Fshine Micro Ring Huamn Hair 50 Gram Jet Black Human Hair

Fshine Micro Ring Huamn Hair 50 Gram Jet Black Human Hair Extensions 18 Inch Colour 1 Hair Extensions 1g/strand Real Hair Micro Loop Extensions Straight Human Hai

![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | |
color | #1 | #1 | #1 | #1 |
length | 14in-24in | 12in-22in | 14in-22in | 14in-22in |
remy human hair | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
weight | 120g | 30g-50g | 100g | 50g |
Weight: | 50 Grams |
Dimensions: | 16 x 15.5 x 3.8 cm; 50 Grams |
Brand: | Fshine |
Colour: | #1 |
Manufacture: | Shengsen Information Technology (Xi an) Co., Ltd. |
Dimensions: | 16 x 15.5 x 3.8 cm; 50 Grams |
Reference: | Fshine-Microring-18in-50g-#1 |
Comme toujours, aucunes dceptions
Pour mes extensions je ne passe plus que par cette marque Fshine,
Faciles poser quand on en a l’habitude, sinon n’importe quelle coiffeuse pourra vous les mettre
Trs bonne qualit de cheveux , ils sont trs doux
Belle couleur conforme au visuel, et qui se mlange bien avec ma chevelure
Je recommande
These extensions are great quality for dyed/processed hair.
The colour looks great in the sun (it has a very blonde shine) and came in nice packaging with clear instructions.
Would be great if there was more volume per strand (feels quite sparse ).
Non la prima volto volta che li acquisto, la descrizione fedele. La cheratina tiene bene . Possono essere permanentati e tinti.
Sono pieni dalla radice sino alle punte. Molto ben confezioni in una bustina carina a forma di cuore riutilizzabile e una retina che trattiene il prodotto affinche non si rovini.
Haca tiempo que quera probar unas extensiones de pelo natural y no el tpico pelo sinttico de mala calidad y no puedo estar ms contenta aunque he de decir que tengo mis dudas de que todo el pelo sea el 100 % pelo natura a pesar de que la calidad es alta .Ests son unas extensiones de color castao y de 35cm y en el paquete se incluye 10 piezas, ms que suficiente para dar un aspecto ms bonito y estilizado.
Son adhesivas por lo que no puede ser ms fcil su colocacin y su mantenimiento es de lo ms fcil solo basta lavar con champ y acondicionador para conseguir suavidad y brillo
Si lo que ests buscando es un producto de calidad y no tener complicaciones con tu pelo te las recomiendo sin duda
Il pacco interno arrivato gi aperto e rotto come se qualcuno lo avesse aperto danneggiandolo e richiuso per poi inserirlo in un altra busta esterna classica di cartoncino firmato amazon…
Le ciocche confezionate a mio parere molto male come fossero gi state estratte dalla confezione e poi rimesse dentro alla meglio…
Qualche ciocca rotta e danneggiata per sono tante x me che ne utilizzo un decina al massimo ed a mio parere un buon prodotto ed ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo
Certo la qualit usata nel salone del mio parrucchiere migliore per a me sembra comunque un buon prodotto ne ho ordinata un altra confezione anche perch non mo sembrano affatto male …
Ormai proprio x i soliti problemi che ci sono con i corrieri ho scelto da tempo di acquistare solo pacchi che si possono ritirare nelle hub e cos ho risolto quasi tutto a parte ogni tanto come in questo caso il pacco stato ravanato dall interno
Un po’ pi di controllo da parte di amazon su corrieri e filiera sarebbe doveroso
Gut verpackt kamen die Haare bei mir an.
Ich habe schon einige Haarverlnherungen gehabt egal ob Tresse, tape ,keratin oder eben auch Micro Ring. Bezgl. der Einfachheit beim einarbeiten bevorzuge ich micro Ring jedoch muss man sagen, dass das tragen nicht super komfortabel ist da die Ringe auch wenn sie Micro sind, so deutlich sprbar sind .
Gerade beim schlafen ist das auch nach lngerer Tragedauer teilweise unangenehm.
Die hier rezensierten Haare haben eine gute Qualitt und lieen sich gut einarbeiten.
Die Farbe ist schn .
Auch verloren die einzelnen Strhnen beim kmmen kaum Haar bzw. nicht mehr als ich es gewohnt bin.
Ich trage die Haare jetzt seit etwas ber einem Monat und bin nach wie vor zufrieden.
Man muss die Haare jedoch auch richtig pflegen.
The hair is soft and has a natural look to it. The clips are strong and do not slide out of my hair. It is not heavy and does not pull my hair out. The hair curls well and stays styled all day as long as I use light shampoo. The color is accurate based on the other extensions I have used in the past. Putting them in is very easy as long as you lay them out by width in front of you so you know where each piece goes
Cabello de buena calidad. Tiene mucho cabello tejido. Color muy natural
This are the best extensions of this type I have ever had. I have almost a month with them and still are looking like is my natural hai
I capelli restano morbidi anche dopo piastre e lavaggi e colorazioni ! Cosa importantissima per me, non si increspano!!! I migliori provati in Assoluto!
I capelli sono folti e morbidi , scelgo le fasce per applicarle con i microring. Venditore davvero disponibile mi ha aiutata a scegliere l’opzione giusta per me
Ciaoo io le recensioni non le faccio mai .. ma questo prodotto le merita .. 10 anni che uso extension biondo platino .. queste sono favolose in tutto .. non le perdo non si attaccano tra loro .. sicuramente tra 2 mesi le ricompro Ciaoo
Die beste Exten chen was sie habe ich bis jetzt bestellt die man Haare so schn so voll so perfekt das ist nur zum empfehlen top Produkte ich werde immer wieder beide gleiche Hersteller bestellen Dankesch
On a ici des extensions de cheveux.
Le sachet contient environs une 50aine de cheveux et donc pour la tte complte il est recommand 2-3 sachets.
Chaque cheveu mesure : 35cm environ.
Les cheveux qui sont humains sont vraiment de trs grande qualit, trs doux et soyeux.
Je me les suis fais poser par ma coiffeuse qui a valid la qualit et le rsultat est la hauteur de mes esprances.
The hair is soft to touch. While I know the hair in the picture is a light blonde I feel like the shade borders on a blonde gray color because of house washed out it is. As for the quality I think these are nice extensions.
I am an Fshine devotee. I’ve tried many other companies, some are very good, but Fshine is really fantastic. I’m always pleased with the quality of the product. This doesn’t disappoint. The color is beautiful. I appreciate it is not too golden. I prefer ashy tones. The micro loop system is my preferred method of installation because it causes little damage (if any). Make sure you understand weight when it comes to extensions. This is 50g. For me, it’s just what I need because my hair is fine and thin. 1to 2 rows of extensions is perfect. But, if you want massive volume go for 2-3 packs I love these extensions!
Really good quality for the money. They’re easy to put in and to remove and they look like human hair. It’s easy to disguise the extensions amongst existing hair and they look exactly as the pictures show.
Color and highlights actually can fool a person enough to think this is real hair. There are brown, copper and golden tones in this piece. I am impressed with the blend. Close enough to match my ends without someone thinking it isn’t real. It is a bit heavy compared to the amount of hair I have on my head, but will use it for an up do with hair pins or bobby pins to take the weight off the head or as a braided bun. It is a bit shinier than my hair so maybe will try dulling it down with a tiny bit of tapioca starch or similar when I wear it. Looks like this company knows what they are doing.
Easy to put in hair. I got # MB6. Which is a mixed dark brown color. 20″. I normally have shoulder length hair and when put in a ponytail it’s much shorter. This ponytail makes my hair come down passed my shoulders. Blends perfectly with my real hair. Comes with 2 Bobby pins. Synthetic hair. Be careful when styling!! I love this!
The hair feels really soft and durable and I really like the color. It’s a good value for the price as well.
This ponytail extension is pretty good. The color is a good match for the images in the listing — I got the “#4 medium brown” and it’s a medium ash brown, with a few lighter and darker strands mixed in so that it looks pretty natural. It matched my (undyed) hair almost perfectly. The texture is fake when you touch it, but it looks pretty realistic. After my 8-year-old wore it for an hour, it was pretty tangled up, and harder to brush out than real hair would have been — but she played a lot in it. Putting it on is easy, and it stays fairly secure (even on my kiddo!). The wrap part tended to get tangled in the velcro, so be careful when removing it. But, it’s under $12 currently, and the quality is great for that price.
Love love love this pony tail! It’s hard to find a pony tail in a decent length with quality hair. It blends in perfectly with my hair texture. The best part is the style. You can hide the band with an additional hair that wraps around the base of the pony tail. It’s hard to find ponytails that are not attached to a huge butterfly clip or includes hair to wrap around to disguise the base. Really love the style and how easy/practical it is. I’m gonna play around with it and see if I can incorporate a bun/updo look.
The hair on this ponytail is very soft and natural-looking. If you get a color that matches your own hair, no one will suspect that it’s fake. The little comb at the top of the inside flap attaches to your hair, and you wrap the ponytail velcro around your own ponytail. It comes with two bobby pins attached to the top of the ponytail that you do need to use for added security, because the ponytail is a bit heavy, due to having a lot of long hair, and it could slip off if not secured. There is a strand of hair to wrap around the top of the ponytail. The color that I got is very pretty, and has a lot of nice highlights, like real hair would. The price is great for this kind of item, because you would have to pay a lot more for real human hair. Since this is so close to looking like 100% human hair, it is a great inexpensive alternative. Once you have it on, and it is well secured, you don’t even notice that it’s there. Comfortable for everyday use.
This hair extension is soft and of good quality. I love the color.
It also feels silky-smooth.
I love the length 22inches and that it’s straight, I’m a fan of straight extensions.
I am happy that it can be styled with no hassle. This is a one pack and will not do, however I’m happy with it.
Ich habe sie bereits mehrfach nachbestellt und bin von der Qualitt und Haltbarkeit super zufrieden. Jederzeit gerne wieder!
Die Haare fhlen sich gut an , sind jedoch im Vergleich zu anderen Haaren recht splissig.
Die Farbe war sehr aschig abgebildet , geliefert wurde dann ein Goldton.
Daher retou
Me gusta mucho este color, bsicamente es el mismo color que mi cabello, me ayudar a agregar volumen y hacer que mi cabello luzca ms. La calidad de las extensiones de pelcula Fshine es excelente, pero lo ms importante es que es muy conveniente y rpida. Son resolutivos ante cualquier problema y no se requieren herramientas especiales para ponerlas.
Llevo ya un ao utilizando esta marca y estoy encantada.
Questi prodotto fantastico, come del resto altri di fshine che ho utilizzato in passato. Non vedevo l’ora che arrivasse il pacco perch queste ciocche mi servivano per un cambio look.
La parrucchiera le ha montate facilmente e velocemente e io devo dire che sono soddisfattissima!!! Le extension si amalgamano benissimo ai miei capelli rendendoli pi lunghi e corposi, nessuno potrebbe dire che le indosso…anche il colore top: come in foto.
Assolutamente straconsigliate!!!
Extensions :
Mches avec embout chauffer
Effet naturel
Cheveux fins et lisses
De qualit
Absence d’Instructions
Prix excessif (92 euros)
Elles arrivent sous une protection plastique insre dans une bote en carton.
Mches qualitatives pour petit ajout fix plus durablement.
MERCI pour votre soutien grce vos clics “utiles” !
I’m impressed with the density of these extensions. Normally with other brands you can see the hair taper off from a lot higher but the lengths are fairly dense on these!
The hair is very soft and tangle free. The colour is very dark, a lovely jet black #1 shade in extension/wig colours. I really like these! I did find that some rogue hairs were hanging out of the zipper area but it’s nothing major. Highly recommend!
Ich finde sie gut. Habe sie fnf Wochen tragen knnen …
J’ai choisie ces extensions car pour moi mes cheveux ne poussent pas assez vite et je veux les rallonger .
J’ai reue des extensions de cheveux naturels de 22 ” soit 55 cm.
Ce sont de beaux cheveux naturels et j’ai choisie la couleur brun fonc caramel ce qui donne un assortiment de chtain et de blond.
Nous avons 50 mches qu’il faut mettre grce un fer spcial pour la kratine.
Personnellement je trouve que 50 mches n’est pas suffisant , vous vous ferez juste une petite dco .
Un peu due qu’il n’y en ai pas plus .
J’aurai vraiment aime avoir plus de volume … Dommage !
Les cheveux sont naturels bien lisses et trs soyeux .
La couleur est vraiment trs belle et naturelle .
Pour avoir le volume que j’aurais aime avoir , il me faudrait 5 6 paquets au minimum . ( ce tarif je ne pourrais pas me le permettre ) .
Sinon trs satisfaite de la qualit ,
Un peu cher pour la quantit de cheveux .
This is beautiful hair. I got colour No. 4 and it’s a warm, medium brown with an autumnal vibe that look’s bright and lustrous in natural light. It’s definitely healthy hair; straight and smooth with normal thickness.
I’ve photographed the hair in the condition it arrived (it comes lightly folded in a box). You can wash and condition the hair and dry, straighten and style it just as you would your natural hair. There are some guidelines for the types of haircare products you can and can’t use so it’s best to follow the advice on the packaging to ensure extended life.
The extensions are quite slim pieces but I think this makes them easier to handle and to achieve a natural look within the layers of your own hair. I’m really happy with my new extensions, they’re a high quality product and worth the investment in my opinion; should last if you take care of them.
Se il primo prodotto acquistato non era corrIspondente al colore descritto , mi sono dovuta ricredere: Il secondo acquisto stato superiore alle aspettative : il venditore gentile e disponibile mi ha consigliato il colore giusto! Servizio clienti eccellente e prodotto di qualit, colore fantastico!!! Le ricomprer sempre!
dommages qu’il n’y est pas des packs avec d’avantages de cheveux
sinon bonne quali
FSHINE nous propose des extensions de cheveux naturels de 22 ” soit 55 cm.
Ce sont de beaux cheveux naturels et j’ai choisi la couleur brun fonc caramel ce qui donne un assortiment de chatain et de blond.
Nous avons 50 mches qu’il faut mettre grce un fer spcial pour la kratine.
Avec cette quantit a permet juste de faire une petite fantaisie en ayant des mches de couleur diffrente dans sa chevelure par exemple . Si on veut du volume il en faut bien plus, au moins 3 paquets et pour une longueur je dirais 5 paquets, a un coup indniable mais c’est le prix payer pour ne pas avoir la patience d’attendre.
Ce genre de mches tiennent remarquablement bien. J’ai eu des mches qui ont tenues jusqu’ 6 mois. Il suffit de bien y faire attention surtout en se peignant.
Je recommande.
I have always preferred extensions with a micro loop system that even if a bit more fiddly to install that simple clips the allow me to feel totally confident that would stay in place and look natural. This set does not disappoint and the quality of the hair is surely very good and the price is fair but as many of this type more than one box is needed to get the desired style and therefore it can easily become expensive
Honestly it is difficult to complain about the quality of the hair and I am also a fan of the application style that it is far less damaging and easier to remove than glue or more stable than clips. The 62 price for the amount of stands and quality is surely very fair but depending on style some people might benefit by twice the amou
I am really impressed by this real human hair , for how soft and shiny they are !
I was looking long time for hair like this with capsules and this brand is just amazing !
For me the capsules looked little-bit big , but for the price it’s worth it !
Definitely recommend!!
Io li uso per radicarli nelle mie bambole reborn e devo dire che sono tra i migliori che abbia usato. Ma gi al tatto lo capisci che c’ tanta cura nella lavorazione e probabilmente si tenuto conto del senso di crescita de capelli e sono stati allineati correttamente, quindi tutte le squame vanno nello stesso senso. Veloce la consegna e packaging elegante .
for extensions nothing really beats actual hair.
Much much easier to shampoo and look after and keeps its silky shine for much longer too
These micro loops are much less damaging than going for the other types of glue etc
Easier to take out too.
Once in they aren’t distinguishable from the actual hair. I will say that one pack at this price doesn’t give the volume we were looking for so it could get to be pricey
Have been disappointed by many hair sellers on here but this particular brand is some of the softest I’ve seen. I’ve purchased another pack for thickness, so will update with how it stands up to longevity
“Long Story Short”
Once properly fitted, looks like real hair
Extra volume is noticeable
Its like real hair feeling of no chance to distinguish the difference
Follow instructions and your effect will be perfect.
Great quality worth its price
Value for money 10 out of 10
soft feeling and good colour match, easy to attach and feels like my actual hair, once attached its easy to style along with my own hair good value for money
You can colour and tone them.
I was skeptical to order extensions off of amazon but I’m so glad that I did. The hair is soft and smooth. I curl it and straighten almost every other day and it hasn’t damaged it.
I get compliments on my hair alllll of the time! I definitely recommend!
These hair extensions arrived simply packaged, but are very soft and of obvious good quality and are attached by the microloop system. Bear in mind, of course, that 50 strands of hair isn’t that much hair, really, so if you are a beginner you might need someone to estimate how much you are going to need. These do represent good value, though.
Very soft hair, easy to handle but a little difficult to attach to your own hair (no instructions for micro loop fittings) I would recommend practising before adding it to your own hair.
Produit conforme et vraiment top. Trs satisfaite je recommande 1000%. Merci
Ich werde hier nun immer bestelle
I normally buy hair extensions from an English based company via their website but they no longer sell
Microloop only nano ring which I’m
Not too keen on –
I decided to buy these to try them, they-feel nice and they have stayed in place. The colour I bought was chocolate – they are very good value for money
Really decent hair extensions. You get 100g. They are natural human hair and you can absolutely tell.
I opted for the blonde colour which is a really good colour match. They are clip in but you need to attach them your self.
You would need more than 100g for a full head of hair but they will make a good long pony tail or something like that. Comes as one full extension so you can cut where you please.
They are a real nice extension, you could wash them if you wanted with being real.
Excellent for the price. These are going to be donated to a local cancer ward to be made into wigs. That is a great thing.
Absolutely fantastic condition real hair loop Extensions. As expected there was some loss when opened but not much at all. The hair is super soft and smooth. Easy to style on low heat and super simple to add onto the hair of you know what you are doing. The hair is on the thinner side given it a more natural finish.
True to colour and length. Have absolutely no complaints whatsoever and definitely would repurchase
Fantastic hair extensions and easy to dye.
Good quality, didn’t matte up easily and easy to maintain
Really easy to apply and I enjoyed that their beads were a tiny bit larger then standard, allowing for more hair through if desired
I’ve since removed mine and they’re sitting about, but really decent quality and easy to use – I’d recommend these for beginners since the larger beads make application easier then the standard smaller ones.
Also great amount of hair on the strands and little hair fall which is fantastic!
Qualitt super, die extensions halten sehr gut und haben nach einigen Monaten immer noch Glanz. Top Produk
The only negative thing with this product is that one doesn’t get much of the hair thus meaning a fair few packs of the product will need to be purchased. It’s the same with all hair extensions, with some producers being more generous with the amount of hair in the pack than others.
Everything else about this product is positive as this product is a good quality, soft, human hair that has that slight wiry feel to it when rubbed between the fingers. It is not hard, the colour is spot on and due to the length it can be trimmed if needed.
I am recommending this product for it’s good quality although the value can be improved by having a more generous amount of strands but as it is is it good value but could be a little better.
This micro loop human hair extension are made from 100% real human hair, each pack with 50 strands, all length are 50g/pack, so the longer size hair would be thinner, kindly note.
You may need more then 1 pack as they can get thinner, depends on the size of the hair.
Pre bonded micro ring hair extension is a harmless and smart installation.
No heat and glue is required,virtually harmless to your own hair and scalp.
Natural and durable cold fusion tipped hair:the micro beadss are in small size, making the hair extensions more undetectable, looks like the hair grown from your scalp.
The easiest hair extensions ever!If you try it, you will love it.
Just considered if you have thinner hair you may have to spend more to see more thickness and volume.
Overall the product looks 100% natural and it’s exactly the same colour like my hair.
If you have short or thin hair, you might want to consider buying these hair extensions from Fshine.
The hair extension is made of premium real hair and is composed of 50 strands that weigh 1 gram each. It is a straight type and comes in various colours and sizes from 14 inches up to 22 inches. It is very bouncy, shiny, soft, silky, thick and does not tangle or shred.
Furthermore, this is a micro loop hair extension that is more covert and undetectable compared to others. The micro ring that it came with is smaller and is the same colour as the hair.
To use this, you don’t have to use glue or heat, just use pliers to clamp it around your hair 0.3cm away from your scalp. You can wash this with shampoo and regularly use a conditioner or essential oil to maintain it. On the other hand, it is recommended to use 2-3 packs of these hair extension to get an ideal full head.
I got this for my wife and yes, she likes it. I must say that the hair strands are also of good quality and do not easily break. The only problem with this hair extensions is that 1 pack isn’t enough for the whole head and given that it is 81.99, I think it’s a bit too expensive.
All in all, this is a bit pricey from my point of view but the quality is really good.
I buy new hair extensions every 6-12 months. Usually a #613 is abit too yellow-ish, a #60 is a little bit better match, but these are perfect I have never seen the #1000 colour advertised anywhere before.
So on an advantage, I usually have to buy my extensions and then run a toner or two through them, to get a close match to my real hair. This process is an instant damage to the hair before I’ve even attempted to apply the extensions.
With this product it’s not likely I will have to do that.
But never have I had Human Hair that’s been wrapped round itself a few times and squeezed into a box?
For 20″ #1000 and 50g of micro ringed extension at nearly 82 I wouldn’t expect them to be delivered boxed like that.
It just looked like something from a cheap and synthetic hair box.
I know the packaging doesn’t overall have any effect on the quality of the hair but first impressions count and before I opened them I was in doubt of what the quality would be like.
Fortunately they are nice, but presentation plays a big part aswell.
I really like the colour on these extensions, they matched up nicely and I like they have the balayage style too as this is what I have. The hair quality is very good and they are easy to use and put in. I have very long hair and the length is true as they matched up with my natural hair but as it was only a single pack I didn’t get the overall look I wanted so I’d recommend getting a few packs if you want a full head. The extensions are easy to remove and I think they will last a long time if you take care of them. Overall they are good value for money but check how many packs you need. I didn’t have any issues with these extensions.
This must be definitely human hair as described. It feel so soft and smooth, it comes with individual beads making it easy to fix the extension onto the hair. It hasn’t been ‘installed’ yet but the texture feels like good quality extension.
These extensions are excellent. The quality is amazing and they are easy to put in and the colours are lovely. They are great for adding extra volume especially if your hair is thinning. They are soft and can be coloured and trimmed to match your hair colour and length. It is also comfortable and does not irritate the scalp. Good value for money considering the quality.
These human hair micro link extensions are fabulous, they look & feel excellent quality & as they’re real human hair there’s no cheap artificial appearance to them so they blend in extremely well with the rest of your hair.
I opted for the platinum blonde option even though I have dark hair as I wanted to add a bit of colour to my hair without having to keep peroxiding & dying it which damages it no end, I haven’t done that in years as I used to do it to excess which caused my hair to become very brittle.
I would never wear a wig as they’re itchy scratchy & hated my glued extensions I previously had I thought these would be a suitable alternative to create a different look when I like, I like the fact that they’re so easy to put in & take out, you can do them yourself & they don’t have that horrible synthetic look to them.
They come with clear instructions with pictures for easy use, they will last for a long time if you look after them, mine should last me a while as I won’t use them daily but more for special occasions.
As they suggest you would most certainly require more than 1 pack if you intended to add volume, 1 pack is actually fine for me as I just wanted a small patch.
I am so pleased with these micro link hair extensions they match so well with my hair texture and colour they are of excellent quality human hair. The micro link system is the best for giving a natural look and are more comfortable to wear than clip in extensions the beads that are needed to join the hair together have been added to the individual strands in this of set of hair extensions They are quite fiddly to put in but once they are in they do stay in even when I have given them a tug. The best part of using this micro link system for me is that the extensions can easily be removed by using hair pliers where as you have flattened the bead to join the hair you can now open the bead by just squeezing ends and in doing so you now can easily remove the hair extensions and use them agai
Mi piaciono moltissimo per ora mi sono solo arrivate e sembrano capelli veri , il colore e ok ,ora speriamo di non essere delusa quando li avr montati
i ordered these to thicken out my already lengthy hair. I have bright red hair so i always order a blonde and have to dye them!
they took surprisingly well to the dye! no streaks, strings or synthetic fibres present at all! this all would have been visible after dying, i was pleasantly amazed by the quality of the hair once it had been dyed and dried.
I have had these in for nearly a week now and i’ve seen a little shedding… which is expected but nothing that is too noticeable! they brush out well with no matting or tangling! they are silky and soft!!
My main advice for anyone would be to anyone using these is to CONDITION THE ENDS. or get a good leave in conditioner for night, this makes all the difference to this hair! its maintained these amazingly!
as i said mine have been in for a week now and they are as good as they were the second i applied them!
i purchased one pack for my long hair just to thicken it and it worked adequately for what i needed, but if you’re looking for half head i would order 2 packs.
if you’re looking for a full head i would recommend at least 3-4
fantstic buy the hair is exceptional quality!
I use number 4 each time I have extensions, these ones are amazing quality and the colour is perfect!
The dark brown is a good match to my hair which is a bonus as not blending required.
Each packet is small so while putting them in is time consuming it does create a more natural looking hair that moves realistically.
The style of attaching these are much more comfortable then using clips or glue but can be fiddly, but it doesn’t seem to give me that intense itching sensation.
It’s lovely looking hair, silky and soft.
Very natural looking which you would hope being that it’s made from real hair.
I can’t speak on longevity just yet as I need more time to pass.
This are juya beautiful hair extensions.
My wife so much love them and you hardly notice the difference from natural hair which is nice.
Ita quite nice and good quality.
The hair itself is so silky so moves beautifully.(I will be test installing on a small area as I am product testing) I am going to be dying it with my regular dye as the packaging states it is human hair then I will install the post an update. You get a very small amount in each packet so you will need quite a few packs for a full head. The instructions are quite straightforward
Natural sheen to hair, easily workable with curling, straightening etc.
Hair can be braided, tied back, made wavy just like natural hair, overall, holds up perfectly for long-term use and looks like it came from a healthy head!
One thing is for sure that these hair extensions are 100 percent natural hair!!! It looks super real and nobody can even guess that you are wearing fake extensions. Thankfully these extensions matched perfectly with my natural hair color. You get 100 gm of hair in this pack. You do need professional help to apply these extensions perfectly and for a long time.
For hair extensions these are go0od quality. They are soft and natural looking, just as one would expect from human hair.
The length is good for extensions and can be styled without the hair becoming shiny like synthetic fibres become after being exposed to heat.
As for the colour, these can be added to more packs or mixed with slightly lighter shades to give a more natural look. The colour is a deep black and is consistent .
I am recommending this hair as apart from looking good it feels soft and is the closest one will get to growing one’s own. This is good quality and good value.
Fshine Sew in Hair Extensions 16 Inch Color 1 Remy Real Hair Jet Black 100 Gram Hair Bundle Double Weft Straight Extensions Hair
I got these extensions to add a big more volume and length to my hair and I love that I can style them with heat as they are 100% human hair, one day I may want curly hair and another day I may want straight hair these extension make that possibly.
There is many different ways you can wear them you can sew them directly to braided hair that method with last longer, attach them with micro rings, glue them down or sew a clip to the extension.
I also thought that the extension blended in nicely with my natural hair and wasn’t noticeable and as it is human hair you can dye the extension if the colour isn’t quite right for you, I highly recommend this product.
This 16 inch hair extensions looks amazing, you won’t see any defferent when you attach them.
They are very soft in touch and 100% natural, the material is made from is hopping and shiny.
The thick end has no knot and no shedding, very comfortable to wear it, does not fall off.
The hair structure is: silky straight, hair length is about 40cm, and the hair weight is about 100grams.
With this hair pack you can easily get all hairstyles you like.
Good value for money, at the moment only 59.99.
Highly recommend!
Excellent quality..
Lovely and soft..
Almost near same colour as my own hair..
Would recommend
Die Blonden Extensions sind nicht so “wei” wie auf dem Foto abgebildet, das ist sehr schade. An sich fhlen sie sich gut und weich an, im nassen Zustand merkt man den Haaren das chemische bleichen sehr an indem sie “weich” und wie “gummi” werden, nur das ist leider bei dem meisten sehr hell gebleichten Extensions so. An sich sind sie aber sehr gut und ich werde sie noch tnen damit sie so wei werden wie auf dem Bild.