts (some parts are in there own boxes allowing for a good delivery and the instructions are really not that hard to follow. All the parts are well made and to be honest are great quality.

    Once put together the seat is nicely padded, the backrest supportive and ventilated which is good if your sitting in the chair for a few hours at a time, the seat adjustment is perfect for someone like me the back support offers 3 levels which I’m happy with. Hight adjustment the neck support can be adjusted as can the arms allowing for you to customise how you feel more comfortable in the chair.

    Over all I’m super happy with the chair. The price is a little high at 295.99 (at time of review) however that said the build and quality I believe in long run will be worth i

  36. Maurie Backman says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 40 From Our UsersI received this item from the Amazon Vine Program.

    The chair arrived well packed. It was in a big box and very well secured. Individual parts look durable I work from home so I need a comfortable chair. The chair is easy to assemble and the instructions that came with it is easy to understand. My husband assembled it my himself and didn’t need any assistance.

    The chair loolks nice. It has a breathable mesh back. I am able to adjust it to my liking. It has a lumbar pillow which is good to prevent shoulder and back pain which I get often because of working from home. The seat is padded – this one is very important for someone working from home. I was using a dining chair before and I just put throw pillows on it as cushion and it still made my bottom painful. The armrest can also be adjusted up and down.

    Currently sold at 279.99 at the time of this review. Too pricey for me. I was able to get a set (desk and chair) for a cheaper price.

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 177 From Our UsersThis SIHOO Ergonomic Office Chair arrives in a very large box. Inside most of the components have their own boxes so everything should arrive in perfect condition.

    Taking the parts out of their packaging they all seem to be high quality, the chrome work on the wheel base is bright & scratch fee, adjusting components strong & smooth, padding & fabrics firm & strong.
    The instructions are pretty straight forward & clear with the steps seeming quite logical; the tools necessary to put it all together are included, though you may wish to use your own to make it a quicker job.

    Due to the weight of some of the parts you may wish to have someone help you to ease the process, but its an easy task to do alone, just may take a little longer. As is my usual I made a cup of tea & got down to work. Even drinking tea the whole thing took less than 15 minutes & I was pretty pleased at how it went.

    Once assembled I wheeled it towards the desk & sat down. It was time to fiddle with all the adjustments to get an optimal sitting position. The chair has the following features: –

    *45adjustable headrest; This may he the weakest part of the chair in terms of design & execution. It sort of waggles about like the head on a bobble doll. It does give support if you are leaning right back. Being honest though I rarely use headrests so it does the job well enough for me. It can be adjusted up & down by 5cm.

    *3D Armrests, The armrests can be adjusted up and down [7cm], back & forward [6cm] & rotate through 32. These really do allow you to find a good setting no matter your body type & whether you’re sitting typing, busy gaming or sitting back watching a film.

    *Ergonomic design, comfortable sitting experience; The seat has a sprung lumbar/cervical support, that in conjunction with the back of the seat being adjustable up & down by 6cm. My torso is slightly short for my height so I was able to get it just right while my feet were still comfortable on the floor.

    *Breathable mesh backrest, lumbar support & headrest, comfortable sponge seat cushion; The seat cushion is 50.5cm wide, 47cm from front to back & has a foam depth of 8cm. The foam of the seat is nice & firm yet comfortable to sit on for extended periods. It is also shaped nicely at the edges which in conjunction with the 47cm length of the cushion means that I don’t get the blood cut off to my legs by pressure mid-thigh like I did with my old chair. The mesh on the back, head & lumbar rests allows good air circulation to keep you comfortable in hotter weather & conforms to the shape of the body to give support & comfort.

    *123 maximum tilt angle allows you to lie down and have a good rest; Underneath the seat there is a lever & a twist knob, these allow you to change the angle & tension of the backrest. Said backrest has three distinct positions as 103, 113 & 123 tilt. This allows you to get into a comfortable angle to view the screen, use the computer peripherals or just sit back & relax during a hard day. Oh & pretty obviously with it being an office chair, the seat swivels 360 freely on its base.

    If you have carpet instead of hard/wooden floors you may want to invest in an office chair mat, this will protect the carpet as though the castors are good, they are quite thin & could wear the carpet out prematurely. I’ll also help the castors roll.
    I wasn’t sure of the aesthetics of all the mesh at first [I suppose I’m old fashioned in thinking that more expensive office chairs should be padded leather!?] but the mesh is definitely cooler in hot weather & still provides comfort too. Price wise the seat is sort of “mid-range” when it comes to office furniture, though it has a collection of features that you would normally only see on more expensive chairs. Also it’s generously proportioned, I’m an ex rugby player & forester [big chap] & fit in it comfortably with no pinch points. Over the last month I’ve been in it for extended periods & have never been uncomfortable or had any stiffness the next day from “sitting funny”, So personally think this is a good purchase at 279.99.

  38. thenewshortreview says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I really like this chair, it comes in several pieces but is pretty easy and straight forward to assemble and when assembled it looks good, I’ve had a few people comment on it’s looks. The seat is firm but comfortable, the back although a stretched material is supportive and I particularly like the lumbar area (I’m a back pain sufferer) which gives real support to the lower back. The armrests are versatile and easy to move up/down and the tops twist left/right and forwards/ backwards. I’ve adjusted the spring loaded rocking back so it moves with me but will lock easily into one of the set positions. The head rest could do with being more forward but that’s only a minor quibble. Overall a well designed and good quality chair with loads of adjustments to suit personal preferences. I would definitely recommend it.

    Great support and looks the pa

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 31 From Our UsersThis its a good looking office chair,and the red color mesh give him a bit of something else.The chair its coming well packed in a big box which is a bit heavy.It is easy to assemble its like any other office chairs.It has a lots of adjustments that you can do starting with the headrest to the back side and lumbar support all of them can be adjusted to suits you better.The armrest also can be adjusted in hight they can be moved forward and backwards and also they can be moved a bit sideways.The back of the chair it tilts back and from the lever under the chair you can lock it in which position you want.The mesh from the chair its breathable and let the air go through.The wheels move freely and without much noise.The cushion you sit on its tick and comfortable.Overall its a nice chair,it takes a bit time to get used with the position in the chair which at the beginning it doesn’t feel very comfortable,but in time when you discover all the adjustments and get them right for you,its gonna be great.

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 40 From Our UsersI ordered the SIHOO Ergonomic Office Chair – High Back Desk Chair with Lumbar Support, 3D Armrest and Adjustable Height Backrest – Thick Seat Cushion Breathable Mesh Computer Chair (Black).

    I love this chair. It is so easy to assemble, literally took me 10 minutes to put together. It looks great once up too, which is always a bonus. It has really good back support and can be altered to fit you posture. It is very comfortable and with myself working from home, it makes a huge difference sitting at a desk all day. It is good value for money and would recommend this chair to those that want some extra support and comfort.

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 40 From Our UsersI’m in love with this chair! The chair arrived soon and well packaged. The instructions are good and the chair is easy to assemble. It is a big chair and you need space to allocate it especially at home but it looks very nice and well-made. It is very modern and stylish. It’s been more than 1 month that I’ve been using it and I think it is very comfortable. I love the big padded seat cushion and the ventilated and reclinable backrest (especially the lumbar support). My back and neck are well supported especially when I work for long hours and I can adjust the neck rest and armrest (I’m impressed how you can turn the armrest around and turn it up, see video).

    Overall, it’s a great chair and even if it’s a bit expensive I really recommend it if you sit for long hours.

    High quality, stylish and comfortable chair!

  42. WilfredMize says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 40 From Our UsersI’m in love with this chair! The chair arrived soon and well packaged. The instructions are good and the chair is easy to assemble. It is a big chair and you need space to allocate it especially at home but it looks very nice and well-made. It is very modern and stylish. It’s been more than 1 month that I’ve been using it and I think it is very comfortable. I love the big padded seat cushion and the ventilated and reclinable backrest (especially the lumbar support). My back and neck are well supported especially when I work for long hours and I can adjust the neck rest and armrest (I’m impressed how you can turn the armrest around and turn it up, see video).

    Overall, it’s a great chair and even if it’s a bit expensive I really recommend it if you sit for long hours.

    High quality, stylish and comfortable chair!

  43. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    As a home office chair, this is ideal. Self-assembly is relatively quick although the instructions and particularly the labelling of the bolts could be better. Adjustability is missing only the ability to recline the back while kpping the seat level. The optional headreast is a bit floppy for my liking, and I use the chair without it in place.

  44. DemetraDingle says:


    Golden Review Award: 313 From Our UsersSige ergonomique achet pour bosser sur ordi de trs bonne qualit , robuste et confortable . Beaucoup de rglages utiles : le dossier rglable en hauteur , la hauteur du sige , l’inclinaison et les accoudoirs rglables en hauteur et en longueur , tout fonctionne parfaitement . L’appui tte en revanche est un peu gadget mais peu importe on a en fait rarement la tte pose dessus sauf lorsqu’on se bascule et dans ce cas RAS .. revtement ar pour en quelque sorte rest au frais. Le sige offre donc un trs bon rapport qualit prix , il est fonctionnel , confortable et solide . De plus le service aprs vente est juste parfait en cas de besoin il se montrera trs ractif .. un petit problme sur un rglage a t solutionn trs rapidement.
    je recommande donc vivement ce sige et la marque SIHOO !

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 58 From Our UsersThe SIHOO Ergonomic Office Chair is relatively easy to put together. Although an instruction manual is included, I found the product installation video on the Amazon listing so much easier to follow. I managed to do it by myself, although the box it arrived in weighs a fair bit to may need two people to move to the build area. All the parts felt good quality and fitted together well.

    The chair height can easily be adjusted using the lever underneath the seat, and it’s a nice smooth process. The same multifunction lever allows the chair to recline and the knob underneath also allows adjustment to backrest tightness. Once you find the seating angle, you push the lever in to lock it into place. By pressing each armrest button enables the height of the armrest to be altered and you can move them forward, back, left or right. The chair swings around 360 degrees seamlessly.

    I suffer from degenerative disc disease and have lower back pain, the backrest can be adjusted up or down, which helps a lot. Although the chair headrest is also adjustable up/down, I found it a little uncomfortable. I would have preferred a thicker padded one.

    Overall, a decent office chair helps balance functionality and form, mainly my lower back region, and promotes good posture. The seat pad distributes well and the mesh offers good breathability with castors that roll easily over carpet and hard floors.

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 58 From Our UsersThe SIHOO Ergonomic Office Chair is relatively easy to put together. Although an instruction manual is included, I found the product installation video on the Amazon listing so much easier to follow. I managed to do it by myself, although the box it arrived in weighs a fair bit to may need two people to move to the build area. All the parts felt good quality and fitted together well.

    The chair height can easily be adjusted using the lever underneath the seat, and it’s a nice smooth process. The same multifunction lever allows the chair to recline and the knob underneath also allows adjustment to backrest tightness. Once you find the seating angle, you push the lever in to lock it into place. By pressing each armrest button enables the height of the armrest to be altered and you can move them forward, back, left or right. The chair swings around 360 degrees seamlessly.

    I suffer from degenerative disc disease and have lower back pain, the backrest can be adjusted up or down, which helps a lot. Although the chair headrest is also adjustable up/down, I found it a little uncomfortable. I would have preferred a thicker padded one.

    Overall, a decent office chair helps balance functionality and form, mainly my lower back region, and promotes good posture. The seat pad distributes well and the mesh offers good breathability with castors that roll easily over carpet and hard floors.

  47. KSHFlynnfkhfsr says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Shopped around for the right chair for literally months. I’m at my desk 10-12 hours a day every day for work as a writer, so a good chair is a huge deal. When you rely on your setup, seating included, to stay in a comfortable position, picking something new can be intimidating. I literally kept my old chair until it was falling apart.

    Saw everyone saying good things about mesh versions, but the prices on some of those are just … WOW. I found this one on sale for what seemed to be a good price and with ample good reviews, so I took a shot. Granted, I have only been using this chair for a few days, but so far, I’m completely happy with it. It was easy to assemble, offers good support, and is overall pretty comfortable. The back support conforms to my spine well, and the headrest is a nice touch when I just need to lean back and rest my upper body for a minute.

    I really hope this stair stands the test of time, but so far, so good.

  48. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 90 From Our UsersI would warn you that the box this comes in is both fairly heavy (20+Kg) and very large, with all the component parts well packaged inside in separate boxes and padding. There are instructions to help building it.

    Once all the parts are out of the box, you get everything you need to build the chair including a hex key, so no extra tools are required. I would recommend sorting all the screws and washers out first. I didn’t and managed to put the wrong washer on the arms, having to take them off again to fit the right ones. The instructions do tell you the right part so it was my mistake. This is one thing I learnt when I built my second chair too (I have the red and black versions in the office and home).

    Once made the chair is very comfortable with multiple adjustments possible, including having the back that rocks back and forth if required – this is my preference as it helps ease lower back pain and was recommended by a specialist. With any of the adjustments that require tension, this is adjustable (so for example the back rocking can be made lose or tighter). The back has a lumbar support that is variable and flexes in and out – another helpful thing for lower back pain. Having used the chairs for a month for hours on end, I have found no issues so far and they are considerably better than many of the typical office chairs – they even get close to a specialist work chair I had before that cost well over 1000.

    Overall, I recommend these chairs. They are well built and are comfortable.

  49. Annette says:

     United Kingdom

    The box weighs a little bit so once lugged in and unpacked I set about putting it together. The instructions were ok but my handyman abilities are not good. Nevertheless, I got there and the result is a very comfortable chair. I am not as keen on the mesh ‘style’ I have to say but even so, I can’t see that when using it. Very supportive, very comfortable and very sturdy.

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersI ordered this chair for my Home Office, I working from home for a lot more hours and needed a chair that provided me comfort and support for full working days.

    Arrived in large square cardboard box, very heavy at 22kgs.

    Requires assembly and you do need to use 8 step diagrams provided, not too complex to assemble but you do need patience and it takes about 30mins.

    End results in a large deluxe office chair built for comfort and ergonomics.

    Chair is fully ventilated using robust quality mesh material, has an extremely high back with lumbar support. The lower lumbar feels like it hugs my love handles, takes some getting use to be is great for comfort and support when sitting for long periods.

    Very robust office chair, comfortable and versatile which easy to use controls and settings.

    Overall, great purchase for regular long use. Is priced high but design and quality makes this an excellent addition to my home office.

    I would recommend this product.

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 188 From Our UsersThis is a great office chair. It is everything as described in the product description. The marketing images and assembly video are true representations of the product. It took me about half an hour to assembly the chair on my own; however i would appreciate some assistance. All the parts were well made of quality plastics, metal and fabrics. An assembly kit including an installation booklet, a pair of gloves, a pack of nuts and washers and a screw driver were provided.

    This chair has served me well for the last three weeks. It is still going strong and looks like new. It provides me with a comfortable seating while working in front of a computer.

    I could easily adjust the seat’s height to suit my needs by a twist of a handle underneath the seat. The seat’s cushion is firm and supports my weight well.

    I love the chair’s backrest because it has great features and provides an overall support to the whole of my back with specific supports to my neck and lumbar region. It feels natural and gives me comfort while resting my back on it. I believe the use of fabric mesh on the back support is clever; I feel that it adapts to the shape of my back as I sit back.

    When i want to take a break from working in front of my computer, I could tilt the backrest, by applying pressure to the backrest with my body, to turn the chair into a recliner which allows my body to fully relax, so i can have a shut-eye moment and it was priceless.

    The pair of armrests is adjustable; i can change their orientation and height to suit my needs. The chair has castors which allow me to move around the room easily while sitting down without much effort.

    The chair is solidly built and a good product. It feels luxurious while sitting on this chair. I would recommend it to you. 5 stars.

  52. Anonymous says:


    Grazie al programma Vine ho avuto la possibilit di testare questa sedia da gaming ed ufficio.
    Ne possiedo gi una a casa, acquistata mesi fa cos ho deciso di collocare questa nello studio dei miei nipoti che daranno sicuramente filo da torcere a questa sedia sia per utilizzo che peso da supportare.

    La sedia arriva a casa nuova e ben imballata in un grande scatolone di carta dove all’interno trovate tutto l’occorrente per assemblarla perch giustamente arriva a pezzi.
    Come lamentato da altri utenti, le istruzioni di montaggio non sono proprio ben fatte e se non si ha praticit con queste sedie il montaggio risulta sicuramente fattibile ma leggermente laborioso (tipo braccioli messi alla rovescia, viti invertite etc..). Comunque la sedia si assembla tranquillamente anche con una sola persona in circa venti minuti.

    Il risultato non male ma sinceramente ammetto che mi immaginavo qualcosa di pi comodo e visivamente bello invece ci sono alcune parti che non mi piacciono: tipo la base del poggia schiena che molto plasticoso ed in colore grigio (nel mio caso). La sedia a mio avviso non tra le pi belle e lineari che abbia visto ma quello dipende anche dai gusti personali.

    La seduta non male, abbastanza alta e sufficientemente sorretta ed comoda sicuramente rispetto ad una sedia normale in legno o plastica ma se la paragono alla sedia da gaming che possiedo molto pi dura e scomoda ed alla lunga questo problemino si fa sentire ed ogni 2 ore circa, c’ bisogno di sgranchire le gambe e soprattutto le natiche.

    Ho apprezzato tantissimo lo schienale, quello uno dei punti forti della sedia a mio avviso: ergonomico con la curvatura lombare che preme (almeno per me) nel punto giusto alleviando la pressione e rilassando la schiena.
    possibile inclinare lo schienale fino ad una posizione comoda per il gaming a mio avviso.
    Il materiale di cui composto resistente e spesso ma soprattutto traspirante e ci lo rende decisamente pi fresco in estate quando le temperature roventi si fanno sentire.

    Il poggia testa non so se mi convince pi di tanto, lo trovo semplice ed abbastanza precario se steso completamente se siete alti pi di 1.85 cm.

    I braccioli mi piacciono e li trovo robusti e stabili, con la possibilit di allungarli e spostare il poggia braccio in avanti ed indietro secondo le nostre esigenze. a seconda di come si fissano alla base con le viti, si possono avere pi o meno vicini alle gambe.

    Infine le ruote, sono piccole, non particolarmente grandi ma sono comunque affidabili e scorrono bene sulle superfici anche delicate; io le ho utilizzate un paio di giorni su parquet e non lo graffiano per per questo genere di sedie vendono dei tappetini apposti per preservare pavimenti delicati da graffi causati accidentalmente dalle ruote.

    una sedia comoda, semplice e con le funzioni tipiche: alzare ed abbassare i braccioli, alzare ed abbassare la seduta, inclinare lo schienale e fissarlo etc…
    Trovo un po’ fragile e delicato il meccanismo a levetta che serve a regolare la seduta e lo schienale spero che non si rompa in poco tempo.
    Se cercate un prodotto con questa linea potrebbe fare al caso vostro, anche se non avete particolari esigenze di funzioni. Regge bene anche un discreto peso, per ora il peso massimo che abbiamo messo sulla sedia intorno ai 110kg e la sedia regge senza problemi quindi mi sbilancerei a dire che 150kg li sorregge senza problemi e cigolii.

    Unico neo a mio avviso, il prezzo. Sinceramente messa a paragone con la sedia da gaming che possiedo questa sfigura tantissimo, meno comoda e pi piccola e costa davvero tanto per quel che offre. La sedia infatti, al momento della recensione venduta a 309,99 ed spedita da Amazon.
    Nel mio caso il prodotto visto le grandi dimensioni ha impiegato 4 giorni ad arrivare ed un giorno addirittura in anticipo quindi nulla da dire ma comunque bella pesante.

    Schienale comodo. Seduta nella norma. Prezzo alto.

  53. By ANDREW C. REVKIN says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Really comfortable well made chair.
    The constructions and materials are great.
    There are plenty of adjustment features
    to get the ergonomics correct.
    I find the seat itself nice and and I really
    like the lumber support as I do have a bad habit
    of slouching and this definitely helps.
    Highly recommended.

  54. Caroline Haskins says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 63 From Our UsersThis is a really good chair, with gas lift, back tilt, back height adjust and adjustable arm rests. It is seriously comfortable and the lumbar support is great for long days at the desk.

    The star-fish wheeled base is heavy cast metal and keeps everything stable, and the mesh fabric keeps it cool, although I won’t feel the real benefit of that until next summer.

    My existing office chair has been passed on to a grateful neighbour and this chair, which has undeniable quality is now my staple.

    But… I would change a couple of things:
    – the arm rests are too high to tuck under my desk on the lowest setting, and can’t be temporarily removed without upending the chair and using a spanner. So I can’t tuck it in when not in use. Not the end of the world, but it would have been nice
    – the lumbar support is great, but my ten year old finds it extremely uncomfortable. It can’t be removed and nor can its intensity be adjusted. Again, would have been nice.

    These are modest gripes and this chair is still a big step up from its Ikea predecessor, and I am really please to have received it.

  55. William60X says:

     United Kingdom

    This chair comes delivered quickly in a large box and is really heavy around 20 kilograms, so be careful when lifting and make sure you have enough room to put it somewhere.

    The chair is really high quality. The material is great and really breathable, soft and comfortable. It has 5 wheels on the bottom and they all swivel really well and it is really easy to move around. The backrest and seat are really comfortable.

    I like the design and colour of the chair as well. It is great for office use as well as casual use. The armrests ate super comfortable and overall the chair is fantastic. The headrest and armrest, as well as the backrest and height of the chair, is adjustable too.

    Overall, the price is great and I highly recommend the quality and how nice and easy it is to use.

  56. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This is a superb chair and it came just at the right time as my previous office chair had developed a fault in that the back, despite being locked in position, gave way too much when leaning back on it.

    It comes very well packaged, was really easy to assemble – it was ready to go in a few minutes.

    The chair feels super sturdy and well made, quite luxurious in fact. The seat has really good padding and is firm. The back is very supportive and comfortable. The arm rests have a good range of adjustment, even turn inwards a little bit if you want.

    The overall comment about this chair is just how sturdy it feels, it feels very well made with quality materials. I liked my previous chair, but it is not a patch on this one in terms of quality.

    On top of all that, it looks really nice too. I definitely recommend.

  57. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 119 From Our UsersThe chair feel like it’s definitely made for people heavier and taller than me. (I’m 5’7″/170 cm and weigh 65kg)

    Get me right, it is not a bad or ugly chair at all, but I also have an M82c from Sihoo in Italy and the other model in comparison looks like it’s made to measure for a guy like me.

    Excellent customer support from Sihoo that provided me a replacement.

  58. ValeriaHalstead says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 119 From Our UsersThe chair feel like it’s definitely made for people heavier and taller than me. (I’m 5’7″/170 cm and weigh 65kg)

    Get me right, it is not a bad or ugly chair at all, but I also have an M82c from Sihoo in Italy and the other model in comparison looks like it’s made to measure for a guy like me.

    Excellent customer support from Sihoo that provided me a replacement.

  59. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 121 From Our UsersI am very happy with the quality of this chair for the price. It’s no less comfortable that the more expensive ones.

  60. Emily Schiola says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 121 From Our UsersI am very happy with the quality of this chair for the price. It’s no less comfortable that the more expensive ones.

  61. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 140 From Our UsersThis chair is a big improvement from the kitchen one.
    The box is quite big but really well packaging, I don’t think a smaller one could be used. As you can see in the pictures, each part is protected and individual boxes, and some polyspan blocks where needed.
    The instructions are brief but include everything you need. It takes only a few steps and is easy to assemble. I made a mistake with some washers because I didn’t check the build of materials before. An allen key is included for assembly.
    The chair is sturdy and comfortable. The base is mostly made of metal. The wheels are plastic, as usual to avoid scratching the floor. Although I would have liked the top of the wheels to be made of metal instead of silver plastic.
    The upper part is mostly plastic, except for the backrest and armrest structure.
    At the junction between the base and the seat there is a lever to adjust the seat height and backrest inclination. There is also a roulette to adjust the tension of the backrest.
    The height of the backrest can also be changed between three positions. The headrest can also be adjusted slightly in height. Both are made of mesh, so that air can circulate, avoiding heat in the back.
    The armrests have many adjustments, they can be moved up/down, front/back and rotated.
    The cushion is comfortable and the lumbar support surprised me, it is noticeable when you are sitting. The design is also nice and the colour adds a bit of joy to the room.
    It includes a pair of gloves.

    Comfortable chai

  62. JeanettDXPX says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 41 From Our UsersIt is easy enough to set up. Although the instructions could definitely be improved a bit.
    It is comfortable to sit in but the headrest doesn’t really support unless you are leaning back.
    The main cushion is quite comfy and stands up to long hours of sitting.

    I’m not sure if this is really worth the price point as I have a chair that I paid a quarter of the price for and it is almost as comfortable and with the same range of movement and a better headrest.

    This does look more professional though. So I guess would be better for an office environment.
    This didn’t look as grey in the pictures but it is a lot greyer than I expected

  63. Celina7715 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 85 From Our UsersI was a little sceptical at first about this chair, which looked like it would be a sub-hundred-quid, functional-but-basic office chair that was punching above its price bracket. In fact it does do a few things to justify the fairly premium price, but there are still parts of it that feel a little on the basic side. The wheels, lower frame and pneumatic lift are an example of this- they’re fine, but feel fairly hollow and famous-Swedish-furniture-store-standard.

    The upper body of the chair is a little bit of a step above though. The mesh bum cushion certainly feels more padded than average. The lower lumbar support is surprisingly firm and takes a little bit of getting used to or adjusting before it stops feeling a bit alien. The armrests are a little padded- not the most I’ve seen though- and it does feel fairly plush to sit in.

    The strong bar running down the spine of the chair is its most unusual feature, if you don’t count the colour. Sadly I don’t work in an office where I’m allowed to recline way back and chill out for a while, but if I were, this is a chair I’d feel very confident to do that in. It reclines remarkably far, but the structure of it feels solid, there’s enough weight centred underneath that you don’t end up worrying about tipping backwards (even on a chair you assembled yourself, which is rare for me!).

    The red colour is bolder than I expected. From the product photo I thought it would be a more subtle red-black mix on the mesh, and fairly understated, but understated isn’t an appropriate word. It’s eye-catchingly, cherry-sweets red. It really pops out, and the headrest is wide enough that it’s even visible on video calls as well. The fact the seat cushion is pure black certainly looks odd, and it takes a little getting used to, yet in a strange way it works.

    Assembly is about average. The instructions are on the minimal side but if you’ve assembled office chairs before, there’s nothing here that will catch you by surprise. Some of the top parts are a little more adjustable, for example the widths on the arm rests, but overall I’d say the build time was typical for an average office chair despite this chair’s little quirks. Everything is fairly easy to find within the box. Allow yourself plenty of room for spreading the pieces out when assembling.

    Overall I don’t think this chair really does quite enough to justify the current price tag which is not too far shy of three hundred quid. It’s good, but it’s not *that* good. However it is very comfortable, sturdy, has a couple of nice features, and the eye-catching red will certainly make you stand out in a shared office.

  64. Jenny McGrath says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 31 From Our UsersI will only write quick fact about the chair:

    1. The assembly is very simple (the instructions aren’t the best but it doesn’t matter much) as there are only 13 screws (if you do not want the armrests then only 7 screws).
    2. The chair is of excellent quality — heavy, stable, with strong metal parts (unlike many cheaper chairs where everything is plastic).
    3. All of the levers work well — hight or chair and back-rest, stiffness, armrest adjustments
    4. Most important of all is comfort — the chair is very comfortable for working — I have been using it for two weeks now — working from home for 8 hours plus each day and must confirm it’s a pleasure — lower back support is very important for me and this chair offers good support, with specific ‘bulged’ area beeping ones back straight and pain free.

    Overall, very impressed, the chair is as comfortable as the office chairs my company bought for 3-times more money

    Very good lower back suppo

  65. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    My son has been using this to sit at his computer desk when playing his pc games, This was very easy to build and I had no issues doing this.

    Its very comfortable to sit on even for long periods of time, You can adjust the height of the chair along with the arm rests and the headrest. You can also tilt the chair back and forth.

    The chair itself feels good quality and well made.

    Having wheels on the base means you can move around your area with the chair instead of having to keep getting up and down if needed.

    Overall I am very happy with this.

  66. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 72 From Our UsersI have a similar chair so in my review, I will be comparing it to the one I own.
    Both chairs are very similar, except that this one is more “versatile”. The backrest is adjustable – up and down by 6cm, which is very convenient as you can adjust it the way you need for your own height comfortability.
    Adjustable headrest, adjustable armrests and back tilt. 3 positions to tilt the backrest, 10cm for seat height adjustment.
    The backrest has a strong breathable mesh, the seat is made of an 8cm medium sponge cushion which is quite comfortable.
    I have back pain and this chair definitely helps with it and furthermore, it provides correct back support.
    The chair is comfortable, worth having. The price is a bit high in my opinion, because I have a similar chair which has almost the same features – backrest can be adjusted just not as much as this one, armrests too, the only difference is that they only go up and down also my chair has an adjustable headrest – not much different from the one I’m reviewing and my one costs only 136 (at the time of this review) on Amazon.
    Overall – the chair is great, supports the back, is comfortable and serves well, but the price is a bit high for those extra little features.

  67. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 74 From Our UsersHo avuto modo di recensire questa sedia della SIHOO, una sedia pi da ufficio e smart working che da gaming.

    La sedia si presenta di primo impatto veramente robusta, infatti il peso del pacco tutt’altro che leggero. I materiali sono tutti ben curati, la base per le ruote un pezzo unico in metallo spesso 3 millimetri che conferisce una stabilit molto buona. I bracioli hanno la parte bassa in metallo molto solido e la parte alta invece di gomma morbida. La seduta orizzontale imbottita sufficientemente bene, tanto da essere comoda ma allo stesso tempo non troppo da sprofondare. La seduta verticale in trama di tessuto che conferisce un passaggio d’aria anche per un uso estivo. L’attacco della seduta verticale di metallo spesso circa mezzo centimetro e tutta la struttura della seduta verticale di una plastica di ottima qualit.

    Il montaggio risultato piuttosto semplice, in circa mezz’ora ho montato tutto. Non c’ bisogno di strumenti esterni poich l’unica chiave a brugola presente nella confezione basta e avanza per avvitare tutte le viti. Non ho avuto problemi nei serraggi e negli incastri che sono risultati immediati. Consiglio di non usare altri tipi di chiavi anche perch a mio avviso c’ il rischio con altri attrezzi di fare inconsapevolmente pi forza del dovuto e di rompere qualcosa. La nostra piccola chiave a brugola in dotazione impone gi da se il limite di sforzo.

    Il risultato estetico finale decisamente di impatto. Il design decisamente all’avanguardia e il mix di colori metallico lucido, nero plastica e grigio plastica rendono questa sedia un ottimo complemento di arredo per il mio studio.

    Le regolazioni sono veramente tante. Abbiamo la regolazione del poggiatesta , la regolazione dell’altezza della sedia, la regolazione su/gi verticale/inclinato dello schienale, la regolazione su/gi destra/sinistra avanti/indietro dei braccioli, la regolazione dell’ammortizzamento della sedia. Se tutte le regolazioni possono avere un senso anche per adattarsi alle diverse altezze di ogni individuo, ho trovato piuttosto scomoda la regolazione dei braccioli poich al minimo tocco involontario la regolazione di muove o in laterale o in avanti rendendo il tutto un po snervante.

    La seduta molto comoda, ampiamente regolabile a proprio piacimento e la regolazione della seduta obliqua cos comoda che invoglia a schiacciarci un pisolino. Abbastanza comoda la seduta lombare anche se a mio avviso per mantenere la curva fisiologica ci sarebbe bisogno di maggior pressione sui lombari.

    Una volta seduti anche dopo ripetuti movimenti la sedia non scricchiola e non da assolutamente segni di cedimento, le rotelle scorrono come cuscinetti appena oliati. A livello di sensazione si ha veramente idea di essere seduti su una struttura molto solida.

    In definitiva la sedia la paghiamo abbastanza cara, ma se quello che cerchiamo una seduta da postazione di lavoro, dove passiamo magari 8 ore al giorno della nostra vita, conviene forse investire un po di pi sulla comodit, solidit e design che contraddistinguono questa sedia.

    Ho avuto modo di recensire questo prodotto con totale imparzialit grazie al programma Amazon Vine del quale faccio parte.


  68. Jason Struss says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 144 From Our UsersThis ergonomic chair is far more comfortable than my other gaming chair from Amazon at around 80 pound
    This is far more expensive but in the ergonomic section This is actually one of the cheaper ones
    So it arrived in a large brown branded box its quite big and heavy so an adult will need to accept delivery all the parts are packed with either protective wrapping or separately boxed
    It’s quite easy to build but iv done a few chairs over the years the instructions are OK znd useable but should have clearer instruction in my opinion
    It has 5 feet that all needs fitting they pop into the chrome coloured base not sure what metal it is but it seems strong and sturdy with a reasonably good shiny finish only minor imperfections under inspection nothing noticeable otherwise
    Then the gas piston just sits in the base it doesn’t seem right just dropping it in without bolts or anything to secure but it is very secure to The base then a plate with the lift arm and tension dial needs bolting to the under seat then the back slots onto a strong metal platform for the final bolts finally a head rest just slots into a Grove at the top
    It well made over all the seat Is a firm but comfy foam that holds shape well the back is a mesh type stiched effect but pulled tight which gives it some elasticity when sitting back there is also a lower back support that has its own plastic fastner which has slight flex so it kind of moulds to your body as you sit back its very comfortable in my opinion and has a stylish design its kind of like a cheap Harman karman type chair
    The head rest is also the same mesh and again moves slightly though I feel this feels a little wobbly if extended luckily I don’t need it to be and it does has a small ledge to secure it but could be better
    The arms are great they tilt left and right 1 turn each way they also slide back and forward to help find positions for working gaming and general comfort etc
    The arms also have a little lever so they can be raised up or down too and also lock into position except the turning top section that doesn’t lock.
    moving the chair is easy enough free flowing and smooth to move it has plastic wheels that could be noisy or slippery on laminate type floors though but it’s fine in my case to be honest. the chair feels strong, comfortable, has adjustable seat, arms, backward lean and height the piston arm also has a lock to stop accidental lowering etc
    Its well made over all no issues with the stitching or lose bits no bumpy foam or any issues there is a dial under the seat to change the resistance when leaning back at its easiest you can lie back about half way it doesn’t hold in that position though or at least I can’t get mine to do so
    My only fault is in the instructions it tells you what bolts to use where but the packet of bolts comes in 3 sections and non are labeled so I had to figure out what bolts went where myself, there are only 3 types so again it’s nothing to major just something to note also included is the allen Key to tighten them bolts up and there are a few spare washers and bolts
    a point of interest… there was a scuff on the back of my chair and a fair bit of dust but to be honest this is a review item sent to me for free to check over test and review , its common the businesses or sellers send out there prototypes or early access or factory floor models which may have been pre built etc anything being sent to customers will most likely be quality checked to ensure nothing is missing or customers don’t get a dirty items and it’s all in new condition so I would expect any others to be pristine
    Overall I’m very happy with this chair I think its quite expensive but the ergonomic ranges are
    That’s because they have more working parts, often custom built and to a higher standard with higher quality componants but most of all they are designed to help you sit properly in a safe comfortable position for as long as needed without back pain fatigue or other issues
    I feel it glide along my floor easier than my old one too and that’s on carpet the wheels are a plastic so may be louder on hard floors but moves very freely as i mentioned so i think
    It’s a great chair not sure it’s upto the harman karman standards but certainly much better than the generic office chai

    Comfortable fairly easy to set up instructions could be clearer though

  69. William Phenn says:

     United Kingdom

    Took two of us to try figure out the assembly. The instructions given aren’t that helpful, however, there is a YouTube video available to give a little help. Once we got that figured out, the chair is really strong and comfortable and very well made. Nice shiny finish on the metal parts. It is easy to adjust and it looks very smart in our home office. Quite good support and a comfortable seat cushion. The adjustable arms make it extra comfortable and the castors means it is able to move easily to where you want it.

  70. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A chair that offers complete support for you back , your arms, super easy to set up end extremely comfortable!!

  71. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This chair is perfect for gaming due to the adjustability of the mesh back which falls into 3 separate fixed positions. The mesh back keeps you cool for long periods of time whilst gaming which is a great advantage. The arm rests rotate left and right for comfort. The seat can be adjusted height wise though while being comfortable tends to make your bottom feel warm, a mesh would be an advantage.
    The lumbar support makes the back comfortable for longer use.
    The chair is very sturdy and worthy of a five star review.

  72. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 138 From Our UsersThis is a big chair and needs plenty of space to look ‘right’. It’s certainly versatile and comfortable though. The seat is thickly padded, the backrest supportive and ventilated. There’s plenty of adjustment to the seat, backrest and arms but the backrest only has three levels of recline — stepless adjustment would be much better, as in most modern car seats, but I’m happy enough with it as it is. The arms don’t flip up to allow the chair to be pushed close to the desk when not in use, unlike my old chair, but that won’t matter to many.

    The instructions are adequate, assembly straightforward. Weight of the box, on delivery, is around 22 kgs, so try and have it dropped close to where you will put the thing together!

    I’m very happy with this chair. It isn’t cheap, at 269.99, but represents good value.

  73. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 31 From Our UsersThe chair was straightforward to build, even with minimal instructions. With the full packaging, moving the box is a two person job, but the chair itself can be built by one. Once made, it’s easy to adjust the seat height and arm rest height. The back fits well to your body and adjusts itself to support you. Whilst the chair has less adjustable elements than some I’ve had, it does seem to fit itself well to your body and so you don’t really need a lumbar cushion adjustment or seat tipping. It does that itself.

    The headrest is comfortable but a bit flimsy. The seat cushion is hard but supportive and so far, fine for long work periods even if it’s harder than most.

    Looks wise, it is smart and professional with a strong metal base. It looks as if it will be easy to clean and the breathable back is a plus. The plastic wheels aren’t great on a wooden floor so we’ve ordered replacements that will do less damage but those were quite cheap.

    All in all, a good looking and comfortable chair. It does seem well made and certainly looks the part.

    Easy to build, looks smart, and feels grea

  74. vga2014 says:

     United Kingdom

    This was an easy to set up chair and is extremely comfortable and adjustable.

  75. VonnieDaniels says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 146 From Our UsersIf you work or play on a computer for any length of time, you will know that having a good chair is almost essential. I’ve had a great high back chair for several years now, but recently I have had two cushions on it to keep it comfortable. So, a new ergonomic chair was just what I needed.

    It arrives in a seriously big box. Inside, everything is packed separately in either foam or further boxes. Amongst all the parts there is an instruction booklet. Unfortunately, the manual only offers 2 pages in English and is woefully too brief.

    There are four different sized bolts and every one of them has a blue mark on them. Why didn’t they colour them differently to make them easier to identify? Even when you can identify all the bolts, it’s not clear which size fits where. For instance, the arms have three bolts to hold them on, but two are one size and the other is a different size. On the plus side, though, they do include a spare bolt for each size.

    Once put together, all the negatives of putting it together simply fade away. It’s a very comfortable chair. Just about every component is adjustable so that it fits your body perfectly. The chair height is adjustable using a gas lift and operated by a lever. The whole back assembly can be moved up and down. This allows the lumbar support to be positioned in the right place. The headrest can be moved up and down. The arms can be moved up and down too. They can also be moved back and forth.

    I like that the back of the chair is meshed, as this helps to keep you cool on hot days. In the winter, you can always cover the back of the chair to keep warm.

    The lever that adjusts the chair height has a second function. It unlocks the back of the chair so that it can recline and make a comfortable position for a quick nap!

    Overall, a very comfortable office chair. I hope that helps.

    A very comfortable office chair.

  76. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Since covid I have been working from home and its very uncomfortable working from the sofa for the whole day. I was looking for a good and comfortable chair for a long time. This chair game in a massive box and within there were a lot smaller boxes. The instructions were not the best and took me about an hour to put the chair together.
    Other than very pleased with it. The arms, legs and the backrest is very good and is very strong and I definitely know this will last for a number of years.
    I think it is slightly overpriced but I guess the quality of the chair compares with the price.
    The chair itself is very comfortable and you can adjust to your body height and shape.
    It is a must have for anyone who works from home.

  77. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 114 From Our UsersOne of the first things you notice about the package is that it is huge, heavy and a bit uninspiring. Thankfully, the chair, once built, is worth it. Looking at the package, it may seem daunting to put it together however, it is straightforward and should be ready in under an hour. The different elements are packed neatly and adequately protected, although not labelled so best to open it all and lay them out before starting. All the tools and fixings are included, along with gloves for safety. The instructions manual is a little too plain and doesn’t go into much detail but thankfully, it is easy to figure out what goes where through the pictures.
    The chair, once built, looks impressive. It has a modern & sleek design with breathable mesh material throughout. It is high back with an adjustable headrest and backrest so should be suitable for taller folks. The arms can also be adjusted to go up/down, forward/back and sideways! It has an impressive maximum tilt angle and is protected from falling over thanks to the long & sturdy legs. The seat cushion is comfortable and durable.
    To me, this sitting in this chair feels like sitting in a premium economy flight seat. It’s not quite business class comfort but it much better than the economy seat! It is quite an expensive chair however, you do get a three-year warranty which offsets the hefty price tag to some extent.

  78. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Good mesh back no sweating!
    Can adjust height, to suit self, same as head rest.
    The lumber support though does not adjust separately to the back

    Recline resting back is very sturdy and strong.
    The seat DOES move when you recline back, but not at the same rate as the backrest.
    You can also lock the recline position in 3 possible places. you can adjust the ease of the reclining by a twist of a nob under the chair.

    Easy to put together, took hubby bout 20mins.

    Hubby weighs over 17stone, and he even feels that this chair is very sturdy.

    good mid price chai

  79. BNAMonserrate says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 58 From Our UsersPros:
    – Straightforward to assemble: push in the wheels into the base; 4 bolts connect the seat to the base plate; 3 bolts connect the backrest to the seat; 3 bolts connect the arms to the seat; simply push in the headrest to the back rest
    – The chair is very comfortable and the chair does contour to your back well giving your back and head full support
    – With the backrest being made from mesh, it gives great ventilation. Whilst being mesh it still provides ample support for your back.
    – The seat has around 8cm of padding which is quite substantial. The foam is firm, and I hope it retains this firmness for support and comfort.
    – Very good range of movement on the arms. You can position how close they are to the chairs seat, as well has the height and also the angle (pointing inwards or outwards). Therefore you will easily find a setting which is comfortable for your arms in all activities (holding phone, typing, etc)
    – The backrest has 3 levels of adjustment which equates to a total range of 2.4″. For reference I am 5ft 11″ and I have it on the highest setting, whilst the headrest is at it’s lowest setting.
    – The build quality is very impressive. It feels robust and the chair must weight around 15kg.

    – You do get some work gloves to use when assembling the chair which is a nice touch. But they are tiny. If you have children then it may be a good way to keep them busy by being your assistant whilst you are putting the chair up!
    – I would have preferred a greater range of adjustment for the backrest. For example there are only 3 positions which the backrest will lock into. These are 103 degree’s (which feels almost 90 degrees), 113 degrees and 123 degrees. It would have been nicer if you can adjust the backrest to any degree you wish. This is because I find 103 degrees too straight, and 113 degrees slightly to far reclined.

    All in all, this is a quality ergonomic chair, it the backrest was fully adjustable then I would have rated it 5 stars.

    I hope you find this review helpful.

    Comfortable, but backrest could have additional positions of adjustment.

  80. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great chair!!. I did not realised how uncomfortable my old chair at home until using my new SIHOO High Back Desk chair with the lumbar support which is great for my lower back, am able to fully adjust seating. The mesh back that allows for air flow between my back & chair, extremely comfortable cushions that has 8cm padding, amazing lumbar support, adjustable armrests which can go back & forth along with being able to turn, headrest, height and angles. A lot heavier than I thought it would be for an office chair but we’ll worth every penny! & a lot less pain in my back with working from home. Definitely highly recommend 10 out of 10 for support, design, colour, mesh, durability & comfort.

    Love the colour, very comfortable for me while sitting on i

  81. LinaCTUupzeuner says:

     United Kingdom

    This chair is absolutely brilliant. Probably the comfiest office chair available on Amazon, in fact.

    But, we had a devil of a time putting it together.

    It comes with instructions, but the two of us together took about 45 minutes or so… but as soon as it was done, I flung myself onto it and my bottom is very happy indeed.

    It provides lumbar support, so if your coccyx gives you any problems, this should house your rump very happily for many hours at a time.

    It’s almost eye-wateringly expensive at 269.99 but it really is very, very comfortable. If you’re spending *hours* sitting at your desk (or at your Playstation… do gamers use a Playstation these days? I’m too old and uncool to know) then you really couldn’t do a lot better than this.

    Really and truly – if this is in your budget, I couldn’t recommend it any higher. Apart from it being a little tricky to assemble, it’s just about perfect.

    Brill chair... devil of a time putting it togethe

  82. HenrietShockley says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 69 From Our UsersThis chair is a replacement for the family’s much beloved office chair. Unfortunately, the gas lift part broke so it really only works if you have incredibly short legs! The reason I mention this is that this new chair has a lot to live up to, as the old one was so comfortable it was more like an armchair on wheels!

    This chair was relatively easy to put together, despite all the screws falling out and trying to work out what was what as they all look similar to me. Anyhow, my husband managed it ok with a small bit of assistance from me. One thing I noticed straight away is the lumbar support, which is great as you really feel your lower back is supported. This, together with the overall design of the chair, encourages you to sit in a more upright position which is good for your posture. Having suffered from back and shoulder problems I cannot stress enough what a great point this is to your overall health.

    The chair is comfortable (although not as comfortable as the old armchair!) and you can use it all day without it being a problem. I think it would be better with some sort of padding on the arms as that would make them more comfortable. I don’t particularly like the headrest, although my husband does, so I guess it depends on what suits you.

    Although the seat is a decent size, the actual footprint is quite compact and the chair easily slots under the desk when not in use. It’s great if you want a substantial chair but have not got tons of room. Overall, it’s a really good, sturdy chair which is comfortable and very supportive too. I think the price is a little on the high side, but the chair seems very durable so it’s probably an investment purchase.

  83. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 69 From Our UsersThis chair is a replacement for the family’s much beloved office chair. Unfortunately, the gas lift part broke so it really only works if you have incredibly short legs! The reason I mention this is that this new chair has a lot to live up to, as the old one was so comfortable it was more like an armchair on wheels!

    This chair was relatively easy to put together, despite all the screws falling out and trying to work out what was what as they all look similar to me. Anyhow, my husband managed it ok with a small bit of assistance from me. One thing I noticed straight away is the lumbar support, which is great as you really feel your lower back is supported. This, together with the overall design of the chair, encourages you to sit in a more upright position which is good for your posture. Having suffered from back and shoulder problems I cannot stress enough what a great point this is to your overall health.

    The chair is comfortable (although not as comfortable as the old armchair!) and you can use it all day without it being a problem. I think it would be better with some sort of padding on the arms as that would make them more comfortable. I don’t particularly like the headrest, although my husband does, so I guess it depends on what suits you.

    Although the seat is a decent size, the actual footprint is quite compact and the chair easily slots under the desk when not in use. It’s great if you want a substantial chair but have not got tons of room. Overall, it’s a really good, sturdy chair which is comfortable and very supportive too. I think the price is a little on the high side, but the chair seems very durable so it’s probably an investment purchase.

  84. DebbieG83sjpa says:

     United Kingdom

    This is very comfortable and being Leather means its easily cleaned and looks much nicer!

    Easy to assemble, took me about 20 mins to sit on it and start work again!

    Castors are smooth so it glides effortlessly across floor, I have floor boards so these wheels runs really smooth.

    The back reclines quite far back so I could in theory sleep in it if circumstances arose where this was necessary.

    Chair can be adjusted to suit my height easily.

    The cushion on the top is really comfy and when I start to get tired I lay back and could easily fall asleep.

    I wish I had bought this some time ago, and its really comfy for someone who plays games and work for hours!

    I find I get less tired than my old chair and it is a lot firmer which means I get more support.

    Great office chair and definitely really comfortable.

  85. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This SIHOO Ergonomic Office Chair took me approximately 40 minutes to assemble slowly. The chairs wheels and aluminium alloy spokes are not that heavy and can take my weight of 100 kg no problems. The seat is nicely contoured and feels very comfortable to sit on and even after 2 hours of sitting down, I still feel comfy and non aching at all. The foam technology is pretty good and does its job well with memory capabilities.
    The back part of the seat looks very futuristic, simple but yet gave my back fantastic support and I could sit back comfortably and the see through parts help with air circulation which is a great idea.
    The arm rests are just perfect and suit the angles that I need them to be.
    I found this chair to be very comfortable and its also easy to manoeuvre around my desk area.
    A perfect office chair built using good quality fabrics and metals throughout.
    The price is very good value for this level of quality and comfort.

  86. Srikanth Voruganti says:

     United Kingdom

    The chair arrives in a large 15kg needing assembly, this is a fairly easy task and doesn’t take very long, the tool needed is provided.

    When built the chair is very comfortable, it has a large padded seat, a supportive back rest and arm rests.
    It can be adjusted to get the perfect height, angle and fit for your body and your needs.
    The mesh back allows air flow and keeps you cooler and comfortable than full backed seats, the head rest is a really good support for those put your head back and stare at the sky in frustration moments!

    My gamer son has, of course, decided that this will be his gaming chair and he is very comfortable sitting in it for hours on end. However it would make a really good chair for someone working from home as not only is it comfortable for sitting in for long periods but it also looks professional on Skype/ zoom calls.

  87. DulcieGFFV says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This chair was well packed in cardboard but with a little too much plastic.
    Once I had unpacked it and sorted out the screws it took just over twenty minutes to put together.
    The instructions could have been a bit clearer. The pictures are very small. Comes with a free pair of gloves to protect your hands but they are tiny. (Or you can get the kids to put it together).
    The chair is very comfortable and fully adjustable.
    The back has lumber support and is hight adjustable, so too is the headrest.
    The armrests go up or down, forward or back and also turn out at an angle to suit how you hold your arms.
    You can also set the chair for the amount it can lean back with the same leaver that raises and drops the seat hight.

  88. BridgetHallstro says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 58 From Our UsersThis is an ergonomic chair, at least that’s what the description says and it is very comfortable to sit in. I have a ‘proper’ ergonomic chair supplied by a company that specialises in such things and you could buy three of these for the price of that (It was a custom build, not off the shelf). So if you need that kind of chair, and you’re be sitting on it for long periods, then you should consider this product.
    It arrives in a box containing all the parts, along with screws/bolts and a pair of white gloves. Bolts are supplied along with the appropriate allen key.
    Unfortunately, the assembly instructions are minimal, the photo shows all you get, although it should be noted there is a video available; parts are hard to identify, we ended up guessing and we have a number of bolts left over. We’re not sure if we have missed something or these are just spares. Bolts are used to screw the base to the seat and then the back on. The gas cartridge is pushed into the base and the round hole in the base. Our wasn’t quite straight (see picture) but the chair seems to work correctly.
    Once assembled I tried to compare it. It doesn’t have all the adjustments that my more expensive chair has but it has enough. You can alter the height and position of the arms; or leave them off entirely. The lumbar support works brilliantly, although if you recline as far back as possible then it is a bit uncomfortable. The mesh fabric allows for your skin to breath. It’s good to look at although a bit plasticy.
    Overall, once we had assembled and got it in position, it was a worthwhile replacement for the previous chair it replaced. ‘Twas a pity the instructions were difficul

    Comfortable chair, dire assembly instructions

  89. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 58 From Our UsersThis is an ergonomic chair, at least that’s what the description says and it is very comfortable to sit in. I have a ‘proper’ ergonomic chair supplied by a company that specialises in such things and you could buy three of these for the price of that (It was a custom build, not off the shelf). So if you need that kind of chair, and you’re be sitting on it for long periods, then you should consider this product.
    It arrives in a box containing all the parts, along with screws/bolts and a pair of white gloves. Bolts are supplied along with the appropriate allen key.
    Unfortunately, the assembly instructions are minimal, the photo shows all you get, although it should be noted there is a video available; parts are hard to identify, we ended up guessing and we have a number of bolts left over. We’re not sure if we have missed something or these are just spares. Bolts are used to screw the base to the seat and then the back on. The gas cartridge is pushed into the base and the round hole in the base. Our wasn’t quite straight (see picture) but the chair seems to work correctly.
    Once assembled I tried to compare it. It doesn’t have all the adjustments that my more expensive chair has but it has enough. You can alter the height and position of the arms; or leave them off entirely. The lumbar support works brilliantly, although if you recline as far back as possible then it is a bit uncomfortable. The mesh fabric allows for your skin to breath. It’s good to look at although a bit plasticy.
    Overall, once we had assembled and got it in position, it was a worthwhile replacement for the previous chair it replaced. ‘Twas a pity the instructions were difficul

    Comfortable chair, dire assembly instructions

  90. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 60 From Our UsersAt work we have used less than ideal chairs for years and tired of getting backaches we have decided to get this one as a very welcome upgrade. The chair arrived safely at destination with all major parts individually wrapped and further protected by multiple cardboard boxes and panels all included in a stronger outer box.

    The instructions are a bit basic and with pretty small and simple pictures but they are written in several languages and overall it is really easy to put the chair together. All parts are reassuringly sturdy but overall not too heavy and even if ideally 2 people are recommended to assemble the chair I managed pretty well and easily on my own and from start to finish it took me around 45 minutes including dealing with all the packaging.

    The chair is really comfy, the base and seat feels very strong and capable of dealing with some serious weight. I truly love the armrests and I never though how much I would have prefer having them slightly facing inwards to improve comfort while typing on a computer keyboard.

    The back with the lumbar support is very good and the breathable fabric is a great choice but it can be adjusted in high on only 3 positions and even on the top level is only just about fine for myself (6 foot, 183 cm) and possibly it could be a bit short for taller people to fully feel comfortable on long periods.
    I am also not too keen on the headrest that has a main support in hard plastic instead of metal and it is a bit too far back to be useful on a sitting position and only when reclined I feel the benefit of it.

    Anyway the overall feedback from colleagues is really good and overall we are surely pleased with it but I feel that at 270 is about 40 too much from a full 5 stars rating

    Superb office upgrade but a tad pricey and headrest and back high could be bette

  91. NoemiBraxton says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 58 From Our UsersThis is an ergonomic chair, at least that’s what the description says and it is very comfortable to sit in. I have a ‘proper’ ergonomic chair supplied by a company that specialises in such things and you could buy three of these for the price of that (It was a custom build, not off the shelf). So if you need that kind of chair, and you’re be sitting on it for long periods, then you should consider this product.
    It arrives in a box containing all the parts, along with screws/bolts and a pair of white gloves. Bolts are supplied along with the appropriate allen key.
    Unfortunately, the assembly instructions are minimal, the photo shows all you get, although it should be noted there is a video available; parts are hard to identify, we ended up guessing and we have a number of bolts left over. We’re not sure if we have missed something or these are just spares. Bolts are used to screw the base to the seat and then the back on. The gas cartridge is pushed into the base and the round hole in the base. Our wasn’t quite straight (see picture) but the chair seems to work correctly.
    Once assembled I tried to compare it. It doesn’t have all the adjustments that my more expensive chair has but it has enough. You can alter the height and position of the arms; or leave them off entirely. The lumbar support works brilliantly, although if you recline as far back as possible then it is a bit uncomfortable. The mesh fabric allows for your skin to breath. It’s good to look at although a bit plasticy.
    Overall, once we had assembled and got it in position, it was a worthwhile replacement for the previous chair it replaced. ‘Twas a pity the instructions were difficul

    Comfortable chair, dire assembly instructions

  92. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 60 From Our UsersAt work we have used less than ideal chairs for years and tired of getting backaches we have decided to get this one as a very welcome upgrade. The chair arrived safely at destination with all major parts individually wrapped and further protected by multiple cardboard boxes and panels all included in a stronger outer box.

    The instructions are a bit basic and with pretty small and simple pictures but they are written in several languages and overall it is really easy to put the chair together. All parts are reassuringly sturdy but overall not too heavy and even if ideally 2 people are recommended to assemble the chair I managed pretty well and easily on my own and from start to finish it took me around 45 minutes including dealing with all the packaging.

    The chair is really comfy, the base and seat feels very strong and capable of dealing with some serious weight. I truly love the armrests and I never though how much I would have prefer having them slightly facing inwards to improve comfort while typing on a computer keyboard.

    The back with the lumbar support is very good and the breathable fabric is a great choice but it can be adjusted in high on only 3 positions and even on the top level is only just about fine for myself (6 foot, 183 cm) and possibly it could be a bit short for taller people to fully feel comfortable on long periods.
    I am also not too keen on the headrest that has a main support in hard plastic instead of metal and it is a bit too far back to be useful on a sitting position and only when reclined I feel the benefit of it.

    Anyway the overall feedback from colleagues is really good and overall we are surely pleased with it but I feel that at 270 is about 40 too much from a full 5 stars rating

    Superb office upgrade but a tad pricey and headrest and back high could be bette

  93. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 144 From Our UsersThis review is for the SIHOO Ergonomic Office Chair – High Back Desk Chair with Lumbar Support, 3D Armrest and Adjustable Height Backrest – Thick Seat Cushion Breathable Mesh Computer Chair (Black

    This is a really good quality well made and heavy chair! It arrives in a large box that weighs more that 15kg. It comes in about 5 different parts and has to be assembled. The instructions are relatively clear but it did take me a while to work out what screws were which as they are not labelled. It was fairly simple to assemble however I had a glitch where by I had the seat facing the wrong way so had to start again!

    The seat once ready is very good quality. It is super comfy and provides great support. The back is mess and the seat a thick padded foam. Lovely. It is adjustable.. up/down and the back rest also move back based on weight but can be fixed.

    Great high back chair, great quality. Would recommend.

    A slight point to note is the head rest could have been a bit better. Feels a little cheap compared to the rest of the chair. But I still love it.

    Update: 10/12.. after a few months use the lambda support mess got dislodged. There was now way to fix it. Contacted customer services for Sihoo and within 3 days had a replace. Great company and customer service would recommend!

    Great for the home office!

  94. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 89 From Our UsersI have mobility problems so struggle putting together some items but I managed putting this together by myself. Because I had friends coming around to fit a huge headboard for me I knew I could fit this together in my kitchen and one of my friends would carry it upstairs for me. If I didn’t have someone coming I’d have taken the parts upstairs bit by bit to fit together so I didn’t need to carry it up all finished. I suggest you do this too if you don’t have strength to carry up your stairs. Most of the parts are lightweight but the lever mechanism is heavy and when all fitted together the chair is a little heavy.

    Fitting together was quick and straightforward with the supplied Allen key. The screws are very strong with an extra one in each size. The instructions are easy to follow and actually good for a change.

    Once fitted together the chair is very comfortable with a smooth height adjustable pair of arms that also twist. The height adjustment on the chair itself is also smooth so no hard bump if releasing the height. The casters are not lockable, they run easily too. If you have a non carpeted floor but you wish to use a rug underneath to prevent unwanted sliding.

    The back ane neck support are great and work by just pushing yourself, be gentle though because it works with a small pressure of movement so no heavy force is needed.

    I’m not a gamer but do lots of crafts in my little workroom, this chair has replaced an old wooden chair and the comfort difference is immense. I was reluctant to do crafts in there because my old chair wasn’t very comfortable but now I look forward to relaxing as I work on my hobbies.

    Is the chair worth the current 270? Compared to similar chairs it seems like this price is normal if it’s labelled a gaming chair but if it was called an office chair I think it would be a heck of a lot cheaper. It is extremely comfortable though. I’ve removed one star because of the price tag.

  95. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 89 From Our UsersI have mobility problems so struggle putting together some items but I managed putting this together by myself. Because I had friends coming around to fit a huge headboard for me I knew I could fit this together in my kitchen and one of my friends would carry it upstairs for me. If I didn’t have someone coming I’d have taken the parts upstairs bit by bit to fit together so I didn’t need to carry it up all finished. I suggest you do this too if you don’t have strength to carry up your stairs. Most of the parts are lightweight but the lever mechanism is heavy and when all fitted together the chair is a little heavy.

    Fitting together was quick and straightforward with the supplied Allen key. The screws are very strong with an extra one in each size. The instructions are easy to follow and actually good for a change.

    Once fitted together the chair is very comfortable with a smooth height adjustable pair of arms that also twist. The height adjustment on the chair itself is also smooth so no hard bump if releasing the height. The casters are not lockable, they run easily too. If you have a non carpeted floor but you wish to use a rug underneath to prevent unwanted sliding.

    The back ane neck support are great and work by just pushing yourself, be gentle though because it works with a small pressure of movement so no heavy force is needed.

    I’m not a gamer but do lots of crafts in my little workroom, this chair has replaced an old wooden chair and the comfort difference is immense. I was reluctant to do crafts in there because my old chair wasn’t very comfortable but now I look forward to relaxing as I work on my hobbies.

    Is the chair worth the current 270? Compared to similar chairs it seems like this price is normal if it’s labelled a gaming chair but if it was called an office chair I think it would be a heck of a lot cheaper. It is extremely comfortable though. I’ve removed one star because of the price tag.

  96. ClemmieHutchins says:

     United Kingdom

    Well packaged, easy to assemble with included instructions it took around 30 minutes, this chair is grey with polished aluminium legs with large smooth wheels, the arms have chrome plated sections, the back rest has adjustable lower support and adjustable headrest, the lower back support is very good but I found the headrest to be a little far back to use successfully but that might just be my personal preference, the back is also adjustable and can be locked in your preferred recline and also the entire backrest moves up and down, also the armrests can be adjusted outwards and inwards and back and forward, so its very adjustable, its a nice impressive comfortable chair.

    impressive but expensive office chair.

  97. WilsonHedrick says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 102 From Our UsersInitially when I saw the boxes within the massive main box, I thought this would be nightmare to put together, but thankfully it was pretty easy. The instructions are mercifully brief and well illustrated and it comes with all screws and Allen key.

    The wheels pop into the base, the pneumatic lift drops into that, then seat lowers onto that once you’ve screwed the arms and back to that. It took me about half an hour to put together, the only issue I has is that one of the large screws didn’t seem to ‘grip’ and simply spun around without tightening. Thankfully though – this comes with a spare of each screw (there are 3 types) and the spare worked fine.

    The only thing to watch for is the setting for the arms, there’s around 3 cm adjustment when screwing the arms in, you may want to screw it lightly to start with and check the position (put the base on a chair and sit on it to check the arm width). I like wider arms so I have lots of room to gesticulate with my long arms, so I just screwed mine in at the maximum width and it’s fine. You can always adjust it afterwards by loosening the screws and retightening them.

    This is clearly a solid chair, the base is a solid chunk of metal rather than thick plastic (my current office chair has a plastic base), the arms are metal (with plastic and foam coverings) and there’s some heft to it!

    Once assembled, you can alter the height and back angle using the lever. Depending on the chair, I sometimes like to keep the back angle adjuster in the “open” position so it naturally reclines as I sit back. The force required to push the back backwards is quite strong, I like that – it’s not flimsy. Once in the position you want you can lock it in place using the paddle.

    Height-wise, this is great – my wife is 5’2 and I’m 6’2 with very long lanky legs. At minimum height it is perfect for my wife, and at maximum height it is perfect for me. I’ve used chairs in the past where the maximum height isn’t that great but that’s not a problem here.

    The seat is very comfy, it seems to be a firm foam, it’s hard but not too hard, it supports my bony posterior well and there is no discomfort after long periods of time.

    The arms adjust up and down, but I find that the lowest setting is the most comfortable. they twist as well so you can can get decent support.

    The back of the chair is the only part which lets it down for me. The mesh back is great for air circulation, but I’m not one to suffer from a hot back! The lumbar support and the head rest don’t have a strong mechanism of attachment clasp, instead they have a plastic strap which feeds through a hole and simply holds in place (I’ve added photos for reference). The lumbar support does work well, but I feel that over time this may not remain in position, and might be easy to accidentally adjust it. My current office chair has a squishy foam back, I often find myself sat in a “captain Kirk position”, leaning to one side with my elbow on one of the arm rests, this is my natural resting position when on calls but on this chair it isn’t possible because I find myself with my back pressed against the hard edge of the chair back.

    In a nutshell: This is a solid chair, the main mechanism, base and arms will probably outlive most of us! It is high quality material. The back however feels less premium. It’s not bad, and if I didn’t like to lean to one side I wouldn’t even have noticed the hard edge. The back is good, but not the exceptionally high quality as the main base and seat, it’s much better than a hard plastic back and most will no-doubt find it comfortable, but a solid back with a soft covering would have made this an easy 5 stars for me.


  98. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 159 From Our UsersAssembly required, easy for one person to do by themselves as long as you can lift up to 20kg. The backrest piece is a bit heavy and a bit awkward to handle due to its shape , I was able to lift by myself but if you struggle then a second pair of hands would be safer for the lifting.

    Lots of areas for adjusting to fit many sizes and heights with a good weight limit, i am 19.3 stone (122 kg / 268 pounds) and i feel perfectly safe and supported.
    But i suggest to measure across the fullest part of your lap when you’re sitting and make sure you fit within the 50.5cm width of this seat, i measured myself at 49.3cm and the arm rests press very slightly on my legs.

    Instructions for construction are simple and easy to follow diagrams with some written instruction, just be sure to double check all your screws first, they are not marked and they look very similar, need to use the right screw in the right place, extras are included.

    Head rest arrived a bit squashed so it’s a little crooked but not noticeable when sitting down, it’s height adjustable and removable if you don’t need/want it.

    The back raises to move the lumbar section if necessary, very easy to move, but it doesn’t lock into place…not sure if this is intentional or if i have just missed the instructions on how to lock it.
    Nice amount of recline that can be locked in place, feels very safe when leaning back.

    Arm rests are really comfortable, they can be moved forward and swivel from side to side so you can turn them ‘in’ when sitting and turn them ‘out’ to allow you to stand, also has a button on each to let you raise and lower them.

    I really like the colour combination and the mesh material it’s great for long term use, will be especially nice in summer when it’s a bit hot and sticky.

    269.99 at time of ordering.
    It’s hard to comment on value for money because the price range for these sorts of chairs is so varied. For the level of adjustability, separate lumbar section and the high weight limit I think this one is reasonable.


  99. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 69 From Our UsersUnpacking the chair upon delivery, I couldn’t escape the thought that it had been ‘re-packaged’, that it had been un-wrapped – and possibly used – before being wrapped up again.

    Although I have assembled several chairs similar to this over the years, this one turned out to be one of the more irritating ones. One of the most annoying things was that some of the allen-bolts were very slightly longer than others when it really would have been so much simpler (since the differences are so small) for all the bolts to be of a universal length. Now, in fairness the instruction manual does mention the importance of selecting the right bolt for the right position, but I suspect a lot of people will either miss that detail or will not bother reading the manual at all. I can say that if you want to save time and stress, make sure to use the right bolts in the right place.

    Provided the instructions are followed, it seems unnecessary to pay 40 quid to have it assembled although I do understand that for some people this might be an important and useful option.

    Once assembled, of course I sat in it (I’m 180cm tall) and the first thing I noticed was that the seat base is rather lacking in depth, such that even if I pressed my back firmly against the rear, there was still a gap between the leading front edge and the backs of my knees. I found this a bit of a nuisance but there’s nothing that can be done about it.

    On the positive side, the breathable back-facing section is a welcome feature particularly in warmer temperatures. Another positive is the headrest.

    I’m not completely convinced by the chair’s ergonomic credentials, even though it’s fairly comfortable. I very much doubt that this product has any authentic ergonomic benefits; it’s a bit like calling it a ‘professional’ chair – for me, this is little more than marketing schpiel.

    The price at the present time – a penny short of two hundred and seventy pounds – is ridiculous. I’ve bought office chairs similar to this for half that. I expect the price will be reduced considerably, but as it stands it’s hard to recommend it on value-for-money grounds.

    Decent office chair but way over-priced