GOFITNESS Push Down Bar Machine – Chest Expander at Home

GOFITNESS Push Down Bar Machine – Chest Expander at Home Workout Equipment, Arm Exerciser Portable Spring Resistance Exercise Gym Kit for Home, Travel or Outdoors


Size: 10KG (Elementary – Women)
Dimensions: 77.47 x 23.62 x 4.83 cm; 1.84 Kilograms
Colour: Watermelon Red
Batteries Included: No
Dimensions: 77.47 x 23.62 x 4.83 cm; 1.84 Kilograms
Size: 10KG (Elementary – Women)

91 Responses

  1. TitusColls says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI first got the 90lb one but realized it wasn’t the right choice for me. Return and got the 70lb one, which works well. For reference, I am 5’7 and 140lb. I can bench 8X with 120lb weight and single-arm lift 8X with 45lb.

  2. Wong Pow Long says:

     United Kingdom

    Works exactly as described and is perfect for a small or medium workout at home. Purchased a 30kg which I replaced with a 40kg. Would recommend based just on the customer service alone.

  3. Williem06X says:

     United States

    This thing is awesome!! My muscles literally get harder and bigger with each use of this. HIIIIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!!

  4. CheriDoolette says:

     United Kingdom

    Received this product recently & have to say I’m very impressed with the quality of it. Also, the customer service is unbelievably good. I cannot recommend this product or company highly enough.

  5. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Due to some back and rib issues, I’m unable to do traditional exercises for chest, ie: bench press, pushups, etc. This GoFitness Push Down Bar Machine is a great substitute. It allows me to do several different exercises for the chest without any issues. It targets the pecs for muscular development.

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The product is very well made, like something you would find at a gym.
    It really works your muscles well and you can feel how well it’s worked after even using it for 20 minutes. Great additional workout!

  7. ultracassie says:

     United Kingdom

    Extremely sturdy. Very well build. I bought 40 kg. Although slightly challenging I would not change the resistance.
    A bit squicky due to springs- but that is completely normal and acceptable.
    Great alternative for Bull Worker.

  8. Anonymous says:


    Trs bonne communication je recommande le vendeur ainsi que le produi

  9. LesliePelletier says:

     United States

    I couldn’t restrain myself from writing a glowing review. This is my first review on Amazon after being very active for many years on the platform. This product is very well built. I have been exercising for decades and thought I have seen everything when it comes to exercise machines. This piece of equipment is the first product that really impressed me in many years and surprised me with muscle growing results in expedited fashion. I highly recommend it to people who seriously desire to improve their physique. The customer service and product support of Mike – GoFitness is second to none. The rest of the vendors should learn from this small company and its principal. Just follow the instructions that are well presented and properly select intensity levels and you are set.

  10. GeraldV87eoiiu says:


    Superbe prise en main efficacit maximale, si vous avez un extenseur il faut aussi utiliser ce produit pour dvelopper le haut du corps. Je recommande vivement !

  11. SandraChildress says:


    Gut verarbeitet und wirklich robust. Ideal zum Brusttraining. Bin 78 kg schwer 1,85m gro und trainiere schon einige Jahre. Fr mich ist die 30kg Variante fr das Brusttraining am besten.

  12. Anonymous says:


    Nach 3 Monaten Training gab es ein kleines Problem.
    Zu meiner groen berraschung schickte man mir kostenlos ein neues Gert.
    Also, dieser Service ist einfach Weltklasse.

  13. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe mir das Gert gekauft um mein “Heimstudio” zu erweitern. Es ist vielseitig einsetzbar und Qualitativ hochwertig. Echt klasse Teil.

  14. CaseyLahey says:


    Habe die 30-40 und 50 kg gekauft und bin voll zufriede

    Super Trainingsgerät 👍

  15. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    his chest expender is a great addition to my home gym. it is well made, powerful and the customer service from GoFitness is great also.

  16. Ross says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I’ve been using it for almost two months and I can tell you this is a really good product to exercise at home, and if you want to skip some days at the gym to train with this you can also always mix it up with other types of exercises like squats push ups, triceps on a bench.
    I really recomend it.

  17. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe erst angefangen aber man merkt tatschlich die bungen, bin begeiste

  18. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    This is a great product. It allows you to do a number of excercises without having to use dumbells. It offers levels of resistance for users of all stengths.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Firstly the product is sturdy, well built and comes with helpful documentation on exercises. In addition the customer service was great, sent me the 30kg model when the 40kg was too high resistance.

  20. Athena says:


    Da mir das erst bestellte Gert zu schwach war, habe ich eine E-Mail geschrieben und ein zweites Gert umsonst dazu erhalten! Groartig! Bei dem Gert ist ein Trainingsplan dabei, an den ich versuche mich zu halten. Und nach den ersten Einheiten kann ich sagen, dass ich mich gut gefordert durch die zu absolvierenden bungen fhle.

  21. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Push down bar is well built and does a great job. Company has great customer service and was able to accommodate me by shipping me a lower resistance bar – I recommend this product and company A++++

  22. LashundBaeza says:


    Trs bon produit. Il n’est pas vident de choisir le bon modle mais le service client est l pour vous apporter les bons conseils.
    Ct utilisation c’est excellent. Il y a mme un guide (en franais) pour les exercices travailler. A conseiller.

  23. CarlotaGibbs says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I simply love this product – works with a range of motion, easy to use, put away and store, and use again.

    Customer service is top notch – extreme care for the customer.

  24. Anonymous says:


    Mit dem Trainingsgert lassen sich die Muskelgruppen des Oberkrpers und der Arme effektiv trainieren. Dem Gert ist ein praktischer bungsplan beigefgt. Aufgrund der Gre ist das Trainieren zu Hause und unterwegs ohne Fitnessstudio mglich.

  25. Anonymous says:


    Prodotto arrivato in anticipo, Servizio clienti gentile disponibile e molto cordiale;l’articolo in questione di ottima fattura, molto performante nel potenziare la parte superiore del torace.
    Puoi mettere da parte i vari manubri, perch questo bel attrezzo fa bene il suo lavoro, e occupa poco spazio.
    Inoltre nella confezione vi un tappetino in gomma, e le indicazioni in italiano per usare al meglio questo fantastico attrezzo.

  26. NataliaCollits says:


    Es ist ein sehr gutes Trainingsgert das auch keinen Platz wegnimmt. Sehr effektives Training damit. Finde auch das es Gelenk schonend ist. Ich kann es nur weiter empfehlen. Sehr guter Kundenservice

  27. ShielaGuffey says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I bought this product primarily for pectoral workouts because it replicates the compression function of pec fly machines in the typical gym environment. But I also found the product to be useful for abdominal crutches as well. Those exercises are the most important to me because, as an 80 year old senior, I want to maintain upper body tone even though building muscle at my age is quite difficult. There are numerous other exercises that can also be done with this device. It fits nicely in the bottom of a suitcase so vacation workouts are possible. The device is well made, and I really like the smooth compression of the two springs that provide resistance. I think it is possible to start with low resistance and then step it up as strength improves. Mike at GoFitness provides great customer service and is always interested in suggestions. I think his company will continue to innovate and market similar devices that the home workout enthusiasts will enjoy using to avoid the cost and travel time needed for a gym membership.

  28. Anonymous says:


    Hatte die 30 kg Variante bestellt und dann festgestellt, dass ein wenig Widerstand fehlt.
    Kontakt mit dem Verkufer aufgenommen und 2 Tage spter war die 40 kg Version da !
    Qualitt ist einwandfrei und von mir klare Empfehlung fr diese grozgige Regelung, da ich die 30er behalten durfte.

  29. KathrinDunningh says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Das Trainingsgert funktioniert sehr gut, das Training ist sehr effektiv!
    Top Kundenservice und sofortige Hilfe bei einem Problem mit dem Widerstand!

  30. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Kundenservice top und ein gutes Gert, das macht, was es soll!!!

  31. Sarah Hull says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Super schnelle Antwort auf meine Email und sind mir sofort entgegengekommen. Gerne wiede

  32. CharlieZFDX says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Dopo aver ordinato il 50kg, mi sono reso conto che era troppo difficile per me (sono troppo debole ahah) pero’ il venditore e’ eccezionale e mi ha mandato quello di 40kg senza costi aggiuntivi! Impressionante, in Italia non succederebbe mai! Lattrezzo sembra molto solido e ne sono sicuro che mi servirira’ per mettere qualche chilo di muscoli. Gia’ con gli esercizi a corpo libero sono diventato piu’ musculosi che con anni in palestra (pesi). E’ una legenda urbana che gli esercizi a corpo libero sono meno efficaci del bodybuilding con i pesi. Poi la flessibilita’ e’ anche garantito. E con questo attrezzo posso raggiungere anche dei muscoli nel petto che di solito sono difficili da lavorarci sia con i pesi che con il bodyweight. Consiglio questo attrezzo.

  33. TMXPreston says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Die Lieferung war schnell und Problemlos.Verarbeitung ist sehr gut,das mitgelieferte Pad ist ausreichend dick.Die bungsvariationen sind sehr gut.
    Empfehlenswertes Produkt!

  34. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Die GOFITNESS Push Down Bar ist ei sehr gutes Produkt, lt sich gut bedienen und die Kundenfreundlichkeit und Hilfsbereitschaft von Gofitness ist auerordentlich und bemerkenswert!!!!!

  35. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Habe mir, die 30kg Variante bestellt. Von meiner Seite aus gesehen, ist das Gert gut verarbeitet. Fr das aufrmen, etwas schneller in den Rcken ziehen, danach intensiv bewegen (min.5sec Spannung halten). Die Spannung,macht das Gert aus,mit kurzer Auffrmsphase. Nachhaltiges Spannung ist garantiert. Hatte, es auch bei der Arbeit (Montage) dabei,fr vor der/nach der Arbeit, und in den Pausen.Guter Nebeneffekt mit der 30 und 40kg Version. Man sollte, sich erst an das Gert gewhnen, bevor man gleich aufgibt. Der Kundenservice, war sehr gut und schnell. Gutes Training !

  36. tyler.king says:

     United Kingdom

    Very good and quality product for exercise – my chest & arms have improved – no possibility for injuries with a logical warmup – arrived on time – seems to be a very good seller. Lefteris

  37. AlejandMUY says:

     United Kingdom

    This product is amazing and well worth the money. The product feels quality made and does exactly what it says on the tin. Comes with exercise instructions for different muscle groups. Customer service has been on a different level, would definitely recommend to anyone!

  38. John Lincoln on Google Plus says:

     United States

    With any exercises it’s a matter of commitment & anyone who commit to use GOFITNESS Push Down Bar Machine will definitely see some results. This product is Fantastic, easy to use, sturdy, and well made. Customer Service from this company is above and beyond making this a “Must Buy” if you’re looking for a new exercise equipment; Simply Buy it…

  39. Anonymous says:


    Super Trainingsgert
    An alle Mchtegern die auf Geschenke aus sind .
    Ein Trainingsplan liegt bei…Lesen.. befolgen..
    Und das mehr als bis zum ersten Ruhetag…
    Mal 4 Wochen nutzen, dann kommentieren..
    Ist ein super Gert..

  40. Anonymous says:


    c un excellent outil de musculation trs pratique je le conseil viveme

  41. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Hatte mir das 30kg Gert schon vor einer Weile gekauft, konnte es leider wegen einer Schulterverletzung nicht benutzen.
    Nach berstandener OP usw. wollte ich loslegen, konnte aber leider die Anleitungen nicht mehr finden.
    Da hab ich mich an das GoFitness Team gewendet und meine kleine Geschichte erzhlt und was soll ich sagen…sie haben mir natrlich sofort geholfen und mir zustzlich das 40kg Gert zur Verfgung gestellt.
    Nochmals recht herzlichen Dank hierfr an das GoFitness…freue mich schon riesig auf die ersten Einheite

  42. Brian E. Clark says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersZunchst habe ich mir den Brusttrainer in der 40 kg-Version bestellt, und er kam bereits nach zwei Tagen bei mir zuhause an. Als ich ihn antestete, merkte ich sofort, dass er meinen Powertwistern/Biegehanteln vor allem bzgl. der Kraftkurve berlegen ist; bei den Biegehanteln ist es aufgrund der Handposition zunchst einmal schwer, eine Biegung hinzubekommen, die Handgelenke sind hier das schwchste Glied undzu Beginn der Bewegung auch einer ziemlichen Belastung ausgesetzt. Danach bernehmen die Unterarme, die gesamten Arme und dann die Brust den Kraftaufwand, so dass der Widerstand gegen Ende der Bewegung immer leichter zu bewltigen ist – fr die anvisierten Brustmuskulatur dann oft schon wieder zu wenig Widerstand. Manche Trainierende “tricksen”, indem sie die Feder zunchst ruckartig schwingen lassen und somit die erste Biegung initiieren – was aber auch leicht zu Verletzungen fhren kann, da es die Sehnen pltzlichen hohen Belastungsspitzen aussetzt. Bei der GOFITNESS Push Down Bar dagegen steigert sich der Widerstand allmhlich mit zunehmendem Druck beim Zusammenpressen; die Griffe sind sehr angenehm gepolstert und die Brustmuskeln werden bei der Grundbung, die dem Butterfly an einer entsprechenden Maschine nicht unhnlich ist, besser angesprochen als bei den Power Twistern. Ein sehr sinnvolles Trainingsgert, das meine Workouts mit Hanteln, Isokinator und Isochain gut ergnzt und wieder andere Wachstumsreize setzt. Da ich mich mit der Bestellung der 40 kg-Variante verschtzt hatte (nach gut 40 Jahren Krafttraining war sie mir keine zu groe Herausforderung), schrieb ich eine E-mail an den Verkufer und er sandte mir innerhalb von zwei Tagen die 50 kg-Version zu, ohne dass ich etwas nachbezahlen musste. Auch durfte ich die 40 kg-Version behalten und musste sie nicht zurcksenden, wie es auch andere Rezensenten hier schon erlebt und positiv hervorgehoben haben. Das ist wahrer Kundendienst, den man so nicht hufig antrifft!

  43. BPGAlyceamg says:


    Die Push Down Bar von GoFitness macht einen soliden und haltbaren Eindruck. Man rutscht an den Haltegriffen nicht weg (auch nicht mit schwitzigen Hnden) und es macht Spass damit zu trainieren.
    Der Kundenservice lst schnell und freundlich jedes Problem.
    Kurz: ein rundum zufriedenstellendes Kauferlebnis.

  44. Anonymous says:


    J’ai command la 30kg et malheureusement c’est trop mou pour moi, j’ai donc contact le vendeur qui m’as rpondu en quelques heures qu’il allait m’envoyer gratuitement la 40kg et que je pouvais garder la 30kg.
    Au top!!! Super socit et super matos!!!

    Allez-y les yeux ferms

  45. DarcyYates says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersOrdered the wrong tension at first. The company were so accommodating and quick in sending the next one up and I did not need to return the 1st one. Really good product. Excelle

  46. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersAllerdings waren die 30 kg dann doch zu viel fr einen Teil der Familie, Richtung 20kg angefragt und Info bekommen, dass gerade nicht auf Lager. Jetzt gibts die wieder und wir werden das Gert wohl erneut bestellen. Das ist vllig in Ordnung, aber die Rezensionen von wegen kostenlos zugeschickt, na ja, die sind dann doch eher ein Schmh. Welches Unternehmen hat dauernd was zu verschenken?
    Update: Wie das gehen kann mit dem Verschenken, frage ich mich zwar immer noch, aber ich wurde tatschlich von GoFitness kontaktiert und die 20 kg Version wurde mir zugeschickt. Damit habe ich nicht gerechnet und ich bin schon ein wenig beeindruckt! Vielen Dank dem Top Kundenservice!

  47. Brian E. Clark says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis is a decent workout gizmo. Provides a good pump in the chest and in the upper arms and shoulders. It’s solid and sturdy enough for its intended use. That being said for the price this device should have a little higher grade molded plastic on it and should not make as much noise as it does when compressing it. Not a huge deal breaker just a few things to consider before spending 80 dollars for the strongman version(90lbs). It does not provide as much of a mind to muscle connection as power twister bars but does have another way of activating the muscles differently imo. All in all I like it but probably wouldn’t of bought it out of my own pocket if I didn’t have the reward points to cover the cost.

  48. GeorgeAlbright says:

     United Kingdom

    The customer service and support team at go fitness are second to none absolutely great service. I also noticed that the resistance on the 30kg version was not enough so I immediately contacted customer service who send me the 40kg version free of charge. I’m still yer to see the results as I haven’t used it yet but I will sure to update all. This piece of equipment feels very well constructed and feels like it could go through many years of hard working abuse. Thanks agai

    Top product top customer service support team.

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Jut received my 40kg version of the kit. It is very well thought out product and build quality is very good.
    Straight out of the box with detailed instructions along with colour pictures.
    After 15 minutes, you can feel real energy generating within your body.
    Worth every penny and more.
    Soon I’ll order the 50kg version and use both for warm up and final session routine exercise.
    Highly recommend it.

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Nice if not a slightly creaky (the springs) piece of kit. Happy with my purchase though I think it is a little overpriced for what it is. It seems solid enough but I found this 30kg version a little easy. Sending back and ordering the 40kg.

  51. BeatrizGilchris says:


    J’ai achet une barre 30KGS dernirement qui s’avre extraordinaire. Je l’utilise en complment d’un banc de musculation et ce produit est parfaitement complmentaire. La barre 30Kgs est suffisante pour s’entrainer en chauffement pour une pratique adhoc. Si vous etes un peu plus sportif avec une entrainement musculaire parallle ou la pratique d’un sport faisant travailler le haut de votre corps, la barre 40kgs sera peut etre mieux adapte. Dans tous les cas, le produit est extraordinaire et je constate des rsultats juste aprs 2 semaines seulement. Je viens de contacter le service clients un dimanche pour leur poser des questions, et la rponse de Mike fut immdiate. La encore, un service client unique et fliciter. Bravo l’quipe et merci !!

  52. Anonymous says:


    Da ich schon jahrelang Fitness betreibe habe ich mir die 50KG Version bestellt, es war leider dann doch ein wenig zu schwer, weswegen ich den Verkufer kontaktierte und ihn fragte ob man es gegen die 40KG Version tauschen knnte. Ich bekam die 40 kg kostenlos zugeschickt, und durfte sogar die 50kg Version behalten.
    Das Produkt an sich ist ebenfalls top und leicht zu bedienen.

  53. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I purchased the 40kg bar which was definitely on the strong side for me. I could manage the two arm exercises such as chest compression but exercises using a single arm the 40kg was too much for me but thankfully the customer support was excellent and I was able to get a 30kg version to start with. The product is deceptively simple but of sturdy quality and the foam padding is comfortable. It also comes with a small foam pad as some of the exercises require you to rest one side on your legs/chest and without using the pad this would be uncomfortable. It definitely gives a good workout and my first impressions are that for me personally I will be a lot more motivated to use this than just weights. For whatever reason exercising using this feels like less of a chore. This is a great product if a tad expensive.

  54. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve used this now for the past 5 days and yes it works, but as with any fitness tool / fitness plan, they only work if you’re prepared to make it work, these fitness items cannot perform miracles !! 😉

    I’m very fit in the first place with my martial arts, so have bought this to obviously increase my top half muscle mass, and yes I’m feeling it, so it’s definitely doing it’s job.

    Another plus for it, is it’s size, perfect for taking with me when I have to work away.

    So as before, you put the effort in, on a good diet, this has definitely been a good purchase, recommended.

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a very well made & durable product. I have recently recovered from a shoulder injury & I was looking for a piece of equipment that would allow me to target the chest without aggravating my shoulder. This item didn’t disappoint. I was unsure about the resistance levels but the customer service were brilliant & resolved this for me immediately. I would highly recommend this product to anyone wanting an effective upper body workout.

  56. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I normally don’t write a review ,but this workout machine is excellent for upper body easy to use , it’s really worth the money

  57. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersIch trainiere seit einer Woche und ich muss sagen es zeigt schon Wirkung.
    Zeit einem Jahr bin ich nicht mehr im Fitnessclub und das was ich mir an Muskeln aufgebaut habe hngt jetzt mehr oder weniger.
    Ich hatte aber keine Lust mehr, mich nach einem 10 Stundentag im Bro, noch in der Stozeit an den Gerten anzustellen.
    Somit habe ich mir mehrer kleine und auch grere Gerte fr zuhause gekauft.
    Aber ich muss sagen die Push Bar ist das effektivste Gert.
    Mir war aber sehr schnell klar das die 40 Kg. fr die Brust, Schultern und den Bauch zu wenig sind.
    Und somit habe ich an die beiliegende Mailadresse geschrieben und zwei Tage spter, habe ich kostenlos die 50Kg. Variante bekommen.
    Das ist einfach Weltklasse

    Besser als erwartet, sehr effektiv

  58. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this for my Son 15, who plays rugby and is pretty strong, however the 50kg proved for to advanced for him, and me if I’m honest. The customer service was second to none, they was so helpful and understanding.

    I think the issue is bench pressing 50-60kg is a world of difference to compressing it. But as I say, the guys at Gofitness completely understood this and was so helpful.

    As for the product itself, it’s very well made and you can feel it working every muscle in the upper body after a single workout. We took the replacement (40kg) to my sons rugby practice where various strong lads and Dads all had a go and almost all of them was impressed and many have said they’ll purchase one themselves.

    10/10 across the board

    Shoulders and chest like a Viking

  59. SusannaPsj says:

     United Kingdom

    I initially got the 30kg bar but it felt a bit stiff so I then tried the 20kg one, which has got good resistance and worked for me.
    Great service from the seller – very fast delivery.
    I must say this push down bar is actually really good for building strength and toning up. I like it a lot, so happy I came across this, thanks!

  60. Linda Ringquist says:

     United Kingdom

    Just getting back into exercising, and this is handy for a quick and easy home workout for your upper body.

  61. JaniceKeeney says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    This workout gear is simply next level for climbers. I don’t always have access to a pull-up bar but I want to work out the similar muscle groups I get from one arm pull ups. I can get that with their highest pound tension gear.

    The exercises I get out of this to help me with climbing are:

    1. Lock off and one arm pull up simulation
    2. Compression simulation
    3. Pull down with both arms for double arm lock offs

    The other exercises I get out of this:

    1. Simulation of recurve or compound bow pull at various pounds of pull
    2. Side pull at different angles
    3. Simulated one arm chin up like pull

    I am sure there are more things I can do with this, but these exercises provide me with a workout I need for my purposes. Hands down, I have yet to find another piece of gear that gets my workout done in minutes that I would need to usually drive to the gym for. There are exercises I cannot do with even gym gear to isolate the muscle groups I want to work.

    I highly recommend this gear for climbers, and depends on your climbing level, get the various compression levels as some workouts will be difficult at the highest compression model they offer. I increased one grade level in a month (intermediate grades) just by working out some muscle groups outside of just climbing.

    Hope this helps.

  62. LavonDeRougemon says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s brilliant value for money and very easy to use I use it 4 times a week and already see the results I’m very happy and glad I bought it well done go fitness

  63. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    UPDATE: Have been using this product for a couple of weeks now. The design is superb, the quality of the item is superb, and it starts to get the results. This is a natural alternative to a gym without a doubt. Would very, very highly recommend this item. It is small on storage space yet massive on results. For the actual price of the product this is a total no-brainer. Well done guys, you have come up with a top drawer item!!
    Fitness is now taking a new direction thanks to this amazing device!!

  64. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    When it arrived, the item was strong, sturdy, looked durable. So far so good. It has been 9 days and i can see the difference of my chest and arms but there is a long way to go.

  65. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The product is a solid build so versatile to work out various parts of the upper body and to build strength, only been using it days but can feel the benefits, I opted for the 30kg version and found it to be easier, so I contacted the seller and they sent me the next grade up 40kg free of charge, arrived the very next day, excellent customer service and fast delivery.

  66. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m a marathon runner but have always neglected working on my upper body / core strength. After getting some advice from a running coach I decided to look for a simple but quality piece of home gym equipment and the Go Fitness Push Up Bar kept leaping to the top of my Amazon searches.

    Did it seem a bit expensive? Perhaps on first glance, but there didn’t seem to be anything else comparable for under 100, and the reviews were so glowing, I decide to give it a go and ordered the 30kg version.

    On arrival I was impressed – it felt high quality and I could feel it working my chest right away. However, within a couple of days I realised I should’ve listened to other review and gone for 40kg version. I emailed GoFitness customer service directly and received a reply within 2 hours offering to send the 40kg replacement free of charge. It arrived 2 days later and I’m very happy. After just a week of use (hard work!!) I can already feel and see the difference from just 15-20 minutes of use a day. This product is worth every penny in my opinion.

  67. ShelliTelfer says:

     United Kingdom

    Great machine easy to take away on holiday break to use

  68. Allison Ellis says:

     United Kingdom

    I really like the design of these, feel solid enough and minimal moving parts to go wrong. I’d say if you’re brand new to weights or resistance training then go for the 30kg version but if you’re wanting to work harder then use one of the higher resistance options. Customer support has been very impressive in responding to a query I had too so all in all very happy with my purchase,ill be using it regularly.

  69. Katie Teague says:

     United Kingdom

    My arms are long, so I found it quite easy to use the 30KG machine which I had initially ordered. I wrote to customer service and they immediately offered to send me the 40kg for no charge. I now have both the 30kg and 40kg and I find that the combination of both makes for a really good workout. I first use the 30kg to warm up and when I can feel the adrenaline pumping I move to the 40kg.

    What I really like about this device is that it makes for a zero-fuss workout and because it is resistance training the likelihood of injury seems very low. It does leave you feeling quite strong and pumped up and I can definitely feel and see an improvement after a few weeks – particularly in forearms and chest.

  70. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Absolutely fantastic piece of equipment. Really gives the upper body a total workout. Great customer service too.

  71. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve been looking for a product to increase muscle strength in my arms and chest and this ticks all the boxes. It is so easy to use and targets multiple muscle groups. I have only been using it for a short while for approximately 20 minutes a day and can already see an increase in muscle plus feel a lot stronger and fitter.

  72. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersAppareil intressant, permettant de varier les exercices et les moyens de contraction des muscles. Sympa pour diversifier les sances mais pas toujours hyper intuitif. Selon les exercices, une seule rsistance ne suffit pas mais le service client du vendeur est trs trs bon, il m’a donc t possible d’avoir un second appareil avec une rsistance plus lev pour pouvoir faire plus d’exercices.

  73. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    My arms are too long to reproduce the movements shown in the video guide so I started developing my own moves. This can be quite fun. With a little creativity, it’s possible to use this machine to get a full body work out. Another good thing is that because it is resistance training the likelihood of injury seems very low; if a movement is uncomfortable you simple won’t be able to pull it (and you certainly won’t repeat it).

    Can definitely feel and see an improvement after a few weeks – particularly in forearms.

    All in all a useful device – it is overpriced for what it is but there doesn’t seem to be anything of equal quality or functionality.

  74. News says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI purchased the GoFitness Push Down Bar Machine (90 lbs) as an addition to other fitness equipments to enhance my workout routines. I am not a gym person, so over the years I’ve bought many exercise machines that I can use at home. I was not disappointed when the Push Down Bar was delivered. It’s solid and well crafted.
    I decided to try some of the suggested workout programs included in the package and realized I could handle some of the reps and sets comfortably with the 90 lbs Bar, others were a bit of a challenge, whereas in a couple of exercises I figured I could challenge myself with a higher resistance Bar. So a few days after ordering the 90 lbs Bar, I also ordered the 70 lbs Bar for those routines that I needed a lower resistance for more sets and reps. I wanted to order the 110 lbs Push Down Bar Machine, but I knew I had to wait since it wasn’t feasible financially at the time.
    I reached out to GoFitness to see if a discount could be extended so I could purchase the machine. GoFitness reached out within the hour, and after a couple of quick communications they helped me reach my goal.
    I’ve set aside my other workout equipments for now, and I’m enjoying using the Push Down Bar Machines. Great product, greater investment!
    I’ve been an Amazon customer for years, and this is only my second review. My first review was in 2007.
    Also, one must note that the equipments are not adjustable… they come in different resistance levels, and it’s a great fitness investment if you decide to get just one (based on your fitness level and needs), or if you decide to get various resistance Push Down Bar Machines. Either way, it’s a quality product.

    Great equipment!

  75. LeoraMcLerie says:

     United Kingdom

    Great tool for exercising at home, bought this for my home gym and it’s a great addition. It’s well built and easy to use, highly recommend! The seller is also friendly and really helpful!

  76. SuzanneVDI says:

     United Kingdom

    Looks sturdy and well made complete with instruction illustrations delivered promptly

  77. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is an excellent bit of kit so simple in its design but works an absolute charm, all my muscles are improving and already after a few weeks I feel and look much stronger. As a man of a certain age with a left sided weakness meaning I do not have much use in my arm/shoulder but this device enables me to exercise at last. Highly recommended.

  78. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I would highly recommend this. Bought for my husband and he noticed the difference pretty much straight away.

    The customer service was second to none. We considered returning the 20kg one as it was too easy but we were promptly sent a 30kg one within a couple of days complimentary.

  79. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s a very useful machine and has a lot more functions than just chest expansion. The sellers are very accommodating too, very helpful.

  80. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this to try to maintain some strength while recovering from a rotator cuff tear. I find the 50kg one is good for a quick workout and works well around my injury. With a bit more imagination and commitment I suspect it could be very effective. This product is aimed at home fitness types, so strong people, athletes and regular weight lifting gym goers probably would not find it challenging enough to make any gains from, however it would be a useful tool for a quick workout fix on the move when you cannot get to a gym or rehab if injury is preventing you from lifting. If you are new to resistance training this would be a good purchase and you will feel the benefit and I doubt you can injure yourself with it.

  81. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I found the resistance of the 40kg product to easy when completing some exercises. I contacted the company and received a reply to my email within 24hours, offering me a free of charge 50kg version. The 50kg version has now arrived, couldn’t ask for more, great customer service. Thank you

  82. JaniSwinteocgki says:

     United Kingdom

    This bar machine is versatile and can be used to exercise a range of muscles (chest, arms, abs). It is easy to use with a small leaflet in the package which explains the various exercises possible. It is also compact enough to pack into a medium/large suitcase so useful when travelling. Well made also. Overall a very worthwhile purchase.

  83. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    ***Product received at half price for review***

    Seems like a decent piece of kit and expect it to last a long time – can’t really see what could go wrong with it.

    As others have said, if you contact customer support they will send another model for free if the one you chose is too easy/hard. Although this seems to indicate a very high profit margin, as said it seems a solid piece of kit.

    I have been using now for about two weeks and can already feel and see improvements muscle and tone wise.

    Each machine comes with a little booklet that explains the different ways you can use it to target certain muscles or muscle groups, and a chart that gives a guide on routines you could do over say a week. They also come with a tiny yoga-style mat that you can use in certain poses for cushioning and although I don’t personally need that it’s a nice touch.

    Overall, bit overpriced, but happy with the product and customer service

  84. JackBVYqwvypu says:

     United Kingdom

    I have two of these expanders, the 30kg and 40kg, I am a large fit man in my 60’s. I find the 40kg has strong resistance, I would imagine the 50kg would be for serious (younger) male athletes. The 30kg I can fully depress and (for me) is a good resistance for light training – the 30kg would great for fit women.
    The expanders are of a good quality to premium build and are comfortable to use in most training positions, the included foam training pad allows you to use machine against your body in comfort.
    These machines are tough!!! are mainly metal – the resistance springs are doubled coiled, so 4 springs – they have qualty plastic+foam handles (no sharp edges) and all metal bolt/screw constuction.
    The seller GOFITNESS responded to my questions about this apparatus promptly, professionally and enthusiastcally, which was refreshing.
    I thoroughly recommend this training machine and seller GOFITNESS for their customer service which is second to none 🙂

    A fantastic all body training tool

  85. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really easy to use . I would advise ordering a slightly more resistant model than what is stated as the stated weight is too low.

  86. Emily. Arc says:

     United Kingdom

    This is well worth buying.
    Excellent, well made and certainly does what it says on the tin.
    Lightweight material and easy to use.
    Glad to have it as pert of my home gym.

  87. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I purchased the 50kg bar. I emailed GoFitness as it was too heavy and they issued a complimentary 40kg bar which is perfect! I’ve been using the 40kg bar about a week and already making good strength improvements for arms, shoulders chest and back. Would highly recommend the product and they have excellent customer service if you need to change the weight.

  88. RebekahSterling says:

     United Kingdom

    Good indoor equipment,chest compressions/back/shoulders/triceps.I ordered the 40 kg resistance but they sent the 30 kg one for free after contacting them.All in all,best alternative to not using weights

  89. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Can see a difference after 3 days my chest is a lot firme

  90. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI wasn’t sure which weight I should get between the 70 lb. or 50 lb. one, so I opted for the 70 lb. one. My first impression after taking it out of the box is that it’s pretty big, and feels very strong and durable; it wasn’t flimsy and didn’t feel cheap at all, as I was a little skeptical of when ordering. So, if you’re on the fence about ordering, know that this feels durable and strong, and should be a long-lasting product…

    The thing you need to figure out when ordering is trying to get the right weight for you. After trying the product out I had a hard time pulling the bars all the way for the chest exercise. I could still get a work-out, but I was hoping to be able to consistently get a full extension when using. The item came with a card that said if the resistance is too much or too little, to send an email and they will take care of you…

    So, I contacted customer service and told them the resistance for the 70 lb. bar was a bit too much for me, and around 24 hours later they responded back and told me they would ship out the 50 lb. bar. So, the 50 lb. bar arrived just a few days later, and it’s easier to use and I can get a full extension on the chest exercise, but it’s still pretty strenuous; or at least it is for me. But I think the more I use it, the stronger I’ll get, therefore the easier it will be to use…

    I honestly think they should make a 30 lb. bar, as I think that would still provide a strong workout for some; at the very least it would be a great tool to use for toning-up. I have suggested this to customer service, and they said they will take that into consideration. I think this company is trying to produce a product that will eventually become a common household product, and with some adjustments, such as a 30 lb. bar being added to the store, I could see that happening.

  91. Henry Catchpole says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 135 From Our UsersHello, everyone. This review is for the GoFitness Pushdown Device. I purchaed this product and I can confirm that it will provide a great workout for your arms, chest and other areas.. It will help build your biceps,, triceps, pectoral muscles (chest), and can even build your deltoid (shoulder) and latissimus (back-underarm) muscles (if used correctly). The key to success with this kind of excercise equipment is to make certain that you are using it correctly! You must make certain that you are allowing your muscles to do all of the work, NOT your body momentum, and NOT in a hasty fashion/motion . In order to target each specific muscle group you must perform each repetition with correct form and balance. The body posture should be straight and you need to squeeze the excercise bar with even form and in a slow enough motion that allows the muscle groups to fully contract and be in total control of the work/resistance that is being performed. Rushing the excercise and movement will only prevent the muscles and muscle fibers from being fully targeted and worked. You also should have a progression chart to keep track of how many sets you are doing each time you use it, and how many reps (repetitions) you are doing each set. You need to keep track so you know exactly how much you are doing and how often you are doing it. That is the only way to truly know how much progress you are making as the weeks and months go by, because you need to stick to a solid program in order to achieve the best results and to know when it’s time to move to a higher resistance bar (example: 70 to 90 or 90 to 110). You can be creative and make your own workout plan and excercise plan with this device, but you need to use it correctly and consistently in order to maximize the results. This device will 100% get your blood flowing and muscles pumping and burning from the lactic acid buildup due to its ability to promote muscle fiber isolation and stimulation when done correctly! Anyone that says it does not help them build strength and muscle, is either using it incorrectly/inconsistenty, or is just too advanced for it and would require the highest resistance (110 professional bar). There are 5 different options…(30)- (50)- (70)- (90)- (110). If you are able to use the (110) with ease and no stimulation to the muscles after repeated repetitions then you must be incredibly strong and too advanced for isometric type excercises and require HEAVY weights! I recommend the (70) for the above average excercise enthusiast, because it allows the user to perform many repetitions while achieving a decent amount of resistance to stimulate the muscle fibers and to build strength and muscle. The best way to maximize results is to have the (70)- (90)- and (110), so that you can progress from level to level because eventually you will hit a plateau and the muscles will need further challenges to stimulate growth and strengthening, but that will take time, so be patient and do not give up! For others the best combination might be the (30)- (50)- (70)…see what’s best for you and the best mixture for your body and experience level! Also, I saw a person complaining that the bar is uneven when squeezed and compressed, causing one side to push in farther than the other side. That is another reason why you need to squeeze the bar slowly and with even form and balance to prevent the loss of control during the excercise. One of your arms is naturally stronger than the other so that can cause this to happen also. This item is great because it’s lightweight and portable allowing you to take it with you just about anywhere (on vacation, at work, in the office, etc.). Just throw it in the car and take it with you anywhere, and it doesn’t require much space to use, all you basically need to do is be able to standup with a little bit of elbow room! Its easy to use and much safer than weight training and alot more convenient too!! Here’s a tip…when you first use this (and use it correctly!) I’m sure your arms and pectoral muscles will be sore the next day! Don’t use it the following day! Let your muscles heal and let the muscle fibers heal and repair themselves first, before using it again! This can take anywhere between 1 day to 7 days depending on each individual and the excercise intensity level. Trust me, wait until you feel no soreness then use the device again and your body will be stronger/healed and be ready to have the muscle fibers ripped again…and this will shorten the healing time each time you use the device, while increasing your strength and muscle tone each time, and decreasing the recovery time required!!! Just a small tip, but BIG information to help us all. Another thing you can do is after you squeeze the bar and when it’s fully compressed, you can hold it in the squeezed position for several seconds (or as long as you want) each time to fully exaust the muscle groups. Just a suggestion, see if it works for you! You can even add basic isometric excercises (like push-ups, chin-ups) to your regimen to supplement using this item if you want to! But when you use this item correctly you will get a great upper body workout adding those things. I can also recommend this item because it seems very durable and Customer Service is excellent. I have extensive experience with weight training and excercise physiology. I have NEVER used any drugs or steroids in my entire life so I can speak from an honest standpoint and give honest and natural advice, and I am happy to be able to do that for anyone and everyone! I appreciate you taking the time to read this review. I apologize if it’s too long but I just wanted it to be helpful. I hope this info helps you with your purchasing decision. Now give this GoFitness Pushup Device a chance to help you get your body into shape! Thank you and God Bless.