ColorKing Compatible Toner Cartridges Replacement

ColorKing Compatible Toner Cartridges Replacement for Brother TN247 TN243 for DCP-L3550CDW DCP-L3510CDW HL-L3210CW HL-L3230CDW HL-L3270CDW MFC-L3710CW MFC-L3750CDW (Black Cyan Yellow Magenta, 5 Pack)

Weight: | 2.49 kg |
Dimensions: | 34.29 x 27.9 x 11.4 cm; 2.49 Kilograms |
Brand: | ColorKing |
Model: | Compatible TN247 TN243 |
Colour: | Black Cyan Yellow Magenta |
Manufacture: | ColorKing (Not Brother OEM) |
Dimensions: | 34.29 x 27.9 x 11.4 cm; 2.49 Kilograms |
Super produit. Envoy dans les dlais. Toners bien emballs et parfaitement reconnus par l’imprimante.
D’aprs mes premires impressions, avec du texte comme avec des photos, la qualit est similaire aux toners d’origine.
Pour la longvit, on verra l’usage !
Trs bon rapport qualit-prix pour le moment.
La relacion calidad precio , almenos para mi, es muy buena. Ajustan perfectamente en los contenedores de los toner , El unico Pero ….. es que en mi caso, un toner negro de buenas a primera, dejo de existir para la maquina (ya tenia al menos 200 copias realizadas sin problemas) Solucion ??? Cambia el chip del compatible por el origuinal viejo y problema solucionado, Asi que ya sabeis, guardar los chip originales por si os da este fallo y los teneis que cambiar. El chi con el porta chip eh.
J’ai commenc ces cartouches pour mon imprimante Brother HL-L3270CDW aprs avoir utilis depuis le dbut des cartouches originales qui sont bien plus chres. A l’usage, les cartouches compatibles Colorking me donnent entire satisfaction pour mon utilisation bureautique professionnelle (cabinet libral). Les cartouches sont immdiatement reconnues et fonctionnent parfaitement. Je suis trs heureux de mon achat car pour le prix, elles valent largement les cartouches originales.
Achat de 2 lots de toners compatibles 3 couleurs et 2 noirs ColorKing TN-243CMYK pour Brother DCP-L3550CDW de chez TN247
Livraison trs rapide et Emballage soign par TN247.
Les toners sont installs dans ma Brother DCP-L3550CDW et sont de qualit identique des originaux et pour une somme modique en comparaison.
Donc parfait pour moi.
Ansich sind die Toner nicht schlecht. Sie sind kompatibel zum Drucker und bieten ein gutes Druckergebnis. Nun kommt das groe ABER:
Nach einem Stromausfall zeigt mein Drucker “kein Toner”. Auf der Suche nach der Problemlsung bin ich in einem Onlineforum darauf gestoen, dass der Chip am Toner das Problem ist. Dieser kann wohl solche Spannungsnderungen nicht vertragen. Er wird nach dem Stromausfall von Drucker nicht mehr erkannt. Ich habe den Toner dann ausgewechselt, er funktionierte wieder einwandfrei. Dann dachte ich, ich schalte den Drucker vorsorglich aus. Lieber kontrolliert runter fahren und nicht auf den nchsten Stromausfall warten. Als ich den Drucker wieder einschaltete, gleiches Problem. “Kein Toner erkannt”. Wenn man einen alten Originalen Toner hat, kann man das Problem wohl lsen indem man den Chip einfach auswechselt. Ich hatte den originalen Toner leider schon weg geworfen . Somit habe ich die Toner retourniert.
Das positive, der Anbieter wollte die Kartuschen komplett und kostenfrei ersetzen und verspricht seinen Lagerbestand auf die defekte Charge zu durchsuchen und diese zu vernichten.
Los cartuchos son 100% compatibles con mi impresora Brother HL-L3230CDW y las impresiones son de buena calidad. Muy recomendables.
Han llegado en buenas condiciones y a pesar de no ser originales la calidad de la impresin es muy buena y el precio asequible. Sin duda volver a comprarlos.
Cartucce originali. Sicuramente la qualit migliore rispetto alle compatibili. Ottimo prodotto. Facile da sostituire. Consiglio vivamente.
En plus d’tre livre rapidement, j’ai t agrablement surprise par la facilit de remplacement de ces toners qui sont de trs bonnes qualits. Je recommande.
Produit conforme l’original trs bonne qualit d’impression reconnue sans problme par l’imprimante, je recommande vivement et n’hsiterais pas une seconde recommander la prochaine fois
Cartouche de toner achete pour une Brother MFC 3710CW sries. La livraison est super rapide, les cartouches sont super bien emballs.
Aucun problme de dtection, elles se montent en lieu et place des cartouches dorigine.
Au niveau de la qualit d’impression je dirai que c’est quasi similaire aux cartouches constructeur.
Je recommande.
Nous sommes trs satisfaits de notre achat. Le rapport qualit prix est super.
Bonjour j’ai commander c est toner je me suis dit pour le prix on verra bien et du coup je suis trs trs satisfaite au dbut j’ai galre avec la jaune ne marcher pas mais problme rsolu vraiment top je l’es recommande
Buenos toner, los detecta la impresora sin ningun problema y su impresion es nitida , sin manchas.
Es recomendable para la impresora Brother.
Buon compromesso costo qualit.
Per farle accettare alla stampante che non le rilevava ho dovuto pulire i contatti (trovate video educativi su YouTube). Discreta la qualit di stampa. Ottimo prezzo
Despues de probar muchos,y de muchas marcas con problemas de compatibilidad,por fin he encontrado los que no dan la lata con las actualizaciones.(tambien recomiendo tenerlas deshabilitadas)
recomiendo 100% su compra
J’utilise une imprimante Brother personnelle la maison, j’ai t avertie qu’il n’y avait bientt plus d’encre
en 2 temps trois mouvements j’ai achet sur Amazon en ligne ces cartouches ColorKing Compatible Cartouche de Toner Remplacement pour Brother MFC-L3750CDW, j’ai t livre rapidement, et ravie de la haute qualit : produit soign, facile installer et immdiatement oprationnelles sans aucun problme ! Bravo et merci
The cartridges worked well for about a month then started printing only a small section of the page. To get the page to print properly I would have to shake the cartridges and it would print ok a couple of times then go back to printing only a small section.
The printer is showing that the cartridges are still half full so it shouldn’t be that the toner level is just low.
Update. Having contacted the seller they provided a refund promptly and were very helpful.
Tengo una impresora Brother MFC-L3710CW, los he instalado esta maana y funcionan perfectamente, la calidad de la impresin y el color es muy buena. Adems de la excelente relacin calidad-precio. Repetir la compra seguro
Couldn’t install the toners as they had leaked. Compensation offered.
Excelente calidad precio. No noto ninguna diferencia en calidad de impresin respecto a los originales. La impresora no ha dado ningn problema al reconocerlos
Toner noir et couleurs qui fonctionne pour mon imprimante Brother, et qui tourne depuis 3 mois d’usage quasi quotidie
Estos toner,son compatibles con la brother 3210 y la calidad del color es muy buena por el precio que tienen. Imgenes nitidas.
No tuve ningn problema a la hora de instalarlos siendo muy fcil y a dia de hoy sigo igual de contenta.
Sin duda volver a repetir la compra.
Son unos cartuchos vlidos para las impresoras que se dicen en el anuncio. Y adems el precio y la calidad es el correcto.
Un produit trs trs bien, mon imprimante imprime comme il faut, rapport qualit prix exceptionnel !
Me base en este por las reseas que le. Y de momento fue una buena eleccin.
Se configura solo e imprime bien sin problemas
A fantastic price for a full set of replacement toner cartridges that are faultless. Easy to install, faultless print quality and great value for money. I’ll definitely reorder these again when they doubtlessly expire before I expect them to.
L’une des cartouches tait dfectueuse, mais le service client a t trs ractif. Je suis donc satisfait de mon achat.
Quick delivery,
Easy to install
Good value for money
Easy to use and with extremely vibrant ink these ink cartridges were a perfect replacement for my old ones.
Bien reu les cartouches qui fonctionnent et sont bien reconnues. Aucune diffrence avec les cartouches d’origine. Rapport qualit prix impeccable.
Replacement toners work well and quality of print is as good as originals. Would definitely order agai
The best value for money and quality product! Straight out of the box and a quick and hassle free installation into our printer, saved some bucks in comparison to the originals, will be returning for these once they run out (not anytime soon because they last ages).
Having used both Brother and these I find no difference in print quality. They come well packed and are easy to install and my printer has no problem recognizing them
Over all great quality and price I would recommend the absolutely
James Dora
Recientemente adquirimos esta impresora en el trabajo y tras gastar el juego de toners del vendedor estamos muy contentos, misma calidad que el original y una durabilidad muy buena, totalmente recomendable.
Very happy with the quality of the print cartridges. Delivered quickly. Great value, great service.
Se nota que son buenas , duran mucho y no se secan. La recomiendo.
Habe die Kartuschen auf Vorrat gekauft und habe nach dem Einbau festgestellt, das die Cyan Kartusche mit der Abgabe des Tonors sehr sparsam ist, was zu fehlfarben beim drucken fhrt.
Der Service hat auf meine Rezension reagiert und mir Angeboten entweder Ersatz zu liefern oder den Kaufpreis zu erstatten. Hier muss ich sagen bin ich sehr zufrieden, da ich als Kunde ersntgenommen werde und auch iene Wertschtzung erfahre. Dafr gibt es dann auch volle Punkzahl.
Questo pacchetto perfetto perch ti permette di avere un ricambio per ogni colore ed il doppio per il nero che in una casa come la nostra con figli universitari ed altri in smartworking si utilizza moltissimo. La stampante li riconosce immediatamente senza nessun problema e stampa che una meraviglia. Proprio un bel prodotto!
I find this toner really good value for money. Quick delivery and is great. Will definitely be buying again when I need a replacement.
Lo primero: no esperes la misma calidad que con tner originales. Dicho eso, hay que tener en cuenta que este pack cuesta aproximadamente lo mismo que un tner original. Entonces, merece la pena pagar cinco veces ms? La respuesta para m es no. Salvo que quieras la mejor calidad posible, este pack imprime con una calidad muy alta y las diferencias las notars si lo comparas con el tner original en detalles finos. Para impresin de documentos y grficos normales, merece la pena totalmente.
Slotted striaght into the printer, No issues to install, Worked off the bat without hickup.
Great print quality, Excellent price.
The toners are amazing, they are easy to install and didn’t bleed onto my hands. They came wrapped up nicely and I was able to put the old toners into the package the new one came of for easy disposal.
Will be purchasing agai
Replaced black first and that worked well. 2 months later replaced colour toners but yellow wasn’t recognised so I had to order a single yellow toner.
updated to 4 stars on 10th Sept 2022 for excellent customer service who offered to compensate.
Llego en fecha correspondiente.
Hice el pedido hace unos meses, pero quera probar todas las tintas antes de dar mi opinin.
Son de buena calidad y por ahora no estoy decepcionada con la compra. Les pondra las 5 estrellas si consiguieran imprimir los colores mas intensos, ya que algunos colores no llegan a la intensidad que consigo con las de marca brother. Pero por el precio estoy muy contenta ha sido una buena compra, repetir seguro.
Deux cartouches sur les 5 achetes ne fonctionnaient pas.
Contact par le service aprs vente suite une rclamation, celui-ci a procd au remboursement de l’intgralit de mon achat.
Bon service aprs vente.
Le cartucce sono ben imballate, sono arrivate il giorno dopo l’ordine. Facile l’installazione, la stampante le ha riconosciute subito, la qualit ottima, il prezzo conveniente. Le ricomprerei nuovamente, prodotto consigliato.
Il prodotto arrivato nei tempi previsti e perfettamente imballato. A tal proposito si apprezza il packaging studiato appositamente per proteggere i toner da eventuali urti accidentali durante il trasporto. L’installazione semplicissima ed estremamente intuitiva. La stampante riconosce immediatamente il toner senza alcun problema. La stampa non presenta difetti anzi pressoch paritetica all’originale.
Pertanto mi ritengo estremamente soddisfatto dell’acquisto. CONSIGLIATISSIMO!
Originally I had an issue with the ink installation but after contacting customer service they were excellent and helped me through correcting the issue with immediate response. I would definitely be buying these again. Honestly good product that does the job.
Auf der Suche nach kompatiblem Toner-Ersatz fr unseren Laser-Farbdrucker Brother haben wir uns nach sorgfltigem Vergleich fr das Angebot ColorKing TN247 entschieden. Ausschlaggebend war neben kritischer Betrachtung ernst zu nehmender Bewertungen auch das gnstige Preis-Leistungsverhltnis. Die Lieferung erfolgte prompt — alle Kartuschen im stabilen Umkarton einzeln verpackt in Folienbeuteln. Der Wechsel zunchst von Schwarz, das als Erstes zur Neige ging, erfolgte problemlos. Da erweist sich zugleich als praxisgerecht, dass die Farbe im Fnfer-Paket doppelt enthalten ist. Das Druckbild bleibt auch nach inzwischen hufigem Einsatz einwandfrei. Bei den guten Erfahrungen gehen wir davon aus, dass sie insgesamt und auf Dauer Bestand haben werden.
I purchased these compatible replacement toner cartridges for my Brother printer because the price was very competitive. I had no problems whatsoever installing them and I am very happy with the quality of the printing. I will definitely buy them again when I need to replace them.
Very Fast delivery.
Works perfectly fine with my L3210CW
Cartridges arrived quickly. These are half the price of manufactures cartidges and you get an extra black cartdige in the box. They are working absolutly fine, with no issues. Easy to install.
Bought this and cannot fault the quality or company. Easy to set up and very quick delivery. Will definitely use this seller again.
As the photo shows, the test page came out great.
The delivery was the next day, as requested, and the quality of the product is extremely good.
Up to know i have only used one of the toners but the great thing is it comes with two black cartridges that make it a really great buy.
Easy to install, these toner cartridges have given me top quality prints for numerous weeks now, no issues whatsoever. I used to buy the genuine toner cartridges, but since I have been using these I have not noticed any difference but I have saved over 150.00. Will definitely use this store again. Thank You:)
Aprs plusieurs essais de diffrentes marques de cartouches compatibles, c’est la deuxime fois que j’achte ces cartouches de Toner pour mon imprimantes laser Brother DCP-L3550CDW et je ne suis pas du. Le rapport qualit prix est indniable. De plus elle dure beaucoup plus longtemps que des cartouches Brother classique et coute au minimum 2 fois moins cher que les cartouches d’origines. La qualit d’impression est excellente (voir photo) pour un enseignant comme moi qui a besoin de couleur pour certaines matires. Enfin la livraison a t plus rapide que prvu et l’installation est ultra-facile puisque l’imprimante les reconnait immdiatement. J’ai enfin trouv mes cartouches…
I bought a new brother printer but didn’t want to buy brother branded toners as they are expensive. i have had no issues with these toners and they are perfectly compatible with our brother printer. The quality is good and I will be buying them again.
Cartridges were so easy to install, the print quality was amazing. Fast delivery at an affordable price, what more can I say, a 5 star product.
Amazing product and print quality. i have ordered it few days ago, it was easy to place, good reviews and quick delivery. It did work perfect for HL S product. I have used various brands, it gives best quality with best price available in the market. This ColorKing Compatible TN247 – best for either mono or colour prints, either it is presentations or images. I use it for my kids drawing, scriblle to print out, which gives immense pleasure for me and my kid. Colour wise the toner is fantastic and worth, it comes with toners needed and enough for 3000 pages which has Magenda, Cyan, Yellow and black toners. Complete trust on the product where you can get best quality for less prices where in some cases you need to spend lot to get such a good quality. Installation instructions and manual all worth and easy to go through. IT comes in fitted box and rightly packed. To get this quality I have had spend lot more than double before but with this product it gives happiness. With more and more working from home/hybrid model, you would need to have best cartridges to print the documents, images and needed. Excellent support from the ColorKing team, if any issues to install or got stuck or need replacement product, they are very quick to respond and help. For sure you can go for this product, which makes you happy printing. Find the video which shows the quality of the inkjet.
Es la segunda vez que compro los cartuchos de esta compaa y la verdad es que estoy muy contento con los resultados de los trabajos que he realizado durante este tiempo.
El paquete viene con los 3 cartuchos de color:
– ( M ) Magenta
– ( C ) Cyan
– ( Y ) Amarillo
Empaquetados de forma individual y aparte dos cartuchos de color negro que son los que ms se usarn en el da a da para impresiones frecuentes.
En mi caso, principalmente he estado realizando trabajos de todo tipo:
– Tanto impresiones de facturas, trabajos de clase en blanco y negro u otro tipo de documentos rpidos
– Trabajos que requeran de calidad fotogrfica con papel especial para este cometido, con lo que necesitaba de una calidad de impresin de rango medio / alto y con este producto he conseguido el resultado que esperaba.
Hay que tener en cuenta que el precio de los cinco cartuchos de esta compaa es, comparado con el producto original, una pequea parte de lo que se pagara por el cartucho original, ya que un solo cartucho de color original, costara alrededor de los 40 o 50 euros cuando por menos de 80 tenemos los tres cartuchos de color ms los dos de color negro, con lo cual estamos pagando casi el precio de un cartucho original y a cambio obtenemos 5 cartuchos: 3 de color y 2 negros, por lo que el tenemos servicio de impresin para una larga temporada sin que repercuta en nuestro bolsillo de forma exagerada.
En resumen: Los cartuchos son de muy buena calidad, imprimen estupendamente, como los originales y por un precio que es sensiblemente menor. Relacin calidad precio 11 sobre 10!.
Lo recomiendo.
Die Bewertung bezieht sich auf folgendes Produkt: 5-er Pack Tintenpatronen “ColorKing Kompatible Tonerkartuschen Ersatz fr Brother” mit den Farben Schwarz, Gelb, Cyan und Magenta. Das 5-er Pack beinhaltet zwei Tintenpatronen in schwarz, eine Tintenpatrone in gelb, eine Tintenpatrone in cyan sowie eine Tintenpatrone in magenta.
Ich kaufe blicherweise kompatible Tintenpatronen, weil ich finde, dass die originalen Patronen mit ca. 52 Euro pro Stck viel zu teuer sind. Dieses 5-er Pack Patronen habe ich fr knapp ber 68 erworben und da sind gleich fnf Tintenpatronen enthalten, fr mich lohnt es sich allemal. Die Qualitt ist gut und der Preis ist hei.
Die Ware kam in einem Amazon Karton verpackt an. Darin war noch ein Karton mit den Tintenpatronen drin. Diese sind jeweils einzeln in Tten verpackt und sind durch eine Schaumstoff-Polsterung an beiden Seiten im Karton gesichert. Der Versand erfolgte sehr schnell, auch wenn ich kein Prime Mitglied bin. Ich habe ein paar Fotos und ein Video beigefgt, dort sieht man wie die Ware verpackt ist. Die Patronen haben jeweils einen orangenen Deckel, den muss man, laut der Beschreibung der Amazonseite, entfernen und man muss die Patronen schtteln bevor man sie in den eigenen Drucker einsetzt und los druckt. Ich wrde die Patronen wieder bestellen.
Encantada con la compra de este producto. Desde que empez la pandemia me vi obligada a trabajar desde casa y claro ..segua necesitando imprimir documentos y seguir gestionando a los clientes, por lo que necesitaba tener una buena calidad de impresin. No entiendo para nada de impresoras ni tners, as que tras varias bsquedas basndome en las reseas positivas de la gente que ya lo haya probado di con este ( cartuchos ColorKing) y he de decir que estoy encantadsima con la resolucin de imagen. Siempre tena problemas de impresin con los anteriores respecto a la calidad de las imgenes y los colores hasta que di con este. Es perfectamente compatible con mi impresora, tengo el modelo Brother DCP-L3550CDW. Los colores salen muy vivos, en general las impresiones salen perfectas hasta el ms mnimo detalle. Y lo otro que me ha encantado es que estn a un buen precio ms econmicos que los anteriores que usaba de mas caros y una calidad dudable. Normalmente los tners de tanta calidad como estos te salen a un ojo de la cara as que me he quedado asombrada. Le doy un 10 a este producto y sin duda seguir comprndolos en adelante y los recomendare a todos mis conocidos.
This is a product of an amazing quality. I have ordered it 3 days ago and it arrived within 24 hours from ordering. Due to needing a good quality of toner and of good value of money I had to search a lot. I have a laser printer which in order to use original toners is very very costly. At last I have found a reliable toner provider on amazon. I had tried non original inks previously and found them substandard. For this reason I have spent a lot of time searching for toners and especially searching for a good quality of toner. I have used, as said, various brands of toners for a couple of years and ten months ago I came across ColorKing toners this has all changed and find the product quality from Colorkings to be excellent and the service perfect with 100% availability. When I first have placed an order for a full set of toner, I thought ok, it will be another one of the value toners. Also what was really attractive on their products was that with the price of four and you can have two black toners which is the ones most people use a lot. Not only this, but what I noticed from the first use of this new product is that the toners are amazing on the paper. Colour wise the toner is fantastic! Unrivalled print quality and superior reliability, with all my previous toners from this supplier and product made me coming back again and again and I was right as this TN247 toner set is amazing once again! I had some prints and from the first colour pages the quality was even better than the original toners for my printer. Also, I realised that the toner finish on the page was shiny and sharp and even the finest of details were very clear, unlike some other toners that I have used in the past. The toner provider (Colorking) is also very swift in their responses, in the past and any issue I had they were very easy to contact and especially in their customer support. Now with this new product. Fast delivery, easy order process and especially well and environmentally friendly package, with biodegradable packaging of the highest standards. Definitely recommending this product! Will be pleased with the results once you use it.
The box comes with a full set of toners 1 Magenda, 1 Cyan, 1 Yellow and 2 black toners. It includes instructions and installation guide for safe and installation. It also has an attached on the package user manual and also the toners come additionally individually wrapped!
Totally impressed with this product! Sometimes we order original parts thinking that the quality is always the best! But the reality is that in the market nowadays you can find even better products than you think. This TN247 is certainly the best tonner I have tried for my printer. Comparing it with the original toners that I got for my printer, I would say is the same or even of better quality and of higher performance than the original.
Ottimo prodotto, soprattutto per la qualit-prezzo dato che i toner originali Brother hanno un prezzo davvero esagerato..
Appena montati questi toner, la mia stampante (Brother) li ha subito riconosciuto senza alcuna incertezza.
Dopo aver paragonato le stampe di prova, rispettivamente dei toner originali e dei toner di in oggetto, ho notato che questi ultimi hanno una qualit di stampa davvero ottima, nulla da invidiare rispetto agli originali.
Anche il packaging ottimo, ci sono delle protezioni di polistirene ai lati per far s che non succeda nulla di spiacevole durante il trasporto ed inoltre ogni toner ha un suo guscio protettivo rimovibile.
Sono molto soddisfatto, inserir questo prodotto tra i miei preferiti ne consiglio vivamente l’acquisto!
Ottimo venditore ed Amazon come sempre al