VASAGLE Bookshelf, Standing Shelf, Ladder Shelf, 4-Tier

VASAGLE Bookshelf, Standing Shelf, Ladder Shelf, 4-Tier Living Room Bookcase, Stable Steel Frame, Bedroom, Office, Industrial Design, Rustic Brown and Black LLS60BX

- Colour: Rustic Brown, Black
- Material: Particleboard, Steel
- Product Size: 66 x 30 x 120 cm (L x W x H)
- Product Weight: 11 kg
- Max. Static Load Capacity per Shelf: 10 kg
- Max. Overall Static Load Capacity: 40 kg
Package Contents:
- 1 x Bookshelf
- 1 x Assembly Kit
- 1 x Instructions (EN, DE, ES, FR, IT)
- Please fix the product to the wall with the included anti-tipping kit for safety.
- Children are not allowed to climb on the product for safety reasons.
Weight: | 11 kg |
Dimensions: | 66 x 30 x 120 cm; 11 Kilograms |
Brand: | VASAGLE |
Model: | LLS60BX |
Colour: | Rustic Brown + Black |
Dimensions: | 66 x 30 x 120 cm; 11 Kilograms |
Das Regal steht bei mir im Wohnzimmer. Es ist sehr stabil, leicht aufzubauen und sieht super aus.
Sehr schnes Regal sehr einfach im Aufbau und ich finde es fr meine Zwecke sehr stabil werde mir davon wohl noch 1-2 kaufe
Le produit est arriv convenablement emball.
Le montage est simple, les instructions sont facilement comprhensibles. Il suffit d’tre minima protocolaire, comme tout montage…
Produit conforme la description, agrablement surpris par la qualit au vu du prix !
Aprs trois mois d’utilisation et quelques kilos sur celui-ci, l’tagre se porte bien, pas d’affaissement et une stabilit toujours aussi prsente.
Je recommande ce produit VASAGLE et vais srement commander nouveau chez eux.
Wir haben DREI dieser Regale gekauft, in verschiedenen Ausfuehrungen. Sie entsprechen den Angaben des Herstellers in jeder Hinsicht. Als Rentner musste ich mir eine Art homeoffice auf kleinstem Platz einrichten c/w Allem was macht braucht, e.g. Schreibtisch, Platz fuer Computer, Drucker, extra Screens, etc. und dann natuerlich auch fuer Akten. Ueberhaupt keine Probleme, Ich kann das Produckt von ganzem Herzen weiter empfehle
Aprs deux bureaux angle et un caisson bureau tiroirs, j’ai achet galement cette tagre pour s’en servir pour dposer les livres scolaires de mon fils. Cet article prsente la mme excellente qualit et finition des autres produits . J’encourage continuer la production et vente de cette srie Vasagle.
Prvue comme bibliothque, bonne capacit de rangement, stable ( on peut aussi la fixer au mur avec un systme inclus).
Montage trs simple, j’ai mis 25 m
Avevo gia’ acquistato una scaffalatura Vasagle e sono rimasto molto soddisfatto. Sono mobiletti madr in china ma robusti, facili da montare, e di gradevole aspetto. Questo in particolare si monta in pochi minuti. Consiglio l’acquisto di prodotti di questa marca.
Top ,pratique caustaud, visserie, et parties en mtal bien lisse ,trs bien usin et coup
Pique pas les doigts ,super travail !!!
Tres contente pour l’usage salle de bain.
Produit conforme sa description. Bonne qualit prix. Trs facile monter. Les pieds ajustables sont un plus non ngligeable
I’ve been buying Vasagle furniture now for a while because it’s so easy to assemble by myself, plus so easy to clean and hard to leave permanent marks as you can easily clean.
Just an example, I work with nail products (acetone and monomer) which easily leaves bad marks on surfaces, but with Vasagle, no!
Happy customer here
Sur la photo, il parat grand…mais en ralit il est de taille moyenne. Il faut se fier aux dimensions mentionnes dans le descriptif. Sinon franchement le meuble est top.
La qualit est au top trs facile a monter moin de 20 min pour le prix que demander de plus
Seit ber 2 Jahren im Einsatz und bisher keine Problem. Kinderleicht montiert und noch topmodern in Kche oder Wohnzimmer.
So easy to assemble took me less that 20mins to get it up and full with my books, looks great feels super sturdy too.
Arrived earlier than stated heavy packed well. Item came with instructions not written but picture form like ‘ Jack & Jill books . Easy to assemble took me 11/2 hrs on my own. Would order another.
I love the look of the wood on these shelves. I was very pleasantly surprised at how nice they looked.
A bit fiddly to put together but I managed on my own.
I would say to be careful if you want to put books on them, like me, as the lower shelves have no side to stop the books falling off. I had to put tape on the sides which as you can see spoils the look. But as long as you are aware of that issue.
Arrivato ben imballato, il montaggio semplice e rapido (meglio se in 2, ma si riesce anche da soli). Esteticamente e funzionalmente in linea con quanto atteso. Buona qualit per il prezzo pagato (forse anche superiore alle attese)
Tolles stabiles Regal fr wenig Geld.
Aufbau ging sehr leicht und schnell. Habe es alleine aufgebaut.
Immer wieder ge
Lieferung wie immer sehr schnell.
Aufbau sehr schnell und unkompliziert.
Stabilitt und Qualitt top und sieht sehr gut aus. Klare Empfehlung wer ein schnes und gnstiges Regal such
Good value for money, sturdy, easy to assemble and it looks good. I’d recommend it.
As described. Used for various storage in our small room with printer on top shelf
Eigentlich ein schnes Regal. Optisch top und stabil. Allerdings htte ich mir mal vorher die Rezessionen angucken sollen. Die Hhe der Fcher ist leider nur 31,4cm (Ein normaler Ordner ist 32cm hoch). Htte nicht gedacht, dass 6mm mal so ein Problem darstellen wrden.
Took a while to put up. Was tricky but instructions were clear n easy to follow. I did it on my own. Quite light to easy to stand up by myself. No power tools needed.
Pour un ado, il est ravi et moi aussi, belle qualit de finition, le bois est superbe, lisse et brillant, j’ai achet le bureau d’angle qui va avec, mme constat, et je vais acheter une autre tagre !
Je recommande, et aussi, pour le prix … ayant fait le tour des autres produits en ligne et sur des magasins, je n’avais pas trouv mieux rapport qualit/prix !
Prodotto arrivato nei tempi di consegna ed integro, facilissimo da montare, robusto e molto bello.
Trs bonne qualit
Trs beau visuel ne fait pas meuble pas cher !
J’avais peur de la hauteur 1m20 mais il est finalement parfait pour mon salon ct d’une grande plante verte
Je ne regrette pas du tout mon acha
Ich habe da keine Bcher drin , sondern Kchenutensilien und Saftflaschen . So sieht es in der Kche ordentlicher aus.
Facile da montare, compatta. A mio figlio piaciuta tanto. Della stessa linea abbiamo poi acquistato mensole e scrivania. Soddisfatta .
Really happy with this shelves and they are perfect for displaying my warhammer on. Definitely recommend this to my hobby friends.
I am very impressed with this item. It took less than an hour to put together by one person (and I am no expert to say the least!), with clear instructions and items which were well-labelled. The shelves are beautiful with deep shine in the wood, and the metal structure is very stable and unobtrusive. Compared to other shelving units I have bought for a similar price, I would say this is good value for money.
Fr diesen Preis super! Das Regal hat eine schne Optik. Es wurde schnell geliefert und ich konnte es leicht zusammenbauen. Alle Schrauben waren vorhanden und die Vorbohrungen haben super gepasst. Das Regal steht nun sehr stabil im Flur, da ich mittels kleiner Stellschrauben die Unebenheiten des Bodens ausgleichen konnte.
Good quality product, looks good, easy to assemble, good value for money
stato tutto perfetto, arrivato prima della consegna prevista, facilissimo da montare, c’ erano tutti i pezzi nessuno danneggiato, viti e briciole anche in quantit superiore al necessario. Istruzioni per montare perfette passo passo. Il risultato stato un bel mobile identico alle foto pubblicate, secondo le aspettative e conforme al prezzo pagato.
Cannot fault this book shelf at all. Great value product. Quality materials, sturdy, stylish and so easy to assemble took me 20 minutes. Looking to purchase another one so impressed.
Stylish and spacious. Very easy to assemble. I really like i
Easy to assemble and feels very sturdy. Looks great with the dark wood however the price is a little too high for the actual size. Make sure to read the measurements as looks much smaller than in the pictures.
Ellenest classe et robuste ( j’ai deja achet le bureau de la meme serie donc je connaissais la teinte ) j’adore elle a vraiment le look indus que je voulais
As with all of the items in this range that I have (11 so far) assembly was excellent , the units are sturdy, and that’s an excellent safety feature.
I have some rubbish furniture for my office in the past. But now I have the perfect furniture for a good price, very easy to put together and very stable and looks good.
I selected this to a) Match the desk I’d brought b) Tidy up my working environment. It’s sturdy, looks smart & good value for money. I thoroughly recommend
Very sturdy unit.
A slick hickup in assembling as the top side bars can be assembled slightly incorrectly. Easy to rectify though.
Finished item looks great.
Easy to make and very sturdy. So happy with them I bought two more.
It didn’t take me long to put this together. We bought it to help tidy up the under stairs cupboard. Fit perfectly in the tall cupboard and is used for drinks, catfood and litter.
Wie schon bei den Schreibtischen auch hier absolut zufrieden. Einfacher Zusammenbau, sehr stabil, sieht gut aus. Absolut perfekte Ergnzung zu 2 Schreibtischen von Vasagle. Ich schaue mittlerweile tglich, was ich mir noch davon kaufen knnte. Sieht gut aus, ist gnstig und stabil. Fr mich perfekt.
Great set of shelves, easy to assemble and really sturdy. The wood shelves are gorgeous aswell. They can take a fair amount of weight as the bottom shelf is now full to the brim with books. Already thinking of buying another set to match.
easy to assemble, looks good and company very helpful with questions. Highly recommend.
Il prodotto esattamente come descritto. Come vedete in foto l’ho caricata di libri e tiene perfettamente.
Struttura metallica robusta e ripiani veramente belli. Montata in meno di mezz’ora. La consiglio a tutti.
Das Regal macht einen soliden Eindruck. Die Regalbden sind vorgebohrt.
Die Anleitung ist verstndlich geschrieben. Es sind sogar von jeder Schraube jeweils eine Ersatzschraube mit dabei. Der Rahmen ist gut verarbeitet und die 4 Fsse knnen einzeln in der Hhe eingestellt werden, so dass das Regal gut ausgerichtet werden kann. Die Befestigung an der Wand wird durch zwei Gewebebnder gemacht. Das finde ich persnlich nicht so schn, deshalb einen Stern Abzug.
Der mitgelieferte Inbusschlssel rutscht beim Anziehen der Schrauben gelegentlich durch. Das Regal konnte trotzdem damit montiert werden.
To hold a large number of heavy books by my chef son in law
I want to put on record, how pleased I am with the service I received – Thank you
Easy to assemble even for one person. Once put together it is pretty solid thanks to the cross at the back, certainly as good as you are going to get with this form of construction The wooden shelves look good and in general I am entirey happy with it.
Includes a alan key for assembly and even some spare screws although I don’t see how you could damage any of them.
No adjustments are possible so make sure that the shelf heights are what you want.
Consegna puntuale e confezione integra
Montato in meno di mezz’ora, in soggiorno fa una bella figura
Lo uso per stampante computer e alcuni libri, robusto stabile, realizzato con materiali di quali
Amazing Product. Easy and quick to assemble. The company provided a few spare parts which is so thoughtful considering some companies don’t even give you enough parts to begin with. My wife is now thinking of purchasing a second bookcase because this one is so impressive
1 screw sheered but a spare is provided
Really happy with i
Quality, sturdiness and ease of assembly make this a favourite purchase
This matched perfect to the other stuff I have and very very easy to put together enclosed is the Alan key to use to put it together very sturdy and a great heigh
Great buy, unit looks good and was easy enough to assemble. Not attached to the wall and its still very sturdy.
I have been pleasantly surprised by the quality of this item. Modern design, easy to assemble, sturdy. Would recommend this range of furniture if you are on a small budget.
Delivered in 2 days. Really easy to assemble.looks expensive. Extremely pleased with this bookshelf. Has a rustic feel.. if your thinking of buying don’t hesitate..its a lovely piece of furniture and delivery was great….
Das Regal wir mittels der guten Aufbauanleitung innerhalb von 30 Minuten aufgebaut – Reserveschrauben und der passende Inbus waren auch dabei.
Dank der sorgfltigen Verpackung waren keine Kratzer o. . auf den Regalbrettern vorhanden.
Die einzelnen Regalbetter bieten viel Stauraum und tragen jeweils ein Gewicht von 10 kg. Von Nachteil ist, dass die ABSTNDE ZWISCHEN DEN BRETTERN FR NORMALE ORDNER UM WENIGE ZENTIMETER ZU NIEDRIG SIND.
Sonst super Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis!!!
Item was easy to put together but the boxes were damaged on delivery I have have had foot prints and damp and damaged boxes there need to be more careful
Non mi aspettavo tutta questa qualit da un prodotto di questa fascia di prezzo ed invece ne sono rimasto molto soddisfatto! Imballaggio con protezioni interne e ad ogni angolo, impeccabile. I materiali sono davvero ottimi e si notano subito appena scartati, sia per robustezza che per il trattamento utilizzato…zero imperfezioni, Lo consiglio.
Perfect in my son’s room for displaying his creations. Very sturdy so would take heavy items too. Very easy to assemble. Have had lots of compliments on this range of furniture. Looks more expensive than it was. Great choice
Ottimo prodotto e semplice da montare, inoltre complimenti al fornitore per la fornitura delle viti.
Love it, really stylish and easy to assemble, sturdy too
Very clear instructions, very easy to build and very sturdy. Great purchase.
Ich habe dieses Regal fr meinen Flur bestellt und obwohl es nicht aus massivem Holz gefertigt ist, ist die Qualitt mehr als top. Nichts am Dekor abgeplatzt, da das Regal sehr gut verpackt war. Nicht nur die Lieferung war super schnell, sondern auch der Aufbau. Der Aufbau ist in der Anleitung detailliert beschrieben und es fehlten keinerlei Schrauben. Ich kann VASAGLE nur jedem weiterempfehlen, dem Massivholzmbel zu teuer sind. TOP!
Nice and sturdy and the size that I wanted,highly recommend!
This item arrived VERY QUICKLY and all well boxed up with the contents protected. All the ancillary items were put into individual bags with contents of each within the instructions. The most difficult part was putting in the fittings from the outside frame into the shelves. It’s with an Alan Key, but it’s very hard to do with bare hands. I used a pair of plyers on the Alan Key to give more leverage. It’s sturdy on a wooden floor and completely holds my home computer screen / printer and other office equipment and it looks good. I would highly recommend this product.
Good value attractive piece of furniture with a high end look, would recommend
I’ve purchased it for my kitchen. It works as a kitchen shelf as well. Not a high-end product but worths what you paid. Looks good and solid. Comes with tools that you will need to put it together.
Lovely shelving unit, a tad wobbley but that’s probably because I live in a 18th century cottage!! You have the option to fix on a wall, that’s what we did and it great, fits well in my cupboard and good amount of storage space!
This shelf took almost no time to build – I think it took me about 45 minutes and I wasn’t rushing. There’s no tricks really, it comes with the hex key and if you just read the instructions, everything is packed with letters on it for identification. It just went together easily.
The finished product is sturdy and also I’ve had no issues with it at all! The colour is quite dark and it looks pretty minimalist and posh. It also seems quite strong.
It’s a good choice if you’re looking for a shelf with no back, that’s an attractive design, with easy assembly. The original packaging also wasn’t too big.
This is a really lovely industrial look Shelf Unit.
We have put it in my teenage son’s room and he likes it a lot.
It comes supplied with all fixtures and fittings as well as an Allen key and took roughly 20 minutes to assemble.
The four shelves are brown particleboard and the frame is black metal.
There is a metal crosspiece that goes along the back to stabilise this and also you are able to attach to the wall to prevent this tipping.
It is of excellent quality and once up feels solid study, the cost of this is also reasonable.
I like this and would definitely recommend.
1. 2 x 2 Sides Pieces
2. 4 x Wooden Shelves
3. 1 x Rear Cross-Support
4. 4 x Plastic Feet
5. Screws & Alan-Key
6. Instructions
I used an electric screwdriver to put this together, rather than the Alan-Key, as it’s much quicker. The side has 2-pieces each and you join then together first. The shelves are then screwed to the side and so is the rear cross-piece. The feet just push on. This took me just over 20 minutes to put together but would have taken more time if done using the alan-key — lot of screwing.
Quality is surprisingly good, and the wood has a nice look and feel to it. The side pieces are a bit “industrial” looking, being black metal, but the combination works well together. It’s sturdy and the shelves have a good thickness to them. So, unlikely to break if you put a lot on them.
I don’t know the price of this item at the time of writing my review. However, going by the prices of other “Vasagle” bookcases on Amazon, this does look to be very good value for money
I hope you found this review & photos interesting, informative and useful.
I use these shelves to store a lot of my electrical products, personally for me the size of the shelfs are a little too big for this, however they have come in useful and it is not this products fault.
Setup of this was a little annoying because I did not realise that the allen key was inside one of the sets of screws, I was frantically looking everywhere for an allen key but could not find one. Eventually I got through half of the screws to find it inside that packet. Admittedly I should have looked closer, however a separately packaged allen key would be much appreciated.
The shelfs once build are very sturdy and can hold a lot of wight, I also love the design, how things can be stored on the top without it falling off the sides, giving me a little extra storage space.
The materials are high quality and I love the theme of these shelves
And it is also very easy to dismantle as I found out when told I would be moving soon, it was built and in place for 24 glorious hours and now it is packed away securely again ready for its new home, the instructions are very easy to follow and it has a good solid build quality and is very sturdy when in place and is very good value too, definitely a bookshelf I may look to buy again depending on property size.
This was surprisingly very easy to put together!
All parts are clearly labelled,
good instructions,
Not real wood but looks great!
I’d buy more of this range for my front room
We were impressed with this VASAGLE bookshelf, in terms of how it looks once up.
The shelf comes with everything you need in the box; instructions, screws go in the plastic grips that grip onto the edge of the shelf then into the wood. I found using our extension to our ratchet screwdriver helped speed things up but Instructions are basic and there are no predrilled holes in the wood, so you need a lot of effort to screw them in. My wrist is still aching! it took us about 30 minutes to have it assembled and you really need one person to hold the shelf in place while the other fits the screws.
The shelf is now standing on our landing in all its wooden and metal glory and looks great there. It’s sturdy, thanks to the cross metal design at the back and the wood on the shelves looks really good, giving it a slightly rustic design. It can hold a lot of weight, though I doubt we’ll place too much weight on it long term as it’s meant for our books and odds and ends, but I can certainly recommend this to others, bar the installation.
Great quality shelves. Look very industrial style and modern. Well built and easy to put together.
Nice colour and material. Would recommend.
Absolutely amazing!
I’m over the moon with the shelving unit – it’s so stylish, utilitarian and modern, minimalist, yet rich in its finish, great quality material and easy assembly – took hubby 30 min to put it together. I’m impressed with how matchy it is with my living room furniture and super happy with this. Love, love, love this! At that price… seriously? You pay more for second hand furniture – definitely recommend!
This is a decent quality bookcase. Easy to assemble and fairly sturdy. Pleasing on the eye.
This is a brilliant sturdy and very nice looking shelving unit and for the price is fantastic value. The shelves themselves look lovely, really nice finish and quality and look a lot more expensive than what they are and the frame doesn’t look too bad either – against a wall front on it looks great. Incredibly easy and quick to put together which I managed to do alone using only the screw tool that comes with it for fixings – it’s solid and 100% sturdy and tons better than cheap/basic ones you can get for similar prices that are terrible in comparison to this – a real bargain!
Really impressed with the quality of this shelving unit. The frame is iron and the boards are absolutely stunning, really good quality wood and each board is completely unique in the pattern of the wood. It took me half an hour to assemble myself with an electric screwdriver. Once up it is really sturdy and the perfect colour to add some extra storage in my kitchen. I think it’s excellent value for the quality. Beautiful
Beautifully designed shelves which look stunning in my daughters room .
Made from good quality material and really easy to assemble.
Once assembled these shelves are really sturdy.
Came well packaged with everything you need to build them.
Worth every penny in my eyes
Great bookcase. Easier than I had imagined to put together.
Good quality materials. Would have preferred it if it had backing. Good spacing on each shelf so most Standard book heights could be accommodated on the shelves.
I would recommend this product.
Really nice style and nice to look at good value for money
The description and photos are true to the product. Height 120cm x width 66cm x depth 30cm.
Comes flat packed in a box with all the bits, plus spare. Shelves are made of particle board which are bolted to a metal frame that’s painted black. Each shelf is apparently capable of taking 10 kg.
The instructions were simple and easy to follow. The different bolts were given a letter to correspond with the instructions these came in bags with the letter printed on each bag so you couldn’t go wrong. An Allen/hex key was supplied to tighten all the bolts. It took my girlfriend about 20 minutes to put together. It feels strong and sturdy. With an on trend industrial look about it.
It also comes with an anti-tipping kit, it can be tethered to the wall for safety.
It’s decent enough. The particle board has a nice aged wood grain effect. 46.99 is a good price. Good quality when comparing with others in the same price range.
Came fast, safely packed.
Very sturdy, easy to assemble, I would recommend finding someone to assist but I managed to do it on my own.
Each shelf can hold up to 10 kg
Overall I’m really happy with my purchase and have no complaints.