FunWater Inflatable Stand UP Paddle Board Ultra-Light Green

FunWater Inflatable Stand UP Paddle Board Ultra-Light Green Pink Everything Included ISUP, Adj Paddle, Pump, SUP Backpack, Leash, Waterproof Bag, Non-Slip Deckpad Youth

Size: | 320x83x15cm |
Dimensions: | 86.4 x 39.8 x 20 cm; 12.9 Kilograms |
Brand: | FunWater |
Colour: | Green/black |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | FunWater |
Department: | Children's |
Dimensions: | 86.4 x 39.8 x 20 cm; 12.9 Kilograms |
Size: | 320x83x15cm |
Purchased the board at 84 in the sale, and was pleasantly surprised! It’s just as good as my blue one which was 300 two years back.
Love the window, and all the accessories.
Only comment would be that the fins were slightly too big for the slots but luckily I had my tool box in the boot with some sandpaper, so we sanded them down slightly and it was perfect!
Ideal for someone who is just getting in to SUP or looking for a cheaper board to use a couple of times a year. Easy to use and set up. Comes with all the basics for your board and a great carry bag. Used on both fresh and salt water and been great. Love all the different patterns and designs you can get on these boards too.
Clips were totally redundant. The fins did not slide in properly. The part you pump originally held the air in when you disconnected the pump and made it exceptional to pump and then have time to screw the thing on but with two uses the air now pours out aggressively and it’s a mad panic to pump and plug without loosing too much air.
I bought this board as it has a strap to help carry it, and I love the colour and design.
Turns out my brother has the same one so I felt confident that it would be great.
On the most part, it is great. It comes with everything you need, although I bought an electric pump so haven’t used the pump that came with it.
The problem came when it was time to put the fins on. None of the instructions in the box said anything specific about them, and we had trouble getting them on at the beach. So I had to paddle with the smaller ones on but at risk of losing them, and without the big one.
When I got home, I checked the listing here on Amazon to see some instructions about using a hair dryer. Nobody has a hair dryer at the beach!
Anyway, I have since tried this technique and got the big fin on no problem (see photo). I’m still struggling to get the smaller fins on but I will try again before considering contacting Amazon about it.
(The white fin in the photo is one of his fins, as they had a different way to connect it so for some reason the brand has changed this)
I got this product for my son of 13 and when we recieved it all looked great we checked the packaging and inflated the board and check it for leaks and all seemed well.
The problem came when we went to use the board, it still inflated fine and is great BUT the fins !! we didn’t check them before hand AND YOU MUST !! I had to fit all three fins on this board and not one of them fit not even close, luckly for me I had a multi tool with me and after 40 minits “fettling” it they finally went in and we had a great day.
Now for the second issue and I don’t know if this is normal but the “pins” that hold the fins in place are very difficult to remove which makes it hard to pack away I would recomend a tool for this job something like a flat blade screwdriver.
All in all this is a good board my son had many hours of fun on it and now it’s been “fixed” we shouldn’t have any issues next time
Good quality. Nice print. Very bad packaging. During delivery the middle part of the paddle was lost through the hole in the box. So I need to buy a new paddle. And there is no way how to contact the seller.
My issue is with the storage bag where the zip has come unstitched from the bag leaving a hole.
Can’t talk to anyone at Amazon only a computerised process system telling me to return the whole package for a replacement. Tried the manufacture only to find they are based in the USA and are not answering any e-mails.
Annoyed at having to spend another 25 for a new bag which I feel Amazon should be replacing as this does not justify sending back the whole package.
Seems any issue with the board will require the whole system being returned so suggest the packaging is kept until out of warranty. Time will tell how robust the board, pump etc. is.
Seems you get what you pay for.
Seller has since contacted me and sent a replacement storage bag. Would therefore recommend the package and the supplier for removing the issue.
Muy buena calidad, con todos los accesorios! Muy buena compra
Muy contenta con esta tabla de pdel surf. Soy principiante y no quera gastar mucho hasta saber si me iba a gustar y estoy encantada.
Ottimo prodotto , bello esteticamente e facile nel montaggio.Iper consigliato venditore eccezionale nell’assistenza post vendita
Been great, been out twice and the remarks about the pump maybe down to the fact people aren’t aware the PSI gauge won’t register until you hit 7 to 8 psi. Apparently reading up its quite common. When pumped to 12 psi it’s been very stable. I took it out once without realising the gauge and thoughts was pumped fully, still got about and was stable but properly done its great. Looking forward to more paddles!
Loved this. Great kit. Wish I’d bought earlier in summer. Packs down easily.
Hola! Muy contenta de haber recibido la tabla y muy atentos el servicio porque tuve un problema con una pieza y me lo solucionaron rpido.
Es estable y buena para empeza
Lo compramos este verano para usarlo en la playa y nos ha gustado mucho. Los materiales son de buena calidad, el diseo es precioso y los acabados son buenos. Tiene muchos detalles que otros productos similares del mismo precio e incluso ms caros no tienen, como por ejemplo que el asa de transporte es acolchada y hace menos dao al transportarla y que las tres aletas son desmontables. Lo nico que echamos en falta son ms anillas para poder amarrarlo. La bomba no marca los bares hasta que llega a unos 10 de presin, pero como hay que llenarlo a 12-15 no es problema. Muy satisfechas con la compra, recomendado.
Es ist richtig leicht zum transitieren wegen der Tasche und die Qualitt ist ein Traum
Es estupenda, con funda para guardarla y todos los accesorios. Una buena compra.
La pagaia arrivata rotta di bassissima fattura !
Il venditore per mi ha risposto velocemente assicurato che avr un’altra pagaia in caso affermativo sar felice di rettificare la recensione.
La pagaia come da recensione sopra arrivata rotta , non di ottima fattura, il venditore mi ha risposto subito e mi ha inviato immediatamente la nuova pagaia di fattura pi resistente!
Molto disponibili voto x l’assistenza 10 !
I reviewed lots of boards . This had fab reviews and looked good too. The bag is easy to carry and fits everything in. Instructions were easy to follow and simple to inflate .
I’ve really enjoyed my summer on this board since I bought it, massive upgrade from the Aldi special I had before! For the money there won’t be much better on the market. The design is also quite eye catching and I love it.
So far I’ve not found anything to complain about except maybe that the fins can be a bit tight and hard to slide in, but that’s probably more of a good thing as they won’t come unstuck.
Nachdem wir erstmal ein Board gekauft haben, um zu testen ob es was fr uns ist, wollte meine Frau ein eigenes haben. Wir haben uns fr dieses entschieden, da es etwas lnger und breiter als meins ist. Von der Qualitt sind wir sehr zufrieden.
La tabla es una pasada, tiene muchsima estabilidad y se puede ir con los nios sper fcil, ellos se lo pasan en grande! Hemos tenido un problema con la manguera del hinchador, pero enseguida nos la han cambiado por una nueva! Un 10 para la atencin del vendedor!!!
La tabla se infla de manera fcil una vez coges el truco, funciona correctamente y tiene una buena estabilidad! La nica cosa es que pesa ms de lo que parece para llevar y yo soy bajita y abulta demasiado para mi
Brilliant. Got on sale for 145. Had everything i needed to get into paddleboarding. Used twice now with no issues.
Me ha encantado, tal vez por poner agarradera para colocar un asiento si se quiere. Y si la.bomba tambin sirviese para sacar el aire de la tabla sera maravilloso. De resto excelente calidad y estabilidad.
Brilliant wide board giving very good stability, had Maiden paddle out on Loch with wind creating waves like the sea.
Excellent value for the price. Slightly Cheaper than my 1st SUP, definitely far better on the water. Hope it last as long/ many outings. 5*
This is absolutely amazing value for money, it’s simply brilliant and will be purchasing a second very soon.
If you want to get a great value starter SUP then look no furthe
1st Paddle board – the quality is amazing – would highly recommend!
Can’t fault this paddle board, it’s amazing been out on it lots since buying it and I love it!
This is a great SUP. We bought it for our daughter for her birthday. She wanted a pink one which narrowed down out choices considerably but we were not disappointed when this arrived!
Everything is branded. The board is really sturdy when inflated and folds down easily, fitting in its bag, along with all the other equipment that comes with it.
The fins slide in easily and the pump works a treat. (Please note that the pump guage does not read until you get to around 6 psi. This is the same for all hand pumps that I have used and I’ve used a few over the last couple of years.)
I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this SUP to anybody wishing to try paddle boarding. Its great value for money and very good quality. We’ve had hours of fun on it already!
Excellent produit c’est mon premier paddle et il rencontre mes attentes.
So I am new to paddle boarding and started with a borrowed one from a friend, it was quite thin so flexed a bit. This is 6inch thick and you can really feel the difference.
I was able to stand pretty easily due to its sturdiness. A good work out pumping up too (LOL).
The only thing I’m not keen on is the D rings on the sides, when paddling they can catch.
Das Board selbst liegt ruhig im Wasser und verzeiht sogar, dank der 3 Finnen am Heck unruhige Fahrmanver. Hilfreich sind die montierten Schlaufen und sen und der Trageriemen.
Ich bin hoch zufrieden und kann dieses Produkt sehr gern weiter empfehlen.
TIP von mir… ein Kompressor hilft das manuelle Aufpumpen extrem zu erleichtern 🙂
Super produit de qualit
Le poids charge est trs bien !
Les accessoires sont top
La pompe fonctionne trs bien il faut juste beaucoup gonfler le paddle pour que l aiguille en bar indique le niveau.
Je vais en commander un second
Ottima qualit, dotato di una pompa che riesce a gonfiarlo bene in 5 minuti. Ha una valvola per lo sgonfiaggio rapido che va girata quando si gonfia altrimenti tolta la pompa esce nuovamente l aria. In dotazione una pagaia regolabile per ogni altezza, una tasca waterproof per cellulare e la caviglier per legare la tavola. Dotato di ben tre pinne facilmente smontabili.Una robusta sacca con spallacci contiene tutto. Il sup ha anche diversi anelli per poter legare un eventuale seggiolino( non incluso) e una rete porta oggetti.
Unico neo che una volta riempita la borsa- zaino con sup ed accessori risulta un po’ pesante( io per lo porto comunque in spalla perch sono abituata), l importante non fare troppa strada a piedi, mentre il sup gonfiato- al contrario- trasportabile facilmente con una sola mano. Spero di essere stata d’aiuto.
Amazing paddle board which we got for 140 on prime sale. Comes with everything you need. Had a little issue with the pump gauge not appearing to register but it was all user error, you seriously can’t pump it up enough!! If the gauge isn’t moving, keep pumping, seriously!!!
En general todo bien, el punto ms flojo puede que sea la bolsa de transporte, le ira bien algn bolsillo exterior, pero el material cabe perfectamente, es fcil guardar todo en su interio
This is a fantastic board! I love the design. I found it great value for money and really sturdy. I had a slight issue with my paddle and contacted the seller. They responded and replaced the entire paddle super quickly. Amazing customer service and would highly recommend the board and company.
La tabla est muy bien, no es lo bastante estable como me imaginaba pero no est mal, con practica le coges pronto el rollo, pero por lo dems todo genial , es muy bonita y se limpia bien.
Una pasada de tabla, la consegu en una oferta flash casi 100 ms barata que su precio normal, los materiales son muy dignos.
Perfecta para iniciarse en el SUP.
De momento todo perfecto, la tabla es muy grande, comparada con otras que se ven, por lo que tiene un punto extra de estabilidad. Los accesorios y el inflador todo OK.
Ho avuto un problema con la pompa che si rotta al 3 utilizzo; senza prendere urti si crepato l’attacco del manometro… Pompa inutilizzabile. MA IL VENDITORE HA PROVVEDUTO IN TEMPI RECORD A RIMBORSARLA! con la stessa cifra ne ho presa una decathlon perch a luglio non si trovano pompe sup in tempi brevi.
Gli altri accessori sono di buona fattura!
In conclusione, un entry level di tutto rispetto a un prezzo convenientissimo!
Hace 1 mes publicaba estn resea: El hinchador se ha roto a los 3 usos literalmente, y el asa de la tabla se va despegando, encima es imposible llegar a contactar con el vendedor.
Una vez puesta la resea regular se pusieron en contacto conmigo, despus de tener que estar con varios correos durante un tiempo me han reembolsado lo que cuesta un hinchador.
Todo correcto, paquete bien embalado, tard 1 semana, por poner una pega no biene el kit de reparacin. Pero la tabla se ve muy bien, rigida y estable, para llegar a los 15 psi hay que sudar, la vlvula funciona cuando la tabla ya est bastante hinchada, se infla en unos 8 minutos aproximadamente, depende de la forma fsica del que le d al inflador….con solo una prueba en el agua todo parece ok.
Perfect! So easy to blow up, big enough for 2 people, bag is the perfect size to fit everything in as well. So so pleased!
fantastico !! Molto divertente!
Lo abbiamo gonfiato mesi fa ed ancora perfetto!
Va comunque gonfiato con la pompetta inclusa , non si pu usare compressore!
La tabla llega perfecta, al principio no saba cmo funcionaba la bomba pero el vendedor se puso en contacto conmigo y me lo explic.
SUP arrivato puntuale e con tutti gli accessori funzionanti. Buona la stabilit ed stata testata anche la capacit di carico salendo in 2 adulti pi cane, possiamo dire che tiene anche 160 kg. Lo ricomprerei.
la stabilit est bonne sur eau calme et petite houle en mer pour l’instant
le manomtre fonctionne trs bien, il faut juste que le paddle soit assez gonfl pour qu’il bouge et partir de l faut sortir les muscles pour atteindre les 15psi demander.
la rame est flottante, la pochette tl bien tanche, le sac est trs grand du coup avec son matriel de base, masque, combi… peuvent y rester sans problme.
je recommande en sachant que je l’ai pay 170 avec promo sur le rose
Hallo ich habe mich endlich dazu entschieden ein Stand up Paddel zu kaufen und dachte ich hol nicht gleich das teuerste. An sich bin ich total glcklich aber beim aufpumpen entwischt irgendwann aus dem Ventil die Luft obwohl das Brett noch nicht vollstndig aufgeblasen ist deshalb 1 Stern Abzug
Die dazugehrige Tasche verstaut auch alles. Ob sie jedoch lange hlt, wei ich nicht. Die Tragegurte scheinen nicht stabil genug zu sein fr das Gewicht.
Generell ist es aber ein sehr schnes Board was auch mehrfach im Einsatz schon war.
Excellent value for money, very sturdy and well built. Only minor niggle is that the pump doesn’t display pressure until it his 6psi.
La tabla me lleg antes de lo esperado lo cual me vino genial para probarla antes. Llevo unos das de uso intenso y se momento genial, tened paciencia con el manmetro porque si marca pero tiene que estar la tabla muy hinchada. La recomiendo
Paddleboard has been great so far, easily to inflate and the bag makes carrying it and tidying it away very easy. It’s come up with a few small punctures around the seams after 4-5 uses so I’ll test the puncture repair kit that is supplied. The first paddle I received was faulty and it fell apart upon it’s first use, lost to the river but the seller was fantastic and sent me a replacement immediately with zero delay. I think the clip is still a little loose but it can probably be tightened to ensure it doesn’t detach itself.
Overall, very happy with my purchase!
Super, c est parfaitement gonfl. Aucun problme avec le mano.. bien complet avec sa pochette tanche tlphone. Semble bien costaud. Je ne l ai pas encore essay mais je suis sur que a va tre parfai
This is a really good paddleboard. Very sturdy. Great design. Would definitely recommend.
Ha sido un gran acierto regalar esta tabla a mi mujer. Muy buena estabilidad, fcil de maniobrar y ligera. El manmetro no lo hemos usado, ya que para hincharla/deshincharla lo hacemos con un inflador elctrico, haciendo esta tarea mucho ms rpida y cmoda.
What you get for this price is amazing and the quality great! Highly recommend!
Espectacular, la tabla es preciosa, los materiales estn muy bien, la he probado y mucho mejor que otras tablas en las que he subido. El nico problema es con el hinchador, fuga y cuesta mucho ms hinchar la tabla.
Me he iniciado con este paddel. Mide 3’20 m. Genial para ir con dos personas. Con mucha calma. Al ser ms ancha y larga es ms lenta. Por eso es ms barata. El punto centrico est por delante de la tira de mano central. Yo pongo los pies un poco ms adelante.
Lo acabamos de inflar y no tiene prdidas de aire de forma inmediata. Los elementos se ven de buena calidad. Si he de decir que le FALTA LA CORREA para envolver la tabla una vez desinflada.
Kam sicher und gut verpackt bei uns an,
ich wrde behaupten das sowohl Anfnger und auch Fortgeschrittene mit dem Board ihren Spa haben werden.
Die groe Finne ist abnehmbar,
Der Sicherheitsbndel ist in Spiralform und flattert nicht gro rum, Klettband macht einen soliden Eindruck
Paddel ist ausziehbar und passt somit nahezu zu allen Krpergren, die Tasche zum verstauen ist ein praktischer Rucksack
Design ist sehr angenehm – nicht zu bertrieben auch das pink ist toll und gefllig.
Wrden wir wieder kaufen, Preis Leistung pass
Absolutely *love* this board. Admittedly in this photo I’m using a different paddle but the board is great! Bought the blue one previously really impressed. Great bits of kit.
I bought this in the idea I’d probably try it over the summer and maybe not touch it again but I love it. It’s really strong and thick lined so seems pretty durable. It’s grea
En casa queramos una tabla para iniciacin en elundondel pdel surf y este modelo ofrecia unas medidas y calidades que nos parecieron adecuadas. El paquete llego perfecto y lo primero de todo fue montarla para ver que vena bien y que no estaba pinchada, todo correcto. El nico problema es el manmetro de la bomba que no se mueve y no puedo ver la presin de inflado (lo inflamos hasta que estuvo completamente dura la tabla), he ledo que tiene truco as que espero que el fabricante o alguien pueda decirnod como se hace funcionar el reloj de presin.
En definitiva un producto totalmente recomendable.
I have been on other paddle boards which are easier to use and felt more sturdy to stand on, however after a few tries I am beginning to get the hang of the board. It’s clearly a case of ‘you get what you pay for’ as the ‘red’ company paddle boards I have been on (hired) are obviously of a better quality. However, this paddle board has done the job for a 19 year old student and I’d totally buy again! Only thing I will say is the pressure gauge on the pump is broken and came broken. I’ve seen other reviews with this same comment, saying they have been given a new one after contacting the seller- but I can’t be bothered:-) overall, great board
La tabla est genial, se le ve calidad y viene con los complementos y la mochila. Hay una pega, el manmetro del hinchador est roto
Le paddle est parfait. Grand, solide, tous les quipements sont l. Il n’y a plus qu’ !
En revanche, comme beaucoup d’autres acheteurs, le manomtre de la pompe ne fonctionne pas, ce qui rend le gonflage approximatif….dommage…
Sinon, a se gonfle vite et a se range pas trop mal.
Bought for my step daughters, the board itself is very good, and extremely sturdy once inflated and looks the business, i think the pump feels a little cheap, other than that I would say this was very good value for money.
I haven’t used it yet but I’m certainly looking forward to using it come summer.
This is my second paddle board, bought cause it was a bargain price. Definitely a good buy and holds up well. Easy to pump up and sturdy in the water. My kids use away at it and I’ve leant it to friends who find it easy to get up on.
All in all a good buy. Value for the money
Bought these for the family. Great buy nice and wide and takes a lot of weight. My sons a six foot body builder and took his weight fine.
First time I’ve bought a paddle board and found it great quality easy to inflate and deflate very sturdy well worth the the money
Great for beginners the bag is ok quality
Great first paddle board
I searched for all types and brands, in the end, I chose this and I’ve not been disappointed, I wanted a big, sturdy board and that’s what I have. Don’t always need to buy high end! All boards now are very good quality.
The paddle board is great value for money and is a good allround board it’s carry case makes it easy to store but my only issue is that the orr doesn’t extend at all maybe the one I got was faulty
Easy to carry and just as sturdy as some of the dearer options which I have hired, would definitely recommend
We have had a blast over the summer with our 2x 11′ paddleboards. So pleased we went for the slightly larger board, as we generally have 2 people on each board, so benefit from the extra length in terms of room on the board & bouyancy. The carry bag is really comfy to wear & the complete kit isn’t too heavy (our children insist on carrying them). We had a small issue with the accessories, which the company was very quick & helpful in resolving. Great purchase, no hesitation whatsoever in recommending.
This is my 1st paddle board and it’s very sturdy at 15psi not so at 12psi I’m 5ft 9″ tall and you can easily learn to paddle on this board. It’s a great package for the money but please get a life saver as well.
Highly recommended
It’s perfect. Compact, easy to carry, and more importantly easy to set up and pack away.
I absolutely love it.
The pressure gauge doesn’t work so will contact the seller but even with that I’m highly recommending this product.
Daughter loves this and it’s very good once inflated.
However, the pressure gauge on the pump does not work, got it to around 10psi and it was inflated way too much (air slowly escaping from valve until we let some air back out).
But all in all a good purchase.
Fab super quick service
Good value for money
Easy to inflate and deflate
Very easy to stand up o
Love how it looks, really simple to set-up.
You just need to make sure the valve is in the correct position before inflating. Can go up to 15 psi. Work great for me at 13 psi and I’m over 15 stone. Love i
Excellent value for money. Bought this to play around with at the sea side. It has been fantastic.
Super easy to inflate and deflate (for some reason I was really worried about this!) It was really quick as well. The bag is really spacious so there is no problem at all about getting the board back in there after a morning at thr beach.
Arrived and unpacked. Inflated and impressed. Perfect for my hobby..
Had a huge problem with the pump as it did not fit to blow up the product but amazon kindly sorted the problem for me.
The product is high quality. The only thing that I would change is the bag it comes in as it could definitely be better quality!