SKYMEE Dog Camera Treat Dispenser, WiFi Remote Pet Camera

SKYMEE Dog Camera Treat Dispenser, WiFi Remote Pet Camera with Two-Way Audio and Night Vision, Compatible with Alexa

Recommend size of treats
Weight: | 1.17 kg |
Size: | 1 Count (Pack of 1) |
Dimensions: | 14.3 x 14.3 x 23.9 cm; 1.17 Kilograms |
Colour: | Full White |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Dimensions: | 14.3 x 14.3 x 23.9 cm; 1.17 Kilograms |
Quantity: | 1 |
Reference: | Skymee |
Size: | 1 Count (Pack of 1) |
I like so much this product because is the same other brand expensive and this one made the same service to me
I loved that it has night vision I can check in my pet in the middle of the night and when I’m away from Home I can talk and send snacks to interact with my pet until i get home. I highly recommend!!!
Treats pill up on the shoot hole I have to do it several times before treats are shot out. I unfortunately bought and went on vacation the next day. Picture is perfect. Can see my pets when away. U can hear and talk to them as well. It would have been nice If it could turn from side to side. If I had to purchase it again I won’t. Sorry
I am a complete technophobe but this was so easy to set up and everything just works as described.
Ho acquistato questo prodotto dopo aver gi preso lo Smart Feeder AI sempre della Skymee. Con una unica app oltre a dare da mangiare al mio cane, posso monitorarlo giorno e notte quando sono via, parlargli e sentirlo. Il volume si pu regolare: all’inizio l’abbaio di richiamo lo spaventava un p, ma in poco tempo ha associato il richiamo al premio ed ora accorre immediatamente. Sono molto soddisfatta e lo consiglio!
I tried this out when I was at work, after selecting the option, the treat just happened to fire out the machine at just the right angle and velocity for it to get stuck in my cats thoat. So there I am just watching as my cat leaps frantically around the livingroom, knocking my old, heavy Sony CRT TV into my sons cot, defecating in the aquarium resulting in the deaths of all of my carp before alighting in the middle of the floor in a pool of vomit and urine.
I bought this for my mom as a gift. She loves that when she is away from the home she can watch and talk to her dog and send her a treat. Her dog loves it too and gets so excited when it throws her a treat!
Great picture love that I can watch my puppy when I’m not home.
Bought for my daughter to keep an eye on her dog she loves it. Well made and plenty of roam for dog treats
Great for pets that bark or don’t settle as you can talk to them through the voice control & also send them treats ! It’s easy to use & puts my mind at rest for the day as I can see what they are doing 24/7
Works great priceless expressions on dogs face when talking to her.
Happy with purchase. It works very good, the picture quality is very good but the audio is terrible. It sounds statically and distorted.
Perfect for keeping an eye on my little adopted pandemic beas
It’s a great product, but my dogs are both afraid of it. My error, I placed it too low and the food projected and hit them in the head. Although it wasn’t painful, they are afraid when I dispense food. The product works great.
Okay update. This device and all but it doesn’t allow you to add other users to your account?? So I’m returning it. Sucks that it won’t let my family be able to view her too.. oh well.
Obsessed with this product. I check in on my dog multiple times throughout the day while i’m at work. I like the treat throwing option, but I think sometimes it freaks him out when he’s home alone, so I really only use is when i’m home with him, I think it’s funny to watch him go after the treats.
The camera and the app work quite well, and the night vision is pretty impressive. I find it still looks great and has nice smooth video when using the “smooth” mode. For me, the “HD” and “SD” modes are too slow and freeze up, and I don’t really notice that the image quality is any better.
I have not yet used the motion detection, so I won’t comment on that.
The app does have a firmware updater, which I was able to get a new update for it.
My daughter says it lags on her end but I’m sure that is just due to the crappy reception she has on her phone in the hospital.
My little dog thinks it pretty great too (she shares some of the puffs with the baby)- so it’s intended use for dogs is pretty great too.
Definitely recommend for many uses!
Felicissima dell’acquisto fatto!!! Posso vedere e parlare con i miei animali in qualsiasi momento e posso lanciargli ricompense! Ottima visione notturna!
E facile installazione dell’app!
Super consigliato!
J ai eu un peu de mal la connecter l appli mais apres franchement simple utiliser ! Mon chien a rapidement compris que j tais dans la bote et a le calme bien. La possibilit de l entendre et de lui parler est gniale pour lui qui souffre d anxiete de sparation. Les distributions de friandises un +. En revanche quand je lui parle le haut-parleur ou le micro “craque ” pendant qqs secondes aprs avoir parl. Sinon bien.
Une super camra ! Vraiment je suis hyper contente de l’avoir achet, bien moins cher que son concurrent que je ne citerai pas et elle fait exactement la mme chose. a m’a aid grer le comportement de mon chien qui a des problmes d’hyper attachement, et avec cette camra cela a rduit beaucoup de son stress car il sait que je suis l et que je peux le surveiller. Je la recommande 4000% car le SAV est trs ractif, mon chien avait mang le cble et ils m’en on renvoy un hyper rapidement, vraiment top vous pouvez l’acheter les yeux ferms !
Camra et distributeur de biscuits gnial. Depuis que j ai cette camra je peux parler mes chiens quand ils sont seuls, leur donner une rcompense c est gnial.
ottimo prodotto
Ma chienne avait tendance aboyer lors de mes dplacements. Quel bonheur de pouvoir lui parler et lui envoyer quelques friandises distance. Ce sont ses croquettes que j’ai mis en guise de friandises. Il y a plusieurs adaptateurs permettant de mettre diffrentes tailles de croquettes nanmoins les grosses croquettes ne passeront pas.
Sono rimasta davvero soddisfatta dell’acquisto fatto! Le riprese, sia quelle giornaliere che quelle notturne, sono chiare e nitide, con il microfono si sente bene e si pu parlare altrettanto bene. In pi il lancio dei croccantini preceduto da un abbaio, cos il cane si gira perch sente il rumore e poi escono i croccantini. Davvero incredibile!
Splendido!utilissimo!funziona perfettamente!ottimo prodotto
Unica “pecca” la telecamera fissa quindi va posizionata in maniera particolare.
Works really well and easy to set up.
No changes to network needed!
Camra de bonne qualit (mme en infrarouges) avec possibilit d’enregistrer son propre texte pour le lancement des croquettes. Par contre oblig d’tre branch sur une alimentation en permanence (pas de batterie) et fil d’environ 1 mtre donc prvoir endroit proche d’une prise de courant. Connect au wifi de la maison, possible de voir sur son tlphone en dehors de la maison mme en 3G.
Uniche due cose negative che mi fanno dare 4 stelle sono la lentezza dell app nell’apertura e il fatto che quando deve prendere i croccantini certe volte non riesce e ricarica il tiratore due tre volte.
Prezzo comunque molto alto,ma per chi ne ha bisogno non ha altre scelte
Excelent produit facile mettre en oeuvre. Il fonctionne parfaitement. La livraison a t ultra rapide.
Trs satisfait.
We don’t often leave our dog home alone but when we do, I get pretty anxious about what he’s up to. This camera is exactly what I was looking for! The picture quality is really good (excuse how messy my house looks in attached picture), the treat dispenser is great fun and it’s really portable so we can move it around with ease. Not the cheapest out there, but very easy to set up, high quality product and a lot of peace of mind.
Value for sure. More costly ones out there but this is very good.
Ottima riprende in pi modalit in tempo reale ma in un unica stanza, ha adattatori per crocchette ha notifiche per abbaio del cane o movimento pu registrare fare foto e lanciare crocchette con l’app per il telefono, buon design facile da installare.
Permet de faire des photos et vidos
Facile installer et application facile d’utilisation
Je l’ai achet pour mon chat
Je trouve par contre que la friandise est envoye de manire trop brusque et fait peur au cha
Facile mettre en place. L’appareil doit tre proche de la source du wifi pour la premire connexion (3 tentatives avant d’y arriver). Fonctionne parfaitement. Connexion distance a partir du gsm + envoi des croquettes sans souci. Je suis ravie de cette achat.
Franchement produit trs ingnieux fonctionne trs trs bien.
A recommander les yeux ferms.
– App asks for some permissions it simply doesn’t need (make and receive calls, know your location, etc)
– As the unit dispenses treat it makes a loud barking noise, I have found no way to turn this down or off, our dog is slightly nervous so runs away from this sound, though we are hoping in time she will adjust
– The fidelity of the inbuilt speaker is poor, which is a real shame, as even with a strong connection our voices sound quite harsh when using the app’s microphone
However these are outweighed by the pros.
– Simple to use and navigate app
– Easy to setup and runs off a 2.1amp USB port (so no need for 3 pin plugs)
– Smart streaming that downgrades this video quality if there is a poor connection either side
– The treat dispensing is quite faultless and hasn’t jammed during our use
I’d happily recommend this product as is, even with the aforementioned room for improvement.
Very easy to use dog camera. Gives me peace of mind in the day when I am not around. App very easy to use and have bought a Skymee wireless camera as well and added to the app easily. Have contacted customer services with a couple of queries and received a very quick email response. 5 stars *****
Tiene micrfono para escuchar que pasa en la casa y altavoz que reproduce lo que dices tu desde el movil.
Puedes lanzar comida cuando tu elijes desde la app y lo ves al momento. Es muy divertido y la verdad es que lo paso genial viendo a mis perros cuando no estoy en casa.
Solamente por el tema de la cmara ya vale la pena, pero es muy divertido la forma en la que se lanza comida.
Se puede grabar, hacer fotos… Y mediante wifi tienes conexin instantnea 24/7. Muy recomendable!
Estoy segura que es cuestin de tiempo, me gusta mucho, se ve estupendamente. Un gran acierto
Apparently the biscuit thrower is a bit vicious and almost shoots the dog, so he doesn’t use that. Overall a very good product for anyone who has to leave their dog alone and wonders what he gets up too. Also keeps an eye on teenage kids too lol.
– Installation: il suffit de suivre le papier fourni tape par tape
– N’oubliez pas de maintenir l’icne du microphone dans l’application pour pouvoir parler
– Belle image, trs bonne sonorit, fonctionne mme depuis un autre pays et 800 km de chez moi
– Pour le lanceur de petites croquettes, j’ai du changer le petit morceau de caoutchouc rouge fourni car mes croquettes ne sont pas rondes et la camra a quelques difficults les lancer, mais a fonctionne bien (et c’est un problme de croquettes, pas l’appareil photo)
– Support technique trs ractif
– Pas besoin d’abonnement
– Mon chien commence comprendre comment a marche, quand elle entend le son annonant le lancement d’une croquette, elle s’allonge par terre et attend
– Je n’ai pas trouv d’alerte d’aboieme
Really good clear pictures and quite a good spectrum. Very pleased with i.
This is an excellent piece of kit. Made leaving our dog alone so much easier withbpoece of mind that he’s ok. The treat dispenser works great.
It Is Very easy to set up and to follow the instructions, you can scan the QR code with your camera or you can go to the app store’s and download the app manually. Once you have completed the first step you will be asked to input your phone number or your email address, I went for the email address option to which they send you a verification email you click on to activate, you are then prompted to add a rememberable password, once you have completed this stage you will need to connect it to your wifi which is very easy to do and only takes a minute if, in range of the wifi, it will then prompt you to hold your phone up to the doggy cam and wait for a beep once all this is done your good to go 🙂
My Pro’s
– Peace of mind when your away from your pet
– It has the ability to see at night with the ”Night Vision Cam”
– You Can Interact with your dog or cat as it has two-way audio
– You can be alerted if your pet is in distress and barking
– It has motion detect so will notify you if your pet comes close to the unit
– You can view and record and snap photos in Hd Quality
– It has different size inserts for the treat door for different size food treats 🙂
– I also use this dog camera to see and hear what’s going on at home when I’m not around and it works perfectly every time! Great if you have kids lol
– Before the treat is thrown, a sound is played – the default is a dog bark but I think I read somewhere you can change this.
– Includes adaptors for US, UK, and EU
– Great to use as a security camera!
This can be moved around the house without it having to be connected each and every time to the internet which makes it fun as you don’t have to house your pet to the one room.
My husband ordered this for me as a gift for when I have to leave our baby girl at home as she really suffers from anxiety when I’m away from home for more than a second… As I’m a stay at home mum she gets the benefits of having me there all the time so when I do have to leave to go to the shops or somewhere she cant go this has proven to be a godsend for me and for her, the only downside is that I think she is cottoning on to stay at the cam to always get my attention lol and a treat.
I give this a full five-star rating and would love to upload a video as soon as I can to show just how great this machine is.
Also the loading for the treats is a bit noisy my dog gets a bit scared but time will tell
The videao quality is excellent, even in the dark, thanks to infrared. The audio is bit less. There is some backhground noise, but our dog was able to hear us. On our recorded video’s was no audio, I’m not sure if I missed it. Just video was enough for us, and our dog doesn’t bark that much.
Setup was very easy! I really hate it when you have to do al kinds of trouble and settings. But not with this petcam! Just plug it in and it works! There is no on or off button, just plug in a wall socket and int works. Even mij kids were able to set up when leaving the house.
To sum it up; it is a great little gadget to look after your pets when you’re away a bit longer, and even a kid can handle it!!!