AfterShokz OpenComm Stereo Wireless Headset

AfterShokz OpenComm Stereo Wireless Headset with Noise-Canceling Boom Microphone Bone Conduction Bluetooth 5.0 Office Business Work From Home Commercial Use, Black

16 Hours Of Talk Time
Powered with up to 16 hours of talk time or 8 hours of listen time on a single charge for all-day communication from desk to worksite.
Multifunction Button for Easy Controls
Multifunction button to play, pause, skip, activate voice assistant and answer calls even when wearing gloves.
Quick Charge
5 minutes quick charge gives you 2 hours of talk time.60 minutes to full charging time.
Weight: | 30 g |
Dimensions: | 16.99 x 13.49 x 6.5 cm; 30 Grams |
Model: | ASC100 |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | No |
Dimensions: | 16.99 x 13.49 x 6.5 cm; 30 Grams |
Es 100% recomendado para uso profesional!
Es unos de los mejores Auriculares que he usado y con una duracin de bateria hasta el momento inigualable.
This product was recommended by a friend after I had just bought another headset and it was worth the cost. Extremely happy with this headset
Wish I had a nut Hutton though:(
Battery time is not close to what they said if I am Lucky I get 12 hours talk time but mostly had been around ten hours only complaint I have
Been using the AfterShokz for about 5 days now. I have it connected to both my Cisco work phone (8851) and my Mac (dig into the instructions for how to make it work with 2 devices).
Takes a little getting used to since it is “over the ear” and not “on the ear” — but this is actually a big plus because I can hear the ambient noise around me. If someone comes up to talk to me I don’t need to remove the headset to talk to the person.
Great overall head set for what it’s worth. A little pricey but happy with the purchase. Comfortable and battery last all day.
Excellent headset for work from home. Perfect for meetings or customer phone calls. So comfortable you forget you have it on.
TeamsLIFEBOOK U9310X/DWindows10BluetoothV5.0iPhoneSE2iPhone8iOS15.2
Airpods prowebcamC920ncreative pebble
AIrpods Pro
Airpods ProopencommAirpods Pro
AIrpods Pro
Airpods Pro / C920n3
Great all round headset with great noise cancellation, and the ability to hear the outside world if needed.
Je ne voulais pas porter de casque et encore moins des oreillettes toute la journe au tltravail et pendant les vido confrences. Ce casque l est lger, confortable (mme avec lunettes) et le son et surtout son micro son trs bien pour la voix. Pour de la musique c’est faible mais bon pas non plus son propos. Juste le volume pourrait tre un peu plus fort. Comme on entend tout car les oreilles ne sont pas bouches (donc rduction de bruit non existante, sauf peut-tre pour les personnes de l’autre cot de la ligne), le volume me manque s’il y a de bruit autour de moi.
J’en avais achet un avant avec micro intgr mais l le micro ne faisait pas son travail. Impossible de l’utiliser en vido confrence.
Love that I don’t have to put it directly into my ear. makes it comfortable and hygienic. Also great to be able to not have to remove a ear piece just to have a conversation or chat with someone. i have used it everywhere for calls, listening to music and doing meetings.
the only thing that i feel can be improved is the volume. it can be a little soft at times. otherwise. works well.
All good does what they say on the tin none on the other end of the call knows I’m using them. Great found quality I even forget I wearing them they are very comfortable
Sound is great for calls audiobooks and music. Everyone hears me well while driving and even on windy days outside. It is very relieving to not have something in my ears or covering my ears in hot days. sometimes I even forget i’m wearing it.
As expected from a bone conduction headset you get your ears to vibrate when there is to much bass but I understand that this is a communication headset.
Bon son, micro prenant bien la voix.
La personne au tlphone comprend trs bien la conversation.
Petit bmol, l’arc passant derrire la tte n’est pas rglable.
Cela rendrait l’appareil encore plus confortable.
idale pour une utilisation prolonge ou une utilisation demandant une mobilit …
Producto de buena calidad y cmodo para llamadas y para usarlo en la calle. Su uso si ests tumbado o recostado con la cabeza apoyada es muy incomodo.
Not great for noisy entertainments, if you have a quiet semi truck cab this should work well, but has to be recharged every 8-10 hours. The noise canceling for you is non existent (obviously) and for the person you are talking its also non existent. Sorry it failed on its claims for noise canceling.
However I love this product, the benefits of not having my ears covered are massive! It’s comfortable i often forget im wearing it. In the truck I still heavily rely on my blue parrot, but for exercise or just walking around or really any other time this is 100% my favorite headset. I just wish the battery would last longer and i wish they had blue parrots noise canceling technology.
It truly is a wonderful product and well worth the money.
I use them for teams / Zoom calls, they replace a pair over over the ear headphones that make me sweat. They are very light with surprisingly clear sound and compared to the comments about noise when using the old headphones I assume noise cancelling is quite good.
I can wear them all day without irritation or any uncomfortable feeling.
Absolutely the best I could’ve bought for my use! For music is not the best as any bone conduction isn’t, but good enough for me. It really shines for podcasts and calls. Easy 12hrs battery life, nearly goes 2 full days working in calls without needing charge.
I needed a comfortable headset to work from home, taking calls all day long and not having something blocking the ambient sounds is perfect. 10/10 in confort and call quality. Possibly an overkill, but I absolutely loved it.
Very nice also to go jogging or biking, it doesn’t move around and for me is key being able to hear my whereabouts.
A little tip, specially for music, is to wear the foam ear tips to block external sounds, then you hear all the sounds from the headset a hell lot better.
Aguantas con ellas todo el da sin molestias en el odo, ademas en verano es plus por el calor de otro tipo de cascos
This is my second AfterSkokz purchase. I bought this model specifically for video conferencing. Using over the ear headsets for any length of time produces that “hot ear” syndrome. None of that here! Once you’ve tried bone conducting headphones, you’re unlikely to go back to painful, unhygienic earbuds. True, this style of headset isn’t optimised for music listening, but my tunes still sound perfectly acceptable to me.
(moto G5Plus)
Como punto ms positivo he encontrado que son extremadamente ligeros y se cargan muy rpidamente.
Como punto ms negativo es que el nivel de volumen no es muy alto (puede ser un problema si el nivel de ruido externo es elevado), y que la gestin de dispositivos de audio es a veces complicada. Al conectarse aparecen dos dispositivos, uno es el “stereo” y el otro es el “Hand-Free”. El “Hands-free” es tericamente para audio-conferencias (Skype, etc.), tiene menor calidad pero utiliza menos batera. El stereo es para todo lo dems y tiene ms calidad de audio. El problema es que el control de volumen del Windows 10 se queda por defecto asignado al dispositivo “stereo”. Al iniciar una llamada (por ejemplo de Skype) continua estando asociado al dispositivo “Hands-Free”, y para poder controlar el volumen has de cambiar manualmente el dispositivo desde el controlador de volumen lo cual puede ser engorroso si tienes mltiples dispositivos de audio. A veces es difcil seleccionar o encontrar el dispositivo “Hands-Free” en la lista de dispositivos. Al querer ajustar el volumen de otras aplicaciones (Spotify, Youtube, etc.), has de volver a cambiar de dispositivo desde el controlador de volumen. Yo al final me he cansado y he configurado el “stereo” por defecto para todo y ya no utilizo el “Hands-Free”.
Nachdem ich bereits mehrere Kopfhrer fr meine Online Gymnastiklektionen getestet hatte, war AfterShokz das Highligt. Zuerst dachte ich, er sei etwas schwer, aber ich spre ihn gar nicht whrend des Tragens. Der Ton ist super!! Die Handhabung einfach. Und er macht auch kopfber-bungen mit ohne wegzurutschen.
Diese Investition hat sich gelohnt-
Der Preis ist recht happig, aber die Ton- sowie die Anrufqualitt ist top.
Very comfortable to wear. Amazing battery life. If you are a person with all day online meetings then this is for you.
Para trabajar est muy bien, aunque si ests escuchando algo o entra una llamada tienes que descriminar otros bluetooh manualmente.
Ich hab von AfterShokz auch noch den Aeropex und nutze beide nahezu tglich.
Fr Musik sicher nur bedingt zu empfehlen.
Beim OpenComm ist sehr schade, dass die Knpfe nicht mit Windows kompatibel sind, d.h. Laut/Leise oder Mikro aus/an funktioniert nicht ber den Kopfhrer, sondern nur ber die Windows Steuerung.
Der Aeropex war letztens kaputt – aber der Support in bersee ist sehr freundlich und verbindlich – sie haben mir gleich ein Austauschhrer geschickt.
Was ich bei beiden echt liebe, ist dass man die Umgebung ungetrbt wahrnehmen kann und die Sprache ber den Hrer dennoch unmittelbar im Ohr ist. Man kann an Meetings teilnehmen, Hrbcher hren, telefonieren und nebenbei z.B. seinen Haushalt machen. Das Mikro vom Aeropex ist aber fr’s Telefonieren nur eine Notlsung! Dagegen das vom OpenComm Spitze!
These are excellent. I got them to help with all the Teams meetings that have been a big part of work during lockdown. Wearing in ear or over ear headphones for long periods of time gets uncomfortable, but these avoid the ears completely, are very light, and once on you forget you are wearing them – they are so comfortable. The sound is a strange sensation at first because you can hear everything going on around you so its almost like ‘voices in your head’ (not in the bad way!).
Battery life is very good, I get 2 or 3 days per charge, and they charge in about an hour from my laptop usb using the included magnetic charging cable.
I have mine paired simultaneously with my work iphone and Windows 10 laptop, which allows me to easily talk on either device without switching anything. The only downside is that if you are on Teams/Zoom and the phone rings, the phone will cut in until you either take or reject the call, so if you are in an important meeting you should put the phone in airplane mode or at least turn off bluetooth.
I am assuming around quality from the noise cancelling boom mic is good as no one has said anything negative about this.
It also comes in a nice hard case which is handy for travel as they would get mangled if you just chucked them in your bag.
I was going to knock off a star for value as they are relatively expensive, however they are unique and represent a good investment for your comfort and situational awareness.
I did knock off a star for sound quality as hifi sound is not what these are about. Midrange for voice is very good (ie calls, podcasts, audiobooks) but don’t expect soaring treble or thunderous bass. Overall volume is also good.
To sum up, if you are fed up with sweaty ears, tangled wires or short battery life and you’re on the phone or in virtual meetings alot, I would not hesitate to recommend these.
Tenemos 2 modelos. El modelo con micrfono utilizamos en la oficina. El otro modelo utilizan los tcnicos en el trabajo y privado en el deporte. El sonido con conexin al telfono es perfecto. La conversacin entre ambos es perfecto. La programacin/conexin de Bluetooth muy fcil y rpido. Lo nico por criticar queda apoyando la cabeza en cojines o similares apoyo es un poco molesto por el soporte trasero. Pero en general una buena compra. Por ahora tenemos 4.
The main benefit of this product is to not have earphones jammed into your years or headphones on your head for 8+ hours a day while working. In this regard it does great, the sound quality is exactly what you would expect from something without drivers (I wouldn’t use it for music but it’s perfect for voice)
My only complaint is that the mic on it is horrible, especially for a product of this price. There are better microphones on earphones that aren’t intended for voice chatting.
The design is good, sound quality is good. The reason I had to return them though was the way they paired with my Windows laptop. The initial pairing is good and they are picked up as an audio headset with the microphone also being paired. I use Teams, Zoom and Skype and the sound was good across all.
However, go overnight and a reboot of the laptop, the problem manifests itself, they are still paired but only as stereo headphones, the microphone is not picked up. It can only be resolved by unpairing the headset and re-pairing it. This has to happen everyday and is not acceptable. So they are just not for me
En definitiva, son caros, es verdad pero para estar muchas horas delante del ordenador en conferencias y coger el movil sin esfuerzo ni reconexiones ni botones…., pues genial.
El sonido es ms que aceptable para este uso (no esperen un nivel de auriculares de cable estudio)