Lubluelu Cordless Vacuum Cleaner 25KPa,Vacuum Cleaner

Lubluelu Cordless Vacuum Cleaner 25KPa,Vacuum Cleaner Cordless Powerful with 50 Mins, Wireless Vacuum Cleaner with Self-Standing, Vacuum Cleaner 235W Detachable Battery for Floor Carpet Pet Hai

Weight: | 2.1 kg |
Dimensions: | 32 x 13 x 15 cm; 2.1 Kilograms |
Manufacture: | Lubluelu |
Dimensions: | 32 x 13 x 15 cm; 2.1 Kilograms |
I had a similar one and it lasted for about 2 years. This is a disposable item, which is a shame as it’s quite decent right now. The fact that it stands on it’s own is a nice feature, the other one had to hang off the wall.
Cleans ok, carpets are a tougher job, but if you are persistent it will do the job.
Didnt know what to expect but was recommended so we gave it a go. Arrived next day which is always good and used around the house a few times so far. Cant comment yet on long term use but so far it’s great and wouldnt hesitate to recommend this. Just remember it’s not heavy duty and not a Kirby, but for a quick clean around this is ideal. Very happy
All in all hoover is fine but don’t get as long from battery as other ones that have had. Always on charge !
Very good suction easy to empty battery lasts very well good cleane
only used it once and it worked as it should of, no problems
I highly recommend Lubluelu to anyone in the market for a new cordless vacuum cleaner. Not only do they provide quality products, but their exceptional customer service sets them apart from other sellers.
A light, easily managed vacuum cleaner. Comfortable to use. Works well on hard floors, needs the boost function for carpets. Integrated light useful for corners and under furniture. Easy to carry upstairs. Would recommend.
This cordless hoover appears to be made well, easy to put together and the suction is good. I’m pleased with it much cheaper than a Dyson or shark but just as good. It’s not my main hoover I use it more for the car etc.
Overall good for a small flat, ideal for my needs at a reasonable price. Good suction on my hardwood floors just not so on carpet.
Bought for a 2 bed, 2 bath, no carpet flat , no pets – works perfectly, quick charge, good suction and self stands which is great to store it – 10/10 would recommend.
A lovely light product, fluffs up the carpets making them look really clean. I’m impressed. Please do not hesitate to buy one!
Ich liebe den staubsauger er tut absolut was er soll erleichtert mein Leben und macht mich einfach glcklich!!
Ich bin so froh ber die Bestellung und dass ich mich dafr entschieden habe. Ich hoffe er hlt auch lang!
Super Preis- Leistungsverhltnis, es macht Spa damit zu saugen. Einfache Bedienung, cooles Design, gute Saugleistung, sehr flexibel und man kommt in jede Ecke, fester Stand, einfache Entleerung. Super Staubsauger.
Leggero maneggevole e pratico ho notato che i capelli restano intorcigliati gi nella spazzola unica cosa migliorabile
Ottimo per mantenere casa pulita. Avendo un aspirapolvere principale ho preso anche questo per averlo sotto mano sempre pronto al uso, soprattutto in cucina. Lo trovo molto comodo e potente. Anche potenza “media ” pi di sufficiente per pulire pavimento. Soddisfatto.
Wirklich toller Leistungsstarker Staubsauger fr den Preis.
Akku entnehmbar und separat ladbar.
Reinigung des Staubsaugers kinderleicht.
Unkompliziertes Arbeiten durch leichtes Gewicht, und kommt sogar ohne Mhe unter die Couch beim saugen.
Kann ich jedem empfehle
Buono ,Leggero Molto meglio del previsto. Ottima la luce della spazzola son 2 giorni che provo e a oggi voto 9.
Fr das Geld ist der Staubsauger sehr gut! Qualitt und Anmutung der Materialien ist sehr hochwertig. Bis jetzt sind wir voll zufrieden. Mann muss es in Relation mit dyson sehen. Dyson kostet teilweise das 4 fache und ist aber nicht wirklich besser.
Alles in einem top Staubsauger!
Ich wollte einen zustzlichen Sauger neben einem Saugroboter und hab mich hier fr entschieden, da ich keine unsummen ausgeben wollte.
Preis-Leistung hier auf jeden fall Top.
Da der Staubsauger erst einige Wochen in betrieb ist kann ich noch nicht sehr viel zum Akku sagen, diesen gibt es aber bereits fr 50 als ersatteil.
Aspirapolvere molto efficiente,durata della batteria a media velocit 25 Min. Potenza di aspirazione efficace anche sui pili di animali e sassetti. Sta in piedi quindi comodissimo direi. Non serve fissarlo al muro. Utile anche il fatto che si trovano anche gli accessori di ricambio; batteria, spazzola e filtri.
Molto soddisfatta lo consiglio!
Ich war erst sehr skeptisch diesen Staubsauger zu kaufen. Habe mich dann doch dafr entschlossen. Und ich muss sagen das der Akkustaubsauger einfach super ist. Ich wrde mir diesen sofort wieder kaufen. Im Nu ist er zusammen gebaut. Lsst sich sehr einfach reinigen. Der Geruschpegel ist gut. Sogar meine Kids lieben ihn und staubsaugen jetzt freiwillig 🙂
Puissance d’aspiration et maniabilit OK. voir dans le temps mais premire impression positive
Schade, weil sonst wirklich guter Sauger, deshalb hchstens 3 Sterne.
Super Service! Die Firma hat mich kontaktiert und sofort einen neuen Akku geschickt. Daher upgrade auf 5 Sterne. Wenn der Sauger, wie gesagt, sehr gut, jetzt auch noch durchhlt, gibt’s noch noch ein paar imaginre Sterne dazu
Per una casa di 70m perfetta, faccio tutta casa a potenza massima e rimane sempre un 30% di batteria. Ottima anche sui tappeti e comodissimi i due accessori per divani/poltrone e superfici varie. Sta in piedi da sola ma non molto stabile, meglio accostarla ad un muro per sicurezza. Un po’ somoda per il peso che dopo un po’ si accusa sul polso, ma nulla di che, per il prezzo (130) davvero eccellente.
Fr mich ein perfekter Staubsauger.
Er ist leicht in der Handhabung sowie in der Verarbeitung. Leicht kann man ihn in seinen verschiedenen Funktionen benutzen sowie in deinen verschiedenen Saugstrken. Er ist relative leise, was es fr mich sehr angenehm macht.
Fr mich ist er der perfekte Altagsheld”. Er ist schnell im Gebrauch, kein lstiges Kabel hinterher ziehen mehr, und hat in meinen Augen eine gute saugleistung!
Leggero managgevole potenza di aspirazione buona, non ai livelli del marchio leader sul mercato. Versatilit per le opzioni di ricarica (con e senza supporto). Prodotto in definitiva buona e in linea con le promesse..
Nach fast 20 Jahren Phillips Bodenstaubsauger, nun diesen hier gekauft. Mit dem alten blieb man immer irgendwo hngen. Frau ist ganz happy mit dem Lubluelu. Und wirklich leise ist er auch. Nur schade das er nicht auf der Stufe startet die man zuletzt hatte. D.h immer durchschalten , da uns die kleinste reicht.
Extrem leise, selbst auf hchster Stufe! Saugt perfekt Katzenstreu (fein, – und grobkrnig) auf, Akku hlt lange! Hatten schon einige Akkussuger, auch hochgelobte, die sich bei uns als Flop rausstellten, aber dieser hier ist unschlagbar! Haben ihn im Angebot gekauft und nicht bereut, tglich mehrmals im Einsatz. Das entleeren geht kinderleicht, ohne sich die Finger schmutzig zu machen (war fr mich wichtig)!
Klare Kaufempfehlung
maniable et assez lger votre l’usage je viens de le reevoi
ich habe diesen Sauger wie viele als Zweitgert bestellt, weil ich nicht immer den groen Staubsauger mit Kabel rausziehen mchte.
Hauptschlich geht es um Katzenstreu das immer im Bad verteilt ist.
Der Sauger hat auch im mittelstarken Modus ausreichend Kraft um alles aufzunehmen.
Kam bis jetzt nichts negatives berichten.
Ich hoffe das Gert bleibt mir lange erhalten. Habe es nun erstmal seit 2 Wochen im Gebrauch.
Buonissimo prodotto per chi ha un appartamento di 80mq.
La batteria a piena potenza della scopa dura piu o meno 20-22 min. La potenza di aspirazione abbastanza buona.
Diciamo che ci sono prodotti migliori ma che si pagno di piu.
Bravi buon prodotto
Dieser Akkusauger hat alles, was man braucht und nicht mehr. Das finde ich super! Kein unntiger Schnickschnack. Er kann selbstndig stehen, was auch total praktisch ist. Die Bedienung und der Zusammenbau sind sehr simpel und intuitiv. Ich habe ihn bisher selten auf der maximalen Saugkraftstufe benutzt, damit der Akku lnger hlt und bei der mittleren oder niedrigen Stufe ist die Saugkraft schon eher etwas schwach. Aber fr einen normalen Haushalt vollkommen ausreichend. Ich kann diesen Staubsauger guten Gewissens empfehlen.
Ich habe mir diesen Staubsauger geholt, um die Treppenstufen saugen zu knnen, ohne dass ich unseren groen, schweren Sauger immer die Treppen hoch und runter befrdern muss. Ich bin sehr zufrieden und habe schon einen Zweiten frs Bro bestellt. Mittlerweile beschrnkt sich das Saugen nicht mehr auf die Treppen, sondern das ganze Haus wird damit gesaugt, weil er wendiger und leichter ist, als ein normaler Staubsauger. Ich kann ihn uneingeschrnkt empfehlen.
Grundstzlich ein ganz guter Sauger. Mir hat einfach das gewisse etwas gefehlt, um ihn behalten zu wollen. Er war zwar in vielen Belangen ganz okay, aber eben nicht wirklich gut aus meiner Sicht. Das fngt bei dem Griff an und hrt beim Motorgerusch auf. Auch die verschiedenen Steckverbindungen haben sich jetzt nicht so super wertig angefhlt. Und wenn man natrlich schon Angst haben muss, dass bald etwas kaputt geht, ist das natrlich eine schlechte Ausgangslage fr ein neues Produkt. Unwissend, ob die Bedenken hier berhaupt angebracht sind. Wie gesagt, der Gesamteindruck war wirklich in Ordnung, aber ich habe mich dann doch fr etwas hherpreisiges entschieden.
Je vous conseil cette aspirateu
Nachtrag: nach einem Monat in Gebrauch musste ich bereits den Filter reinigen. Der war komplett mit Feinstaub verstopft, vermutlich Milbenkot aus dem Teppich. Das ist eine ziemliche Sauerei den ganzen Staub da wieder rauszupinseln – hab dann einfach meinen alten Staubsauger benutzt, um den Filter richtig sauber zu machen, sonst fliegt der Staub nur so umher! Ich hoffe, das war jetzt blo der olle Dreck, den mein alter schwacher Sauger im Teppich hinterlie und ich nicht jeden Monat diese umstndliche Grundreinigung des Filters durchfhren muss – das wre sonst ein dicker Minuspunkt.
Messaggio per Amazon, avere tolto l’opportunit di parlare con un operatore telefonicamente vi ha tolto un grosso vantaggio rispetto ad altri fornitori e vi rimette nella mischia dove il prezzo pi vantaggioso verr premiato da molti acquirenti a discapito del servizio. PECCATO !!!!
Trs efficace !! Je l’ai achet en remplacement d’un DysonV11 subitement mort car flemme de payer encore une blinde. Pour un 42m2, l’aspirateur fait LARGEMENT le travail. La puissance d’aspiration n’est pas comme son concurrent en revanche. J’apprcie notamment l’esthtique, maniabilit, les diffrents embouts, la lumire permet de bien voir la salet (petit tips : aspirez dans le noir c’est trop satisfaisant avec la lumire). Tient bien la batterie pour l’instant. Bref je suis trop contente !!
Also ich wei nicht wie hier so gute Bewertungen zustande gekommen sind aber bei diesem Gert bekommt man nur schlechte Laune oder man wirft es gleich in die Tonne und der Tag wre dann gerette
Die saugleistung ist fr mein empfinden sehr gut! hauptschlich benutze ich die Standard Stufe, die mittlere. Damit lsst sich eigentlich alles sehr gut saugen! Die strkste Stufe habe ich auch schon getestet, aber ist eher selten notwendig im Alltag.
Das stecksystem des Staubsaugers ist super einfach zu handhaben! Schnelles zusammen bauen und auseinander bauen! Das fhrt sich auch fort beim Akku herausnehmen oder beim ffnen des Filters. Super easy zu ffnen und zu leeren!
Groer Plus Punkt, dass man den Akku herausnehmen kann und ohne den Staubsauger laden kann! Den Akku kann man einfacher mal zu einer Steckdose legen und laden als den ganzen Staubsauger immer im Schlepptau!
Damit verbunden ein weiterer Plus Punkt, dass man den Akku somit auch mal bei Bedarf austauschen kann, ohne direkt einen neuen Staubsauger zu kaufen. Das hat meine Wahl fr dieses Modell sehr bestrkt, denn bei meinem vorigen Staubsauger hat leider der Akku mit der Zeit schlapp gemacht was natrlich dann Einfluss auf die saugleistung und Dauer hat!
Die Reinigung empfinde ich fr einen beutellosen Staubsauger hier auch super einfach! Da ein Ersatz Filter mit zur Lieferung gehrt ist es auch kein Problem den Filter zu splen. Man kann dann einfach den anderen in der Zeit verwenden.
Auerdem ist der Staubsauger super leicht, sodass ich ihn sehr gut fhren kann auch als handstaubsauger!
Ich bin super zufrieden fr den Preis und die Leistung!! Also 5 Sterne voll verdient!!
I have been using this for a few weeks and it is genuinely the nest hoover I have ever owned.
I have also purchased a spare battery pack.
It works brilliantly for me – I am very happy…I just hope it lasts a few years!
Battery last long, I can go around and hoover the full house on full charge ! It’s just amazing and I would definitely recommend it!!
Der Kontakt zum Verkufer verlief sehr positiv. Es wurde schnell geantwortet und man ist sehr flexibel und individuell auf uns eingegangen. Nun haben wir das 2. Gert und noch einen weiteren Akku zum Ersatz hier stehen und alles funktioniert tadellos.
Wir haben einen Finnischen Spitz im Fellwechsel hier und er saugt wirklich alle Haare mhelos. Wir haben berall Laminat, Linoleum oder Flieen verlegt, daher kann ich zu Teppichbden keine Aussage treffen.
Das Gert ist superleicht und problemlos einhndig zu bedienen.
Mir persnlich erscheint er auch angenehm leise. Unser Saugroboter, der regelmig noch durch die Wohnung wuselt, ist lauter. Aber das ist immer sehr individuell vom Empfinden her und abhngig davon, womit man vergleicht.
Mit dem 360-Grad Kopf kommt man wunderbar in Rnder, Ecken und unter die meisten Mblestcke, ohne sich einmal bcken zu mssen (sehr angenehm). Die schmale Dse reinigt dann auch noch die kleinsten Ritzen und die kleine Brste das Sofa, oder mal eben meine Hosen (die ist sooo weich!)
Aka, das Zubehr ist sehr klug gewhlt. Die 3 Brsten/Dsen, die man hat, bentigt man auch wirklich aber eben auch nicht mehr. Das heit, kein unntzes Zubehr, das jahrelang irgendwo rumliegt und fr das nie jemand Verwendung findet.
Was ich persnlich noch positiv erwhnen muss, da es der Grund ist, warum ich mich jahrelang geweigert habe, wieder einen Staubsauger dieser Art anzuschaffen, ist die Entleerung des Staubbehlters.
Als er gro aufkam, hatten wir ein Gert des namaften Herstellers mit dem groen D. Gut, die Technik stand vielleicht noch am anfang, aber wir wollten auch damals schon nachhaltig sein und nicht stndig Staubfilter nachkaufen. Aber die Behlterentleerung war grauenhaft. Die Losen Teile des Inhaltes fielen beim ffnen wie gewnscht raus aber am Boden plus 3-5cm aufwrts hatte man dann ne feste Staubschicht, die sich durch leichtes Klopfen auch nicht lste. Und dann hat man geklopft, geschlagen und gerappelt, bis das endlich nach und nach rauskam. ber dem Mlleimer hat sich ne dicke Staubwolke gebildet und beim Absetzen lag um den Mlleimer herum auch ne Schicht, die man dann gleich nochmal wegsaugen oder -wischen konnte. Es war eine Katastrophe.
Bei diesem Gert allerdings: Knopf gedrckt, Klappe auf, alles im Eimer, meist nicht einmal eine dnne Staubschicht am Behlterrand.
So genial!
Also ich kann bislang noch keine Kritik anbringen. Das Gert ist leicht in Gewicht und Bedienung, tut was es soll und dass sehr gut, ist angenehm leise, steht frei, nimmt kaum Platz weg und sieht in Design und Farbe auch noch sehr gut aus.
Und der Service des Verkufers ist dazu absolut lobenswert.
Wenn man sich dann noch den Preis anschaut …
Also wer da noch meckert …
Everything was good, lightweight and strong suction but the battery didn’t lasts long! If you have small flat would be ok.
All of it as described is true and much better than the last one I had with another brand.
Easy to assemble/dismantle and use. Just the main control is a little bit heavier than I expect so my hand gets tired at times, but perhaps can treat that as hang grip training…! No real complaints after all.
3 suction settings – battery life is long when in use
Came with all accessories also free filter
I would definitely recommend
This is the best vacuum I’ve owned. I’m actually enjoying vacuuming now and I hate housework. The hair cutting accessory is a great bonus too.
I was in need of an upgrade vfrom my Vax corded vacume cleaner. This purchase works like a charm and the self standing feature is super useful. Would definitely recommend.
I bought this as a replacement for another make. It was more expensive then my previous vacuum but I was able to buy this with a good discount.
Compared to what I had before it benefits from:
– 3 speeds instead of 2,
– extractable battery so less you don’t have to place the whole motor unit on a charger,
– upright standing capability
– extendable tube
– it appears to have stronger better design plastic components for connection pieces and dustbin hinges that should be hard to break compared to the make I had before.
So far so good then.
Brilliant easy to use. Stands up. Easy to carry up abs down stairs. Easy to change the head. Good suction power has 3 different settings
it’s amazing vacuum so far. I have it for 2 weeks now. Battery enough to run though all the room. Also I have a dog. Suction is a great for a such piece of kit. Recommend
We were a bit dubious on how well this would work, but have been nicely surprised. After charging, it’s very easy to use, has a good power and suction. Easy to remove the catchment box and empty it. As we’ve been using it, the charge needs replenishing more often, but hasn’t lost any powe
I’ve used this little vacuum cleaner and it seems to work quite well for what it is.
My only early concern is that the charger gets quite hot. However, I’ve charged it up a couple of times and it seems to cope with it. But it’s early days yet.
Firstly the positives – Very aesthetically pleasing, very easy to change attachments, fairly light weight, easy to use on the floor, fantastic design, great extender mechanism, good battery life, easy to charge (although doesn’t charge automatically in storage bracket, you need to plug in the adaptor).
So, I must say, I do love my first cordless vac!
However, the main negative for me, is that the main attachment for the floor is, as you would expect, great on the floor, but NOT good on stairs. It swivels well, has a great LED light. On stairs however, the attachment is too ‘floppy’ to keep at the right angle needed and is therefore quite tricky to use.
My friend has a more expensive very similar vac that has an additional attachment just for stairs. Perhaps if I’d known, I might have chosen this option. If Lubluelu offered this additional attachment I would definitely buy it! Hope they are reading this!! 🙂
We currently use the corded shark vacuum that this appears to be based on. Previously we had used the dyson equivelant (dont, its awful). Didnt expect much frmo this unknown brand in comparison to the shark, but i was really impressed.
Is as good as the shark, and way way better than the dyson. Incredible when you consider the price differences. Even compared to the other two, its such a high build quality that you could easilly mistake it as the premium brand against the others.
Weight wise its very light. Easy to glide around, carry up the stairs, and just feels a breeze to use. The fact that its cordless sets it above the shark for me personally, and the suction power makes the dyson look like a kids toy.
It has some nice quality of life features, like the stay pressed trigger, the headlights, swivel neck, etc.
The big test in our house is the pet hair. We have 3 cats and 2 dogs, so constantly find clumps of animal hair woven into the carpet, in electronic device vents, corner of doors , etc. No problem with this at all. Picks it all up. The only thing it did have issues wiht was hair thats woven too deap into a carpet, but a quick rup with a cheap pet hair removal tool and this cleans the remainder with ease.
Very VERY impressed.
On medium power, I am able get around the house without needing to put it on charge. Love that is has different power settings, handy for hoovering drawers, where u don’t want other things sucked up.
Very easy to empty and clean.
I love that the attachments are kept on it, much easier to use them. Than having to stop and get parts.
The fact that it is free standing is also great, because you can literally just put it by any power socket.
Really recommend it, great value for money.
It is ok for hoovering for short periods of time. The battery runs out quite quickly, especially if you use it in the highest setting, so you need to keep charging it every time. It takes a long time to fully charge. We are looking into buying a hoover with a cable as all cordless ones seem to have this issue.
It’s an absolutely fabulous little thing and I love i
This vacuum cleaner is pretty good for being so cheap. It has a decent running time and a bunch of useful accessories.
For a small house or a flat, I think it’s great. I wouldn’t say it’s as good as more expensive brands as the brand name isn’t the only reason why people pay other vacuum cleaners three or four times this one, but still.. this vacuum cleaner works well and it’s great for who cannot afford expensive ones.
For 127 with a 20 voucher, this vacuum cleaner is a bargain.
This hoover is amazing.
It glides over the wooden floors in my house picking up everything easily and fast.
It is so easy and smooth to move around my home.
I love it!
This purple cordless vacuum cleaner is quite powerful at 235W. It comes with a load of accessories for cleaning carpets, corners and stairs.
The power is from a medium-sized 2200 mAh lithium battery. It takes about an hour to charge from flat to full, and gives about 15 to 20 min of run time, depending on the speed setting you have it set on.
The upright vacuum brush head has a little light on to help see those dark spots and comes with an electric rotary brush to help pick up hair and other dirt from your floors.
The limitation of this vacuum is the time you can do the vacuuming, so this is a perfect secondary vacuum for using upstairs and for quick tidy-ups, but if you have a larger home with lots of carpets and potentially cat or dog hair, I would suggest getting a corded version.
These types of vacuum cleaners have got much better over time, and cheaper too. I like having a handheld vacuum around for those quick cleaning tasks and with these newer types, you also have a longer hose with a powered head too.
In the pack you get the motor head with a quick-release dust container. The battery is removable and also comes with a charger adapter. For attachments you get the long solid hose with a powered roller head, a long nozzle, a dust brush, a cleaning tool and a wall mount. The wall mount is a total waste of space though as it doesn’t hold the vacuum well at all. Thankfully one of the really good features of this one is that it stands upright on the powered head.
Using this one is simple as the motor head is well balanced. The battery slots in the back (it is charged directly in the battery not through the vacuum itself). There are three different speeds with the suction increasing with each. In practice I have found the slow and middle speed to be the most appropriate speeds to use. The battery lasts ages- nearly an hour on the slowest speed – and is more than enough for doing my flat as well as those smaller cleanup jobs around the house.
Overall, another quality vacuum that works well and is excellent value
I couldn’t believe how lightweight this vacuum is! No more wrestling with wires and heavy lifting around the house, I can easily pick it up and use it up or downstairs efficiently.
Charging takes a few hours and once it’s done it lasts quite some time even on the strongest setting. This vacuum has an extension for taller people or you can make it smaller if your Grandchildren are feeling helpful.
For the price this is amazing, it’s so affordable and comes with it’s charger, and different nozzles for the tip of the vacuum. It has helpful instructions if you’re unsure on how to set it up and use but setting it up was so easy, including use.
The suction power is very strong and it picks up even the smallest to the biggest of clumps! Once full it’s easily emptied into a bag and ready to go once again, I found this very effective with having Children around the house as it can clean up after all of the mess and even be used to hoover couches, blankets, wooden floors aswell as carpets.
Can’t recommend this vacuum enough! Overall 10/10 a must purchase product!
We have hard floors downstairs and this is great for everyday use. The battery life is great and easily lasts for the advertised 50 minutes. The suction power in hard floors is great but it lacks a bit on carpets especially luck carpets. It’s not too bad on rugs but definitely suits hard floors better. The dust bin is easy to empty and the filters are easily changed.
As I unboxed, it was clear that this was a very well built and designed handheld vacuum. There is something quite “Dysony” about it, from the purple metal work on the effortlessly extendable tube, to the easy access dustbin and filter access. Everything fits together very well and with a reassuring click.
I’ve included a little video of it which I hope you find helpful.
In terms of suction you have three available speeds all accessed via a touch button on the back of the battery. I can never really see the point of this (other than to prolong the battery life), but I normally crank it up to full speed or if I have a bigger area, just leave it in normal. Slow speed is a bit pointless, but can of course still be used.
The motorised brush head has LED lights to show you the way and the maneuverability is very good and I found it cleans well.
Emptying is as easy as flipping the switch and the bin lid opens for you to empty the contents.
You get a wall mounting bracket but I was also pleased to see that the vacuum will freestand as well. Obviously, if the kids knock it, it will fall, but it’s a handy feature to have if you are away from the mount or don’t wish to use the mount in the first place.
For under 150, I think this represents very good value for the build quality and suction that you are getting. (Even better at the time of writing there was even a 20 voucher available taking this to 107.49). This is ideal for small vacuuming jobs around the home or even the car.
Good lightweight wireless vacuum and fairly intuitive to use and empty etc. The battery doesn’t life doesn’t last that long on full power, but it does last as long as the manufacturer claims, although I haven’t had it long enough to know how the battery will age.
The suction is good and even managed pieces of dried kibble in a fairly long pile rug. It’s easy to change the head and alter the length of the shaft, and the battery display is clear when in use.
The cordless vacuum cleaners are so useful for a quick going over when needed rather than having to get out the big old heavy corded cleaner! This one is particularly impressive as it stands up on it’s own! Although, I am a little dubious as to whether one day it will topple over as it does wobble a little bit! It’s easy to assemble and simple to use. I have a gripe though where the power button is as I keep catching it, but its only a slight annoyance! It sucks up well, although even on the higher setting it does need a couple of sweeps sometimes on the more stubborn areas. The collection bin is small so does need emptying quite often, but this again is easy to do. It has a wall mount, but I haven’t used this, instead I just plug in the charger when it’s needed. I have it on top of my landing and it’s so easy just to switch it on and give the bedrooms a quick going over! Much more easier than the normal hoover! It’s fairly light, although the handle is big and bulky but it’s easy to move and carry. It is a little expensive, I’ve had other cordless hoovers which have been just as good and cheaper!
This is quite a nice cordless stick vacuum cleaner. It is suitable for use on hard floors, tile, marble, carpet etc.
This vacuum cleaner has 7 built-in 2200 mAh lithium batteries to provide long-lasting power. The Cordless Vacuum cleaner can work continuously for 15-50 minutes when charged for 4 hours. The vacuum battery can be charged in or out out of the cordless vacuum for ease of use.
The vacuum cleaner has an ergonomic handle and is lightweight and easy to use.
The motorised turbo brush head has an LED light to help you see into corners and crevices for maximum cleaning efficiency.
The suction on this vacuum cleaner is decent for an unknown brand.
This cordless vacuum cleaner is equipped with a 235W
brushless motor, which can provide a strong suction
power of up to 25Kpa, and supports the free switching of 3 suction modes (high-medium-low).
This is a powerful stick vacuum cleaner for it’s size. It is well made and looks quite attractive. It is bundled with decent accessories and is good to have as a vacuum for occasional use around the house.
Love this cordless vacuum cleaner 3 suction modes of vacuum cleaner cordless to meet different cleaning needs, is self standing and is coming with filter and three different parts for cleaning in diferente places like corners under the sofa or walls , just love it !
First impressions: in my opinion this is a nice looking vacuum being finished in what I would describe as deep purple, charcoal grey and silver trimmings, and the LED indicator lights are deep blue. I gave it a really good look over and all the finishing is to a high quality. I like that this is free standing and has an easy release catch for the battery, and the battery can also be charged without removing it. The wall fitting is quite neat with holders for the attachments which use the locking clips to hold them in place. The wall attachment needs fitting low to the ground as it uses the brush base to free stand and clip in place rather than hold the vacuum off the ground.
I put the battery on charge and had a good read through the manual to be familiar with all the functions and features. The battery takes around 5 hours to charge from fully drained and I tested it running from fully charged with it set to maximum and it lasted for just over 13 minutes, and there was no noticeable decrease in the suction power it just stopped and needed charging.
I have been using the vacuum since it arrived and it has been used at least once daily and it performs really well with good suction power. The roller brush is easy to clean with a simple release catch so it can be fully removed. Emptying is simple with a quick release, and the filter can be remove with a locking twist and also fully cleaned. The attachments work well and are quick and easy to change. This does advertise 50 minutes run time on a single charge and I have no doubt on the lowest setting it would achieve this, although personally I always run a vacuum on the highest setting and in my experience a 13 minute run time is about average for a cordless vacuum.
Overall in my opinion this is a nice and powerful cordless vacuum that performs really well. The attachments are quick and easy to change, it is very easy to empty and clean, I like the wall attachment for storage, and I found it being free standing was very useful while cleaning not having to lay it down while moving items. Overall I can’t really fault it so have given top marks.
This is better than some of my previous cordless vacuum cleaners. The design is very nice, the build seems fantastic, it all feels strong and sturdy, durable too. Nothing feels cheaply made, or flimsy. The back has the power on/off and speed change adjustment, low, medium or high. The base has two headlights on, to help you see all dirt and dust. The vacuum can be angled and come nice and low, to allow to go around corners and under sofas, cabinets etc.
The whole vacuum fits together nice and easy. There is an extendable pole, so this can take the whole height from 90cm up to 110cm. The 235W brushless motor area, is roughly 24cm x 12cm. It’s all nice and lightweight, making it easy to move around.
You have a wall bracket, with screws and wall plugs, to keep the vacuum and the two additional pieces on. These pieces are 28cm long suction nozzle and an 18cm soft dusting brush head. So you can turn the vacuum, into a handheld vacuum, which is handy for stairs etc. I like that the additional pieces are held on the stand and not the vacuum, as it is a peeve of mine when I knock them off, so this is useful to me. You also get a hair removal/cutter tool, for any hair that may get wrapped around the base, of which I haven’t noticed yet.
There is a 155cm power cable, with a UK plug on. This I thought could have been a little longer but it’s not the end of the world, I just made sure the wall bracket is near a socket, so it can charge whilst it’s out of the way too. This takes around 4 hours to charge, this lasts varied time amounts, depending on which level you have it on, lasting 15-50minutes. The power on area at the back of the vacuum, can be removed, so I did wonder if you could charge this whilst it’s out of the vacuum, for if you don’t have a socket near.
The vacuum works well on carpet, for picking up all loose bits. It’s good for dust. It works for fur but there is always some that manages to get quite squished into the carpet, so these bits need a few goes over, to get fully up. This works fantastic on laminate/lino flooring, there’s not much else I can say on that, it got up everything.
Whilst I do think this is decent for a cordless vacuum, the suction is better than some of my previous ones, the build is fab, using it is a breeze. It’s something I’d probably only use for topping up downstairs, in between needing a thorough hoovering, as I have 6 pets, so it can get pretty built up, these don’t go upstairs though, so this vacuum is very useful for on the stairs and using fully over the upstairs.
This is good for those with no pets, or a small amount of pets, as then it works brilliantly on carpet! Fantastic for those with lino, laminate too, or need a vacuum that doesn’t take up too much space. It’s not bad for the price, good quality, nice to use, I would recommend it.
eally good hoover, lightweight and easy to carry, gets dirt up off a carpet super easy and a god value for money i really reccomend this hoove
I got this for an elderly relative that has started struggling to drag around the commonly used vacuum with a smiley face and they are really impressed.
The charge lasts long enough for a quick run around the house to keep things looking tidy. The extension poles make short work of any dust and cobwebs that might be hiding in corners.
The unit fits together easily and feels pretty well made.
At it’s current price, I’m not sure I’d personally justify buying it over one of the bigger brand names that will likely have easier access to support and replacement parts should anything fail.
If you can get it on offer then it becomes more compelling.
Overall, it cleans well enough for something powered by a battery, some areas might take a couple of passes though.
On first opening of the box everything looks really complex and there are lots of bits but it couldn’t be easier to put it together, all you need to do is connect the parts together, charge the battery (although it does come with some charge) and your away.
It comes with a few tools such as a smaller head, a crevice tool and hair cleaning tool. The smaller head and crevice too fit in a little holder that just clips onto the vac. You also get a second Hepa filter.
I did find the instructions a bit lacking and they tell you to do things but not always how, however it is easy to work out with a bit of thought, they are all written in good English though with pictures, it’s just there needed to be more in depth detail for some people I think.
To operate you simply press the power button and then choose your speed with the button on the battery. The current speed highlights as well as the battery power.
I really like the way the vac extends, it means you can push the handle down and store away, it makes the vac easy to store in small spaces. Im quite tall and I never had an issue with it extended, it is tall enough for comfort. I also like the way it stands on it’s own, it clicks up and will stand both lowered and extended, though it is slightly more stable lowered but fine on both. To extend or lower you just use the ring below the externeder part and push up and then either push or pull the rod down, easy.
The battery is probably the heaviest part of the vac and can be charged on the vac itself or you can take the battery out by pushing a button and it springs out. To put the battery back in you just push it down.
The vac has three speeds and each works well, even the slowest speed is powerful and a little LED light highlights the speed you are on. It picks up dirt and dust really well, it’s powerful. We have a dog and a toddler and it has been cleaning up after dust, dirt and things such as crisp crumbs. Ideal for what we need.
The roller can be taken out and cleaned by pushing a little tab at the side of it and pulling it out, it is always nice you can remove the head to clean things such as hairs that have wrapped round it and the included took really helps.
There is nothing fancy about the vac, it doesn’t have a pet tool, it doesn’t have a hard floor setting but for carpets it is absolutely brilliant and so much easier for a small house than getting the big vac out all the time.
Like any of these stick vacs it is always wise to also have a main vac but for convenience you really can’t beat something like this for day to day vacuuming. The lights on the front are quite good as well at illuminating the front of the vac as you go.
You can of course take the head off the stick and just attach the head to the vac part for smaller areas, which gives the vac a versatility. I have been using it like the for the car.
To empty the dirty compartment you just open a clip underneath and pour into your bin, the middle of the dirt compartment is where the Hepa filter is stored and the whole thing comes out to clean.
I really like this vac, it works well and unlike others I have seen around this price range it has a really good build quality while being light. It also looks the part as well as picking up dirt easily. If you want a no frills stick vac that works well on carpets this is definitely one to consider.
I have had a Dyson upright for some years and it is good. Dyson’s are not cheap. This is much cheaper and it is newer than my Dyson. This is not a make I have heard of before. First impression of this vacuum cleaner is that it is well made. It comes with all the bits needed. It feels and looks well made. The parts seem strong and sturdy. It charged fairly quickly. It is light and comfortable to use. It is easy to use. The big question is how well does it vacuum? I did not have high expectations but I was surprised. It’s suction I think it very good and in terms of suction, I rate it as high if not better than the Dyson (which in fairness is now a good few years old). I suppose battery power depends on the power used so it will vary. I did carpets and wooden floors and it lasted much longer than my Dyson which only does 20 or so minutes. I got 35 plus minutes one charge and it still had some power left so the battery power is very good. It is so easy to empty. This is a well made well designed effective vacuum cleaner that is very good value for money. I am impressed.
Really love this vacuum cleaner. It is extremely easy and a pleasure to use.
The box is very light and when you open it this looks like a space age bit of kit. Its very intuitive putting it together, the only time I needed to check the instructions was fitting the filter…and then I realized there was one already there, it was a spare supplied.
It comes charged, I did give it another charge, and its good that you don’t need to remove the battery to charge it. There are 2 lots of lights that show the charging progress. One on the top, and the other is the suction strength lights.
The extension for height was really useful to avoid backache and the long suction nozzle is great for getting into tight areas and corners.
The suction comes in three modes depending on surface which means as well as the benefits of not dragging the cord round you can go through your whole home with minimal effort. This cleaner also works well for vacuuming the car. Emptying is easy and filter and roller can be cleaned easily.
The cleaner battery does need to be charged which can take up to 5 hours. Hoping that it is cheaper than using a plug in cleaner. it seemed that you get about 10mins per bar of charge. it may not sound like much, but its plenty, especially when you take off all the time wasted plugging in, dragging the cord etc. with a wired vacuum.
Really pleased with this product, picks up very well and so much easier to use a lightweight cleaner.