Elixir Gardens Volcanic Rock Dust | Organic Fertiliser

Elixir Gardens Volcanic Rock Dust | Organic Fertiliser & Remineraliser | Soil Carbon Capture | 10kg

Volcanic Rock Dust Soil Remineraliserrock dust ph imageRock dust trace elements plusRock Dust Vineyard

Application Rates / Help

Top Dressing Simply sprinkle evenly onto soil from the edge of a spade or trowel and then rake in, or let worms and weather do this for you.
Minimum Annual Dose Apply 0.5kg per square metre, or in gardener’s terms “a handful a yard”. A 10kg bag supplies 20 square metres. This annual dose has also been seen to benefit lawns.
Booster Dose Apply 2kg per square metre to give your soil a boost.
Top Dressing for Large Areas Volcanic Rock Dust can be applied to fields and parks, whether grass land or cultivated using a Lime Spreader. Fertiliser Spinners can be used, but care must to be taken to prevent it sticking to the sides of the spinner. Salt Spreaders with a Heavy Duty Agitator are also suitable.
MINIMUM DOSE 0.5kg per square meter = 2 tonnes per acre
BOOSTER DOSE 2kg per square metre = 8 tonnes per acre
Compost Improver Mix 2kg through 50 litres of compost. Ideal if you mix in wheelbarrow or trug. A good handful mixed through a bucket of compost works well.
Compost Activator/Accelerator When adding a new layer of compost to your compost bin or pile, add a sufficient amount of rock dust to make a light covering over the surface and can easily see through. Gardening material breaks down into compost faster, reaching higher temperatures and reducing odour.
Tonic for Wormeries Sprinkle a small handful per 30cm2 (1ft2) onto surface of your wormery every month. Try a small area with this amount and see the worms congregate and enjoy it!
Mixing with Other Plant Foods Volcanic Rock Dust works well with soil conditioners, animal manures and plant foods. Whilst lime raises the pH of acid soils, we do not recommend adding it at the same time as volcanic rock dust as this reduces the effectiveness of both materials. Leave at least two weeks between both applications.
Quality Control This is a natural product and, as such, moisture content may vary however this will not affect the quality. Please Note: Smaller amounts than 25kg may be supplied in a clear polythene bag, with all relevant information clearly labelled.
Storage & Safety Advice Store in a dry place or under cover if stored outside. Do not apply in windy conditions.
Rock dust footer

Weight: 10 Kilograms
Manufacture: Remin

75 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Started to get to the end of a bag bought elsewhere so bought this to replace it. Adds micro-nutrients to the soil.

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great service delivered on time and instant results in the garde

  3. Lori Grunin, says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve been using volcanic ash for my garden / house plant for the past 2 years .
    If the bag content is wet , or delivered into fragmented stones is not a problem at all .
    Just like us needing minerals and vitamins , prepare your garden soil with extra . Your rewards will be great .
    2x a yea

  4. Under the Covers Book Blog says:

     United Kingdom

    My mum uses this everywhere. Apparently it helps with plant growth, seems to work!

  5. LarryRamon says:

     United Kingdom

    Put nutrients back into the soil can be added to compost as an activator I buy a bag each year and can see the difference in my plants and on the allotment would recommend.

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Volcanic rock dust works together with compost and soil to create a growing medium which benefits the health, strength and productivity of the plants grown. I have used it successfully in growing vegetables.

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Nice consistency, not too dusty or too big and rocky. Not sure about the benefits yet but it hasn’t caused any problems.

  8. AllanCapps says:

     United Kingdom

    This arrived on time
    Had been repacked by Hermes – but all well and already inuse

  9. MarshalWinkler says:

     United Kingdom

    Not used the volcanic rock dust yet but will update review when I have.

  10. KristofT25 says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve put one bag on the veg patch which was depleted after 35 years of growing the same stuff
    The other bag I shall use when I’m planting things or feeding them

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    As you can see from the pictures, I mixed it with compost and watered down. My plants love it!

    Highly recommended!

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Arrived promptly very well packed. I have been using this product for some years on my vegetable beds. The soil is very light and sandy. The crops that I get now are far better than before I used Remin.

  13. Rebecca Grove says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Good as a top dressing. I apply it fortnightly to my tomatoes.

  14. JoellenFincham says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Really impressed with Delivery service, I will be definitely ordering agai

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I’ll update this next year with whether I’ve seen any micro deficiencies.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Product will be used on the garden. I have used before with success.

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Third time buy. garden loves it. good for compost too, takes smell away and keeps rodents away from tapping i

  18. QuyenKrimper says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Arrived promptly and in good condition. It is a very good texture and crumble sized particles that blend in with other fertilisers.

  19. Dori Zinn says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    It’s packed within a box and heavy but I have not used as it’s an early spring treatment.

  20. Andrew C says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    he product was spread on my lawn as the soil is poor quality. I spread the ground stone through my fertilizer spreader at its widest setting

  21. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    As described. Not sure really how I tell if it’s working. I bought it on recommendation from another person. It’s very heavy and dense in weight but is actually a fine powder.

  22. noreply@blogger.com Flux BPM Administrator says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Arrived promptly, well packaged. Product looks good and clean. Unfortunately will take 6 mths to see the results!

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Like the idea, re-mineralising the ground yet to be determined

  24. Susan says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Usersgreat product, high yields just like it said on the package.

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersBuy some every year now for my veg garden after recommendation from friend and it has helped enormously (we have very little depth and poor quality soil) after previously adding compost and fertilisers I started adding this and it made a huge difference.

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant product. Really helped to nourish the soil in my garden.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersThis has had a massively noticeable effect on our allotment.
    We got given a second abandoned plot just this arrived, applied it to both and while we were excavating the head height fire weeds, nettles and mad brambles in the new plot the weeds shot up. Everything is growing bigger, faster and more lush. I’ll be using this in the future as I’ve seen the difference it makes. Not just to the weeds.

  28. DwainSnoddy says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersWonderful stuff. My veg plot had been getting a bit tired in spite of manure and so on, but this stuff really perked it up and I had great veg all year, especially beans and strawberries

  29. MohamedBarker says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I have been using volcanic dust for 2 years now it is brilliant the plants grow much better and yield of fruit and veg is better.

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    WHO KNOWS is it hype is it really that good only time will tell if its true i should need a wheelbarrow to more my veg about lets just see

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Split in bag, but great product (don’t breath the dust)

  32. DeniseDupre says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersUse this product every year. Great results combined with worm casts. Best tomato crop in the communal veg garden and constant greens. Beautiful soil.

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I intend to use the product to enrich the soil, grow stronger plants and improve the quality the produce that I might grow. I have never used this product before, it was recommended by my who has shown me some of his results, I am now looking forward to the result that I might be rewarded with

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Recommended this by a gardener at Arundel Castle who use it to renutrify spent compost. 2 big bags, but too early to say how effective it is

  35. HallieEstrada says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    used as a refresh in pots, bonsai and general garden use, volcanic rock dust is “safe” for all life, you can’t over feed, results can be seen in a fairly short time.

  36. Iva14Ruyuedm says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Appears to have a very positive impact on plant growth. Have now used the product over two seasons with excellent results.

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    if you want a good garden this is the stuff to use

  38. Chris Shellcroft says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 16 From Our UsersThis is a new adventure for my allotment and it really makes a lot of sense. If you look at the areas surrounding volcanic activity and it’s deposits. Anyway along with my staple seaweed granules decided to add both components, on a whim, to the soil. The results will hopefully show this year. Already the leeks have done very well, compared to the other plots, and as a novice with little knowledge of gardening very chuffed with the results. This weekend went to our local Potato Fair in Whitchurch near Winchester, where they have a guest speaker from the agricultural college Sparsholt and did pose the question as to the benefits of using Volcanic rock ash and according to him due to the boran element this was a great idea but to add only once every ten years. That with gardening by the Luna calendar, and the use of hydrogen peroxide, for pests, it appears that I have heaps of investigative work to do.

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Haven’t really seen the results yet but hope it will remineralise my garden vegetables

  40. LynetteOlivas says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersGarden looking good this year. I am pleased with the results due in part I am sure to this produc

  41. EarnestHTKZ says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersBeen using this for a couple of years now. Put it around a tiny newly planted rhubarb plant at the highest rate, next summer it was lager than any other rhubarb plant I’ve grown. Had plenty for myself and gave away loads from just that 1 plant. Has helped everything in the garden but that was the most spectacular. Grow mostly vegetables.

  42. Miriam says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    he rock dust purchased is very good quality and good service.thank you.

  43. ClarissLaurens says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Bit early to tell if it’s made any difference, but so far so good

  44. ClaribeNewquist says:

     United Kingdom

    Product arrived as expected. Unfortunately I am not able to add comment on
    the results of this product in my garden as yet. It will be a few weeks before the health of the garden can be assessed as a result of the addition on this volcanic dust to the soil

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    A delivery was on time, I give for it 4 stars not 5… Because its expensive

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very happy with this.
    Too soon to see benefits.
    More like granules than dust so easy to use.

  47. Susanne Norris says:

     United Kingdom

    Everything good re description and delivery but won’t see results until later in the seaso

  48. ruby says:

     United Kingdom

    Used this years ago and got great crops on allotment. Well worth using to perk up your garden soil.

  49. Mo Harber-Lamond says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    pleased with the difference in my plants since using this highly recomend

  50. HelaineSavage says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This really does help my crops on my two allotments.

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is really great I think it has made a difference to our plants, and made them grow and be far more green and lush….

  52. RachelleCausey says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This is difficult to rate so early on as the effect of the dust will take a while to kick in. Given that, so far those plants that I’ve tried it on look fine, but it will I believe, not be until next year that I notice a real difference.

  53. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Great stuff, very happy with it, also P&P and delivery were excellent.

  54. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    put this on the compost where my potatoes are growing…they are growing really well….have not harvested any yet.

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    When I told my wife I was spending some of our hard-earned cash on rock dust she suggested I nip round the building site and get some brick dust!

    Very amusing. But this is not like dust at all. It is a dark-grey colour (very volcanic) with a lovely thick friable texture. It is like dry soil. It feels wonderful. Mix this 50:50 with compost and you’d have a great planting medium – I’ve done that for some seeds.

    Spreading the volcanic rock dust is a bit of a challenge because it is too thick and clumpy for a fertiliser spreader (for the lawn). A garden sieve might be the best bet for an even spread.

    As an experiment I have put this on part on our lawn (which sits on thick clay), in some of our pots, and on a couple of flower beds. We’ll see how it performs. I would like to spread a layer of this all over the sticky clay on our garden but I will probably have to win the lottery for that.

    It looks and feels wonderful and I am sure it will help improve the texture of heavy soil as well as add vital elements. It seems pretty good value compared to many soil improvers and is definitely worth a try if you love your garden.

    I’ll need to wait to see the results in our garden, but I am hopeful it will do good things.

  56. Frenalyn Wilson says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersI bought this because I took over an allotment plot this year which had been untended for a few years, and had very dry sandy soil which the neighbouring plotholders say is poor and lacking in nutrients. I don’t like using animal products so I’ve been looking for vegan ways to improve the soil. I’ve mixed coir compost into the soil, and whenever I plant something I sprinkle some vegan fertiliser pellets and a small handful of this rock dust in the soil around the plant. It is only my first year on the allotment so I think it will take some time to build up a good nutrient-rich soil, and really notice the difference but so far using this I have had a good crop of leafy veg that has grown much longer than expected (Spinach, lettuce, winter purslane, beets, and chard that I planted in August 2015 are still growing strong in February 2016, having survived the whole winter without any frost protection). My mum who is a qualified horticulturist also uses this in her veg garden and she says she really noticed a difference when she first started using it – her crops were much bigger and healthier. Her friend who grows flowers has also said he has had the best crops ever since using this. I am new to gardening so don’t have much to compare it to, but I like the fact that I can use something that is not animal based to add nutrients to the soil.

  57. DelilahWTPK says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    good stuff for the vegetable plot – adds many missing minerals to the soil. Good value and prompt delivery.

  58. RubinjJoseph says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Good all round fertiliser and fast delivery. Can’t ask for more!

  59. ChristoperStrom says:

     United Kingdom

    How to rate this? It will take time to see if it works as I have heard and read. But it was a very good price.

  60. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Have been using rock dust on the garden for a few years so was really happy to see it was available through Amazon.It is a superb natural product giving great results in the Garden plants are much stronger and healthy looking.

  61. DaniloMcelroy says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 59 From Our UsersI think this stuff is wonderful but I noticed there’s a lot of discussion on YouTube about manure and or leaf mould being just as good?
    Since visiting the valley of Vesuvius and being completely bowled over by the emerald green of the foliage, I decided to introduce the best quality minerals to my garden soil. I used this and volcanic ash. 6 months later, my garden looks like another place! Apparently the human eye can detect more differences in the colour green than any other colour. Well, the depth of green in my pocket handkerchief piece of England is a sight to behold. Even my husband, who usually walks around semi-comatosed has remarked that the vivid greens around us now are very uplifting. I’ve also introduce an area of intense red spectrum light, by using a very serendipitous device. Plants love the red spectrum. In fact you can take a half dead plant, immerse it in the red spectrum of light and find in under 2 hours the plant has suddenly come alive again? I do this now to bring on all my young specimens from the garden centre. Anyway, this quantity of rock dust goes a long way….

  62. Russell33M says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    A great help to my garden, however, the postie left it at the shop round the corner instead of on my doorstep so the postmistress carried all 20kg round in one go! Could further bags be left on the doorstep?

  63. WilsonZepps says:

     United Kingdom

    finally I’ve got my garden to grow. This stuff is brilliant & I would recomend it to anyone with a waterloged garden as it breaks down slowly & dosen’t wash away.

  64. Suann quotHoneybeequot Lundsberg says:

     United Kingdom

    his met expectations, delivery was prompt, will certainly re order wen needed

  65. gary says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Unable to review this product. As a gardening additive we are not going to see results until later in the year.

  66. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Have spread the Rock Dust on my allotment as per instructions in December and looking forward to seeing the results in the growing season. Thank you Amazon for the attention and a prompt delivery

  67. Lori Grunin, says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    i have used rock for ten years so it shows how good it is

  68. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve used rock dust in my garden for a couple of years now and find it gives good results. The supplier (Gardening Naturally) delivered the product impressively fast.

  69. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Yep, the plants all picked up noticeably when we added this stuff

  70. Jai40Lxwbzdyhyj says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Usershis is the future of gardening. massivly boosts mineral content of soil and therefore vegetables. have carried out tests to prove this. dont expect giant veg, it doesnt work like nasty chemicals(which destroy our environment), its the inside the counts, not how it looks, and this most definitely improves the good stuff

  71. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersIncredible results!
    I know all the reviews were good, but I assumed a lot of it was down to their writers’ gardening skills. I don’t have enough time to spend pruning and pampering, so I thought the huge crops people were boasting of were unrealistic for me.
    Not so!
    I put some around my currants and gooseberries last winter (2013) and this year (2014) they both produced the most enormous fruit I’ve ever seen! Many currents are the size of my thumbnail, plus the bush literally doubled in size. Some of my gooseberries are like small plums – never seen them this big anywhere in any catalogue. They’re almost weird to eat – you feel like you need to take bites rather than pop it all in in one go.
    I put rock dust in all of my vegetable beds too. The veg are all doing great, but it’s hard to tell if that is down to the dust or good weather. Seeing my currants and gooseberries though, I’d say it was a safe bet to say it’s the dust. This is definitely one of my favourite purchases. Plus I love the idea that my family will get more minerals from this homegrown veg than anything in the shops.

  72. Crusader says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersI have been using this product for several years now on both my fruit and flowers. Each year there seems to be an improvement in both quantity and quality with the added bonus of much less pest and disease problems. It seems that for so long we have, by growing crops, we have almost totally removed and/or reduced these often key mineral elements from our fields and gardens, elements needed for the health and growth of healthy substantial plants. This product replaces these essential elements and the results are there for all to see.

  73. sabrina@beckersasc.com Sabrina Rodak says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersIt’s a bit difficult to be completely objective, but it certainly seems to be effective. Last year, I had a rather disappointing harvest of veg; this year… Well, I’ve just today pulled 45lb of spuds out of the ground from just 6 plants (including a 1lb 10oz monster!). I have used some Potato & Fruit Fertiliser as well so, as I say, it’s a bit difficult to be completely objective & scientific about this stuff, but it certainly seems to have helped!

  74. SiennaMyhds says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 26 From Our UsersDon’t reagrd this as a fertiliser but as a way of adding vital elements to your soil to improve the nutritional content of your vegetables and present you with wonderful floral displays. I had the biggest and best display of African Marigolds ever after I had given the soil a dressign of Rock Dust. It is long lasting too; you need only dress the soil every three or four years.

  75. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 20 From Our Usershis product is fantastic as a top dressing for the lawn, borders and beds, my fruit and veg tastes better for it and i even use a small amount in with my potting mix… very versitile…. i can say as much as i want about this but you really need to try it for your self, results are not instant but they are long lasting,,, about 5 to 6 years… great value for money