Alacrity 2D 1D QR Industrial Barcode Scanner

Alacrity 2D 1D QR Industrial Barcode Scanner with Stand,Bluetooth & 2.4GHz Wireless & Wired USB 3in1,Shock Dust Proof Hands Free,for PC laptop tablet smart phone Windows Mac iOS Android,2020DBS
Alacrity 2D 1D QR Industrial Barcode Scanner with Stand,Bluetooth & 2.4GHz Wireless & Wired USB 3in1,Shock Dust Proof Hands Free,for PC laptop tablet smart phone Windows Mac iOS Android,2020DBS
Sehr schner Barcodescanner fr den Alltag.
Ich kriege sehr viele Artikel rein, die Seriennummern haben.
Wenn diese nicht digital mitgeschickt werden, heit es abtippen. Das nervt!!
Mit diesem Barcodescanenr scanne ich die Codes fix ein und habe sie dann in meiner Warenwirtschaft.
Ich nutze das ganze mit dem im Rechner integrierten BLuetooth, koppeln ging fix und problemlos.
Einziges Manko ist, dass er sich nach einer Weile der Nichtbenutzung lautstark mit Piepen verabschieden, da kann man sich schon erschrecken, wenn man nciht damit rechnet.
Sonst alles gut.
Was will man meh :)?
Klare Kaufempfehlung!
“Long Story Short”
Extremely durable, almost like it was designed to withstand everyday dropping.
Well durable
Solid build.
Great charging idea
Easy to pair and use
Extremely accurate, laser is very strong and it will pick up the barcode from distance
Absolutely delighted with quality
Value for money 10 out of 10
Zuerst war es nur Neugier, jetzt ist es noch mehr Neugier und
eine sehr praktische Hilfe, beim suchen.
Der Scanner, erkennt anstandslos jeden Strichcode und alle QR- Codes,
die wir ihm vorgehalten haben.
Er funktioniert vllig Problemlos und ohne jede Software usw..
Er wird unter Bluetooth erkannt und wir mssen nur ein Programm,
wie zum Beispiel WORD oder eine Tabellenkalkulation ffnen
und ein Feld darin markieren.
Sofort legt der Scanner die eingelesenen Texte, Zahlen und Ziffern,
dort ab.
Das funktioniert genauso gut mit einem USB- Kabelanschluss,
an unserem Laptop.
Und es klappt auch sehr gut mit PC, Tablett oder Handy.
Die Lesegeschwindigkeit ist enorm. Die Erkennungsrate liegt bei 100%.
Vorausgesetzt, die Codes sind noch Komplett.
Schnelle Verbindung.
Robuster Korpus.
Alles Funktioniert.
Klare Empfehlung.
My husband wanted to try this scanner for a home business he has recently set up during the pandemic.
The stock he had was becoming difficult to keep account of and this scanner has helped him organise things and keep him up to date with where he is.
He was a bit bamboozled to begin with in terms of exactly how to use it. However, with some patience and the time to read through the supplied manual a few times, he eventually got the hang of it and now loves it.
It scans without much fuss and is extremely accurate and easy to use (once mastered).
It’s a great time saver and saves him a lot of stress so is highly recommended.
Die Lieferung erfolgte schnell und nachhaltig, d.h. ohne bertriebenes Verpackungsmaterial. Sie war sehr sicher, da der Scanner unbeschdigt und unbeschadet bei mir ankam.
Material und Verarbeitung sind sehr robust und solide und das spricht fr eine lange Produktlebensdauer.
Die Lieferung schliet neben dem eigentlichen Barcodescanner auch den Ladestnder und USB-Kabel mit ein. Die beiliegende Bedienungsanweisung ist auf Englisch.
Das Design ist sehr ansprechend und die Haptik ist sehr gut durchdacht, denn der Scanner liegt bei der Bedienung sehr gut in der Hand.
Die Barcodes werden auf Anhieb und problemlose erkannt.
Der Akku hlt lange und das Aufladen geht sehr gut. Insgesamt ist der Preis bei so viel Qualitt sehr kundenfreundlich, so dass ich sehr gern 5 zufriedene Sterne gebe.
Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich die Zeit nehmen, meine Bewertung zu lesen. Ich hoffe, dass sie hilfreich fr Sie ist.
I have started to sell houseplants (mainly carnivorous plants), and what started out as a hobby during the start of the COVID pandemic, has now become a sideline for me, and I needed a better way of stock checking and order processing. This Alacrity 2022 Scanner has enabled me to be much more efficient. With the use of a thermal label printer (sold separately, but available on Amazon), I can now make my own labels and stock-check them with this barcode scanner. The scanner comes with a built-in rechargeable battery which has exceptional lasting power (I got this scanner at the end of May 2022, and have been using it daily, and so far I have only charged it once and it is now the end of June 2022). The wireless range is also impressive, as I am able to use this at the bottom of my garden, whilst my MacBook Pro and the software are inside the house. Really impressed and I can therefore highly recommend it to you.
This is a very good scanner that can scan QR codes as well as barcodes and it is designed to work with Windows, macOS, IOS and Android I’ve had no problems using it with QuickBooks and Word. Even with broken or faded codes, this scanner was still able to scan. Impressive indeed.
My only niggle with this scanner isn’t really with the scanner but with its holder/stand. It is propped up at a strange angle. If only the angle of the stand allowed the scanner to 45 then you can scan without taking it out of its stand every time.
Other than that, a brilliant scanner.
Der Alacrity 2D QR 1D Industrie Barcode Scanner kommt in einem typischen Holzkarton, wo die jeweiligen Kabel in einer Tte untergebracht sind. Der Scanner ist sehr robust und hat ein angenehmes Gewicht, welches nicht zu leicht, aber auch nicht zu schwer ist, also ein richtig guter Begleiter, oder?
Einfache Funktion fr Mensch und Maschine
Man schliet einfach den USB-Stick an das Gert an, dann werden kurz die Treiber geladen und man kann direkt loslegen, denn das Gert ist danach direkt einsatzbereit. ber Bluetooth werden dann die Daten ber das Handy oder den Laptop/PC bermittelt, welches nur ganz kurze “Zeitunterschiede” hat. Die Akkulaufzeit betrgt ungefhr 30 Stunden, laut Hersteller, was wirklich in Ordnung ist. Man kann mit dem Barcode Scanner Barcodes, aber auch Strichcodes abscannen, was auf Arbeit einiges an Arbeit einem erleichtert.
– drahtloser Barcode Scanner
– USB-Typ-C Ladekabel
– USB-Stick fr die drahtlose Verbindung zum Scanner
– Halterung fr den Barcode Scanner
– Anleitung
Ich bin sehr begeistert von der recht klumpigen Verarbeitung, denn durch das dickere Material hlt der Barcode Scanner einen kleineren Sturz aus, was dann kein Problem darstellt. Mit dem Gert lassen sich Barcodes oder Strichcodes prima ablesen. Die Installation bzw. Nutzung ist sehr einfach und man braucht keine weitere Software. Die Akkulaufzeit ist auch recht lang, wenn dann doch Not am Mann ist, dann kann man das Gert ber einen USB-Typ-C Anschluss aufladen, was auch beim Power-Charge funktioniert. Die Halterung ist auch sehr stabil und hat Anti-Rutsch Fe. Man sollte aber fr die Programme oder Nutzen dahinter dann auch die passenden Programme parat haben, wenn man damit arbeiten will. Ob Privat oder fr die Arbeit, dieser Barcode Scanner macht seinen Job ohne Probleme und ist dabei auch noch sehr robust! Fr private Zwecke echt gut und fr die Industrie es das Gert auch nicht schlecht, da es ein bisschen was aushlt.
Ich hoffe, dass ich weiterhelfen konnte!
I know nothing about bar code scanners and ordered this for my daughter to replace her old one.The scanner comes boxed and is smart looking, simple to set up and works great.Reads bar codes and QR codes and has been great for daughters small business
I used this to start cataloging my book collection.
I had it create a new item in an inventory list for each barcode scanned.
It took me a couple days doing this to get through them all, but it was easy.
I never had to recharge the battery yet.
Started working right out of the box with no issues for me.
I love it being handsfree.
I was able to just set my laptop down in the hallway and work through all the boxes without stopping.
This thing is very fast.
It even picked up the barcodes on some damaged books as well.
I have been very happy with i
First impressions of this scanner are how rugged it looks with its shaped and coloured body. To me this is good as barcode scanners are regularly used in more hostile environments. The stand though doesn’t look rugged, and it isn’t.
The first thing I tried to do was set the stand the 45. This is something that is far harder to do when the instructions imply you pull the central arm up. In actual fact you must pull once of the sides off and reset the central arm – you can only have it flat or at 45. When at 45 you also cannot get the stand to sit flat on the desk as the USB cable comes out the back and pushes the back of the stand up.
To use it you can either with Bluetooth or 433MHz wireless, with the dock being the 433MHz wireless adapter. I have used in both modes and the responsiveness is excellent. You can also set the scanner to hold data to be released when back in range. To do this you need to scan the storage and release codes in the instruction book – so don’t throw it away.
The amount of barcodes this scanner can scan is large, including the latest 2D barcodes like QR codes with plenty of configuration options available to amend as required, although for many the out-of-box settings will be correct. Again, the settings barcodes are in the instruction book.
Having used it now for nearly a month, it still looks great and has not let me down once. It has even managed to scan barcodes that are not perfect which is new for me as previous scanners needed very good barcodes to scan them. If it wasn’t for the poor stand, this would be a 5* scanner, but as the stand is required for 433MHz reception, I cannot give it that many.
This is a very good scanner that is easy to use. I did expect it to be heavy looking at the picture but it turned out to be lightweight. The instructions are clear. The built quality is very good. We are using it for mostly QR codes and 2D codes.
Alacrity 2022 Upgraded 2D Industrial Barcode Scanner.
This a well made wireless handheld barcode scanner. The scanner is well manufactured and feels comfortable in the hand. The included instructions are well written and easy to understand. The internal battery has a long standby time between charges. The best part is the scanner is simply plug n play via your computers USB outlet or via Bluetooth.
I ordered this to replace an older one that has recently failed and looking at the images this looked just the job.
On opening, the scanner comes mounted flat on a stand and facing down, in the images I noticed that this can be used at a 45 angle but for the life of me I couldn’t see a way to change the position. Eventually in frustration one of the sides came loose and low and behold thats was how to alter the position. After removing the side the scanner can be placed at the 45 angle by slotting it into alternate slots within the sides of the mount. To me this seems like an awkward way of doing this, a release button would have been a much better option.
There is also a downside to mounting the scanner at 45, the cable that comes from the back of the scanners mount when set at 45 is lower than the base of the stand so it doesn’t sit straight on a table, this seems like a bit of a design flaw to me and is the only reason for me removing one star on this review as the quality and functions do deserve five stars.
This scanner will charge up from any USB power outlet and can then be used wirelessly. It connected to my MacBook Pro without an issue but can also be used with a windows PC and smart device such as a mobile phone or tablet.
This has a decent sized builtin storage to enable barcodes to be stored and then can be sent to a computer or smart device using the 433mhz wifi which has a terrific range so it can be sent to a room at the other end and upstairs even through walls without missing a beat. When scanning several barcodes during testing I found that even some that were slightly smudged or lightly damaged could still be read so this unit does seem to have a good quality optical lens builtin as standard.
Along with the scanner comes a decent instruction manual which contains many barcodes that can be used for testing and also the setting up of the scanner which is so much faster than having to do it manually via a screen menu.
Overall this is a great quality scanner that works exceptionally well on almost anything thrown at it. The builtin lithium battery has a terrific capacity that will keep this running for a good long time between charges and it has a superb lens with great scanning capabilities. That along with a great quality build, good looks and the included codes in the manual make this a great purchase and good value.
This Alacrity 2022 upgraded 2D industrial barcode scanner with wireless charging stand arrived boxed.
It looks and feels well made from a good quality plastic, sturdy and durable.
I found it comfortable to grip, hold and use even for longer.
It had some charge on arrival, but I’ve put it on the charger to fully charge it before the first use.
It charges fast and keeps charge well.
I have similar devices, so I found it easy to use, but user guide is attached.
It senses codes easily.
I like that it can store the readings in its big internal memory storage, or it can be sent straight to my laptop.
Connection is stable.
There are many languages to choose from and the device can be customised up to everybody’s needs, very useful and practical.
Very versatile with many modes and functions.
Brilliant scanner, so I would happily recommend it.
This scanner replaces one I had been using for about 5 years.
It is a much heftier, well balanced device.
There is an eyelet near the bottom of the handle so you can add a hand tether (not included) or attach the scanner in its stand to a counter or other surface with a good sturdy locking cable.
Overall, though, this is a good solid scanner, especially if you have owned an entry-level barcode device and want a big step up.
Der Alacrity 2D QR 1D Industrie Barcode Scanner, ist ein handliches Gert, welches auch leichte Strze berlebt. Die Daten werden per Bluetooth ans Handy oder den Windows-PC bertragen. Hier muss man sich selbst um geeignete Softwre kmmern. Den integrierten Akku muss ich per Kabel aufladen. Gut Finde ich das man normale Barcodes als auch Strichcodes verarbeiten kann.
This barcode scanner is easy to set up and charge up. It is also easy to use. I mostly scan piles and piles of CDs and books and I could quickly scan my way through these piles. The scanner is comfortable to hold and it’s lightweight which is important if you are going to be doing a lot of scanning. This is a great scanner but do bear in mind that you may not need such an expensive scanner if your needs are simple. I have a basic barcode scanner that I got for 20 and that is honestly fine for a lot of the stuff I do.
This review is for the Alacrity 2022 Upgraded 2D Industrial Barcode Scanner with Wireless Charging Stand, 1968 Feet Transmission Distance 433Mhz Wireless & Bluetooth 2in1 Barcode Reader, Shock Dust Proof Hands Free
A great scanner, simple to use and works well. It is really well made and scans the bar code nice and easily. Would recommend.
Wenn mehrere Barcodes vorhanden sind, scannt der Scanner irgend einen davon. Man kann das Gert scheinbar nicht so konfigurieren, dass man gezielt einen Barcode scannen kann. Dass man den Scanner nicht in die Halterung tun kann, wenn das USB-Kabel dran hngt, fand ich hingegen nicht so dramatisch, da ich die Halterung ohnehin nicht verwendet htte. Wegen der fehlende Zielgenauigkeit beim Scannen bei meherern Barcodes, musste ich den Scanner leider zurck schicken. Schade!
What a fab product! I have been testing this scanner out and it is super responsive! The second you scan a barcode, it recognises it immediately. Works perfectly fine on flat and even curved surfaces such as cans. The battery is super long lasting, highly doubt you need to charge us very frequently. The charging dock stand is super handy also and is very responsive the second the scanner is placed upon it.
The scanner is pretty heavy duty and it is clear that it is a premium product. Unlike cheaper brands, it’s super comfortable to hold and very ergonomic. It is evidentially heavier but this once again shows how durable it is. A cheap 2D scanner I used to own fell apart after a few days. This won’t be the case with this one!
Nothing more I could ask for. A fabulous barcode scanner with lightning fast response. The fact it is wireless too is great as it allows you to be flexible when scanning customer items or perhaps fulfilling them in a warehouse. No matter the use, I’m super impressed. 5 stars!
Thank you for reading my honest review, I hope you found it helpful! 🙂
This barcode scanner has an integrated casing that protects it from heavy dust and can withstand any industrial working environment.
It uses a long-distance transmission technology and in a barrier-free environment, the distance transmission is up to 1968ft/600m and in an obstacle-filled environment, it is 656ft (200m). This makes it an excellent alternative for huge warehouses.
The barcode Scanner is made solidly and simply, and it’s practically plug-and-play. Manual’s configuration using barcodes works fairly well.
As a result, a very reliable and well-thought-out handheld scanner that successfully relayed everything within the testing radius of around 15 meters.
Overall, I highly recommend this product specially to those who have stores.
The bar code scanner has a solid build and looks to be quite long-lasting.
The bar code scanner was fairly simple to use and set up.
Moreover, it connects to my mobile via Bluetooth. With this device, I can scan both the bar codes and the QR codes.
The scanner is quite comfortable to hold and works quite well.
But I would like to say that the holder should have a charging function too.
Otherwise, it is okay
This Barcode scanner is proving so handy for my work. I regularly complete jobs in my line of business where there is a requirement to scan barcodes, while using mobile devices to capture the transaction. Before purchasing this scanner, the process was using the inbuilt camera on an Android phone, which was frankly a painfully slow experience, especially in lower lighting conditions.
This scanner has transformed the process, saving a lot of time. Scanning is really easy, pull the trigger and the device fires out a good amount of light and the barcode is quickly scanned.
Programming is also really easy, all done by scanning specific QR or barcodes, to change many settings, such as bleep volume, speed of scan and Bluetooth pairing. Pairing over Bluetooth is simple, scan a barcode to enter pairing mode, the device will then show up on your phone, you’re then a simple tap away from being good to go. I tried the pairing process on both my iPhone and Android phone, the process was flawless for both devices.
I’ve found the battery life to be excellent. Charging is via a wireless docking station. This can be either left flat against a table or, by prising the side plates open slightly, can be placed in a diagonally supported position. As soon as the reader is placed in the dock, a green LED on the reader lights up to confirm that it’s charging. No power supply was included, but you can charge from any standard USB charger.
The scanner feels very well made, with decent quality plastics used and a rubberised outer to protect from impact.
Overall I’m very happy with this scanner. It’s done everything I’ve asked of it very well. Highly recommended.
Cool little BT barcode scanner, wirelessly.
The booklet is handy and you need it for most of the admin barcode- ie: BT pairing, sound on/off, storage mode etc.
The scanner does vibration as well as sound to confirm scanned.
It reads through bar codes, 2D codes and QR code with ease.
The stand is also a radio receiver for the scanner for a longer range. ( however, this can be tilted 45 degree and I am yet to figure out how to do this )
Battery life is pretty good at 2200mAh.
Price is good at below 60 for the red version.
Industrial barcode scanner. You can tell why this item has been listed as commercial use as its very hardy! Has a nice long range of 1968 feet, but unfortunately i’ve only managed to test to about 1000, but that works fine, so I have no doubt the full distance will too! It’s shockproof with a full 360 barrier. Easy to connect to the system via bluetooth and arrived well packaged with clear instructions for setup. Very pleased.
I will start with the only problem I found, which was how to get the stand to open up to 45 and as an engineer it had me puzzled for a while as I looked for buttons etc but there are none.
What you actually have to do is gently prise off one of the sides, where you will see there are two long slots in it, one where it lies flat, which is how it comes, and the other one is at 45, which you move the other side into, then push the side you took off back on in then same slot i.e. 45.
This is a MAJOR omission in my book and I am surprised other reviewers don’t mention it, they must be using the stand/charger flat, but that means you can’t scan things by passing them in front of it because the scanner is ‘face down’ and therefore you must lift the scanner out every time you want to scan something, plus it clearly shows the scanner can be set at at 45 in the Manual.
The scanner charges up in the stand, and it does this by ‘induction’ the same way as mobile phones can be charging using a Qi charging plate.
There is also a 433MHz wireless transmitter incorporated in the charger body to transfer data to your PC, tablet or phone, and I think previous models (i.e. previous to the 2022 update) has to us USB-C cable to charge the scanner and transmit then data – this is now all done by the cradle itself, much better and easier.
Next the scanner itself, it is designed to work with Windows XP, 7, 10 and 11, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS.
It works with most software that you would use for inventory work, such as Microsoft Excel or Word (other software is available though), and the results will be automatically entered into in.
You can scan directly to your PC, phone or tablet or you can use the storage mode on the scanner itself which has a massive capacity of 16MB and it is capable of storing up to 10,000 barcodes (depending on the characters in the barcode itself) which can then be downloaded at a later date.
The 433MHz RF wireless barcode scanner uses long-distance transmission technology for a distance of up to 1,968ft (600m) in an obstacle free environment or, 656ft (200m) where there are obstacles in the way.
The 1M pixel optical lens can read printed barcode on labels or barcodes on display screen of a mobile phone or computer and can be read fast and accurately, even if labels are on shrink wrap, or are partly damaged, dirty or poorly printed.
It has :
A ‘Handsfree Intelligent Sensor Mode’ and a ‘Trigger Scan Mode.
There are Vibration / Buzzer settings.
Data Storage and In-stand Upload Mode.
Multiple keyboard languages (The default is English but there is also German, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese etc), and you should set the scanner language to the same as the keyboard language for the device you are using)
Adding/Hiding Prefix or Suffix including date and time, etc.
It has 2 connection modes : 433MHz RF wireless and Bluetooth3 protocols : HID, SPP, BLE).
Being made of ABS (my favourite ‘plastic’) it can survive a 8 foot (2.4 m) drop onto a concrete floor and
it incorporates a 2,200mAh battery which will ensure a long run time for the scanner, it is also dustproof, although no specific rating is quoted.
Included of course is a Manual in English and it is far better than most I have seen for scanners of this type, and it does include a lot of barcodes that you scan with the gun to set various functions, much easier than having to wade through menus in my opinion.
All in all this is a great scanner, except for the problem with the charger/stand that mentioned at the very beginning, but I am not going to knock a star off for that because it is so good in all the other areas, but I hope the manufacturer reads my review and puts that right in the near future.
5 stars from me !
Scanner is well built. Took a little bit to figure how to tilt the cradle up. Flip the base over and there are two ‘snap catches’ that if you press downward and pull, the sides of the cradle pop off. Now tilt the cradle up 45 degrees so it fits into the slot and snap the sides back on. Otherwise, easy to program. Pairing is a little weird. Page 13 of the manual, scan those two codes until blue light blinks then plug the USB cable in and it should give you the one beep.
Der Scanner funktioniert ganz hervorragend und hat – bis jetzt – alle getesteten Arten von Bar- und QR-Codes zuverlssig gelesen. Das absolute Highlight ist natrlich die kabellose Bedienung, dadurch wird man doch wesentlich freier in der tglichen Nutzung.
Meine persnliche Bewertung fr: alacrity 2D Handscanner WLan – Modell: MJ-2020 – ASIN: B08L6HFWTN – Lieferung/Preis Stand: 18.05.2022 – 76,99 – Produktgewicht pro Stck: 251,5g
Weitere Eigenschaften: CE, FCC, RoHS, USB, BT, Made in China
Der alacrity 2D Handscanner wird gut verpackt geliefert, beigelegt sind eine nur Englische Anleitung, ein USB-Kabel, eine Standfusshalterung und ein USB Dongle. Im ersten Augenschein wirkt der Scanner sehr robust, alle Kanten und Ecken sind mit zustzlichem Gummischutz versehen. Der Scanner wird ber ein Akku betrieben, welches ber ein USB-C Kabel gespeist wird. Die Standardprogrammierung erlaubt schnelle Verbindung mit einem Rechner, die Verbindung kann ber USB oder WLAN problemlos hergestellt werden. Mit der leider nur englischen Anleitung knnen dann weitere Einstellungen vorgenommen werden. Die Erkennbarkeit von auch schwachen oder entfernten Strichcodes ist gut, die Datenbertragung schnell und zuverlssig. Die mitgelieferte Halterung hat keine Ladefunktion, so dass es sich um eine reine Ablagemglichkeit handelt, zum Laden muss dann zustzlich das USB Kabel eingesteckt sein.
Robustes Design
Gutes Material
Sichere Scans
Begrenzt programmierbar
Keine Lademglichkeit an der mitgelieferten Ablage
Nur englische Anleitung
Der alacrity 2D Handscanner ist ein solides Produkt mit dem man im Arbeitsalltag gute Ergebnisse erzielen kann. Das Gert wirkt leicht veraltet, allerdings bringt es wenigstens USB-C mit aber wiederum keine praktische Ablage-Lademglichkeit. Wer an einem robusten Handscanner fr den mobilen Einsatz interessiert ist, wird sich mit dem Scanner anfreunden. Ich bewerte den alacrity 2D Handscanner mit 4/5 Sternen.
Good wireless scanner, which can read barcodes very easily and have it scanned in a millisecond. It lasts a while on a full charge. Be careful with the laser as I accidentally shone it at a mirror and it bounced back in my eyes. No damage, but it could cause some sight issues. It’s a solid item with a bit of weight to it. Worth it though.
This barcode reader is superb, it has a really good set of features that makes organising stock and inventory so much more streamlined. It connects to Windows xp,7, 10 and 11, Mac, Linux, Android, IOS and works with most software that you would use for inventory applications. We use Excel and it works perfectly. Connection distance is outstanding, we have tested it to as far as we could before running out of space and had no disconnection at all, not even a glitch. You can scan direct to your PC, phone or tablet or use the storage mode. The storage mode on this model is phenomenal, we will never need that many before upload but would be ideal for warehouses, shops and factories.
Scanning ability is really good as it supports QR codes as well as bar codes, QR codes are so much handier for addresses etc. Its ability to read damaged barcodes will be such a timesaver. Battery life is fantastic, even with heavy use all day long you won’t run the battery down. Charging is quick and easy; the wireless charging cradle is so very handy.
Build quality is excellent, it doesn’t just perform well it feels good too, it is ergonomic to hold and not too heavy.
Das Produkt wurde mir im Rahmen eines Testprogrammes zur Verfgung gestellt.
Es handelt sich hier um einen Barcode Scanner in schwarz / rot.
Kann Wireless per Bluetooth benutzt werden oder per USB Kabel betrieben werden.
Inkl Halterung.
Die Anleitung ist komplett auf Englisch, was fr mich ein no go ist. Wird in Deutschland verkauft und dann sowas.
Nach langem hin und her weil mein Mann sich beruflich damit auskennt haben wir es dann ans laufen bekommen.
Scannt sehr zuverlssig auch in unterschiedlichen Winkeln etc.
An sich top das Gert, aber die Anleitung muss gendert werden.
No need to install any software or app, compatible with Windows, Mac OS, IOS, Andorid, works with almost all common software including QuickBooks, Word, Excel, Novell, etc.
I have a few scanners and this is the best one. Easy to setup, steady wireless connection, scanning barcodes are very accurate.
Also Verarbeitung sowie Design sind 1A ! Das Preis-Leistungsverhltnis Empfinde ich als gut ! Wurde sicher geliefert und wirkt auf mich sehr robust
Das Gert selber ist qualitativ gut und handlich
Das laden dieses Gertes funktioniert super , einfach auf die Ladehalterung und es wird geladen und das sogar kabellos ! Bei nicht Benutzung geht das Gert automatisch in einen Standby Modus ! Das spart Strom.
Ansonsten gefllt er und sieht optisch auch sehr modern und ansprechend aus , ber die Langlebigkeit selber muss man schauen aber bisher wirkt er bestens auf mich 🙂
Eine Anleitung ist dabei und verstndlich wobei ich selber sagen muss , dass man diese nicht bentigen wird da der Scanner einfach aufgebaut ist und man hier keine Probleme bekommen sollte!
Alles in allem bekommt er eine klare Kaufempfehlung meinerseits
Der grte Vorteil ist, dass ohne grere Installationen direkt in einen Editor, Word, Excel etc. gescannt werden kann und er bisher wirklich alles gelesen hat ! Auch ist die Akkulaufzeit gut.
Er ist recht robust und simpel gebaut und eigentlich so ziemlich Plug&Play.
Die Konfiguration ber Barcodes aus dem Manual funktioniert ganz gut.
Also ein sehr zuverlssiger und durchaus gut durchdachter Handscanner der im getesteten Umkreis von etwa 15 Meter Radius problemfrei alles bertragen hat.
Nicht so gut gefllt mir die etwas gnstig anmutende Verarbeitung, welche fr den Preis aber grad noch in Ordnung ist.
Noch weniger gefllt mir, dass der Scanner zum Laden immer per Hand an ein USB-C-Kabel gesteckt werden muss. Gut, er luft recht lange, aber eine Ladefunktion in der Halterung wre mir lieber und wrde weniger Aufwand bedeuten.
Die Halterung ist eine sehr simple Halterung, so richtig vertrauenserweckend ist sie jedoch nicht. Da sie auch kaum Gewicht mit bringt liegt der Scanner einfach so auf dem Tisch abgelegt fast sicherer.
Ohne die config-codes aus dem Manual ist man verloren, daher gut ablegen!
Fr industrielles Umfeld denke ich fehlt es dem Scanner an ein ein paar kleineren Details und einer besseren Doku.
Fr einen kleinen Shop oder aber fr den ambitionierten Heimgebrauch (CD-Sammlung, Bibliothek,…) ist er jedoch sehr gut geeignet.
Solide 4 Sterne fr den privaten Heimgebrauch.
I liked that I just plugged it in and it was ready to go, and it scanned through clear plastic bags as well, then on reading the book I was able to customise the scan and acquire just the he segment from the barcode on the laptops I was auditing, best device I’ve invested in, in ages
Fantastic device, worked straight out of the box.
Works with Sage, and connects to iPhone via Bluetooth.Reads both barcodes and QRCodes.
Would definitely recommend.