60Wh PW23Y Laptop Battery for Dell XPS 13 9360 XPS

60Wh PW23Y Laptop Battery for Dell XPS 13 9360 XPS 13-9360-D1605G 13-9360-D1605T 13-9360-D1609 13-9360-D1609G 13-9360-D1705G Series TP1GT RNP72 0RNP72 0TP1GT Notebook by ANTIEE

Dimensions: | 28.7 x 13.31 x 2.69 cm; 260 Grams |
Model: | WDXOR |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | ANTIEE |
Dimensions: | 28.7 x 13.31 x 2.69 cm; 260 Grams |
Works perfectly in our XPS13 9360. You will need to supply your own tools though.
Only used for a few weeks but so far the battery works pretty much as the original in a dell 9360. I removed one star because one of the plastic connections to the battery was a little bent so when tightening that screw the connections broke. Not a big deal because the battery stays in place despite this, just an annoyance that it was bent (molded bent i’m guessing).
I purchased one of these batteries late last year. Unfortunately the battery stopped taking a charge within the one year warranty. I contacted the seller, who was very approachable and immediately offered an replacement and his/her cost.
Thank you very much.
With a lot of internal aftermarket Dell batteries, you get a non-genuine warning on boot up which usually means the battery also won’t charge.
This battery doesn’t give any warning and charges fine. It took 3.5 hours to charge so should be a decent capacity.
The fit for the screw holes is very slightly off but does just fit with a little persuasion.
I’ll update at a later date if the battery has any long term issues.
Exactement identique l’origine en terme de connectique et de montage.
Quelques conseils
– Pour dmonter le capot, fiez vous aux tutos sur youtube. Nota: les vis visibles ne sont pas du cruciforme c’est un embout spcifique
– Prvoir un mdiator ou une carte plastique dure pour dclipser le capot
– Lors du dmontage de la batterie, ne pas tirer dessus. Il y a trois vis dont une non indique plus longue et spcifique. En plus, des adhsifs tiennent des fils sur la batterie. Les dcoller avec soin.
– Une fois remonte, bien s’assurer qu’elle est parfaitement en place sous peine d’avoir quelques galres pour remonter le capot. Comme le format est bon ce n’est pas la batterie qui sera en cause mais votre montage.
Einbau des Akkus klappte auf Anhieb und hat mit dem richtigen Werkezug knappe 10 Minuten gedauert. Es hilft zuerst das Kabel anzustecken und dann die Batterie sauber im Gehuse zu versenken und dabei auch sorgfltig aufzupassen ob die Batterie richtig liegt.
Soweit ich es erkennen konnte sitzt der Ersatz-Akku genau so wie der originale, Unterschiede in der Gre konnte ich nicht ausmachen,
Das Notebook startete nach dem Einbau ohne Probleme, Akku-Kapazitt wurde dann mit 79% angezeigt.
Sollte der Akku frzeitig ableben oder Probleme beim Laden auftreten werde ich die bewertung akualisieren.
Installed this battery in my Dell XPS-13 after the original failed and caused random restarts, even when on mains power. The installation is a little involved but I managed it with the help of a YouTube video, just make sure you have the correct tools. So far it’s worked very well. All the power problems have stopped, and my laptop again has its ‘as new’ battery life. Recommended.
Prodotto in linea con le aspettative. La batteria ben sagomata e si adatta bene alle forme del laptop DELL XPS 13 9360. Al primo test la batteria ha avuto una durata di circa 6 ore. Soddisfatto dell’acquisto. Il prodotto arriva ben imballato e protetto da busta antistatica.
Valoracin inicial muy positiva. Dado el tipo de articulo la duracin no es todava valorable
Arrived quickly and well-packed. Fits perfectly in a 9350 XPS 13. Have gone through a few charge cycles and it appears to hold charge well and has functional capacity similar to original battery when new. Good replacement so far.
Fitted it no prob to my Dell XPS 13. Worked well and had a 40+% charge already. Have charged it and used it with no issues – so far.
Fast and easy! One of the plastic loop for the screws was broken. Battery doesnt rattle when shaked
Laptop working like it was new agai
Leicht einzubauen und funktioniert wunderbar.
Mehrere Stunden mit dem Notebook arbeiten ohne Strom suchen zu mssen.
Found a YouTube video to watch to remove the cover (tip….there is a last screw hidden under the flap in the middle). The back clipped off fairly simply. I had to apply a little leverage starting at the back/side with the SD Card Reader and with a bit of pressure slowly unclipped all the way round.
Unscrewing the old battery was straight forward and a little wiggle for the connected got it out. I also disconnected the tiny CMOS battery following some other advice so the laptop doesn’t confuse the old battery and the new one.
The new battery aligned perfectly so was just a matter of pushing in the connector (make sure you apply some pressure I my first attempt failed as I had not push it in enough) then just screw everything back in, and finally reconnected the CMOS battery.
Booted up perfectly and registering 40% charge for the new battery and over an hour remaining…so happy with that.
Had a quick look at the the Dell Battery Diagnostic tool and it confirmed the health of the battery is Excellent…so nothing more to worry about.
Hope this was helpful
La compr para sustituir la batera oficial de un DELL XPS 9360 y no noto la diferencia con la original. La anterior batera la compr original y dur 2 aos y me cost el doble. Esta tiene buen aguante (2-3h) y me rinde bien incluso despus de varios meses de uso diario del ordenador.
C’est parfait ! Dimensions exactement identiques l’originale.
Le cble de liaison est autant court que celle d’origine. Il faut brancher / dbrancher le cble quand la batterie n’est pas visse, c’est beaucoup plus simple.
Remplacement en 15 mins, tout s’est bien pass et le pc fonctionne parfaitement.
Le pc retrouve sa jeunesse aprs 4 ans !
Nachdem ich ungefhr 3 Monate hin- und her berlegt habe, welchen Ersatz-Akku ich fr mein Dell XPS-13 9360 kaufe, habe ich mich am Ende fr dieses Modell entschieden.
Die Lieferung erfolgte nach ungefhr einer Woche per “PRIME Langstrecke”, von wo auch immer der Akku her kam.
Gestern habe ich den Akku eingebaut und muss den gngigsten Bemngelungen widersprechen:
1. Der Akku hat *genau* dieselben Abmessungen wie das original, inkl. der 4 Schrauben, mit denen der Akku angeschraubt wird. Er passt ganz genau und lsst sich perfekt anschrauben.
2. Das Kabel ist genau so lang wie das Original, es gibt keinerlei Probleme beim Anstecken (man sollte sich lediglich die Seite des Kabels beim Abziehen merken).
ber die Kapazitt, Haltbarkeit und Qualitt des Akkus kann ich noch nichts sagen und werde die Rezension ggf. noch updaten, wenn sich neue Erkenntnisse ergeben.
Lt. Aufdruck auf dem Akku ist die Leistung identisch. Ich habe den Akku bis 3x vollgeladen und bin gerade beim Verbrauchen der dritten Akku-Ladung. Es werden mir 6 Stunden Laufzeit angezeigt, die der Akku noch durchhalten soll. Beim originalen DELL-Akku waren es zuletzt noch ungefhr 35 min.
Fazit: Nach momentanem Stand ist der Kauf dieses Akkus bedenkenlos zu empfehlen. Der Einbau geht schnell und rel. einfach vonstatten. Die Kapazitt scheint gut zu sein.
Assez simple pour le changement et surtout de bonne perf. le rsultat est l : la batterie est comme neuve et retrouve les performances de celle-ci l’achat de mon XPS 13 9360
This is the third week which I am using the battery, and it seems to perform well. I have not had any problem. I feel a bit like the charging is taking longer, but for sure it is better than my 3 year old original battery.
Like others, I found that this battery didn’t quite fit my XPS 13 9360. It’s a little too thick along the front edge which presses up against the trackpad activating the buttons in my case. I worked around this by leaving the front two screws out. This leaves 1mm gap along the front edge that doesn’t bother me at all.
Despite that, the battery is a great value and has been taking and holding a charge just fine. One thing to note, as documented it took a few 100%->10%->100% cycles before the battery was holding a charge for a long time.
Edit: The battery is working better now after a couple of days, and unlike the last replacement battery it is still charging to full. If the battery continues to work I will mention it and change my review to 5 stars.
Final edit: I still have occasional issues, but I am happy enough. 4 stars.
charge lasts longer than the original. Have been using it for a couple months now with no issues. Less than half the price of the official Dell battery. Feels slightly flimsier, but I can’t tell a difference once in the computer. Computer had no issues recognizing it.