Tuomico Rechargeable Sup Air Pump Electric Portable, 16PSI

Tuomico Rechargeable Sup Air Pump Electric Portable, 16PSI 12V with Built-in Battery, Stand Up Paddle Board Electric Pump Inflator/Deflator-Portable Air Compressor for Paddle Boards,Boa

sup sumpsup pumpsup pumpsup pumpsup pump
sup pumpsup pumpsup pumpsup pump
Pressure 0-20PSI 0-16PSI 0-16PSI 0-16PSI
Inflator&Deflator Inflator&Deflator Inflator&Deflator Only inflator Inflator&Deflator
Power Supply DC Car 12V Built-in Battery Power DC Car 12V Built-in Battery Power
Nozzles 5+1 5+1 5+1 6+1

Dimensions: 23.62 x 13.97 x 12.95 cm; 3.01 Kilograms
Brand: Tuomico
Model: 790
Colour: Black
Batteries Included: 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included)
Manufacture: Tuomico
Department: Unisex
Dimensions: 23.62 x 13.97 x 12.95 cm; 3.01 Kilograms

35 Responses

  1. [email protected] The Budget Babe says:

     United Kingdom

    Very easy to use, pumped up 4 paddle boards and still had 27% battery.

    Went camping used it for blow up tent, mattress, sofa and still had battery.

    Super easy to use.

    Light, portable.

    Made my life so much easier don’t know how I never got by with out it!

    Highly recommend

  2. Katharina26B says:


    Estuve mirando bastantes bombas elctricas para cargar mi SUP (tamao 10,10) antes de decidirme a comprar este modelo y no estoy nada arrepentido. Es cierto que es el modelo ms caro, pero tambin es cierto que es el que mayor autonoma otorga asegurando el llenado de forma autnoma (en mi caso dos llenados completos por carga de batera). Adems, se puede utilizar con la bomba conectada, bien a la red domstica, bien al coche (recomiendan coche encendido).
    Si se utiliza el SUP de modo ms o menos habitual creo que es una buena inversin.

  3. GalenWakelin says:


    The pump works really well! Pumped up two paddle boards and still had 74% battery power. Quick inflation and also works really well to deflate. Makes it way easier to fit my paddle board back into the bag. And so nice to be able to bring the pump down to the beach to inflate and not have to do it plugged into the car. So happy I made this purchase.

  4. Anonymous says:


    I got to use this at the lake this weekend, it’s the best purchase I’ve made this summer we charged it when we got, we blew up two paddleboards a huge watermelon water toy set your PSI trust the pump it will stop when it’s at the PSI you’ve set it at, as it gets closer the pump gets loud, but it’s doing its job, and deflating was so easy,no more sweating using those manual pumps….Buy it !!!

  5. Fred McCormick says:


    Bin absolut zufrieden. Es sind gengend passende Einstze dabei und die Pumpe funktioniert schnell. Geruschpegel ist keine Diskusison wert und passt. Habe damit gleich zwei Schlauchboote fr je vier Personen zu Testzwecken aufgepumpt und Akku Anzeige steht noch bei 74% und dauerte gerade 24 Minuten ohne zu schwitzen.
    Bin begeistert.
    Auch das Luftabsaugen funktioniert super.

    Super Pumpe

  6. EkoustiQ42 says:


    Ich benutze die Pumpe um ein Gumotex Palava zu befllen und bin sehr begeistert.
    Es dauert keine 5 Minuten um loslegen zu knnen. Der mitgelieferte Anschluss zum Ventil passt perfekt, lediglich der Schlauch ist sehr, sehr starr.
    Einziges Manko ist, eine genaue Einstellung der Bar/PSI ist nicht mglich. Ich bentige 0,2 Bar auf der Anzeige ist jedoch nur 0,207 bzw. 0,197 mglich! Stellt aber kein Problem dar. Die Pumpe fllt im ersten Schritt leise, wenn der Restdruck aufgebaut wird, schaltet der Kompressor dazu, dieser ist Naturgem lauter.
    Fr meine Bedrfnisse ist die Pumpe perfekt !!!

  7. MollyMRNsmki says:


    Fr den Preis waren die Erwartungen recht hoch. Die Pumpe wird schon vorgeladen geliefert, als erste an die Steckdose und einmal voll laden. Die Zeit kann man dann nutzen um sich mit dem Zubehr auseinander zu setzen. Die Pumpe wurde bei mir mit zwei Dichtungen fr den bergang Pumpe zum Kajak geliefert. Der vor montierte war etwas zu dick und lsst sich schnell wechseln. Beim Aufpumpen (hier mit 10 – 12PSI) ist die Pumpe Vordruck” aufbauen recht leise, das ndert sich dann aber schnell beim erreichen von 2 PSI nun wird der Kompressor zugeschaltet was sich klar in im Geruschpegel niederschlgt. Leise ist was anderes, aber man muss Kompromisse machen.
    Die Bedienung ist Gewhnung Bedrftig. Dafr kann die Punpe ber die KFZ- Borddose, Netzgert und ber Akku betrieben werden. Der Akku war dann auch der Hauptgrund fr den Kauf bei mir. Der Akku reicht bei voller Ladung und einen gewnschten Druck von 10 bis 12 PSI ( bei 20 – 25C ) fr gute 4 Fllungen von Hochdruck Kajaks, es sind Max. 6 Fllungen heraus zu holen. Wenn man mehr Boote fllen mchte muss man dann an Strom (12V DC / 230V AC) ran. Das mit dem Akku fand ich persnlich eine gute Idee den wenn man mit dem Hochdruck Kajak am See oder Fluss ist, ist es meist ohne Auto da das weiter weg geparkt wurde, und somit wre es von Nachteil wenn es nur, wie viele Mitbewerber, mit der 12V DC Spannung betrieben werden kann. Zubehr ist allerhand bei. Auch das Verstau Fach fr das Netzgert und die KFZ Leitung ist gut gewhlt, knnte zwar ein wenig grer sein aber es geht schon.
    Allerdings sollte man beim aufpumpen von mehren Booten, die Temperatur der Pumpe im Auge behalten und wenn diese sich stark erwrmt, dann eine kleine Pause machen. Nicht das diese dann durch Hitze Einwirkung schaden nimmt.

    Reicht für 3 - 6 mal füllen bei 10 PSI

  8. MiloLEstrange says:

     United States

    I usually use it on battery power and I am able to inflate my paddle board to15 psi 4-5 times on a single charge. I can inflate my 2 kayaks about twice on a single charge. I’m not sure if the battery will degrade with time but for now it exceeds what I expected.

  9. Mark Brownstein says:

     United States

    I’m able to fill up 3 single man advanced elements inflatable kayaks plus a tandem sea eagle inflatable kayak and still have half the battery left. TOTALLY WORTH IT. NO MORE MANUALLY PUMPING AIR or using some weak, screaming loud cheap sounding air pump that plugs into the cigarette lighter. Buy this. I get so many compliments and people so thankful to get their kayaks & tubes inflated for the river.

  10. Anonymous says:



    Die Pumpe ist ein wirklich zuverlssiger Helfer. Sie hat eine Tasche mit dabei, eine Schlauch und mehrere Aufstze. Zudem gibt es auch noch einen Aufladeanschluss fr den Zigarettenanznder im Auto.


    Sehr gut. Die Pumpe wirkt hochwertig und pumpt das SUP ordnungsgem auf und stoppt zudem von selbst, wenn die PSI-Zahl erreicht ist.

    Natrlich wird sie am Schluss etwas laut, aber das find sich nicht weiter dramatisch. Dass die Pumpe einen Akku hat und damit transportabel ist, finde ich sehr gut.

  11. Abigail Bassett says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersIch bin sehr begeistert von diesem Gert, jedoch gibt es 2 Punkte zu beanstanden.

    Ich habe das Gert gekauft, da es die zustzlichen Usb Anschlsse hat und dazu auch die Taschenlampe.

    Die Pumpe wird in einem sehr Praktischen Tschchen mitgeliefert und ist eigentlich nicht schwer.

    ein Standard SUP wird in ca 10min auf die 15 psi aufgepumpt

    Problemlos kann man 2 SUP hintereinander aufpumpen. Ich vermute, dass auch 3 SUP aufgepumpt werden knten da es vom Akkuladestand leicht funktionieren wrde, jedoch wird ausdrcklich empfohlen 20minuten Durchlaufzeit nicht zu berschreiten. (Nach 2 SUP hatte ich noch 56% Akku ich denke nach einer einer angemessenen Pausenzeit knnen noch 2 SUP aufgepumpt werden).

    Jetzt zu meinen -Punkten:

    Leider ist die Pumpe relativ laut, ich hatte nicht den Mut die Pumpe 20minuten neben anderen Badegsten zu benutzen.

    Ich hatte etwas Probleme mit den Usb Anschlssen und bin immer noch etwas verwirrt, da sich das Gert trotz der Verwendung der USB Anschlsse ab und zu in den Standby Modus schaltet und den die Anschlsse deaktiviert.
    (Wenn man die Taschenlampe ein lsst bleiben die Anschlsse aktiviert, geht aber irgendwie auch ohne ich weis nur noch nicht wie ich das geschaft habe )

    Generell knnte die Beschreibung des Gerts etwas besser sein.

    Ich hoffe die Rezension ist einigen eine Hilfe

  12. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Works really well. I purchased this model after seeing several friends use it, and they recommended it to me. Pumps multiple boards on one charge, auto shutoff works as it should, case holds everything neatly. Highly recommend this product.

  13. AlyssaGirardin says:

     United States

    I bought this a year ago and it’s held up. It holds a charge for a lonnnnng time—I haven’t used it in a couple months and it was still practically fully charged when I used it today! It takes about 10 minutes to inflate my stand up paddle board, and about the same to deflate it. I have done two paddle boards (inflating and deflating) one after the other with no problems. The only thing I had to adjust was to take the rubber ring from the attachment on my original hand pump (that came with my board) to the attachment on this one. I love that you can set it to a specific PSI and it keeps that in its memory for next time. It turns off automatically when it reaches the set PSI. It’s a little loud but gets the job done much easier than by hand. Pricey but worth it for portability and reliability.

    I bought this a year ago and it’s held up. It holds a charge for a lonnnnng time—I haven’t used it in a couple months and it was still practically fully charged when I used it today! It takes about 10 minutes to inflate my stand up paddle board, and about the same to deflate it. I have done two paddle boards (inflating and deflating) one after the other with no problems. The only thing I had to adjust was to take the rubber ring from the attachment on my original hand pump (that came with my board) to the attachment on this one. I love that you can set it to a specific PSI and it keeps that in its memory for next time. It turns off automatically when it reaches the set PSI. It’s a little loud but gets the job done much easier than by hand. Pricey but worth it for portability and reliability.

  14. MelissaHammons says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersPumpe kam pnktlich,sofort ausgepackt und an einem leeren SUP ausprobiert.Das Ergebnis war beraschend,nach zirka 6.30 war es 15,50 PSI und die Pumpe schaltete automatisch ab.Kleiner Tip,nehmt eine Handpumpe mit,fllt das SUP leicht vor bis es gerade liegt(leichte Erwrmung) schliet dann die Pumpe an und man ist in 5.Min fertig.Der Akku reicht dann auf jeden Fall um mindestens noch 2 Sup aufzupumpen und der Akku wird geschont.Alles in allem eine schne kleine Akkupumpe die leider in der zweiten Stufe sehr laut wird,also fr ein Strand nicht geignet,besser auf dem Parkplatz benutzen ,da wird keiner gestrt.

  15. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI charged it completely the day it was delivered and the next day I used it to fill my SUP to 15 psi. It took approx 10 mins or less. Sure it was a bit loud but it is an electric/rechargeable compressor after all. Nothing that I would be concerned about. After using my SUP I deflated it using the pump and it was so quick and was so flat I was astounded! Very quiet deflate much quieter than connecting my hand pump! Hardly knew it was deflating! After both filling and deflating there was 87% power left on the pump. Very easy to use right out of the box! Just make sure to use the proper washer that fits your connection snuggly! Well worth the cost! Highly recommend!

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have a fanatic paddle board sup
    12.6 ft touring board. It inflated my board in 8 minutes and deflated in 2 mins. Still had 79% battery remaining. So pretty good. Very fast not a noisy as some electric pumps.
    Great little bit of kit. Great trav bag inured

  17. IrisDunlop says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI have LOVED this pump, it makes paddling all fun and no work. I am SO glad I got a pump that is portable and doesn’t require a power source. I can air up about 6 boards to 13 psi on 100% charge, it can do about 2 boards to 13 psi before needing to cool down, I always make sure to keep the air input/deflate side clean and open. The instructions don’t say, so it took some trial and error to figure out but you have to hold the power button down for 5 seconds to turn it on if you are not attached to an external power source, depending on the day and whether I’m airing up in the shade or the sun it takes about 12 minutes to get to 13 psi. If I’m airing up more than 2 boards I will get one to about 8 psi, then hand pump the last bit while the pump works on the next board it’s way faster then pumping all the volume before you get to the last psi and I can get way more boards aired up at a time without waiting to cool off the pump. No regrets will definitely replace it when it dies

  18. Anonymous says:

     United States

    We used it to blow up 5 SUP and later that day, used it again to deflate them.

  19. MelinaWoods says:

     United States

    This pump has been amazing! We’ve had it for a few months now. We use it 2 times a week to air our 2 paddle boards up. It takes 7 min per board and there’s always 46% battery left. We also deflate our boards with it also. It sucks ALL the air out. Highly recommend!!

  20. Anonymous says:

     United States

    We had a “seal pop” and it was able to inflate 3 SUP and deflate 2! (The extra inflate was to do mine twice). Still had some juice left! All the nozzle attachments and sturdy constructio

  21. JeanettRosenhai says:

     United States

    I’ve only used this once but wow it pumped up my stand up paddle board fast & deflated it fast with 73% battery left. Love that it’s rechargeable and don’t have to mess with plugging into the car Only issue I had was it was hard to get the attachment to connect with my SUP. Once it’s connected it was fine and worked great.

  22. BetteCheongCheo says:

     United States

    Using it for inflatable SUP. Does the job! I take it right to the shoreline, and inflate board. No plug needed if its charged. Brilliant invention.

  23. BlakeLDBkempky says:

     United States

    Pump has multiple attachments and power options. Comes with a bag to keep everything together and organized. Pumped up my inflatable paddle board in just a few minutes and auto shut off at selected psi.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    This sure beats using a hand pump for ISUP. Used it to inflate and deflate two paddle boards with 40 percent charge remaining on battery.

  25. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersLivraison trs rapide, command vendredi et reu lundi la batterie arrive charge 68% et a pris environ 1h1/2 de charge mural pour monter 100%. Vient avec une hose rigide de 42 pouces , 6 buses diffrentes, un chargeur mural et chargeur pour allume cigarette, un beau sac de transport avec bandoulire et compartiment spar pour la hose et les buses , un livret d’instruction seulement en anglais. Facile d’utilisation. J’ai gonfler mon paddle de 11 pieds en 8 minutes 30 sec et dgonfler en 3min 30sec . J’avais programm 15psi et a c’est arrter automatiquement 15psi . a pris 25% de la batterie pour effectuer les 2 manuvres. Quand a gonfle c’est un peu bruyant quand a passe la 2e tape . Je prfre entendre le bruit de la pompe au lieu de m’puiser gonfler mon sup hihi . Il y a 2 fonctions pour les petites lumires , soit allumes ou clignotantes. Et il y a galement 2 prises USB .
    En esprant vous avoir aid avec mon commentaire

    Mes bras me remercie 🤪

  26. Contributor says:

     United States

    I gave it as a gift and I was told it was easy to inflate the paddleboard quickly. There are a few nozzles that you can choose from for your particular piece of equipment.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Most kiteboarders use manual pumps or a $300 electric pump that is heavy and bulky. This works great so far. Didn’t quite have the right attachment for kites but easily remedied

  28. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWorks well and fills both of our paddle boards without stopping or over heating. Has some issues with powering on at random times even when fully charged but if you keep trying for a few minutes it eventually turns on. The fittings that it comes with work for Vilano boards but do not work for our water fun board so you have to hold it in place. Overall worth the money and has held up for 10 uses so far hoping for a few years of use.

  29. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Recently purchased a 10’6″ Zodiac inflatable boat and needed an efficient way to inflate/deflate it on sitethe foot pump furnished while it worked ok,took too much time and effort .found the solution in this product.utilized it for the first time and it performed just great.rechargeable,light weight,portability,programmable pressure settings,auto shutoff,deflate feature,nozzles that fit my boat,adapter for automobile 12 v supply,and speedy recharge all of which are important to me.most of these type of products cater to SUP’s and not inflatable boats and they should do it explicitly.did need to seal the main tube nozzle with silicone to enhance the fit to the pump supply hoseno big deal..glad I bought it and hope that it holds up for my application.

  30. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I have only used once so far just to make sure it works, but this is going to save me so much time with my two paddle boards. I connected it to the deflated paddleboard, set the pressure and it filled it up as advertised and shut off. It worked great and only used about 12% of the battery for one 10 foot large paddle board. I love the two stage pump that pumps air fast at first to inflate to a low pressure, then it automatically kicked over to what sounded like a small time pump and it finished filling it up to 11 pounds. It is small and very compact for what it does. In the case it is about the size of a small cooler that just holds 6 cans of pop.

  31. MarianoWilley says:

     United States

    Works great! The first time I used it, I used my hand pump to check the calibration of the PSI. Was spot on. I learned the hard way that you must disconnect from the board side not the pump side when you are filled. Probably should have read those directions better. Works great, makes going on my SUP much easier and can’t use the “pumping” as a reason not to go.

  32. ShauWgq2ql says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Works great so far.. Would have bought more but they were out of stock.

  33. CleoLongtiynmbq says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersThis rechargeable battery-powered pump is awesome. We’ve used it several times in the last few weeks to inflate our two SUPs back-to-back on one charge. It takes about 8min per board to get to 15psi. The first two min sound like a standard blower to get it up to 1psi and then the compressor stage kicks in which is much noisier but not horrible (similar to a small boat outboard motor). I didn’t think I’d use the deflator mode but it is nice to speed up the packing at the end of the day.

    Things to note:
    – It comes with a wall plugin to charge the unit in addition to the car plug shown in the details
    – The battery meter is really wonky. Inflating the first board appears to use about half the battery, then the meter jumps up to 60% remaining when I start inflating the second board and draws down to about 40% remaining when it’s done. Then later in the day when I turn the unit on to deflate, the meter shows almost 70% remaining again until it drops to 65% after running for a couple minutes. This behavior doesn’t really affect me right now since I only have two SUPs but could be an issue for anyone needing to run it for longer and does worry me about getting accurate readings when the battery inevitably degrades over time (hopefully not for a few years though). That said, I don’t regret spending the extra $60 at all to get the rechargeable battery capability.

  34. NateHeffron says:

     United States

    Works great and had both of our paddle boards inflated to 14.5 PSI in under 15 min. Excited to have this pump and not spend most of your energy for paddling on the dock trying to pump up Your boards manually. Haven’t friend the built in usb chargers but they are a nice bonus along with the flashlights. One of the best things about this pump is the handy carrying case. This keeps everything together so you don’t end up with SUP parts all over your garage. This was a great purchase!

  35. Anonymous says:

     United States

    We just got our pump last week and used it for our 2 SUP we even brought a back up pump just in case. For those that have SUP will know it’s hard to find a good pump especially if you SUP a lot like me and my hubby and pumping 2 SUP at the same time. I was very happy that we was able to pumped both SUP together under 20 mins. This pump has a lot of great features if you go camping, hiking or just need to pump your SUP. We only used it this one time, but will be using it again soon. Just FYI we bought a different pump on amazon it only last one day so this one is way stronger, sturdy, and rechargeable