Chillafish Charlie, 10″ Balance Bike with EVA Foam Tires

Chillafish Charlie, 10″ Balance Bike with EVA Foam Tires, Adjustable seat and Handle bar Complete with Built in Carry Handle, Ages 1.5 – 4 yrs

Who is Chillafish?
Chillafish is a manufacturer of activity toys and specialist in balance bikes and other wheeled toys – inspiring children and their parents around the world to play actively, develop healthy motor skills have fun with their innovative and super-duper cool toys. Chillafish products are design-inspired, manufactured with the highest sustainable quality standards in mind, offering fantastic play value. Entering the households of more than 1 million people makes us experts in creating fun, innovative and sustainable toys ! PLAY LONGER !
Long life toys
Chillafish products are design-inspired, manufactured with the highest sustainable quality standards in mind, offering fantastic play value. Entering the households of more than 1 million people makes us creating fun, innovative and sustainable toys ! PLAY LONGER!
We are happy when our little customers are happy
We are giving the most detailled information of our products so that we make sure you can chose the right toy for the right age so that once the toy arrives, the only thing you experience is pure fun!
Weight: | 3.1 Kilograms |
Size: | Regular |
Dimensions: | 62 x 15.49 x 27.51 cm; 3.1 Kilograms |
Brand: | Chillafish |
Model: | CPCH01BLA |
Colour: | Black |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Chillafish |
Department: | Unisex-teen |
Dimensions: | 62 x 15.49 x 27.51 cm; 3.1 Kilograms |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | Regular |
So easy to put together. Probably took less than 5 minutes but feels like great quality/sturdiness. My 2yo child found it pretty easy to get used to and balance. It is the perfect height for her and easily stepping over it to “get on”. It will also be able to grow with her since you can adjust the seat!
My child loves this bike. I like that it has a built-in handle, and that it’s very light (for a few weeks our child would pick it up and carry it when they wanted to take a break from riding). These little balance bikes are fantastic for little ones, and this particular bike has been sturdy and reliable for over a year now.
After opening this box and attempting to put it together with no instructions, I realized we were probably sent a returned product. It also had a scratch down the side. We decided to keep it because we wanted to take it camping the next day and couldn’t get another one that soon. My son loves it and it seems durable. After some googling I was able to get it out together fine.
This bike was quick to assemble and is the perfect size for a toddler/preschooler. My four year old daughter loves to zip around our kitchen on it. It is very sturdy.
The bike does feature adjustability to grow with your child or to fit various ages. This helps to improve the already great value of this product.
My boys love this bike! It’s super cute and really easy for them to ride. They should be able to get a couple years out of it based on the adjustability.
I bought this for Mt grandson who is 20 months. He loves it. It goes everywhere with us. I do recommend a helmet as they get fast and brave quickly and start lifting their feet.
Great quality for the price. Assembly took like 5 minutes and we were off to biking. The adjustable seat is great. Only one that we have that seems small enough for our 2 year old.
I wish I had purchased a balance bike for the first two kids. We purchased this for our 2yr son and two months later he is balancing while going straight and turning at speed. There is no doubt that he will transition seamlessly to a pedal bike. Most importantly he loves it and rides it at every opportunity. An added benefit is we can walk/jog while he scoots along so we all can get excersize! Great quality/price
Perfekt fr kleine zarte Kinder.
Meine Tochter hat es zum 2. Geburtstag bekommen und konnte es gleich super halten und ihre ersten Fahrversuche aus eigener kraft starten. Sie brauchte 2 Wochenenden und konnte dann flitzen wie ein Weltmeister. Ich habe extra nach dem leichtesten Modell gesucht und dieses hier kann ich nur Empfehlen!
We bought this for our 2 year old to practice before he starts riding an actual bike. He loves it! It’s lightweight and easy for him to maneuver around. The handle on it is nice and makes carrying it easy. We also like that the tires can’t go flat. The only negative we have is that to raise or lower the seat, you have to completely remove the bolt holding the seat on. It’s a little less convenient but it still wouldn’t be a deal breaker. We would definitely buy it again!
Meine Tochter ist ziemlich klein. Fast 2 aber noch keine 80 cm gro. Doch mit diesem Laufrad kann sie schon anfangen ein bisschen zu fahren. Sie kommt gerade so mit den ganzen Fen auf den Boden aber da es so leicht ist kann sie es recht gut halten und wenn es doch mal kippt, dann fllt sie wenigstens nicht mit um.
Fr ihren groen Bruder waren die Blinkerder ein Argument endlich berhaupt mal Laufrad zu fahren. Unser groes von Puky war ihm zu schwer aber jetzt nimmt er auch das, nachdem er die Freude daran entdeckt hat.
Das Chillafish Laufrad kann ich fr kleine Anfnger nur empfehlen, auch toll fr die Eltern ist, dass es so leicht ist, wenn man es tragen muss, wobei der Griff” eher ungeeignet und unntig ist, ich drehe es einfach um, mit den Rdern nach oben und halte es in der Mitte. Fr grere Kinder ist mir allerdings eine Bremse wichtig (bei uns ist es ziemlich hgelig und ab drei hat es bisher mit der Handbremse immer gut funktioniert)
Esta bicicleta de equilibrio es lo mejor que encontr para mi hijo de dos aos, la recomiendo es una buena invenci
Trs jolie draisienne, facile monter. Idale pour enfants 2 ans. Trs bon produi
Instructions are easy to follow and clear allen keys included. I love how simple but stylish it is.
Good little bike great value for money easy to assemble
Grandson loves this and it really is helping him with his balance. Really nice quality, sturdy bike. I definitely recommend this for your little toddler learning to balance & rude a bike.
Lovely bike that looks great and the quality is good but It was bought for a big two year old and he already needed it set to the maximum height, so I should have bought a bigger size.
great style fab colour and so easy to put together.
…all instructions and components were included
it only took minutes to put together …….great price as well in relation to product from other suppliers
Brilliant bike and my son loves it very much, looks the part and gets looks when out….didnt take long to be zipping n zooming around, light up wheels are added bonus especially on dull or early nights….wheels also or rubber and not need pumping up..another bonus
Bought this for my 3 yr old great grandsons birthday and he loves it. Very study. Would recommend.!
Got this for my son’s 2nd birthday and he LOVES it.
Das ist das Geburtstagsgeschenk ,gefllt mir sehr gut, leicht aufzubaue
Lieferung war zgig und top. Preis top, Qualitt super. Das Laufrad lie sich leicht zusammen bauen, ist sehr leicht, also lsst sich super tragen wenn Kleinkind mal nicht mehr fahren mchte. Farbe und Aussehen sind auch perfekt, das einzige was ich nicht so toll finde ist das sich die weisse Farbe an dem Schriftzug “Chillafish” und an dem Fisch beginnt abzulsen, aber das ist nur Estethik und hat nichts mit der Funktion des Laufrades zu tun. Also von mir absolute Kaufempfehlung, ich wrde es immer wieder kaufen.
Das Rad kam gut verpackt an und war schnell und unkompliziert aufgebaut. Ist derzeit 2 Wochen in Verwendung und macht einen guten Eindruck. Unsere Tochter ist 2 Jahre und kann gut damit umgehen.
My baby love it! It’s perfect for start with the bikes.
This is my sons favorite thing to ride! He’s been using it for the past 6 months and we haven’t had a single issue with it. Love that the seat can adjust to his height.
Our boy loves his bike! Really good quality bike too.
Attractive and sturdy balance bike… which my granddaughter loves.
Arrived promptly and good value for money.
Purchased for my grandson who likes it a lot.
Easy to put together and looks the part.
This bike is sturdy and easy to use by the 2 year old grandso
Offerte mon fils pour son anniversaire ! Il est trs content et la draisienne est de trs bonne qualit !
This bike is absolutely perfect for my 2 year old. He has gained so much confidence on this bike and it is small enough for him to feel safe but has also adjusted well as he gets taller. I definitely recommend for an emerging toddler balance bike rider!!
Je l’ai achet pour Nol mon fils qui avait alors un an et demi et il ne l’a quitte jamais
En intrieur comme en extrieur elle est lgre et maniable et ne craint pas les chocs
Avec un casque intgral mon fils est un vrai ride
Awesome 1st balance bike, so easy an light, little one loves i
The only thing i dislike it is made with part plastic.
Sein erstes Rdchen, stolz wie Bolle und ich wrde es wieder kaufen! Kann ich empfehlen! Es ist stabil und sieht toll aus.
Great quality, cute, small size perfect for our 2 year old. It would be a little too small for our 4 year old.
My toddler loves this. Easy to put together and adorable.
My 1.5 year old loves it. It was easy to assemble and is sturdy and cute. I already returned it once because they sent the wrong color and got the wrong color again which is frustrating so we will just livewith it.
Sehr schick und gut verarbeitet.
Keine Ahnung was andere Leute so schreiben. Rutschige Rder auf Laminat . Geht mal lieber drauen fahren, oder harter Sattel. Wozu ein weicher Sattel?
Das Bike ist top und ich wrde es wieder kaufen. Es hat mittlerweile etliche Kilometer runter und wchst gut mi
Perfektes Kleinkind Laufrad kann gut eingestellt werden auf die passende Gre des Kindes, fr Eltern handlich faces einen eingebauten Griff hat und man es ber all hin mitnehme
The bike was ordered for a family member and when it was being put together it was missing the nut to hold the handle bars in place. Accidents happen but as a grandma, it made me a wee bit sad
Over the moon with this bike. My little one loves it! Only took him 20 minutes to work out how to balance and move. Thanks to the hight adjustable seat, once he got how to move with his feet flat and knees bent, we could raise it up to make paddling his feet easier.
Well made and so far still looks new even though it has been dropped a lot.
Would recommend.
Over the moon with this bike. My little one loves it! Only took him 20 minutes to work out how to balance and move. Thanks to the hight adjustable seat, once he got how to move with his feet flat and knees bent, we could raise it up to make paddling his feet easier.
Well made and so far still looks new even though it has been dropped a lot.
Would recommend.
Works great for a little bike. My son loves it and is easy to use! Worth the price. Great product!
I purchased this for my 24 month old grandson and he is not afraid to ride. He struggled the first two times but after putting a bigger kid on it to show him how to walk it he know gets on and is able to walk around the house (at a slow pace) without falling off. Definitely what i expected with easy assembling
Purchased for my 2 year old for her b-day and she’s been riding it for days now, she loves it and it is so cute!
I bought this item for my 2 year old. It was easy to assemble and light weight.. My 2 year old can pick it up by herself.. She was able to take off on it by herself within 2 days. It is one of her favorite toys. It has taught her balance and feet coordination. I highly recommend this item. My 2 year old absolutely loves it.
Das Laufrad ist wunderschn und unser Sohn (1,5 Jahre) liebt es vom ersten Augenblick. Von der Gre passt es auch perfekt, da es angepasst werden kann. Leider kam das Laufrad bei der ersten Bestellung schon sehr zerkratzt. Deshalb ein Stern Abzug.
Rcknahme und Rckerstattung des ersten Laufrades lieg reibungslos und super schnell.
Htte ich nicht einmal retournieren mssen, wre alles perfekt gewesen.
Groartiges und super cooles Laufrad. Sohnemann ist happy!!
A great first balance bike, light yet robust. Tyres have good grip but won’t damage furniture, walls etc.
A great first balance bike, light yet robust. Tyres have good grip but won’t damage furniture, walls etc.
A beautifully built, well finished and excellently painted giving a standard that I thought great value for money. I was a little worried by some of the reviews that I read, but ordered this one anyhow as it fitted my size requirements and colouring. It arrived in a day and was so easy to put together, by following simple instructions, with the 3 Allen keys supplied. The paint job is complete and undamaged and matched the picture. The handlebars and saddle are easy to assemble and set for my granddaughter (30cm inside leg) on the lowest setting; with plenty of extension for growing room later. Job’s a good’un.
A beautifully built, well finished and excellently painted giving a standard that I thought great value for money. I was a little worried by some of the reviews that I read, but ordered this one anyhow as it fitted my size requirements and colouring. It arrived in a day and was so easy to put together, by following simple instructions, with the 3 Allen keys supplied. The paint job is complete and undamaged and matched the picture. The handlebars and saddle are easy to assemble and set for my granddaughter (30cm inside leg) on the lowest setting; with plenty of extension for growing room later. Job’s a good’un.
Lovely bike, I got it for my sons birthday but unfortunately the screw in the seat has rounded off so won’t be able to change the heigh
Lovely bike, I got it for my sons birthday but unfortunately the screw in the seat has rounded off so won’t be able to change the heigh
Much better than the cheap ones from toy shops and halfords
Our toddlers next step before using pedals, and he loves it. This bike is super cute and durable. The only problem is he keeps catching his feet on the bar around the back wheel. Which makes him go all wobbly. He’s never fallen off though. We would definitely purchase again.
Our toddlers next step before using pedals, and he loves it. This bike is super cute and durable. The only problem is he keeps catching his feet on the bar around the back wheel. Which makes him go all wobbly. He’s never fallen off though. We would definitely purchase again.
ill be honest, its feels a little cheap, plastic wheels, put it together (i am an engineer) an it still has a little play. Worst part is there is no quick release lever for the seat post adjustment.
I know its a balance bike, but would be nice to have somewhere the kid can up their feed on when they aren’t pushing
Great bike for the price and fits my one year old well. Nice and light and seems like it is made to las
Great bike for the price and fits my one year old well. Nice and light and seems like it is made to las
Cumple con las caractersticas que se anuncian. En lo personal, me gust mucho.