Frizzlife Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System – Alkaline

Frizzlife Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System – Alkaline & Remineralization, Superb Taste, Tankless, 500 GPD Fast Flow RO Filter, 1.5:1 Pure to Drain, Reduces TDS, Brushed Nickel Fauce

RO for refrigerator

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Stage | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
Filter type | CP Compounded Filter | RO Membrane | Post Alkaline and Remineralize Filter |
Weight: | 12.1 kg |
Dimensions: | 35.56 x 12.7 x 45.72 cm; 12.13 Kilograms |
Part: | PX500-A |
Colour: | White |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Frizzlife |
Dimensions: | 35.56 x 12.7 x 45.72 cm; 12.13 Kilograms |
Reference: | PX500-A |
Ein hammertolles Gert. Ich habe seit Urzeiten Osmosegerte. Dieses ist aber ein Mercedes. Was da an Wassermengen luft, unglaublich. So schnell wie unter einem normalen Hahn nahezu. Der Aufbau dauert etwas, das ist normal, es muss ja alles unter der Sple angeschlossen werden. Habe kein Teflonband gebraucht, alle Anschlsse dicht. Meine Katzen haben sich ber ihre Glser und Npfe gestrzt.
I like it overall and it does what it is supposed to but wish it explained how to read the display or gave optimal range your system should show. What they say is not apples to apples.
Love my new all in one from Frizzlife. Unit is compact and so easy to install. I ordered the mini tank as well to work as a pulsation dampener, as well as the fridge/ice maker accessory pack. All work beautifully together. Major space saver under the sink. This is my fifth home I have installed an RO in and second all in one. The footprint is tiny.
Was having gastrointestinal issues and couldn’t figure it out until I went out of town and was drinking from a different source. No issue while on vacation. Realized it was the water coming from my refrigerator door water dispenser. Could be the line has some kind of bacteria or mold. Had this filtration system install right after I got home and have been gastrointestinal issue free. No issues and water does not have a taste as what I would expec
I tested TDS after treatment and before treatment, 35 and 250 respectively, meaning this device works very well on purifying water. However, I gave it 4 instead 5 stars because the drain pipe clamp came in the package did not fit the pipe at my house. I will have to contact seller to send me replacement. For now, I’m running the waste water directly into a plastic box and occasionally dump it before it fullfills the box.
L’acqua ottima. A casa era imbevibile, ora finalmente il problema risolto. Il depuratore compatto, con un bel design e di ottima fattura. Ottimo il sistema di sostituzione filtri.
L’assistenza post vendita stata eccelsa!
Great product so far. While set up was a little complicated, the instructions walked through each of the steps. Water is now running with TDS 60. Very happy I decided to invest in this product.
I used this to replace my old RO system. I thought it would do a good job. My ice is less clear which means it is not purifying my water as well as my previous system. I thought that for double the cost I would receive a better product.
Water tastes a little salty. Will try for few more days
Update: reached out to customer service and they were happy to assist and trying to replace some of the filters to see if the taste improves.
I gave it a 4 out of 5 due to the fact that the reverse osmosis system didn’t bring the total dissolved solids(tds) down near zero, it reads between 80-120 which did do a great heap of filtering from my tap being 260-300. Alkaline is a great plus, water tastes like Aquafina or Dasani water. It is a good filter in general, maybe adding a separate filter to bring down the tds down to near zero would be good to add to this
La misurazione fatta dei valori con e senza utilizzo del depuratore ci ha tolto ogni dubbio sull’utilit lo stiamo consigliando agli amici anche in vista del prezzo accessibile anche per chi non pu spendere 1000 euro per un altro depuratore pi blasonato.
Temevo facesse risultare amara l’acqua invece no, ha un buon sapore e abbiamo finalmente smesso di acquistare confezioni d’acqua, soprattutto in vista dell’estate.. Grazie
Ich betreibe schon 8 Jahre Osmoseanlagen…diese Anlage ist die hochwertigste die ich kenne….einfach supe
It is a great tankless system, just installed it myself and hoping the water gets clearer.
Recently installed, took TDS from 600 down to 25. Taste great, would recommend the product. If you can afford it get the bigger one. Water pules’s after running a while. Will get the mini tank to see if this helps the pulsing. Although new to me I would recommend the product.
Don’t like that it requires electricity. Like that the filters are easy to replace and has an Alkalinity filter. Directions could be more clear and written bette
2 years installed, use every day. This is a fantastic product, I love having a pump for endless water. I hooked it up to the sink dispenser and added a TEE to run it to the fridge water / ice maker also. The ice cubes are a little smaller and the pump cycles several times when it fills the tray. This puts stress on the unit but I dont consider it an unacceptable amount for pure ice cubes and cooled water. I installed without the TAM remineraliser initially for several weeks. Then I installed the TAM and found the taste disgusting so I removed it. Initial taste test was crystal clear tasting water vs the Chicago tap water I’d been drinking all my life tasted like there was an oil slick on it. Disgusting, and imo likely filled with poisons when its supposed to be clean. This makes my coffee taste sooo much better also. I bought the 600 cause it was the biggest at the time = faster flow but now they have the 800 and 1000. 600 is fine, just takes awhile for a big coffee pot in the morning.
The water that is filtered is definitely cleaner. The first few tests I did using a water tester showed a TDS reading of around 15. After the first week the reading was closer to 100. The water is still much cleaner than before but I am unsure why the drop in TDS so quickly.
Well, this is the first day I have use the the water filtration machine. It took about an hour to install it. The Frizzlife YouTube tutorials given by your site was perfect. The water taste clean. Thank you. I feel confident it will do everything it said it will do. I will give another review further down the line so it’ll be better detailed about how it’s working.
Just installed pd600 and tds reading is 04 is that okey?
– Not too easy. I would like to use the extended / long faucet stem (included). However I couldn’t detach the short stem from the faucet. I had to use a very big and powerful plier to finally unscrew the short stem from the faucet. I think the issue was the faucet and the short stem connected too tight, and it could be a used one with little rust. Not quite sure what was the root cause. Eventually I was able to unscrew it. I applied huge force and almost damaged the short one in order to detach it from the faucet. This hassle removes 1 star from the rating. I hope Frizzlife can examine the faucet and stem before shipping it, and make it easy for future customers during installation.
– The installation video from YouTube helped a lot. I did not read the manual.
– The customer support can be reached through email only, no phone number you can call for help. So it’s delayed response basically.
– Liked the tankless version, simpler.
Water quality:
– It’s superb in terms of water quality. Water from tap: TDS 239, After filtering, TDS: 16-18, it’s even better than Costco’s bottle water, whose TDS is around 20-22
– I used Alkaline version PX500-A, so the RO system adds Alkaline to the water, which makes TDS a little higher.
– It’s not cheap. You can wait for bigger discount if the price really matters to you.
Overall, I like it, And it’s worth the investment which improves your daily life quality. The PX500-A is so far the best tankless RO system based on my research.
For when changing filters –
After changing the filter, you will also have to reset the filter life on the machine.
Here is the instruction:
1. Long press the “Reset” button for 3 seconds, the buzzer will beep and you can start to select the filter you want to change.
2. Press the “Reset” button to change between the filters and the selected filter lifetime indicator will flash.
3. After selecting the filter, long-press the “Reset” button for 3 seconds. You will hear a beep. The selected filter’s indicator will return to blue light, which means the filter is successfully reset. If you do not operate within 10 seconds, it will automatically exit this mode and resume the normal display.
Excellent product, using for past 13 years other osmosis system with tank, this one beats it all.
Jetzt ein wenig zum Filter selbst. Ich wollte im voraus noch sagen, fals jemand sich noch nicht informiert hat wie eine Umkehrosmoseanlage funktioniert, mann sollte nach jedem einschalten erstmal 1 bis 1,5 Lieter Wasser ablassen, da der Membranenfilter erst Druck aufbauen muss und ert dann wirt das Wasser richtig gefiltert und erreicht die gewnschte Werte. Es kommt nicht auf Anhieb nach dem Wasserhahn bettigen Osmose Wasser, aber das ist bei jeder Umkehrosmoseanlage so, es lohnt sich daher vielleicht nach dem man 1 bis 1,5 Liter abgelassen hat, gleich mehrere behlter zu befhlen.
Bei mir hat das Leitungswasser 270 PPM, Mit dem Frizzlife Umkehrosmose-Wasserfiltrationssystem-600 und TAM3 Kohlefilter erreiche ich die Werte von 18-19 PPM, ohne Kohlefilter whren die Werte 6 PPM, der Kohlefilter macht das Wasser weicher und gibt Mineralien dazu, dadurch wird auch der Geschmack verbessert. Die Anlage wird auch automatisch regelmig geschphlt, so das es sich weniger Bakterien im stehendem Wasser bilden knnen.
ber die Lebensdauer der Filter kann ich noch nichts berichten, aber laut Anleitung wird der Membranenfilter alle 2 Jahre und die restlichen 2 Filter Jhrlich gewechselt. Die Anzeige fr den Zustand der Filter gibt es auch.
Alles in Einem eine gute Umkehrosmoseanlage, ich habe zwar kein Vergleich aber mit dieser bin ich zufrieden.
Quite possibly the best customer service experience I have ever had with a company. I messaged frizzlife and received a response within a few hours. I would definitely purchase from them again. You can buy from them with confidence knowing they will stand behind there products.
I installed this a month ago. Looked at the lower flow rate versions of this and at other brands with similar systems, lower flow rates but certified claims. Decided to spend the extra and opt for the 1000 GPD as it had twice the flow rate of the brands with certificates. I suspected that if went to the bother of researching and then plumbing it in, I probably quickly get disappointed that I hadn’t spent the extra money for the best flow rate. I imagined that the slower flows I get in other people’s houses, would eventually make me fill kettles from the ordinary tap for speed. So glad I did. Mounted this on a foam block to reduce the cabinet noise – it’s pretty quiet. I can get pint glasses of water quickly, and I absolutely love the taste. My tea no longer has a scum and my coffee maker tastes so much better. Week before I added it, the council were working on our street water supply – the after taste was almost undrinkable. What a relief to get this in.
So I installed my previous tank (10L that I sanitized first) to the 400 GPD. WOW! Pressure improvement: less than 1 min to fill a 4 liter container.
May sound weird but installing a tank to a tankless system make a huge difference. In our case, best of both worlds. Very little wasted water. I read that some complain about motor noise: we can hardly hear the 400 GPD motor under the counter. Because of the tank, the motor does not start every time you open the tap. If I want to use only the tankless system, I simply close the tank valve. If I’m not using the water for many days, I shut-off the 400 GPD, open the faucet, emptying this way the pressure tank.
For info, I’m on a well with a high TDS of +/- 1,400 and the PH is around 7.3. I prefiltered the inlet water with a 1-micron whole house cartridge. After the osmosis, the PH is 6.5 and the TDS plays around 75 and 150. Note that spring bottle water TDS varies between 80 and 250.
This setup is perfect for us because we use a lot of filtered water for drinking and cooking. If your water consumption is minimal, say few glasses of water a day, than I would not recommend using a 10 liters tank like us. By the time you would empty the tank, the water would have stayed in it for a week or more. I don’t know if this could be detrimental to water quality. If it’s your case, I would go “real” tankless or may be add the Frizzlife mini tank (I cannot comment on it a/c I did not try it)
Hope this review can help. We are very satisfied with this purchase and water taste could not be better. We highly recommend.
Setup wasn’t much harder from other filters either, maybe even a little easier with all the connections in a row in the back. I loved that they included extra parts for the Quick-Connect connectors. Saved me an extra trip to the hardware store when an adapter I had on hand for my faucet had stale o’rings.
My only complaint is the performance with the fridge connection. We have a run that goes across the kitchen, maybe 20 feet total. For a previous RO filter I removed the fridge filter, so I should get good flow. But the relatively low pressure change seems to confuse the sensor and it pulses on and off. It’s still workable but suboptimal. Feels like there should be some way to tune the sensor.
Note that they do offer a small tank that is supposed to help with this, but I’m hesitant because people complain that it adds an off flavor.
My suspicion is that most powered RO filters will have this issue, and overall I’m fairly pleased.
I purchased the FrizzLife PD500 Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System in October 2022, and I was very excited to see how the produced water smells and tastes. After installation, the TAM3 remineralization filter, doesn’t seem to close hermetically, and water was constantly leaking out.
I first thought that there was something wrong done during the installation and I called the Plumber again in the next day to check the problem. There was nothing wrong on the installation, but the filter just didn’t close hermetically.
I contacted FrizzLife customer support service by email and explained the issue. Their answer was really fast and helpful, after requesting pictures with the leaking point they just sent me another TAM3 replacement filter to solve the issue. I was very pleasantly impressed of how nice and helpful they supported the issue. Now I can fully enjoy my new water system!
Install was simple, although we didn’t receive a power adapter so we cant actually use it. Trying to get a power cord send without sending the whole package back.
The filtered water tastes good, and the system is compact.
So easy to install even a caveman can do it… Customer support is ace.
Love the product and function. Having some issues almost a year later but sorting that out now. Based on past experiences with customer service questions Im sure it will work out perfectly.
Update: Ill say customer service jumped on my email real quick and provided great trouble shooting steps which worked! All good to go and quick easy fix. So two part review, great product and when an issue arises (they always do with literally anything) the support is there to resolve which is two fold GOOD NEWS! Highly recommended.
I studied tons of filters and their negative and positive reviews, cost of filters to change for a while before ordering this set. It is worth time spent. Now maybe someone can save their own.
Easy 20 min install and I can only regret that did not use this filter system long before.
Tons of room, great taste water and no more hormones and fluoride or other stuff in the water.
It shows 00 – 01ppm after membrane and 30-40 after mineral filter. I keep a full pitcher in the fridge as I love the tase of this cooled water even more.
The taste feels very clear and crystal, and refreshing.
The water from tap has always been somewhat unpleasantly sweet-ish resembling diluted artificial sweetener.
Now I have great tasting replacement for bottled water available in the kitchen.
For power; As it is a low power gadget, I safely run a few dollar-tree extension cords from the most convenient (not closest) outlet to hide in between cabinets, behind the stove and in front under the cabinets iand managed to hide 99.9% of it off sight also by some tape and few clips, and did not have to drill and pervert sockets with power installations under the sink spending only shameful ~3 minutes on whole process with no mess.
Lo uso da un paio di giorni e devo dire che l’acqua buona!!!! Nessun problema, facile da installare, poco rumoroso a mio avviso.
Too early to tell as I have only had the system for a couple of days.
We have a GE fridge with ice maker (no water) and it works fine. You can buy a separate ice maker hook up kit from Frizzle or you can get creative at the hardware store with 1/4″ compression and PEX fittings.
Quick setup without any professional tools, no leakage and natural water taste.
Pretty simple install. Liked the design of the TDS reading at the main box before final PH/remineral filter to provide accurate TDS reading.
Mediamente facile da installare anche senza l’aiuto di un professionista. L’acqua risulta buona da bere e leggermente mineralizzata
Great taste, water flow, and compact design. My only concern so far is the water dispenser could be more secure.
Comunque depuratore ad osmosi inversa super consigliato.
The system is great!
It took me about 2 hours to install. That’s because I like to layout all the parts and read through the instructions before I start.
Once installed, the system worked flawlessly. The water tastes great and the TDS dropped appropriately. While the flow is not super fast, it is perfectly fine for use at the kitchen sink. To fill a pot, I need to leave it on and walk away (monitoring after 2 minutes or so). Functionally, I have no issues and look forward to the great convenience.
I did have to figure out the electrical part under the sink. I have a switch for the garbage disposal. I ended up leaving that switch on to supply steady power to the RO system. I put a small power strip under the sink so that I can have a separate switch for the garbage disposal.
One thing that is understandably not covered in the instructions is how to install a power source under the sink. However, since most kitchens have a dishwasher adjacent to the sink, it is not really that difficult. The first two photos accompanying this review explain how I was able to install a power supply. But if you are not comfortable in this please hire an electrician.
In order to cut the tubing cleanly and evenly, I used the head of a combination square to assist me in doing so, as shown in an attached photo.
Drilling a hole for the filter faucet was not as difficult as I had anticipated. After marking the hole center and making a dimple with a center punch, I used a 1/2 inch bit, with dish soap applied to the area to act as a coolant. A clean hole through the stainless steel sink was drilled in about a minute or two.
Because I already knew that the water pressure in my apartment was excessive, I installed a Frizzlife PRV3 Water Pressure Regulator that I had used on an older system. In this case, however, I regrettably did not follow the directions, mounting the device backwards in the Supply Feed Water port. Needless to say, the PD1000 did not like that, and no water came out of the faucet until I eventually realized what I had done. I successfully operated the filter this afternoon and enjoyed a cup of water from it.
My next hurdle was to hold a taste-testing event for my dear wife. Because of multiple problems with our city water supply after hurricane Ida-related flooding, she had insisted on purchasing purified water. She did not like the taste of the SK99 filtered water or trust in its purity. I filled one glass, marked on the bottom with a green dot, half full of the purified water she likes. I filled another glass half full of the PD1000 filtered water. I asked her to taste both samples and let me know how she liked them…I was overjoyed when she preferred the PD1000 water!
The instructions were straight forward and the item is well made. My only suggestion is that the instructions be more clear with regard to how far the white tubes need to be inserted. I had several leaks the first time. It’s basically a ‘two-click’ process. I tested with water with our own meter and it appears as though the filtration is working well…while also adding alkaline back into the water. If we ever move, I’ll definitely take this with me or order a new one. As a side note, I had a few water companies provide quotes for an RO system and they quoted me over $1000. This was clearly the way to go!
I have it connected to my fridge and ice maker. Never runs out of water like a tank system.
The filtered water tastes great with a TDS reading of 17. The system was easy to install taking an hour with the easy to understand instructions
We installed this RO unit into our motor coach and absolutely love it. We never know what water we are able to fill our tanks with and this unit provides us peace of mind and wonderful tasting water. It’s a must have for sure!
Purchasing: I purchased this particular version for it’s high capacity and flow rate and our water tastes terrible. It came in 9 days in a pretty big box inside another box. I’m thinking it took that long because it’s new but I like it when they do double box to prevent shipping damage which this box had a few nicks but nothing major luckily. Without the extra box, it may have damaged the machine. Now I have two boxes for my toddler to build a racecar with instead of 1.
Installation: It took me over an hour to install but that was because most of the time I had to answer questions about it to my toddler. If you have any questions about installation, ask him. There’s a nice quick install guide that I used and I only had to refer to the manual for clarification on one step. I would like to mention that this thing is pretty big. If you haven’t seen a RO system before, you might be surprised, however, this system is smaller than the traditional RO systems.
Performance: Wow was I really impressed with the flow rate of this thing. I’ve used RO systems before and you normally set your glass down, turn it on, hi pick out a move, and finally come back to your full cup. This one will fill a glass in a few seconds. I’m looking forward to filling my humidifiers this winter. Our old RO took 5 minutes to fill our humidifier. One thing I didn’t do into was the TDS reading shows 99, maybe I didn’t run it long enough? I haven’t had a chance to check the TDS with a meter because I (or maybe my wife) misplaced it.
Taste: The water tastes great, especially compared to our tap water that feeds it.
Last thought: I’m contemplating bypassing the remineralization for when I fill my humidifiers because I’m worried about that causing dust. If I use my tap water, I get quite a bit of dust from the humidifier but a standard RO system didn’t have that issue. If anyone has thoughts or suggestions on how to do that, let me know.
I have had this for about a year now and would highly recommend this! We also purchased the pressure tank and the icemaker/refrigerator kit to go with it. I have hard well water, softened with a salt system (not good water for drinking or cooking with). We are amazed at how clean and soft the water is now using this RO system. This has the best tasting water and ice! Install was fairly easy, however we already had electrical imperative the sink for a garbage disposal. If you do not already have an electrical outlet under the sink, it would add another step to installation (requiring an electrician).
As always Frizzlife has made yet another fantastic product. They by far help make the water fantastic. My family even calls it the Holy water because it is the taste beyond compare. Also Frizzlife’s warranty is legit, with a different one of their reverse osmosis systems, we had a problem and they even sent us a extra piece for it (that wasn’t supposed to even come with it) so that it would work for us. A first class company with a product I can feel confident about consuming. I am especially thankful for it now as some of our water supply come St Louis County and they had an issue over the weekend and our water currently smells like rotten eggs… apparently it is still drinkable (barf), but with this reverse osmosis system it is a problem for us, just for all my poor neighbors who don’t have one!
Really easy to install, space saver, water purification to waste ratio is really good. Have been using it for about 3 months now and it works perfectly. Water hasn’t taste better before.
This was an upgrade from an old RO that we had. The install was relatively simple. Hard part was getting out the old spout that had rusted at the bolt.
Directions were straight forward but the order contradicted the video for install, so did a few double takes.
At the end, after the flush… the most delicious water that has ever come out of my faucet, or been purchased at a “water store”.
I had RO. I had an alkalinity generating device.
This is a better way to go. The pump is noisy like the water pump of our RV but it keeps up pressure which is a nice feature.
Haven’t tested the water but quite soon felt better. It is easier to stay hydrated too. Our tea kettle no longer builds up setiment.
A very good filter and the water taste as it should
My review is more about the install, the product has a straight forward install. The instructions are clear and have pictures to help, it comes with many extra hose press fittings and clips to ensure the hose doesn’t come out on its own. Extra o rings that I wasn’t sure what to do with exactly my only assumption is if you have to replace the press fittings for the 1/4″ and 3/8 hose. Only thing to do is make sure that you have an outlet close to the install position, I had to sister an outlet from an existing outlet to install one under my kitchen sink no big deal. Just get some 14/2 wire from your local hardware store mine came from the blue one. 22$ for 25′ and wire the outlet up many videos on YouTube. There is also a good video on a thorough install of the product.
We really love our Frizzlife PD600!!! We also appreciate their amazing customer service as well! We had a problem with a small leak and Frizzlife Solutions got back to us within an hour! They helped us troubleshoot, but finally ended up having to send us a new one – which we GREATLY appreciated!!! It’s rare to find a company that stands behind it’s product like this. I’m sure the leak was caused during shipping, but they immediately told us not to worry they would send a replacement! The water tastes amazing…it was very simple to set up and well worth their GREAT price! No wonder Frizzlife gets such great reviews!!! We highly recommend them to everyone!
+Space saving design doesn’t use up as much space as a tank system .
+Separate alkalizer allows RO water to be pulled (if installing a tee and valve/spigot) for hydroponics.
+Kit comes with lots of extra parts and hose to accommodate different configurations.
+ Great water quality, no break through or aftertaste
– Outlet pressure is too low for fridge/freezer causing a drop in ice production and longer cup fill times. (I installed optional mini tank and freezer hook up kit) flow at fridge is less than .20 gallons/minute.
– 1/4″ supply tubing is too small causing RO to cycle on and off while using water dispenser on fridge(distance between RO and fridge is 10′). Having 3/8 tubing in freezer hook up kit and reducing to 1/4″ at fridge connector may help improve flow and prevent multiple on/off cycles which could lead to RO malfunction or failure of timed shut down if a leak were to occur.
– No check valve provided. A day after installation my main sink faucet plugged. After disconnecting supply lines I found 1/8-1/4″ carbon granuals obstructing flow. It appears carbon from pre-filter can back flow into supply lines.
Takeaway :
Planning filter, mini tank, RO placement to keep 1/4″ runs as short as possible will improve overall performance.
Water quality has greatly improved over city tap water. pH of tap water: 7.2, 4.9 before alkalizer, 8.4 after.
TDS of tap water 390. After RO 13. After alkalizer 70
This is the first RO system we have ever had. I did quite a bit of research before settling on this one. What drew me to it over others was the tankless design, 5 step filtration process, waste ratio, and the alkaline filter.
Installation was fairly simple but we did have the hole in our counter top for the dispenser already. The unit was leaking under the main tank from a hole when initially installed. Its possible this was user error from tilting the unit forward slightly to clean underneath it. It eventually stopped and has not done it since, although I’m concerned it may start again without my knowledge and cause damage.
The TDS number hangs out around 65 or so. I don’t know how accurate this is since I have nothing to compare it to, but I’ve read the alkaline filter is putting some minerals back in which is why the TDS is not lower.
The taste of the water is good. I love Dasani bottled water and although it’s not the same, it does taste a whole lot better than my fridge water. The water that is dispensed is warmer than room temp but that’s likely due to all water in Arizona during summertime being warm. Nothing a few ice cubes that fix.
Overall I seem to like it although it’s only been a few days. I will update if anything new comes up.
The unit comes with a good set of instructions and all required parts. The first steps would be to fully understand your pipework and lay out the components based on how you will possibly position it. In our case it was under kitchen sink.
You will need a nearby electric connection, luckily we have a double socket installed (I recommend getting a weatherproof socket if under sink area to be safe). This can easily be run from your nearest appliance to the position you will have your machine. The cable has enough length.
Now that electrics are taken care of, you need to fully see how you will connect the machine to the current pipework. If you have a water softener I recommend using hard water connection instead if you have this. If not, this machine would still do the job with softened water. Follow the steps given to install. There will be the need to make a connection to waste, you can easily use a bosch connection and attach to the sink waste. The parts are supplied. You need a few basic tools to make the hole.
After install we tested the water with a machine, it actually does take out all the particulates. The water tasted much much better. I recommend running this machine 40 secs before filling your glass/bottle as at the start the nutrients may be higher as the water sits in that end unit for a while.
Overall we are quite happy with this unit and highly recommend this to anyone looking for a decent machine to get bottled water without causing any plastic pollution.
Ok, for those of you who are handy, this is a very easy install. The directions are vague, so I suggest looking up install videos for those of you who are less skilled, but almost anyone can install this system under the sink. A word of advice: cut all of the hoses you will install perfectly square! Take care in doing that, and be sure each connection is seated fully, and that a retention clip (all are provided) is installed on each connection. I cut one hose end just slightly off, and had a very minor leak. A drip every 20 seconds. After turning off the water supply, I took that connection apart, and cut off a 1/4″ of tubing, ensuring it was absolutely square, and no more leaks! I laid the tubing across a carpenter’s square and cut the ends to be exacting. Take your time with this. Dry fit the unit and alkaline filters before you do the plumbing, so that you have a plan. It makes it much easier if you’ve decided where the pump/filter will live and also the alkaline filter hanger and cartridge. We love that this is a tankless system, and couldn’t be happier with the taste of the water. It’s absolutely delicious, and we did an initial test of pH and found it to be between 8.5 and 8.8, so alkaline is definitely being produced. This is a simple to use, simple to install system. Take your time, do it right, and enjoy your purified, alkaline water!
I love my RO unit, this product is fantastic value, the included TDS pen reads 3ppm! The hardest part was installing the receptacle, I borrowed power from my dishwasher beside my sink, if you don’t feel comfortable about doing this then I would certainly hire an electrician. That being said, the unit itself was really easy to install with lots of different size fittings and adapters if needed (I didn’t need any). The seller made it really easy to obtain a black faucet to match my main faucet.
The unit is small and really slick looking and not too loud when filtering, it works exactly as described. The small tankless size still gives me room to under sink storage. I highly recommend the product and the seller, both first rate.
Struggled a bit to connect the system but Frizzlife support helped to resolve the problem (they do support outside America in the EU/UK).
Satisfied with water quality (so far), water flow is enough for all necessary needs.
Takes really low space and an additional filter makes the connection more flexible.
The unit was easy to install. But, keep in mind that i have installed RO systems a few times. And, in mine case, I was replacing a system. So, some of the work like the waste pipe hole was already done. And, I knew how to deal with all the fittings and such. Most every thing is easy if you have standard water lines under your sink. The kit comes most everything you need. You will need a drill a hole to install the saddle for the waste line. But, it’s just one hole and easy if you are drilling into plastic waste pipe. Also, I already had a faucet installed from my previous RO system. However, if this a new install, you’ll need to use an existing hole or make hole a new one in your sink or countertop. That could be the most difficult part if you are not handy. They have a video for the installing as well. Pretty good. I liked it. The quick install paper guide can also be used. But, if this your fist one, watch the video as well. Lastly, I thought the kit game with good parts compare to other systems. They were generous with kit and extra pieces. They even included a razor to cut the included piping down if needed.
I have not sent my water out to a lab for testing. Will do that if i keep this unit. However, my input in TDS is about 400-ish here. The unit’s display claims 05-06 TDS output. And, at the faucet after the TAM3 remineralization filter, it readys 40 -100 (yes, weird that readings would vary that much). Keep in mind, TDS does not dictate water quality. That is just telling you the count of Total Dissolved Solids. So, those could be good or bad of is in the water. But, at least you know it’s filtering something. Going from 400 to 6 is stellar. My previous RO went from 400 to 22.
Water Flow:
The unit claims about 600GPD. I measured about .40-45 gallon per minute at the faucet and half that at my refrigerator faucet (see section on refrigerator below). This water flow is a bit slow for sure. But, for glass of water, you are fine. If you need to fill a pot, you need turn it on and walk away for a bit for it to finish. The 600 GPD rating is reallygood and means that the amount in day that this unit can filter is substantial. My last unit was 90GPD. However, since it had a tank, the water dispensed faster than this unit. Of course, if you sit there and deplete the tank, you have to wait for more water to be generated. With this unit, even though the flow is slow, it’s keep going and you won’t run out unless you let it run for more than 30 minutes continuously at one time. After 30 minutes, the unit go into protection mode. Which is a good thing if you accidentally left the water running. Also, saves your filters too.
This subjective, of course. I felt the taste was okay. Not sure if it will change over time. My previous RO system tasted better in my opinion. But, it might be because this one adds back the minerals. So, maybe I’m simply not used to it. Don’t get me wrong. it’s better the regular tap water. Just was exacting more of SmartWater taste. Again, I think it’s a matter of opinion.
Nice Features:
1. TDS Display – this unit has a big digital TDS output display on the front. You can see it pretty clearly. This reading tells you what the unit outputs. I wish they showed you the input TDS value to the unit. That would be really nice.
2. Filter Life Indicator – The unit has these bars in the display that show you when the filter life is up. I have not had the unit long enough to see if this works well. But, I like this too. Before on my other systems, I have to measure water TDS or mark on my calendar if they have just been there too long.
3. TAM3 Filter bypass and maintenance – So, the external remineralization filter allows you to remove it without turning water off or unplugging the main unit. Also, if you want to bypass it, you can by removing it. I wish the main until allow this as well. The main unit requires you to turn off water and power to replace cartridges.
I don’t have pro db meter handy or a controlled sound room. But, using my phone DB meter, I saw about 40-50 at 2 feet away with cabinet door open. it’s hard to really measure this as there are a ton of factors involved. Like your cabinets. Surface of the cabinet, how much stuff you have in your cabinet and such. Simply, I didn’t think it was that loud for me. With cabinet door closed, it’s really not that load. If you get this unit and want to reduce noise and vibrations, you can put a rubber mat or pad under it. I have water proof mat under my mine.
Refrigerator Integration:
I have Whirpool French Door unit and it states in the manual that it needs 40-60psi water pressure. I contacted Frizzlife support and they claimed their unit delivers about 14.5~29psi of water pressure. So, below what my fridge wants. Does it work? Well, kind of. I mean, my fridge makes ice. I have to empty the bin completely and see if this unit can refill completely in one shoot and how long it takes. But, I do know the ice is smaller and production seems slower. Where I’m really disappointed is the fridge faucet. This has dropped to half the water flow speed. From 6-8 seconds to fill 1 cup to 16 seconds. You have to really want water from there to wait there that long. The regular faucet is slow. But, this takes it do another level. Also, my distance from under the sink to fridge is about 18 feet. So, that probably reduce the pressure a bit. Unfortunately their support says there is no way to increase the pressure. This is something the tank systems can over come. Some tank systems by default have better pressure. But, you can alway add booster or pump to tank RO systems. If you need to connect to fridge, you might want to consider a different system.
Customer Support:
For most products, i don’t usually contact their support. But, in this case, i sent an email in to see if anything can be done with the water pressure and speed of flow. The support responded very quickly and was very nice. They were very honest about their system and tried to help out. Unfortunately, they were not able to solve this issue. But, they were very responsive and tried to explain things to me. Most purchases on Amazon have terrible sellers with limited support. At this time, I thought Frizzlife was good and friendly.
Overall Impression:
I really really wanted to like this unit. Small, compact and good industrial design. I like the quick inserts filters and no tank. It saves a ton of space under the sink. And, you don’t run out of water as easily as the tank system. Water tastes okay and you the minerals back your water. However, the water flow is really disappointing. If I can figure out how to increase pressure, I will return it and go with a tank system that does remineralization. This unit cost almost double that of other tank systems. So, I’m being picky for a reason. And, yes, there are tank systems with remineralization. If you are not going to use with a fridge, I think this is a fine system. But, right now my family won’t use the water from fridge because of the slow flow.
Anyway, hope my review helped. If someone figure out how to increase water pressure on this system, please comment. If that issue was resolved, I would give this unit a 5 star. But, it’s losing 1 star right now for me due to water pressure.