Steadyrack Bike Racks – Fender Rack – Wall Mounted Bike Rack

Steadyrack Bike Racks – Fender Rack – Wall Mounted Bike Rack Storage Solution for your Home, Garage, or Bike Park

Weight: | 3.1 Kilograms |
Size: | One Size |
Dimensions: | 66.04 x 12.7 x 10.16 cm; 2.25 Kilograms |
Brand: | Steadyrack |
Model: | B-SRFR-001 |
Colour: | Black |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Steadyrack |
Department: | Unisex |
Dimensions: | 66.04 x 12.7 x 10.16 cm; 2.25 Kilograms |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | One Size |
Es el mejor cuelgabicis del mercado. Recomendadsimo. Fcil de instalar.
Ich habe nach diversen Fahrrad Wandhalterungen gesucht und zuerst einen schwenkbaren Halter von Topeak probiert. Da aber meine Frau nicht in der Lage war, dass 15kg schwere Fahrrad mit der Felge einzuhngen, ging ich erneut auf die Suche und habe den Steadyrack Fahrradhalter in der Fender Version als Warehouse Deal gekauft.
Heute montiert und siehe da, meine Frau ist in der Lage ihr Fahrrad ganz alleine aus dem Halter raus zuziehen und wieder hinein zuschieben. Das Fahrrad wird dabei nicht angehoben. Mega!
Da ich noch zwei weitere Halter davon bentige, bin ich im Internet auf die Suche gegangen.
Aktuell gibt es die Fender Version vom Steadyrack bei einem groen Fahrrad-Store mit gelber Schrift Neu um 69,99, also wesentlich billiger als hier auf Amazon.
Super Mglichkeit das Fahrrad zu parken”
Hab wenig Platz in der Garage, da noch ein Motorrad neben dem e bike steht. Auto kann jetzt auch wieder in der Garage parken!
Qualitt ist super, Macht ein hochwertigen Eindruck! Kann ich nur empfehlen und preislich auch ok.
Installs super easy, does the job I need them to do flawlessly. Super bomber build quality. This is my favorite bike storage solution I’ve used this far in my lifetime of cycling. Can’t recommend these racks enough.
Followed the directions and the bike was way too high, readjusted and works very well. I like the swivel as well. would buy again.
Once properly mounted on the wall, it is very easy to slide the bike in to it, regardless of weight. No lifting. Many other bike stands/ hangers require a person to lift the bike on to the hooks, which could be a problem. Very clever and sturdy design.
Ich habe total 4 von diesen super praktischen Bike Halter bestellt. Sie sind echt genial und bringen so viel Ordnung in die Garage, Toll.
Bewertung zum Versand:
Dieser war sehr enttuschend! Obwohl ich gleich 4 Stck gleichzeitig bestellt hatte, sendetet Amazon dies in 4 einzelnen Paketen mit 4 verschiedenen Lieferterminen. Einer ging sogar verloren auf dem Postweg und kam viel spter an. Sehr rgerlich ist auch, dass ich 4x Gebhren musste zahlen, da ich das Paket, bzw dann die 4 Pakete an eine Pakstation liefern lies.
Das war gar keine tolle Leistung von Amazon!
Die 4 unterschiedlichen Fahrrder in unserem Schuppen standen bisher hintereinander. Das bentigte Radl war meistens nur zu erreichen, indem die anderen Rder erst aus dem Schuppen herausgenommen und anschlieend wieder eingestellt wurden. Mit der Steadyrack Lsung hngen alle Radl nun nebeneinander im Schuppen und jedes ist leicht erreichbar. Durch die Scharniere in den Halterungen knnen die benachbarten Radl einfach zur Seite geschoben werden, so dass fr das jeweils bentige mehr als ausreichend Platz besteht zum herausnehmen oder wieder einstellen.
Das ist eine tolle und solide Lsung fr uns.
I lik the fact I can hang my e-bike from this bracket and not have to worry about it falling. At 68 and 5’6″ its all I can do to lift it up to the cradle. If you drop the height of the bracket down to 1/4″ over the length between the tire centers, it’s easy to roll the e-bike up to the bracket and hang it. This was learned from trial and error. A normal bike would be easier to lift so you could just use the dimensions in the instruction sheet verbatim.
Had a heavy evoke to store, lifting in hook was hard to do. When I installed on wall it was easy to slide on and off support. Also swings to side to not block access to stairs .
I really like this rack. Bought a couple to try in my garage before I moved to a condo. I have 5 bikes, mix of road and mountain, mounted on a wall in less than 10′ of space. Easy to get on and off and very sturdy. All five are the mountain bike one so they all look the same and I can mix up how bikes are laid out.
Our garage is pressed for space, so I was happy to find these for our new Aventon Pace 350s. Mounting took some time and tools but it’s worth the effort. The bikes hang securely and are easily accessed. We had to use a bungie to keep them away from the car but it’s a simple solution and works perfectly. The bike on the right needs a slight adjustment so the handlebars clear the front tire of the other bike.
I’ve got the bikes off the floor and the 2 1/4″ tires fit this 2.4″ rack securely. I’ve got them bolted to studs each with the 4 supplied bolts. They aren’t moving and the 50lb bikes are held securely.
I did ding these a star because one of the caps over the bolts on the end broke. Trying to get the cap off one of the latches on the side broke off on the rack side. Fortunately it was a top cap so the cap still covers but is not secured. This is a bad design and it’s hard to get the caps on and off and they are easy to break. Be careful with this part of the assembly (remove and replacement.) This is literally the worst part of the installation.
The instructions are very clear about how to measure and install. Back the bike against the wall and place the rack flat on the floor with the tire mounted, as if it was on the wall. Measure to the bottom of the rack and there’s your starting point on the wall. I bumped mine 2″ so the tires would not drag and this works well.
There is a part at the back tire lower on the wall that is “V” shaped and does not hold our tires at all. That could also be improved. Once the rack is mounted and the bike hanging you can put the V behind the lower tire and mark its place. Remove the bike and mount the V. I wish it was U shaped like the rack.
This is a good rack solution for your bikes if it fits your needs. Just be careful with the end covers (caps.)
Ideal um Rder gut zu lagern, kein Umfallen, steht nicht mehr im Weg. Super Funktion, Qualitt ist top
Guter stabiler Wandhalter. So lassen sich Fahrrder platzsparend aufbewahren. Ich habe mir drei gekauft. Durch das schwenken habe ich viel Platz gespart.
Grundlegend macht die Halterung einen sehr guten und robusten Eindruck.
Zwei Dinge knnen optimiert werden:
1. Die mitgelieferten Dbel und Schrauben sollten durch hhenwertige Produkte ausgetauscht werden.
2. Die Abdeckkappen lassen sich etwas schwer montieren und wirken als wrden sie mehrere De-/Montagen nicht berstehen.
This thing is awesome! Highly recommend. My only complaint is that the instructions tell you to use a certain bit size for installation in to drywall. Another reviewer pointed out that this is WAY to big and go size down. He’s correct, I went with the smaller bit size and it was perfect for the anchors. If I had sized up, it would NOT have worked..
Otherwise it’s great! I love it. Install took about an hour
Tip:do not lift up to remove your bike, pull it straight back towards you. Grab the bike and walk backwards! It tends to get stuck if you lift it straight up.
Definitely a great choice giving lost of versatility. I have spaces the racks at 22 in without offset and it fitted perfectly. The only idea I have for improvement is to include a paper template so it will be an even easier installation.
I just got this item today and it’s worth every penny. It fits my mountain bike with wide
Tires perfectly fine. It was really easy to install I put mine directly into studs. Just make sure you measure your tire from the ceiling to the bottom bike rack. I have 29″ tires and I forgot to do that so I had to adjust and drop the rack down about 2″. But overall I’m extremely pleased with this rack. It does swing back and forth and there is no locking mechanism to hold it in one place.
These wall mounts are brilliant for both their ease of use and versatility. Being able to swing bikes out of the way is a killer feature.
Wish they would of added more screws instead of the bare minimum. If you install it correctly, it’s a great help. If you don’t and it take a little work to park the bike. Great idea, seems a bit high priced
easy ti install and saves me space. I swing the rack to the side and I wish that there was a way to lock it in the position I needed it to stay in.
Trs cher et trs bon.
J’ai utilis ces racks pour ranger mes vlos lectriques en roues 2.6″ et les avantages sont qu’il ne faut fournir aucun effort pour ranger les vlos et qu’il suffit de cinquante centimtres entre deux racks et dix centimtres d’cart vertical pour une utilisation optimale de l’espace.
This was a bit pricey, but works really well for hanging a heavy mountain bike in a small space. The swivel is handy, and it’s much easier to put the bike up/take it down than previous hooks we’d tried. I’d be wary of using this on drywall vs. directly on a stud, especially if the bike is heavy. Overall really useful and solid!
I wish I would have bought these first. I purchased a cheaper wall rack and it only lasted a year before it needed to be replaced. These are so much better and easier to use.
The Steadyrack holds the bike securely and it allows me to sweep under the tires without moving the bike. If I need more room to do something on one side of the bike/rack I simply swing it to the other side. My rack is hung at the back corner of my truck so if I need to carry something a little larger around my truck I simply swing my bike the opposite way. It works great. I always back my truck into the garage.
I was missing a lag screw in my packaging when it arrived. A quick visit to Home Depot and $0.45 later I was all fastened to the wall. The box arrived ripped open on one end and the internal cardboard was also ripped. The plastic ziploc bag was open as well. Still annoying, but I cannot fault Steadtrack 100% for it not knowing what happened during shipping.
The Steadyrack holds the bike securely and it allows me to sweep under the tires without moving the bike. If I need more room to do something on one side of the bike/rack I simply swing it to the other side. My rack is hung at the back corner of my truck so if I need to carry something a little larger around my truck I simply swing my bike the opposite way. It works great. I always back my truck into the garage.
I was missing a lag screw in my packaging when it arrived. A quick visit to Home Depot and $0.45 later I was all fastened to the wall. The box arrived ripped open on one end and the internal cardboard was also ripped. The plastic ziploc bag was open as well. Still annoying, but I cannot fault Steadtrack 100% for it not knowing what happened during shipping.
Storing Trek Verve+ 2 and really like the way this rack pivots so that I can access either side of the bike without removing the bike from the rack.
We purchased fat tire , fender, and mountain bike racks. All worked perfect!
I have an e-bike with a fender that I take to work and this mount is perfect for it. I love that I can swivel the bike to it’s side once mounted so it doesn’t take too much space in my apartment.
Wanted a rack for a newly purchased carbon bike with carbon wheels. I didn’t want frame contact. This snugs the front wheel. Works great.
Our garage is already pretty cramped and we needed a good way to store our families bikes 3 adult bikes, 4 kids bikes these racks worked out great. It is very helpful to be able to swing them around. This allows us to pull out the bike we need and leave the ones we do not with relative ease.
Li ho usati per appendere mtb (elettrica, da Xc e Dh) e sono perfetti. Purtroppo non possibile appendere la BDC perch il ferro che sorregge la ruota sbatte contro il telaio. I tappi a muro forniti vanno benino, ma se possibile sarebbe meglio sostituirli con qualcosa di pi serio. Il montaggio in s non difficile se si ha un p di manualit, e la cosa pi ostica calcolare bene la distanza a cui fissarli se si hanno bici con interassi e larghezza dei manubri molto diverse tra loro.
I like how you can load the bike without lifting it as well as the ability to swing it out of the way and rotate bike closer to the wall. Only suggestion is I that wish it had a detent in the 90 deg position to better hold it in place while you load the bike because it can easily swing away from you as you’re loading it requiring you to reposition it and try again.
Order the correct version, read the instructions, measure twice not that hard, works great, a little learning curve with getting bikes on and off
Product is as described. Holds my 29er MTB sturdy against wall. Easy to use and was very easy to hang. Reason only giving 4 stars is because my package did not come with the holder for the rear wheel. Will have to get with company to figure out how I can that piece because when moving bike side to side the tire is marking up the wall. Once that is taken care of, easily worth 5 stars.
These are great products and I would 100% recommend them. The plastic covers are a little cheap for the price paid and the design is kind of ugly. If they made the plastic covers stronger and a more aesthetically pleasing shape it would be 5 stars. They could also include a wider lower wheel catch for the fatbike rack.
La mia opinione che il prodotto sia dotato di troppa plastica non necessaria.
These are the best bike racks available IMO. I wish they weren’t so expensive, but I have no regrets. I was skeptical, but they can indeed hang 16″ apart. I installed all of them into studs and they are very sturdy. The only reason for the wide spacing you see in the photo is the location of the electrical outlet.
I used one mountain rack for a wider tire MTB, one fender rack for a TT, and four classic racks for the road bike and a MTB with non-knobby tires.
The varying heights helps accommodates 4 road bikes and two mountain bikes, one of which has bar ends. This makes it possible to pivot the bikes farther without parts of one bike hitting the next. We don’t have any trouble parking two cars and having the bikes at 90 degrees, but we typically keep them at an angle of around 50 degrees. They are easy to pivot.
I mounted the racks higher on the wall because our road bikes are lightweight, and I wanted the heaviest mountain bike (far right rack) to be a couple of inches off the floor for any necessary sweeping. Plus it’s not really that heavy.
I’ve not yet had a chance to mount the rear wheel rests on the two racks on the left due to bike maintenance.
These are the best bike racks available IMO. I wish they weren’t so expensive, but I have no regrets. I was skeptical, but they can indeed hang 16″ apart. I installed all of them into studs and they are very sturdy. The only reason for the wide spacing you see in the photo is the location of the electrical outlet.
I used one mountain rack for a wider tire MTB, one fender rack for a TT, and four classic racks for the road bike and a MTB with non-knobby tires.
The varying heights helps accommodates 4 road bikes and two mountain bikes, one of which has bar ends. This makes it possible to pivot the bikes farther without parts of one bike hitting the next. We don’t have any trouble parking two cars and having the bikes at 90 degrees, but we typically keep them at an angle of around 50 degrees. They are easy to pivot.
I mounted the racks higher on the wall because our road bikes are lightweight, and I wanted the heaviest mountain bike (far right rack) to be a couple of inches off the floor for any necessary sweeping. Plus it’s not really that heavy.
I’ve not yet had a chance to mount the rear wheel rests on the two racks on the left due to bike maintenance.
Ich habe zwei Halterungen fr das Rennrad und das Gravelbike gekauft. Alle Materialien fr die Montage waren dabei und die Montage als solches ohne Probleme zu bewltigen.
Rder hngen prima an der Wand und knnen auch etwas geschwenkt werden um den Platz daneben gut nutzen zu knnen.
Fr leichte Rder ohne Schutzblech gute Lsung.
I have a two car garage and two cars that need to park in it. With precious little space, we had resorted to hanging our bikes on the ceiling, but when it’s that hard to get them down, we found we weren’t riding as much. So I shopped around and discovered the Steadyrack. The best part: the ability to angle my bike (versus other methods that only allowed my bike to be straight vertical) to preserve space! I hung my steadyrack so that my bike could be swung underneath some shelving, and I bought a second steadyrack for my husband’s bike, and it’s right up next to mine, both taking up minimal space but still being easily accessible. It’s one of my favorite garage purchases ever.
Pour Ranger nos 4 vtt l’atelier et conserver de la place . Pas facile ! Avec ce systme, c’est top! Mme les enfants arrivent pendre et dpendre leur vlo. C’est solide, voir dans le temps si le cahoutchouc de soutien de la roue dure Je le recommande sans hsiter !
1a Produkt! Absolut wertig und sehr stabil. Wrde sogar mein EBike darauf aufhngen. Jedoch nicht mit den mitgelieferten Dbeln und Schrauben. Hier wrde ich, da unter umstnden mehrere tausend Euro daran hngen, ETA-Zertifizierte Produkte nehmen, und diese auch nach Vorschrift montieren um hheren Sachschaden zu vermeiden. Aber der Stnder ist superklasse. Die werden mich die nchsten Jahrzehnte begleiten. Einer kommt noch. Nicht gnstig aber fr die Qualitt voll in Ordnung. Hlt ja auch ewig. Entscheidungskriterium fr mich war, dass dies die einzige Montage an der Wand kst bei der die Felgen nicht so in Mitleidenschaft gezogen werden. Schlielich kostet eine mal locker mehrere hundert Euro.
Does exactly what it says on the tin. Mudguards are protected and the swivel function is a great space saving idea.
Colgar y descolgar la bici es fcil comparado con otros ganchos, siempre que coloques el gancho a la altura adecuada. Levantas la bici en su rueda trasera usando el freno de atrs, y la avanzas hasta que quede colgada. Hay que levantar la bici un poco, pero no por completo (a pulso) como en otros ganchos.
Si lo pones demasiado arriba tendrs que levantar la bici a pulso y ser ms o menos igual de difcil que con otros ganchos. Si te quedas corto, la rueda trasera tocar con el suelo y no podrs girar la bici.
A m personalmente me resulta ms rpido y fcil que con otros ganchos.
Tiene dos variantes: una que llaman “montaa” y otra para bicis con guardabarros que llaman “portabicicletas”, no s por qu traduccin rara. La de “montaa” est bien, pero si tu bici tiene guardabarros delantero, lo puede romper, porque la pieza metlica que sostiene la rueda se metera entre la rueda y el guardabarros. La versin para guardabarros (un poco ms cara) tiene una tira de plstico flexible en su lugar, y vale para todas las bicis. Tambin admite las que tienen rueda ms pequea (he probado con una de 20′ y sin problema, aunque queda un poco raro con lo grande que es el colgador).
Trae una pequea pieza de plstico para evitar manchar la pared con la rueda trasera, pero en mi caso no la he instalado.
Otra ventaja que le veo es que permite girar la bici una vez colgada, y plegar el colgador: puedes dejar paso libre en un cuarto estrecho, o pegar la bici a la pared y que ocupe menos, o sacar otra bici que est al lado en otro colgador sin tener que descolgar todas las dems.
La instalacin no es muy complicada, lo nico un poco menos fcil es calcular la altura y el espaciado (si pones ms de uno). Tienen un folleto en la web que est razonablemente bien explicado, y proponen dos formas de instalar varios colgadores seguidos, a la misma altura o alternndolos para que quepan ms bicis.
Trae tacos, que sin ser una maravilla, hacen la labor.
Se podra pasar un candado por la rueda y el gancho para disuadir del robo, pero un ladrn no tardara mucho en serrar el gancho: esto podra servir para un cuarto o zona con llave. Si lo vas a instalar en una zona pblica o de mucho paso, aconsejara poner tambin algn anillo para pasar un candado algo ms slido.
Por terminar, si tienes poco presupuesto y tienes que colgar varias bicis, otra posibilidad es alternar uno de estos con un gancho ms normal. Podrs girar y mover un poco las bicis que estn en los ganchos “caros” y as poder coger las de los ganchos “baratos”.
Resumiendo: si tienes poco espacio, o necesitas que sea fcil de colgar y descolgar porque usas mucho la bici, seguramente te merecer la pena. Si es para un uso menos habitual o tienes ms espacio, entiendo que no te quieras gastar lo que vale. A m me merece la pena 😉
Installed 7 in one day..once you figure out what height and width you want them at it’s easy going. Even got the tandem up!
I do wish there was a way to lock the swinging rack in place-would make hanging the tandem easier. Also, couldn’t figure out how to get the caps we left them off.
We really enjoy these racks, and it helped clean up the garage!
Fantastic Bike rack. After struggling with where to store our mountain bikes and having them clutter our living room and garage for many years due we were introduced to these bike racks. As it turns out the bike store where we just made our most recent bike purchases uses these throughout their showroom to store bikes. We purchased 3 of these and installed in a small section of our garage. They installed very easily and while we were generous in our spacing between racks we could have spaced closer and saved even more room. They look great on the wall and when in the closed position take up only minimal space. It is quite easy to put the bikes on and take them off …this goes for a lightweight young adult to an older person who has limited capability for lifting. These take hardly any effort to get bikes into place. Glad we made the purchase and would buy again as our bike family grows.
Obwohl die Balken in meinem Gartenschuppen leider denkbar unpassend lagen und ich daher noch eine dicke Siebdruckplatte an die Wand schrauben musste sitzen sie jetzt bombenfest.
Selbst mein schweres E-Bike kann ich mit leichtigkeit in den Trger schieben, durch das Gewicht des Fahrrades passt sich der Stnder in der Breite perfekt an und gleitet unter den Spritzschutz (Fender-Variante).
Beim ermitteln der passenden Befestigungshhe, fr welches man den Stnder auf den Boden legen und das Fahrrad hineinstellen muss, hatte ich da zunchst sorge, da der Stnder am Spritzschutz hakte. Das war aber nur ohne Last der Fall, beim Ein- und Aushngen des Fahrrads am montierten Wandhalter gibt es das Problem nicht.
Beide Rder lassen sich nun wunderbar hin und her schwingen wenn man an die Regale will, ich bin begeistert!
Works perfect, swinging the bike over saved space. Would recommend.
Ideal for hanging bikes in the garage- I now have 3!!
Overall good product. The tricky part was having to go to the hardware store twice because the 1/2″ nut driver is too small for the 13mm bolts provided. Once I got the right tools, it took very little time to install. I got the one for bikes with fenders and it works great.
The best bike storage solution I have ever used. Saves so much space with me being able to turn the bikes to the wall. I can pull a car into the garage on the side with the bikes because of the ability to swing the bikes to the side on the rack. Totally genius!
Space saving, easy to use and super strong. This is the best bike storage option I’ve found. I have 6 bikes. 3 ebikes and 3 regular. The ebikes are about 40lbs. These racks work great. Easy to put the bikes away and get them down. Saves me so much space. All the bikes are in a 6 foot space of wall. They stick out about 3 feet and I can push them closer to the wall if I need to. This is a very excellent product. Pure genius.
Great rack – pity the aussis dont make it in australia.
Die Halterung von Steadyrack ist bisher das beste und flexibelste an Wandhalterungen zur senkrechten Aufbewahrung die ich gesehn habe und ich habe mich vor dem Kauf einige Stunden damit im Internet beschftigt.
Die Halterungen sind extrem stabil, qualitativ hochwertig verarbeitet und unsere E-MTB mit der Reifengre 29″ 2.60 passen perfekt. Es ist aber auch noch genug Platz um Reifen der Breite 2.80 unterzubringen.
Die Montage ist sehr einfach, sie sollte jedoch mit 2 Personen durchgefhrt werden, zumindest beim anhalten und markieren der Bohrlcher. Wenn die Halterung zu nierig angebracht wird ist das Vorderrad nicht richtig im Bgel und wackelt, etwas hher passt es perfekt und es wackelt nichts mehr.
Als Fazit ist zu sagen, wer die Rder senkrecht lagern mchte/muss und dabei Platz sparen will kommt an dieser schwenkbaren Halterung nicht vorbei. Das Montagezubehr ist komplett…
Eine ganz klare Empfehlung von mir!
Auch wenn diese Halterungen nicht die preiswertesten sind ist der Preis jedoch vollauf gerechtfertigt fr das was geboten wird.
First one I bought, unfortunately didn’t come with all the installation equipment, such as bolts and nuts; so I had to figure that out since I didn’t plan on waiting a long time again to get a replacement. (product stock was in and out presumably during bike craze of pandemic). Found what I needed and it worked out very well, so I bought another. (This time it came with everything and much quicker). Didn’t allow to affect rating since the product itself is was not the problem and was more of an amazon issue.
They are very sturdy and the swivel is very helpful in moving our bikes out of the way in our small apartment. I’ve had one for 3 months and just got the other. Both have worked out great so far and seem durable as it has held up against lots of use and strain at a much higher height than made for. They even somewhat function to showcase our bikes at the same time. Only real con is that we can think of is that it is expensive.
Overall, it is a great product that does as advertised and allows us to store our bikes in a small space without taken up much room.
Easy to install and work as advertised, good how these can fold up if not used and swing around to make more space, seem decent quality, not the sturdiest, no issues yet but time will tell
Overall quality is goo and easy to install. Unfortunately, I Bought this for my bike that has fenders because it was advertised to accommodate fenders. Unfortunately my tires were not wide enough to make the bike rack work tor me. Fortunately, my husband’s bike with fenders and fatter tires fit just fine. Sadly, I still don’t have a bike rack that works for my bike.
I was impressed by how solid the system was when it arrived. Installation was also really easy. (The hardest thing was holding the unit on the wall to mark the drill holes It has a nice algebra-looking picture (and you wondered what you were going to do with the math you learned in high school) 🙂 It is pretty simple. Back the bike up to the wall. Make a mark on the floor, and measure up the same distance (+ how far off the floor you want it to be) on the wall. That sets your drill holes.
My bike has been hanging for a couple of months with no problems. to hang the bike, i just picked the front up, and rolled it onto the rack. We ran into a small problem with my wife’s bike. Turns out she has a front fender on her bike (Its new and I missed that). We will take the fender off at the end of the season, and then the only issue will be picking up the front of the bike (that’s where the weight is). After I got the units, I found out there is a larger size available that is supposed to accommodate bikes with fenders. Oh well..
One thing to note. The advertising says that the unit will rotate 180 degrees. While that is true, don’t expect that much swing with the bike in place as you can only swing until the pedals hit the wall, but it does pivot extremely easy with the bike in place, and loading the bikes at an angle saves space.
We are very pleased with this unit so far.
Der Plan war, drei Fahrrder damit aufzuhngen, zwei mit dem VeloUp!.
Gut, dass ich zunchst nur einen Steadyrack angeschraubt habe und daran zunchst alle Fahrrder “probehngen” lies.
So musste ich zwei der drei bestellten Steadyracks dann doch leider zurcksenden, denn sie machen das Schutzblech, die Blechhalterung oder tlw. noch mehr kaputt.
Der verbliebene Steadyrack nimmt mein “echtes” Mtb super auf. Das Vorderrad liegt wie Bombe in der quasi Schale. Da muss man sich absolut keine Sorgen machen, dass die Felge Kratzer, Abdrcke oder Verformungen erleiden muss – alles absolut bestens!
Ich habe ihn dann nach der Neugestaltung der Installationspltze auch fast nach Empfehlung angebracht, nur 2cm hher, da ich darunter noch Laminat legen mchte.
Aber das “Einparken” geht so butterweich. Den Esel einfach auf’s Hinterrad, den Sattel gegen das Knie und auf geht’s.
Einfach Klasse!
Das Anbauen an der Wand war etwas trickig.
Hier ist Genauigkeit empfohlen und definitiv BESSERE Dbel als die mitgelieferten.
Das ist auch der Grund des Abzugs.
Ich habe sowohl Dbel nachgekauft als auch lngere Schrauben.
Letzteres ist unserer Wand geschuldet (recht dicke Putzschicht), aber die Dbel sind mal wieder die billigsten Dbel, die sich sonst keiner trauen wrde, irgendwo zu verschenken oder gar zu verkaufen. Genau an den Dingern sparen sie immer wieder.
Sorry Leute! Ihr seid nicht die Einzigen, die das so machen, aber echt jetzt?
Ich habe Eure Dbel und Schrauben NUR FR DEN TESTLAUF genutzt und binnen weniger Stunden war oben ein Dbel schon zu rund 2cm aus der Wand rausgezogen und der andere 0,5cm.
Und das mit dem leichtesten Rad im Bestand, nmlich meinem Mtb, was keine 7kg auf die Waage bringt.
Damit ist das Loch schlussendlich unbrauchbar und htte ich nicht ohnehin durch die Umgestaltung einen neuen Platz suchen mssen, htte ich es wegen der nicht mehr nutzbaren Lcher mssen. Die Lcher in der Wand, die es dann zuzumachen gilt, sind wieder unntiger Mehraufwand.
Das sind vielleicht 10Ct Unterschied im Produktpreis, aber JEDE Menge Unterschied am Zufriedenheitsbarometer beim Endkunden.
Da ist wirklich noch Luft nach oben!
It was a rainy day in June, so wet, yet warm like the hug from a loved one. I decided my trusty steeds needed a home off of the cold hard concrete. I had not one but four transports of different sizes. I received my units quickly with haste, for amazon prime has no time to waste. Product was boxed without damage. I measured my wall to each 16th of an inch. Found more studs than a Magic Mike reunion show. I installed my bike with the biggest of frames and girth first. Some call it a fat bike but I find that offensive, since I also have a similar tire around my waste. From there I installed the smallest of the two wheelers owned by my wee little. That way the handle bars wouldn’t touch when swung to the side. Next I installed my better halfs pedal cycle. I put it further away from mine because she has a lazy eye and I didn’t want my ride scratched. Finally I installed the “I’m a better biker than you Dad” child’s bike. He probably is but I wouldn’t say that out-loud. Little does he know, I let a bit of air out of his tires everyday just so he has to fill them up. Cheeky kid 0 Dad 1. With the floor savings I have received from putting the bikes on the wall I was able to install a pool table. I would definitely recommend these wall units. They save space and marriages.
Terrific bike rack. Easy to load and unload bike with little/no lifting required. Holds bike securely and without any undue stress on bike component. Rotates left and right easily, for ease of access. I have two of these bolted very close together on the wall holding two bikes, and it’s extremely easy to rotate one out of the way to access the other. Pricey, but ingenious design and good materials.
This is a top top top quality product, very solid, simple enough to fit. I bought this fender version and 4 of the original version. Turns out the fendered bike fits on the original style of bracket too. Its super easy to mount the bike, no lifting required all the family can manage it. No more moving bikes around to get the back one out. they all fold almost flush to the wall. worked out really well.
It was really easy to install following the instructions, love the fact that I don’t have to lift the bike onto the wall anymore, excelle
It was really easy to install following the instructions, love the fact that I don’t have to lift the bike onto the wall anymore, excelle
Plus the swing allows the 2 bikes to sit close together, but when taking down or simple maintenance, swing out the way to access either in quite a tight space for storage.
They work great had no problem with the installation and they are very well constructed.
They work great had no problem with the installation and they are very well constructed.
I bought ten of the regular racks and two of the fender racks to get my bikes sorted and stored in my garage. The two with the fender design are for me and my partner’s commuter bikes, and the racks accept both bikes with fenders easily. I am very pleased with the Steadyrack product design, and I’m very pleased with their construction. The alternatives on the market are cheaper, but you pay for what you get and I’m glad I spent the money for this top quality product. I also find myself using the swing feature a lot more than I thought I would. This is the product I’m endorsing for all my fellow cyclists with their storage needs.
Following excellent instructions made for an easy fool proof installation. Placing a bike is exactly as easy as shown in the videos.
Following excellent instructions made for an easy fool proof installation. Placing a bike is exactly as easy as shown in the videos.
Bought this some time ago and just fitted it. Best bike rack I’ve found – a bit pricey at just under 60 but worth it.
Excelente producto. La instalacin es sencilla, y queda bien anclado a la pared. Montar la bicicleta es sumamente sencillo
Excelente producto. La instalacin es sencilla, y queda bien anclado a la pared. Montar la bicicleta es sumamente sencillo
Absolutely love these racks. Pretty easy to mount and then it’s a breeze getting your bike on and off. Much better than any other bike storage solution I’ve tried
Absolutely love these racks. Pretty easy to mount and then it’s a breeze getting your bike on and off. Much better than any other bike storage solution I’ve tried
These are very good. I bought 3 to put up all our bicycles in the garage so they weren’t in the way of the cars. They also seem quite sturdy
Works just as described. Really easy to wheel bikes into position with no lifting required. A very clever design. Has maximised use of space for bikes in our kitchen. I mounted two of these close together but staggered the height so the handlebars didn’t clash. The plastic feels a bit cheap/brittle, but is only there for cosmetic reasons – it doesn’t perform any mechnical function. Takes the weight of my partner’s 26kg e-bike without any problems.
I used my own wall plugs as the ones supplied were a bit cheap.
Great product hold bike really well and secure, frees up space
This is brilliant!, was looking for a suitable rack for 3 bikes and was recommended these and they tidy the bikes away nicely.
brilliant bike racking system easy to install make storing bike with limited space achievable
Absolutely perfect for me and extremely well put together. Ideal for a single installation or multiple installations in a garage environment or apartment.
I got the fender model because it’ll handle bike with or without fenders. Also perfect for supporting expensive HED wheels that cannot be hung on a hook.
Yup – there are lots of cheaper options out there – I looked at them all first. Will be buying more of these.
Absolutely perfect for me and extremely well put together. Ideal for a single installation or multiple installations in a garage environment or apartment.
I got the fender model because it’ll handle bike with or without fenders. Also perfect for supporting expensive HED wheels that cannot be hung on a hook.
Yup – there are lots of cheaper options out there – I looked at them all first. Will be buying more of these.
Absolutely perfect for me and extremely well put together. Ideal for a single installation or multiple installations in a garage environment or apartment.
I got the fender model because it’ll handle bike with or without fenders. Also perfect for supporting expensive HED wheels that cannot be hung on a hook.
Yup – there are lots of cheaper options out there – I looked at them all first. Will be buying more of these.
– saves space
– Allows bikes to swing or pivot against the wall
– Bikes can be mounted as close as 14″ apart and still pivot against the wall
– Relatively simple installation and online videos available
– Simple to put bike up and down
– not the cheapest solution
– Drywall anchors included are inadequate (try and use a wall stud)
I use the Steadyrack Fender racks to hold two 26″ beach cruisers with large front fenders. The bikes are held vertically with the rear tire just off the ground. Just tip the bike up on its rear wheel and roll it onto the rack, and swing the bike to the side until the handlebar meets the wall (tires remain against wall while bike rotates to either side).
Installation considerations:
– Installation instructions state bikes can mount as close as 14″. This works for similar bikes (two beach cruisers or two mountain bikes), but with different bike types the handle bars can interfere with each other. You need to move them farther apart or stagger one higher off the ground.
– Drywall anchors included are totally inadequate. Do not use these to mount into Sheetrock without a stud. I suggest using Snaptoggle type anchors (Home Depot, etc.).
One reviewer marked this product down for the poor wall anchors. This isn’t unique to this product, included anchors are usually junk. Weight bearing items usually mount to a wall stud for support. I prefer not to pay extra for a product to include quality anchors, and if needed I purchase my own.
If your priorities are space and convenience I strongly suggest you look at this rack. The ceiling racks I used were hard for my wife and I to use, and way too difficult for my kids. The bikes just weren’t getting used. I hope this review is helpful in selecting a bike storage solution.
– saves space
– Allows bikes to swing or pivot against the wall
– Bikes can be mounted as close as 14″ apart and still pivot against the wall
– Relatively simple installation and online videos available
– Simple to put bike up and down
– not the cheapest solution
– Drywall anchors included are inadequate (try and use a wall stud)
I use the Steadyrack Fender racks to hold two 26″ beach cruisers with large front fenders. The bikes are held vertically with the rear tire just off the ground. Just tip the bike up on its rear wheel and roll it onto the rack, and swing the bike to the side until the handlebar meets the wall (tires remain against wall while bike rotates to either side).
Installation considerations:
– Installation instructions state bikes can mount as close as 14″. This works for similar bikes (two beach cruisers or two mountain bikes), but with different bike types the handle bars can interfere with each other. You need to move them farther apart or stagger one higher off the ground.
– Drywall anchors included are totally inadequate. Do not use these to mount into Sheetrock without a stud. I suggest using Snaptoggle type anchors (Home Depot, etc.).
One reviewer marked this product down for the poor wall anchors. This isn’t unique to this product, included anchors are usually junk. Weight bearing items usually mount to a wall stud for support. I prefer not to pay extra for a product to include quality anchors, and if needed I purchase my own.
If your priorities are space and convenience I strongly suggest you look at this rack. The ceiling racks I used were hard for my wife and I to use, and way too difficult for my kids. The bikes just weren’t getting used. I hope this review is helpful in selecting a bike storage solution.
Muy til y cmodo para colocar tu bicicleta, luce bien el la pared ya que lo instalas. Recomendado para la bici
Muy til y cmodo para colocar tu bicicleta, luce bien el la pared ya que lo instalas. Recomendado para la bici
I got 2 of these for the garage and whilst a bit more expensive than many of the other products available, they are fantastic. Great quality and the fact that they can be folded when not in use is brilliant.
As for the Fender Rack specifically, I read about possible interference of the fender supports & the rack, when placing the bike on the rack & how to handle that. The first time I put my bike up, I encountered this “interference”, but I have to chalk that up to the simple learning curve – because it hasn’t happened since that first day.
One thing to be prepare to address:
When I pop my bike up to get my front tire on the rack, my rear fender hits the concrete floor. (The grinding noise is enough to let you know you’re scraping paint off the fender. Mine wasn’t too brutal, but it could have been worse.) My beach cruiser is 44 lbs. so it’s not necessarily easy to lift it up. I place a small rubber mat on the floor there when I put my bike on & off the rack. Even a thin rubber-backed rug would be enough, but it’s certainly something to be aware of… This is not enough reason to avoid the purchase. Just prepare for it.
This product is solid and it works great to organize our family bikes. Photo attached.
Really great engineering. I’m impressed.
I purchased two of these for my mountain bikes, easy to fit, supports my bikes perfectly. The instructions were simple and easy to follow. I now have more floor space in my garage 🙂