Solo Stove Fire Pit (Ranger & Stand) Portable Outdoor Heater

Solo Stove Fire Pit (Ranger & Stand) Portable Outdoor Heater Stainless Fire Pits for Heat Logs Low Smoke Patio Heater Camping Heater Outdoor Fire Pits

Secondary Burn
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Solo Stove Ranger Ultimate Bundle | Solo Stove Ranger Accessory Bundle | ||||
Ranger | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
Ranger Stand | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||
Ranger Shield | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||
Ranger Shelter | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||
Roasting Sticks | ✓ | ✓ | |||
Fire Pit Tools | ✓ | ✓ |
Dimensions: | 43.18 x 43.18 x 38.1 cm; 7.3 Kilograms |
Model: | SSRAN-SD |
Part: | SSRAN-SD |
Manufacture: | Solo Stove |
Department: | Unisex-adult |
Dimensions: | 43.18 x 43.18 x 38.1 cm; 7.3 Kilograms |
I was happy with my Solo Stove Ranger. We enjoy it last winter and I look forward to using it again. The design helped from smoke blowing out of top making it nice because who wants to smell like smoke! I have stored it in it’s original box to protect and keep it in good condition.
We love the style, the ease of getting it lit. And the functionality of this stove. So well built too. We bought the heat extender for the top and the stand both separately. Nice unit.
I can’t say enough good things it’s everything you could wa
Perfect fire pit , excellent quality , tried it out in the garden , can t wait to take it away
Love it. Works perfectly on our wood deck at our main house, as the yard in quite small so the large deck was the only place for a fire pit. Really wanted to avoid propane or natural gas fire pits so I researched for a long time. This was the answer and works amazingly. We have it placed on a few concrete patio blocks for added safety. We use it daily and will be purchasing more for our vacation home.
This was a gift for Christmas – my son & daughter in law – love it. Thank you
Das Teil ist perfekt fr meinen Balkon (oben offen). Der Ofen strahlt prinzipbedingt fast keine Wrme zur Seite, was nachteilig ist, um warme Fe zu bekommen, aber gleichzeitig nahestehende Pflanzen schont. Fr 23 Personen, die sehr nah an der Feuerstelle sitzen, ist die Wrmeleistung recht gut.
Der auflegbare Ring, der wahrscheinlich wichtig fr die Ausbildung der Sekundrverbrennung der Rauchgase ist, ist etwas winding und verformt sich durch Erhitzen und Abkhlen. Beim erneuten Anfeuern dehnt er sich wieder aus und schmiegt sich an den oberen Rand, so dass es keine Funktionseinschrnkungen gibt.
Rauchfrei ist der Ofen nicht, aber sehr raucharm. Vor allem in der Anfeuerphase oder wenn man Holz ber den Rand hinaus ragen lsst, funktioniert die Verbrennung der Rauchgase natrlich nicht vollstndig. Ansonsten ist der Effekt sehr beeindruckend.
It burns SO hot and SO thoroughly, we can get a blazing fire going with one Vaseline-dipped cotton ball, and 2-4 pieces of small kindling. On top of that, we place regular sized split wood. Amazingly, it “catches” every time.
Also amazing is how thoroughly it burns the wood. (Again, the heat thing…) Even after adding 15-20 logs, the next morning, there is only a small amount of very fine powder remaining.
This is by far the best firepit I’ve used. It’s smaller than I would usually but but kicks out a lot of heat. The flames at the top look fantastic and it really is no smoke, it’s great having a fire and not smelling off smoke. Would highly recommend.
We bought this to take with us on camping trips. Used it so far once, and we are really pleased with it. It puts out a lot of heat for such a small size. But, it was perfect for camping and so glad we purchased it.
It is so nice we take it camping, it is easy to travel with..
Works great, easy to start with small twigs and branches that we pick up from the yard. We have the ranger model and cut larger pieces of wood 10″ – 12″ long for it. Really helps to have it level. We use a 2 ft. bubble level and cedar shims for that.
Really easy to get going. Gives off lots of heat. Not completely smokeless but certainly better than my old chiminea and better looking too. A bit more expensive than some for pits but worth the money
starts easy – used for S’mores — 1 log split into quarters burned for about 3 hours – burned woof completely into fine ash –
These solo stoves are awesome. The amount of flame you get out of a small amount of wood is outstanding. It has so much airflow it does but in up quickly. I bought the small one (ranger) it is a little small for some store bought firewood. If I was gonna buy another I would go up one size. Def a great buy.
Great product. Used last night. Little smoke at first. Burns wood quickly and very little ash when cooled. Definitely recommend
Very very good but far too expensive for what it is.
Great product. Would recommend buying the bundle for interested parties. It’s not “low smoke” but it’s an awesome purchase. Happy as can be
Very easy to light without fire starters.
Just build the kindling like they do on the YouTube how to site.
Happy Fire nights
Beautiful design, easy to light. Feels solid and well made. Flames are amazing and no way you can burn logs without any smoke but this is as near as you can get – I can sit next to it, eyes not stinging, clothes smoke free after.
Gotta say i was a bit skeptical at first. Seemed like a lot to pay for what I thought was essentially a dryer drum. But, the way it draws the smoke and the efficiency with the amount of wood it burns is impressive! Definitely not disappointed and it’s a nice option to have to have a smaller fire on the patio!
We like it. Pretty cool little stove and easy clean up after a fire.
Just love it, it’s expensive granted but worth the money
It does smoke a little when you light it (obviously) but once lit and if using DRY wood it will burn like no other
On the deck with a fire proof mat for precautionary reasons and the stand stays cool, it’s safe
Wouldn’t be without it now
Highly recommended
Super ist: er wird unten tatschlich nicht hei. Das bedeutet: mit dem separaten Fu kann man ihn bedenkenlos auch auf Holz oder Rasen stellen, ohne anschlieend Brandlcher zu haben.
Kommen wir zum Thema Rauch, Qualm und Ru. Kurz: zaubern kann er nicht. Unterstellt, dass man perfekt trockenes und gut gelagertes Weich und Hartholz benutzt, wird der Ranger nach erreichen der Betriebstemperatur – also sobald sich am Boden Glut gebildet hat – nahezu Rauch und Ru frei brennen. Das wre aber auch in fast jeder anderen Feuerschale der Fall. Bis dahin qualmt er natrlich, daran ndert auch die Sekundrluft nichts. Wer also empfindlich Nachbarn hat – sorry you loose. Toll ist jedoch, dass wirklich nur ein kleines Hufchen sehr feine Asche brig bleibt, und es so gut wie keine Funken gibt.
Thema Wrme: auch hier sind System bedingt keine Wunder zu erwarten. Primr geht die Wrme nach oben weg. Der Korpus wird warm, aber eben nicht glhend hei, was ja gewollt ist – Stichwort Brandflecken. Konkret: wenn man links und rechts daneben sitzt, strahlt er eine ausreichende Wrme ab, um bei einstelligen Temperaturen gemtlich daneben zu sitzen und sich an den Flammen zu erfreuen. Wegen des quasi nicht vorhandenen Funkenflugs auch ziemlich ungefhrlich. Mehr sollte man vom Ranger aber nicht erwarten – mit 5 Leuten im Kreis drum herum zu sitzen, und alle reien sich bei 10 Grad Auentemperatur die Klamotten vom Leib vor Hitze wird vermutlich eher nix. 2,5 – 3 Meter sollten es darber schon unbebaut sein, damit nichts ankokelt.
Kritik: eigentlich nur, dass die Standard Holzschnitte von 33 cm nicht komplett reinpassen. Sie schauen etwas ber den Rand am Anfang, auer sie wren vom Durchmesser so klein, dass man sie schrg reinlegt und so unter den Rand bekommt. Von den Scheiten, die ich auch im Schwedenofen verheize, passt jedenfalls nur einer rein, der liegt dann schrg und schaut oben ca. 3 cm raus.
Ich bereue den Kauf nicht, wenngleich nicht alle vollmundigen Werbeversprechen gehalten werden. Er sieht toll aus, auch das Flammenbild, er wird unten nicht hei – wichtig bei Holzbden – und man kann ihm problemlos tragen, auch schon wenn nur noch Glut drin ist. Wertigkeit ist gegeben.
Jetzt muss jeder selbst entscheiden, ob der Preis ok ist.
This is a great addition to the garden life, burns away to nothing and cools quickly to allow ash to be simply tipped into the bin, the base protects from ground damage
The fire starts very fast and easy. It has a pretty fire that burns to a fine ash when done. It is very easy to pack up in the bag that comes with it. It is well-made and looks like it’ll last a long time.
The packaging is good and appears to adequately protect the contents from transit damage and mine arrived completely blemish free. The included carry-bag makes transporting the Ranger a simple task and it will also accommodate the Spark Guard. There’s absolutely no self-assembly involved. All you need to do is to make sure the “ring” is the right way round and your wood isn’t too long to fit within the fire chamber. so it doesn’t interfere with airflow through the secondary burner holes.
I will comment further after I’ve had the opportunity to fire-up my Ranger 2 or 3 times.
Easy to use; great heat output! A bit small, but perfect for us – even though we did have to buy smaller firewood. The (larger) Yukon version is available for those wanting a bigger, more traditional bon fire.
Unit size is too small for the price their selling it for.
We love our stove. We use it on the beach at the ocean.
I was looking for something to heat a small walled yard without smoking the neighbours out and this does the job perfectly. Using firelighters, kindling and logs we got a roaring blaze going within 15 minutes and it threw out phenomenal amounts of heat. It’s not 100% smoke free but near as dammit and doesn’t leave you smelling of bonfires. The only room for improvement would be handles, as it’s quite awkward to lift, but that aside, totally awesome kit.
Barely any smoke once the fire is up and running.
We love our new Solo Stove – great size , puts out heat and was easy to store.
We bought this to use on our backyard deck. Works as intended. While not 100% smokeless (wasn’t expecting it) it is darn near close. We don’t smoke out the neighbours and the fires we’ve had have been raging. Highly recomended.
Very compact fits in my Motorhome storage bay. Quality made unit and cover. Burns very hot and efficient with very little ash left over.
The only negative to this size unit is standard precut firewood is a bit too large , best to cut it in half.
es muss halt schn trocken sein >3 Jahre Lagerzeit.
This bonfire pit is great and portable enough to take on camping trips. It burns nice and hot. It works best when you process the wood down too smaller pieces. Also great for the back yard bonfire.
Moin, ich schreibe ja selten hier ein Feedback aber die Ranger Feuerschale ist Top. Haben sie jetzt 2x im Einsatz gehabt. Was uns gefllt ist die Sicherheit auch auf der Terrasse und bei richtigem Holz gibt es auch kaum Rauch. Bischen teuer evtl. aber gute Qualitt.
The neighboring RV family had a medium sized Solo so we ordered the smaller Ranger size and got it in just a few days. We immediately put it to use and had all the neighbors over for S’mores.
The fire started quickly and when finished it left very little ash. Amazing and fun. It will be easy to transport and it looks great with our Airstream.
I bought it for my son for Christmas. He’s texted me a video recently saying he has been burning tree branches in it. I knew he’d enjoy it while RV ing. He told me it throws off heat and the smoke doesn’t blow all over. So good choice getting the Ranger! I plan to purchase the cooking grill one day for him. I believe it’s cast iron.
Was dubious about the claims of what this fire pit did I.e minimal smoke and minimal ash but it absolutely does all that. Minimal smoke was the selling point with living next to a busy road. Couldn’t be happier with purchase and have added firepit accessories since buying. If you love a fire you’ll definitely love this stove!
I have nothing bad to say about this product. I absolutely love it! It’s mesmerizing watching the flames come out of the holes. It burns hot and fast with full combustion leaving little for ashes. It’s light and easily transportable. Best of all I think it will last a lifetime.
Easy to set up & fire up!
Any change I would make is to get a bigger one!!
Def worth i
Die Verarbeitung ist erstklassig und durch die groe Hitze im Innern bleibt nur ein Hufchen Asche brig, die leicht entsorgt werden kann. Dazu muss man das Feuer natrlich komplett runter brennen lassen.
Dafr muss man wissen, dass die Wrme wenig zur Seite und nach Unten abstrahlt, man darf also keine Wunder bei der seitlichen “Heizleistung” erwarten, dafr kann man problemlos nah um den Solo Stove herum sitzen, da man sich nicht die Knie verbrennt.
Von uns eine klare Empfehlung! Top Feuertonne mit hoher Eignung auch fr Reihenhausgrten oder empfindliche Nachbarn! 😉
This is a very sturdy robust well made fire pit with a quality bag for storage and transportation super easy to light and mesmerising to watch when it re burns the gases with the fingers of fire effect and all my friends that have seen it want i
Really easy to use, wood lasts for ages and it’s providing heat in minutes
Absolute Kaufempfehlung! Verbraucht wenig Holz, raucht wirklich eigentlich gar nicht, und es macht sehr viel Freude den wunderschnen Flammen zuzusehen, die oben durch die Lcher kommen.
Awesome looking easy to use and it can be cleaned really easily and it comes in a massive bag with a draw string love this fire pit.
After much research I purchased this product over many others. Tested perfectly outdoors after sauna in -18 degrees Celsius with just a towel wrapped around the waist. The heat radiating is superb and once it’s up to maximum burn it produces very little smoke .
I was sceptical it would live up to expectations. It did. A brilliant piece of ki
This is a great firepit. Expensive but worth it for for quality of build and the heat that it emits. I’ve had other fire pits but this is the warmest one it even been round. Good for two three people to sit around. Super hot so maybe not great if you have little ones running around.
So happy that I finally splurged for a Solo Stove! Almost purchased from their website until I compared the value to what they were offering through Amazon! Quality of the stove itself and the burn of the fire is just incredible. Makes such a difference!
I ordered this because my bbq grill broke and instead of getting another one, I wanted something that will burn wood; now I don’t have to worry about running out of propane or charcoal. I’m thrilled with it!
As one who loves campfires, wood-fired pizza ovens, wood stoves and fireplaces, and control-burn prairie fires, the Solo Stove Ranger out performs them all. A very unique design that’s easy to manage and just perfect for a backyard get-to-gether with friends!
This stove has very little smoke when it gets going and the heat from such a compact stove is amazing. And one of the best things about this stove it completely burns all the fuel- there is barely anything to clean up. Oh and lets not forget how lite it is. I just let it cool, pick it up and put it away. oh one more thing- ZERO embers fly out.
When choosing which size, think…
How many people do I want to site round it
How much space do I have
How quickly do I want to get through logs 🙂
I love fire pits and this one is the best. Burns with very little smoke and brightens up the dark evenings.
Love this product. Have had many fires already in our backyard. Perfec