Bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Filtersystem. Die Installation war nicht schwierig. Es luft alles super. Luft nicht aus. Wir habrn auch unsere Eismaschine direkt dran angeschlossen. Das Wasser hat einen guten,reinen Geschmack und beim Kochen gibt es keine Kalkrckstnde im Wasserkocher oder auf Tpfen.
Great so far – only have used for a week but the water taste great and install was easy.
Happy with this unit for the price compared to others. Like that it comes with the remineralization filter as other comparable brands do not include this.
installato sabato e fortunamente ha preso il posto di un altro depuratore gi installato quindi era gi presente una predisposizione.
Il prodotto buono ..silenzioso e resa dell’acqua piu’ che soddisfacente
After installing the system PD1000 the TAM-4 filter body had a leak. The customer service team did a great job. They did sent a new filter body in a short time.
The system itself is doing well.
Produkt ist bislang sehr gut und unauffllig.
Nur leider war bei Anlieferung der Wandhaken eines Filters gebrochen.
Innerhalb weniger Tage habe ich eine komplett neue Filtereinheit bekommen.
Wow perfekter Service
Die Anlage ist fr diesen Preis top. Wasser wird perfekt gefilter und das Wasser schmeckt gut.
Habe das Wasser in einem Labor untersuchen lassen. Der Ph Wert ist trotz Remineralisierung zu gering 6,8 PH Wert. Auch wahren Bakterien im Wasser, ob diese von der Anlage stammen oder durch einen Fehler bei der Wasserprobe – keine Ahnung. Habe zur Sicherheit eine UVC Entkeimer dazu gebaut.
Zustzlich habe ich mir eine MAYA Wasserbelebung angeschafft. Wasser schmeckt dadurch noch besser, meine persnliche Meinung (Wasser wirkt geschmeidig, weicher, schwer zu beschreiben).
Es whre schn wenn bei der Anlage ein Sicherheitsventil mit Sensor dabei wre, das bei Wasseraustritt automatisch die Wasserzufuhr direkt beim Eckventil abschaltet! Damit die Anlage perfekt ist musste nochmals 200 investieren.
Filter lassen sich ganz einfach ohne Wasserauslauf tauschen. Patronenpreis in Ordnung.
Nun hat mir Frizzlife einen neuen FZ-4 Filter fr die Remineralisierung als Garantie angeboten- werde ich ahnehmen und schauen ob sich der PH-Wert dann wirklich auf +7,2 bewegt.
Das gefilterte Wasser ist ein Genuss.
Ich habe einen guten Tee damit zubereitet und einen zweiten mit ungefiltertem Wasser.
Einen besseren Vergleich kann ich mir nicht vorstellen, um den Unterschied zu schmecken.
Tolles Gert und die Installation ist auch nicht so schwierig, wenn man etwas handwerklich geschickt ist und das Video auf YouTube anschaut.
Ein Verbesserungsvorschlag wre, das Video auch auf deutsch aufzunehmen und bei YouTube einzustellen.
Essendo tutta una questione di gusti, il primo montaggio l’ho effettuato in giardino ed ho subito provveduto ad assaggiare l’acqua. Ottima, in qualche maniera pi buona delle imbottigliate super leggere tipo Sant’Anna, cosa che non mi aspettavo proprio… Il montaggio intuitivo e ben documentato (in inglese ma non un problema per me), l’unica nota che mi sento di lasciare, come specificato da un’altra recensione qui su Amazon, il fatto che se l’acqua rimane ferma nei filtri peggiora, basta poi farla scorrere un po’ prima di riempire bottiglie o bicchieri…
The taste of the water is quite impressive. I like it. I received a previosly opened box. It would be great if they could provide a kind of adaptor (G 3/8″ adaptor) for those who don’t want to use a second separate faucet in their kitchen.
L’eau reminralise bon got. L’osmoseur fonctionne bien depuis un mois. Si je n’ai pas mis cinq toiles c’est que l’affichage n’est pas celui annonc puisque la valeur du “TDS” ne s’affiche pas.
Ich habe mich fr das Frizzlife Umkehrosmose-Wasserfiltrationssystem PD600-TAM3 entschieden, weil wir in unserer Region mit sehr hartem Wasser zu kmpfen haben. Nachdem ich bereits eine Enthrtungsanlage von Water2Buy installiert hatte, waren die Wasserwerte immer noch unbefriedigend. Da wir hauptschlich stilles Wasser trinken und ich keine Lust mehr auf das Schleppen von Wasserflaschen hatte, war die Entscheidung fr eine Osmoseanlage naheliegend.
Die Qualitt, Verarbeitung und Haltbarkeit des Frizzlife-Systems haben mich beeindruckt. Obwohl die Produkte in China hergestellt werden, sind sie uerst solide verarbeitet. Die Schluche sind robust und mssen lediglich in die richtige Form gebracht oder “massiert” werden. Alle Anschlussteile sind fehlerfrei gefertigt, was die Installation erheblich erleichtert hat.
Die Osmoseanlage wird mit allem geliefert, was fr den Einbau bentigt wird. Es gibt verschiedene Adapter fr die Wasseranschlsse, von denen ich einige gar nicht verwendet habe. Ersatzteile wie Klemmen fr die Schluche oder Verbindungsstcke gibt es dazu, falls einige bei der Installation kaputt gehen sollten.
Die Anlage ist ziemlich schwer, insbesondere wenn sie mit Wasser gefllt ist. Sobald sie installiert ist, sollte dies nicht mehr so oft bewegt werden.
Die Anleitung ist sehr detailliert in mehreren Ausfhrungen und es gibt sogar ein Verweis auf ein Installationsvideo, das ich parallel geffnet hatte. Alle Schritte mssen einfach befolgt werden. Bei mir gab es jedoch eine besondere Herausforderung, da unter unserer Sple kein Platz war. Wir haben ein HAILO AS Rondo Abfallsystem installiert, das viel Platz einnimmt und sich unter der Ecksple befindet. Daher habe ich die Osmoseanlage in einer anderen Kchenzeile untergebracht und eine 30 mm Bohrung durch die Kchenzeilen vorgenommen, um die Schluche und das Stromkabel hindurchzufhren.
Das Wasser schmeckt nach der Filterung deutlich besser und ich kann sicher sein, dass es von hchster Qualitt ist.
Ich habe verschiedene Messwerte erfasst und festgestellt, dass die Osmoseanlage ihre Aufgabe hervorragend erfllt.
Messwerte sind wie folgt:
– Vor dem Einbau bei 644 S / 412 ppm
– Filterung durch einen Britta Filter bei 510 S / 326 ppm
– Frst Bismarck Wasser, welches wir aktuell trinken bei 380 S / 243 ppm
– Nach der Osmosefilterung von Frizzlife bei 48 S / 30 ppm
Man muss lediglich hier beachten, dass nach der Installation und bei jedem Filterwechsel (laut der Information von Frizzlife) die Anlage fr 10 Minuten bei voll aufgedrehtem Wasserhahn durchgesplt werden muss. Ich habe hier den ersten Test nach 5 Minuten gemacht und hatte dann das selbe Ergebnis nach 10 Minuten zwischen 46 S und 49 S.
Langfristig betrachtet ist diese Anlage eine kostengnstige Lsung im Vergleich zum Kauf von Wasserflaschen. Die anfnglichen Kosten sind jedoch hher, insbesondere wenn man sich zustzlich einen 3-Wege Wasserhahn zulegt.
Die Verpackung war uerst sicher und das Produkt kam in einwandfreiem Zustand an.
Das Frizzlife Umkehrosmose-Wasserfiltrationssystem PD600-TAM3 hat sich als die perfekte Lsung fr unser Problem mit hartem Wasser erwiesen. Die Qualitt, Leistung und das Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis sind beeindruckend. Ich bin uerst zufrieden mit meinem Kauf und kann dieses System uneingeschrnkt empfehlen.
Wasserqualität vor dem Einbau bei 644 µS / 412 ppm. Nach der Osmosefilterung bei 48 µS / 30 ppm.
I don’t have anything to test if it removed the fluoride in the water but the ph was better! 7ish for tap water and 8-8.5 ish from the filter. (Pictures shown) The faucet is nice and everything plugs together easily.
I don’t have anything to test if it removed the fluoride in the water but the ph was better! 7ish for tap water and 8-8.5 ish from the filter. (Pictures shown) The faucet is nice and everything plugs together easily.
Montage war relativ einfach. Es gibt auch jede Menge Videos im Internet dazu. Leider mute ich feststellen, dass meine extra gekaufte drei Wege Armatur undicht ist. Daher konnte ich die Anlage nur kurz testen und dann wieder abschalten. Jetzt muss ich warten, bis ich eine neue Armatur bekommen habe. Dann werde ich weiter berichten.
Arrivato nei tempi previsti. Non ho dato la 5^ stella, perch l’alimentatore del dispositivo risultato non funzionante: mi stato comunque sostituito dal fornitore.
Il sistema facile da installare, con anche una minima manualit, ed completo di tutto ci che serve.
Ho integrato, all’uscita del remineralizzatore, una lampada UV da 6W per funzione battericida e ho installato un rubinetto a 3 vie, in sostituzione dell’esistente.
Durante il funzionamento, non fa molto rumore.
Resta adesso da vedere come si comporta nel tempo: per il momento, lo consiglio.
Eine Woche in Betrieb und bin sehr begeistert!
Habe mich fr die Anlage auch wegen der Gre entschieden, da ich sie so unter die Kche hinter der Sockelleiste verbauen konnte. Betreibe sie bewusst ohne den TAM3 Filter und komme so von 280ppm Leitungswasser auf 14ppm. Zur Remineralisierung benutze ich ein Urmmersalz.
Die Anlage macht so einen Durchfluss von 2,2l/min.
Super Produkt.
I have a whole house iron filter and water softner to correct high iron from my well. My TDS from water test was at 265ppm. From my understanding, a water softner adds some sodium to the water. I bought this item to reduce my TDS in my drinking water, while adding benificial minerals at the same time.
After installation, my TDS were reduced to 12ppm.
Installation was pretty easy for me. I had a faucet from years past, and had drilled the hole thru the stainless sink with a special bit. The instructions are easy to follow and straight forward. My only issue was getting power to the sink area. Tapped into my dishwasher power line to provide power to fizzlife unit. Total installation time was about 2 hrs.
There is a slight hum when using this unit, but barely heard from under the sink cabinet area. The water has a fantastic taste after running thru the Tam 3 ph mineralizer filter! Its a pleasure to drink slightly alkaline water, and much healthier with added minerals.
Water output from the faucet is decent, not slow and not really fast but somewhere in the middle range. Its a good looking faucet and well made, not cheap. Overall I am completely satisfied that I purchased this unit and Highly recommend it to anyone looking for great tasting water. You wont be disappointed!
Lastly, customer service is outstanding!!!! Had a small issue resolved in a matter of a day on a Sunday to boot. They really back their product and support the customer 100%
Been using Zero Water filters up to now, but it’s gotten progressively more expensive as my water has gotten worse – this time last be year it read ~230 ppm – to the point that I was going through a $13 Zero Water filter in less than 10 days, so I broke down and got one of these
The results speak for themselves. From nearly 600 down to the second stage reporting 14, the remineralisation stage ~60.
It’s filtering, but I’ll be waiting to see just how long the filters last. I’m wagering it won’t be anywhere near the rated 1 year with this quality of water.
I’m hoping four months for stage 1, one year for stage 2
Compact footprint machine that creats great tasting water. Machine was fairly easy to install. Did have to be a contortionist to install faucet but would have been the same issue with any style/brand of RO filtration system. I am undecided on whether to add the mini tank as water flow is satisfactory but could be better. Early in ownership, my opinion today is this is the perfect solution to getting clean great tasting water at a fair price.
Beste Qualitt und hoher Durchfluss von 2.5 l/min., exzellente Filteranlage, optisch ansprechender und dennoch dezenter Edelstahlhahn zur Wasserentnahme.
Das Wasser schmeckt ausgezeichnet und der Kaffee wird auch noch besser im Geschmack mit dem Osmosewasser.
Kompakt zum Einbauen unter dem Splbecken und die Ausziehlade hat auch noch Platz fr 2 kleine Abfallbehlter. Klare Empfehlung 🙂
I have been renting or leasing a Culligan unit for more than a decade Then I realize that just didn’t make sense. Not being fond of big mechanical projects I studied the options and landed on this tankless under the counter RO unit. I knew nothing about them, but I assume the technology has improved a little bit an RO units since I last looked 🙂
It took a little while to install, but it was just like anything that works with reading instructions and patience. After it was in we tested the TDS. Without RO our well water TDS is 256. With this machine it’s 28.
Basically, over the course of time this will cost us 1/4 of what the Culligan unit cost.
By the way, the Culligan unit had a reading of 56 TDS. Oh, it had been completely serviced a month ago.
The taste difference between our tapwater and the Frizzlife RO water is dramatic.
He esperado un mes aproximadamente para emitir la opinion. El montaje es muy sencillo incluso para gente que como yo no tiene grandes dotes de bricolage, las instrucciones no vienen en espaol( esto es una pega) pero son intuitivas y con los dibujos se monta facilmente.
El ruido que hace cuando se pone en marcha no es nada del otro mundo , para unos minutos para llenar alguna jarra o algo similar , no es molesto.
Y lo importante es sabor del agua esta bien , si hubiera que ponerle nota seria un notable, sin ser el agua perfecta si que la deja con un buen sabor para beberla y eso que por Valencia el agua potable es bastante mala. Por lo que entiendo que tiene una buena relacion calidad/precio , merece la pena su compra.
Customer service responded quickly after posting review about taste. They sent a replacement filter and it lot better.
( this was my prior comment)
Taste of water is not great. Just bought looking at rating and it was tankless. I had this APEC one below and taste of water was very good for at least 3-4 years
APEC Water Systems ROES-PH75 Essence Series Top Tier Alkaline Mineral pH+ 75 GPD 6-Stage Certified Ultra Safe Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter System.
So far we love this RO System, The water flow is very good, and the water taste is good. The diagram needs to be updated to reflect the newly added designs. There is no diagram to show where the water line to the refrigerator should be connected either before or after TAM4. The drinking water faucet is flimsy, it needs to be durable considering we drink water multiple times daily. other than that, we like this tankless RO system.
The mineral replacement cartridge did make my water taste bad. I am on a well with a water softener, so I don’t think the two mixed, BUT I contacted customer service, and we replaced the mineral cartridge with an alkaline one (they sent it for free), and now my water tastes wonderful.
TIP: It is VERY noisy, so my plumber installed it in the basement on a shelf he built into the wall. It was STILL noisy, but we put a foam square under it to dampen the vibration and it helped. I can barely hear it turn on now. I’m glad I have it.
Hade fr hga vrden av ammonium och nitrit.
Efter installation var alla vrden p laboratorietestet nstan nere p noll.
Ljudnivn var lgre n frvntat dock var installationen av slangarna lite knepig i trngt utrymme.
Facile monter. Un peu bruyant car il y a une pompe donc je l’ai mis en sous sol. Il n’y a donc si un petit tuyau de 1/4 de pouce passer. Perte d eau environ1/1. Je rcupre pour arroser les plantes.. Mont aprs adoucisseur pour prserver la membrane . bon dbit, pour l’instant trs satisfait.
I was looking for an RO system which balanced water flow, purity, features, taste and price. I landed on this and the reviews seem pretty accurate so far. The water tasted good and the water flow is good. The system itself is a bit noisy though muffled by the under-sink cabinet and the water comes out with micro bubbles right now so appears a bit turbid for a short period of time. I had a plumber install it and it cost me more than I expected but I am not sure that was due to the product itself. But it looks great and works well, and the support has been terrific. The system ships with a nickel faucet but I needed a matte black which Frizzlife support immediately shipped out upon my request. Kudos for their quick action. I highly recommend the system.
I was looking for an RO system which balanced water flow, purity, features, taste and price. I landed on this and the reviews seem pretty accurate so far. The water tasted good and the water flow is good. The system itself is a bit noisy though muffled by the under-sink cabinet and the water comes out with micro bubbles right now so appears a bit turbid for a short period of time. I had a plumber install it and it cost me more than I expected but I am not sure that was due to the product itself. But it looks great and works well, and the support has been terrific. The system ships with a nickel faucet but I needed a matte black which Frizzlife support immediately shipped out upon my request. Kudos for their quick action. I highly recommend the system.
Was having gastrointestinal issues and couldn’t figure it out until I went out of town and was drinking from a different source. No issue while on vacation. Realized it was the water coming from my refrigerator door water dispenser. Could be the line has some kind of bacteria or mold. Had this filtration system install right after I got home and have been gastrointestinal issue free. No issues and water does not have a taste as what I would expec
We are surrounded by farmland, so there are plenty of opportunities for water contamination.
We had a water softener salesman test the water, ( which ours is terrible) from the RO system for curiosity sake and it had removed 99% of all the contaminants.
It was more difficult removing a 20+ year old system than installing this one because we had to rework the plumbing. But the install for this was not bad and I wouldn’t call myself handy. Only wish is that there was a better (step by step) YouTube video for the install for the 800 model because it did take me longer than 30 minutes.
Con Aquaservis estbamos muy contentos con la comodidad del servicio de agua a domicilio, pero al final hechas cuentas y es caro, con este sistema de smosis la calidad del agua es excelente no hemos notado la diferencia con Aquaservis y en 1 ao lo tienes mas que amortizado, la instalacin es muy fcil y cabe todo en un espacio reducido.
Installation was simple enough and we liked that you can change the filters easily unlike the old 5 stage tank systems. Reviews are spot on and seems like a quality unit. Had a filter issue when we installed it but the customer service was excellent in helping us out right away. Couldn’t be happier with our purchase and would recommend this system.
L’acqua ottima. A casa era imbevibile, ora finalmente il problema risolto. Il depuratore compatto, con un bel design e di ottima fattura. Ottimo il sistema di sostituzione filtri.
L’assistenza post vendita stata eccelsa!
I own 4 different RO tankless systems in my big house whole. I recently purchased this brand for a try and immediately notice the sound it makes is like a plane engine flying. I reached out to customer support and sent them a video and they said this is normal sound. Every time I turn this on I get a headache and that vibration underneath the sink is really not helping. After 1 month of installation, I notice rust starting to rust from the inside out of the faucet. I tried not to use it much since it’s so loud. This is really junk compared to my other 3 RO tankless systems I own. Updated review 7/16. The company reached out to me and was able to resolved my issues until I am fully satisfied.
This thing is amazing.. You can buy a cheap TDS meter to see the difference if you can’t taste it already!
My dad uses a machine which uses water to help him sleep with sleep apnoea. Once a fortnight he comes to my house to fill a gallon jug to put into his machine, he swears that the tap water in his machine makes him ill in the morning.
Also, I do some home brewing and the chemicals in the water kills the yeast after a few days, so you have to use filtered or mineral water. Not me! I just pour mine straight from the tap thanks to this machine.
I’ve had an issue with the machine also and the company fixed my problem with no drama even after I’ve owned it for 3 years.
The instructions are great and it took about 1.5 hours to install. It’s not hard at all. Loads of extra bits included for different configurations.
As for the taste, it’s amazing. Water tastes lovely. All the chemical taste has gone and the remineralization makes it alkaline which gives it a great flavour.
My bean to cup coffee machine flavour is unrecognisable compared to tap water or Brita filtered water.
This has to be the best purchase I’ve ever made on Amazon!
I installed this a month ago. Looked at the lower flow rate versions of this and at other brands with similar systems, lower flow rates but certified claims. Decided to spend the extra and opt for the 1000 GPD as it had twice the flow rate of the brands with certificates. I suspected that if went to the bother of researching and then plumbing it in, I probably quickly get disappointed that I hadn’t spent the extra money for the best flow rate. I imagined that the slower flows I get in other people’s houses, would eventually make me fill kettles from the ordinary tap for speed. So glad I did. Mounted this on a foam block to reduce the cabinet noise – it’s pretty quiet. I can get pint glasses of water quickly, and I absolutely love the taste. My tea no longer has a scum and my coffee maker tastes so much better. Week before I added it, the council were working on our street water supply – the after taste was almost undrinkable. What a relief to get this in.
Install was simple, although we didn’t receive a power adapter so we cant actually use it. Trying to get a power cord send without sending the whole package back.
Love the product and function. Having some issues almost a year later but sorting that out now. Based on past experiences with customer service questions Im sure it will work out perfectly.
Update: Ill say customer service jumped on my email real quick and provided great trouble shooting steps which worked! All good to go and quick easy fix. So two part review, great product and when an issue arises (they always do with literally anything) the support is there to resolve which is two fold GOOD NEWS! Highly recommended.
I studied tons of filters and their negative and positive reviews, cost of filters to change for a while before ordering this set. It is worth time spent. Now maybe someone can save their own.
Easy 20 min install and I can only regret that did not use this filter system long before.
Tons of room, great taste water and no more hormones and fluoride or other stuff in the water.
It shows 00 – 01ppm after membrane and 30-40 after mineral filter. I keep a full pitcher in the fridge as I love the tase of this cooled water even more.
The taste feels very clear and crystal, and refreshing.
The water from tap has always been somewhat unpleasantly sweet-ish resembling diluted artificial sweetener.
Now I have great tasting replacement for bottled water available in the kitchen.
For power; As it is a low power gadget, I safely run a few dollar-tree extension cords from the most convenient (not closest) outlet to hide in between cabinets, behind the stove and in front under the cabinets iand managed to hide 99.9% of it off sight also by some tape and few clips, and did not have to drill and pervert sockets with power installations under the sink spending only shameful ~3 minutes on whole process with no mess.
We have a GE fridge with ice maker (no water) and it works fine. You can buy a separate ice maker hook up kit from Frizzle or you can get creative at the hardware store with 1/4″ compression and PEX fittings.
Finalmente con questo depuratore sono riuscito a liberarmi dalla plastica. L’acqua molto leggera ed ha un sapore molto gradevole, limpidissima e senza alcun residuo. Come si vede dalle foto ho dovuto sistemare il tutto sopra il lavello perch ho un sottolavello con cassettoni, ma non mi ha provocato nessun disagio. L’azienda sembra molto seria e risponde subito alle richieste di assistenza sul prodotto. Per adesso sono molto contento e mi riservo di aggiornare la recensione pi in l nel caso in cui ci fossero problemi. Spero solo che la frizzlife abbia sempre a disposizione i filtri di ricambio.
Comunque depuratore ad osmosi inversa super consigliato.
It took me about 2 hours to install. That’s because I like to layout all the parts and read through the instructions before I start.
Once installed, the system worked flawlessly. The water tastes great and the TDS dropped appropriately. While the flow is not super fast, it is perfectly fine for use at the kitchen sink. To fill a pot, I need to leave it on and walk away (monitoring after 2 minutes or so). Functionally, I have no issues and look forward to the great convenience.
I did have to figure out the electrical part under the sink. I have a switch for the garbage disposal. I ended up leaving that switch on to supply steady power to the RO system. I put a small power strip under the sink so that I can have a separate switch for the garbage disposal.
The installation instructions provided by Frizzlife are excellent, and are repeated in several different formats. There is an instructional label on top of the Frizzlife RO unit, an Installation Diagram, a Quick Installation Guide, and of course an Owner’s Manual which tells you almost everything you need to know. And, of course, there are multiple videos available on YouTube. I recommend the 10 minute video “Frizzlife PD600 Reverse Osmosis installation.” Even though it is not specifically for the PDF1000, it gave me the understanding and confidence I needed to proceed.
One thing that is understandably not covered in the instructions is how to install a power source under the sink. However, since most kitchens have a dishwasher adjacent to the sink, it is not really that difficult. The first two photos accompanying this review explain how I was able to install a power supply. But if you are not comfortable in this please hire an electrician.
In order to cut the tubing cleanly and evenly, I used the head of a combination square to assist me in doing so, as shown in an attached photo.
Drilling a hole for the filter faucet was not as difficult as I had anticipated. After marking the hole center and making a dimple with a center punch, I used a 1/2 inch bit, with dish soap applied to the area to act as a coolant. A clean hole through the stainless steel sink was drilled in about a minute or two.
Because I already knew that the water pressure in my apartment was excessive, I installed a Frizzlife PRV3 Water Pressure Regulator that I had used on an older system. In this case, however, I regrettably did not follow the directions, mounting the device backwards in the Supply Feed Water port. Needless to say, the PD1000 did not like that, and no water came out of the faucet until I eventually realized what I had done. I successfully operated the filter this afternoon and enjoyed a cup of water from it.
My next hurdle was to hold a taste-testing event for my dear wife. Because of multiple problems with our city water supply after hurricane Ida-related flooding, she had insisted on purchasing purified water. She did not like the taste of the SK99 filtered water or trust in its purity. I filled one glass, marked on the bottom with a green dot, half full of the purified water she likes. I filled another glass half full of the PD1000 filtered water. I asked her to taste both samples and let me know how she liked them…I was overjoyed when she preferred the PD1000 water!
The instructions were straight forward and the item is well made. My only suggestion is that the instructions be more clear with regard to how far the white tubes need to be inserted. I had several leaks the first time. It’s basically a ‘two-click’ process. I tested with water with our own meter and it appears as though the filtration is working well…while also adding alkaline back into the water. If we ever move, I’ll definitely take this with me or order a new one. As a side note, I had a few water companies provide quotes for an RO system and they quoted me over $1000. This was clearly the way to go!
We installed this RO unit into our motor coach and absolutely love it. We never know what water we are able to fill our tanks with and this unit provides us peace of mind and wonderful tasting water. It’s a must have for sure!
Purchasing: I purchased this particular version for it’s high capacity and flow rate and our water tastes terrible. It came in 9 days in a pretty big box inside another box. I’m thinking it took that long because it’s new but I like it when they do double box to prevent shipping damage which this box had a few nicks but nothing major luckily. Without the extra box, it may have damaged the machine. Now I have two boxes for my toddler to build a racecar with instead of 1.
Installation: It took me over an hour to install but that was because most of the time I had to answer questions about it to my toddler. If you have any questions about installation, ask him. There’s a nice quick install guide that I used and I only had to refer to the manual for clarification on one step. I would like to mention that this thing is pretty big. If you haven’t seen a RO system before, you might be surprised, however, this system is smaller than the traditional RO systems.
Performance: Wow was I really impressed with the flow rate of this thing. I’ve used RO systems before and you normally set your glass down, turn it on, hi pick out a move, and finally come back to your full cup. This one will fill a glass in a few seconds. I’m looking forward to filling my humidifiers this winter. Our old RO took 5 minutes to fill our humidifier. One thing I didn’t do into was the TDS reading shows 99, maybe I didn’t run it long enough? I haven’t had a chance to check the TDS with a meter because I (or maybe my wife) misplaced it.
Taste: The water tastes great, especially compared to our tap water that feeds it.
Last thought: I’m contemplating bypassing the remineralization for when I fill my humidifiers because I’m worried about that causing dust. If I use my tap water, I get quite a bit of dust from the humidifier but a standard RO system didn’t have that issue. If anyone has thoughts or suggestions on how to do that, let me know.
I have had this for about a year now and would highly recommend this! We also purchased the pressure tank and the icemaker/refrigerator kit to go with it. I have hard well water, softened with a salt system (not good water for drinking or cooking with). We are amazed at how clean and soft the water is now using this RO system. This has the best tasting water and ice! Install was fairly easy, however we already had electrical imperative the sink for a garbage disposal. If you do not already have an electrical outlet under the sink, it would add another step to installation (requiring an electrician).
As always Frizzlife has made yet another fantastic product. They by far help make the water fantastic. My family even calls it the Holy water because it is the taste beyond compare. Also Frizzlife’s warranty is legit, with a different one of their reverse osmosis systems, we had a problem and they even sent us a extra piece for it (that wasn’t supposed to even come with it) so that it would work for us. A first class company with a product I can feel confident about consuming. I am especially thankful for it now as some of our water supply come St Louis County and they had an issue over the weekend and our water currently smells like rotten eggs… apparently it is still drinkable (barf), but with this reverse osmosis system it is a problem for us, just for all my poor neighbors who don’t have one!
Really easy to install, space saver, water purification to waste ratio is really good. Have been using it for about 3 months now and it works perfectly. Water hasn’t taste better before.
Really easy to install, space saver, water purification to waste ratio is really good. Have been using it for about 3 months now and it works perfectly. Water hasn't taste better before.
This was an upgrade from an old RO that we had. The install was relatively simple. Hard part was getting out the old spout that had rusted at the bolt.
Directions were straight forward but the order contradicted the video for install, so did a few double takes.
At the end, after the flush… the most delicious water that has ever come out of my faucet, or been purchased at a “water store”.
I had RO. I had an alkalinity generating device.
This is a better way to go. The pump is noisy like the water pump of our RV but it keeps up pressure which is a nice feature.
Haven’t tested the water but quite soon felt better. It is easier to stay hydrated too. Our tea kettle no longer builds up setiment.
My review is more about the install, the product has a straight forward install. The instructions are clear and have pictures to help, it comes with many extra hose press fittings and clips to ensure the hose doesn’t come out on its own. Extra o rings that I wasn’t sure what to do with exactly my only assumption is if you have to replace the press fittings for the 1/4″ and 3/8 hose. Only thing to do is make sure that you have an outlet close to the install position, I had to sister an outlet from an existing outlet to install one under my kitchen sink no big deal. Just get some 14/2 wire from your local hardware store mine came from the blue one. 22$ for 25′ and wire the outlet up many videos on YouTube. There is also a good video on a thorough install of the product.
We really love our Frizzlife PD600!!! We also appreciate their amazing customer service as well! We had a problem with a small leak and Frizzlife Solutions got back to us within an hour! They helped us troubleshoot, but finally ended up having to send us a new one – which we GREATLY appreciated!!! It’s rare to find a company that stands behind it’s product like this. I’m sure the leak was caused during shipping, but they immediately told us not to worry they would send a replacement! The water tastes amazing…it was very simple to set up and well worth their GREAT price! No wonder Frizzlife gets such great reviews!!! We highly recommend them to everyone!
+Space saving design doesn’t use up as much space as a tank system .
+Separate alkalizer allows RO water to be pulled (if installing a tee and valve/spigot) for hydroponics.
+Kit comes with lots of extra parts and hose to accommodate different configurations.
+ Great water quality, no break through or aftertaste
– Outlet pressure is too low for fridge/freezer causing a drop in ice production and longer cup fill times. (I installed optional mini tank and freezer hook up kit) flow at fridge is less than .20 gallons/minute.
– 1/4″ supply tubing is too small causing RO to cycle on and off while using water dispenser on fridge(distance between RO and fridge is 10′). Having 3/8 tubing in freezer hook up kit and reducing to 1/4″ at fridge connector may help improve flow and prevent multiple on/off cycles which could lead to RO malfunction or failure of timed shut down if a leak were to occur.
– No check valve provided. A day after installation my main sink faucet plugged. After disconnecting supply lines I found 1/8-1/4″ carbon granuals obstructing flow. It appears carbon from pre-filter can back flow into supply lines.
Takeaway :
Planning filter, mini tank, RO placement to keep 1/4″ runs as short as possible will improve overall performance.
Water quality has greatly improved over city tap water. pH of tap water: 7.2, 4.9 before alkalizer, 8.4 after.
TDS of tap water 390. After RO 13. After alkalizer 70
This is the first RO system we have ever had. I did quite a bit of research before settling on this one. What drew me to it over others was the tankless design, 5 step filtration process, waste ratio, and the alkaline filter.
Installation was fairly simple but we did have the hole in our counter top for the dispenser already. The unit was leaking under the main tank from a hole when initially installed. Its possible this was user error from tilting the unit forward slightly to clean underneath it. It eventually stopped and has not done it since, although I’m concerned it may start again without my knowledge and cause damage.
The TDS number hangs out around 65 or so. I don’t know how accurate this is since I have nothing to compare it to, but I’ve read the alkaline filter is putting some minerals back in which is why the TDS is not lower.
The taste of the water is good. I love Dasani bottled water and although it’s not the same, it does taste a whole lot better than my fridge water. The water that is dispensed is warmer than room temp but that’s likely due to all water in Arizona during summertime being warm. Nothing a few ice cubes that fix.
Overall I seem to like it although it’s only been a few days. I will update if anything new comes up.
Ho ritenuto importante fare analizzare l’acqua per vedere se effettivamente il mio Frizzlife pd600 lavorasse bene per la mia salute. Nelle fotografie potete vedere i valori dell’acqua nella mia zona ed a seguito le analisi effettuate, che dimostrano il netto miglioramento della qualit dell’acqua. Preciso che le analisi sono state effettuate dopo due mesi di utilizzo,quindi con filtri gi usati e l’acqua stata prelevata di mattina senza effettuare sciacqui o lasciar scorrere l’acqua, il che potrebbe giustificare un residuo fisso leggermente maggiore e una percentuale pi alta dei minerali contenuti nel filtro TM3 remineralizzante. Il prodotto di facilissima installazione, non rumoroso ed abbastanza veloce nell’erogazione dell’acqua. Personalmente uso l’acqua filtrata anche per cucinare dopo aver visto le differenze notevoli di colore, ma anche di gusto tra un riso fatto con acqua filtrata (bianco) e con acqua dell’acquedotto (giallognolo). Il design del depuratore minimale ed esteticamente piacevole. Il rapporto di acqua erogata non di 1,5 a 1, si avvicina pi ad un 1:1, ma lo standard dei depuratori. Mi sento dunque di consigliare a tutti questo depuratore, abbattiamo lo spreco di bottiglie di plastica. L’acqua dei nostri acquedotti gi buona, dobbiamo solo renderla migliore!
The unit comes with a good set of instructions and all required parts. The first steps would be to fully understand your pipework and lay out the components based on how you will possibly position it. In our case it was under kitchen sink.
You will need a nearby electric connection, luckily we have a double socket installed (I recommend getting a weatherproof socket if under sink area to be safe). This can easily be run from your nearest appliance to the position you will have your machine. The cable has enough length.
Now that electrics are taken care of, you need to fully see how you will connect the machine to the current pipework. If you have a water softener I recommend using hard water connection instead if you have this. If not, this machine would still do the job with softened water. Follow the steps given to install. There will be the need to make a connection to waste, you can easily use a bosch connection and attach to the sink waste. The parts are supplied. You need a few basic tools to make the hole.
After install we tested the water with a machine, it actually does take out all the particulates. The water tasted much much better. I recommend running this machine 40 secs before filling your glass/bottle as at the start the nutrients may be higher as the water sits in that end unit for a while.
Overall we are quite happy with this unit and highly recommend this to anyone looking for a decent machine to get bottled water without causing any plastic pollution.
Ok, for those of you who are handy, this is a very easy install. The directions are vague, so I suggest looking up install videos for those of you who are less skilled, but almost anyone can install this system under the sink. A word of advice: cut all of the hoses you will install perfectly square! Take care in doing that, and be sure each connection is seated fully, and that a retention clip (all are provided) is installed on each connection. I cut one hose end just slightly off, and had a very minor leak. A drip every 20 seconds. After turning off the water supply, I took that connection apart, and cut off a 1/4″ of tubing, ensuring it was absolutely square, and no more leaks! I laid the tubing across a carpenter’s square and cut the ends to be exacting. Take your time with this. Dry fit the unit and alkaline filters before you do the plumbing, so that you have a plan. It makes it much easier if you’ve decided where the pump/filter will live and also the alkaline filter hanger and cartridge. We love that this is a tankless system, and couldn’t be happier with the taste of the water. It’s absolutely delicious, and we did an initial test of pH and found it to be between 8.5 and 8.8, so alkaline is definitely being produced. This is a simple to use, simple to install system. Take your time, do it right, and enjoy your purified, alkaline water!
Ok, for those of you who are handy, this is a very easy install. The directions are vague, so I suggest looking up install videos for those of you who are less skilled, but almost anyone can install this system under the sink. A word of advice: cut all of the hoses you will install perfectly square! Take care in doing that, and be sure each connection is seated fully, and that a retention clip (all are provided) is installed on each connection. I cut one hose end just slightly off, and had a very minor leak. A drip every 20 seconds. After turning off the water supply, I took that connection apart, and cut off a 1/4" of tubing, ensuring it was absolutely square, and no more leaks! I laid the tubing across a carpenter's square and cut the ends to be exacting. Take your time with this. Dry fit the unit and alkaline filters before you do the plumbing, so that you have a plan. It makes it much easier if you've decided where the pump/filter will live and also the alkaline filter hanger and cartridge. We love that this is a tankless system, and couldn't be happier with the taste of the water. It's absolutely delicious, and we did an initial test of pH and found it to be between 8.5 and 8.8, so alkaline is definitely being produced. This is a simple to use, simple to install system. Take your time, do it right, and enjoy your purified, alkaline water!
I love my RO unit, this product is fantastic value, the included TDS pen reads 3ppm! The hardest part was installing the receptacle, I borrowed power from my dishwasher beside my sink, if you don’t feel comfortable about doing this then I would certainly hire an electrician. That being said, the unit itself was really easy to install with lots of different size fittings and adapters if needed (I didn’t need any). The seller made it really easy to obtain a black faucet to match my main faucet.
The unit is small and really slick looking and not too loud when filtering, it works exactly as described. The small tankless size still gives me room to under sink storage. I highly recommend the product and the seller, both first rate.
Struggled a bit to connect the system but Frizzlife support helped to resolve the problem (they do support outside America in the EU/UK).
Satisfied with water quality (so far), water flow is enough for all necessary needs.
Takes really low space and an additional filter makes the connection more flexible.
I installed this system about a week and it’s working fairly well. I have purchased and used about 10 different ROs tank systems over the last 10 years. I have installed the iSpring and Apec systems. I bought this unit to replace my Apec 5-stage system. Nothing was wrong with the Apec. However, I wanted to save space with tankless and try out the remineralization filter this comes with as well.
The unit was easy to install. But, keep in mind that i have installed RO systems a few times. And, in mine case, I was replacing a system. So, some of the work like the waste pipe hole was already done. And, I knew how to deal with all the fittings and such. Most every thing is easy if you have standard water lines under your sink. The kit comes most everything you need. You will need a drill a hole to install the saddle for the waste line. But, it’s just one hole and easy if you are drilling into plastic waste pipe. Also, I already had a faucet installed from my previous RO system. However, if this a new install, you’ll need to use an existing hole or make hole a new one in your sink or countertop. That could be the most difficult part if you are not handy. They have a video for the installing as well. Pretty good. I liked it. The quick install paper guide can also be used. But, if this your fist one, watch the video as well. Lastly, I thought the kit game with good parts compare to other systems. They were generous with kit and extra pieces. They even included a razor to cut the included piping down if needed.
I have not sent my water out to a lab for testing. Will do that if i keep this unit. However, my input in TDS is about 400-ish here. The unit’s display claims 05-06 TDS output. And, at the faucet after the TAM3 remineralization filter, it readys 40 -100 (yes, weird that readings would vary that much). Keep in mind, TDS does not dictate water quality. That is just telling you the count of Total Dissolved Solids. So, those could be good or bad of is in the water. But, at least you know it’s filtering something. Going from 400 to 6 is stellar. My previous RO went from 400 to 22.
Water Flow:
The unit claims about 600GPD. I measured about .40-45 gallon per minute at the faucet and half that at my refrigerator faucet (see section on refrigerator below). This water flow is a bit slow for sure. But, for glass of water, you are fine. If you need to fill a pot, you need turn it on and walk away for a bit for it to finish. The 600 GPD rating is reallygood and means that the amount in day that this unit can filter is substantial. My last unit was 90GPD. However, since it had a tank, the water dispensed faster than this unit. Of course, if you sit there and deplete the tank, you have to wait for more water to be generated. With this unit, even though the flow is slow, it’s keep going and you won’t run out unless you let it run for more than 30 minutes continuously at one time. After 30 minutes, the unit go into protection mode. Which is a good thing if you accidentally left the water running. Also, saves your filters too.
This subjective, of course. I felt the taste was okay. Not sure if it will change over time. My previous RO system tasted better in my opinion. But, it might be because this one adds back the minerals. So, maybe I’m simply not used to it. Don’t get me wrong. it’s better the regular tap water. Just was exacting more of SmartWater taste. Again, I think it’s a matter of opinion.
Nice Features:
1. TDS Display – this unit has a big digital TDS output display on the front. You can see it pretty clearly. This reading tells you what the unit outputs. I wish they showed you the input TDS value to the unit. That would be really nice.
2. Filter Life Indicator – The unit has these bars in the display that show you when the filter life is up. I have not had the unit long enough to see if this works well. But, I like this too. Before on my other systems, I have to measure water TDS or mark on my calendar if they have just been there too long.
3. TAM3 Filter bypass and maintenance – So, the external remineralization filter allows you to remove it without turning water off or unplugging the main unit. Also, if you want to bypass it, you can by removing it. I wish the main until allow this as well. The main unit requires you to turn off water and power to replace cartridges.
I don’t have pro db meter handy or a controlled sound room. But, using my phone DB meter, I saw about 40-50 at 2 feet away with cabinet door open. it’s hard to really measure this as there are a ton of factors involved. Like your cabinets. Surface of the cabinet, how much stuff you have in your cabinet and such. Simply, I didn’t think it was that loud for me. With cabinet door closed, it’s really not that load. If you get this unit and want to reduce noise and vibrations, you can put a rubber mat or pad under it. I have water proof mat under my mine.
Refrigerator Integration:
I have Whirpool French Door unit and it states in the manual that it needs 40-60psi water pressure. I contacted Frizzlife support and they claimed their unit delivers about 14.5~29psi of water pressure. So, below what my fridge wants. Does it work? Well, kind of. I mean, my fridge makes ice. I have to empty the bin completely and see if this unit can refill completely in one shoot and how long it takes. But, I do know the ice is smaller and production seems slower. Where I’m really disappointed is the fridge faucet. This has dropped to half the water flow speed. From 6-8 seconds to fill 1 cup to 16 seconds. You have to really want water from there to wait there that long. The regular faucet is slow. But, this takes it do another level. Also, my distance from under the sink to fridge is about 18 feet. So, that probably reduce the pressure a bit. Unfortunately their support says there is no way to increase the pressure. This is something the tank systems can over come. Some tank systems by default have better pressure. But, you can alway add booster or pump to tank RO systems. If you need to connect to fridge, you might want to consider a different system.
Customer Support:
For most products, i don’t usually contact their support. But, in this case, i sent an email in to see if anything can be done with the water pressure and speed of flow. The support responded very quickly and was very nice. They were very honest about their system and tried to help out. Unfortunately, they were not able to solve this issue. But, they were very responsive and tried to explain things to me. Most purchases on Amazon have terrible sellers with limited support. At this time, I thought Frizzlife was good and friendly.
Overall Impression:
I really really wanted to like this unit. Small, compact and good industrial design. I like the quick inserts filters and no tank. It saves a ton of space under the sink. And, you don’t run out of water as easily as the tank system. Water tastes okay and you the minerals back your water. However, the water flow is really disappointing. If I can figure out how to increase pressure, I will return it and go with a tank system that does remineralization. This unit cost almost double that of other tank systems. So, I’m being picky for a reason. And, yes, there are tank systems with remineralization. If you are not going to use with a fridge, I think this is a fine system. But, right now my family won’t use the water from fridge because of the slow flow.
Anyway, hope my review helped. If someone figure out how to increase water pressure on this system, please comment. If that issue was resolved, I would give this unit a 5 star. But, it’s losing 1 star right now for me due to water pressure.
Bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Filtersystem. Die Installation war nicht schwierig. Es luft alles super. Luft nicht aus. Wir habrn auch unsere Eismaschine direkt dran angeschlossen. Das Wasser hat einen guten,reinen Geschmack und beim Kochen gibt es keine Kalkrckstnde im Wasserkocher oder auf Tpfen.
Ist sehr empfehlenswert.
Great so far – only have used for a week but the water taste great and install was easy.
Happy with this unit for the price compared to others. Like that it comes with the remineralization filter as other comparable brands do not include this.
installato sabato e fortunamente ha preso il posto di un altro depuratore gi installato quindi era gi presente una predisposizione.
Il prodotto buono ..silenzioso e resa dell’acqua piu’ che soddisfacente
After installing the system PD1000 the TAM-4 filter body had a leak. The customer service team did a great job. They did sent a new filter body in a short time.
The system itself is doing well.
Produkt ist bislang sehr gut und unauffllig.
Nur leider war bei Anlieferung der Wandhaken eines Filters gebrochen.
Innerhalb weniger Tage habe ich eine komplett neue Filtereinheit bekommen.
Wow perfekter Service
Habe das Wasser in einem Labor untersuchen lassen. Der Ph Wert ist trotz Remineralisierung zu gering 6,8 PH Wert. Auch wahren Bakterien im Wasser, ob diese von der Anlage stammen oder durch einen Fehler bei der Wasserprobe – keine Ahnung. Habe zur Sicherheit eine UVC Entkeimer dazu gebaut.
Zustzlich habe ich mir eine MAYA Wasserbelebung angeschafft. Wasser schmeckt dadurch noch besser, meine persnliche Meinung (Wasser wirkt geschmeidig, weicher, schwer zu beschreiben).
Es whre schn wenn bei der Anlage ein Sicherheitsventil mit Sensor dabei wre, das bei Wasseraustritt automatisch die Wasserzufuhr direkt beim Eckventil abschaltet! Damit die Anlage perfekt ist musste nochmals 200 investieren.
Filter lassen sich ganz einfach ohne Wasserauslauf tauschen. Patronenpreis in Ordnung.
Nun hat mir Frizzlife einen neuen FZ-4 Filter fr die Remineralisierung als Garantie angeboten- werde ich ahnehmen und schauen ob sich der PH-Wert dann wirklich auf +7,2 bewegt.
Das gefilterte Wasser ist ein Genuss.
Ich habe einen guten Tee damit zubereitet und einen zweiten mit ungefiltertem Wasser.
Einen besseren Vergleich kann ich mir nicht vorstellen, um den Unterschied zu schmecken.
Tolles Gert und die Installation ist auch nicht so schwierig, wenn man etwas handwerklich geschickt ist und das Video auf YouTube anschaut.
Ein Verbesserungsvorschlag wre, das Video auch auf deutsch aufzunehmen und bei YouTube einzustellen.
Essendo tutta una questione di gusti, il primo montaggio l’ho effettuato in giardino ed ho subito provveduto ad assaggiare l’acqua. Ottima, in qualche maniera pi buona delle imbottigliate super leggere tipo Sant’Anna, cosa che non mi aspettavo proprio… Il montaggio intuitivo e ben documentato (in inglese ma non un problema per me), l’unica nota che mi sento di lasciare, come specificato da un’altra recensione qui su Amazon, il fatto che se l’acqua rimane ferma nei filtri peggiora, basta poi farla scorrere un po’ prima di riempire bottiglie o bicchieri…
The taste of the water is quite impressive. I like it. I received a previosly opened box. It would be great if they could provide a kind of adaptor (G 3/8″ adaptor) for those who don’t want to use a second separate faucet in their kitchen.
L’eau reminralise bon got. L’osmoseur fonctionne bien depuis un mois. Si je n’ai pas mis cinq toiles c’est que l’affichage n’est pas celui annonc puisque la valeur du “TDS” ne s’affiche pas.
Ich habe mich fr das Frizzlife Umkehrosmose-Wasserfiltrationssystem PD600-TAM3 entschieden, weil wir in unserer Region mit sehr hartem Wasser zu kmpfen haben. Nachdem ich bereits eine Enthrtungsanlage von Water2Buy installiert hatte, waren die Wasserwerte immer noch unbefriedigend. Da wir hauptschlich stilles Wasser trinken und ich keine Lust mehr auf das Schleppen von Wasserflaschen hatte, war die Entscheidung fr eine Osmoseanlage naheliegend.
Die Qualitt, Verarbeitung und Haltbarkeit des Frizzlife-Systems haben mich beeindruckt. Obwohl die Produkte in China hergestellt werden, sind sie uerst solide verarbeitet. Die Schluche sind robust und mssen lediglich in die richtige Form gebracht oder “massiert” werden. Alle Anschlussteile sind fehlerfrei gefertigt, was die Installation erheblich erleichtert hat.
Die Osmoseanlage wird mit allem geliefert, was fr den Einbau bentigt wird. Es gibt verschiedene Adapter fr die Wasseranschlsse, von denen ich einige gar nicht verwendet habe. Ersatzteile wie Klemmen fr die Schluche oder Verbindungsstcke gibt es dazu, falls einige bei der Installation kaputt gehen sollten.
Die Anlage ist ziemlich schwer, insbesondere wenn sie mit Wasser gefllt ist. Sobald sie installiert ist, sollte dies nicht mehr so oft bewegt werden.
Die Anleitung ist sehr detailliert in mehreren Ausfhrungen und es gibt sogar ein Verweis auf ein Installationsvideo, das ich parallel geffnet hatte. Alle Schritte mssen einfach befolgt werden. Bei mir gab es jedoch eine besondere Herausforderung, da unter unserer Sple kein Platz war. Wir haben ein HAILO AS Rondo Abfallsystem installiert, das viel Platz einnimmt und sich unter der Ecksple befindet. Daher habe ich die Osmoseanlage in einer anderen Kchenzeile untergebracht und eine 30 mm Bohrung durch die Kchenzeilen vorgenommen, um die Schluche und das Stromkabel hindurchzufhren.
Das Wasser schmeckt nach der Filterung deutlich besser und ich kann sicher sein, dass es von hchster Qualitt ist.
Ich habe verschiedene Messwerte erfasst und festgestellt, dass die Osmoseanlage ihre Aufgabe hervorragend erfllt.
Messwerte sind wie folgt:
– Vor dem Einbau bei 644 S / 412 ppm
– Filterung durch einen Britta Filter bei 510 S / 326 ppm
– Frst Bismarck Wasser, welches wir aktuell trinken bei 380 S / 243 ppm
– Nach der Osmosefilterung von Frizzlife bei 48 S / 30 ppm
Man muss lediglich hier beachten, dass nach der Installation und bei jedem Filterwechsel (laut der Information von Frizzlife) die Anlage fr 10 Minuten bei voll aufgedrehtem Wasserhahn durchgesplt werden muss. Ich habe hier den ersten Test nach 5 Minuten gemacht und hatte dann das selbe Ergebnis nach 10 Minuten zwischen 46 S und 49 S.
Langfristig betrachtet ist diese Anlage eine kostengnstige Lsung im Vergleich zum Kauf von Wasserflaschen. Die anfnglichen Kosten sind jedoch hher, insbesondere wenn man sich zustzlich einen 3-Wege Wasserhahn zulegt.
Die Verpackung war uerst sicher und das Produkt kam in einwandfreiem Zustand an.
Das Frizzlife Umkehrosmose-Wasserfiltrationssystem PD600-TAM3 hat sich als die perfekte Lsung fr unser Problem mit hartem Wasser erwiesen. Die Qualitt, Leistung und das Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis sind beeindruckend. Ich bin uerst zufrieden mit meinem Kauf und kann dieses System uneingeschrnkt empfehlen.
I don’t have anything to test if it removed the fluoride in the water but the ph was better! 7ish for tap water and 8-8.5 ish from the filter. (Pictures shown) The faucet is nice and everything plugs together easily.
Montage war relativ einfach. Es gibt auch jede Menge Videos im Internet dazu. Leider mute ich feststellen, dass meine extra gekaufte drei Wege Armatur undicht ist. Daher konnte ich die Anlage nur kurz testen und dann wieder abschalten. Jetzt muss ich warten, bis ich eine neue Armatur bekommen habe. Dann werde ich weiter berichten.
Arrivato nei tempi previsti. Non ho dato la 5^ stella, perch l’alimentatore del dispositivo risultato non funzionante: mi stato comunque sostituito dal fornitore.
Il sistema facile da installare, con anche una minima manualit, ed completo di tutto ci che serve.
Ho integrato, all’uscita del remineralizzatore, una lampada UV da 6W per funzione battericida e ho installato un rubinetto a 3 vie, in sostituzione dell’esistente.
Durante il funzionamento, non fa molto rumore.
Resta adesso da vedere come si comporta nel tempo: per il momento, lo consiglio.
Habe mich fr die Anlage auch wegen der Gre entschieden, da ich sie so unter die Kche hinter der Sockelleiste verbauen konnte. Betreibe sie bewusst ohne den TAM3 Filter und komme so von 280ppm Leitungswasser auf 14ppm. Zur Remineralisierung benutze ich ein Urmmersalz.
Die Anlage macht so einen Durchfluss von 2,2l/min.
Super Produkt.
After installation, my TDS were reduced to 12ppm.
Installation was pretty easy for me. I had a faucet from years past, and had drilled the hole thru the stainless sink with a special bit. The instructions are easy to follow and straight forward. My only issue was getting power to the sink area. Tapped into my dishwasher power line to provide power to fizzlife unit. Total installation time was about 2 hrs.
There is a slight hum when using this unit, but barely heard from under the sink cabinet area. The water has a fantastic taste after running thru the Tam 3 ph mineralizer filter! Its a pleasure to drink slightly alkaline water, and much healthier with added minerals.
Water output from the faucet is decent, not slow and not really fast but somewhere in the middle range. Its a good looking faucet and well made, not cheap. Overall I am completely satisfied that I purchased this unit and Highly recommend it to anyone looking for great tasting water. You wont be disappointed!
Lastly, customer service is outstanding!!!! Had a small issue resolved in a matter of a day on a Sunday to boot. They really back their product and support the customer 100%
So… I have really really bad water.
Been using Zero Water filters up to now, but it’s gotten progressively more expensive as my water has gotten worse – this time last be year it read ~230 ppm – to the point that I was going through a $13 Zero Water filter in less than 10 days, so I broke down and got one of these
The results speak for themselves. From nearly 600 down to the second stage reporting 14, the remineralisation stage ~60.
It’s filtering, but I’ll be waiting to see just how long the filters last. I’m wagering it won’t be anywhere near the rated 1 year with this quality of water.
I’m hoping four months for stage 1, one year for stage 2
Compact footprint machine that creats great tasting water. Machine was fairly easy to install. Did have to be a contortionist to install faucet but would have been the same issue with any style/brand of RO filtration system. I am undecided on whether to add the mini tank as water flow is satisfactory but could be better. Early in ownership, my opinion today is this is the perfect solution to getting clean great tasting water at a fair price.
Beste Qualitt und hoher Durchfluss von 2.5 l/min., exzellente Filteranlage, optisch ansprechender und dennoch dezenter Edelstahlhahn zur Wasserentnahme.
Das Wasser schmeckt ausgezeichnet und der Kaffee wird auch noch besser im Geschmack mit dem Osmosewasser.
Kompakt zum Einbauen unter dem Splbecken und die Ausziehlade hat auch noch Platz fr 2 kleine Abfallbehlter. Klare Empfehlung 🙂
I have been renting or leasing a Culligan unit for more than a decade Then I realize that just didn’t make sense. Not being fond of big mechanical projects I studied the options and landed on this tankless under the counter RO unit. I knew nothing about them, but I assume the technology has improved a little bit an RO units since I last looked 🙂
It took a little while to install, but it was just like anything that works with reading instructions and patience. After it was in we tested the TDS. Without RO our well water TDS is 256. With this machine it’s 28.
Basically, over the course of time this will cost us 1/4 of what the Culligan unit cost.
By the way, the Culligan unit had a reading of 56 TDS. Oh, it had been completely serviced a month ago.
The taste difference between our tapwater and the Frizzlife RO water is dramatic.
Yeah, I’m happy.
He esperado un mes aproximadamente para emitir la opinion. El montaje es muy sencillo incluso para gente que como yo no tiene grandes dotes de bricolage, las instrucciones no vienen en espaol( esto es una pega) pero son intuitivas y con los dibujos se monta facilmente.
El ruido que hace cuando se pone en marcha no es nada del otro mundo , para unos minutos para llenar alguna jarra o algo similar , no es molesto.
Y lo importante es sabor del agua esta bien , si hubiera que ponerle nota seria un notable, sin ser el agua perfecta si que la deja con un buen sabor para beberla y eso que por Valencia el agua potable es bastante mala. Por lo que entiendo que tiene una buena relacion calidad/precio , merece la pena su compra.
Customer service responded quickly after posting review about taste. They sent a replacement filter and it lot better.
( this was my prior comment)
Taste of water is not great. Just bought looking at rating and it was tankless. I had this APEC one below and taste of water was very good for at least 3-4 years
APEC Water Systems ROES-PH75 Essence Series Top Tier Alkaline Mineral pH+ 75 GPD 6-Stage Certified Ultra Safe Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter System.
So far we love this RO System, The water flow is very good, and the water taste is good. The diagram needs to be updated to reflect the newly added designs. There is no diagram to show where the water line to the refrigerator should be connected either before or after TAM4. The drinking water faucet is flimsy, it needs to be durable considering we drink water multiple times daily. other than that, we like this tankless RO system.
The mineral replacement cartridge did make my water taste bad. I am on a well with a water softener, so I don’t think the two mixed, BUT I contacted customer service, and we replaced the mineral cartridge with an alkaline one (they sent it for free), and now my water tastes wonderful.
TIP: It is VERY noisy, so my plumber installed it in the basement on a shelf he built into the wall. It was STILL noisy, but we put a foam square under it to dampen the vibration and it helped. I can barely hear it turn on now. I’m glad I have it.
Hade fr hga vrden av ammonium och nitrit.
Efter installation var alla vrden p laboratorietestet nstan nere p noll.
Ljudnivn var lgre n frvntat dock var installationen av slangarna lite knepig i trngt utrymme.
Facile monter. Un peu bruyant car il y a une pompe donc je l’ai mis en sous sol. Il n’y a donc si un petit tuyau de 1/4 de pouce passer. Perte d eau environ1/1. Je rcupre pour arroser les plantes.. Mont aprs adoucisseur pour prserver la membrane . bon dbit, pour l’instant trs satisfait.
Just installed it today. So far, water tastes great! I am hoping to save money on water bottles.
I was looking for an RO system which balanced water flow, purity, features, taste and price. I landed on this and the reviews seem pretty accurate so far. The water tasted good and the water flow is good. The system itself is a bit noisy though muffled by the under-sink cabinet and the water comes out with micro bubbles right now so appears a bit turbid for a short period of time. I had a plumber install it and it cost me more than I expected but I am not sure that was due to the product itself. But it looks great and works well, and the support has been terrific. The system ships with a nickel faucet but I needed a matte black which Frizzlife support immediately shipped out upon my request. Kudos for their quick action. I highly recommend the system.
Was having gastrointestinal issues and couldn’t figure it out until I went out of town and was drinking from a different source. No issue while on vacation. Realized it was the water coming from my refrigerator door water dispenser. Could be the line has some kind of bacteria or mold. Had this filtration system install right after I got home and have been gastrointestinal issue free. No issues and water does not have a taste as what I would expec
We are surrounded by farmland, so there are plenty of opportunities for water contamination.
We had a water softener salesman test the water, ( which ours is terrible) from the RO system for curiosity sake and it had removed 99% of all the contaminants.
It was more difficult removing a 20+ year old system than installing this one because we had to rework the plumbing. But the install for this was not bad and I wouldn’t call myself handy. Only wish is that there was a better (step by step) YouTube video for the install for the 800 model because it did take me longer than 30 minutes.
Con Aquaservis estbamos muy contentos con la comodidad del servicio de agua a domicilio, pero al final hechas cuentas y es caro, con este sistema de smosis la calidad del agua es excelente no hemos notado la diferencia con Aquaservis y en 1 ao lo tienes mas que amortizado, la instalacin es muy fcil y cabe todo en un espacio reducido.
Installation was simple enough and we liked that you can change the filters easily unlike the old 5 stage tank systems. Reviews are spot on and seems like a quality unit. Had a filter issue when we installed it but the customer service was excellent in helping us out right away. Couldn’t be happier with our purchase and would recommend this system.
L’acqua ottima. A casa era imbevibile, ora finalmente il problema risolto. Il depuratore compatto, con un bel design e di ottima fattura. Ottimo il sistema di sostituzione filtri.
L’assistenza post vendita stata eccelsa!
This thing is amazing.. You can buy a cheap TDS meter to see the difference if you can’t taste it already!
My dad uses a machine which uses water to help him sleep with sleep apnoea. Once a fortnight he comes to my house to fill a gallon jug to put into his machine, he swears that the tap water in his machine makes him ill in the morning.
Also, I do some home brewing and the chemicals in the water kills the yeast after a few days, so you have to use filtered or mineral water. Not me! I just pour mine straight from the tap thanks to this machine.
I’ve had an issue with the machine also and the company fixed my problem with no drama even after I’ve owned it for 3 years.
Get one, now!
The instructions are great and it took about 1.5 hours to install. It’s not hard at all. Loads of extra bits included for different configurations.
As for the taste, it’s amazing. Water tastes lovely. All the chemical taste has gone and the remineralization makes it alkaline which gives it a great flavour.
My bean to cup coffee machine flavour is unrecognisable compared to tap water or Brita filtered water.
This has to be the best purchase I’ve ever made on Amazon!
Do it!
Just installed pd600 and tds reading is 04 is that okey?
Excellent product, using for past 13 years other osmosis system with tank, this one beats it all.
Install was simple, although we didn’t receive a power adapter so we cant actually use it. Trying to get a power cord send without sending the whole package back.
The product took me very little time to setup in comparison to traditional RO systems. And it works great!
The filtered water tastes good, and the system is compact.
So easy to install even a caveman can do it… Customer support is ace.
Love the product and function. Having some issues almost a year later but sorting that out now. Based on past experiences with customer service questions Im sure it will work out perfectly.
Update: Ill say customer service jumped on my email real quick and provided great trouble shooting steps which worked! All good to go and quick easy fix. So two part review, great product and when an issue arises (they always do with literally anything) the support is there to resolve which is two fold GOOD NEWS! Highly recommended.
I studied tons of filters and their negative and positive reviews, cost of filters to change for a while before ordering this set. It is worth time spent. Now maybe someone can save their own.
Easy 20 min install and I can only regret that did not use this filter system long before.
Tons of room, great taste water and no more hormones and fluoride or other stuff in the water.
It shows 00 – 01ppm after membrane and 30-40 after mineral filter. I keep a full pitcher in the fridge as I love the tase of this cooled water even more.
The taste feels very clear and crystal, and refreshing.
The water from tap has always been somewhat unpleasantly sweet-ish resembling diluted artificial sweetener.
Now I have great tasting replacement for bottled water available in the kitchen.
For power; As it is a low power gadget, I safely run a few dollar-tree extension cords from the most convenient (not closest) outlet to hide in between cabinets, behind the stove and in front under the cabinets iand managed to hide 99.9% of it off sight also by some tape and few clips, and did not have to drill and pervert sockets with power installations under the sink spending only shameful ~3 minutes on whole process with no mess.
Lo uso da un paio di giorni e devo dire che l’acqua buona!!!! Nessun problema, facile da installare, poco rumoroso a mio avviso.
Too early to tell as I have only had the system for a couple of days.
We have a GE fridge with ice maker (no water) and it works fine. You can buy a separate ice maker hook up kit from Frizzle or you can get creative at the hardware store with 1/4″ compression and PEX fittings.
Quick setup without any professional tools, no leakage and natural water taste.
Pretty simple install. Liked the design of the TDS reading at the main box before final PH/remineral filter to provide accurate TDS reading.
Mediamente facile da installare anche senza l’aiuto di un professionista. L’acqua risulta buona da bere e leggermente mineralizzata
Great taste, water flow, and compact design. My only concern so far is the water dispenser could be more secure.
Comunque depuratore ad osmosi inversa super consigliato.
The system is great!
It took me about 2 hours to install. That’s because I like to layout all the parts and read through the instructions before I start.
Once installed, the system worked flawlessly. The water tastes great and the TDS dropped appropriately. While the flow is not super fast, it is perfectly fine for use at the kitchen sink. To fill a pot, I need to leave it on and walk away (monitoring after 2 minutes or so). Functionally, I have no issues and look forward to the great convenience.
I did have to figure out the electrical part under the sink. I have a switch for the garbage disposal. I ended up leaving that switch on to supply steady power to the RO system. I put a small power strip under the sink so that I can have a separate switch for the garbage disposal.
One thing that is understandably not covered in the instructions is how to install a power source under the sink. However, since most kitchens have a dishwasher adjacent to the sink, it is not really that difficult. The first two photos accompanying this review explain how I was able to install a power supply. But if you are not comfortable in this please hire an electrician.
In order to cut the tubing cleanly and evenly, I used the head of a combination square to assist me in doing so, as shown in an attached photo.
Drilling a hole for the filter faucet was not as difficult as I had anticipated. After marking the hole center and making a dimple with a center punch, I used a 1/2 inch bit, with dish soap applied to the area to act as a coolant. A clean hole through the stainless steel sink was drilled in about a minute or two.
Because I already knew that the water pressure in my apartment was excessive, I installed a Frizzlife PRV3 Water Pressure Regulator that I had used on an older system. In this case, however, I regrettably did not follow the directions, mounting the device backwards in the Supply Feed Water port. Needless to say, the PD1000 did not like that, and no water came out of the faucet until I eventually realized what I had done. I successfully operated the filter this afternoon and enjoyed a cup of water from it.
My next hurdle was to hold a taste-testing event for my dear wife. Because of multiple problems with our city water supply after hurricane Ida-related flooding, she had insisted on purchasing purified water. She did not like the taste of the SK99 filtered water or trust in its purity. I filled one glass, marked on the bottom with a green dot, half full of the purified water she likes. I filled another glass half full of the PD1000 filtered water. I asked her to taste both samples and let me know how she liked them…I was overjoyed when she preferred the PD1000 water!
The instructions were straight forward and the item is well made. My only suggestion is that the instructions be more clear with regard to how far the white tubes need to be inserted. I had several leaks the first time. It’s basically a ‘two-click’ process. I tested with water with our own meter and it appears as though the filtration is working well…while also adding alkaline back into the water. If we ever move, I’ll definitely take this with me or order a new one. As a side note, I had a few water companies provide quotes for an RO system and they quoted me over $1000. This was clearly the way to go!
I have it connected to my fridge and ice maker. Never runs out of water like a tank system.
The filtered water tastes great with a TDS reading of 17. The system was easy to install taking an hour with the easy to understand instructions
We installed this RO unit into our motor coach and absolutely love it. We never know what water we are able to fill our tanks with and this unit provides us peace of mind and wonderful tasting water. It’s a must have for sure!
Purchasing: I purchased this particular version for it’s high capacity and flow rate and our water tastes terrible. It came in 9 days in a pretty big box inside another box. I’m thinking it took that long because it’s new but I like it when they do double box to prevent shipping damage which this box had a few nicks but nothing major luckily. Without the extra box, it may have damaged the machine. Now I have two boxes for my toddler to build a racecar with instead of 1.
Installation: It took me over an hour to install but that was because most of the time I had to answer questions about it to my toddler. If you have any questions about installation, ask him. There’s a nice quick install guide that I used and I only had to refer to the manual for clarification on one step. I would like to mention that this thing is pretty big. If you haven’t seen a RO system before, you might be surprised, however, this system is smaller than the traditional RO systems.
Performance: Wow was I really impressed with the flow rate of this thing. I’ve used RO systems before and you normally set your glass down, turn it on, hi pick out a move, and finally come back to your full cup. This one will fill a glass in a few seconds. I’m looking forward to filling my humidifiers this winter. Our old RO took 5 minutes to fill our humidifier. One thing I didn’t do into was the TDS reading shows 99, maybe I didn’t run it long enough? I haven’t had a chance to check the TDS with a meter because I (or maybe my wife) misplaced it.
Taste: The water tastes great, especially compared to our tap water that feeds it.
Last thought: I’m contemplating bypassing the remineralization for when I fill my humidifiers because I’m worried about that causing dust. If I use my tap water, I get quite a bit of dust from the humidifier but a standard RO system didn’t have that issue. If anyone has thoughts or suggestions on how to do that, let me know.
I have had this for about a year now and would highly recommend this! We also purchased the pressure tank and the icemaker/refrigerator kit to go with it. I have hard well water, softened with a salt system (not good water for drinking or cooking with). We are amazed at how clean and soft the water is now using this RO system. This has the best tasting water and ice! Install was fairly easy, however we already had electrical imperative the sink for a garbage disposal. If you do not already have an electrical outlet under the sink, it would add another step to installation (requiring an electrician).
As always Frizzlife has made yet another fantastic product. They by far help make the water fantastic. My family even calls it the Holy water because it is the taste beyond compare. Also Frizzlife’s warranty is legit, with a different one of their reverse osmosis systems, we had a problem and they even sent us a extra piece for it (that wasn’t supposed to even come with it) so that it would work for us. A first class company with a product I can feel confident about consuming. I am especially thankful for it now as some of our water supply come St Louis County and they had an issue over the weekend and our water currently smells like rotten eggs… apparently it is still drinkable (barf), but with this reverse osmosis system it is a problem for us, just for all my poor neighbors who don’t have one!
Really easy to install, space saver, water purification to waste ratio is really good. Have been using it for about 3 months now and it works perfectly. Water hasn’t taste better before.
This was an upgrade from an old RO that we had. The install was relatively simple. Hard part was getting out the old spout that had rusted at the bolt.
Directions were straight forward but the order contradicted the video for install, so did a few double takes.
At the end, after the flush… the most delicious water that has ever come out of my faucet, or been purchased at a “water store”.
I had RO. I had an alkalinity generating device.
This is a better way to go. The pump is noisy like the water pump of our RV but it keeps up pressure which is a nice feature.
Haven’t tested the water but quite soon felt better. It is easier to stay hydrated too. Our tea kettle no longer builds up setiment.
A very good filter and the water taste as it should
My review is more about the install, the product has a straight forward install. The instructions are clear and have pictures to help, it comes with many extra hose press fittings and clips to ensure the hose doesn’t come out on its own. Extra o rings that I wasn’t sure what to do with exactly my only assumption is if you have to replace the press fittings for the 1/4″ and 3/8 hose. Only thing to do is make sure that you have an outlet close to the install position, I had to sister an outlet from an existing outlet to install one under my kitchen sink no big deal. Just get some 14/2 wire from your local hardware store mine came from the blue one. 22$ for 25′ and wire the outlet up many videos on YouTube. There is also a good video on a thorough install of the product.
We really love our Frizzlife PD600!!! We also appreciate their amazing customer service as well! We had a problem with a small leak and Frizzlife Solutions got back to us within an hour! They helped us troubleshoot, but finally ended up having to send us a new one – which we GREATLY appreciated!!! It’s rare to find a company that stands behind it’s product like this. I’m sure the leak was caused during shipping, but they immediately told us not to worry they would send a replacement! The water tastes amazing…it was very simple to set up and well worth their GREAT price! No wonder Frizzlife gets such great reviews!!! We highly recommend them to everyone!
+Space saving design doesn’t use up as much space as a tank system .
+Separate alkalizer allows RO water to be pulled (if installing a tee and valve/spigot) for hydroponics.
+Kit comes with lots of extra parts and hose to accommodate different configurations.
+ Great water quality, no break through or aftertaste
– Outlet pressure is too low for fridge/freezer causing a drop in ice production and longer cup fill times. (I installed optional mini tank and freezer hook up kit) flow at fridge is less than .20 gallons/minute.
– 1/4″ supply tubing is too small causing RO to cycle on and off while using water dispenser on fridge(distance between RO and fridge is 10′). Having 3/8 tubing in freezer hook up kit and reducing to 1/4″ at fridge connector may help improve flow and prevent multiple on/off cycles which could lead to RO malfunction or failure of timed shut down if a leak were to occur.
– No check valve provided. A day after installation my main sink faucet plugged. After disconnecting supply lines I found 1/8-1/4″ carbon granuals obstructing flow. It appears carbon from pre-filter can back flow into supply lines.
Takeaway :
Planning filter, mini tank, RO placement to keep 1/4″ runs as short as possible will improve overall performance.
Water quality has greatly improved over city tap water. pH of tap water: 7.2, 4.9 before alkalizer, 8.4 after.
TDS of tap water 390. After RO 13. After alkalizer 70
This is the first RO system we have ever had. I did quite a bit of research before settling on this one. What drew me to it over others was the tankless design, 5 step filtration process, waste ratio, and the alkaline filter.
Installation was fairly simple but we did have the hole in our counter top for the dispenser already. The unit was leaking under the main tank from a hole when initially installed. Its possible this was user error from tilting the unit forward slightly to clean underneath it. It eventually stopped and has not done it since, although I’m concerned it may start again without my knowledge and cause damage.
The TDS number hangs out around 65 or so. I don’t know how accurate this is since I have nothing to compare it to, but I’ve read the alkaline filter is putting some minerals back in which is why the TDS is not lower.
The taste of the water is good. I love Dasani bottled water and although it’s not the same, it does taste a whole lot better than my fridge water. The water that is dispensed is warmer than room temp but that’s likely due to all water in Arizona during summertime being warm. Nothing a few ice cubes that fix.
Overall I seem to like it although it’s only been a few days. I will update if anything new comes up.
The unit comes with a good set of instructions and all required parts. The first steps would be to fully understand your pipework and lay out the components based on how you will possibly position it. In our case it was under kitchen sink.
You will need a nearby electric connection, luckily we have a double socket installed (I recommend getting a weatherproof socket if under sink area to be safe). This can easily be run from your nearest appliance to the position you will have your machine. The cable has enough length.
Now that electrics are taken care of, you need to fully see how you will connect the machine to the current pipework. If you have a water softener I recommend using hard water connection instead if you have this. If not, this machine would still do the job with softened water. Follow the steps given to install. There will be the need to make a connection to waste, you can easily use a bosch connection and attach to the sink waste. The parts are supplied. You need a few basic tools to make the hole.
After install we tested the water with a machine, it actually does take out all the particulates. The water tasted much much better. I recommend running this machine 40 secs before filling your glass/bottle as at the start the nutrients may be higher as the water sits in that end unit for a while.
Overall we are quite happy with this unit and highly recommend this to anyone looking for a decent machine to get bottled water without causing any plastic pollution.
Ok, for those of you who are handy, this is a very easy install. The directions are vague, so I suggest looking up install videos for those of you who are less skilled, but almost anyone can install this system under the sink. A word of advice: cut all of the hoses you will install perfectly square! Take care in doing that, and be sure each connection is seated fully, and that a retention clip (all are provided) is installed on each connection. I cut one hose end just slightly off, and had a very minor leak. A drip every 20 seconds. After turning off the water supply, I took that connection apart, and cut off a 1/4″ of tubing, ensuring it was absolutely square, and no more leaks! I laid the tubing across a carpenter’s square and cut the ends to be exacting. Take your time with this. Dry fit the unit and alkaline filters before you do the plumbing, so that you have a plan. It makes it much easier if you’ve decided where the pump/filter will live and also the alkaline filter hanger and cartridge. We love that this is a tankless system, and couldn’t be happier with the taste of the water. It’s absolutely delicious, and we did an initial test of pH and found it to be between 8.5 and 8.8, so alkaline is definitely being produced. This is a simple to use, simple to install system. Take your time, do it right, and enjoy your purified, alkaline water!
I love my RO unit, this product is fantastic value, the included TDS pen reads 3ppm! The hardest part was installing the receptacle, I borrowed power from my dishwasher beside my sink, if you don’t feel comfortable about doing this then I would certainly hire an electrician. That being said, the unit itself was really easy to install with lots of different size fittings and adapters if needed (I didn’t need any). The seller made it really easy to obtain a black faucet to match my main faucet.
The unit is small and really slick looking and not too loud when filtering, it works exactly as described. The small tankless size still gives me room to under sink storage. I highly recommend the product and the seller, both first rate.
Struggled a bit to connect the system but Frizzlife support helped to resolve the problem (they do support outside America in the EU/UK).
Satisfied with water quality (so far), water flow is enough for all necessary needs.
Takes really low space and an additional filter makes the connection more flexible.
The unit was easy to install. But, keep in mind that i have installed RO systems a few times. And, in mine case, I was replacing a system. So, some of the work like the waste pipe hole was already done. And, I knew how to deal with all the fittings and such. Most every thing is easy if you have standard water lines under your sink. The kit comes most everything you need. You will need a drill a hole to install the saddle for the waste line. But, it’s just one hole and easy if you are drilling into plastic waste pipe. Also, I already had a faucet installed from my previous RO system. However, if this a new install, you’ll need to use an existing hole or make hole a new one in your sink or countertop. That could be the most difficult part if you are not handy. They have a video for the installing as well. Pretty good. I liked it. The quick install paper guide can also be used. But, if this your fist one, watch the video as well. Lastly, I thought the kit game with good parts compare to other systems. They were generous with kit and extra pieces. They even included a razor to cut the included piping down if needed.
I have not sent my water out to a lab for testing. Will do that if i keep this unit. However, my input in TDS is about 400-ish here. The unit’s display claims 05-06 TDS output. And, at the faucet after the TAM3 remineralization filter, it readys 40 -100 (yes, weird that readings would vary that much). Keep in mind, TDS does not dictate water quality. That is just telling you the count of Total Dissolved Solids. So, those could be good or bad of is in the water. But, at least you know it’s filtering something. Going from 400 to 6 is stellar. My previous RO went from 400 to 22.
Water Flow:
The unit claims about 600GPD. I measured about .40-45 gallon per minute at the faucet and half that at my refrigerator faucet (see section on refrigerator below). This water flow is a bit slow for sure. But, for glass of water, you are fine. If you need to fill a pot, you need turn it on and walk away for a bit for it to finish. The 600 GPD rating is reallygood and means that the amount in day that this unit can filter is substantial. My last unit was 90GPD. However, since it had a tank, the water dispensed faster than this unit. Of course, if you sit there and deplete the tank, you have to wait for more water to be generated. With this unit, even though the flow is slow, it’s keep going and you won’t run out unless you let it run for more than 30 minutes continuously at one time. After 30 minutes, the unit go into protection mode. Which is a good thing if you accidentally left the water running. Also, saves your filters too.
This subjective, of course. I felt the taste was okay. Not sure if it will change over time. My previous RO system tasted better in my opinion. But, it might be because this one adds back the minerals. So, maybe I’m simply not used to it. Don’t get me wrong. it’s better the regular tap water. Just was exacting more of SmartWater taste. Again, I think it’s a matter of opinion.
Nice Features:
1. TDS Display – this unit has a big digital TDS output display on the front. You can see it pretty clearly. This reading tells you what the unit outputs. I wish they showed you the input TDS value to the unit. That would be really nice.
2. Filter Life Indicator – The unit has these bars in the display that show you when the filter life is up. I have not had the unit long enough to see if this works well. But, I like this too. Before on my other systems, I have to measure water TDS or mark on my calendar if they have just been there too long.
3. TAM3 Filter bypass and maintenance – So, the external remineralization filter allows you to remove it without turning water off or unplugging the main unit. Also, if you want to bypass it, you can by removing it. I wish the main until allow this as well. The main unit requires you to turn off water and power to replace cartridges.
I don’t have pro db meter handy or a controlled sound room. But, using my phone DB meter, I saw about 40-50 at 2 feet away with cabinet door open. it’s hard to really measure this as there are a ton of factors involved. Like your cabinets. Surface of the cabinet, how much stuff you have in your cabinet and such. Simply, I didn’t think it was that loud for me. With cabinet door closed, it’s really not that load. If you get this unit and want to reduce noise and vibrations, you can put a rubber mat or pad under it. I have water proof mat under my mine.
Refrigerator Integration:
I have Whirpool French Door unit and it states in the manual that it needs 40-60psi water pressure. I contacted Frizzlife support and they claimed their unit delivers about 14.5~29psi of water pressure. So, below what my fridge wants. Does it work? Well, kind of. I mean, my fridge makes ice. I have to empty the bin completely and see if this unit can refill completely in one shoot and how long it takes. But, I do know the ice is smaller and production seems slower. Where I’m really disappointed is the fridge faucet. This has dropped to half the water flow speed. From 6-8 seconds to fill 1 cup to 16 seconds. You have to really want water from there to wait there that long. The regular faucet is slow. But, this takes it do another level. Also, my distance from under the sink to fridge is about 18 feet. So, that probably reduce the pressure a bit. Unfortunately their support says there is no way to increase the pressure. This is something the tank systems can over come. Some tank systems by default have better pressure. But, you can alway add booster or pump to tank RO systems. If you need to connect to fridge, you might want to consider a different system.
Customer Support:
For most products, i don’t usually contact their support. But, in this case, i sent an email in to see if anything can be done with the water pressure and speed of flow. The support responded very quickly and was very nice. They were very honest about their system and tried to help out. Unfortunately, they were not able to solve this issue. But, they were very responsive and tried to explain things to me. Most purchases on Amazon have terrible sellers with limited support. At this time, I thought Frizzlife was good and friendly.
Overall Impression:
I really really wanted to like this unit. Small, compact and good industrial design. I like the quick inserts filters and no tank. It saves a ton of space under the sink. And, you don’t run out of water as easily as the tank system. Water tastes okay and you the minerals back your water. However, the water flow is really disappointing. If I can figure out how to increase pressure, I will return it and go with a tank system that does remineralization. This unit cost almost double that of other tank systems. So, I’m being picky for a reason. And, yes, there are tank systems with remineralization. If you are not going to use with a fridge, I think this is a fine system. But, right now my family won’t use the water from fridge because of the slow flow.
Anyway, hope my review helped. If someone figure out how to increase water pressure on this system, please comment. If that issue was resolved, I would give this unit a 5 star. But, it’s losing 1 star right now for me due to water pressure.