Humusziegel Coco Coir Planting Soil – Pressed Natural Coco

Humusziegel Coco Coir Planting Soil – Pressed Natural Coco Soil for Plants – Peat Briquettes Soil Block Bricks- 2 x 650 g – 18 L

Coconut Soil Humus Brick Sowing Soil Potting Soil Bark Mulch Water ReservoirHumus Brick Coconut Soil Coconut Humus Sowing Soil Twin Pack Potting Soil Bark Mulch Pine BarkCoconut Soil Humus Brick Herbs Potting Soil Humus Compost Anus Seed GrowingDouble Pack Coconut Soil Humus Brick 650 g Coconut Fibre Potting Soil Coconut flower soil potting soil coconut soil coconut humus peat replacement potting soil bark mulch sowing soil

Universal use – can be used indoors and outdoors.

Coconut soil can be used pure for sowing and cultivation. To make your own substrates, you can mix up to 50% coconut soil with compost or classic potting soil. The coconut flower soil loosens the planting ball and does not harden due to constant watering.

Dimensions: 10 x 21 x 10 cm; 1.3 Kilograms
Part: 2x650gHumusziegelPrime
Manufacture: Humusziegel
Dimensions: 10 x 21 x 10 cm; 1.3 Kilograms
Reference: 2x650gHumusziegelPrime

66 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe das Produkt fr mein Substrat gekauft es ist wirklich prima.
    Ich empfehle den Block 20 Minuten aufweichen zulassen und ihn dann auseinander zu Brseln. Danach wrde ich die Erde eine Nacht ruhen lassen am nchsten Tag ist die Erde einsatzbereit.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our Users+ Sehr ergiebiges Produkt
    + gutes Substrat wenn mit anderen Komponenten gemischt (z.B. Bims)
    + Macht was es soll, sehe keinen groen qualitativen Unterschied zu anderen Kokoserden

    – Blcke sind zu gro, man kann sie schlecht trennen, ohne dass man den ganzen Block aufweichen muss
    – Block zieht das Wasser schlecht, man muss mit der Hand nachbearbeiten
    – hatte einen 15 cm langen verrosteten Nagel im Block

    Wenn man es aber mal geschafft hat, ist das Produkt grundstzlich OK. Ich werde es wohl nicht mehr nachbestellen weil ich oft kleinere Mengen brauche, die ich mit anderen Komponenten vermische. Aber ich kriege z.B. hier keine Ecke vom Block abgebrochen/gehackt/geschnitten. Auch nach Einweichen in Wasser geling es mir nur mit mhsamem Kraftaufwand, die bentigte Menge abzubrechen. Die Blcke sind sicher perfekt, wenn man grere Mengen verarbeiten mchte. Wenn man aber nur ab und zu was mischt/umtopft, finde ich persnlich die Blcke zu dick und fest.

  3. ShawneeXJF says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Impressionnant le volume que a prend !
    Prendre un rcipient en consquence

  4. GilbertMontagu says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    It is very easy to use, also value for money

  5. Megan Klein Zottarelli says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Great to store these blocks and only expand it when you need it – saves a lot of space. Would be even nicer if they were smaller – for those situations where you need less at the time! My plants have been thriving and for the first time ever I don’t have flies – usually whenever I bought compost from different sellers I would always end up with a fly infestation right after using it. Such a relief to have found this!

  6. SalShaycdnx says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Normale Erde gibt es bei mir nicht mehr, wirklich absolut das beste was ich bisher mit allen anderen Mixen konnte. Meine Raritt Pflanzen lieben es!

  7. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Diese Humusziegel sind einfach und schnell mit Wasser zur Blumenerde zu verarbeiten. Sehr praktisch und es entfllt das schleppen der sonst schweren Scke von Blumenerde.

  8. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Ergiebig und wie auf der Verpackung angegeben.
    Um so heier das Wasser desto mehr Volumen kriegt man raus

  9. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Da usare per germinare i semi di Pawlonia,spero funzioni

  10. collettakay says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I mix with farmyard manure and topsoil and find my salad crops, baskets and pots ate flourishing. It is a previously wasted by product that helps stop the use of natural pest.

  11. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Leider sind die Kltze so hart das man sie nur schwer bis gar nicht portionieren kann, wenn man nicht die volle Menge bentigt. Ansonsten aber eine sehr gute Erde von guter Qualitt.

  12. ShondaAGRs says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Very easy to use, fast acting and mixes really well

  13. 'Mean' friends are the best kind of friends, science confirms says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Ich bin immer zu frieden mit diesem Produkt einfach Klasse.und vor allem fr Zimmerpflanzen.

  14. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersVorerfahrung mit anderen Produkten:
    Ich habe schon einiges an Kokosquelltabletten gehabt und andere Anzuchterde aber war nie wirklich zufrieden. Die Kokoserde die ich zuvor hatte ist sehr schnell ausgetrocknet und hat das Wasser kaum halten knnen. Anzuchterde die ich hatte war zu feucht und zu wenig luftdurchlssig, wodurch ich schnelle Schimmelbildung hatte.

    Dieses Produkt:
    Diese Kokoserde ist jedoch mein absoluter Favorit bis jetzt. Die Menge die man heraus bekommt ist wunderbar. Die Erde bleibt feucht, aber nicht nass. Keine Schimmelbildung, was mir persnlich zeigt, dass die Luftdurchlssigkeit wirklich gegeben ist. Ebenso, sofern man die Erde nicht stark anpresst, bleibt sie locker und hilft den Pflanzen bei einer guten Wurzelbildung, ebenso erleichtert es spter die Jungpflanzen zu pikieren ohne Wurzeln zu verletzen.
    Bisher ist jeder Samen in der Erde aufgegangen und ist gesund gewachsen bis zu dem Moment wo es Zeit war sie nach drauen zu setzten oder einen eigenen Topf zu geben.
    Sollte man die Pflanzen dngen mssen, einfach Flssigdnger verwenden.

  15. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Ich habe die Ziegel zum ersten Mal gekauft und war etwas skeptisch.
    Habe damit Blumenksten gefllt und wollte nicht kiloweise Erde schleppen.
    Die Mischung funktioniert mit der angegebenen Menge Wasser. Lsst sich toll
    verarbeiten. So ein paar Hnde normale Erde hab ich noch dazugegeben.
    Ich bin hoch begeistert und werde nachbestellen, um die ein oder andere
    Zimmerpflanze damit zu topfen. Daumen hoch und absolute Kaufempfehlung.
    Ein vergleichbares Produkt aus dem Baumarkt (Horn…) gefllt mir lange nicht so gut,
    aber das ist sicher Ansichtssache.
    Der Kauf von Humusziegeln ist eine sehr gute Alternative oder Ergnzung.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to use, good quality, lightweight for making healthy soil for plants

  17. Anonymous says:


    Die Lieferung war prompt, das Quell Ergebnis war beeindruckend, bin sehr zufrieden.

  18. Alexis Leigh says:


    Ich bin mit den Humusziegeln sehr zufrieden, wrde sie auf jeden Fall wieder kaufe

  19. DorotheCate says:

     United Kingdom

    I wish I bought this kind of product a long ago. It’s such a good idea to use for my Indoor Plants instead of just using multi purpose compost.
    I also like the compact version as it saves space and easy to store.

    Thank you so much.

  20. IsabelCottrell says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I used one brick at a time for filling trays & planting seeds for spring/summer. Great results & easier to store than sacks. Quick delivery.

  21. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Worried it might not be enough, but they really expand! The plants are loving them too

  22. John Peters II says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    War zwar eine schwere Angelegenheit, den Block in Wasser zu lsen und ich musste etwas mit einer Gabel nachhelfen, aber sobald das geschafft war, alles top.
    Fr Kokosfasern recht geruchsneutral, zumindest nach einigen Stunden.
    Hab die Fasern zusammen mit Perlit genutzt um eine Monstera einzupflanzen, macht sich darin recht gu

  23. RochellTruscott says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Fibra di cocco per piante di buona qualit, ben lavorata, forse la migliore che ho provato. Non sono un esperto ma uso la fibra di cocco per le mie piante da qualche anno, da sola o con aggiunta (ancora meglio) di perlite o argilla espansa . La fibra neutra, priva di sostanze nutritive quindi bisogna aggiungerle, personalmente ho sempre usato fertilizzante specifico o dove indicato che adatto anche al substrato di cocco, perch ho sempre sentito che non vanno bene i fertilizzanti normali, ma ripeto, non sono un esperto. Concordo con quello che si dice sulla fibra di cocco, oltre che leggera e pratica, mantiene un ph stabile, molto drenante (tra l’altro, essendo un substrato utilizzato anche in idroponica, non si rischia di “affogare” la pianta se si da troppa acqua), trattiene discretamente l’umidit, lascia passare pi ossigeno tra le radici con conseguente miglior crescita. Non torno pi al terriccio.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Excellent stuff! Just add warm water and after 20 minutes you have your soil. I just use half a brick at a time.

  25. Shanon Maglente says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Awesome and cheap save money. I only use 2 out if 3 and more enough cover 4 foot vivarium and one spare save me fortune will buy these again and organic too and even better then most other reptiles substrate brands too plus keep humidity very high can’t go wrong with this be hones

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Use this for our tortoise table. Easy to use. Tip always leave to soak in bigger container than think this stuff grows when wet!

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I initially rated this product as two stars because the first brick did not expand in contact with water. However, the second and third did expand quickly. It was fair to change the review. One star off because there are no instructions in English only German. It is not an issue for me but some UK customers would be annoyed.

    Fine Product but…

  28. LeonoraCollick says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI’ve had no problem with this soil as non-expert gardener, mixing it with normal compost and pebbles, great results in the germination and seedlings growth process, from my experience, you can see the difference with havana tobacco plants between the the one in the video and picture, the ones ground-planted had the same mixture bread as a seedlings that I bought them, it’s the same plant and soil composition but probably sun exposition and the very compact soil around their hole hhave had a bigger say.


  29. SherrilNuttall says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    That’s great how you made a huge amount of soil from this small brick. No bugs, no other aliens. So I will give you another feedback in a few weeks. For now, I’m satisfied.

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I bought these soil blocks for my giant Africa land snail as specialist snail soil can be quite expensive even before shipping fees. As Tobi (the snail) has quite a big tank I assumed I would need to use a couple of blocks but one provided more than enough soil depth for spring and summer! The brick did take a long time to absorb the water and I needed to use a good three to four liters of water but appart from that it’s a really great product. If you have a slimey friend I highly recommend!

    Very happy snail!

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    So far, so good. Was easy to prepare and was a nice texture. I have used it to pot some young succulents, mixed with sand and some tomato plants, mixed with compost. How much the plants like it remains to be seen!

  32. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersI like this stuff My garden get very waterlogged boarders a inch high or more with rain I put the coco in a bucket wait for it to expand bung it on the boarder and it sucks the water in and stays there and the problem is gone won’t change the balance of the soil a game changer save my plants roots or bulbs going mushy will buy again one happy custome

  33. Katie says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Delighted with this product, saves carrying bags of compost, and environmentally friendly. Good price too.

  34. WeldonDaulton says:

     France 🇫🇷

    je l’ai utilise pour remplacer une terre trop pauvre pour planter tomates, basilic, menthe, fleurs etc. Facile utiliser et amusant pour les enfants de voir la capacit d’expansion avec l’eau.

  35. EstebanDellinge says:

     France 🇫🇷

    J’ai command ces briques de terreau car j’en avais assez de trainer des sacs lourds et je dois avouer que je trouve ce produit gnial
    Facile et lger porter
    Facile stocker
    Facile reconstituer
    Idal pour les jardinires et les parterres par contre pour regarnir ma pelouse , je prfre le terreau
    Trs contente de cette commande , un produit que je recommande +++++

  36. lodi says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Manoeuvrability 3 stars as they arrived in a van with wheels on it. Since then not moved them around much. Just used the odd one or two. Lots of uses for this product from growing stuff in to taking a dump in. Seems some type of composting toilets use them as well.

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    The product is great, but took off a star due to the inner packaging being broken when I received it and Coco coir going all over my carpet after I opened the Amazon box.

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Not used these yet, but having used similar products i am sure they’ll be fine

  39. CNET News staff says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    We bought this for some small chilli plants in the house not knowing what to expect. We placed one block of it into a washing bowl and added water, it grew to fill the entire bowl, I had so much I was able to let my mum have the rest for her plants. We still have 1 block left and would recommend this to anyone needing to pot some plants but doesn’t want a huge bag of soil. Will buy again when needed.

  40. Timothy Karr says:


    Je ne l’ai pas encore utilis car il m’en restait de l’anne dernire, mais je pense que la qualit est au rendez-vous.

  41. Anonymous says:


    Schnelle Lieferung und sofort ausprobiert. Quillt relativ schnell auf. Es sind zwei Blcke und ich habe erst einen benutzt – sehr praktisch. Habe statt der angegeben 4 l nur 3 l Wasser genommen und die Erde war gut feucht und locker. So konnte ich gleich die ersten Samenkrnchen aussen. Bin total begeistert und swerde diese Erde ganz sicher wieder kaufen.

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersAfter much research, I decided to try coco coir as opposed to standard garden centre soil for two reasons. The first due to storage issues and the second due to a previous infestation of fungus gnats.
    Having a huge bag of soil sitting out in the shed seems to attract these annoying bugs and, as a result, a couple of plants have been potted with them unknowingly harbouring in the soil!
    As well as working on other methods to get rid of the fungus gnats (underwatering, cinnamon, etc) I thought it would be a good idea to reconsider my potting medium.
    I settled with this product because it just seemed a lot less hassle overall. However, with this I also had to purchase perlite and a liquid fertiliser.
    The only issue I encountered was making up the coco coir. As someone mentioned on one of the reviews for this, this soil solution comes with no English instructions – but is great if you’re fluent in German!
    For that reason, it was a hit and miss prep. The first brick I think I put too much water in and I had to subsequently drain it. However, by the second, I realised that hot water that is just slightly below the level of the brick does the trick.
    It’s early days yet but if this method works, I will be sticking with it and ordering more in the near future. Fingers crossed!

    A great idea - but be vigilant when preparing

  43. ConradShumack says:

     United Kingdom

    Inert and ready for addition of your own recipe of nutrients. Never fail with coco

  44. SterlinNorthfie says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    You can just use 1 block and I used it for garden pots

  45. MarcelaGinder says:

     United Kingdom

    Once again, already wrote a review about this product. A good one. But somehow that was disregarded it seems.

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    At a time when buying compost is not easy these blocks are really good. Light Blocks and plants love the resultant compost after adding water. May not be the cheapest but I will continue to buy this quality product!

  47. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I Love this coco coir, it’s fantastic easy to rehydrate and looks lovely in the garden, it brightens the garden. Easy to store and light carry. A true life saver for someone that lives in a flat.

  48. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Place in bucket with 2Ltrs of water per block, add more if required, works well.

    Very happy with ease of use, easy to store and have to hand.

  49. EdisonRittenhou says:

     United Kingdom

    I find it great to use I mostly mix it with other compost, which gives me twice as much.

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I absolutely love them, so easy just add water. I’m going to buy some more actually.

  51. Andre Blackman says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Great product, but nothing on the packaging was in English that I could see. As an international seller I was at least expecting a separate piece of paper with the instructions written on it.

  52. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis is an easy to use GROWING MEDIUM. IIt is portable and takes very little space to store.However,to grow plants successfully YOU MUST ADD A GOOD QUALITY FEED OR FERTILISER to the mix once you’ve added the water for it to expand..I have used this many times in containers and baskets. You need to make sure that the compost does not dry out. Well packed in strong cardboard box.

  53. JournalLive says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersGreat stuff, just throw in a washing up bowl full of water and full bowl of compost, I added orbies ( cheap version 🙂 as these help with water retention and do have some phosphate in em, and seaweed meal. You will need to add some kind of fertiliser as its just a medium with no nutrients, but handy and great stuff.

    Well worth the money

  54. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This item is excellent. First time using Coco peat. I used one block for now and it grew 3 times in size.
    Good Value for money.

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very good for potting. Easier to carry and store than traditional potting compost.

  56. RJXPriscil says:

     United Kingdom

    Couldn’t believe how much muc 1 brick made will definitely buy agai

  57. Alex Yarde says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Not exactly as i had expected, but fulfilled my needs that I wanted it for.

  58. DannGallegos says:

     United Kingdom

    Arrived quickly. Easy product to store and use. Just planted my pot plants.

  59. WilburBanuelos says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to deliver
    Difficult to do with a child who was was anxious to just get on with planting

  60. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersJ,ai rempot toutes mes plantes et effectue des semis, mes plantes et graines semblent aimer, donc moi aussi. Une fois rhydrats les blocs forment un beau terreau et ce qui est trs pratique on ne doit pas utiliser tous les blocs la fois, le reste est donc facile ranger et ne prends pas beaucoup de placement et si par hasard on en a prpar de trop on peut stocker le surplus dans un sac en plastique et l’utiliser plus tard

  61. CorneliusSatter says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    No instructions how to use as a packaging was in German once I soaked it it expanded and proved was good

  62. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersIch bin sehr zufrieden mit der Kokoserde. Sie kommt kompakt verpackt und quillt wie versprochen auf. Dabei sollte man darauf achten, dass das Gef, in dem man die Erde ansetzt auch wirklich gro genug ist. Die Erde ist sehr rein und frei von blinden Passagieren (Insekten oder hnlichem).
    Die nhrstoffarme Erde eignet sich hervorragend, um Kruter anzupflanzen. Durch die Kokosfasern verhlt sich die Erde wie ein Schwamm und kann Wasser aufnehmen oder abgeben. Meine Kruter fhlen sich wohl und wachsen damit hervorragend auf meinem West-Balkon. Ich habe die Erde unvermischt benutzt, um die Kruter darin zu pflanzen. Schimmel oder andere Strenfriede haben sich bei mir nicht gebildet.
    Man sollte allerdings nicht vergessen, dass die Erde keine/kaum Nhrstoffe fr die Pflanzen liefert, daher dnge ich das Giewasser alle paar Wochen schwach.

  63. AlenaKinslow says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersLeave in a bucket with a small amount of water for an HR or so . Add more water if needed and as compost expands. Instructions are in German but simple enough to make up. I use this as a base compost in a wormery.

  64. JestineBeard says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI looked for this product after buying some similar from Ikea. It’s not quite as ‘user friendly’ as theirs – I found this a lot more difficult to make useable as its very dry and hard. But I found that if you cut it in half with a saw first and then leave it in a bucket half filled with water for 10 minutes it’s a lot more manageable. My plants seem to like it.

  65. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersEasy to make up as per the instructions. Use plastic containers to rehydrate and it washes off effortlessly at the end. I used it to fill half of my deep perspex base tray that replaces the storage section in the Savic Royal Suite cage. The rats immediately started digging in it and now have a series of deep chambers and tunnels. Perfect for the job. It’s been suggested that it will need replaced after about 4 to 6 weeks, and it took 9 bricks to fill the section, so not cheap, but I filled it to the brim and a lot of it has been kicked out in the digging process which I am saving for the next change. So we’ll see… but having seen their digging skills in full use I doubt I will want to remove the enrichment.

  66. KristiAstudillo says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 31 From Our UsersExcellent next day delivery with Amazon Prime as I needed some urgently. Placed Briquette in a basin and poured hot water over left for a few minutes and it crumble easily, quickly and was quite fluffy. The reason for using hot water rather than cold is to sterilise so that any fungi and larva would be killed.