ZAP IT! Bug and Fly Zapper – Rechargeable Fly Killer

ZAP IT! Bug and Fly Zapper – Rechargeable Fly Killer, Mosquito Killer & Bug Zapper Racket – 4,000 Volt – USB Charging, Bright LED Light to Zap in The Dark – Safe to Touch (Mini)

Weight: | 360 g |
Size: | Small |
Dimensions: | 42.29 x 19.5 x 3.9 cm; 360 Grams |
Colour: | 1 pack |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | ZAP IT! |
Dimensions: | 42.29 x 19.5 x 3.9 cm; 360 Grams |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | Small |
Having tried other similar products, this one takes the satisfaction of brutally frazzling flies to another level. The smell of their charred remains once they have connected with this highly efficient killing machine is absolutely excellent. I hate flies so can’t recommend enough
Glad I bought a large one as I have never been talented with a bat of any kind. Love the noise of the flies being zapped. Works a treat when I eventually get them even better when they don’t drop off and burn. Best remedy ever to get rid of the annoying pests.
Bought this as a gift for my brother. We absolutely love it! He is having the time of his life haha At first I was disappointed with the size of the racket but the thing works like a hot damn. Zaps and sparks! Like fireworks on New Years Eve! Highly recommend.
Had a home infested with flies and moths.
No longer have a home infested with flies and moths.
Now I can go back to just letting the odd fly or moth I find go outside… until they take advantage and try to wage war against my home again lol, then I’ll go back to using this trusty racket!
Been thinking about buying one of these for years!the racket is easy to use. You just need to keep your finger on the yellow button as you swat! One you make contact with a fly/mosquito it zaps them (pretty loudly!). It’s my new toy for the end of the evening when the odd noisy fly gets inwill be taking this on our hols to France!!!
Yep, this does the job if you want to zap a fly! It makes a really loud crack if you manage to swipe an unfortunate fly. Recommended
The hardest thing about this is chasing the flies around. So you have to adopt a different strategy, wait for the fly to settle somewhere, and slowly approach with the zapper ha ha. This is the smaller version, so maybe the bigger one would make it easier to zap them while flying. I would recommend this product.
Easy to use. Easy to charge. Charge lasts long time.
I’d been using chopsticks to catch flies but this is far better. Death to the fly.
I bought this bug zapper August 2020 , Two years later still working.
Great buy.
Reccomended .
Warranty is only 1 month. Started off very good and powerful. Now doesn’t work and useless.
Definitely worth the price but would’ve been better off with the larger one as it’s got more surface area easier to catch the flies One button doesn’t feel the larger flies in in one hi
Has a satisfying snap and has the right amount of surface area that you should hit your target the majority of the time.
Not as easy to use as a traditional flexible swat, as you can’t hit surfaces without fear of damaging the racket or the surface. However, very effective once you are used to method of use.
Purchased this after being plagued by wasps from nest in roof. Works best by placing bug zapper over wasp etc. While settled or crawling on hard surface. Wouldn’t think it would be successful if used literally as a bat. USB charging.
Love this product, those buzzy flies were impossible to swat but one touch with this finishes them off!
Great exercise bat you will burn some calories whilst swatting and zapping those flies/ bugs. Love that it’s rechargeable and not having to look for batteries is even better.
Best zapper on the market
Love the buzzing sound when it traps the flies
This zapper is brilliant. I have seen a couple of moths in my house and they don’t stand a chance with the zapper. Definitely the Best Buy and sturdy too
It is more exp ensive than previous but works much better. Loud noise when successful.
High powered zapper. Even big flies don’t escape it. Without sounding too crazy, makes killing flies more enjoyable.
Does exactly what it claims – flies don’t stand a chance! A little smaller racket head than I was expecting but not a big deal
This is the most effective bug zapper I’ve come across. Had plenty of other models, but none work as well and as consistent as these. Those flies don’t stand a chance.
It works, easy to use and good quality, would recommend this product. don’t often write reviews but felt this worth comment.
Ever since I got this product I have seen less flys in my house. Maybe they have a 6th sense of what is going to happen. Works great snd there is a weird sort of satisfaction when you zap one.
This totally obliterates flies, those nasty flies don’t stand a chance. When you wack a fly you get a loud crack as it delivers a shock to them. I love it and hate flies with a vengeance.
I’m finding this much easier to use than the larger one that I had before. It’s light, much more manoeuvrable and easier to get into corners and small spaces.
Cleaning was easy, but due to having pets and a small living space I can’t spray much.
The annoyance of a fly invasion into my property and an opportunistic bombardment meant revenge was necessary. And it got personal.
As they dive bombed me, I was ready to fight back.
This gives a satisfying CRACK when the fly dies.
I found putting the Zap it over the fly and letting the fly fly into it.
I don’t have to worry about bluebottles because my cats eat them. Keeping cats just for bluebottle removal is probably a bit extreme, but it does mean I haven’t had any of those for me to kill.
For many years, flying insects such as mosquitos and flies have burdened our kitchen.
Ever since I bought this fly zapper, I have been able to fight back against them.
Now this might just be me but I can’t seem to zap the fly’s but will keep trying
Bought medium size. It’s very useful. Don’t know how but suddenly we started to see lots of fly inside our house (which we never saw in last 4 year), probably due to the bin people’s are putting just outside of our window. This racket is very useful in killing those fly. Easy to use.
This makes killing bugs way too much fun. I had to stop the kids taking it outside to hunt innocent creatures. It works and I highly recommend it. The light is not needed really. Just guard against getting too much joy out of the sound of a bug being zapped:)
Product works well and clears your house of any flies very effectively
Other than the aforementioned “monster Blue Bottle” this thing is incredibly strong. I accidently used it on a spider and it literally vaporised it. It cracks with a satisfying snap.
I also once snapped a regular size Blue Bottle and it flew for a bit before dropping off like a samurai movie. Very satisfying, although, of course I don’t recommend enjoying this too much family start to look at you funny 🙂
– Neutralises everything
– Literally vaporises smaller insects
– Has a light on it
– Durable
– Incredibly satisfying sound and spark, you definitely know when you’ve got them.
– USB rechargeable
– Smaller size can make batting more difficult than expected
– Light is completely useless
Knocked a star off due to size, treat yourself and get the bigger one.
This is a sturdy item, really does what it says it does. However, I binned mine after first use simply because this doesn’t just zap insects, it obliterates them. One bluebottle got stuck on the zapper and I can still smell burnt fly. If anything, this is TOO effective. Turned my stomach. No fault with the product though.
Bought one of these Zap It, before and they are brilliant, no more smelly fly sprays and no small fly, wasp, green fly or any of those mossies, we all hate. I even take mine on holiday. Just bought these 2 for my mum, she loves them, she had an out break of hundreds of flying ants and we zapped them all in minutes
Can be tricky to use, but once you get the hang of it it works well!
After a reasonably fly free summer, I was suddenly plagued by the little blighters and they drove me all kinds of crazy, so off I went to Amazon, as going to Amazon CURES ALL THE PROBLEMS!
So, I looked at all the fly killing stuff. Now, I’ve NO idea what the naturalists and their ilk are going on about when they complain that insecticides are killing off all the nature, because trying to get fly spray that kills flies is harder than teaching a squirrel to sing. That old favourite Vapona that used to sit innocuously in the corner, quietly gathering dust and slaughtering bugs is long gone, along with MUCH of my childhood which is apparently responsible for destroying the ozone layer. So, I bought me some fly spray from the sparsely available options. It had reassuring pictures of frazzled looking flies on it and apparently could be used ‘anywhere in the home due its pleasant Eucalyptus aroma’. Oh, The Flies well, they just LOVED that ‘Eucalyptus aroma’. They all donned head scarfs and kaftans and flew around singing ‘This is the Age of Aquarius’ to each other. They made an entire evening of it, not going to bed much before two.
Infuriated, I concluded the only way to kill a fly with my newly bought spray was to hit it with the can. I didn’t actually harm any flies this way, but the chunks taken out of my walls resulted in a quick CURE THE PROBLEM visit to Amazon to buy some wall filler.
I had to change my strategy. Chemistry had failed, brute force had failed and I was starting to fear for my mental health. The Flies had by now, set up a Gentleflies drinking club in one corner of the room and a branch of the WFLY in the other. I’ve never knowingly heard a fly laugh, but I was starting to hear their cackling little chortles in my dreams all the time. I’d had enough. It was time to go ELECTRIC!
To be honest, I’m a lazy person. I just want to ‘set and forget’ I don’t NEED to go around chasing errant, hippy clad insects with a Swingball bat, but I was desperate. I was SO desperate, I almost looked up Mindfulness tapes on Amazon to CURE THE PROBLEM, but I settled on the ‘ZAP IT! Bug Zapper’.
My ZAP IT! duly arrived in a box five times its size, through its own packaging was more minimal, (think of a large crisp packet). I took a brief look at its instructions before gleefully plugging it in to charge. I waited and I watched. And I waited more and I watched more. Eventually, fed up with watching and waiting, I grabbed a beer from the fridge. THIS was my big mistake as I took my eye off the ball! I’d had no idea The Flies were watching too. They of course knew, that once engaged in beer-fuelled respite, my aim would be off, my cares would be fewer and they could live on. And they did.
The next day, armed with my fully charged ZAP IT!, I attempted to continue my mission. The Flies of course, now knew what the ZAP IT! looked like (having had the chance to study it whilst I was drunk) and knew it was something to be avoided at all costs. It seemed at first, the ZAP IT! had worked, the mere sight of it having sent their black, slimy little selves packing.
On how wrong I was! They (The Flies) were just biding their time. They had some inbred ability to know that to successfully operate a ZAP IT!, you need the eyes of a hawk, the speed of a cheetah and the backhand of Rafael Nadal. I thrashed about like a dying starfish, failing to do any damage to anything but my own forehead. By Tuesday, The Flies were lighting their flyphones up to ‘Hotel California’
But then came yesterday
Yesterday, I GOT ONE! It was largely being in the right place at the right time and it probably came as more a shock to me as it did the flare-dressed fly as they go off BANG when you get them. Beware of this, flies don’t go quietly (at least mine don’t).
I’m sad to say my mental health isn’t much improved. Now I know the ZAP IT! works so effectively, I actively stalk flies whilst they equally evade me. Flies can go backwards, who knew? Flies have meetings in the corners that I never clean discussing their latest strategies against me – again who knew? I’m now constantly dazed, living in a eucalyptus-perfumed Armageddon, occasionally wondering who will win, when I can be bothered to, that is.
The ZAP IT! DOES work for any that still have the will to live. Don’t know if I will for me, please if there’s anybody out there, send food.
If you can manage to hit a fly with this it works spectacularly! Very loud cracking sound and sparks flying. It is a little tricky to actually connect with flies without destroying the rest of your house. But it’s very effective.
Works fine with large insects but does not fully disable small flies like the common housefly unless trapped in mesh
I love this. I hate flies but this is easy to use and good quality
Most flies are too fast to swat at them, but it usually kills them instantly if you do make contact. If you hold it over a fly on a wall it will fly into it after a little while. Sometimes takes a couple of goes to kill the fly, but overall very happy with my purchase.
Bad boy could kill the meanest looking fly in a room. Even them little food flies have been murdered all over the show of late. Best thing I’ve had to purchase in a long while. I swear by it, it’s a confession. I shot a fly 9 times!!! It was still breathing got it the 10th, it no longer had wings. Daaayummmmmm I got more bars than Kevin hart.. chocolate droppaaa
I bought this at the same time as a table-top electric fly killer. That one sits on top of the fridge but I needed something else because our fly problem was terrible and they were driving me to distraction. It’s brilliant, easy to use, just press the button as you’re swiping. Had great fun practising my backhand. It even caught fruit flies that were hanging about (they’re slower and easier to zap). The sound is very satisfying and I gave a lot of ‘HA! Got you!’ sort of phrases. Gets a little gruesome if a fly gets stuck in there and it literally sparks up and crackles and smells a bit.
Last time I had one we had to change the batteries but this charges through a USB port so it’s so easy to just plug it in. Can’t remember if it came with a charger cable off the top of my head (think it did?) but it’s just a mini usb cable that we have loads of in the house from kindles, chargers etc
You have to perfect your technique to get them before they fly away but half the fun was perfecting it. Hubby used a tea towel to get them in the air first but I preferred the rest-near-them and swish approach.
Works well zapped loads of pesky flies ,great that it’s rechargeable thinking of entering for Wimbledon next yea
I admit I was a bit dubious about this but it does work if you get a fly trapped in the mesh although the smell of burning fly is pretty awful. If you zap it and it lands on the floor or other surface you should immediately go in for a second zap. I won’t allow my husband to use it because he hit the wall with our last one and it snapped! I find greater success on windows and with slower moving flies. I would recommend
Yes it zaps the flies, but if you get the annoying blue bottle fly that flies fast you could be there for some time trying to catch it, but it does work.
I sat at home getting increasingly frustrated with the amount of insects invading my house and having just decorated, I didn’t want to risk fly guts and moth dust (I don’t think they are made of dust but I’m sure you get the point) on the freshly painted walls.
Whilst trawling Amazon to find a solution I came across this bad boy and decided to give it a go. I read the various reviews so wasn’t expecting too much and when it arrived it did look a bit cheap. I duly charged it up and waited for my first victim. It wasn’t long before a cocky bluebottle Sauntered into the living room and flew around my head. One quick swipe and I was rewarded with the crack of electricity and a flash as the offending creature made contact with the live mesh. It was caught but not dead so another burst and it fried leaving a fairly nasty smell and one very dead fly. Since then I have gone after every insect which is breve enough to enter my home. It works on flies, mosquitoes, smaller moths and last night I got a crane fly. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to take back control of their home from invaders (as long as they are insects). You still have to swat the little sods so flies can be tricky and I do find myself wildly swinging at them but I have yet to have one escape. It also does a great job of wiping out flying ants when they burst from the ground.
As I said in the title, it’s the best 18 I have spent in ages!!
This is a great, easy to use, easy to charge tool to take care of smaller bugs (mosquitos, small flies). Just be aware that with larger flies and wasps, it’s 50/50 whether it stuns/kills or just annoys them.
The only improvent I would make is for the charging light to be on the same side as the charging point.
Easy to use and very effective. Sometimes a bug gets stuck in the mesh and gets really fried.
This is amazing, the battery version went through batteries ridiculously fast so this is an upgrade. We suffer with carpet moths (even without carpet) and I have spent a fortune on various traps and hanging stuff etc but still they appear. They are the bane of my life so while I’m generally a pretty live and let live kind of person, this is so satisfying to zap the little fudgers.
I charged this up as soon as I got it but have not had much opportunity yet to test its lethality (is that a word? It is – just checked!) I have had a couple of satisfying cracks and sparks with a teeny moth that was driving me nuts, but I missed a slightly larger one (hence the title of this post) – I think the larger one must have had previous experience with a zapper and knew all the moves! With the warmer weather, the doors and windows are all open so I fully expect to get more practice in…I’m looking forward to indoor firework displays and the smell of incinerated unwelcome insects.
Bought one for my dad as a gift……….he hates/fears wasps in an intense way and is super annoyed by bluebottles who can’t find an open window to literally save their lives. At first his reaction was ‘errr, thanks?’ and then he charged it up and used it……the confident delight with which he now saunters about on warm days, ready to zap any wasp that ‘threatens’ him, is hilarious – best prezzie under 20 ever! Have now bought myself one too 😀
I only had to buy this and it seems that word has got around to the flies.
Since it came in the house, where previously we were inundated, there’s been very few flies daring to cross me and my new super gadget.
Easily charged highly effective and a joy to handle you don’t need to be an ex-professional tennis player to wield this, but it helps.
It’s also moved my backhand on a bit and my whole fly game has improved.
From June onwards I usually get bullied by swarms of flies walking down the single lane track to my house. This year, I’ve a feeling things are going to be very different.
I have had these bug zappers before but never this make. I doesn’t half give a wallop. It stuns the flies which is good for me cause the venus fly trap gets them.
It’s recharged with a cable (provided) that plugs into a USB-type socket (like on a computer.) Instructions are also included.
As long as it lasts a while, then for the price (well under 20 including postage) I can recommend it.
I got this as for some reason we were inundated with fly’s in the house this summer. I’m not really a fan of just fly spray as I’ve got dogs and cats around the house.
So I ended up with this purchase.
The quality is good, it is sturdy and strong. It doesn’t feel cheap at all.
However, I have found the charge doesn’t last long even though its not been used. I think the battery is depleted even when not in use. So i’ve found it needs to be on charge alot…. never thought i’d have to keep something like this on charge.
The zap function works well, it surely does work but once its zapped try to release the button as it can start to smoke if the fly is trapped. (this is not nice).
I would recommend for those which don’t want to use spray.
Probably the best thing I have purchased during the whole summer. Good quality and very easy to use. Has a good mesh to protect you from getting a shock. Good fun aswell. Hate flys and this zapper certainly stops the little buggers from annoying you and easy to zap them away. Had zappers before but always been cheap and not very good and not lasted a long time but this zapper will definitely last me a long time. Only needs one charge and lasts ages. Would definitely recommend purchasing this.
Having got fed up trying to swat flies away in our flat I decided to buy one of these. I read all the reviews and this seemed to be the best (and the most expensive). However you get two so I gave one away. Meanwhile I was waiting for the next fly and sure enough after following him around the flat I finally gave a swat and there was that reassuring instant sound of something frazzling. It’s like those blue tubes they have in restaurant kitchens. It does the same thing.
Anyway I would recommend this fly swatting racket.
Ordered this as we seem to have a lot more wasps this year that seem to appear within seconds of any food or drink arriving. Given the heatwave and pandemic, we’re eating in the garden a lot more at the moment so needed a means of getting rid of the little pests. Traps don’t seem to be that effective – and stink – this was the next choice. It came pre-charged and urned it’s keep on the first day. Expect to jump the first time you use it as it packs quite a spark
This is an interesting product, and ultimately worth recommending, why?
– Effective – with a bit of practice.
– Fun to catch flies and other UFOs (Unwanted Flying Objects).
– Less mess then alternative products.
– Rechargeable.
– A bit expensive
– Once the UFO is down, you have to either zap it again or get rid of quickly – very often after 1 zap poor fly would get up and got in the air again.
All in all though, recommended and 5 stars for an interesting, well designed and engineered product!
This was excellent while it lasted. Now it’s failed I have come back to order another but still weighing up the odds whether to go for same model or the competition!
You do have to zap the stunned fly again to fully kill it depending on the type of fly killed. Worked very well on wasps.
Being rechargeable was a big bonus for me. No fiddling round with batteries just plug in for an hour or so to my phone charging socket and good to go.
Now, sadly the button has to be pressed very hard to power up and sometimes not even coming on. You swat a fly and it happily flies away as the power failed.
Forget the lifetime guarantee, it’s a con. Tried to contact the manufacturer to claim a replacement but no response. They’re based in the US and I very much doubt their so called lifetime guarantee is even worth the paper is printed on, let alone for anyone in the UK. So if you’re buying the zapper on that basis, forget it.
Size is a plus, rechargeable is a plus, light seems worthless but might appeal to some evening swatters!
Btw it lasted just over a year before it failed.
Didn’t get any reply from the manufacturer details on the guarantee so contacted seller of this product. They responded very rapidly and were very helpful. I have just received an identical replacement of this item. Here’s hoping it zaps thousands more flies like it’s predecessor.
This product has to be the best bug zapper around. It is super powerful and dispatches bugs, flies and mosquitos with no mercy.
It’s comfortable to hold as the handgrip is slightly narrower than the rest of the handle.
And it is super effective too. Its electrified mesh has very small gaps so nothing escapes it. And this product just seems more powerful than others I’ve tried.
I dont like killing nature. But me and my neighbours are getting swarms of flies appearing and invading our houses this year. So any flies that land on my dinner had better watch out.
Only had this 24hrs and see pro’s and cons with the device.
When it arrived it had charge. When trying it I found it initially had a short somewhere and was sparking intermittently at one place on the grid. This has now stopped.
The design is different from other products as it has multiple layers. I gather this means if it touches someone they wont get shocked unless they make contact with the inner mesh as well. It does mean that insects must pass through the outer mesh to get “Zapped”. While it maybe harder to have insects travel through the first mesh, I did find that some were stuck between the mesh allowing me to take them outside and dispose of them.
Bugs did not necessarily die when first “Zapped”. It did sufficiently stun them so I could pick them up and move them outside. (Unless trapped within the mesh)
Hitting the bugs takes some patience. Normally within 60 seconds of trying I’d got them though. Better than spending the day shoo’ing them away from me.
Overall a very helpful product that seems to work.
Wait until the fly comes to rest. Approach the fly from the side with the bat about six inches above the surface. Move slowly until the bat is over the fly. Slowly descend to the fly and then a quick drop onto it and it will be hit by the electricity and be disabled or killed.
This item should be used indoor only. What’s the point of killing flies if they are outside of the house ?
Don’t open the package in the dark because you’ll fail to notice the moulded on/off marks by the switches. It tooks a little fiddling to work it out, but it’s simple really. Just turn it on (the switch under the heel of your thumb), hold the thumb button to activate the ‘racket’ and SWAT! The only thing I noticed is that flies still tend to be swept away by the oncoming tide of air so you need to be quick, just not as quick as when swatting a fly with something rigid and solid 🙂
Just buy another cheap one I thought to myself, they are all the same. Anyway instead I ended up buying this multipack of the Zap it. Glad I did.
Boy was I wrong, this is a Ferrari to my previous Ford Focus’s.
It doesn’t just stun the fly, it fries it instantly, sometimes it blows it apart completely, this is normally done with a huge sparking sound.
Plug it into a usb and the light will turn green when its charged.
Seems well built and sturdy enough that I’ve banged it into a couple of things by accident and it’s till working.
Even the light that I thought must be a gimmick, I can see working in a dark spot when your looking for that enemy in the corner.
Pros, cracking performance, built in battery, torch, solid.
Cons, switches a little dodgy, may cause problems over time.
When it’s warm in London, flies are everywhere, and since we have to keep the windows open, they enter the house all the time. This is a partial solution, since you still have to chase the flies and zap them, which is not so easy because they can move in any direction very quickly. Small flies die instantly, but the biggest, fattest ones need to be zapped up to 6 times (of course after the first 2 zaps they will be groggy to it’s much easier to zap them again). Ideally, this should have 2 power levels, the normal one for small flies and insects, and a high power mode for bigger flies.
It’s also good entertainment trying to catch the flies, so if you have flies at home this is a good buy.
Good product, easy to use and effective, fun way to get the flys, way more effective than fly paper, which I will now bin.
I marked it 4 stars just because of the pictures, slightly misleading you think you might recieve two zappers which you do but, on first glance you think one large and one smaller (mini) from the pictures attached. The listing is for two but two minis, didn’t really get that first of all.
Good product though and states in the box lifetime warranty.
Easy to recharge with USB port.
You don’t get a plug just a short USB type B standard lead.
Very straight forward to use.
Who knew flys smell so much when you fry them with this handy zapper (like burning hair smell)
Its rechargeable and takes about an hour to charge fully. This is great as most competing models are battery powered and non rechargeable. It lasts for a least for a week or so of low to moderate daily use on a charge.
Would be a 5 star review but took at star off as it doesn’t always kill the flies outright. It kills them perhaps 8 out of 10 times. The other 2 times it will stun the fly dropping it to the floor where it wont move for a few minutes but will eventually come back to life and start moving again. This doesn’t bother me as I use it to get annoying flies from the house and kitchen. Wether killed or stunned I then sweep them up and throw outside so for me it doesn’t matter but if you were using it outside it might be a problem.
All things considered a great reliable product that is highly recommended
Today a fly was against the window so it’s easy to zap it, then there was another one next to it witnessing the situation. When I about to zap the other one I could feel his energy gone down after seeing the first one being exploded in front of it. The second one was zapped at the end with no dead body left. I felt a bit guilty and thought, it would be nice if the zapper is less brutal. The one I had many years ago would just make them die (like faint) with body left on the floor but this one you could smell the burning bodies.
Ok, when you look at this gizmo, you will think – what’s the point, it’s exactly the same design as all the other electro-bats (apart from it has a LED light) – and it does look the same. Same handle, bat, wire grid, button, etc. but let me tell you, this one is different. Over the years I must have bought half a dozen of these gizmos, impulse buys from street market stalls, ebay, supermarkets and DIY stores at various prices. All the other bats do is tickle the critters, but this one NUKES THEM !!!
With this bat there is really no doubt that you hit home, a bright flash of light and loud ‘crack’ and they’re confirmed as toast – actually they don’t smell so good after they’re vaporised but they are certainly not coming back for more. You will feel like Captain Kirk and his trusty Phaser with this bat in your hand – so enjoy….
Review of the Mini version.
We bought this to replace a previous zapper (different brand) which broke between the handle and head. This one seems much more robust and we have confidence waving it around. The rechargeable battery is very useful.
Performance: What can we say? The vigour with which it zaps the flies is frightening. Of the first twenty or so, only one ‘fried’, the rest disappeared in a flash and a bang, like a magic stage show. No visible remains, so we wouldn’t use it near food as we don’t know how far the body parts spread.
Highly recommended, unless you are of a nervous disposition.
This product is not just good. It is, indeed, life changing. Bullied at school? Victim of crime? Low self-esteem? Then this beats any sort of counselling and with aplomb. I purchased mine as when I’ve been leaving the back door open, I’ve been letting flies in to the utility room. The item itself is wrapped in a big foil package and the excitement of unwrapping it was almost overwhelming. Once charged, I headed to the utility room and began using the product. That same night in bed, it was hard to sleep, recounting my first venture in to the world of fly zapping. From day one, things have escalated. Each day now, I watch an episode of Gold Rush; Parker’s Trail and dream about killing all those flies they have to contend with in Australia. Having fuelled my appetite, I head to the utility room and commence my killing spree. The feeling of accomplishment when you hit target and get the first pop is enriching. Then the real fun begins. Hold the button down and get a good sizzle going then it’ll start to smoke. After another five seconds or so, you get a truly orgasmic bang as the fly explodes. You can picture the fly as the school bully, the smack head down the road or a cruel step parent. It’s like tasering someone to death without all the pesky legal recriminations. It’s simply splendid.
We have had a house fly problem. We have been using the sticky tape technique for the past week, it was really lack-luster and did not solve the problem. We ordered this and used it the day we got it, it took care of all of the flies. Very happy and wish i had bought sooner. I was reluctant because of the cost, but it is really worth it. Comes with rechargeable batteries, charges really quickly. Very powerful, even on big flies! The life-time guarantee is also a great perk with this particular model. !00% recommend. You wouldn’t regret it!
Flies in our house were always a problem, probably because we live near to farmland and we have dogs. We can have around 20 flies buzzing around our kitchen and it can be a nightmare trying to get rid of them. In the past we have used fly paper, the sticky dangly stuff, but it it is not that effective, and annoying to have them hanging around everywhere. I bought this bug zapper, and it is amazing! Nice and easy to zap them, and also great fun to use! It is USB chargeable which is great, and it is nice and sturdy. It even has a lifetime warranty! My house is now free of flies, and any new ones that appear don’t last long. It is such zapping the blighters, I even get disappointed that there are none left to zap! I would recommend this zapper to anyone. Nice price too!
Flies, wasps etc can spoil a picnic / barbecue or a lone fly can drive you mad when you’re trying to concentrate on something inside so these zappers are well worth having on standby during the summer. They really work and save you having to use insecticides which smell awful and could be causing all sorts of harm to you.
I like that it is rechargeable, and it seems to last a very long time as I have only charged it once so far. I haven’t used the light yet, probably never will but always nice to have the option I suppose.
Would definitely recommend this product, I haven’t tried any of the cheaper variants on the market, but I doubt they are as good as this.
as my fly spray was useless (it was more effective using the can as a weapon and trying to whack the buggers instead..) i decided upon purchasing a zapper-type product.
the ‘ZAP IT!’ was chosen due to it receiving good reviews, was rechargeable via USB, and apparently effective (plus its lifetime guarantee – if it’s applicable in the UK of course).
thus, following a few weeks of testing, i am able to provide my opinion of this product..
i don’t think i’ve ever had such fun – the Xbox hasn’t had a look-in since. although i’m not enamoured with the bright yellow head if they manufactured a similar product in which looked and sounded like a lightsaber then i don’t think i’d leave the house ever again (and probably shouldn’t..)
whilst it’s probably unnerving that someone in their mid-forties should be enjoying this level of satisfaction, i do. so there.
as an aside, when i first tested the product there were none of the buggers to test it upon for hours (of which is unusual as i live on the seafront). thus, when a lone bugger eventually invaded my home, i bounded about the room trying to zap the thing.
no luck. in fact i actually wondered whether it worked in the first place – so i decided to test it using my tongue [note: don’t try this..] that’s when i looked outside the window to see a bunch of tourists staring back at a bloke standing on a chair licking a small tennis racquet..
We took ours to Spain where it has been in much use and we have a ‘league of kills’ running.
Takes a while to get the knack, you have to catch the offending insect in flight in order to zap it, although we did find putting the bat flat against the window, on top of said insect, worked too.
Spanish insects are sturdy little devils, we sometimes need a couple of zaps to kill one off.
I had a similar but battery powered one some time ago which didn’t last long, and the USB recharging feature is a huge bonus, so you need never be out of power when needed.
Fun to use, very recommended.
A single charge of this device last for ages literally, and the device is then on stand-by should any flying bugs enter your home. It does take a bit of skill on how to use the device in terms of actually making contact with flies and other bugs. However, once you master this, then you can zap away all the bugs from your home. I have to say it was a bit creepy to hear the sizzling noise of the electrical discharge, however, this is needed to know when you make contact with the bug. Now, it’s not all bad, as you can warn the bugs first with a small zap, and hopefully they will fly off to somewhere else, however subsequent zaps will render the bug immobile.
The night light was a bit of a waste of time, as it’s not really bright enough to track say a fly or mosquito at night, but it’s a nice touch. One other thing to note, is that it is quite safe as the zapping part is concealed with mesh either side, and you have to have the zap switch depressed at the same time as you make contact, so no danger of electric shocks etc 🙂
We found that after using this, the numbers of flies coming inside reduced, maybe the bugs heard on the grapevine that we had a Zap-It!! LOL
Seriously, with a lifetime replacement guarantee, this is a great device to have in the home!!