NITECORE MH11-1000 Lumens Torch – EDC Torch Light – USB C

NITECORE MH11-1000 Lumens Torch – EDC Torch Light – USB C Rechargeable with 18650 Rechargeable Battery

Nitecore Mh11 - The Ultimate Multi-Purpose Compact Torch Nitecore MH11 - 1000 Lumens Nitecore MH11 SpecsNitecore MH11 - Brightness and runtime

Weight: 60 g
Dimensions: 14.7 x 8.3 x 5.2 cm; 60 Grams
Brand: Nitecore
Part: Nitecore MH11
Batteries Required: Yes
Batteries Included: Yes
Manufacture: Nitecore
Dimensions: 14.7 x 8.3 x 5.2 cm; 60 Grams
Reference: Nitecore MH11

50 Responses

  1. Pointless Cafe says:


    La NiteCore MH11 una torcia molto robusta e professionale, arriva con la sua batteria 18650 inclusa (anch’essa NiteCore) – ottimo acquisto!

  2. NicholaBaylor says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Gran luce ottima per posti poco luminosi fa una gran luce comoda nelle sue dimensioni consigliabile

  3. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Die Lampe ist sehr handlich und fr die Gre sehr hell. Ich htte mir jedoch gewnscht, dass sich die Helligkeit abstufen lsst und sich die Leuchtdauer so verlngern lsst. Die Lamoe ist hauptschlich zum Gassi-Gehen mit dem Hund und man braucht da nicht durchgehend die volle Leuchtkraft.
    Habe die Lampe gekauft, da ich beruflich ein etwas greres Modell der Firma Nitecore besitze, mit welcher ich uerst zufrieden bin. Diese lsst sich eben in der Helligkeit abstufen, was ich persnlich sehr gut finde.
    Ansonsten finde ich die Lampe top. Zudem habe ich in der Black Friday Week ein super gnstiges Angebot gefunden.
    Ich kann die Firma Nitecore nur empfehlen.

  4. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Nitecore MH11 1000 Lumen kann man nicht bersehen, zudem ist sie sehr leicht und gut zu verstauen.

  5. KQUJonahxm says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Ottima per uso non professionale. Piccola e leggera, gi a potenza 2 (su 4) consente di vedere bene fino a circa 100 mt.
    Molto bene anche la durata della batteria, anche se la ricarica un po’ lenta (ma forse potrebbe essere il mio caricabatteria…).
    La uso di sera tardi, per portare fuori il cane e vedo bene a distanza, anche in mezzo ai campi

  6. Anonymous says:

     Sweden 🇸🇪

    +Mycket bra ljus, mer n tillrckligt!
    +verkomligt pris med tanke p storlek och ljusutbyte

  7. MartaDenmark says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Performance of this lamp is excellent, no doubt about it. It’s super bright and had you had this in WW2 you could have stood on your balcony and spotted the Luftwaffe flying over.

    The quality of manufacture is also excellent with a well machined alloy case and and fantastically tactile feel to it.

    Battery is high powered and lasts ages as well.

    But, one thing I had not counted on is the price, mainly because I got this to review. I just checked and it’s 54 which isn’t to be sniffed at.

    I asked myself the question as to whether I would have shelled out my hard earned for this and the truth is that it would depend. I recently retired or rather semi-retired and in my previous job as a well paid engineer in the offshore O&G world, yep, no problem. A decent torch is essential when inspecting machinery spaces and engines and tanks. I could easily mentally justify it on the basis that I’d spent more on two beers in Singapore on more than one occasion.

    However, being now less gainfully employed I’d probably have to pass. I could get similar lumens at less money and less pain from She Who Must Be Obeyed.

    Bottom line is that this is an excellent flashlight (in American parlance) and if you can justify it, go for it. For those of us watching the gas bill, maybe not.

  8. Lyndsey Winship says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Ottimo prodotto molto ben fatta l unica pecca il commino tappo di ricarica quello si romper subito
    Ottimo fascio di luce
    Lunga durata della batteria
    Non scalda a 1000 lm “rispetto alle altre”
    2 modalit di ricarica
    No strobo
    No sos
    Ottima qualit prezzo

  9. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Prodotto di giusta fattura e buon rapporto qualit. Non provato con acqua al momento.

  10. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Schne Lampe, Einknopf Bedienung. Robust aber leider nur mit Hartschale ohne Holster f. Grtel.

  11. Miles Brignall and nRebecca Smithers says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Ich habe eine Taschenlampe fr meine Tochter gesucht, die nicht zu gro ist, leicht zu bedienen, leicht aufzuladen und auch wenig wiegt. Dennoch sollte sie ordentlich Licht machen und ein paar verschiedene Helligkeitsstufen haben. Diese Taschenlampe erfllt alle Voraussetzungen. Ich bin sehr zufrieden.

  12. Justin Jaffe says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWar einer super Taschenlampe. Leider ist sie nach kurzer Zeit kaputt geworden. Nitecore sagte das ist normal. Ein paar Tage spter ging sie dann gar nicht mehr. Von amazon glcklicherweise ohne Probleme rckerstattet worden.

    Habe jetzt die Sofirn SC31T und knnte nicht glcklicher sein.

  13. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Si tuviera estrobo y SOS sera perfecta,por lo demas es muy completa. 100,% recomendable

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    great value for money and does the job very well for what i want it fo

  15. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    La he comprado y est genial, pero no viene en su caja original, ni trae la funda para el cinturn.
    Es eso normal?

  16. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Torcia robusta, ben realizzata. Materiali di qualit e lavorazioni precise. Come resa luminosa per il concorrente Olight ha qualcosa in pi.

  17. Edward Cooper says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThe USB C charge port is too deep, I couldn’t find any standard USB C cables that would fit. Only the cable supplied with the torch will work, but it has an older USB A connector at the other end, so you must have an older laptop with USB A ports or older type USB A charger. This means that you cannot charge this torch with a standard USB C laptop or phone charger as expected.

    Apart from this the torch seems to meet all other expectations.

    The whole point of USB C is that you can charge universally, but since the charge port is effectively not USB C compatible, the torch will probably be returned.

  18. Anonymous says:


    Eine super Taschenlampe.
    Der Vorgnger gehrt schon seit ein paar Jahren zu meinen stndigen Begleitern. Super Gre, so das sie nicht strt. Aufladen funktioniert top. Akkuanzeige durch blinkende Led top. Und jetzt ist der Ein-/Ausschalter nach hinten gekommen, was ich pers. besser finde, da man vorher immer kurz suchen musste. Helligkeitsstufen sind ein Muss fr Taschenlampen und diese sind super und gut einstellbar.
    Immer gerne wieder.

  19. RhodaJ91rbfo says:

     United Kingdom

    Great little torch.
    Warning: At 1000 lumens this can and will burn you if not treated with care.
    It has the power but due to it’s size the lens/reflector can’t throw the light as far as some other torches. I miss the focus-ability of some of my bigger torches but they don’t fit easily in my pocket.

    As for throw it easily lights up 50yds/mtrs. It does go a lot further but this is the practical distance. More than enough for a pocket torch.

    It is small enough to be easily forgotten that it’s in your pocket. Big plus.

    Works well in the hand or as a head torch in a Nitecore headband.

    Made of alloy it is robust yet light.

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Always use Nitecore torches and this one has been the best so far. Had it 3 months over the dark nights and used it every night for dog walks. Recomend with out a doubt. Paid 40 for it.

  21. RebbecaCope says:

     United Kingdom

    Torch is brilliant my partner uses it for doing his checks on his lorry before he starts work. The different levels of brightness are grea

  22. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Edit: Nach 5 Monaten hat die zwischendurch Ausflle. Diese uern sich dadurch, dass auf hchster Stufe nur ca 200 Lumen austreten (Akku ist voll!).
    Auerdem muss ich meine Rezension dahingehend berichtigen, da kein 18650 mitgeliefert wird, sondern eine etwas lngere Zelle mit Protection.
    Da ich die Lampe dienstlich nutze und auf den Leistungsfehler keine Lust habe, bin ich mal gespannt, ob und wie die Reklamation angenommen wird.

    Nach Verlust meiner Nitecore EC 20 musste was neues her – ohne Lampe fhl ich mich nicht komplett.
    Als Haben-will stand diesmal ein TailClickie ganz oben. 1000Lumen sind ja eigentlich Standard. Die Lnge ist glaub ich zum Vorgnger etwas geschrumpft.
    Der Clip ist abnehmbar und wrde sich sogar von der Lampe lsen, sollte man iwo hngen bleiben.
    Gut finde ich, dass bereits ein passender 18650 mitgeliefert wird und Leckerchen obendrauf, die Ladefunktion in der Lampe per USB. Der Langzeittest wird zeigen, wie gut die Abdeckung hlt.
    Der Tailstand ist durch den Gummi nicht sicher gegeben, die Lampe wackelt.
    Der Clip mir nervt mich noch etwas, da leichter Druck die Stufen durchschaltet.
    Zum Transport lse ich immer die Cap eine Viertel Drehung.
    Nervig finde ich auch, dass kein Holster dabei ist – na gut, Geld gespart – was man jetzt woanders ausgibt. Stattdessen ist ja ein Tascherl der sogenannten MNV edition dabei. Keine Verwendung, ausser dass die Ersatzgummis und der Clip drin verbleiben.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really happy with this torch, bought for walks with my dog as the evenings get darker. Very bright – puts street lights to the test.

  24. Jeannette0153 says:

     United Kingdom

    These guys at Nitecore only seem to make great torches, not cheap, but they’re very, very good.
    I’d guess this one to be the baby of the family, its small & neat, they also class it as a ‘beginner torch’, so it’s not as complicated as a few of their others. Press the button at the back, it goes on or off, half press it, you cycle through the brightness settings.
    No strobe function or sequence to figure out how much charge is left in the battery, like some of their bigger units.
    On high power, it’s blinding, giving a strong focused beam with a good amount of peripheral light. Apparently that’ll work for just over two hours from a full charge…. I’ll trust them on that start, not about to time it.
    Obviously you can adjust the brightness (remember the half clicks) & the battery will last longer, the lowest setting being 3 lumens which they say will last for 11 days… Not sure there’s much use for a very, very, very dim torch, maybe this setting is to allow them to claim it’ll work for days on a single charge.
    The body is nicely knurled aluminium, finished in black & easy to hold, there’s also a little lanyard for your wrist.
    Charging is via a USB-C, with a rubber cover to keep things watertight (IP68 rated)
    Overall, a very good , compact torch.

  25. LynnMedworth says:

     United Kingdom

    Review for NITECORE MH11-1000 Lumens Torch – EDC Torch Light with 18650 Rechargeable Battery.

    A compact but powerful torch light which provides illumination beyond its compact size. I own several Nitecore torches and this is another great product which provides a range of different modes to suit, from very bright to lower powered extended lighting. Great size which for my medium sized mens hands fits comfortably and is lightweight but durable aluminium construction. The torch is rated IP68 so can be easily submersed upto 2m without any issue. The torch is designed to be USB rechargeable (battery and cable included). Overall a very worthwhile tough general purpose flashlight.

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a pretty straightforward torch
    It’s made from metal and has a nice heft to it for such a compact size

    The claim is it will also resist damage from a moderate drop and be somewhat water resistant

    It’s charged by the supplied usb- c cable and you can then run it for ages depending on if you have it set to the lower end of the brightness

    Also super useful during a power outage whilst abroad

  27. sherrell says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This is a nice compact size torch complete with belt harness and low battery warning.

    The four brightness levels are easy to select from the single button control and the battery capacity seems to be as claimed with the light level remaining pretty constant.

    No complaints

  28. shoesdirect4you says:

     United Kingdom

    A compact and sturdy torch. Easy to slip into the pocket or into a similar confined space.
    Overall build is good and the light is very bright. Also the charge lasts a decent amount of time and even after I dropped this it worked fine. Good quality build and good performance overall. Perfectly suited to everyday use.
    On the downside the power button is a bit stiff and the all black aesthetic can make it hard to find in a crowded handbag in poor light and also makes it a bit harder to find the usb power input. On that basis
    I don’t think it would be best suited to the partially sighted.
    One other downside is that it needed charging on arrival. Most electronic devices are pre-charged or at least partially so but there wasn’t any power at all in this.

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    The 1000 lumens main beam is incredible for such a small torch and it reaches way in excess of 100 metres into the distance. It’s powered by a (supplied) removable and rechargeable 2600mAh Li-ion battery and can be recharged whilst inside the torch using the supplied USB-C cable. It’s very easy to operate with the On/Off switch and the four different brightness settings controlled by one button. It arrives with a lanyard and and a velcro fastening holster with a D-ring and two belt loops. Overall, this is a very impressive bit of kit.

  30. Leah Bjornson says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I was surprised to see a torch at the price it currently is with such good reviews already, but after using it I understand why. This little device can deliver a heap of light from it. It includes four levels of brightness for whatever use/range is needed, ranging from 3 to 1000 lumens (although this greatly affects the battery life). The device also includes batteries and a charging cable.

    It’s perfect for just having around the house, but will also be really handy for any outdoor camping, etc.

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This really is a super bit of kit. It replaces a cheaper torch that put out less light and had an annoying strobe function that could be accidentally activated.

    I really just need a few things from a torch – I want it to have a “low” setting, a “high” setting and no special strobe/flashing settings. This torch surpasses my expectations! The low setting is very low, perfect for close-up nighttime tasks where a lot of light is not required, the high setting is very bright indeed – a lot brighter than I would have expected for a torch of this size. There’s another two brightness settings in between. It remembers which setting you last used no matter how long the torch is left off for.

    The torch body feels rock solid. It’s very light, being made of aluminium, the only real weight is from the battery. As you’d expect from a large battery like this it lasts for hours with no fuss. I’ve given the torch a good wash under the tap after it got a bit dirty during testing. No water leakage at all, it looks to be completely waterproof.

    The only thing I really don’t like is the USB-C charging port. Only the supplied USB charger works with it. I’ve tried three USB-C cables from other manufacturers and none of them work. They don’t go into the torch body far enough and just fall out without charging it. I think this is because the port is slightly inset on the torch body. This is a bit disappointing given the price of the torch and the fact that USB-C is meant to be universal, so I’ve dropped a star for that.

  32. David Sarasohn The Oregonian says:

     United Kingdom

    If you’ve ever wanted to carry a mini sun around in your pocket… this is your opportunity! My god this thing can be BLINDING! I’m so impressed at what a punch this small thing has!!

    It’s super easy to use, you take it out the box, unscrew the battery compartment, remove the small piece of paper that’s blocking the battery, replace the compartment, and you’re good to go! It’s that simple! Using the torch wasn’t actually quite as intuitive as you’d think, I did have to resort to the manual. There’s only one button on the whole thing, and that’s at the bottom of the torch. If you hard press it, it turns on and off. If you softly press it, you can change the brightness of the torch from between low – turbo

    Low: 250h of battery
    Mid: ~21h of battery
    High: ~4h of battery
    Turbo: ~2h of battery

    You have pretty good flexibility in terms of brightness vs battery life! The turbo brightness is really something quite special, at 1000 lumens giving you 190m distance, you really don’t want to be looking directly into the light!

    The torch itself is IP68 waterproof, made of military grade material so it’s extremely sturdy, and is of course USB chargable! Fortunately it uses USB C, so if you’re an android user, you should have spare cables even if you lose the included one. It doesn’t come with an adaptor, so you’re expected to use a computer to charge it. It’s really important to not charge this with your phone’s adaptor as fast charging uses very high power that can break the torch. The only problem I’ve found is that the description says “built-in 18650 battery 2600mAh”, but this isn’t true. The battery is definitely not built in, they meant to say “included”.

    Overall, I think this is a fantastic torch and would highly recommend it!

    This thing is BRIGHT

  33. LiliaYirawala says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This is an absolute beaut. It is just about palm sized and light to hold, but long enough not to burn fingers on the hot hot lamp. It has enough texture and knurling to feel secure in gloves, but not so much that it feels like holding a steel sex toy. It operates from a single button; light presses change brightness and full press for on/off. The charging is USB C, with a rubber gasket to keep nicely watertight, quick and long lasting in normal use; added to which the battery can be removed, so spares are an option. Needless to say, it is bright and reliable in use, and comes with the usual Nitecore extras (belt pouch, spare 0-rings, pen clip) most of which went in the bin because it is so pocketable and the simple lanyard is very effective as a security measure. Love it.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I did think this was quite a high price point, but having checked some of the competition, this actually seems reasonable for what it is – a very strong, drop-resistant casing, variable intensity light, with very powerful maximum brightness, good battery length, which increases if you even slightly lower the brightness (which you don’t really need unless lighting a football stadium). Takes a couple of hours to recharge and is now my go-to night walking torch.

  35. Justine8510 says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This is an amazing torch,that is amazing bright, with it’s 4 levels of brightness (and also battery life) with the longest being 10 days nearly (although I haven’t tested that it does appear to go on) to the shortest being under 3 hours.. The range of brightness is that extreme. It is really good and clear, and a nice white light, although the brightest one is almost too bright for enclosed spaces or those with reflective surfaces.
    A couple of points to consider, to use there is a small round disc near the battery that needs removing to allow the torch to operate the first time. The other point (and this is really good) is the label around the battery charging lead. This means the lead can easily be found.. A really great product.

    Wow....what amazing brightness

  36. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great little torch. Super bright and pocket sized. You can also clip it to your person in the handy pouch supplied with it. The battery took quiet a few hours to charged via mains USB. It still has not run down after
    a week or so of use.


  37. AimeeS85dfdo says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Excellent torch. It’s palm sized and has a good weight to it. The quality is very good and it’s the usual quality from nitecore which is a good name.
    Charging it via the usb-c was quick with my quick charging plug and using the included usb-c charging cable (short as it is).

    It has been made well with tidy edging and a smart finish. The button on the back cycles through the 4 different modes with a soft push or turns on or off with a firm click. I like that there is no SOS or flashing strobe settings which you normally have to cycle through each time on cheaper and more expensive torches, can’t think of a time I have or ever will need that, and if I did I’d be the one SOSing someone who had no idea what it was and I would die a painful death.

    The brightness is very good, the full beam is intense and has a good even spread, I find the lower settings are bright enough for me and it also increases battery life by a lot. It has no zoom but again I never use that.

    The accessories are useful with belt clip and strap and wrist strap. All in all a very good torch that isnt too big or heavy and it remembers the last setting.

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Really impressed with this product. Construction feels solid even though the torch itself is fairly slim. Would easily fit in a jacket or coat pocket which makes it very handy and super portable.

    I was surprised with how bright the torch goes on its highest setting, for the size of the product. There are different brightness settings you can use to suit the situation, and you can make it lower if you don’t need a bright light and this will improve the time before the battery charge dies.

    It comes with charging cable and a protective pouch which is also quite convenient. Good to keep charged up and ready for action!

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Nice torch. Compact size but very bright with an good wide beam. There’s no need to worry about changing batteries either as you just plug it into a USB socket using the provided cable and it charges up. The matal case is well made and tough and it comes with a carry case that you can loop your belt through. An ideal torch for taking with you when rambling, camping or, as I do, when walking the dogs at night.

  40. UveemWedgwood says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This entry from Nitecore is meant to be a minimal 18650 torch without a lot of frills, and it meets that standard well. It feels a bit smaller in the hand than other 18650 Nitecores, being just a bit thick than the power cell itself. It still has a tail stand to allow it to propped upright on its own. There’s only the tail power button that also provides the means to cycle through the few modes, and it remembers the last mode used when you switch it off and back on. Frankly, I’m happy to finally have a torch that doesn’t have some infernal flashing mode that I never seem to find a use for, which makes this a bit more reasonable to use for general use.

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A very versatile rechargeable torch with a rechargeable battery included.
    Fits neatly in the pocket on in the belt pouch that is provided.
    Also provided is a clip and a charging cable to USB.

    Works at 4 levels of brightness, though I have found it fiddly switching between them.
    The battery charged quickly and the torch is extremely powerful.
    I will work out the lower levels that are available, as I need the beam to be subtle for stage work.

    It is extremely robust and I am sure it would easily withstand being dropped.

    For the price it is very good, though I am not sure that if I lost this torch I would go as expensive again.
    It is definitely a professional standard tool and you certainly do get what you pay for.

  42. Eva Smith says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Really impressed with this torch by Nitecore, it packs a powerful punch in the light department. It comes with a battery included but also has a USB port and cable along with various other useful accessories which include: A small velcro carry pouch, Pocket clip, 2 0- rings and a Lanyard. The torch is very easy to use, it has one button which give 4 alternative lighting levels.

    The torch is also waterproof to 2m, lightweight, small and compact so easy to fit into your pocket. It is made from aero grade aluminium so is robust and hardy. The different light levels were bright and powerful you will have no worries being out in the dark with this bad boy. It gives you a 190m beam throw!

    Tough torch and excellent quality, a little more on the expensive side than i would normally pay but after having tried it out and used it, it is worth the money.

    Although compact this is a powerful little torch.

  43. Queenie Wong says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersNITECORE MH11-1000 Lumens Torch
    This NITECORE torch is a fairly no-frills approach to a torch so I will stick to a no-frills review.
    The NITECORE MH11-1000 Lumens Torch comes in a simple but tough cardboard outer box. Within this, a vacuum formed plastic tray holds everything in place to protect it in transit. The kit consists of the torch, the battery (18650, 2699mAh), USB-C charging cable, wrist lanyard, pocket clip and instructions. The lanyard and clip are not attached to the torch, it is your choice if you want one or both but they are easily fitted. The clip fits into a recess near the tail cap and the lanyard is looped through one of the two slots in the rear cap. The USB-C charging port is accessed by opening a rubber cover on the side of the torch just behind the lens portion.
    The torch body is black anodised aluminium, 128.3mm long by 24mm diameter. The lens is glass, the operation is by a partly recessed button at the tail end of the torch. The four brightness modes are reached by — a full press of the button to turn it on, a part press of the button will cycle through the modes. When turned on, the torch recalls the last mode that was chosen. All but the lowest brightness setting are uncomfortable to look at from any angle.
    Light from the torch is provided by a CREE XP-L2 V6 LED at a maximum brightness of 1000 lumens and maximum power consumption of 10 watts. The CREE XP-L2 V6 LED is capable of outputting up to 1175 lumens so it would seem it is not being run flat out in this torch, an approach that should provide a longer service life. The beam produced is has a well focussed, bright central circle with a less bright outer light circle approximately three times the diameter. Both light circles are evenly illuminated. The claimed maximum range of the NITECORE MH11 is 190 metres a figure it seems to achieve easily.
    I chose to fit the lanyard and the pocket clip, the lanyard has an adjustable clip so it can be made secure on your wrist and almost impossible to drop. The torch is not heavy and it feels quite comfortable hanging from my wrist while walking. Having it on the lanyard also means I can operate the button and grasp it back in my hand one-handed, although I am still fonder of torches with side buttons, this makes it more useable for me.
    The NITECORE MH11 is an easy torch to use, it is small and light enough to take almost anywhere with you. The four brightness modes make it good for different situations and even in the brightest mode you have over two hours of battery life.
    You can rest assured that NITECORE torches have a reputation for being good, reliable and very bright, you won’t go far wrong with this one.

  44. BizPac Review says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a review of the NITECORE MH11-1000 lumens Torch – EDC Torch with a 18650 rechargeable battery. It comes in a small box with the torch, battery; USB charging lead, neat nylon type material belt holster, lanyard and pocket clip and two spare rubber sealing rings or gaskets. It was ‘dead’ on arrival so a charge was required and was left for so for a few hours as we went for a walk. Its worth noting that its best to unscrew the torch on first getting it as I found a small cardboard cover between the battery and the case to possibly prevent any contact in transit and has to be removed before charging otherwise it won’t charge of course!. A nice touch is there is a Velcro fastening strap to hold the charging lead once coiled up after use that has it’s name on it so no chance of getting the lead mixed up with any other leads you may have about – a minor detail but worth pointing out. The charging socket is on the body protected by a rubber cover Once charged it then became obvious why this is priced around the 40 mark (at time of this review) as the light output is nothing short of amazing as my usual ‘test’ for torches is going into our garden and seeing how much of it a torch can light up. I was taken aback as this lit the entire garden up on the brightest setting — you press gently, the end button /switch to cycle through the assorted light levels. The quoted times for running in one charge are a maximum of 250 hours on the lowest setting pro rata to obviously lower time on full setting. Once you set the button to a setting, there seems to be a ‘memory’ as the next time you switch it on, it’s that setting you will get it would appear. Its also rated as being waterproof but not having tried it, I can’t comment but as a very workman-like and possibly industrial standard torch both in construction and performance, it seems to tick all the boxes.

    A really brilliant light outpu

  45. AlexandraMcclan says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI thought I’d compare the size of this with the Maglite I bought 33 years ago. At the time, that was the last word in small torches, and it’s certainly proved durable.
    This is smaller, and yet the specs claim it is literally 100x brighter. Is it 100x better? No.
    It comes with 4 light modes, which are simply increasing brightness. Once set, it stays that bright when switched on and off, an oversight of several torches I have used recently. It doesn’t have any other modes, like strobe, or SOS.
    Charging is through a USB-C port, which is under a rubber cover roughly where your thumb sits. This is my main gripe with this torch. It seems insubstantial, I can easily imagine it not keeping water out, getting lost or damaged, and the port getting filled with muck. Other torches in this class have magnetic chargers, or charge ports under screw down covers. It means this torch isn’t really suitable for rough work or dirty conditions.
    The tailcap switch is a bit irritating – it makes it a 2 hand torch unless you want to hold it ‘tactical style’ which will look pretty silly walking the dog. It is what it is I guess. That’s the fashion right now.
    And that’s the thing. Unlike the Maglite, which seems timeless in design and durability, this seems gimmicky and not really well thought out. It’s nicely made, nicely finished, easy enough to use, but it doesn’t do it’s thing with the elegance of the older light.

    Very bright compact torch

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Slimline and sub 15cm long. Beautifully engineered from aluminium – aren’t they all?

    Very bright as expected at full lux with a correspondingly short battery life. What I really like is the very small form factor making this a genuine lightweight pocket torch. Drops a star because for this price it should sport the higher rated NL2150 battery that holds an additional 1000mAhrs of charge)

  47. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is one tough cookie, the torch has an ultimate bright light, one you would not stare at too long in the dark if someone was shinning this.
    Very well made Aero grade aluminium alloy HA 111 military grade.

    I use the torch a lot myself taking my dogs out in the late evening when quieter.
    I like the fact the torch comes with a little bag that can be clipped to belts, running belts for example.
    The lanyard that comes with the torch can hang around the wrist. I clip my security whistle to it. You never know whose around.

    The torch shines an awful long way in front, 190 metres, so think about four sizes of an average 25m swimming pool ! I prefer the bright light for security reasons, however I understand that the brightest light in the dark and town or city areas could wake people up. So in that sense a dimmer light would be more suitable.

    When receiving the torch as shown in my images, unscrew the torch, and open it. Before the light will work, take out the little white circle. That is there to prevent battery damage. Once removed, put back together, then charge. I looked on the description and it doesn’t mention the charging colours, I know it was dead when I received it. I am charging to a full charge, it’s flashing blue.

    Flashing blue indicates the rechargeable battery is charging
    Full charge is approx 2 hr 15 minutes.

    The light has four modes, took me a while to see what to do, I at first didn’t read instructions, too impatient. However easy to do when it’s charged.
    Towards the bottom of the torch where the on/ off button is, the torch you need to gently switch between the brightness you prefer. The brighter it is will decrease the battery time, the lowest setting will last a lot longer in between charges.
    One little niggle I have is the USB lead isn’t long enough. Fine for the kitchen, however in my bedroom I like charging up with the torch on my bedside table. But instead I need to lie on the floor, the torch not me…. so a tiny lead. I haven’t tried, but the USB may work from my car to charge too.

    A direction/ instruction leaflet is also in the box, I can just read it. Comes in English, and other languages.
    I have several lumen tactile torches, all are very good, and a lot cheaper. Not quite sure why this one is nearly 40? One of the things I can think of, the light shines to 190m where as my others do not go this far. Plus added extras of the torch case, lanyard around the wrist…
    This is without no doubt a solid strong torch and can be used in the wet.

    I do recommend the torch 100%, nice feel in the hand and not too heavy, but a stable weight.
    Arrives in a box with the extras.

    ** Thank you to the seller
    ** I hope my review has helped, kind regards**

    ** The light in my images are daylight hours, not in the dark.
    ** Doesn’t come with a plug

    Long beam of 190M, smart and long lasting, bright light, white.

  48. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersI work in a prison and have to carry a torch on nights to check on vulnerable prisoners and do perimeter searches. I was offered one of these torches to try out, so far I have found the following after a weeks use on the job.

    torch body:
    At an inch thick and 4 inches long this is small and does not get in the way on my 2 inch duty belt. The torch is the usual machined aluminium that most torches on the market have adopted. it is well machined, light weight and most importantly for me can be dropped on hard surfaces without issue.
    There is no “zoom” function on this torch it is a fixed on piece which may or may not be to your liking, personally I like having one less weak point on my gear and never really found a use for zoom on a landing.
    The manufacturer claims this has an impact rating of 1 meter and IPX68 (submersible in water to 2 meters) this is generally the expected standard for a decent torch.

    Modes: This is a no frills torch that has 4 settings high, medium and low and lowest, there are no SOS or strobe functions on this torch which I prefer having never been in a survival situation with my work torch. The modes are cycled with a half press on the tail cap switch, a hard click turns the torch on and off, it will remember the last mode you had it set to when you turn it back on.

    Battery life: This comes shipped with a 2600 MAH 18650 battery which in testing performs as per the manufacturers claims, I got just over 2 hours on the highest 1000 lumen mode before things started dimming down. the battery life goes up exponentially as you decrease the brightness up to a claimed 250 hours on the lowest 3 lumens output. The manufacturer has a patent for temperature regulation on board which will deliver consistent power without flickering that some cheaper torches do.

    Charging takes a couple of hours via USB type C, a decent charger will make this quicker, the charge port is well protected with a good flap.
    The torch has a battery level indicator that will flash blue every 2 seconds when the torch is at 50% charge and then flash more continuously as it gets lower, charging the torch the light will flash until fully charged where it will remain constantly on.

    You get a USB C charging cable, a hand lanyard, torch clip and a velcro belt holster. I found the holster to be well made and thick, the belt loop has velcro on it so you can slip it over a duty belt easily. I used the D ring with some paracord as well as the belt loop when fitting onto my belt, I find velcro does lose its potency over time, the D ring will ensure the pouch does not fall off my belt if the velcro fails.

    This is a no nonsense bit of kit that does away with needless frills and design choices leaving you with a solid dependable product that will withstand a lot of abuse , I really like mine as it is light weight and does not add additional bulk to my work belt. I can recommend this without reservation.

    Please hit the helpful tab if you found my review useful, many thanks.

    Excellent no nonsense bit of kit.

  49. Ryan Heisler says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I received this item through the Amazon Vine programme. A pocket/EDC torch from Nitecore, this MH11 is an uncomplicated offering, with four lighting modes operated by half-presses of the tail-cap button.
    The package includes a pocket clip, lanyard, spare O-rings, charging cable and a nylon belt sheath.
    The MH11 operates on an 18650 battery which is supplied, and has on-board charging via USB”C”.
    A flashing blue light shows when charging, changing to steady blue when charged.
    The torch is waterproof to IP68, palm-sized (just under 13cm) and lightweight.
    The lowest mode is only 3 lumen and is good for map-reading or anything you want to preserve your night-vision or not disturb others. The max mode (turbo) is 1000 lumen and has a good throw.
    The build quality is excellent with knurling on the body to assist grip, but not overly aggressive.
    I have several Nitecore torches and have always found them to be well made and reliable.
    Retailing at 39.97 it’s more expensive than the many similar no-name brands available, but build quality and longevity are considerations here and I think the Nitecore is worth the price.

  50. NataliaCollits says:

     United Kingdom

    Nitecore torches are a bit more expensive than most of the no-name Chinese brands you find online, but they do seem to be aiming more at the boutique Led-Lenser market, and they do feel a cut above the no-name stuff.

    This MH11 is no exception – it feels reassuringly solid in the hand, and the button has a nice action. It has four levels of brightness – this is one of my few quibbles with the torch, in that selecting the brightness is done by a half-press on the button, and this is quite hard to judge; it took me a while to learn how lightly to touch it so I didn’t just turn the thing off!

    The beam is nicely focussed – a centre spot with a dimmer wider region around it, and on its highest 1000 lumen setting, it has a decent throw. It is rechargeable via USB-C – a cable is included, along with a pouch with a Velcro flap, a pocket clip and a lanyard.

    Another excellent torch from Nitecore, which should give the premium German brands something to worry about!