Professional Wooden Slant Board, Adjustable Incline Board
Professional Wooden Slant Board, Adjustable Incline Board and Calf Stretcher, Stretch Board – Extra Side-Handle Design for Portability – 16″ X 12.5″, 5 Positions
Very well made and easy to adjust to different inclines as needed. This is the same as the one I use in Physical therapy and a great option for at home use. I purchased the bigger one to do several stretching options. Folds up for easy storage. This was a great buy.
Very sturdy, comes preassembled, and looks exactly like the picture.
The only warning i’ll give is that i bought this as a footrest as well as a calf-stretcher and there’s one thing to be aware of using this as a footrest. I bought this because another footrest from this brand i had ordered (for my partner) a day previously was no longer on sale. This still works great as a footrest; however, the nonslip top *will* snag on your socks. I have had my sock come off a couple times 😀 Hasn’t put holes in any of them yet, so I dont really mind. Just something to be aware of.
This product has worked wonders for me after my Achillies Tendon surgery. It is very sturdy and holds up well when you adjust the incline. Make sure you have something to hold on to when you first begin to use it.
I had to think twice before I spent the money on this. There are cheaper ones out there, but plastic or didn’t look as well made.
Only had it 2 days, but as soon as I stood on it, I knew it was the right decision.
Excellent quality that will last a lifetime, perfect for the purpose and adjustable.
It looks good too 🙂
Ich habe eine entzndete Achillessehne mit beginnender Verkalkung. Zwei Verordnungen Physiotherapie haben bisher nichts gebracht, ebenso wenig meine bungen an der Treppe. Dieses Hilfsmittel ist sehr stabil und wertig. Man kann verschiedene Stufen einstellen. Seit ich es im Wohnzimmer aufgestellt habe und jeden Tag ein paar Minuten dehne, habe ich das Gefhl, dass es schon besser geworden ist. Mir gefllt, dass es aus Holz ist. Das hat mich sehr angesprochen. Auch mit nackten Fssen rutscht man nicht ab.
The board is simple but very functional for the purpose. The way and the material used to build the board give me lots of confidence that it will serve me for a very long time. I have had the board only over a week, but it has already provided me the best and effectively way to stretch and strength my foot that is in recovery. The board is very stable but it should be used against a wall or some strong support, in case the user is off balance. Since it is so light weighted and portable, i may not need to buy a second one for another room. Well worth the money and it is highly recommended.
This is sturdy and the right weight. It is easy to change the slant angle. There is a plastic collar around the handles to prevent splinters. It’s great.
I’ve been following Ben Patrick’s work (knees over toes guy) and decided to get a slant board to do squats at an angle. That’s helped me strengthen my knees and get rid of the pain in my right knee.
What surprised me is that standing on it and stretching my hamstrings hit the hamstrings in a different place (more behind the knees), dramatically improving my flexibility. I’m 48yrs old and have always had tight hamstrings, despite stretching daily. Now for the first time, I can touch my toes.
Also, while I used to think I had flexible calves, and I’d stretch them by hanging them off a step, this board stretches the calves much better than that.
This is exactly what I needed to help stretch my calves because hanging your heel off a step doesn’t cut it for a good calf stretch. I really didn’t think I needed this but after using it for a month, it is noticeably better than the step. I thought I would want a steeper incline, but I actually only use it on the first or second setting! This is durable and I think it will hold up for years to come.
Strong and sturdy. Good size and grip. Have used for clients 250lbs+ and 325lbs+. Best to use with shoes on. I’d recommend this product for long term value.
This sturdy, well-made slant board is a great addition to my workout. It is great for stretching out my legs and calves when it is feeling tight. It also was recommended to me by my athletic club.
Just like I’m using in physical therapy. You could do calf stretches at a wall or on a step, but due to plantar fasciitis in the foot, those options didn’t work well. The slant board allows my foot to lie flat on the board so there is no bending of toes etc. I highly recommend this product.
Our massage therapist recommended my husband and I get a slant board to stretch. It is very sturdy, has 5 different levels and man does it work. My husband has to start with less slant as he is much tighter in his hamstrings. I was able to move it up to 2. But can I feel the stretch. Great size to just leave in the room you watch tv and do your stretching. Highly recommended. Great price.
As described, arrived quickly, well packaged, Heavy!
This is a little strange to manipulate but one you get it, it’s easy to use. Not easy to store in a small area.
I was stretching my calves on the door frame. This created a lot of pressure on my heels. This product makes it a lot easier to comfortably get a deep stretch in my legs.
sturdy construction and easy to use – angle of inclination is a snap to change. i’m 185lbs and so far the board has fared we with use. I really like the stretch it affords – the only recommendation i might give is … go slow. The temptation to be over aggressive with ankle, calf and hamstring stretching is enticing.
I bought this because I have/had plantar fasciitis. For 6/7 months. I read it would add to recovering. So I bought this and also the 90 degree boot. I walk much better and almost pain-free. I believe it contributed to recovery as you can feel it from feet to hamstring. 2min daily. Happy with purchase
Please read through to the end:
I was very hesitant on buying this item as many descriptive terms in the description for the the item but in reality when you receive the item you have to just chuckle and wonder what product they were holding when they wrote their product description because it is in no way close to describing the item you just received from them.
However, this THIS TIME this item description is not only accurate but I believe downplays the quality and attributes of this item. This Slant Step Board is fantastic in EVERY WAY! Myself, as well as my husband both have woodworking backgrounds so upon receipt so we both did a very close quality and safety check on the step. We found nothing but great materials and exceptional work and design were used to make this step. This helped to alleviate both of our minds. I will be balancing my entire weight on it as I do my daily PT exercises and do not want it to suddenly give way at any point potentially causing me an injury.
I would definitely recommend this product to others who are looking for Slanted Steps which are adjustable for stretching out their leg muscles as well as their lower back muscles. It has helped mine tremendously.
Thank you to StrongTeh for their Superb design, workmanship and quality of materials used.
Das Slant Board ist sehr vielfltig nutzbar und sehr stabil. Es macht Spa, damit zu arbeiten. Daher behalte ich es auch gerne und nutze es weiterhin.
Ich empfehle den Produzenten jedoch, eine wesentliche Neuerung bei kommenden Gerten mit einzufhren: Die Ecken des Gertes sollten abgerundet sein. Am Anfang bin ich mit nackten Fen da einige Male aus Versehen gegen die Ecken gekommen, als ich noch nicht gewohnt war, zu wissen, wo es steht.. Das kann extrem schmerzhaft sein. Mittlerweile wei ich, wo das Bord steht. 😉
Aber aus meiner Sicht sollte so ein Gert wirklich Foolproof sein. Es kann nmlich auch sein, dass man gerade zum Beispiel videoangeleitete Gymnastik macht und dann nicht unbedingt immer im Blick hat, wo das Gert sich gerade befindet (ist mir erst heute Morgen passiert, und bin wieder an eine Ecke rangekommen). Das kann man schon ein bisschen nervig sein. Daher empfehle ich wirklich: Liebe Leute verseht das Gert in Zukunft mit abgerundeten Ecken.
Das “StrongTek Professionelles Slant Board” (Normalausfhrung, volldeckende Rutschhemmung) lag in meiner Wahl, weil ich mir keinen Plastik-Mist kaufen wollte, zudem kaufe ich mir nur hochwertige Produkte fr mein “Gym” zu Hause.
Ziemlich teuer, das Teil. Gerechtfertigt? Naja, … Ich meine das Material.
Das Board basiert auf einer soliden, sehr sauberen, auf Tempo optimierten Tischlerarbeit.
Nicht alle Flchen (Griffmulden, weitere kleine Flchen) sind lackiert, was mir unverstndlich ist. Ist vielleicht so ein Design-Ding, weil sich unlackierte Flcken optisch gefllig absetzen. Andererseits erspart sich der Hersteller damit auch Produktionszeit- und kosten.
Es wurde mit Furnier gearbeitet, auerdem natrlich mit Sperrholz – und vielleicht auch mit Spanplatte? Die Deckplatte ist rundherum mit Furnier belegt – man muss wohl glauben, was der Hersteller schreibt, dass es sich um Sperrholz handelt.
Insgesamt wirkt das Sperrholz an manchen Stellen (da wo kein Furrnier ist und man direkt ins Holz schauen kann) fleckig und billig. Da scheint wohl auch etwas Schrott verpresst worden zu sein? Vielleicht muss das ja auch so – da bin ich zu wenig Holzexperte …
Zwei Edelstahlscharniere sind verbaut, die Senkkopfschrauben sitzen erhaben auf – hier wurde funktional gearbeitet, nicht fr die Galerie. Ist vllig okay, zeigt aber eben auch, dass es um den schnellen und einfachen Zusammenbau ging.
Die Funktion des Boards, die raue Trittflche und der Gesamteindruck sind sehr gut. Den Kauf werde ich sicherlich nicht bereuen.
Apropos Trittflche: Extrem rutschhemmend und grozgig, man kann aber auch davon ausgehen, dass die Trittflche nicht ewig so schn bleiben wird. Was passiert, wenn die Flche abgenutzt ist? Neues Board kaufen? Na, immerhin ist das Material recht Recycling-kompatibel.
37,8 cm x 31,5 cm betrgt die gesamte Tritt-Oberflche – viel Platz auch fr Riesen-Latschen.
Unter dem Board befinden sich groe runde Rutschhemmer aus Gummi (?). Macht einen guten Eindruck und funktioniert.
Kompromissloses Schrgbrett, solide, praxisgerecht und gut.
Das verwendete Sperrholz scheint mir nicht das hochwertigste zu sein – mir fallen einige Stellen optisch negativ ins Auge. Mein Eindruck kann aber auch tuschen – ich bin kein Holzexperte.
Generell: Es wurde viel Furnier eingesetzt. Das hat mich irritiert.
Die Deckplatte lsst sich nicht hinsichtlich der Holzart identifizieren, da sie allseitig furniert ist.
Der Gesamtbau ist przise, sauber, schlicht und kostenoptimiert.
Das Board eignet sich ausgezeichnet fr das serise Gym.
Kaufempfehlung? JA.
Der Preis ist meiner Meinung nach (Ich zahlte ber 60 Euro) zu hoch. Dafr ziehe ich einen Stern ab.
Sollte das Board in 5 Jahren aber noch so gut sein wie heute, dann werde ich meine Meinung revidieren.
Went for the largest size and would recommend it if you want to use it for squats
I use mine to try and strengthen my knees. The build quality appears good and it feels solid, i weigh around 175lbs. Overall very pleased
I have used this slant board at physical therapy for many different routines for many years. It’s not just good for calf stretching. I do other leg/hip/glute stretches using this tool. It has to be durable because of the amount of use it gets at the PT facility. Listen to your physical therapist and don’t start any new routine without a bit of training.
I loved this product that comes with a variation of exercises for strengthening your calves and other muscles related to your knees. This item is durable and provides much needed support to complete your exercises.
I found this item at my physical therapy. Recovering from knee surgery I started every session with 5-10 minutes of stretching my calves, hamstrings, and glues. I like the results so much that I bought one for my home. I use it religiously before and after exercise. The device has 5 settings. This is an outstanding warm-up and cool-down tool. Does not take up much space. I highly recommend it for any weekend warriors who have knee and back issues. This tool works also well for the pre-golf warm-up.
This is a very solid object and I have no concerns while on it. I do like the antiskid material which adds friction so your feet don’t slip and slide. It’s a good product. I use it daily!
My ankle was shattered one year ago and hardware was put in both sides of the ankle. The slant board will help me get the proper bend back in my ankle, which I have been unable to achieve. Plus it will help with my serious balance issues.
Sturdy, absolutely solid, even for someone closely approaching #300. Heavy. I purchased the larger model and it is ‘uge! I have size 14 feet, and I can place my feet nearly “shoulder width” apart, which brings the outside edges of my feet/shoes just to the outer edges, while still leaving about 2+” of open space in front of or behind the toe or heel areas. For the vast majority of people, the smaller/standard size will work fine and take up MUCH less space. I purchased the nearly fully anti-slip covered version, but I would say the partly covered version would suffice for most people, unless you may be planning on using at the more extreme incline range.
I was a little hesitant to purchase but I was tired of having to go to physical therapy. This item works great even better that the one at my PT. Worth it.
Me at 210 lbs I felt totally safe. With the adjustments didn’t need to lean forward much for a good calf stretch. Well made and heavy duty. Has a carrying handle slot means someone was thinking. Easy to carry.
When Covid started, I changed my workout routine to include bicycling almost exclusively. I did very little cross training (unfortunately) and even less stretching (quite unfortunate). When I returned to jogging (moderate 5k type) and “weekend warrior” basketball, I had recurring calf-strains. The PT thinks that I need to lengthen my calf muscles via stretching. (I agree). Enter the wooden slant board. I have size 13 feet and it is plenty large and sturdy. I started with the more gentle stretching angles and progressed to more aggressive stretches. Typically, I stretch longer using the Slant board than I would using a stair or a stretch band. It’s just easier or more comfortable and convenient to stretch. It’s highly effective thus far. I’ve recently returned to jogging with no troubles (fingers crossed) and I credit the slant board and the advice of the PT.
Zum Wadendehnen mit verschiedenen Steigerungsmglichkeiten super geeignet auch fr schwerere” Menschen. Ein Punjt Abzug, da das Gert mit einer eingedrckten Ecke an der Obersrite ankam. Ist wohl schon vorher irgendwo auf die Ecke runtergefallen, tut aber der Funktion selbst keinen Abbruch
I was told that stretching my calves, to relieve the tightness, would help somewhat in dealing with my Morton’s Neuroma condition. So I was looking for a product to help me achieve this result. After reading the reviews of different slant boards, I decided to purchase the Strong Tek board.
When I received the Strog Tek board, I was immediately impressed. This slant board is strong and sturdy and very easily adjustable for different incline positions. Also, I find that the wooden construction makes it aesthetically pleasing enough so that it doesn’t have to be tucked away out of sight when not being used. This encourages more frequent use.
I use one at my PT so decided to get one for my own.
It works as intended. Now I get to stretch my calf whenever I want/need.
It’s only being a month, but so far, it seems to be sturdy and durable.
I looked at options and picked this one,,,good call as its well made, solid, adjustable for various heights and came quickly. folds down so you could take it almost anywhere
I got the XL version and it is a very good product. However I don’t understand why the surface needs to be 18″ deep while it’s only 16″ wide. I think they should make it wider than it is deep.
Iam 5 7″ 130 lb female. I was so excited when this arrived. I had used one in physical therapy for deep squats and this looked perfect. But alas, it was too narrow and does not allow for shoulder width squats. Returning to search out a wider slant board
I suffered a dislocated ankle fractured in 3 places and went on to have surgery last year.
My physio has a similar apparatus in his practice and showed me certain exercises I need to do to strengthen my ankle.
I purchased this board (similar in shape to the physio’s) and I’ve been using this board every day and I can say it has helped in strengthening my ankle and I am walking much better.
Definitely worth a buy if you’ve had a similar injury
Annie x
Can’t say it’s worth the price. I’m sure when buying in bulk, each one of these guys costs less than $10 to make, but that being said it does everything you want it to for stretching. I have terrible ankles and tightness behind my knees, and no other stretching position has helped half as much as this guy. If you sit in a chair all day and have the money to spend, I can highly recommend this. Otherwise, buy a couple 2×4’s and some grip tape to make your own.
Other than price, the only complaint is longevity. The grip tape is very thin and there are complaints of it coming off from other reviews. Not hard to fix, and not very expensive, but for the price tag they put on this thing it’s a little annoying they didn’t use any better glue. Price and longevity are the only reasons this isn’t a 5 sta
Totally solid. Very durable. I’m very happy I purchased this. Definitely works to stretch out your calf muscles, but you have to be consistent and give it time. Give it at least five minutes every day and then after a month or two, you’ll really notice a difference. Believe me.
Exceeded expectations of quality. The wood feels substantial. I keep it in our living room and it looks like furniture. The incline adjustment is effortless, while also very secure in place.
A couple things to note, which I think would be true of any slant board like this:
1. You have to be either wearing shoes or barefoot in order to have enough friction. If you are only wearing socks, you will slide off.
2. I do not yet know if there is too great a variation between incline settings. The setting I am using now provides a good stretch, but the next notch seems to be a pretty big jump. Again, I think all slant boards of this design will have that issue since there needs to be a minimum distance between notches in wood.
I am going to get a (slightly less than)-half-round foam in addition to this slant board. Those work well with socks, since your heel is on the floor. Also, they’re light and easy to move. The downside being that they are not like a piece of furniture, and for that reason, I am going to keep this one. The half-round that I tried from amazon was too high, and it was also too slippery and did not stay in place. But I have used ones before that work very well. If I can find it again, I will link it here.
If you’re looking at this you likely know what it’s used for. It’s very sturdy/well made as it takes my weight on a daily basis (I weight approx 105kg). My only concern for this product long term is the piece of wood underneath that goes between the different incline slots. It’s cut at an angle where the on the shallowest gradients it’s only using a tiny edge of the plywood, even though this board rated for heavier use, I don’t feel comfortable doing more than body weight with this in fear of that piece of wood breaking. I simple design tweak could be to just “round the wood” so there is more uniform pressure going in to the base and thus increase potential longevity.
I purchased this product out of need and use it almost daily. When I started physical therapy they had be using one. It made my calves feel really good so I decided to buy one for myself. I choose this one due to other reviews and so far am very satisfied with the quality of the board and the results I am getting. I bought the full coverage board and have not had any issues with it to date. I noticed that the one they had a physical therapy could only handle 250 pounds where this one handles quite a bit more. I am reviewing this product because I have no regrets on buying from this manufacturer.
I wanted something to use for physio/warming up and to help improve my squats. This piece of kit is well made, grippy, and has more adjustment than I need. It’s a great addition to my home gym.
Can’t comment on how long it will last, however the angles are good, grip and support seem like they will hold up. Not unhappy with the purchase and would recommend.
I was advised to buy a slant board because of calve/gait problems. I chose this over the cheaper plastic ones because it looked much more sturdy and able to stretch my calves. So glad I did because using once a day for two minutes keeps my muscles subtle and working. The board is well made and very heavy so no good for taking on holiday, in fact even tho I tried to stretch my calves when away I still feel them locking up and can’t wait to get back home to my board. This review is for the Professional Wooden Slant Board, Adjustable Incline Board and Calf Stretcher only. Just want to stress that because I often see reviews for products attached to other completely different items on Amazon which annoy me.
I received yesterday and used right away! What an amazing stretch! I sprained my ankle a few years ago and suffer with stiffness. I used this yesterday and this morning and feel the difference already. I was able to walk without the pain/tightness. I’ve seen this at physical therapist offices and decided to get for myself. I’m happy I purchased
We absolutely love this board. My kids and husband use this on a daily basis along with myself. This has helped correct my sons tip toeing by loosing up his hamstrings. I love that you can also adjust the height of your stretch. The only downfall is the grips on the bottom cane off super easy but I just used super glue to stick them back on. Other than that, I recommend this for anyone dealing with tight hamstrings, calves etc.
We absolutely love this board. My kids and husband use this on a daily basis along with myself. This has helped correct my sons tip toeing by loosing up his hamstrings. I love that you can also adjust the height of your stretch. The only downfall is the grips on the bottom cane off super easy but I just used super glue to stick them back on. Other than that, I recommend this for anyone dealing with tight hamstrings, calves etc.
This has been a satisfying purchase, and worth every dime. I guess I’ve grown accustomed to paying too much for items that are poorly built of sub-standard quality materials, which it seems is every manufactured item on the market today. This purchase made me very happy. It’s well-built, sturdy, nicely finished, and extremely functional. I bought this to use for weighted squats, and this is one solid piece of equipment. Would definitely purchase again, but I know I won’t need to. I would absolutely recommend this item with no reservations. The only thing I that would be an improvement is some felt strips or other cushioning material along the wood parts that come into contact with eachother. When you move this item, those wood parts sometimes smack together making a really loud clapping noise. I added felt strips, and no more noise. I suppose in a gym the noise wouldn’t be so remarkable, but in our home it seemed quite loud.
This sturdy slant board is identical to the one used at the physical therapist office I go to. I’m a runner recovering from tarsal tunnel and plantar fascia release surgery on my left foot and this board has been extremely helpful in stretching out my foot and calf muscles. My physical therapist said it will help get rid of the foot drop problem (inability to lift the front part of my foot) that occurred after the surgery. I’ve been using it twice per day for 6 weeks and my foot drop is almost gone now and I can walk normally again! I like how this product has adjustable heights and can be stored underneath my bed. It arrived well packaged and in excellent condition.
I plan on continuing to use this to help prevent future foot and ankle problems.
I am an athlete aged 67. I run on the track and cross country at Elite level.
Foot strength is imperative. We stand on our feet; work; exercise; The importance of looking after them in every way is huge.
This Slant Box is the answer and I cannot recommend it more highly
Having been diagnosed with osteoarthritis, this has helped more than any exercises or drugs recommended by my physiotherapist. No need for pain relief any longer. Having felt I could no longer even walk without my knees hurting, I can now run around on the tennis court. The daily stretches achieved throughout the day from such a simple board has brought joyful sport and exercises back into my life. Should have bought it years ago. Don’t wait buy it now!
This item is well built. I bought the larger size with the completely covered top and am glad I did as I have large feet and am not a thin person. I am still only using the minimum slant. It takes a few times using this to get the legs used to stretching but after using it a few weeks my calves are feeling good with the stretching they have been getting. I notice an improvement simply in the way I am walking now. The sand paper like covering where I place my feet shows no sign at all of the problems that were mentioned in some reviews that I read (it is well glued and is not slipping or moving at all). I like this slant board because I can pull it out while watching T.V. and get a nice stretch while standing upright without needing to get down on the floor. This thing is excellent.
This Slant Board is excellent quality and still portable enough for me to take to my gym in a plastic bag as they don’t have one. Very happy with this purchase.
Very nice and well-made bit of kit. AWESOME grip – I use if for ATG Patrick Steps – very stable. I’ve used in shoes but usually barefoot in my garage gym and always holds perfect. AAA+++!
Really good quality item. You can feel the quality of the finish and manufacture immediately. Good range of angles to choose from. Fits in the angle slots well, and the carry holes are really useful. Shame it doesn’t fold flatter for easier storage but that’s a minor issue really.
Great product, well built and does exactly what I need it for. Great for ankle flexibility and like the adjustability of the board angle. They have sorted out the grip surface issue as well.
Received this item in double-boxed packaging (Thanks to Amazon) . Also tried on the product and it’s sturdy enough for my subsequent exercise regimen. Hope I can really benefit from it.
Received this item in double-boxed packaging (Thanks to Amazon) . Also tried on the product and it's sturdy enough for my subsequent exercise regimen. Hope I can really benefit from it.
Great board but kind of annoying to have payed this much and it have such cheap grip tape that constantly keeps peeling off. Will honestly have to go and buy new tape so it doesn’t peel off every other day like it currently does.
Very well made and easy to adjust to different inclines as needed. This is the same as the one I use in Physical therapy and a great option for at home use. I purchased the bigger one to do several stretching options. Folds up for easy storage. This was a great buy.
The only warning i’ll give is that i bought this as a footrest as well as a calf-stretcher and there’s one thing to be aware of using this as a footrest. I bought this because another footrest from this brand i had ordered (for my partner) a day previously was no longer on sale. This still works great as a footrest; however, the nonslip top *will* snag on your socks. I have had my sock come off a couple times 😀 Hasn’t put holes in any of them yet, so I dont really mind. Just something to be aware of.
This product has worked wonders for me after my Achillies Tendon surgery. It is very sturdy and holds up well when you adjust the incline. Make sure you have something to hold on to when you first begin to use it.
I had to think twice before I spent the money on this. There are cheaper ones out there, but plastic or didn’t look as well made.
Only had it 2 days, but as soon as I stood on it, I knew it was the right decision.
Excellent quality that will last a lifetime, perfect for the purpose and adjustable.
It looks good too 🙂
Ich habe eine entzndete Achillessehne mit beginnender Verkalkung. Zwei Verordnungen Physiotherapie haben bisher nichts gebracht, ebenso wenig meine bungen an der Treppe. Dieses Hilfsmittel ist sehr stabil und wertig. Man kann verschiedene Stufen einstellen. Seit ich es im Wohnzimmer aufgestellt habe und jeden Tag ein paar Minuten dehne, habe ich das Gefhl, dass es schon besser geworden ist. Mir gefllt, dass es aus Holz ist. Das hat mich sehr angesprochen. Auch mit nackten Fssen rutscht man nicht ab.
Quality construction, and it works great at stretching my calves.
This is sturdy and the right weight. It is easy to change the slant angle. There is a plastic collar around the handles to prevent splinters. It’s great.
his product has been great for helping strengthen my back
I’ve been following Ben Patrick’s work (knees over toes guy) and decided to get a slant board to do squats at an angle. That’s helped me strengthen my knees and get rid of the pain in my right knee.
What surprised me is that standing on it and stretching my hamstrings hit the hamstrings in a different place (more behind the knees), dramatically improving my flexibility. I’m 48yrs old and have always had tight hamstrings, despite stretching daily. Now for the first time, I can touch my toes.
Also, while I used to think I had flexible calves, and I’d stretch them by hanging them off a step, this board stretches the calves much better than that.
This is exactly what I needed to help stretch my calves because hanging your heel off a step doesn’t cut it for a good calf stretch. I really didn’t think I needed this but after using it for a month, it is noticeably better than the step. I thought I would want a steeper incline, but I actually only use it on the first or second setting! This is durable and I think it will hold up for years to come.
It works great for stretching out your calf muscles after any extensive use of your legs.
Strong and sturdy. Good size and grip. Have used for clients 250lbs+ and 325lbs+. Best to use with shoes on. I’d recommend this product for long term value.
This sturdy, well-made slant board is a great addition to my workout. It is great for stretching out my legs and calves when it is feeling tight. It also was recommended to me by my athletic club.
Just like I’m using in physical therapy. You could do calf stretches at a wall or on a step, but due to plantar fasciitis in the foot, those options didn’t work well. The slant board allows my foot to lie flat on the board so there is no bending of toes etc. I highly recommend this product.
Our massage therapist recommended my husband and I get a slant board to stretch. It is very sturdy, has 5 different levels and man does it work. My husband has to start with less slant as he is much tighter in his hamstrings. I was able to move it up to 2. But can I feel the stretch. Great size to just leave in the room you watch tv and do your stretching. Highly recommended. Great price.
This is a little strange to manipulate but one you get it, it’s easy to use. Not easy to store in a small area.
I was stretching my calves on the door frame. This created a lot of pressure on my heels. This product makes it a lot easier to comfortably get a deep stretch in my legs.
Gute Verarbeitung, robust, einfache Neigungseinstellung und guter Grip auf der Stehflche.
Sehr zu empfehlen!
sturdy construction and easy to use – angle of inclination is a snap to change. i’m 185lbs and so far the board has fared we with use. I really like the stretch it affords – the only recommendation i might give is … go slow. The temptation to be over aggressive with ankle, calf and hamstring stretching is enticing.
I bought this because I have/had plantar fasciitis. For 6/7 months. I read it would add to recovering. So I bought this and also the 90 degree boot. I walk much better and almost pain-free. I believe it contributed to recovery as you can feel it from feet to hamstring. 2min daily. Happy with purchase
I was very hesitant on buying this item as many descriptive terms in the description for the the item but in reality when you receive the item you have to just chuckle and wonder what product they were holding when they wrote their product description because it is in no way close to describing the item you just received from them.
However, this THIS TIME this item description is not only accurate but I believe downplays the quality and attributes of this item. This Slant Step Board is fantastic in EVERY WAY! Myself, as well as my husband both have woodworking backgrounds so upon receipt so we both did a very close quality and safety check on the step. We found nothing but great materials and exceptional work and design were used to make this step. This helped to alleviate both of our minds. I will be balancing my entire weight on it as I do my daily PT exercises and do not want it to suddenly give way at any point potentially causing me an injury.
I would definitely recommend this product to others who are looking for Slanted Steps which are adjustable for stretching out their leg muscles as well as their lower back muscles. It has helped mine tremendously.
Thank you to StrongTeh for their Superb design, workmanship and quality of materials used.
Das Slant Board ist sehr vielfltig nutzbar und sehr stabil. Es macht Spa, damit zu arbeiten. Daher behalte ich es auch gerne und nutze es weiterhin.
Ich empfehle den Produzenten jedoch, eine wesentliche Neuerung bei kommenden Gerten mit einzufhren: Die Ecken des Gertes sollten abgerundet sein. Am Anfang bin ich mit nackten Fen da einige Male aus Versehen gegen die Ecken gekommen, als ich noch nicht gewohnt war, zu wissen, wo es steht.. Das kann extrem schmerzhaft sein. Mittlerweile wei ich, wo das Bord steht. 😉
Aber aus meiner Sicht sollte so ein Gert wirklich Foolproof sein. Es kann nmlich auch sein, dass man gerade zum Beispiel videoangeleitete Gymnastik macht und dann nicht unbedingt immer im Blick hat, wo das Gert sich gerade befindet (ist mir erst heute Morgen passiert, und bin wieder an eine Ecke rangekommen). Das kann man schon ein bisschen nervig sein. Daher empfehle ich wirklich: Liebe Leute verseht das Gert in Zukunft mit abgerundeten Ecken.
Fr die Schmerzen im Zeh gibt es ein Punkt Abzug
Exactly as expected. Solid, sturdy board. Not cheap but much better than plastic versions in my opinion. Speedy delivery
Very solid. Instructions, although limited, are easy to follow and I am already benefiting from having less tight calf muscles
It does what it says and is solid and well made – a much nicer option than the plastic ones available.
Das “StrongTek Professionelles Slant Board” (Normalausfhrung, volldeckende Rutschhemmung) lag in meiner Wahl, weil ich mir keinen Plastik-Mist kaufen wollte, zudem kaufe ich mir nur hochwertige Produkte fr mein “Gym” zu Hause.
Ziemlich teuer, das Teil. Gerechtfertigt? Naja, … Ich meine das Material.
Das Board basiert auf einer soliden, sehr sauberen, auf Tempo optimierten Tischlerarbeit.
Nicht alle Flchen (Griffmulden, weitere kleine Flchen) sind lackiert, was mir unverstndlich ist. Ist vielleicht so ein Design-Ding, weil sich unlackierte Flcken optisch gefllig absetzen. Andererseits erspart sich der Hersteller damit auch Produktionszeit- und kosten.
Es wurde mit Furnier gearbeitet, auerdem natrlich mit Sperrholz – und vielleicht auch mit Spanplatte? Die Deckplatte ist rundherum mit Furnier belegt – man muss wohl glauben, was der Hersteller schreibt, dass es sich um Sperrholz handelt.
Insgesamt wirkt das Sperrholz an manchen Stellen (da wo kein Furrnier ist und man direkt ins Holz schauen kann) fleckig und billig. Da scheint wohl auch etwas Schrott verpresst worden zu sein? Vielleicht muss das ja auch so – da bin ich zu wenig Holzexperte …
Zwei Edelstahlscharniere sind verbaut, die Senkkopfschrauben sitzen erhaben auf – hier wurde funktional gearbeitet, nicht fr die Galerie. Ist vllig okay, zeigt aber eben auch, dass es um den schnellen und einfachen Zusammenbau ging.
Die Funktion des Boards, die raue Trittflche und der Gesamteindruck sind sehr gut. Den Kauf werde ich sicherlich nicht bereuen.
Apropos Trittflche: Extrem rutschhemmend und grozgig, man kann aber auch davon ausgehen, dass die Trittflche nicht ewig so schn bleiben wird. Was passiert, wenn die Flche abgenutzt ist? Neues Board kaufen? Na, immerhin ist das Material recht Recycling-kompatibel.
37,8 cm x 31,5 cm betrgt die gesamte Tritt-Oberflche – viel Platz auch fr Riesen-Latschen.
Unter dem Board befinden sich groe runde Rutschhemmer aus Gummi (?). Macht einen guten Eindruck und funktioniert.
Kompromissloses Schrgbrett, solide, praxisgerecht und gut.
Das verwendete Sperrholz scheint mir nicht das hochwertigste zu sein – mir fallen einige Stellen optisch negativ ins Auge. Mein Eindruck kann aber auch tuschen – ich bin kein Holzexperte.
Generell: Es wurde viel Furnier eingesetzt. Das hat mich irritiert.
Die Deckplatte lsst sich nicht hinsichtlich der Holzart identifizieren, da sie allseitig furniert ist.
Der Gesamtbau ist przise, sauber, schlicht und kostenoptimiert.
Das Board eignet sich ausgezeichnet fr das serise Gym.
Kaufempfehlung? JA.
Der Preis ist meiner Meinung nach (Ich zahlte ber 60 Euro) zu hoch. Dafr ziehe ich einen Stern ab.
Sollte das Board in 5 Jahren aber noch so gut sein wie heute, dann werde ich meine Meinung revidieren.
Went for the largest size and would recommend it if you want to use it for squats
I use mine to try and strengthen my knees. The build quality appears good and it feels solid, i weigh around 175lbs. Overall very pleased
I have used this slant board at physical therapy for many different routines for many years. It’s not just good for calf stretching. I do other leg/hip/glute stretches using this tool. It has to be durable because of the amount of use it gets at the PT facility. Listen to your physical therapist and don’t start any new routine without a bit of training.
It’s been a month since the purchase.
This product does the job very well. The quality of the materials are nice and it is wide enough.
I loved this product that comes with a variation of exercises for strengthening your calves and other muscles related to your knees. This item is durable and provides much needed support to complete your exercises.
This is a very solid object and I have no concerns while on it. I do like the antiskid material which adds friction so your feet don’t slip and slide. It’s a good product. I use it daily!
Far superior to the ones in health clubs and others I bought previously
We’ll made product I only wish I got the extra large versio
My ankle was shattered one year ago and hardware was put in both sides of the ankle. The slant board will help me get the proper bend back in my ankle, which I have been unable to achieve. Plus it will help with my serious balance issues.
It is just the right size, has plenty of adjustment and very sturdy
Sturdy, absolutely solid, even for someone closely approaching #300. Heavy. I purchased the larger model and it is ‘uge! I have size 14 feet, and I can place my feet nearly “shoulder width” apart, which brings the outside edges of my feet/shoes just to the outer edges, while still leaving about 2+” of open space in front of or behind the toe or heel areas. For the vast majority of people, the smaller/standard size will work fine and take up MUCH less space. I purchased the nearly fully anti-slip covered version, but I would say the partly covered version would suffice for most people, unless you may be planning on using at the more extreme incline range.
This is the same board that I use during my physical therapy appointments. I purchased it so I can do my exercises at home. Works as advertised..
I was a little hesitant to purchase but I was tired of having to go to physical therapy. This item works great even better that the one at my PT. Worth it.
Me at 210 lbs I felt totally safe. With the adjustments didn’t need to lean forward much for a good calf stretch. Well made and heavy duty. Has a carrying handle slot means someone was thinking. Easy to carry.
Zum Wadendehnen mit verschiedenen Steigerungsmglichkeiten super geeignet auch fr schwerere” Menschen. Ein Punjt Abzug, da das Gert mit einer eingedrckten Ecke an der Obersrite ankam. Ist wohl schon vorher irgendwo auf die Ecke runtergefallen, tut aber der Funktion selbst keinen Abbruch
Pretty sturdy and decent quality,
I do feel it is a little pricey but it is durable
I was told that stretching my calves, to relieve the tightness, would help somewhat in dealing with my Morton’s Neuroma condition. So I was looking for a product to help me achieve this result. After reading the reviews of different slant boards, I decided to purchase the Strong Tek board.
When I received the Strog Tek board, I was immediately impressed. This slant board is strong and sturdy and very easily adjustable for different incline positions. Also, I find that the wooden construction makes it aesthetically pleasing enough so that it doesn’t have to be tucked away out of sight when not being used. This encourages more frequent use.
Impressed with the quality. Feels solid when standing on it.
I use one at my PT so decided to get one for my own.
It works as intended. Now I get to stretch my calf whenever I want/need.
It’s only being a month, but so far, it seems to be sturdy and durable.
I looked at options and picked this one,,,good call as its well made, solid, adjustable for various heights and came quickly. folds down so you could take it almost anywhere
I like it. I have to keep it out where I can see it to remember to use it.
It actually helps too stretch those muscles in the back of my legs.
I got the XL version and it is a very good product. However I don’t understand why the surface needs to be 18″ deep while it’s only 16″ wide. I think they should make it wider than it is deep.
Iam 5 7″ 130 lb female. I was so excited when this arrived. I had used one in physical therapy for deep squats and this looked perfect. But alas, it was too narrow and does not allow for shoulder width squats. Returning to search out a wider slant board
I suffered a dislocated ankle fractured in 3 places and went on to have surgery last year.
My physio has a similar apparatus in his practice and showed me certain exercises I need to do to strengthen my ankle.
I purchased this board (similar in shape to the physio’s) and I’ve been using this board every day and I can say it has helped in strengthening my ankle and I am walking much better.
Definitely worth a buy if you’ve had a similar injury
Annie x
Other than price, the only complaint is longevity. The grip tape is very thin and there are complaints of it coming off from other reviews. Not hard to fix, and not very expensive, but for the price tag they put on this thing it’s a little annoying they didn’t use any better glue. Price and longevity are the only reasons this isn’t a 5 sta
Totally solid. Very durable. I’m very happy I purchased this. Definitely works to stretch out your calf muscles, but you have to be consistent and give it time. Give it at least five minutes every day and then after a month or two, you’ll really notice a difference. Believe me.
Exceeded expectations of quality. The wood feels substantial. I keep it in our living room and it looks like furniture. The incline adjustment is effortless, while also very secure in place.
A couple things to note, which I think would be true of any slant board like this:
1. You have to be either wearing shoes or barefoot in order to have enough friction. If you are only wearing socks, you will slide off.
2. I do not yet know if there is too great a variation between incline settings. The setting I am using now provides a good stretch, but the next notch seems to be a pretty big jump. Again, I think all slant boards of this design will have that issue since there needs to be a minimum distance between notches in wood.
I am going to get a (slightly less than)-half-round foam in addition to this slant board. Those work well with socks, since your heel is on the floor. Also, they’re light and easy to move. The downside being that they are not like a piece of furniture, and for that reason, I am going to keep this one. The half-round that I tried from amazon was too high, and it was also too slippery and did not stay in place. But I have used ones before that work very well. If I can find it again, I will link it here.
If you’re looking at this you likely know what it’s used for. It’s very sturdy/well made as it takes my weight on a daily basis (I weight approx 105kg). My only concern for this product long term is the piece of wood underneath that goes between the different incline slots. It’s cut at an angle where the on the shallowest gradients it’s only using a tiny edge of the plywood, even though this board rated for heavier use, I don’t feel comfortable doing more than body weight with this in fear of that piece of wood breaking. I simple design tweak could be to just “round the wood” so there is more uniform pressure going in to the base and thus increase potential longevity.
I purchased this product out of need and use it almost daily. When I started physical therapy they had be using one. It made my calves feel really good so I decided to buy one for myself. I choose this one due to other reviews and so far am very satisfied with the quality of the board and the results I am getting. I bought the full coverage board and have not had any issues with it to date. I noticed that the one they had a physical therapy could only handle 250 pounds where this one handles quite a bit more. I am reviewing this product because I have no regrets on buying from this manufacturer.
I wanted something to use for physio/warming up and to help improve my squats. This piece of kit is well made, grippy, and has more adjustment than I need. It’s a great addition to my home gym.
Can’t comment on how long it will last, however the angles are good, grip and support seem like they will hold up. Not unhappy with the purchase and would recommend.
I was advised to buy a slant board because of calve/gait problems. I chose this over the cheaper plastic ones because it looked much more sturdy and able to stretch my calves. So glad I did because using once a day for two minutes keeps my muscles subtle and working. The board is well made and very heavy so no good for taking on holiday, in fact even tho I tried to stretch my calves when away I still feel them locking up and can’t wait to get back home to my board. This review is for the Professional Wooden Slant Board, Adjustable Incline Board and Calf Stretcher only. Just want to stress that because I often see reviews for products attached to other completely different items on Amazon which annoy me.
I received yesterday and used right away! What an amazing stretch! I sprained my ankle a few years ago and suffer with stiffness. I used this yesterday and this morning and feel the difference already. I was able to walk without the pain/tightness. I’ve seen this at physical therapist offices and decided to get for myself. I’m happy I purchased
We absolutely love this board. My kids and husband use this on a daily basis along with myself. This has helped correct my sons tip toeing by loosing up his hamstrings. I love that you can also adjust the height of your stretch. The only downfall is the grips on the bottom cane off super easy but I just used super glue to stick them back on. Other than that, I recommend this for anyone dealing with tight hamstrings, calves etc.
This has been a satisfying purchase, and worth every dime. I guess I’ve grown accustomed to paying too much for items that are poorly built of sub-standard quality materials, which it seems is every manufactured item on the market today. This purchase made me very happy. It’s well-built, sturdy, nicely finished, and extremely functional. I bought this to use for weighted squats, and this is one solid piece of equipment. Would definitely purchase again, but I know I won’t need to. I would absolutely recommend this item with no reservations. The only thing I that would be an improvement is some felt strips or other cushioning material along the wood parts that come into contact with eachother. When you move this item, those wood parts sometimes smack together making a really loud clapping noise. I added felt strips, and no more noise. I suppose in a gym the noise wouldn’t be so remarkable, but in our home it seemed quite loud.
Loving this Slant board awesome stretches on the backs of your legs I’m 14st and it’s solid
I plan on continuing to use this to help prevent future foot and ankle problems.
Despite damage to item, I was happy to keep product as didn’t affect use. I was offered a new item or refund. Very good customer service.
Surprisingly strong and sturdy. Very easy to use. The grip tape works very well. Great produc
Foot strength is imperative. We stand on our feet; work; exercise; The importance of looking after them in every way is huge.
This Slant Box is the answer and I cannot recommend it more highly
This item is well built. I bought the larger size with the completely covered top and am glad I did as I have large feet and am not a thin person. I am still only using the minimum slant. It takes a few times using this to get the legs used to stretching but after using it a few weeks my calves are feeling good with the stretching they have been getting. I notice an improvement simply in the way I am walking now. The sand paper like covering where I place my feet shows no sign at all of the problems that were mentioned in some reviews that I read (it is well glued and is not slipping or moving at all). I like this slant board because I can pull it out while watching T.V. and get a nice stretch while standing upright without needing to get down on the floor. This thing is excellent.
This Slant Board is excellent quality and still portable enough for me to take to my gym in a plastic bag as they don’t have one. Very happy with this purchase.
Really good quality item. You can feel the quality of the finish and manufacture immediately. Good range of angles to choose from. Fits in the angle slots well, and the carry holes are really useful. Shame it doesn’t fold flatter for easier storage but that’s a minor issue really.
Great product, well built and does exactly what I need it for. Great for ankle flexibility and like the adjustability of the board angle. They have sorted out the grip surface issue as well.
Easy to use and works well. The drippy texture of the top is helpful
Does what it says on the tin. Well constructed, sturdy, simple and easy to use.
Received this item in double-boxed packaging (Thanks to Amazon) . Also tried on the product and it’s sturdy enough for my subsequent exercise regimen. Hope I can really benefit from it.