Time Lock Safe

Time Lock Safe

Emergency B-Class keys
We provide 2 emergency keys that override the locking mechanism. They can open the safe at any time.
The keys shouldn’t be around your place nor in the safe! Instead, give them to a friend or a family member.
Battery level indicator
The included batteries last for around a year. A red light will indicate when the battery needs to be replaced.
Looks like normal safe + shipped in plain box
It’s fully up to you to tell others about it or not. As it looks like a normal digital safe and it can actually function like one if you disabled the timer.
Video call assistance
Video call assistance on request.
Weight: | 4 kg |
Size: | Small |
Dimensions: | 31 x 20 x 20 cm; 4 Kilograms |
Brand: | Genie Hand |
Model: | Küçük |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | 4 AA batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | Genie Hand |
Dimensions: | 31 x 20 x 20 cm; 4 Kilograms |
Size: | Small |
Finalmanete ho trovato una cassaforte piccola, anzi direi mini, di ottima qualit. Gi dalla serratura si capisce che fatta a modo. Super facile da usare, si imposta in 2 minuti e via. Ne prender anche una con la feritoia per il mio negozio.
PS. One would have to go to great pains to have the right power tool handy, and would raise hell when cutting through the steel enclosure, just to cut open something programmed to open by itself if he/she waits long enough… .
I have been using this for about 2 weeks to reduce between-meal snacking, which has been a problem since I have started working remotely. I keep a keyring locked up inside and the time-lock opens only for an hour during meal times. In the fridge I keep padlocked containers (soft-coolers). Many soft-coolers and lunchboxes that have two zippers are lockable with external padlocks. For the freezer, I use lockable document bags.
I was using the time-delay type of safe/padlock for a few months, but eventually I would forget to set the timer on a particular day and that was enough to keep old habits coming back.
The construction is that of a typical hotel safe and I have not had any problems with the mechanism, which operates smoothly. I will check back in 6 months to add info about the battery longevity (this safe works 100% from batteries) and reliability.
My safe arrived with a minor problem, which I was able to resolve on my own by using just a screwdriver. After a little tinkering the safe works great as intended and has an impressive feature set for this price point. I had scheduled a customer support video call to get help and I was contacted very quickly in less than 30 minutes. Since the safe was now working, I explained what had happened and they generously offered me a 10% partial refund for my inconvenience. Thanks for the top notch customer support experience!
This safe must be secured to a solid immovable object, else it can be easily opened. Drop it on a bed mattress and you can open the door no matter how well you have it locked. The mechanism relies on a solenoid pin to prevent the door handle from turning. The pin has some weight to it and it rests on a small spring, so drop the safe on a mattress and the pin will compress the spring on the bounce, and at that instant you can turn the handle and open the safe. I opened it on the first attempt. I surely would prefer to have the manufacturer fix this flaw. A small interlock would solve the problem.
Therefore, to use the safe and have it secure, you must drill holes into it and screw or bolt it to something solid. Once secured in this manner, you will not be able to open the door except by the advertised means. Use the key, or use the code, or use the code with the time function. All that works well. The clock seems to keep good time, which is important if you program it for short access intervals.
I am satisfied with the safe, but I took the bother to secure it inside a heavy cabinet. If you have no plans to secure this safe with bolts or screws, don’t buy it until the manufacturer changes the design to prevent the solenoid from moving during acceleration.
I’ve bought time lock safes from this seller in the past & they are excellent for breaking bad habits,I’ve stopped smoking & lost several stone with them,the seller always delivers promptly & is very helpful if you message him if you need any information about his products & responds quickly
For those complaining about the cost, this is clearly within DIY range, with off-the-shelf components costing less than the 1.75L of whisky another reviewer was trying to stuff into the safe. However, the Venn Diagram for 1) a meticulous, methodical, relaxed DIYer, and 2) very alert guy on cheeto-stained couch, sledgehammer by side, crazy-eyed, glaring at safe, clearly do not intersect. So Genie Hand’s business model survives another day.
I know the timer well because I used the exact same timer on an aquarium. It’s not user friendly, but if you can navigate yourself to this review, you can certainly figure it out.
Physically, it’s as solid as your standard hotel safe. Which, of course, is precisely what it is.
Highly recommended.
I’ve had the safe for 6 months now and ran into a problem with the time lock not working. I contacted the company and after a few emails and videos, they told me to buy new batteries. I Like the fact that the safe has a 2 year guarantee and after sales are really helpful. I’ve seen some of the poor reviews but I would just say to them to contact the company if their problems are less than 2 years old.
I had tried other timed locking devices that were less expensive and they were all able to be opened despite the timing mechanism. This is a real safe, very sturdy. The timer did not function when I got it but support from Genie Hand was able to resolve the issue without having to return the safe, and in a very timely fashion (no pun intended). They even offered a refund which I declined, although I offered to take a discount on a second, different version of the safe! I now will have a very versatile ability of timer functioning.
Product arrived faulty due to to bad postal box damage.
Spoke with Dan via their 24/7/365 customer support service Web chat.
Had at least 5 conversations with Dan who had the patience of a Saint and we finally agreed the reason the safe timer wouldn’t work was due to it being damaged in transit. Dan effectively arranged for a substitute safe to be delivered a d it’s all working fine. I woukd have asked for a efund but my confidence in Dan kept me as their customer. 5 star safe and hard to find one that does what it says on the tin.
6 star service from Dan.
No hesitation in recommending this safe or their customer service man Da
I needed a time lock device and all of the other options either had bad reviews or a timer that didn’t offer a long range. This safe wasn’t cheap but it does the job well. The timer works and allows you to target specific times (like Saturday night between 10-11PM) to restrict or allow access. Plus, it functions perfectly well as a regular safe (using the code or the key).
Support is also great -Thanks Dan. Support was free and responded quickly with a video call and was able to resolve my issue (turns out I had set the clock to the wrong time). Good purchase.
Been looking for one of these for ages! When I’m sober and thinking straight I pop the gear in and set the timer lock so I can’t get to it when I’m drunk in the middle of the night! GENIUS
Wake up in the morning, safe is set to open between 7 a.m. and lock at 9 a.m. Get your daily dosage out and lock the rest in the safe. Give your keys to a trusted adult that knows your difficulty. If you do not start jonesing until late in the day you are ok with the knowledge that it is there and will open at 7 a.m. daily.
Got my safe and it’s a beauty! Has helped me tremendously already to quit smoking. Truly a life saver! I just had a quick question about the timer function and I was immediately responded to by the most helpful friendly employee ever. Turns out he was in Europe where it was nighttime and we still did a FaceTime call! I’m going to start buying them as gifts for friends and family!
The owner is a great guy who I’ve been in contact with for years. He can be counted on to always respond quickly and with great advice.
If you have dependecy issues that are getting out of control, this safe could honestly set you back on the right path and save you from yourself if you will, and possibly from financial ruin. I can’t say enough good things about it.
There are not good reviews and I’m not sure why. I also had issues with the safe but it was user error on my end. After reading the manual again I was able to use the safe without any issues.
Keep the manual and make sure to read it if it’s not working how you want it to. Usually the settings are not set correctly when you think that there is an issue with it.
This is a very great safe and the price is great for the feature that it provides. I’m very happy with this purchase.
I am pleased with the Genie Hand Time Lock Safe. I initially had a problem with the adapter which plugs into an AC outlet. I was not getting AC power to the safe and it wouldn’t open. I sent an email which was answered the same day on a Sunday with the solution. Dan was most helpful. He instructed me to try any other USB charger like the one for my iPhone. The light came on inside the safe and it worked great. He sent me a replacement within a couple of days. I couldn’t be more pleased. I believe the safe will enable me to better control daily quantity of a prescribed medication and stay within the prescribed amount.
I struggle with a lot of impulsive habits because I have obsessive-compulsive disorder. When I initially ordered this product, there was a problem with it and after reaching out to the seller I got a response within an hour. Because it turned out that there was some defect in the safe that could not be fixed, he “fixed this in a way that (he) would want fixed as were (he) the customer” and sent me a brand new one at no charge.
I will be ordering from them again soon based on the fact that the seller made that active attempt to put himself in my shoes, and to then figure out how he would want a resolution from that point of view. To me, that is the sign of a professional and I will be keeping his store in mind for future purchases.
I bought a safe in 2017 and didn’t use it that much the first two years. The display was a little blurry and when I wanted to use it again after about 2 years the display wasn’t working at all. That meant that the whole safe was useless. So I contacted the owner of the company in Italy and told him about the problem. He was really nice and helpful and even did a video whatsapp call with me to figure out what is wrong with the display unit. He then offered me to send me a totally new display unit for free even though the 2 year guarantee was not valid anymore. He also gave me intructions how to install the unit. After just 2 days the unit arrived and i could exchange it very easily. Now I’m using the safe on a regular basis like every week and it works perfectly. The new display is not blurry and it works totally fine. I’m really happy with the safe now and totally recommend it! The best customer service that I have experienced so far on any product. Keep up the good work! And thanks again for your great help!
Trs bonne qualit du produit , suivi aprs vente responsable et aimable
The safe could seem a bit complicated to set up, but only the first time you do it. If you follow the video instructions you will be able to set it up with no hassles.
If you still have troubles, you can write to the assistance and they will answer arranging a video call. Really a great service! So just be patient in case.
You can set several timers for it to open and close. Twice a day, 3 times day, or a week, up to 15 daily or weekly combinations.
It is not a safe to store very valuable items like cash or jewellery, this safe is to improve your will.
I love the fact that the opening times don’t have to be reprogramed every time. Once set up they will repeat on and on, so if for example you set it to open from 7pm to 10pm every day, then you will not have to re-program it each time you used. You can just open it, use it and close it.
The most importance part is that there are no overrides, which of course would make it useless.
I have been using it for 3 years and I keep on using it.
Wie ein Vorredner schon schrieb, das Teil wirkt zu billig, wie ein 50 Tresor, aber eben mit dem einzigartigen Zeitschloss. Anscheinend gibt es keine bezahlbaren Alternativen. Gut 5kg schwer oder leicht. Also eigentlich nicht so dick vom Material her. Die Lackierung knnte besser sein, aber ist ok. Die Schlossmechanik wirkt anfllig, als knnte sie kaputtgehen, wenn man gewaltsam das Drehrad drehen wrde. Nicht dass er dann aufginge, aber man hat das Gefhl dabei geht was kaputt und er bleibt dauerhaft zu. Teste ich natrlich nicht, mchte aber auch nicht, dass da irgendwann irgendwas versagt. Die Spaltmae der PlastikUhr an der Trinnenseite wirken wie ein sehr gnstiges Spielzeug. Aber letztlich es funktioniert, wie es soll. Also warum meckern? Deswegen auch 4 Sterne, gleichbedeutend mit Schulnote gut.
An der Rckseite und an der Unterseite sind jeweils 2 Lcher, um den Tresor an die Wand zu schrauben. Aber genau da sitzt der Schwachpunkt, um doch an die Kekse zu kommen. Durch ein Loch die HandyTaschenlampe, durch ein weiteres Loch blickt man schrg zum Zeitschloss und durch das dem Zeitschloss gegenber liegende Loch fdelt man einen Strohhalm ein. Damit trifft man die groe Umschalttaste, die das Zeitschloss deaktiviert und eine rote LED besttigt dann noch den Erfolg. Das heit wenn ich nun Zeitraum festgelegt habe, wann ich an mein Problem herankommen kann, sagen wir Samstag Abend, aber ich habe schon Mittwoch Lust darauf, dann kann ich mit einem Strohhalm und einer Taschenlampe das Zeitschloss deaktivieren, gebe dann nur noch den Code ein und drinnen bin ich.
Allerdings war mein Plan mich selbst zu disziplinieren. Heit nun fr mich ich konstruiere eine Box in den Tresor, die es mir unmglich macht, das Zeitschloss zu manipulieren.
So bleibt ein schaler Beigeschmack, dass man so viel Geld fr ein nicht ganz optimales Produkt ausgegeben hat. Ich wrde lieber noch 50 drauflegen, um dann dickeres Blech, mehr als nur aller 5cm einen Schweipunkt, hochwertige Mechanik und sauberer verarbeiteter Kunststoff am Zeitschloss vorzufinden. Aber wie gesagt es fehlt eine Alternative. Also akzeptiere ich es, wie es ist. Der Notzugang ber den Schlssel zeigt im Spaltma eine 4stellige Nummer, welche auch auf den beiden Schlsseln steht.
Bedeutet das nun, dass jemand der die Nummer abliest, beim Verkufer einfach die Nachschlssel bestellen kann? Welche Sicherheit gibt es hierfr, dass nicht ein Besucher die Nummer sieht, behauptet er htte den Tresor geschenkt bekommen, daher keine Rechnung und bruchte Ersatz?
Es geht in meinem Fall um eine Sache, von der ich mich nicht mehr kontrollieren lassen mchte, aber sie ganz aufzugeben, will ich auch nicht. Ich mchte es mir einmal pro Woche erlauben. Dazu bentige ich einen Safe mit hoher Sicherheit, der mich aufhlt. Manche sind kreativ und bereit einen gewissen finanziellen Schaden zu akzeptieren. Daher das zweimalige Zerbrechen des KitchenSafe. Von diesem StahlTresor erwarte ich eigentlich, dass ich genau wei, ich habe keine mit vertretbarem Aufwand realistische Chance, an diese Sache zu kommen. Auerdem wnschte ich mir, ich knnte nur einmal im Zeitraum ffnen. Warum? Damit ich nur einen kurzen Augenblick stark sein muss und nicht 2 Stunden lang. Klar ich knnte die Zeitspanne sehr sehr kurz einstellen, aber wehe ich stehe Samstag Abend im Stau und komme dadurch sehr spt von der Arbeit. Dann bleibt er zu. Auch bld. Und dann renne ich zu demjenigen, der den Schlssel bewacht, der von mir die Instruktion erhielt, auer am Samstag Abend den Schlssel niemals herauszugeben. Es kommt halt darauf an, sperrt man nur PlayStation-Controller, Handys, Zigaretten oder Kekse darin ein oder etwas, wo man wirklich zwanghaft herankommen mchte.
I really loved this safe as it was perfect for me. Shortly after I bought it when I went to open it, led just flashed and there was a constant clicking sound and the safe would not open and I had to get the keys from the person who had them.it opened fine and someone from the company told me the batteries needed to be replaced
Fine, The were the originals anyhow. I replaced them with Duracell batteries. About a month later it happen and I stated to get a bit frustrated. I was still able to get the keys. This morning it happened again and I do not have access to the keys and since I have my car keys and wallet in there I am going to have to destroy it to get to them.
And, I was really happy with this product but that design isn’t a good one. I always leave it plugged in and believed I would always be able to get in. I don’t get the concept of having it plugged in and having batteries when it appears if the batteries fail, you’re out of luck. Even something as chirps when the batteries are low would be fine.
Have a plan for easy access to keys if you want this product in my case I can’t always do that. Time to destroy my safe.
This morning my area had a power failure, no problem I got back up batteries but when the time came to open my safe it would not open. I had to open the safe with the override keys and found out that my clock was still working on the batteries were good but with no longer work as a Time lock or with the keypad. I think maybe I had a power surge and something fried in the electronics.
A later made contact with a representative from the company and found out that it worked as designed. The only drawback for this safe is if your power does not come back on you cannot open the safe without the backup keys even if you have backup batteries inside. Other than this one drawback I love this safe.
Si il y a un dfaut ce coffre-fort temporis, c’est qu’elle ne fonctionne pas sur un compte rebours comme le KitchenSafe. L’interface n’est pas intuitif — ne perdez pas les instructions!
This safe is perfect for helping tame my bad habits, but be aware: There is some setup time.
This is because you will want to establish a weekly schedule of when you want the safe to allow access, and this requires you to program an electronic timer on the inside. It is just like programming a digital appliance timer, with the ability to create several on and off programs and repeat daily, weekly, or on a schedule of your choosing. So if you’re patient or a little tech savvy, you shouldn’t have any trouble with this. It took me about 1/2 hour to program my daily access times. Your milage may vary.
The manufacturer provides excellent support and has helped me quiet the jarringly loud beeps that the keypad makes (hint: you have to open a panel and remove the tiny speaker from the motherboard).
Aside from the noisy beeping, the only downside is that you can’t schedule anything beyond a week away.
ps: There are keys you can use to bypass the timer and keypad and get into the safe at any time. These should be kept in a safe place that you can’t get to unless you *really* need them. They should NOT be kept in the safe.
Good safe for the price especially. Easy to bolt down. Clear instructions. Package was delivered on time. Not 5 stars only because it’s a little flimsy but it’s not to keep gold in or anything. More to control spending habits for me.
This product might seem complicated, but it is not at all. It’s very simple to understand and if the video-instructions sent by the seller doesn’t help, he will offer you a videocall to set the safe.
The owner of the company is more than generous to contact you through email or phone personally and patiently help you.
It is a great product for curbing addiction and it destroys relapse for those of us who don’t have the self control to do it ourselves. Much better than the plastic products because there is NO way you are getting into this.
It can also be used as a standard electronic safe or a manual (keys only) safe.
The owner of the company is more than generous to contact you through email or phone personally and patiently help you.
It is a great product for curbing addiction and it destroys relapse for those of us who don’t have the self control to do it ourselves. Much better than the plastic products because there is NO way you are getting into this.
It can also be used as a standard electronic safe or a manual (keys only) safe.