BETAFPV Cetus Pro FPV RTF Drone Kit with Remote Control FPV

BETAFPV Cetus Pro FPV RTF Drone Kit with Remote Control FPV Goggles with Altitude Hold Self-Protect 3 Flight Mode Turtle Mode Ready to Fly Easy to Start Drone Kit for FPV Beginners Teenager Adults

Self-protection, No More Dangers
The Cetus Pro drone has an excellent self-protection function which can make an emergency landing whenever loses control or is in low battery. It will also automatically disarm and drop on the ground once there is a strong collision with the object. Let’s say goodbye to loss and crash!
VR02 FPV Goggles
VR02 FPV Goggles–First-Person-View Goggles with the simpler operation and powerful function, is specially designed for FPV starters. Adopt an ergonomic design with a foam sponge faceplate and a three-sided adjustable headband, it fits your face and head perfectly.
Altitude Hold, Easy to Fly
The altitude hold function enables Auto-Hover. This quadcopter can stay at a current height when pilots do not control the transmitter. The flight has never been so easy for a beginner!
Please note that The altitude hold function is only available in mode.
Weight: | 736 g |
Dimensions: | 26 x 22 x 13 cm; 737.09 Grams |
Brand: | BETAFPV |
Batteries Included: | 2 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included) |
Dimensions: | 26 x 22 x 13 cm; 737.09 Grams |
Reference: | 00313897_1 |
I want to fly bigger more expensive FPV quadcopters. I bought this one to practice indoors. So far it’s been a lot of fun and proven itself very rugged. I’ve flown it ~30 times. Easing myself from Normal/Slow to
If you fly at home, no need for extra batteries IMO. I only have the two that come with it. I just fly randomly through the day. If you’re going somewhere then yes, you’d need extra batteries if you want more than two 3-minute flights.
Biggest issue?
I’m blind up close without reading glasses (2.25)…. At this price you won’t see any accommodation for this – that’s more a $500+ thing. There may be something you could buy and it looks easy enough to craft a custom solution. Cutting the ends off a cheap pair of readers until they fit might even work.
Yes you’ll learn faster flying in a bigger space. But realistically if you’re not going to go to in a bigger space, get something you can fly often with where you are. This is light enough I don’t fear any damage if it hits something here. Imagine a whiffle ball lightly tossed at something. If your home is whiffle-ball proofed, it’s Cetus Pro proofed.
Super pour apprendre voler en fpv petit et rsistant un complet prt voler top
Pour un kit dbutant, il lui manque certaines choses, type : Betaflight, tilt camera etc ..
Mais ct fourniture d’accessoires on est bien .
Prix reste lev malgr tou
its good and Flies good i needed to return it because of manufacturer problem but i will buy it agai
Kit completo per il principiante, facile intuitivo. Regala tanto divertimento anche a chi non pi principiante
If you’re looking to try FPV without breaking the bank or spending hours soldering or unsoldering, I highly recommend the BetaFPV Cetus Pro. This kit comes with everything you need to start learning FPV, mini-whoop drone, goggles, controller, batteries and charger. Yes, battery life is under three minutes but this is normal for FPV. BetaFPV’s support department is super helpful with any problems/questions you may have. The controller is compatible with drone simulators (recommended if you’ve never flown FPV before). You’ll have a blast!!!
This my first fpv drone and I absolutely love it its way easier to fly then I expected the thing I like the most it has 3 skill levels I can choose beginner inermediate and advance it makes it lot easier to learn to fly it comes with everything you need to get started and its all packed in a carrying case something else I really like the controller can connect to my computer i can practice on a simulator that is so cool the fpv goggles has a built in screen and it is easy to see and use I also like that the drone has brushless motors and it comes with 2 batteries it takes a little practice to get use to flying but they made really easy to learn if you a beginner to fpv drones I would recommend this is great starter kit for the price and everything it comes with
Die Drohne ist leider nicht justiert. Strt im Hardcorde mode aber sowieso nicht.
Bild und bertragung in der Brille ist sehr instabil. Dadurch ist es sehr aufwendig in kleine Gebude und Hindernisse zu fliegen, da wenn das Bild weg ist, man die Position der Drohne nicht mehr halten kann, da diese ja leider nicht justiert wurde
It’s worth noting that I could never get the “Normal” mode to work. Sport and Manual mode worked great though. When I tried Normal mode the drone shot straight up into the air at top speed and hit our ceiling. Haha, glad I wasn’t outside or that thing would have been gone!
Another great thing about this drone is that it is SUPER durable. Mine has already smashed into our high ceiling, dropped from the second floor onto the hardwood floor of the first floor, run into walls, flipped upside down, several very hard landings, etc.. Thing still looks as good as new and runs great.
Only ONE fairly significant issue: the battery life. Flight time is only about 3min per battery. And you only get 2 batteries. Recharging the batteries takes about 20min-ish. So do yourself a favor and buy the pack of 4 betafpv 450mAh BT2.0 batteries and also the betafpv charger with 30W power supply that can charge 6 of the 1S 450mAh batteries simultaneously. That way you have more flight. Moreover, the better you get at flying the longer you can fly on each battery because your flying will be smoother and less “punchy” with less high-current events happening, which makes the batteries last a lot longer if you’re just cruising around gently – you could get up to 4-5min with nice consistent smooth flight.
Ich htte mir viel Geld gespart, wenn ich als erstes dieses Set gekauft htte. Dieses Set kann einen von absoluten Anfnger zum stark fortgeschrittenen Piloten begleiten. Zur Drohne selber: Intelligenter Aufbau, sehr robust, Ersatzteile einfach zu beschaffen (wenn ntig). Man kann die Drohne auch drauen fliegen, durch den flachen Aufbau liegt diese – auch bei Wind – stabiler in der Luft als manch andere, schwerere Drohne. Man hat drei Flugmodi, Anfnger, Fortgeschrittener und “full3D”. Diese stellt man intuitiv an einem Kippschalter(!) an der Funke ein. Auch drei Geschwindkeitsmodi, welche den Neigungswinkel der Drohne beeinflussen. Ich sag mal so, wenn ihr als Anfnger die Kippschalter erstmal “nur” in der Mittelstellung lasst, habt ihr erstmal auf Wochen zu tun – lediglich beim Flug auf “Sicht”. Und jetzt kommt noch eine 3D Brille hinzu…Wer sich fr das Hobby interessiert…Kaufen!
je vous conseille de prendre le pro car mme si le normal est bien il manque un peut de patate
Very good fpv drone this is my first and it’s very easy to fly
Ich wollte schon immer FPV Drohnen fliegen lernen. Ich hatte aber keine Lusst auf langweiligen Simulatoren. Mit diesem Set hat man alles was man zum anfagen braucht. Die Stufen die man einstellen kann sind gut durchdacht.
Es macht so viel spass das Ding zu fliegen in der Wohnenung und natrlich drauen. Es sollte halt nicht zu viel Wind gehen aber das ist bei der grer der Drohne logisch.
Die zwei Akkus knnten halt mehr sein, leider finde ich die passenden nicht auf Amazon.
I’ve always loved the idea of flight. I’ve had dreams where I fly like a bird with the physical sensation of lift. Barring the chance to buy/rent and fly a helicopter, skydive, or wingsuit, FPV is the closest I’ve ever come to making these dreams a reality.
I am not new to piloting aerial vehicles and purchased this kit to expand my repertoire of skills and knowledge of the products that exist for beginners. The BetaFPV drones are hands down the easiest and least expensive way to approach the hobby. With the 3 modes available (normal, sport, and manual) as well as the speed switch, You are given a safe and practical way to become familiar with FPV flight controls and operations. From the simulator on a pc to manual mode IRL, you are provided with a clear and forgiving path to familiarize yourself with FPV flight.
If you are starting out, This is the kit for you. I recommend purchasing one to two 6 battery chargers, and at least 14 batteries for a solid hour of flight time. In most cases, you will be able to rotate through each battery and fly continuously minus your pit stops. I would also recommend that beginners fully read the included manuals and disable the normal mode flight assists as in my experience they are more likely to interfere with the “feel” of the drone. Remember that you *are* going to crash when you begin; that said, the drone is incredibly durable and comes with replacement props. I also recommend starting indoors so you can get a feel for the drone and verify that there are no functional defects without environmental effects.
La sacoche est vraiment trs pratique. Tout est de qualit plus ou moins quivalente au prix, il faut bien regarder des vidos de test sur YouTube pour ne pas risquer d’tre du. C’est trs bien pour apprendre.
Petit dboire la rception avec une batterie casse mais le service client a t d’une efficacit redoutable!
For many hours i trained with my Radiolite 2 on simulators like Liftoff or DCL.
I wanted to step my game up and do the real thing. After much research i found the cetus pro set by BETAFPFV.
There are several modes which allow you to fly indoors and outdoors. The acro/manual mode is for fpv pilots the real thing and gave me much, much fun. When you are a real beginner the indoor modes will help you stabilize your drone and have a pleasant flight experience.
Please consider that with a very windy weather you will need a stronger drone because it could be difficult to fly. The transmitter is really good to handle, especially when you like gamepads.
I love the support team. It helps you and is very friendly.
I love this little drone, for what it is you can’t expect much better. I will say it’s not a beginner drone for new pilots but it’s a great beginner for new fpv pilots. I have crashed into a couple trees and hit the ground hard a few times and it just gets right back in the air. Durable little dude in my opinion. You are definitely going to want the extra batteries. My flight times are about 3 1/2 minutes tops. Video quality is good enough to fly but don’t expect hd vision at this price point. Turtle mode is probably the best invention ever on a drone like this. If you’ve been flying and want to try fpv I 100% recommend this drone.
This is a great beginner kit for FPV pilots that want the plug and play experience! They have great customer service and want you to experience seamless FPV flying with no hassle of programming or building! I would recommend this kit!
Mon fils adore!
Juste un petit soucis avec la camra mais le service aprs-vente est au top et nous avons reu la pice de rechange en quelques jours seulement. Je recommande
A really good quality start drone kit with decent price.watching some videos before got it, and I am satisfied with my choice
Im Moment wirklich eine der besten Einsteigerquads fr Leute die das fliegen im manuellen Modus lernen wollen. Sicher schon 20mal gecrasht und noch keine Schden zu sehen. bung am Simulator wrde ich trotzdem empfehlen. Akkus halten 2min und sind in ca 20min geladen (2 Stk. gleichzeitig)
Es ist keine Montage ntig.
Neutral: Die Automatik-Flug-Modi sind etwas “komisch” bzw. das Verhalten nicht 100% nachvollziehbar. Da ich diese Modi aber nicht nutze ist mir das egal.
Negativ: Brille im Set kann keine Aufzeichnungen machen (Quad auch nicht)
Just got mine and have been having a blast all day. It’s very sturdy, almost to the point of it being silly. I probably would have destroyed my old whoop. Flight time is as advertised if you can stay smooth on the throttle.The goggles do not support pilots with glasses. They work perfectly fine for in home flying however I have not taken it outside yet. I would purchase again knowing this was an entry level fpv whoop ki