BASENOR Tesla Model 3 Model Y Leather Seat Back Kick

BASENOR Tesla Model 3 Model Y Leather Seat Back Kick Protectors Kick Mats Black Set of 2

Improved seat backs
The original Tesla model 3 modely seat backs look terrible and are not easy to clean. This custom made anti-kick mats will improve their appearance all around and upgrade the interior of your Tesla. They are good looking, kick-proof and easy to clean. They are essential accessories for tesla model 3 and model y owners.
Weight: | 1.56 kg |
Dimensions: | 60 x 40 x 50 cm; 1.56 Kilograms |
Brand: | BASENOR |
Manufacture: | BASENOR |
Dimensions: | 60 x 40 x 50 cm; 1.56 Kilograms |
Reference: | CA145-B1 |
Fine cover. My pros and cons:
– design very similar to original. Helps hide the fact it’s a cover
– easy enough to install
– stays put when kicked by young child
– there are cheaper alternatives
– back magazine pouch is not completely flush with the back of the seat small gap there but it is noticeable. I reinstalled the seat, pulled everything as tight as I could, and still a small gap between the seat and cover. It’s not too bad though.
Overall I’m happy with the cover. I’d give it a 4.5/5 if I could.
good leather quality, i installed this to protect factor plastic backing from my kids shoe marks, she always kicks these daily multiple times, they are holding up, fitment is perfect, install was easy enough, great product so far, hope it holds up to the SUN through the years
Protects well and looks almost factory. I like that it has its own pocket so the factory one doesn’t get stretched and full of sticky garbag. Very much what I expected, my only complaint is that the materials are a little thick so it puts a fair bit of pressure on the part of the seat that it tuckes around. Not terrible but I’d say that’s the only thing I can criticize.
It is very easy to install on the chair. It has a nice quality, soft thick material. The hook hooks on with ease. The top portion is a tight fit as you go lower there is an air pocket, but it should because of the hook from the bottom. I like that there is still a pocket. It’s the same pocket size as the original chair. Highly recommend to protect your chair and yet still look stylish.
Received these seat-back protectors in a fairly large long box, so I knew they where packed well and loosely. Indeed, the two soft covers where rolled up together nicely, preventing any sharp folds or creases in the material. That was a good thing. The material is very pliable and soft, and includes a nice large flush pocket like the OEM seat backs. So the covers where simple and quick to install. Just start at the top and tuck the edges around the OEM hard plastic seat-back all the way down on both sides, then secure the two bottom flap hooks anywhere under the seats. Each seat cover took less than 5 minutes to install and align. They look good and matched well with my black seats, although the tucked-in edges aren’t perfectly flush. Haven’t had a chance to put them to the test yet, so I can’t comment on the durability or ease of cleaning, but it appears they will be more scuff resistance than the hard plastic backs. All-in-all these are a great choice especially with kids sitting in the back seat kicking their dirty muddy shoes on the seat backs.
Die Trittmatten waren leicht anzubringen, halten super und sehen aus als wrden sie zum Fahrzeug gehren. Sie werten den Innenraum sogar noch auf wie ich finde. Sehr gut fr Fahrer:innen mit (kleinen) Kindern mit dreckigen Schuhen auf der Rckbank.
Avec un enfant l’arriere j’ai mont ces housses ds l’achat de mon modele Y et je ne regrette absolument par car c’est vraiment trs pratique a nettoyer en plus d’ajouter de l’esthetique au siege. Un petit de temps est ncessaire pour les installer correctement et eviter que la housse “baille” un petit peu.
As a parent, I can completely relate to the frustration of my kids constantly kicking the back of my seats during car rides. Thankfully, this product has been an absolute game-changer in protecting my seats from their relentless kicks. It has undoubtedly saved my seats from unnecessary wear and tear.
One of the standout features of this product is its ease of maintenance. The material used makes it incredibly easy to wipe off any dirt or stains, ensuring that my seats remain clean and presentable. This convenience has made a significant difference in my day-to-day car cleaning routine.
Installing this product is relatively straightforward, although it does require a bit of strength and effort to secure it properly. However, once in place, it provides a secure and snug fit, giving me peace of mind that it won’t slip or move during car rides. The added convenience of a pocke
Montage sehr einfach. Sehr gute Qualitt – passt perfekt und keine unangenehmen Gerche/ Ausdnstungen. Erfllt genau seinen Zweck, dass die Kinder auch mal mit den Schuhen gegen die Sitze kommen knnen. Spuren sind hinterher einfach abwischbar.
Definitives Must-have fr Eltern, da die Rckseiten der Sitze damit deutlich einfacher zu reinigen sind. Zu meiner Begeisterung finde ich das Design damit aber wirklich noch schner als die nackten Sitze. Es passt einfach super gut. Und ein Mehrwert noch: wenn die Rckbank fr den Transport lngerer Dinge umgeklappt werden, ist es auch ein toller Schutz vor der Ladung!
produit de bonne qualit et bon rendu generale , on pourrait croire que c’est d’origine. L’installation n’est pas tres compliqu, il suffit de prendre son temps et de prfrence etre deux
Looks great! As it comes with the car. Easy installed.
Le produit est remarquablement adapt au forme de la tesla model y 2023 un plaisir merci
Easy to fit, looks good and good quality material. If you hadn’t seen the car before, don’t think you’d tell they were covers.
Copri sedili di ottima qualit, calzano a pennello e una volta montati non si vedono proprio. Davvero contento di questo acquisto che consiglio a mani basse. Data la qualit considero buoni anche il prezzo!
Als stolzer Besitzer eines Tesla-Modells und Vater von zwei kleinen Kindern suchte ich nach einer Lsung, um meine Rcksitze vor Verschmutzungen und Abnutzung zu schtzen. Die BASENOR Rcksitz Trittmatten fr Kinder haben meine Erwartungen bertroffen und verdienen ohne Frage 5 von 5 Sternen.
Zunchst einmal ist die Qualitt der Trittschutz-Matten beeindruckend. Sie bestehen aus strapazierfhigem, wasserabweisendem Material, das sowohl langlebig als auch leicht zu reinigen ist. Ich schtze, wie einfach es ist, die Matten bei Bedarf mit einem feuchten Tuch abzuwischen oder sie vollstndig zu entfernen und zu waschen, wenn sie besonders schmutzig sind.
Die Installation der BASENOR Trittmatten ist ein Kinderspiel. Sie sind perfekt auf die Rcksitze von Tesla Model 3, Y, S und X zugeschnitten und lassen sich einfach an den Kopfsttzen befestigen. Die Matten passen genau in den Innenraum meines Tesla und wirken keineswegs fehl am Platz oder aufdringlich.
Ein weiterer groer Pluspunkt ist der effektive Schutz, den diese Trittmatten bieten. Sie schtzen die Rckseite der Vordersitze vor Schmutz, Abdrcken und Kratzern, die durch Kinderschuhe verursacht werden knnen. Als Elternteil schtze ich, dass ich mir keine Sorgen mehr um den Zustand meiner Autositze machen muss, whrend meine Kinder bequem auf der Rckbank sitzen.
Auch das Design der Trittschutz-Matten ist ansprechend. Sie fgen sich nahtlos in den hochwertigen Innenraum meines Tesla ein, ohne dessen sthetik zu beeintrchtigen. Das dezente Logo auf den Matten unterstreicht ihre Qualitt und den Fokus auf Tesla-Fahrzeuge.
Insgesamt sind die BASENOR Rcksitze Trittschutz-Matten fr Kinder eine hervorragende Ergnzung fr jeden Tesla-Besitzer, der seine Rcksitze vor Verschmutzung und Abnutzung schtzen mchte. Die Qualitt, Passform und Funktionalitt der Matten verdienen eine 5-Sterne-Bewertung und meine uneingeschrnkte Empfehlung.
My only criticism is the installation. The edge of these covers needs to be tucked between the hard plastic and padding of the car seat. This can be a tight gap in places. By the time I’d installed both car seat covers my fingers were raw.
It is hard to have a brand new car with two little children, they like to kick my front seats, and this really helps, also adds two pockets for storage. Best thing I have gotten for my new Tesla.
My kids kick the crap out of my seats and it always stressed me out. We have the black interior, so with these, you can’t even tell I have a seat protector installed. It looks OEM! I have had people argue with me about it lol. Now I dont stress about the kids dirty feet kicking my seat.
Need a little bit of elbow grease to install but once you’re done it looks nice. Plus it’s easy to wipe off any dirt.
Looks like the original seat. Easy to install and protects the seat back! My grandson immediately put his feet up on the cover and I didn’t worry for a minute!
Got great reviews and I knew I needed these to protect against kids with muddy and snowy shoes. Look just like the back of seat. Quality is really great, for the price. It’s functional and stylish. BUT, they both came rolled up. And one was folded around other and I guess because it was wrapped so tight, that the clip from one made and impression on both sides of the other. ( see pics) I have them laid out flat to straighten them out for a day, but, those indentations, they look horrible and probably will never pop out. For what they are being used for and the price, I won’t return them because ultimately they are sacrificial to with which they protect. Just seems like with proper packing, denting like this could easily be avoided.
Had a BMW with white interior before, and the biggest problem was always that my kids in their front-facing car seats would always get their footprints on the back of my chair. My wife thought I was crazy to get another car with a white interior, but these seat back covers work perfectly to protect the rear of my front seats. Blend in perfectly and very easy to clean and install. Would definitely recommend.
Took me about 20 mins to install. Make sure you move the seats up to save yourself a visit to the chiropractor.
Really blends into the seat. A must have for parents with kids.
Fitting my Model 3 and now my Model X perfectly. Highly recommend!
Worth the money and 5 stars if your main concern is protection but i gave it 4 stars as i’m bother about the look and they are a little baggy so it makes the interior look a little less premium. Totally worth it though so my dogs don’t scratch the back of my seats
he seat back protector looks great and does what its supposed to do – protect the seat back. For the price this is decent value. Recommended!
High quality and smooth vegan leather make it easy to clean dirt and shoe scuffs. These stay in place very well, withstand multiple cleanings and take just a few minutes per seat to install.
The style integrates well with the factory seats.
Well done!
This fits perfectly in my 2022 MYP. It look totally OEM and it helps protect the back with my kids always putting their foot up.
– Passt super zum originalen Leder
– hlt unsichtbar durch klemmen hinter der Abdeckung
– Staufach ist auch weiterhin vorhanden
– leicht abwaschbar
Nach kurzem Gebrauch ist man den Kindern auch nicht mehr so Bse wenn man sieht wie gut der berzug den eigentlichen Sitz schtzt.
Ich kann dieses Produkt guten Gewissens empfehlen.
Passt auch optisch sehr gut zum veganen Leder”.
Good quality and easy to install. Matches black interior of Tesla.
It was a PERFECT fit on my 2022 Model Y and if you don’t know how the original back seats look, you won’t even notice they have a cover. Looks exactly as in the pictures.
Looks like part of the car, and easy to install. Great value and look.
This product is perfect to hopefully keep the scratches off the back on the seats while I have my vehicle. The leather is identical to what is already in my M3LR. You have to work the material on in between the seat and hard plastic then latch it under the seat with the hooks to keep it in place. There is no odor or residue and the material is extremely soft and pliable. I would definitely purchase these again.
So from day 2 of Tesla Model Y ownership, it was clear my toddler was not going to spare the pristine finish of the Tesla’s interior.
The cover is tight to get on and a bit fiddly but somehow I was reassured by that as the final fit looks right.
Feel is good and looks like leather so overall pleased. Was going to take a photo of muddy prints but you can imagine.
I just installed these on my Model Y. They look great and fit perfectly. I’m happy I bought these.
Not easy to install at all, you will have to dig in to put this on. Once it is up, it looks pretty nice and seems to be durable.
At first glance they fit well and seemed OEM. However after a month one of them have loosened up and isn’t snug anymore. Still works but a bit disappointed considering it’s only been a month and for how much they cost.
Amazing quality product and fits the back of the seat perfectly. It wipes off and looks fresh after dirty feet. A must have
I have two young children who sit in the back seat. These are great to keep my Tesla car seats looking new. I don’t know how well they will last but time will tell. But so far they’re pretty good and look great.
from experience on my past 3 cars bought new and traded in. having these covers will be a life saver. my little ones shoes can leave marks on the back of seats like no ones business. I just placed these on my car not to long ago they fit like a dream super easy install and have kept my seats looking fresh as ever.
Front seat covers r easy to install just the rear covers need extra effort of removing rear seat before installation of the covers, white covers r as good as the real white interior n r of good quality n finish.
The cover went in great but quickly started to fall apart from very light usage over a couple months. Disappointed that it’s already starting to fray after such a short time.
***UPDATE 4/18/22***
Seller agreed to replace item, updating to 4 stars, hoping the replacement lasts a little longer.
The good:
Very easy to install.
Looks straight from the factory. My wife couldn’t even tell I had installed.
Protects the seat without having a strap around the headrest. The Other protectors would require a strap to be around the headrest. These look sleek and serve the same purpose.
Fits my car just perfect. Loved it.. Worth it if you have kids and live in a a place that has 6 months worth of filthy snow (aka Canada)
Blends in as OEM. Very happy with this product and would recommend it.
The shape of the Model X seat in 2017 has a high arch in the plastic back section. It has a headrest that moves electronically and is different than the S and I assume the 3 and Y as well. Seems like a good product, I was disappointed it didn’t fit my Tesla.
If you have a light color seat and kids in car seats behind you, this is a nice protector. I buy this even I have a black color seat. I am buying the back pocket for kids books and little things. Tugging the cover took a little finger efforts. Otherwise, it goes on nicely. It certainly beats the hanging protector. I think it is worth the money.
Die Schtzer wirken bereits auf den ersten Blick sehr hochwertig (insbesondere mit Blick auf den Preis).
Die Kunstoffschalen werden gut geschtzt und es wirkt fast so, als wren die Schtzer Bestandteil des Wagens.
Im nchsten Tesla wiede
This is a fantastic kick protector. It takes a little futzing to get it into position properly, but after that it is secure and attractive. Or at least it was until it got covered with footprints.
This kick protector also provides a much needed barrier between my daughter’s rear-facing convertible child seat and the driver’s seat. The plastic on the back of the seat was getting scratched from the seat changing positions among my setting, my wife’s setting, and the Easy Access setting, but now it is protected from further damage.
Speaking of which, these also will hide moderate damage to the seat back even if there’s no kick-happy toddler back there. Just saying.
Very easy and quick to install, can’t have taken more than 10 minutes to do and they look great.