Velo Sock Unisex's Shard Bike Cover, Fits 99% of Mtb

Velo Sock Unisex's Shard Bike Cover, Fits 99% of Mtb Bicycles

Choose one of three VELOSOCK full covers depending on the bike you have – Road, MTB, or Triathlon. Have your bike fully-covered – transport and store it in a dirt-free and stylish way.
VELOSOCK bicycle covers are designed, printed, and hand-sewn in-house so we can ensure every product we ship meets our quality standards.
Once your VELOSOCK gets really dirty, you can safely wash it in your washing machine. Wash at 30 – 40° C (80 – 100° F) or less. We promise that colours will not wear off even after many times in the wash.
Dimensions: | 33.4 x 28.4 x 8.5 cm; 1.07 Kilograms |
Model: | Indoor |
Part: | Indoor |
Manufacture: | Velo Sock |
Department: | Men's |
Dimensions: | 33.4 x 28.4 x 8.5 cm; 1.07 Kilograms |
Keeps bikes dry. Velosock was wet with dew one morning and air dried in just a few hours. This version is just big enough to accommodate a long frame, crank forward ebike. It would be helpful if there was a better idea of sizing before purchase from the product description. Just naming a type of bicycle it fits is not enough.
Die Velosocks sind der Hammer. Passen fr jegliches Fahrrad, auch mein e-Bike hat problemlos Platz.
Eiziger Nachteil ist der dnne Stoff an den Punken, an welchen sich die Rder auf dem Trger berhren. Hier ist schnell ein Loch entstanden. Diese Stellen werden nun mit Tchern von mir ausgestopft und somit ist das Problem nun auch behoben.
Die Velosocks sind der Hammer. Passen fr jegliches Fahrrad, auch mein e-Bike hat problemlos Platz.
Eiziger Nachteil ist der dnne Stoff an den Punken, an welchen sich die Rder auf dem Trger berhren. Hier ist schnell ein Loch entstanden. Diese Stellen werden nun mit Tchern von mir ausgestopft und somit ist das Problem nun auch behoben.
I purchased a velosock recently as driving to s.spain with my bike on rear rack of car and was hoping to keep it clean if the usual road grime . After a couple of practice attempts in my house I got the cover on my e-mtb in a few minutes with some trial and error following YouTube videos.
I took the pedals off to stop any rips in the material although it is extremely stretchy , pedal bags are included. There are zips so you can still fit your locking rack bars to the bike and wheel straps if you have them. I was also able to wrap extra locks around the bike to connect to the rack itself and zipped it all back up. It’s a well thought out multi zipped design.
Now the bug.
I drive a Leon estate and I couldn’t see anything behind the bike using any of the cars mirrors. It definitely doesn’t flap but with 29″ wheels protruding out nearly as far as both wing mirrors and with the cover over the bikes frame also meant no rear mirror view.
Luckily my trip to the port was short, at night and was over pretty quickly. I left it on for the ferry journey but took it off at the port as it was just too dangerous to drive with it over the bike. Good news is the bike was still clean up to this point. I’m sure driving a 4×4 / people carrier where the seating and mirrors are positioned higher than the bikes frame this may not be a problem with a hitched bike rack attached but the advertising picture is misleading. So advice is to check before you buy that you’ll be able to see behind when driving. The advertising picture shows an estate car so I wasn’t aware until I drove with it on for the first time just how limited any rear view would be. This will definitely keep your bike clean but the cover may be an advert to what is beneath. If you have room in your home a clean or dirty bike could be kept in the velosock. On the rear of a motorhome it would do it’s job perfectly.
I purchased a velosock recently as driving to s.spain with my bike on rear rack of car and was hoping to keep it clean if the usual road grime . After a couple of practice attempts in my house I got the cover on my e-mtb in a few minutes with some trial and error following YouTube videos.
I took the pedals off to stop any rips in the material although it is extremely stretchy , pedal bags are included. There are zips so you can still fit your locking rack bars to the bike and wheel straps if you have them. I was also able to wrap extra locks around the bike to connect to the rack itself and zipped it all back up. It’s a well thought out multi zipped design.
Now the bug.
I drive a Leon estate and I couldn’t see anything behind the bike using any of the cars mirrors. It definitely doesn’t flap but with 29″ wheels protruding out nearly as far as both wing mirrors and with the cover over the bikes frame also meant no rear mirror view.
Luckily my trip to the port was short, at night and was over pretty quickly. I left it on for the ferry journey but took it off at the port as it was just too dangerous to drive with it over the bike. Good news is the bike was still clean up to this point. I’m sure driving a 4×4 / people carrier where the seating and mirrors are positioned higher than the bikes frame this may not be a problem with a hitched bike rack attached but the advertising picture is misleading. So advice is to check before you buy that you’ll be able to see behind when driving. The advertising picture shows an estate car so I wasn’t aware until I drove with it on for the first time just how limited any rear view would be. This will definitely keep your bike clean but the cover may be an advert to what is beneath. If you have room in your home a clean or dirty bike could be kept in the velosock. On the rear of a motorhome it would do it’s job perfectly.
Was noch optimiert gehrt ist die Imprgnierung des Materials. Mein Bike war am Auto montiert und ber Nacht regen Regen ausgesetzt. Die Feuchtigkeit ging durch. Also als Regenschutz ist die Hlle definitiv nicht geeignet! Zudem hatte ich bereits nach der ersten Fahrt das erste Loch im Velosock – vermutlich hat der Windzug whrend der Fahrt den Stoff am zweiten montierten MTB “scheuern” lassen. Aber mit dem mitgelieferten Reparaturpatch, konnte das Loch entsprechend einfach wieder geflickt werden.
Letztendlich muss man aber auch sagen, der Velosock ist ein Gebrauchsgegenstand und wird auch dementsprechende Gebrauchsspuren davontragen. Die Frage ist wie lange es dauert bis div. Lcher an div. exponierten Stellen z.B. Pedale, Schaltwerk, Bremsscheiben etc. entstehen.
Aber zusammengefasst tut die Hlle was sie tun soll – der Velosock schtzt das Bike whrend der Fahrt (Steine & Staub), liegt sehr eng am Bike an und ist somit auch eine sichere Transporthlle, die auch bei 130 km/h nicht davonfliegen kann. Durch die vielen Reisverschlsse ist die Hlle unglaublich flexibel und man kann auch problemfrei mehrere Bikes am Radtrger montieren. Fr mich ist genau das der Kaufgrund! Und man sieht zudem auch noch durch den Rckspiegel den Verkehr hinter einem.
Was noch optimiert gehrt ist die Imprgnierung des Materials. Mein Bike war am Auto montiert und ber Nacht regen Regen ausgesetzt. Die Feuchtigkeit ging durch. Also als Regenschutz ist die Hlle definitiv nicht geeignet! Zudem hatte ich bereits nach der ersten Fahrt das erste Loch im Velosock – vermutlich hat der Windzug whrend der Fahrt den Stoff am zweiten montierten MTB “scheuern” lassen. Aber mit dem mitgelieferten Reparaturpatch, konnte das Loch entsprechend einfach wieder geflickt werden.
Letztendlich muss man aber auch sagen, der Velosock ist ein Gebrauchsgegenstand und wird auch dementsprechende Gebrauchsspuren davontragen. Die Frage ist wie lange es dauert bis div. Lcher an div. exponierten Stellen z.B. Pedale, Schaltwerk, Bremsscheiben etc. entstehen.
Aber zusammengefasst tut die Hlle was sie tun soll – der Velosock schtzt das Bike whrend der Fahrt (Steine & Staub), liegt sehr eng am Bike an und ist somit auch eine sichere Transporthlle, die auch bei 130 km/h nicht davonfliegen kann. Durch die vielen Reisverschlsse ist die Hlle unglaublich flexibel und man kann auch problemfrei mehrere Bikes am Radtrger montieren. Fr mich ist genau das der Kaufgrund! Und man sieht zudem auch noch durch den Rckspiegel den Verkehr hinter einem.
Une fois compris comment le dployer cette housse est rellement modulable et adaptable : aussi bien pour protger que transporte
Funda elstica y resistente que se adapta perfectamente a mi MTB elctrica. Muy bien diseadas las cremelleras para poder colgarlas o transportarlas en remolque.
Funda elstica y resistente que se adapta perfectamente a mi MTB elctrica. Muy bien diseadas las cremelleras para poder colgarlas o transportarlas en remolque.
Zweiter Eindruck nach Gebrauch.
Nach insgesamt 1400 km auf dem Fahrradtrger, haben die Velosock Schmutz und Regen von den Fahrrdern abgehalten.
Leider hatten an einer Stelle beide Fahrrder Kontakt. Dort scheuerte sich das Material durch beide Velosocks so das jeweils ein Loch von ca. 0,5 cm sich bildete.
Zweiter Eindruck nach Gebrauch.
Nach insgesamt 1400 km auf dem Fahrradtrger, haben die Velosock Schmutz und Regen von den Fahrrdern abgehalten.
Leider hatten an einer Stelle beide Fahrrder Kontakt. Dort scheuerte sich das Material durch beide Velosocks so das jeweils ein Loch von ca. 0,5 cm sich bildete.
Works very well and fits snugly on my 26 inch downhill bike. The cover seems really great quality and so far has kept my bicycle clean and dry through some light rain.
It’s great to keep the dust off in the garage but I love the design, so I might start to bring my bike indoors from now on 🙂
Some other things I love about this cover:
* placement of zippers, which make the cover adjustable for both my trunk rack and indoor wall rack
* the elastic material
* easy to fit (when you follow the instructions)
Works very well and fits snugly on my 26 inch downhill bike. The cover seems really great quality and so far has kept my bicycle clean and dry through some light rain.
It’s great to keep the dust off in the garage but I love the design, so I might start to bring my bike indoors from now on 🙂
Some other things I love about this cover:
* placement of zippers, which make the cover adjustable for both my trunk rack and indoor wall rack
* the elastic material
* easy to fit (when you follow the instructions)
Finally I found what exactly was looking for. First time I saw this cover when I was visiting my friend in Germany and thought what an amazing idea!
First of all – I’m keeping my bike at flat. It is very, very good solution to keep my bike safe and it’s keeps my house clean from the dirt.
Secondly – My car type is saloon. So I’m just putting on that back seat and I don’t need to worry it will damage my interior. It sorted out a lot of problems for transportation.
It is not only practical but looks also very decent on the bike!
Very high quality and delivery took just only 2 days.
Finally I found what exactly was looking for. First time I saw this cover when I was visiting my friend in Germany and thought what an amazing idea!
First of all – I’m keeping my bike at flat. It is very, very good solution to keep my bike safe and it’s keeps my house clean from the dirt.
Secondly – My car type is saloon. So I’m just putting on that back seat and I don’t need to worry it will damage my interior. It sorted out a lot of problems for transportation.
It is not only practical but looks also very decent on the bike!
Very high quality and delivery took just only 2 days.