Ecowitt Wireless Weather Station Gateway – Thermometer
Ecowitt Wireless Weather Station Gateway – Thermometer Hygrometer Barometric Pressure, Indoor Temperature Humidity Meter, GW1100 Sensor for Home Office IOT, Base Station for Ecowitt Sensor Series
A good system which works reliably, although I failed to get the device to connect to wifi. Network socket plus patch lead required. Nasty hard plastic case, roughly moulded too.
Already had a Davis weather station and bought this to complement it with other sensors. Now use with the Ecowitt lightning sensor, soil temperature and humidity sensors. Ideal for monitoring the garden and weather. Data can be viewed on the free Ecowitt app and also uploaded to Weather Underground.
Pretty accurate for the money.
Wireless gateway powered by supplied usb connector so needs a nearby pc or similar.
Instructions easy to follow. Large range of Ecowitt sensors available, other bundles including the gateway are available and better value if you want a complete weather station rather than just a few sensors.
The GW2000 can be connected to your router with an ethernet cable or over wi-fi. It’s powered by a supplied USB cable as opposed to the GW1100 that has a USB fixed plug that you have to plug into a USB socket. However there is no USB power adapter included. I just feel the GW2000 gives more flexibility in use and set up over the GW1100.
It has a temp & humidity sensor at the end of an attached cable.
I already owned a Waldbeck Halley weatherstation which came with its own hub and a wireless temp & humidity sensor. All have worked really well for several years now but the wi-fi base station didn’t have its own temp & humidity sensor and was limited to only being able to connect to the weatherstation and the one supplied wireless sensor.
Having seen how the Ecowitt system has developed I decided to take a chance on the GW2000 when it was discounted to less than 42.
This is because it can connect to multiple external sensors.
I gambled that it would connect to my existing weatherstation (It uses 868 MHz) as I suspected it was made by Ecowitt and just branded by the German company Waldbeck Halley(WH) and it did!
So now I can expand the system, I can have sensors in the garage, outbuildings, in the loft and I plan to have a water temp sensor in my pond.
You can also add air quality and lightening sensors if you so wish.
Instructions are clear with diagrams, screenshots and in English not Chinglish. Ecowitt are a Chinese company but seem to be doing so well they’ve made a real effort to make it as easy as possible for the end user. Please take note other companies who just seem to use a poor version of Google translate having an off day.
Once you have connected the GW2000 to your home network through the app, the weatherstation and each sensor connect automatically.
I can now use the updated Ecowitt and WSview plus apps which are much better than the original WSview.
The new apps show current data from the main station and all the connected sensors but also graphs of data changes across a daily period, 24 hours, weekly, monthly, yearly, across 7 days or 30 days. It marks the lowest and highest data points for each sensor across the data period you choose and set alarms although I haven’t tried that yet. It allows you to give custom names to each sensor, for example “garage”.
It also allows you to see the weather data from thousands of fellow Ecowitt weatherstation owners around the globe! (You can choose to make your data hidden). Not only is it fascinating to see that data but you can see weather approaching your area and also check how accurate your station is compared to your neighbouring ecowitt users. For example right now my station is recording 0C outside while a user in Zambia is recording 33C and my nearest fellow users are at 1 to 3C but I’m about 70 meters higher in altitude than them.
Overall a massive upgrade to my existing weatherstation and having the GW2000 means that when my original WH weatherstation gives up or gets damaged I only need to purchase a replacement Ecowitt weatherstation.
I am left with the original WH/ecowitt base station and wireless sensor which will still work together but only with each other (unfortunately the WH wireless sensor has a fixed frequency and it seems that the GW2000 only connects to more recent versions where you can change the frequency of the wireless temp & humidity sensors via dip switches in the battery compartment) but I figure it’s not worth the extra electricity cost using them when I can add more of the newer sensors and have them all displaying on the same screen.
I can wholly recommend the Ecowitt system. It’s well worth the extra money over cheaper alternatives.
Ich habe einige Video auf Youtube dazu gesehen und mir diese Wetterstation bestellt.
Das System hat sofort funktioniert. Auch die Anbindung weiterer Sensoren klappte ohne Probleme.
L’ecosistema di sensori Fine Offset/Ecowitt ampio, con prodotti dall’ottimo rapporto prezzo/prestazioni.
Si configura molto facilmente con il webserver integrato.
In foto sembra pi grande, in realt molto piccolo, ma anche potente. Facile il settaggio con l’app dedicata. Talmente intuitivo (almeno per me) che ho letto solo come accenderlo. Si connette tramite Usb, ma non c’ la presa va acquistata a parte.
Ho conosciuto da poco questo brand e l’ho voluto testare. Affiancato alla mia stazione meteo Davis Vantage (di ben altro prezzo) non noto differenze nel rilevamento dei dati. Precisissima ed economica! Il sensore per il rilevamento fulmini posto sul tetto della casa, ben distante da questa unit, e non ha problemi di ricezione. Comprer altri loro sensori sicuramente.
Ein paar schnelle Fakten:
-> Basisstation: Die Basis hat selnst auch eingebaute Sensoren fr Temp, Luftfeuchte und Luftdruck aber die Genialitt kommt natrlich den Sensoren die man erweiter kann.
-> Erweiterbarkeit: Die Wetterstation kann super viele weitere Sensoren empfagen. Hier mal ein paar Beispiele:
– Aussensensor: 7 in 1, Regen, Windstrke, Temperatur, Luftfeuchte, UV, Solare Strahlung und Windrichtung und div. abgeleitete Werte wie Regen pro Woche, Windbe etc etc.
– 8 Temp/Luftfeuchte Sensoren fuer z.b. verschiedene Rume im Haus oder auch aussen.
– Bodenfeuchte fr aussen oder innen um zu wissen ob der Rasen oder die Blumen noch genug Wasser haben
– Blitzerkennungssensor
– Blattfeuchtesensor
– Wassermelder um z.B. ein auslaufende Splmaschine, Waschmaschine oder sonst was zu detektieren
-> Lokal und Cloud:
– Alles ist lokal im Heimnetz abrufbar
– Aber optional auch in der Cloud – und das ueber viele unterschiedliche Anbieter: Ecowitt selbst, Weatherunderground und einige mehr.
– Die Services wie auch die App sind dabei kostenlos!
-> Smart:
– Es ist sofort in bestehende Smarthome Lsungen integrierbar wie Homeassistant oder Openhab etc.
– Hier kann man dann die Daten perfekt weiter verwenden
– Es regnet … dann keine automatische Bewsserung
– Starker Wind … dann die Markise oder Raffstoren einfahren
– Ein Gewitter/Blitz in der Nhe … dann kritische IT Systeme (NAS o.) sauber runterfahren
– Die Mglichkeiten sind hier wirklich unbegrenz
Ich bin voll berzeugt vom Gesamtpaket und der Erweiterbarkeit und habe mir dann gleich noch den Wittboy zugelegt als 7 in 1 Aussenstation. Dazu aber ein eigenes Review.
Apart from my the occasional disconnect due to updates this is a fantastic bit of kit allowed us to regulate our greenhouse temp remotely – in conjunction with our green house heater which linked up to wifi plug, has an alarm alert if the temp drops below your target temperature and sends you that alert. Keeps great history log of the temps as well.
Con questo apparato possiamo registrare su cloud una stazione meteo e relativi sensori che si sono comperati. Il sistema si pu vedere poi via web oppure con una comodissima APP.
Ho avuto un po di problemi nella fase di registrazione del gataway alla mia rete wifi ma poi fatto quello tutto abbastanza semplice da configurare.
Il sensore termico e di umidit utilizzato come controllo e confronto in una stazione semiprofessionale. Lacrosse e si comporta perfettamente.
E’ stata una sorpresa, cos piccola ma con un funzionamento impeccabile e ad un prezzo invitante. Permette di costruirsi una stazione meteorologica su misura con le proprie esigenze, ampliabile e affidabile.
I’ve had half a dozen weather stations over the years and this is by far the best one, mainly because it doesn’t function on the usual 433Mhz frequency, which always causes issues with ‘signal migration’. Absolutely packed with features, the instructions are confusing in parts to say the least and it’s taken a week to work out how to get it to communicate with my phone using the Ecowitt app. Very pleased with it and would highly recommend it.
Prodotto molto valido. La centralina che in foto nella realt veramente piccola, in foto sembra molto pi grande. Invia i segnali in modo molto regolare, ha una buona interfaccia sia sul web che tramite app. Vari allarmi inseribili.
Non ci sono altre marche che forniscano cos tanti sensori di differenti tipi a parte la solita temperatura o umidit come ad esempio: umidit suolo, segnale per fuoriuscita acqua, temperatura acqua con sonda.
Ich bin bisher sehr zufrieden.
Die Messwerte stimmen und ber wifi kann ich von berallher alles einsehen.
Zudem besteht die Mglichkeit 8 Sender einzubinden, egal ob feuchte, Wind, Luftqualitts-Messer oder andere Temperatur Sensoren von Ecowitt.
Knnte bei heien Sommern wirklich helfen Wasser zu sparen, wenn man nicht zu frh giet, aber es auch nicht komplett austrocknen lsst.
Ich kann’s wirklich nur empfehlen und werde mein Zubehr dafr noch ausbauen
Endlich angekomme
Je trouve cette passerelle niquel le seul bmol que je peux reprocher reste la sonde a calibrer car ne donne pas les bonnes donnes diffrence de 1.7 sur la temprature au mme endroit d’o la note de 4 toiles
Forget all the cheapest rubbish weather stations on sale and give this system a go. Easy to setup and seams to be accurate, I have two temperature humidity sensor in the same garden and they both read exact save temperature and humidity which I have calibrated. So accurate and consistent readings, adding additional sensors is a simple case of putting your batteries in and they auto connect to the gateway.
Used to complement a Ecowitt weather station. Received data is sent via local wi-fi to a headless raspberry pi computer running cumulusmx software for display and data logging. Very reliable and affordable and ideal for local use.
This works really well but of course it really depends on what station you have it connected to in terms of what performance that you will get out of it. I live in quite an urban area so connection was strong however, I worry that in a more rural area you may struggle to connect.
I have always wanted my own weather station and with this system I can add sensors to it as and when I want.
This little unit is well made and very simple to install, after plugging it in and downloading the free app’ from Ecowitt, I made a free account and signed in on the app’ this device was detected and setup with default settings straight away. From there I signed into the web account and made adjustments to the settings as I needed, such as wind speed and temperature units. Once it is set how you want it, this device can even be paired to an online weather sharing service such as WeatherCloud and then you are able to see and share your readings with other people as you want.
The add-on sensors are easy to get, though some are quite expensive, so far I have only added a lightning detector but there is everything from windspeed to rainfall, temperature/humidity and even soil temperature probes, all of which connect to this gateway wirelessly.
I will be adding other sensors to mine over time and eventually I will be able to correctly predict the weather in my immediate area, whilst sharing that information with others from around my area so we can see a more detailed weather pattern.
Great little starter unit for your own weather station.
Brilliant Little Gateway To Your Own Weather Forecas
The good stuff, with this I was able to track the indoor temperature fluctuations, pressure & humidity differences throughout the day. The data graphs it provides is clear and easy to understand, but you need to buy additional items if you wish to use this outside.
The setup, Difficult. Not even my router makes me go to a hosted webpage via an IP address. I am glad My husband was around when it came to set this up as I was a bit clueless. Not easy at all.
The construction of the device feels a but of an afterthought and it would benefit from a higher quality enclosure.
While it has done exactly what it said, its was not the best Ux experience in regards to set up.
This is a compact and handy
Weather station,
It gives accurate results and
Very lovely.
The performance is excellent and I am very pleased
With it.
It is a very portable tools that will do you well
Honestly very inexpensive for the quality, reputation and utility, this gateway does have already a sensor included and is for indoor use. The WiFi connection is strong and very reliable and the app is well designed and easy to read.
For basic information it is possible to buy similarly priced weather stations with already multiple sensors to place indoor and outdoor but for a more professional system this is surely a great device to start but realistically it would be easy to spend quite a lot more in purchasing many sensors to upgrade this statio
Ecowitt Wireless Weather Station Gateway – Thermometer Hygrometer Barometric Pressure, Indoor Temperature Humidity Meter, GW1100 Sensor for Home Office IOT, Base Station for Ecowitt Sensor Series
TheWireless WIFI Weather Station Gateway with onboard indoor temperature, humidity and barometric 3in1 sensors, easy and quick configuration of Wi-Fi. After configure WiFi, view live Data on web page or WS View APP. Multi-functionConnects to all the ecowitt transmitter sensors (sold separately), you can set Time Zone and Date, manage other sensors, view sensor signal and power status. Set up your own weather station ecosystem.
The WiFi weather station is a good thing to have around the house so you can check your temperature easy and it’s very easy to use and works very well, Very easy to connect it to my WiFi which others don’t have this and you can use it where ever you want to as its very easy to store and put in a bag if needed be.
I would say its very good made, it has allot of benefits for my house for testing for the tempature, My husband said its well worth the price and how good it works, defiently recommend the weather station.
This is a very small unit that packs a lot in. You get the grey main sensor gateway with a stubby USB port sticking out, a USB extension lead and instructions.
You should really know what you’re buying if you get this – a hub that connects to a web server to update your weather readings (temperature, pressure, humidity, etc.) You can then read the values from their web site (individually or as a whole – when you’re contributing to a community of other users).
First thing it to install the app from Ecowitt. It makes setup much simpler and from there you’ll be sending data to them in minutes.
Compact unit that does a lot for the price. I’ll be adding extra sensors and some Arduino circuitry to this to build my own weather station that I can see when I’m away from home.
I almost threw this device away as I could not get it set up. No matter what I did I couldn’t work it out. I decided to check other reviews and thank goodness I did because thankfully I was then able to get this device to work.
I followed the advice from other reviewers and downloaded the ECOWITT app, and it is so much easier to then set up. No messing about changing gateways and it is now set up and giving me the data I hoped for.
This is a small device and you can get additional sensors for it. This allows you to take a reading from various areas in the house or garden. I currently have this set up so I can keep an eye on the temps for my plants. As the weather changes, I want to be aware of the night temps as well as day, this provides that information as well as the humidity of the room the plants are in.
Once this was set up I could see how well this device works. Now I have the Ecowitt app it is much easier to use and I would recommend it.
This wireless weather station gateway is really cool and it’s multifunctional: connects to all the ecowitt transmitter sensors but you will have to buy separately, you can set time zone and date, manage other sensors, view sensor signal and power status and set up your own weather station ecosystem. Allows accessing your current and history data locally or remotely. Wireless range to external sensors up to 100M.
Temperature range is -10C — 60C, resolution: 0.1C, or 0.1F, accuracy: 1C. The cable length is 1M. Very easy to use. Worth to spend this reasonable price.
Packaging and delivery:
This gateway is packaged in a small box which depicts the picture of the product along with some specifications.
Package contents:
1 x Gateway
1 x USB extension cable
1 x Cable clip for temperature module
1 x Instruction leaflet
Function and quality
I’ve been operating a PWS (Personal Weather Station) for nearly 6 years now so hopefully I think I can say that I know what I’m talking about 🙂 In fact, the App used by this Gateway and the external websites that this transfers data to I actually already use so I found it relatively straightforward to get up and running, however, for a newcomer to PWS’s, I can see it wouldn’t be, when I first set up my first PWS to transmit data it took ages, hopefully, I can help with a quicker set up 🙂
So what this gateway has is a built in pressure, humidity and indoor temperature sensor which will send the data to many various weather websites such as Ecowitt itself, Weather Wunderground and a few more to mention. So basically, you’ll be able to log onto these sites and view your readings. Connecting to these sites isn’t conditional on seeing your data, you can in fact connect to the gateway by accessing the IP address on the same WiFi network as the gateway or using the WS View App to view the readings directly.
So if you’ve never used any PWS before then I’ll explain how to set this up correctly and the quickest way. First off, deicide which external weather websites you’d like to send the data to and set up accounts, I would suggest initially just setting up an account with Ecowitt weather online, you don’t need to do nothing else but set up the account so that’s out the way. Now we need to get the gateway connected, the instruction leaflet is poorly written and laid out so ignore that.
Plug in the gateway to a USB power source, unravel the temperature sensor and position this gateway where you’d like the temperature measured, ensure it’s away from any heat sources. Hold down the reset button for 5 seconds, this is located between the WiFi and RF button, right in the middle. The WiFi LED will flash red, use a laptop with WiFi capability, open up the WiFi tab and search for ‘GW1100A’, click on it and connect, once connected, open up a web browser and type in ‘’, the gateway page will load up, type in your router SSID and password and click ‘Apply’, that’s it, job done, the gateway is now connected. You should be able to view ‘Live Data’ immediately on this page. Make a note of the MAC address of the gateway, also, it will give you the option to type in your logon credentials for Ecowitt. When you’ve done this, you can connect the laptop WiFi back to the household WiFi router. Go to Ecowitt website, log on and if your device isn’t showing then just tap add device, type in the MAC address and you will then see your indoor temperature, pressure and humidity readings.
There’s an App called WS View for android and IOS, download this, under no circumstances use the App to initially set up the gateway, it won’t work correctly. Load up the App, it will ask you to select your device, the gateway picture is shown, however, don’t select it, just tap the ‘Back’ option on the top left hand corner, then select ‘Device List’ and your gateway will show, from here you can input log on information for the various websites or just simply view live data from the gateway.
I’ve included some screenshots of both the App and the Ecowitt website along with the page you’ll see when you initially go to the gateway’s IP address during initial set up.
So once everything is up and running you will obviously be able to delve in deeper into all the available PWS websites, Ecowitt allows you to view graphs over time, it stores information so you could view what the readings were this time last year etc.
Now, just sticking with indoor temperature, humidity and pressure is going to be a bit boring, you’ll want more and more you can get! This gateway allows for additional modules to be connected, the list of these modules are:
One WH32 outdoor temperature and humidity sensor
*One WH40 self-emptying rain gauge sensor
*One WS68 wireless anemometer
*Up to 8 WH31 multi-channel temperature and humidity sensors or 8 WN30 multi-channel temp sensors
*Up to 8 WH51 soil moisture sensors
*Up to 4 WH41/WH43 PM2.5 air quality sensors
*One WH45 PM2.5/PM10/CO2/temperature and humidity all-in-1 sensor
*Up to 4 WH55 Water leak sensors
*One WH57 Lightning sensor
*Up to 8 WN34 Soil or Water Temp Sensors
*Up to 8 WN35 leaf wetness sensors
By connecting these modules, this new data would be transferred along with the initial existing indoor temperature, pressure and humidity readings. Now, as you buy these extra modules, the total outlay will start building up, I think if you want to start getting data for wind, soil moisture, UV data etc, it might be wise to obtain the Ecowitt Wireless Wi-Fi Weather Station , this incorporates many outdoor modules such as wind direction/speed, UV index, temperature both indoor and out, rain gauge etc, so it would then be cost effective to buy this instead and it allows for the the above additional modules to be added at your leisure, plus it comes with a 7″ indoor display, it will also transmit data to all the weather websites and will work with any pre-existing weather accounts you have.
On a whole, this is a good starter unit, and welcomes you to the world of PWS’s at a low initial cost. I’m very happy to recommend this gateway.
Happy weather watching!!!
Wireless Range to external sensors: 300FT/100M (in open areas)
Temperature range: -10C — 60C (14F – 140F); resolution: 0.1C, or 0.1F; accuracy: 1C
You receive a very small device, which has a single USB
Setting up is not easy, the instructions do not mention that there is an app which I only found out after reading a couple of the reviews, download the app and everything was much easier.
This is only a small part of a weather station, this is for indoors, and works much better if connected to an outdoor set up etc.
A good little device, however, setup needs improving, a clear mention of the app would help, and seems a little expensive for a gateway
I bought the complete station package that included 5 sensors. I liked it so much that I bought a couple more sensors to monitor the temps in various locations in my house. Also, fwiw, I successfully wired a remote battery pack to a sensor I put in an attic crawlspace so I don’t have to climb up there when the battery finally wears out.
Nice and compact device, well presented and high quality build. Really easy to set up and use and provides a very good and accurate results. Could make a cool gift for someone who’s into stuff like this or great for some jobs! Overall I’m very happy, great price!
Its easy to use and it is accurate.
Multi-function Connects to all the ecowitt transmitter sensors (sold separately), you can set Time Zone and Date, manage other sensors, view sensor signal and power status. Set up your own weather station ecosystem.
Easy and quick configuration of Wi-Fi, happy with the purchase.
I was after a device to tell me the temperature and humidity in a home gym I have set up.
This is tiny and runs off a single USB slot, the device itself is quite minimal, it has a button on the front, and a temperature probe.
I tried following the included instructions which walk you through logging into the device using IP addresses and manually inputting the WiFi data. To view it you then had to keep logging into the device – this was awkward, clumsy and almost resulted in the device going straight back.
Turns out there is an app for it! But nowhere on the box or instructions is it even talked about or advertised! Search for ‘Ecowitt’ in the app store and you’ll find it.
Downloading this allows you to set up and install through the app quickly and easily and you can check your data without messing about with IP logins.
Once all set up the data is clear and easy to read and you can also check back over the previous day’s readings.
You can add numerous other sensors to this one if you wanted too as it acts like the bridge for the sensors.
I’ve taken off one star for the included instructions making things difficult.
I must admit, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I ordered this wireless weather station gateway from Ecowitt. Admittedly, setting it up wasn’t the clearest and this is the only reason to drop 1 star from my review. The unit itself works fantastically once setup and, to be fair, when you do know what you’re doing, it’s actually straight forward.
There does appear to be a way to set this up within the app, however the large instruction sheet doesn’t suggest this at any point. That would have been a far easier solution.
What I do like is that, once setup on your WiFi, you can register the unit with Ecowitt weather to get live data. You can also then register via Weather Underground’s Personal Weather Station (PWS) sensor network. This makes your PWS visible on as map, but also allows it to work properly with the WS View app.
This is only a WiFi wireless weather station gateway, so don’t expect a full blown weather station. It does report indoor temperature and pressure from the inbuilt sensor though. Different sensors can be bought to work with this, so you can slowly build up your full-blown weather station over time. I’m now planning to purchase the remote outdoor temperature and humidity sensor, which can be hung on a tree or wall outside and connect up remotely to this gateway.
Despite the poor instructions, once I set this up I was really pleased with it. It’s powered via a standard usb port and comes with a usb extension lead. I can most definitely recommend this.
Some setup issues, but works well. You need extra sensors for outdoors though.
It was simple to setup (though I had to buy the bracket and pole separately from local DIY store) when paired with the GW1100 wireless gateway.
A few clicks in Home Assistant to add the Ecowitt integration and it was streaming data to my in house dashboard.
Great value and it has a very solid construction. I have already recommended to friends.
A good system which works reliably, although I failed to get the device to connect to wifi. Network socket plus patch lead required. Nasty hard plastic case, roughly moulded too.
Already had a Davis weather station and bought this to complement it with other sensors. Now use with the Ecowitt lightning sensor, soil temperature and humidity sensors. Ideal for monitoring the garden and weather. Data can be viewed on the free Ecowitt app and also uploaded to Weather Underground.
Pretty accurate for the money.
Wireless gateway powered by supplied usb connector so needs a nearby pc or similar.
Instructions easy to follow. Large range of Ecowitt sensors available, other bundles including the gateway are available and better value if you want a complete weather station rather than just a few sensors.
The GW2000 can be connected to your router with an ethernet cable or over wi-fi. It’s powered by a supplied USB cable as opposed to the GW1100 that has a USB fixed plug that you have to plug into a USB socket. However there is no USB power adapter included. I just feel the GW2000 gives more flexibility in use and set up over the GW1100.
It has a temp & humidity sensor at the end of an attached cable.
I already owned a Waldbeck Halley weatherstation which came with its own hub and a wireless temp & humidity sensor. All have worked really well for several years now but the wi-fi base station didn’t have its own temp & humidity sensor and was limited to only being able to connect to the weatherstation and the one supplied wireless sensor.
Having seen how the Ecowitt system has developed I decided to take a chance on the GW2000 when it was discounted to less than 42.
This is because it can connect to multiple external sensors.
I gambled that it would connect to my existing weatherstation (It uses 868 MHz) as I suspected it was made by Ecowitt and just branded by the German company Waldbeck Halley(WH) and it did!
So now I can expand the system, I can have sensors in the garage, outbuildings, in the loft and I plan to have a water temp sensor in my pond.
You can also add air quality and lightening sensors if you so wish.
Instructions are clear with diagrams, screenshots and in English not Chinglish. Ecowitt are a Chinese company but seem to be doing so well they’ve made a real effort to make it as easy as possible for the end user. Please take note other companies who just seem to use a poor version of Google translate having an off day.
Once you have connected the GW2000 to your home network through the app, the weatherstation and each sensor connect automatically.
I can now use the updated Ecowitt and WSview plus apps which are much better than the original WSview.
The new apps show current data from the main station and all the connected sensors but also graphs of data changes across a daily period, 24 hours, weekly, monthly, yearly, across 7 days or 30 days. It marks the lowest and highest data points for each sensor across the data period you choose and set alarms although I haven’t tried that yet. It allows you to give custom names to each sensor, for example “garage”.
It also allows you to see the weather data from thousands of fellow Ecowitt weatherstation owners around the globe! (You can choose to make your data hidden). Not only is it fascinating to see that data but you can see weather approaching your area and also check how accurate your station is compared to your neighbouring ecowitt users. For example right now my station is recording 0C outside while a user in Zambia is recording 33C and my nearest fellow users are at 1 to 3C but I’m about 70 meters higher in altitude than them.
Overall a massive upgrade to my existing weatherstation and having the GW2000 means that when my original WH weatherstation gives up or gets damaged I only need to purchase a replacement Ecowitt weatherstation.
I am left with the original WH/ecowitt base station and wireless sensor which will still work together but only with each other (unfortunately the WH wireless sensor has a fixed frequency and it seems that the GW2000 only connects to more recent versions where you can change the frequency of the wireless temp & humidity sensors via dip switches in the battery compartment) but I figure it’s not worth the extra electricity cost using them when I can add more of the newer sensors and have them all displaying on the same screen.
I can wholly recommend the Ecowitt system. It’s well worth the extra money over cheaper alternatives.
Ich habe einige Video auf Youtube dazu gesehen und mir diese Wetterstation bestellt.
Das System hat sofort funktioniert. Auch die Anbindung weiterer Sensoren klappte ohne Probleme.
L’ecosistema di sensori Fine Offset/Ecowitt ampio, con prodotti dall’ottimo rapporto prezzo/prestazioni.
Si configura molto facilmente con il webserver integrato.
In foto sembra pi grande, in realt molto piccolo, ma anche potente. Facile il settaggio con l’app dedicata. Talmente intuitivo (almeno per me) che ho letto solo come accenderlo. Si connette tramite Usb, ma non c’ la presa va acquistata a parte.
Ho conosciuto da poco questo brand e l’ho voluto testare. Affiancato alla mia stazione meteo Davis Vantage (di ben altro prezzo) non noto differenze nel rilevamento dei dati. Precisissima ed economica! Il sensore per il rilevamento fulmini posto sul tetto della casa, ben distante da questa unit, e non ha problemi di ricezione. Comprer altri loro sensori sicuramente.
-> Basisstation: Die Basis hat selnst auch eingebaute Sensoren fr Temp, Luftfeuchte und Luftdruck aber die Genialitt kommt natrlich den Sensoren die man erweiter kann.
-> Erweiterbarkeit: Die Wetterstation kann super viele weitere Sensoren empfagen. Hier mal ein paar Beispiele:
– Aussensensor: 7 in 1, Regen, Windstrke, Temperatur, Luftfeuchte, UV, Solare Strahlung und Windrichtung und div. abgeleitete Werte wie Regen pro Woche, Windbe etc etc.
– 8 Temp/Luftfeuchte Sensoren fuer z.b. verschiedene Rume im Haus oder auch aussen.
– Bodenfeuchte fr aussen oder innen um zu wissen ob der Rasen oder die Blumen noch genug Wasser haben
– Blitzerkennungssensor
– Blattfeuchtesensor
– Wassermelder um z.B. ein auslaufende Splmaschine, Waschmaschine oder sonst was zu detektieren
-> Lokal und Cloud:
– Alles ist lokal im Heimnetz abrufbar
– Aber optional auch in der Cloud – und das ueber viele unterschiedliche Anbieter: Ecowitt selbst, Weatherunderground und einige mehr.
– Die Services wie auch die App sind dabei kostenlos!
-> Smart:
– Es ist sofort in bestehende Smarthome Lsungen integrierbar wie Homeassistant oder Openhab etc.
– Hier kann man dann die Daten perfekt weiter verwenden
– Es regnet … dann keine automatische Bewsserung
– Starker Wind … dann die Markise oder Raffstoren einfahren
– Ein Gewitter/Blitz in der Nhe … dann kritische IT Systeme (NAS o.) sauber runterfahren
– Die Mglichkeiten sind hier wirklich unbegrenz
Ich bin voll berzeugt vom Gesamtpaket und der Erweiterbarkeit und habe mir dann gleich noch den Wittboy zugelegt als 7 in 1 Aussenstation. Dazu aber ein eigenes Review.
Apart from my the occasional disconnect due to updates this is a fantastic bit of kit allowed us to regulate our greenhouse temp remotely – in conjunction with our green house heater which linked up to wifi plug, has an alarm alert if the temp drops below your target temperature and sends you that alert. Keeps great history log of the temps as well.
Die Wetterstation erfllt meine Erwartungen. Die dazugehrige App ist nicht Anwenderfreundlich!
You cant go far wrong with Ecowitt, they are great value for money. The setup was easy and quick.
Con questo apparato possiamo registrare su cloud una stazione meteo e relativi sensori che si sono comperati. Il sistema si pu vedere poi via web oppure con una comodissima APP.
Ho avuto un po di problemi nella fase di registrazione del gataway alla mia rete wifi ma poi fatto quello tutto abbastanza semplice da configurare.
Il sensore termico e di umidit utilizzato come controllo e confronto in una stazione semiprofessionale. Lacrosse e si comporta perfettamente.
E’ stata una sorpresa, cos piccola ma con un funzionamento impeccabile e ad un prezzo invitante. Permette di costruirsi una stazione meteorologica su misura con le proprie esigenze, ampliabile e affidabile.
I’ve had half a dozen weather stations over the years and this is by far the best one, mainly because it doesn’t function on the usual 433Mhz frequency, which always causes issues with ‘signal migration’. Absolutely packed with features, the instructions are confusing in parts to say the least and it’s taken a week to work out how to get it to communicate with my phone using the Ecowitt app. Very pleased with it and would highly recommend it.
Prodotto molto valido. La centralina che in foto nella realt veramente piccola, in foto sembra molto pi grande. Invia i segnali in modo molto regolare, ha una buona interfaccia sia sul web che tramite app. Vari allarmi inseribili.
Non ci sono altre marche che forniscano cos tanti sensori di differenti tipi a parte la solita temperatura o umidit come ad esempio: umidit suolo, segnale per fuoriuscita acqua, temperatura acqua con sonda.
Die Messwerte stimmen und ber wifi kann ich von berallher alles einsehen.
Zudem besteht die Mglichkeit 8 Sender einzubinden, egal ob feuchte, Wind, Luftqualitts-Messer oder andere Temperatur Sensoren von Ecowitt.
Knnte bei heien Sommern wirklich helfen Wasser zu sparen, wenn man nicht zu frh giet, aber es auch nicht komplett austrocknen lsst.
Ich kann’s wirklich nur empfehlen und werde mein Zubehr dafr noch ausbauen
Endlich angekomme
Je trouve cette passerelle niquel le seul bmol que je peux reprocher reste la sonde a calibrer car ne donne pas les bonnes donnes diffrence de 1.7 sur la temprature au mme endroit d’o la note de 4 toiles
Upgraded from the GW1000 unit. This stores the lightening data amongst others. Does what it is supposed to
his gateway is a bit tricky to make it work as you need to know how this system works however it does the job and it is kind of accurate
Used for pm2. 5 sensor located in garden to measure air quality, cloud reporting and to date no issues
Used to complement a Ecowitt weather station. Received data is sent via local wi-fi to a headless raspberry pi computer running cumulusmx software for display and data logging. Very reliable and affordable and ideal for local use.
This works really well but of course it really depends on what station you have it connected to in terms of what performance that you will get out of it. I live in quite an urban area so connection was strong however, I worry that in a more rural area you may struggle to connect.
I have always wanted my own weather station and with this system I can add sensors to it as and when I want.
This little unit is well made and very simple to install, after plugging it in and downloading the free app’ from Ecowitt, I made a free account and signed in on the app’ this device was detected and setup with default settings straight away. From there I signed into the web account and made adjustments to the settings as I needed, such as wind speed and temperature units. Once it is set how you want it, this device can even be paired to an online weather sharing service such as WeatherCloud and then you are able to see and share your readings with other people as you want.
The add-on sensors are easy to get, though some are quite expensive, so far I have only added a lightning detector but there is everything from windspeed to rainfall, temperature/humidity and even soil temperature probes, all of which connect to this gateway wirelessly.
I will be adding other sensors to mine over time and eventually I will be able to correctly predict the weather in my immediate area, whilst sharing that information with others from around my area so we can see a more detailed weather pattern.
Great little starter unit for your own weather station.
The good stuff, with this I was able to track the indoor temperature fluctuations, pressure & humidity differences throughout the day. The data graphs it provides is clear and easy to understand, but you need to buy additional items if you wish to use this outside.
The setup, Difficult. Not even my router makes me go to a hosted webpage via an IP address. I am glad My husband was around when it came to set this up as I was a bit clueless. Not easy at all.
The construction of the device feels a but of an afterthought and it would benefit from a higher quality enclosure.
While it has done exactly what it said, its was not the best Ux experience in regards to set up.
This is a compact and handy
Weather station,
It gives accurate results and
Very lovely.
The performance is excellent and I am very pleased
With it.
It is a very portable tools that will do you well
Honestly very inexpensive for the quality, reputation and utility, this gateway does have already a sensor included and is for indoor use. The WiFi connection is strong and very reliable and the app is well designed and easy to read.
For basic information it is possible to buy similarly priced weather stations with already multiple sensors to place indoor and outdoor but for a more professional system this is surely a great device to start but realistically it would be easy to spend quite a lot more in purchasing many sensors to upgrade this statio
Ecowitt Wireless Weather Station Gateway – Thermometer Hygrometer Barometric Pressure, Indoor Temperature Humidity Meter, GW1100 Sensor for Home Office IOT, Base Station for Ecowitt Sensor Series
TheWireless WIFI Weather Station Gateway with onboard indoor temperature, humidity and barometric 3in1 sensors, easy and quick configuration of Wi-Fi. After configure WiFi, view live Data on web page or WS View APP. Multi-functionConnects to all the ecowitt transmitter sensors (sold separately), you can set Time Zone and Date, manage other sensors, view sensor signal and power status. Set up your own weather station ecosystem.
The WiFi weather station is a good thing to have around the house so you can check your temperature easy and it’s very easy to use and works very well, Very easy to connect it to my WiFi which others don’t have this and you can use it where ever you want to as its very easy to store and put in a bag if needed be.
I would say its very good made, it has allot of benefits for my house for testing for the tempature, My husband said its well worth the price and how good it works, defiently recommend the weather station.
This is a very small unit that packs a lot in. You get the grey main sensor gateway with a stubby USB port sticking out, a USB extension lead and instructions.
You should really know what you’re buying if you get this – a hub that connects to a web server to update your weather readings (temperature, pressure, humidity, etc.) You can then read the values from their web site (individually or as a whole – when you’re contributing to a community of other users).
First thing it to install the app from Ecowitt. It makes setup much simpler and from there you’ll be sending data to them in minutes.
Compact unit that does a lot for the price. I’ll be adding extra sensors and some Arduino circuitry to this to build my own weather station that I can see when I’m away from home.
I almost threw this device away as I could not get it set up. No matter what I did I couldn’t work it out. I decided to check other reviews and thank goodness I did because thankfully I was then able to get this device to work.
I followed the advice from other reviewers and downloaded the ECOWITT app, and it is so much easier to then set up. No messing about changing gateways and it is now set up and giving me the data I hoped for.
This is a small device and you can get additional sensors for it. This allows you to take a reading from various areas in the house or garden. I currently have this set up so I can keep an eye on the temps for my plants. As the weather changes, I want to be aware of the night temps as well as day, this provides that information as well as the humidity of the room the plants are in.
Once this was set up I could see how well this device works. Now I have the Ecowitt app it is much easier to use and I would recommend it.
This wireless weather station gateway is really cool and it’s multifunctional: connects to all the ecowitt transmitter sensors but you will have to buy separately, you can set time zone and date, manage other sensors, view sensor signal and power status and set up your own weather station ecosystem. Allows accessing your current and history data locally or remotely. Wireless range to external sensors up to 100M.
Temperature range is -10C — 60C, resolution: 0.1C, or 0.1F, accuracy: 1C. The cable length is 1M. Very easy to use. Worth to spend this reasonable price.
Packaging and delivery:
This gateway is packaged in a small box which depicts the picture of the product along with some specifications.
Package contents:
1 x Gateway
1 x USB extension cable
1 x Cable clip for temperature module
1 x Instruction leaflet
Function and quality
I’ve been operating a PWS (Personal Weather Station) for nearly 6 years now so hopefully I think I can say that I know what I’m talking about 🙂 In fact, the App used by this Gateway and the external websites that this transfers data to I actually already use so I found it relatively straightforward to get up and running, however, for a newcomer to PWS’s, I can see it wouldn’t be, when I first set up my first PWS to transmit data it took ages, hopefully, I can help with a quicker set up 🙂
So what this gateway has is a built in pressure, humidity and indoor temperature sensor which will send the data to many various weather websites such as Ecowitt itself, Weather Wunderground and a few more to mention. So basically, you’ll be able to log onto these sites and view your readings. Connecting to these sites isn’t conditional on seeing your data, you can in fact connect to the gateway by accessing the IP address on the same WiFi network as the gateway or using the WS View App to view the readings directly.
So if you’ve never used any PWS before then I’ll explain how to set this up correctly and the quickest way. First off, deicide which external weather websites you’d like to send the data to and set up accounts, I would suggest initially just setting up an account with Ecowitt weather online, you don’t need to do nothing else but set up the account so that’s out the way. Now we need to get the gateway connected, the instruction leaflet is poorly written and laid out so ignore that.
Plug in the gateway to a USB power source, unravel the temperature sensor and position this gateway where you’d like the temperature measured, ensure it’s away from any heat sources. Hold down the reset button for 5 seconds, this is located between the WiFi and RF button, right in the middle. The WiFi LED will flash red, use a laptop with WiFi capability, open up the WiFi tab and search for ‘GW1100A’, click on it and connect, once connected, open up a web browser and type in ‘’, the gateway page will load up, type in your router SSID and password and click ‘Apply’, that’s it, job done, the gateway is now connected. You should be able to view ‘Live Data’ immediately on this page. Make a note of the MAC address of the gateway, also, it will give you the option to type in your logon credentials for Ecowitt. When you’ve done this, you can connect the laptop WiFi back to the household WiFi router. Go to Ecowitt website, log on and if your device isn’t showing then just tap add device, type in the MAC address and you will then see your indoor temperature, pressure and humidity readings.
There’s an App called WS View for android and IOS, download this, under no circumstances use the App to initially set up the gateway, it won’t work correctly. Load up the App, it will ask you to select your device, the gateway picture is shown, however, don’t select it, just tap the ‘Back’ option on the top left hand corner, then select ‘Device List’ and your gateway will show, from here you can input log on information for the various websites or just simply view live data from the gateway.
I’ve included some screenshots of both the App and the Ecowitt website along with the page you’ll see when you initially go to the gateway’s IP address during initial set up.
So once everything is up and running you will obviously be able to delve in deeper into all the available PWS websites, Ecowitt allows you to view graphs over time, it stores information so you could view what the readings were this time last year etc.
Now, just sticking with indoor temperature, humidity and pressure is going to be a bit boring, you’ll want more and more you can get! This gateway allows for additional modules to be connected, the list of these modules are:
One WH32 outdoor temperature and humidity sensor
*One WH40 self-emptying rain gauge sensor
*One WS68 wireless anemometer
*Up to 8 WH31 multi-channel temperature and humidity sensors or 8 WN30 multi-channel temp sensors
*Up to 8 WH51 soil moisture sensors
*Up to 4 WH41/WH43 PM2.5 air quality sensors
*One WH45 PM2.5/PM10/CO2/temperature and humidity all-in-1 sensor
*Up to 4 WH55 Water leak sensors
*One WH57 Lightning sensor
*Up to 8 WN34 Soil or Water Temp Sensors
*Up to 8 WN35 leaf wetness sensors
By connecting these modules, this new data would be transferred along with the initial existing indoor temperature, pressure and humidity readings. Now, as you buy these extra modules, the total outlay will start building up, I think if you want to start getting data for wind, soil moisture, UV data etc, it might be wise to obtain the Ecowitt Wireless Wi-Fi Weather Station , this incorporates many outdoor modules such as wind direction/speed, UV index, temperature both indoor and out, rain gauge etc, so it would then be cost effective to buy this instead and it allows for the the above additional modules to be added at your leisure, plus it comes with a 7″ indoor display, it will also transmit data to all the weather websites and will work with any pre-existing weather accounts you have.
On a whole, this is a good starter unit, and welcomes you to the world of PWS’s at a low initial cost. I’m very happy to recommend this gateway.
Happy weather watching!!!
Wireless Range to external sensors: 300FT/100M (in open areas)
Temperature range: -10C — 60C (14F – 140F); resolution: 0.1C, or 0.1F; accuracy: 1C
Humidity range: 1% ~ 99%; resolution: 1%; accuracy: 5%
Barometric pressure range: 300 — 1,100 hPa (8.85 — 32.5 inHg); accuracy: 5 hPa; 0.1 hPa (0.01 inHg)
You receive a very small device, which has a single USB
Setting up is not easy, the instructions do not mention that there is an app which I only found out after reading a couple of the reviews, download the app and everything was much easier.
This is only a small part of a weather station, this is for indoors, and works much better if connected to an outdoor set up etc.
A good little device, however, setup needs improving, a clear mention of the app would help, and seems a little expensive for a gateway
I bought the complete station package that included 5 sensors. I liked it so much that I bought a couple more sensors to monitor the temps in various locations in my house. Also, fwiw, I successfully wired a remote battery pack to a sensor I put in an attic crawlspace so I don’t have to climb up there when the battery finally wears out.
Good device, bit of a pain to setup hence the missing sta
Nice and compact device, well presented and high quality build. Really easy to set up and use and provides a very good and accurate results. Could make a cool gift for someone who’s into stuff like this or great for some jobs! Overall I’m very happy, great price!
Its easy to use and it is accurate.
Multi-function Connects to all the ecowitt transmitter sensors (sold separately), you can set Time Zone and Date, manage other sensors, view sensor signal and power status. Set up your own weather station ecosystem.
Easy and quick configuration of Wi-Fi, happy with the purchase.
I was after a device to tell me the temperature and humidity in a home gym I have set up.
This is tiny and runs off a single USB slot, the device itself is quite minimal, it has a button on the front, and a temperature probe.
I tried following the included instructions which walk you through logging into the device using IP addresses and manually inputting the WiFi data. To view it you then had to keep logging into the device – this was awkward, clumsy and almost resulted in the device going straight back.
Turns out there is an app for it! But nowhere on the box or instructions is it even talked about or advertised! Search for ‘Ecowitt’ in the app store and you’ll find it.
Downloading this allows you to set up and install through the app quickly and easily and you can check your data without messing about with IP logins.
Once all set up the data is clear and easy to read and you can also check back over the previous day’s readings.
You can add numerous other sensors to this one if you wanted too as it acts like the bridge for the sensors.
I’ve taken off one star for the included instructions making things difficult.
I must admit, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I ordered this wireless weather station gateway from Ecowitt. Admittedly, setting it up wasn’t the clearest and this is the only reason to drop 1 star from my review. The unit itself works fantastically once setup and, to be fair, when you do know what you’re doing, it’s actually straight forward.
There does appear to be a way to set this up within the app, however the large instruction sheet doesn’t suggest this at any point. That would have been a far easier solution.
What I do like is that, once setup on your WiFi, you can register the unit with Ecowitt weather to get live data. You can also then register via Weather Underground’s Personal Weather Station (PWS) sensor network. This makes your PWS visible on as map, but also allows it to work properly with the WS View app.
This is only a WiFi wireless weather station gateway, so don’t expect a full blown weather station. It does report indoor temperature and pressure from the inbuilt sensor though. Different sensors can be bought to work with this, so you can slowly build up your full-blown weather station over time. I’m now planning to purchase the remote outdoor temperature and humidity sensor, which can be hung on a tree or wall outside and connect up remotely to this gateway.
Despite the poor instructions, once I set this up I was really pleased with it. It’s powered via a standard usb port and comes with a usb extension lead. I can most definitely recommend this.